FITNESS FITNESS INDOOR INDOOR RERENTALNTALS S PARK PARK RENTALS RENTALS OPEN OPEN RRECECREREATATIOIONN ---- ---------------- \» \» \» \» _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ ¾ĝ¾ĝ¾ĝ ADULT ADULT PICKLEBALL PICKLEBALL OPEN OPEN RECREATION RECREATION GGAAZZEBEBOO A A MULTI-PURPOSE MULTI-PURPOSE ROOM ROOM PPicickklelebaballll iiss a a paddle paddle sport sport that that PerfePerfect ct ffoorr small small parties parties (baby (baby Located Located by by Cora Cora Coleman Coleman SSeenniioorr School-aged School-aged children children can can participate participate combines elements of badminton, combines elements of badminton, Center and the Playground. Center and the Playground. showers, showers, anniversaries, anniversaries, meetings, meetings, in a variety of activities including: in a variety of activities including: tennis, and table tennis. Participants tennis, and table tennis. Participants etc.) etc.) Capacity: Capacity: 105 105 open gym, group games, video open gym, group games, video are are responsible responsible ffoorr set set up up andand clean clean FeatFeatures: ures: 9 9 tables, tables, 3 3 grilgrillls, s, and and 3 3 preprep p games, and more. A registration form games, and more. A registration form Max Max ParParticticipanipants:ts: 30 30 up up of of all all eeququiippmemennt.t. PPaddaddlele rentals rentals tables. tables. Covered Covered by by a a shade shade shelter. shelter. Square Square Footage: Footage: 3366fft t x x 25ft 25ft is REQUIRED with a parent's signature is REQUIRED with a parent's signature Cost Cost available upon request. available upon request. Cost Cost in person. in person. Community Community Rate: Rate: $$7755 First First Two Two Hours: Hours: $140 $140 Day Day Age Age Time Time Cost Cost Commercial Commercial Rate: Rate: $150 $150 Day Day Time Time AAggee Cost Cost $50 $50 per per additional additional hour hour M-F M-F 18+ 18+ 7:00-11 7:00-11 :00am :00am Free Free M-F M-F 2:45-5:45pm 2:45-5:45pm 6-176-17 Free Free ADULT ADULT BASKETBALL BASKETBALL DAY DAY CAMP CAMP Adults Adults can can enjoy enjoy open open gym gym basketball. basketball. ------ Basketball rentals are available upon Basketball rentals are available upon Y Y WIWINTERNTER DADA CAMP CAMP request with a form of identification. request with a form of identification. Children Children can can participate participate in in a a variety variety DaDay y AgeAge Time Time CCoosstt of of activities activities including: including: indoor indoor and and M-FM-F 18+ 18+ 11am-2:30pm 11am-2:30pm $2 $2 outdoor games, field trips, themed outdoor games, field trips, themed GAZEBO GAZEBO B B FFIITTNNEESSSS BOOTCAMP BOOTCAMP arts arts & & ccraraftfts,s, special special events, events, and and Located Located byby BoBob b PPrriiccee RReeccrreeaattiioonn Adults Adults can can learn learn and and prapractictice ce a a varvarietyiety movies. Participants will need to movies. Participants will need to Center. Center. of exercise routines. of exercise routines. CLASSROOM CLASSROOM bring a daily lunch and snack that bring a daily lunch and snack that Day Day Age Age Time Time CCoosstt Capacity: Capacity: 70 70 Perfect Perfect ffoorr smaller smaller meetings meetings and and DO NOT require refrigeration or to DO NOT require refrigeration or to Features: Features: 6 6 tables, tables, 2 2 grills, grills, and and 2 2 prep prep T-Th T-Th 1188++ 88aamm--99::4455aamm FREEFREE parties parties (baby (baby showers, showers, anniversaries, anniversaries, be reheated. be reheated. tables. tables. Covered Covered by by a a sshhaaddee shelter. shelter. meetings, etc.) meetings, etc.) IINDNDOOOORR RENTALS RENTALS DDaayy Dates Dates TTiimmee Age Age Cost Cost Cost Cost Max Max ParParticticipanipants:ts: 30 30 M-F M-F 1212/2/23-13-1/3 /3 7a-6p 7a-6p 6-12 6-12 $21adaY$21adaY Community Rate: $50 $50 Community Rate: Y Y GG MM SSqquuaarree Footage: Footage: 36ft 36ft x x 25ft 25ft Commercial Commercial Rate: Rate: $100 $100 Can Can be be usused ed ffor or larger larger meetings, meetings, Cost Cost basketball games, or larger parties. basketball games, or larger parties. FirstTwo Hours: $140 $140 FirstTwo Hours: Max Max ParParticticipanipants:ts: 200 200 $50 $50 per per additional additional hour hour Square Square Footage: Footage: 105ft 105ft x x 75ft 75ft Cost Cost First Two Hours: First Two Hours: $160 $160 $70 $70 ppeerr additional additional hour hour
Clark County Parks and Recreation Catalog Fall Page 18 Page 20