CLASS REGISTRATION YOUTH SWIMMING CLASS REGISTRATIONCLASS REGISTRATION YOUTH SWIMMINGYOUTH SWIMMINGYOUTH SWIMMINGYOUTH SWIMMING HOLLYWOOD AQUATIC CENTERHOLLYWOOD AQUATIC CENTERHOLLYWOOD AQUATIC CENTER INFORMATIONINFORMATION LESSONS - 3 WEEKSLESSONS - 3 WEEKSLESSONS - 3 WEEKSLESSONS - 3 WEEKS 1550 1550 1550 S. S. S. HollywoodHollywoodHollywood, , , Las Las Las VeVeVegas, gas, gas, NNNV 89142V 89142V 89142 Session 1 RegistrationSession 1 RegistrationSession 1 RegistrationSession 1 Registration Water Introduction - 30 min.Water Introduction - 30 min.Water Introduction - 30 min.Water Introduction - 30 min.Water Introduction - 30 min.Water Introduction - 30 min. (702) 455-8508 (702) 455-8508(702) 455-8508 December 19th, 2024 @7:00 AM DeDeDecececembmbmbeeer r r 19th, 2024 19th, 2024 19th, 2024 @@@7:00 AM7:00 AM7:00 AM Recommended Age: 6 MO. - 5 YRS.Recommended Age: 6 MO. - 5 YRS.Recommended Age: 6 MO. - 5 YRS.Recommended Age: 6 MO. - 5 YRS.Recommended Age: 6 MO. - 5 YRS. Session 1 Dates Session 1 DatesSession 1 DatesSession 1 Dates GENERAL INFORMATIONGENERAL INFORMATIONGENERAL INFORMATIONGENERAL INFORMATION Participant Ratio: Participant Ratio: Participant Ratio: 1 1 1 1 instructor to 10instructor to 10instructor to 10instructor to 10 1A - Jan. 6th - Jan. 23rd 1A 1A 1A - - - JaJaJan. n. n. 6th - Ja6th - Ja6th - Jan. n. n. 23rd23rd23rd parent/guardian & student pairs pppparearearearent/guardian & student/guardian & student/guardian & student/guardian & student pnt pnt pnt pairsairsairsairs SESSION 1 HOURS EFFECTIVESESSION 1 HOURS EFFECTIVE Admission FeesAdmission FeesAdmission Fees An adult MUST be in the water at all An adult MUST be in the water at allAn adult MUST be in the water at allAn adult MUST be in the water at allAn adult MUST be in the water at all 01/05 - 02/1501/05 - 02/15 1B - Jan. 27th - Feb. 13th 1B 1B 1B - - - JaJaJan. n. n. 27th 27th 27th - - - FeFeFebbb. . . 13th13th13th Youth (3-17 YRS)Youth (3-17 YRS) $2$2 *UPDATED 11/05*UPDATED 11/05 times during classes. times during classes.times during classes.times during classes. Adult (18-54 YRS) $3 Adult (18-54 YRS) $3 SAT - Jan. 11th - Feb. 15th SAT SAT - Ja- Jan. n. 11th - Fe11th - Febb. 15th. 15th Pool Location: Family Pool (3.5 to 5 Pool Location:Pool Location: Family Family PPool ool (3.5 (3.5 to to 55 Lap Swim HoursLap Swim Hours Senior (55+ YRS) $1 Senior (55+ YRS) $1 *Session 1A - No class Mon. Jan. 20th*Session 1A - No class Mon. Jan. 20th*Session 1A - No class Mon. Jan. 20th feet) feet) *Under 18 must do a swim test to use *Under 18 must do a swim test to use Swim Passes Swim Passes *Session 1B - No class for morning programs on Mon.*Session 1B - No class for morning programs on Mon.*Session 1B - No class for morning programs on Mon.