Clark County Parks and Recreation Catalog Fall

Winter 2025 FFeebrbruaruary 2y 2 DeserDesert t BrBreezeeze Community Centere Community Center

HOW HOW TO TO RESERVE RESERVE A A PICNIC PICNIC AREA AREA Clark Clark County County Start Start by by visiting visiting our our main main reservations reservations page: page: • • ic-area­ic-area­ Parks & Recreation Parks & Recreation togtogetheether r ,,rrbbeetttteerr reservations.aspx. Here you will find a list of parks available for reservations reservations.aspx. Here you will find a list of parks available for reservations along with listings of all the reservable picnic locations and the specifics of along with listings of all the reservable picnic locations and the specifics of each location. The page includes two important forms. each location. The page includes two important forms. WELCOME WELCOME TO TO THE THE CLARK CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION'S ONLINE PARKS & RECREATION'S ONLINE TThhe e ffirsirst t form form is is the the Parks Parks and and Picnic Picnic Reservation Reservation IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn Packet, Packet, which which ACTIVITIES CATALOG! ACTIVITIES CATALOG! has the rules and regulations, guidelines, permit information, and much more: has the rules and regulations, guidelines, permit information, and much more: hhttttppss::////wwwwww..cclalarrkkccouounnttyynvnv..gogovv//P P arks%20&%20Recreation/ arks%20&%20Recreation/ AArerea%a%220R0Reseseervrvatati i Discover Discover a a world world of of excitement, excitement, adventure, adventure, aanndd comcommunimunity ty right right ons/park-picn ons/park-picn iic-c-resereservatirvationon-i -i nnfofo-p-pacackketet.p.pddf.f. here in Clark County, Nevada. Our department is your gateway to here in Clark County, Nevada. Our department is your gateway to NeNext xt is is the the Reservation Reservation RReeqquueesstt form form wwhhiicch h can can bbee found found uunnddeer r the the llococatatiionon programs, activities, and facilities that celebrate being active. programs, activities, and facilities that celebrate being active. information of each reservable park. information of each reservable park. Whether you're a fitness enthusiast, an art lover, or simply seeking Whether you're a fitness enthusiast, an art lover, or simply seeking fun, we've got something for you! fun, we've got something for you! RESERVABLE RESERVABLE CLARK CLARK COUNTY COUNTY PICNIC PICNIC AREAS AREAS Explore our 16 urban recreation and community centers or 1 O rural Explore our 16 urban recreation and community centers or 1 O rural Lone Lone Mountain Mountain Park Park (NW) (NW) 4445 4445 N. N. Jensen Jensen St. St. (702) (702) 455-1905 455-1905 centers, dive into one of our 14 pool facilities or skate away at our centers, dive into one of our 14 pool facilities or skate away at our 1 O skate parks. For history buffs, our museum offer captivating 1 O skate parks. For history buffs, our museum offer captivating Mountain Crest Park (NW) 4701 N. Durango Dr. (702) 455-1905 Mountain Crest Park (NW) 4701 N. Durango Dr. (702) 455-1905 exhibits, while nature enthusiasts can immerse themselves in the exhibits, while nature enthusiasts can immerse themselves in the serene beauty of the Clark County Wetlands Park. Those looking for serene beauty of the Clark County Wetlands Park. Those looking for Edge Edge RegionRegional al Park Park (SW) (SW) 77992299 WW. . Mtns Mtns Edge Edge Pkwy Pkwy ((770022)) 455455-8334 -8334 Mtns. Mtns. a 5-star shooting experience will enjoy our Shooting Complex! a 5-star shooting experience will enjoy our Shooting Complex! ParaParadidise se Park Park (SE) (SE) 47754775 Mcleod Mcleod Dr. Dr. (702) (702) 455455-7513 -7513 Ready to dream big? Let's make it happen together. Let us know if Ready to dream big? Let's make it happen together. Let us know if Red Ridge Park (SW) 7027 El Capitan Way (702) 455-8334 Red Ridge Park (SW) 7027 El Capitan Way (702) 455-8334 you have any questions about our activities. you have any questions about our activities. Sunset Park (SE) 2601 E. Sunset Rd. (702) 455-8200 Sunset Park (SE) 2601 E. Sunset Rd. (702) 455-8200 West Flamingo Park (SW) 6255 W. Flamingo Rd. (702) 455-7742 West Flamingo Park (SW) 6255 W. Flamingo Rd. (702) 455-7742 Whitney Park (SE) 5712 E. Missouri (702) 455-7576 Whitney Park (SE) 5712 E. Missouri (702) 455-7576

Some Pool Rules to Keep in MindSome Pool Rules to Keep in MindSome Pool Rules to Keep in Mind Welcome to Clark County Aquatics!Welcome to Clark County Aquatics!Welcome to Clark County Aquatics! DiveDiveDive into f into f into fun andun andun and re re relaxation with Clark County’s plaxation with Clark County’s plaxation with Clark County’s prereremiemiemier aqr aqr aquaticsuaticsuatics SwimweSwimweSwimweSwimweSwimweSwimweSwimwear: Apar: Apar: Apar: Apar: Apar: Apar: Appppppppropropropropropropropriateriateriateriateriateriateriate swimwe swimwe swimwe swimwe swimwe swimwe swimwear isar isar isar isar isar isar is pprogram. Werogram. We of offfeer a varier a variety ofty of p pools across our community thatools across our community that rerererererererereqqqqqqqqquireuireuireuireuireuireuireuireuireddddddddd. For your saf. For your saf. For your saf. For your saf. For your saf. For your saf. For your saf. For your saf. For your safeeeeeeeeety andty andty andty andty andty andty andty andty and the the the the the the the the the saf saf saf saf saf saf saf saf safeeeeeeeeety ofty ofty ofty ofty ofty ofty ofty ofty of otheotheotheotheotheotheothers, only clothing that drs, only clothing that drs, only clothing that drs, only clothing that drs, only clothing that drs, only clothing that drs, only clothing that doeoeoeoeoeoeoes not ps not ps not ps not ps not ps not ps not poseoseoseoseoseoseose a saf a saf a saf a saf a saf a saf a safeeeeeeetytytytytytyty catecatecater to swimmer to swimmer to swimmers ofrs ofrs of all age all age all ages ands ands and skill le skill le skill levevevels. Whels. Whels. Whethethether you’rer you’rer you’re looking looking looking risk may brisk may brisk may beee worn in the worn in the worn in the f f facility.acility.acility. to taketo take a re a reffrereshing swim, eshing swim, enjoy a lenjoy a leisureisurely dly day with theay with the f family, oramily, or join a watejoin a water fr fitneitness class, wess class, we have have the the p peerfrfeect pct pool fool for you.or you. SupSupSupSupSupeeeeervision: Childrvision: Childrvision: Childrvision: Childrvision: Childrererereren undn undn undn undn undeeeeer 8 must br 8 must br 8 must br 8 must br 8 must beeeee accompaccompaccompaccompaccompaccompaccompaccompanieanieanieanieanieanieanieaniedddddddd b b b b b b b by an ady an ady an ady an ady an ady an ady an ady an adult who must bult who must bult who must bult who must bult who must bult who must bult who must bult who must beeeeeeee in the in the in the in the in the in the in the in the watewatewatewatewatewater within arm’s rer within arm’s rer within arm’s rer within arm’s rer within arm’s rer within arm’s reach ofach ofach ofach ofach ofach of the the the the the the child child child child child child at all time at all time at all time at all time at all time at all times.s.s.s.s.s. OUR POOLSOUR POOLS CondCondCondCondCondCondConduct: Nuct: Nuct: Nuct: Nuct: Nuct: Nuct: No running, horseo running, horseo running, horseo running, horseo running, horseo running, horseo running, horseppppppplay, or dlay, or dlay, or dlay, or dlay, or dlay, or dlay, or divingivingivingivingivingivingiving fffffrom therom therom therom therom the p p p p pool dool dool dool dool YEAR ROUND POOLSYEAR ROUND POOLSYEAR ROUND POOLS SEASONAL POOLSSEASONAL POOLS Health: PHealth: PHealth: PHealth: PHealth: PHealth: PHealth: Pleleleleleleleaseaseaseaseaseasease avoid avoid avoid avoid