*Session 1B - No class for morning programs on Mon. Class Goals: To build swimming Class Goals: To bTo builduild swimming swimming 10 lanes - 25 yards - 7 to 9 Feet10 lanes - 25 yards - 7 to 9 Feet Feb 10th Feb 10th Swim Passes can be purchased at any Swim Passes can be purchased at any readiness by emphasizing fun in the readreadineiness bss by ey empmphasizing hasizing fun in thefun in the Monday - Friday 7 am - 11 am & 2 pm - 8 pm Monday - FridayMonday - Friday 7 am - 11 am & 2 pm - 8 pm water. Adults & children participate in water. water. water. AdAdAdults & ults & ults & childchildchildren ren ren ppparticiparticiparticipate ate ate ininin Clark County Community Center or Clark Clark County Community CeCounty Community Cententer r oror Session 2 RegistrationSession 2 RegistrationSession 2 Registration Saturday 9 am - 4 pm SaturdaySaturday 9 am - 4 pm guided classes together. guidguidguidguidguidguidguideeeeeeed d d d d d d classes classes classes classes classes classes classes together.together.together.together.together.together.together. February 13th, 2025 @7:00 AM FeFebbruary ruary 13th, 13th, 2025 @2025 @7:00 7:00 AMAM Aquatic Center. AqAqAquatic uatic uatic CeCeCentententer.r.r. Sunday CLOSED Sunday CLOSED Skills Included: Safe water entry & exit, Skills IncludedSkills Included: : SafSafe water ee water entry ntry & exit,& exit, Session 2 Dates Session 2 DatesSession 2 Dates 90-Day Family Pass90-Day Family Pass90-Day Family Pass Family Swim HoursFamily Swim HoursFamily Swim Hours blowing bubbles, front & back floats, bbblowing blowing blowing bubububbbbleleles, s, s, front & bfront & bfront & back ack ack fffloats,loats,loats, $100$100$100 2A - Feb. 24th - March 13th 2A 2A - - FeFebb. . 24th 24th - March - March 13th13th kicking on front & back, freestyle arm kicking on kicking on kicking on fffront ront ront & b& b& back, fack, fack, freestyle armreestyle armreestyle arm 7 7 am - 9 amam - 9 am InInInInInIncludcludcludcludcludcludes upes upes upes upes upes up to 4 to 4 to 4 to 4 to 4 to 4 fafafafafafamily membmily membmily membmily membmily membmily membeeeeeers rs rs rs rs rs in in in in in in the the the the the the same same same same same same householdhouseholdhouseholdhouseholdhouseholdhousehold...... Monday, WednesdayMonday, Wednesday movement, underwater exploration, and movement, movement, movement, undundunderwateerwateerwater expr expr exploration, loration, loration, andandand AdAdAdAdAdAddddddditional itional itional itional itional itional membmembmembmembmembmembers ers ers ers ers ers can can can can can can bbbbbbe e e e e e adadadadadadddddddeeeeeedddddd f f f f f forororororor $20 $20 each.each. 10 10 10 am - 11 amam - 11 amam - 11 am 2B - March 24th - April 10th 2B 2B - - March 24th March 24th - - ApApril ril 10th10th basic water safety skills. bbbbasic asic asic asic water safety skills.water safety skills.water safety skills.water safety skills. 2 pm - 4 pm 2 2 pm pm - - 4 p4 pmm SAT - March 1st - April 12th SAT SAT - March - March 1st 1st - - ApApril ril 12th12th 90 Day Individual90 Day Individual90 Day Individual90 Day Individual90 Day Individual90 Day Individual90 Day Individual Skills Required to Pass: 1) Separate Skills Required to Pass:Required to Pass:Required to Pass: 1) Sep1) Separatearate 8 am - 10 am 8 8 am - 10 amam - 10 am Tuesday, Thursday Tuesday, Thursday Youth (3--17 YRS) Youth (3--17 YRS)Youth (3--17 YRS)Youth (3--17 YRS)Youth (3--17 YRS) $40$40 *SAT Session 2 - No class March 22 due to break week*SAT Session 2 - No class March 22 due to break week*SAT Session 2 - No class March 22 due to break week 2 pm - 4 pm 2 pm - 4 pm from a parent/guardian while taking part fffrom rom rom a a a