avoid avoid avoid swimming if swimming if swimming if swimming if swimming if swimming if swimming if you have you have you have you have you have you have you have an an an an an an an All our Seasonal PAll our Seasonal Pools have closedools have closed for the 2024 season. They will for the 2024 season. They will opopopopopeeeeen woundn woundn woundn woundn wound or are or are or are or are or are f f f f feeeeeeeeeeling unwell.ling unwell.ling unwell.ling unwell.ling unwell. Aquatic Springs Indoor PoolAquatic Springs Indoor PoolAquatic Springs Indoor Pool reopreopen Summer 2025. Pen Summer 2025. Please e-mail lease e-mail CCAqCCAqCCAquatics@uatics@[email protected] 7025 7025 7025 SSSouououththth Fort Fort Fort ApApApaaachchcheee RRRoaoaoaddd 5.5.5. FoodFoodFood and and and Drinks: Food Drinks: Food Drinks: Food and and and d d drinks inrinks inrinks in if you are interestedif you are interested in working in Summer 2025.Ap in working in Summer 2025.Appplications arelications are dddddddeeeeeeesignatesignatesignatesignatesignatesignatesignateddddddd are are are are are are areas only. Alcohol andas only. Alcohol andas only. Alcohol andas only. Alcohol andas only. Alcohol andas only. Alcohol andas only. Alcohol and glass glass glass glass glass glass glass (702)(702) 455-1708455-1708 encouragedencouraged to b to be sube submittedmitted b before Apefore April 2025. containecontainecontainecontainecontainers arers arers arers arers are not p not p not p not p not peeeeermittermittermittermittermitteddddd..... Desert Breeze Aquatic FacilityDesert Breeze Aquatic FacilityDesert Breeze Aquatic FacilityDesert Breeze Aquatic FacilityDesert Breeze Aquatic Facility **For a f**For a f**For a full list ofull list ofull list of p p pool rules visitool rules visitool rules visit LaughlinLaughlin Indian SpringsIndian Springs 8275 8275 8275 8275 SSSSpppprinrinrinring g g g MouMouMouMounnnntatatatainininin RRRRdddd....**arks**arks** Aquatic CenterAquatic Center Neighborhood PoolNeighborhood Pool (702)(702)(702) 455-7798455-7798455-7798 3790 S. James Bilbray Pkwy.3790 S. James Bilbray Pkwy. 400 Sky Lane400 Sky Lane Tips for a Great ExperienceTips for a Great ExperienceTips for a Great ExperienceTips for a Great Experience (702)(702) 299-9955299-9955 (702)(702)(702) 879-3023879-3023879-3023 Hollywood Aquatic CenterHollywood Aquatic CenterHollywood Aquatic CenterHollywood Aquatic CenterHollywood Aquatic CenterHollywood Aquatic Center --- PPPack Esseack Esseack Essentials: Bring sunscrentials: Bring sunscrentials: Bring sunscreeeen, a hat, a towen, a hat, a towen, a hat, a towel,l,l, 1550 1550 1550 1550 SSSS. . . . HollywHollywHollywHollywoodoodoodood OvertonOverton LogandaleLogandaleLogandale andand a change a change of of clothe clothes.s. (702)(702)(702)(702) 455-8508455-8508455-8508455-8508 Neighborhood PoolNeighborhood Pool Neighborhood PoolNeighborhood PoolNeighborhood Pool -- Stay HydStay Hydrateratedd: Drink p: Drink plelenty ofnty of wate water, er, espspeeciallycially 375 W. Thomas375 W. Thomas 3280 N. Moapa Valley Blvd.3280 N. Moapa Valley Blvd.3280 N. Moapa Valley Blvd. on hot don hot days.ays. (702)(702) 397-2684397-2684 (702)(702) 398-3126398-3126 ADULT ACTIVITY POOLSADULT ACTIVITY POOLSADULT ACTIVITY POOLSADULT ACTIVITY POOLS -- ArriveArrive Early: Ge Early: Get a goodt a good sp spot andot and avoid avoid p peeakak timetimes fs for a moreor a more re relaxelaxedd e expxpeerieriencence.. Cora Coleman AdultCora Coleman Adult Parkdale Water ParkParkdale Water Park Paradise Water ParkParadise Water Park -- Check ScheCheck Schedduleules: Look ups: Look up p pool hours andool hours and any any Activity PoolActivity Pool 3200 Ferndale St.3200 Ferndale St. 4775 McLeod4775 McLeod pplannelannedd closure closures or maintes or maintenancenance b beefforeore 2100 2100 BonBonnnieie LLaannee (702)(702) 455-7523455-7523 (702)(702) 455-8541455-8541 heheheheadadadading out. (702)(702) 455-2120455-2120 ----- Follow LifFollow LifFollow LifFollow LifFollow Lifeeeeeguardguardguardguardguard Instructions: They are the Instructions: They are the Instructions: They are the Instructions: They are the Instructions: They are thererererere to to to to to eeensurensurensure e e eveveveryoneryoneryone’s saf’s saf’s safeeety andty andty and e e enjoymenjoymenjoyment.nt.nt. Whitney Water ParkWhitney Water ParkWhitney Water Park Walnut Water ParkWalnut Water ParkWalnut Water Park 5712 E. Missouri Ave.5712 E. Missouri Ave.5712 E. Missouri Ave. 3085 N. Walnut3085 N. Walnut3085 N. Walnut West FlamingoWest Flamingo WeWe can’t wait to se can’t wait to seee you sp you splash, swim, andlash, swim, and have have 702-455-6635702-455-6635702-455-6635 (702)(702)(702) 455-8422455-8422455-8422 Adult Activity PoolAdult Activity Pool a fa fantastic timeantastic time at our p at our pools. For moreools. For more d deetails ontails on 6255 6255 W. W. FlaFlamminingo go RRdd.. scheschedduleules ands and p programs, visit our werograms, visit our webbsitesite at at (702)(702) 455-4192455-4192 or call onearks or call one of of our pour pools dools direirectly.ctly.

Class RegistrationClass RegistrationClass RegistrationClass RegistrationClass Registration Youth SwimmingYouth SwimmingYouth SwimmingYouth SwimmingYouth SwimmingYouth SwimmingYouth Swimming AQUATIC SPRINGS INDOOR POOLAQUATIC SPRINGS INDOOR POOLAQUATIC SPRINGS INDOOR POOL InformationInformation Lessons - 3 WeeksLessons - 3 WeeksLessons - 3 WeeksLessons - 3 Weeks Information Lessons - 3 Weeks 7025 7025 7025 S. S. S. Fort ApFort ApFort Apacheacheache R R Rddd., Las Ve., Las Ve., Las Vegas, gas, gas, NNNV V V 891488914889148 Session 2 RegistrationSession 2 RegistrationSession 2 RegistrationSession 2 Registration Water Introduction - 30 min.Water Introduction - 30 min.Water Introduction - 30 min.Water Introduction - 30 min. (702) 455-1708 (702) 455-1708 February 13th, 2025 @7:00 AM FeFeFebbbruary ruary ruary 13th, 13th, 13th, 2025 @2025 @2025 @7:00 7:00 7:00 AMAMAM Office HoursOffice Hours Recommended Age: 6 MO. - 5 YRS.Recommended Age: 6 MO. - 5 YRS.Recommended Age: 6 MO. - 5 YRS.Recommended Age: 6 MO. - 5 YRS.Recommended Age: 6 MO. - 5 YRS.Recommended Age: 6 MO. - 5 YRS. Participant Ratio: 1 instructor to 10 Participant Ratio: Participant Ratio: 1 1 instructor to 10instructor to 10 General InformationGeneral Information Mon.- Fri...Mon.- Fri.....6:00am ..6:00am - - 7:00p7:00pmm Session 2 Dates Session 2 DatesSession 2 Dates parent/guardian & student pairs pparearent/guardian & student/guardian & student pnt pairsairs Sat..............8:00am-3:00pm Sat..............8:00am-3:00pm 2A- Feb. 24th - Mar. 14th 2A- Fe2A- Fe2A- Febbb. 24th . 24th . 24th - - - Mar. 14thMar. 14thMar. 14th Admission FeesAdmission Fees Sun.............CLOSED Sun.............CLOSED An adult MUST be in the water at all An adult MUST be in the water at allAn adult MUST be in the water at allAn adult MUST be in the water at all Youth (3-17 YRS.)Youth (3-17 YRS.) $2$2 times during classes. times during classes.times during classes. 2B - Mar. 24th - April 11th 2B 2B 2B - - - Mar. Mar. Mar. 24th - Ap24th - Ap24th - April 11thril 11thril 11th Adult (18-54 YRS) $3 Adult (18-54 YRS) $3 Lap Swim HoursLap Swim Hours Pool Location: Family Pool (0 to 4 feet) Pool Location:Pool Location: Family Pool (0 to 4 feet) SAT. - Mar. 1st - April 12th SAT. SAT. SAT. - - - Mar. 1st - ApMar. 1st - ApMar. 1st - April 12thril 12thril 12th Senior (55+ YRS) $1 Senior (55+ YRS) $1 Class Goals: To build swimming Class Goals:Class Goals: To bTo builduild swimming swimming Monday - Thursday ............Monday - Thursday ............6:00am-12:00p6:00am-12:00pm*m* *For Session 2 - There are no classes*For Session 2 - There are no classes*For Session 2 - There are no classes 3:00pm-7:00pm* 3:00pm-7:00pm* readiness by emphasizing fun in the readiness by emphasizing fun in the Swim PassesSwim Passes Feb. 17th - Feb. 22nd for break week.