parent/guardparent/guardparent/guardian ian ian while while while taking taking taking partpartpart $60$60 AdAdAdAdAdult (18-54 ult (18-54 ult (18-54 ult (18-54 ult (18-54 YRS)YRS)YRS)YRS)YRS) $60 Senior Senior (55+ YRS)(55+ YRS) $20$20 Senior (55+ YRS) $20 in group activities 2) Listen & take in groupin groupin group activities activities activities 2) 2) 2) Listen Listen Listen & & & taketaketake 7 am - 9 am 7 am - 9 am Register Online At:Register Online At: direction in a group setting ddireirection in a groupction in a group setting setting 10 am - 11 am 10 am - 11 am Friday Friday Annual Family PassAnnual Family PassAnnual Family Pass 2 pm - 8 pm 2 pm - 8 pm **Children who require diapers must **Children who require diapers must**Children who require diapers must**Children who require diapers must $300 $300$300 IncludeIncludeIncludeIncludes s s s upupupup to to to to 4 4 4 4 ffffamily amily amily amily memememembembembembers rs rs rs in in in in the the the the same householdsame householdsame householdsame household.... wear a swim diaper under their Saturday Saturday wear a swim diaper under theirwear a swim diaper under their 1 pm - 4 pm 1 pm - 4 pm YOUTH SWIMMINGYOUTH SWIMMINGYOUTH SWIMMING Additional members can be added for $40 each. Additional members can be added for $40 each. swimsuit** swimsuit** LESSONS - 3 WEEKSLESSONS - 3 WEEKSLESSONS - 3 WEEKS LESSONS - 3 WEEKS DayDay 1A Dates1A Dates 1B Dates1B Dates1B Dates TimeTime 1A1A 1B1B CLOSED CLOSED Sunday Sunday Annual IndividualAnnual Individual M/WM/W 01/06 01/06 - - 01/2201/22 01/27 01/27 01/27 - - - 02/1202/1202/12 4:00 p4:00 pmm $25$25 $30$30 The volleyball net will be set up in the Family pool TheThe volleyb volleyball neall net t will bwill be e set upset up in the in the Family pFamily poolool Adaptive Splash - 30 minsAdaptive Splash - 30 minsAdaptive Splash - 30 minsAdaptive Splash - 30 mins Youth (3--17 YRS) Youth (3--17 YRS) $120$120 $180 AdAdult (18-54 ult (18-54 YRS)YRS) $180 M/WM/W 01/06 01/06 - - 01/2201/22 01/27 01/27 01/27 - - - 02/1202/1202/12 5:00 p5:00 pmm $25$25 $30$30 M/W/F 10:00am-11:00am for those who wish to play* M/W/F M/W/F 10:00am-11:00am f10:00am-11:00am for or thosethose who wish who wish to to pplay*lay* This class is This class is This class is This class is ddddesigneesigneesigneesignedddd to f to f to f to familiarizeamiliarizeamiliarizeamiliarize $60 Senior (55+ YRS) Senior (55+ YRS) $60 M/WM/W 01/06 01/06 - - 01/2201/22 01/27 01/27 01/27 - - - 02/1202/1202/12 6:00 p6:00 pmm $25$25 $30$30 ppparticiparticiparticipants ants ants with with with the water. Pthe water. Pthe water. Participarticiparticipants ants ants willwillwill participants with the water. Participants will Family Swim hours during Break Week FaFamily mily SSwwim im hhoouurs rs dduurinringg BreBreaakk WWeeeekk T/ThT/Th 01/07 01/07 - - 01/2301/23 01/28 01/28 01/28 - - - 02/1302/1302/13 4:00 p4:00 pmm $30$30 $30$30 02/17 - 02/22 02/17 - 02/22 learn learn learn bbbasic swimming asic swimming asic swimming skills, skills, skills, along with thealong with thealong with the learn basic swimming skills, along with the Pool Closure DatesPool Closure Dates T/ThT/Th 01/07 01/07 - - 01/2301/23 01/28 01/28 01/28 - - - 02/1302/1302/13 5:00 p5:00 pmm $30$30 $30$30 Monday - Friday: 7 am - 11 am; 2 pm - 8 pm Monday - - FridFridaay:y: 77 aam m - - 1111 aam;m; 22 ppm m - - 88 ppmm fffundundundamentals ofamentals ofamentals of wate wate water safr safr safety. All activitiesety. All activitiesety. All activities fundamentals of water safety. All activities Jan. 1st - New Years Day Jan. 1st - New Years Day Mar. 20th - Closed at 4pmMar. 