*Feb. 17th - Feb. 22nd for break week.*Feb. 17th - Feb. 22nd for break week.* Friday................................6:00am-12:00pm* Friday................................6:00am-12:00pm* water. Adults & children participate in water. water. AdAdults & ults & childchildren ren pparticiparticipate ate inin Swim Passes can be purchased at any Swim Passes can be purchased at any 3:00pm-7:00pm* 3:00pm-7:00pm* guided classes together. guidguideed d classes classes together.together. Saturday............................8:00am-3:00pm Saturday............................8:00am-3:00pm Clark Clark Clark Clark County Community CeCounty Community CeCounty Community CeCounty Community Cententententer r r r orororor Clark County Community Center or Session 3 RegistrationSession 3 RegistrationSession 3 Registration Skills Included: Safe water entry & exit, Skills IncludedSkills Included: Safe water entry & exit, Sunday..............................CLOSED Sunday..............................CLOSED AqAqAquatic uatic uatic CeCeCentententer.r.r. Aquatic Center. April 10th, 2024 @7:00 AM ApApril 10th,ril 10th, 2024 @7:00 AM blowing bubbles, front & back floats, bbbblowing blowing blowing blowing bububububbbbbleleleles, s, s, s, front & bfront & bfront & bfront & back ack ack ack ffffloats,loats,loats,loats, High School Swim Team runs from February 18th - High School Swim Team runs from February 18th - kicking on front & back, freestyle arm kicking on kicking on ffront ront & b& back, fack, freestyle armreestyle arm 90-Day Family Pass90-Day Family Pass90-Day Family Pass Session 3 Dates Session 3 DatesSession 3 Dates May 2nd - lap lanes will be extremely limited in theMay 2nd - lap lanes will be extremely limited in the $100$100 movement, underwater exploration, and movement, movement, undunderwateerwater expr exploration, loration, andand IncludeIncludeIncludeIncludeIncludeIncludes s s s s s upupupupupup to 4 to 4 to 4 to 4 to 4 to 4 ffffffamily amily amily amily amily amily memememememembembembembembembers rs rs rs rs rs in in in in in in the the the the the the same householdsame householdsame householdsame householdsame householdsame household...... afternoon during these dates.afternoon during these dates. 3A 3A 3A - - - ApApApril 21st - May 9thril 21st - May 9thril 21st - May 9th basic water safety skills. bbasic asic water safety skills.water safety skills. Additional members can be added for $20 each. AdAdAdAdAdddddditional membitional membitional membitional membitional members ers ers ers ers can can can can can bebebebebe ad ad ad ad addededededed d d d d fffffororororor $20 each. Skills Required to Pass: 1) Separate Skills Required to Pass:Required to Pass: 1) Separate 3B - May 12th - May 30th 3B 3B - - May May 12th 12th - - May May 30th30th 90 Day Individual90 Day Individual90 Day Individual90 Day Individual90 Day Individual from a parent/guardian while taking part ffrom rom a a parent/guardparent/guardian ian while while taking taking partpart Family Swim HoursFamily Swim Hours Youth (3--17 YRS) Youth (3--17 YRS)Youth (3--17 YRS)Youth (3--17 YRS)Youth (3--17 YRS) $40$40 SAT. - April 25th - May 31st SAT. SAT. - - ApApril ril 25th - May 31st25th - May 31st in group activities 2) Listen & take in groupin group activities activities 2) 2) Listen Listen & & taketake Monday - Thursday.............6:00am-12:00pm* Monday - Thursday.............6:00am-12:00pm* AdAdAdult (18-54 ult (18-54 ult (18-54 YRS)YRS)YRS) $60 Adult (18-54 YRS) $60 Senior Senior (55+ YRS)(55+ YRS) $20$20 Senior (55+ YRS) $20 direction in a group setting direction in a group setting *For Session 3 - There are no classes *For Session 3 - There are no classes*For Session 3 - There are no classes 3:00pm-5:00pm* 3:00pm-5:00pm* Friday.................................6:00am-12:00pm* Friday.................................6:00am-12:00pm* on Saturday, May 10th for Staff Training AND on Saturday, May 10th for Staff Training ANDon Saturday, May 10th for Staff Training AND **Children who require diapers must **Children who require diapers must**Children who require diapers must Annual Family PassAnnual Family PassAnnual Family Pass 3:00pm-7:00pm* 3:00pm-7:00pm* Monday, May 26th for Memorial Day.