20th - Closed at 4pm Saturday: 9am - 4 pm Sattuurdrdaay:y: 99aam m - - 44 ppmm T/ThT/Th 01/07 01/07 - - 01/2301/23 01/28 01/28 01/28 - - - 02/1302/1302/13 6:00 p6:00 pmm $30$30 $30$30 Jan. 4th - Staff Training Mar. 21st - Closed at 4pm Jan. 4th - Staff Training Mar. 21st - Closed at 4pm will bwill bwill beee ad ad adapapaptedtedted to to to fffit it it the needthe needthe needs ofs ofs of the the the will be adapted to fit the needs of the Sunday: CLOSED SSuunnddaayy:: CCLLOOSSEEDD SatSat 01/11 01/11 - - 02/1502/15 -- 10:15 am10:15 am $30$30 -- Jan. 17th - Closed at 4pm Jan. 17th - Closed at 4pm ppparticiparticiparticipants. ants. ants. This class This class This class is is is offoffofferederedered in a groupin a groupin a group participants. This class is offered in a group *Limited space in the lap and/or family pool *Limited space in the lap and/or family pool*Limited space in the lap and/or family pool Jan. 20th - MLK Day Jan. 20th - MLK Day April 17th - Closed at 4pmApril 17th - Closed at 4pm SatSat 01/11 01/11 - - 02/1502/15 -- 11:15 am11:15 am $30$30 -- setting fsetting fsetting fsetting fsetting for swimmers with little or swimmers with little or swimmers with little or swimmers with little or swimmers with little or or or or or nonononono setting for swimmers with little or no due to programming.* due to programming.*due to programming.*due to programming.*due to programming.* April 18th - Staff Training April 18th - Staff Training expexpeerience rience in the in the water. water. The The goal goal ofof this this experience in the water. The goal of this Feb. 10th - Closed 7am-4pm *Please note that pool hours/days of operation are*Please note that pool hours/days of operation are*Please note that pool hours/days of operation are April 19th - Special Event Feb. 10th - Closed 7am-4pm April 19th - Special Event *only lap lanes open 4p-8p subject to change/closure for inclement weather, subject to change/closure for inclement weather,subject to change/closure for inclement weather, *only lap lanes open 4p-8p class class is is to to bbuilduild confid confidence ence in andin and around around class is to build confidence in and around Feb. 17th - Presidents Day special events, and unforeseeable events.* special events, and unforeseeable events.*special events, and unforeseeable events.* May 3rd - Staff Training Feb. 17th - Presidents Day May 3rd - Staff Training the the water.water. the water. Feb. 20th - Closed at 4pm Feb. 20th - Closed at 4pm DayDay DateDate TimeTime CostCost Waterpark HoursWaterpark Hours Feb. 21st - Closed at 4pm Feb. 21st - Closed at 4pm SatSat 01/11 01/11 - - 02/1502/15 12:15 am12:15 am $30$30 Feb. 22nd - Open 12p-4p Feb. 22nd - Open 12p-4p Closed Closed until Summer 2025until Summer 2025

Clark County Parks and Recreation Catalog Fall Page 11 Page 13