* Monday, May 26th for Memorial Day.*Monday, May 26th for Memorial Day.* wear a swim diaper under their wear a swim diaper under their Saturday............................11:00am-3:00pm Saturday............................11:00am-3:00pm $300 $300 swimsuit** swimsuit** IncludeIncludeIncludeIncludes s s s upupupup to 4 to 4 to 4 to 4 ffffamily amily amily amily memememembembembembers rs rs rs in in in in the the the the same householdsame householdsame householdsame household.... Sunday...............................CLOSED Sunday...............................CLOSED Additional members can be added for $40 each. Additional members can be added for $40 each. Session 4 RegistrationSession 4 RegistrationSession 4 Registration Water IntroductionWater Introduction May 29th, 2024 @7:00 AM May 29th,May 29th, 2024 @7:00 AM *Limited space in the lap and/or family pool due to *Limited space in the lap and/or family pool due to*Limited space in the lap and/or family pool due to Annual IndividualAnnual Individual Day Times Age Cost Activity Code Day Times Age Cost Activity Code programming.* programming.* Youth (3--17 YRS) Youth (3--17 YRS) $120$120 M/W 5:45 PM 6 MO. - 5 YRS $30 249100 M/W 5:45 PM 6 MO. - 5 YRS $30 249100 Session 4 DatesSession 4 DatesSession 4 Dates Adult (18-54 YRS) $180 Adult (18-54 YRS) $180 T/TH 5:45 PM 6 MO. - 5 YRS $30 249100 T/TH 5:45 PM 6 MO. - 5 YRS $30 249100 $60 Senior (55+ YRS) Senior (55+ YRS) $60 4 4 4 - - - JuJuJunenene 9th - Ju 9th - Ju 9th - Junenene 27th27th27th SAT 10:00 AM 6 MO. - 5 YRS $30 249100 SAT 10:00 AM 6 MO. - 5 YRS $30 249100 SAT. - June 14th - July 26th SAT. SAT. - - JuJunene 14th - Ju 14th - July 26thly 26th Pool Closure DatesPool Closure Dates February 17th - Closed for President’s DayFebruary 17th - Closed for President’s Day **Class dates and times reflect session 2 ONLY.* **Class dates and times reflect session 2 ONLY.***Class dates and times reflect session 2 ONLY.* May 10th - Closed for Staff Training May 10th - Closed for Staff Training May 26th - Closed for Memorial Day May 26th - Closed for Memorial Day June 19th - Closed for Juneteenth June 19th - Closed for Juneteenth July 4th - Closed for Independence Day July 4th - Closed for Independence Day July 11th - Closed for Staff Training July 11th - Closed for Staff Training *Please note that pool hours/days of operation are *Please note that pool hours/days of operation are*Please note that pool hours/days of operation are Register Online At: subject to change. Closure for inclement weather, subject to change. Closure for inclement weather,subject to change. Closure for inclement weather, special events, and unforeseeable events may occur.* special events, and unforeseeable events may occur.*special events, and unforeseeable events may occur.*

Stroke Progression - 45 min.Stroke Progression - 45 min.Stroke Progression - 45 min.Stroke Progression - 45 min. AQUATIC SPRINGS INDOOR POOLAQUATIC SPRINGS INDOOR POOLAQUATIC SPRINGS INDOOR POOL Recommended Age: 7 YRS - 12 YRSRecommended Age: 7 YRS - 12 YRSRecommended Age: 7 YRS - 12 YRSRecommended Age: 7 YRS - 12 YRSRecommended Age: 7 YRS - 12 YRS 7025 7025 7025 S. S. S. Fort ApFort ApFort Apacheacheache R R Rddd., Las Ve., Las Ve., Las Vegas, gas, gas, NNNV V V 891488914889148 Participant Ratio: Participant Ratio: Participant Ratio: 1 instructor to 8 Participant Ratio: 1 instructor to 8 studstudentsents students (702) 455-1708(702) 455-1708 (702) 455-1708 Pool Location: Pool Location: Pool Location: LapLap P Pool ool (7 (7 to to 9 f9 feeteet) Pool Location: Lap Pool (7 to 9 feet) Stroke Introduction - 45 min.Stroke Introduction - 45 min. Skills Required to Enter:Skills Required to Enter:Skills Required to Enter: 1) Jump into Skills Required to Enter: 1) Jump into Youth SwimmingYouth SwimmingYouth SwimmingYouth Swimming Recommended Age: 6 YRS - 10 YRSRecommended Age: 6 YRS - 10 YRS laplaplap p p pool andool andool and return to return to return to the wall the wall the wall 2) Swim2) Swim2) Swim lap pool and return to the wall 2) Swim Lessons Cont. - 3 WeeksLessons Cont. - 3 Weeks Lessons Cont. - 3 Weeks Advanced StrokeAdvanced StrokeAdvanced Stroke Participant Ratio: 1 instructor to 6 Participant Ratio: 1 instructor to 6 apapapppprox. rox. rox. 12 yard12 yard12 yards s s ofofof f f freereereestylestylestyle approx. 12 yards of freestyle Development - 45 min.Development - 45 min. Development - 45 min. students students indindindepepependendendently ently ently 2) 2) 2) Swim Swim Swim apapapppprox. rox. rox. 12 yard12 yard12 yardsss independently 2) Swim approx. 12 yards Water Independence - 30 min.Water Independence - 30 min. Pool Location: Family Pool & Lap Pool (4 Pool Location: Family Pool & Lap Pool (4 of of bbackstrokeackstroke ind indepepeendndentlyently of backstroke independently Recommended Age: 9 YRS - 12 YRSRecommended Age: 9 YRS - 12 YRSRecommended Age: 9 YRS - 12 YRS Recommended Age: 3 YRS - 8 YRSRecommended Age: 3 YRS - 8 YRS to 9 feet) to 9 feet) Class Goals: Class Goals: To To rerefine fine bbasic asic swimmingswimming Class Goals: To refine basic swimming Participant Ratio: Participant Ratio: 1 instructor to 10 Participant Ratio: 1 instructor to 10 Participant Ratio: 1 instructor to 6 Skills Required to Enter: 1) Jump into Participant Ratio: 1 instructor to 6 Skills Required to Enter: 1) Jump into strokestrokestrokes to achieve s to achieve s to achieve ppproficiency roficiency roficiency (f(f(freestyle reestyle reestyle &&& strokes to achieve proficiency (freestyle & students students participants water, completely submerge head, participants water, completely submerge head, bbackstrokeackstroke), re), review view treadtreading, anding, and to to backstroke), review treading, and to Pool Location: Lap Pool (7 to 9 feet) Pool Location: Lap Pool (7 to 9 feet) Pool Location: Family Family PPool (0 ool (0 to to 4 f4 feeeet)t) resurface, and exit the pool using ladder Pool Location: Family Pool (0 to 4 feet) resurface, and exit the pool using ladder introdintroduce uce elementary elementary bbackstrokeackstroke and and introduce elementary backstroke and Required Skills to Enter: Required Skills to Enter: 1) Jump into lap Required Skills to Enter: 1) Jump into lap SkillsSkillsSkillsSkills Required to Enter: Required to Enter: Required to Enter: Required to Enter:1) Separate or stairs 2) Start 10 ft. away from wall or Skills Required to Enter:1) Separate or stairs 2) Start 10 ft. away from wall or bbreaststrokereaststroke.. breaststroke. ppool, fool, fully subully submerge, swim merge, swim 12 yard12 yards ofs of pool, fully submerge, swim 12 yards of ffffrom rom rom rom a a a a pppparent/guardarent/guardarent/guardarent/guardian while ian while ian while ian while taking ptaking ptaking ptaking partartartart stairs: front float for 5 seconds, roll over from a parent/guardian while taking part stairs: front float for 5 seconds, roll over Skills Included: Skills Included: Side breathing for Skills Included: Side breathing for bbackstrokeackstroke, turn , turn aroundaround andand swim swim freefreestylestyle backstroke, turn around and swim freestyle in groupin groupin groupin group activities 2) activities 2) activities 2) activities 2) ListeListeListeListen & n & n & n & taketaketaketake to a back float for 5 seconds, then swim in group activities 2) Listen & take to a back float for 5 seconds, then swim ffreestyle reestyle to impto improve rove pprofroficiency iciency && freestyle to improve proficiency & with with efeffefective sidctive side be brereathing, then athing, then exit theexit the with effective side breathing, then exit the dddddirection in irection in irection in irection in irection in a a a a a groupgroupgroupgroupgroup sesesesesettingttingttingttingtting back to start with minimal support direction in a group setting back to start with minimal support endendurance, reurance, refinedfined bbackstrokeackstroke,, endurance, refined backstroke, ppool 2) ool 2) Swim 12 Swim 12 yardyards s of of eleelementarymentary pool 2) Swim 12 yards of elementary Class Goals:Class Goals:Class Goals:Class Goals: To bTo bTo bTo bTo builduilduilduilduild bbbbbasic waterasic waterasic waterasic waterasic water Class Goals: To refine freestyle, Class Goals: To build basic water Class Goals: To refine freestyle, elemeelementary bntary backstrokeackstroke, b, brereaststrokeaststroke,, elementary backstroke, breaststroke, bbackstrokeackstroke 3) Tread 3) Tread for 15 secondfor 15 seconds withs with backstroke 3) Tread for 15 seconds with compcompcompcompcompcompetency etency etency etency etency etency with with with with with with minimal minimal minimal minimal minimal minimal supsupsupsupsupsuppppppport.ort.ort.ort.ort.ort. introduce backstroke, swim without any competency with minimal support. introduce backstroke, swim without any bbasic asic treadtreading, anding, and b basic wateasic water safr safetyety basic treading, and basic water safety headhead ab above theove the water water head above the water SkillsSkills Included: Included: SafeSafeSafeSafe water water water water entry & entry & entry & entry & exit,exit,exit,exit, support, and build confidence entering Skills Included: Safe water entry & exit, support, and build confidence entering skills. skills. Class Goals: To To rerefine fine all ball basic swimmingasic swimming Class Goals: To refine all basic swimming bbbblowing lowing lowing lowing bbbbububububbbbbles, bles, bles, bles, bobobobobs, relaxeds, relaxeds, relaxeds, relaxed the lap pool. blowing bubbles, bobs, relaxed the lap pool. Skills Required to Pass: Skills Required to Pass: 1) Jump into lap Skills Required to Pass: 1) Jump into lap stokestokes ands and tretreadading to ping to proficiency, roficiency, andand to to stokes and treading to proficiency, and to subsubsubsubmemememersion, rolling frsion, rolling frsion, rolling frsion, rolling from rom rom rom ffffront ront ront ront to to to to bbbbackackackack Skills Included: Independent air submersion, rolling from front to back Skills Included: Independent air ppool, fool, fully subully submerge, swim merge, swim 12 yard12 yards ofs of pool, fully submerge, swim 12 yards of introdintroduce uce sidsidestrokeestroke, , bbutterfly, utterfly, sitting andsitting and introduce sidestroke, butterfly, sitting and ffffloats, streamlines on loats, streamlines on loats, streamlines on loats, streamlines on front front front front & b& b& b& back,ack,ack,ack, f f f flutterlutterlutterlutter recovery, rolling to back as air recovery for floats, streamlines on front & back, flutter recovery, rolling to back as air recovery for bbackstrokeackstroke, turn , turn aroundaround andand swim swim backstroke, turn around and swim kneeling dives. kneeling dives. kicks kicks kicks kicks on fon fon fon front ront ront ront & b& b& b& back,ack,ack,ack, ppppropropropropeeeer r r r kickbkickbkickbkickboardoardoardoard freestyle, longer distances for freestyle, kicks on front & back, proper kickboard freestyle, longer distances for freestyle, ffreestyle reestyle with with efeffefective sidctive side be brereathing,athing, freestyle with effective side breathing, Skills Included: Refined elementary Skills Included: Refined elementary use, use, use, use, bbbbasic fasic fasic fasic freestyle, freestyle, freestyle, freestyle, finning inning inning inning on bon bon bon back,ack,ack,ack, basic backstroke, changing direction while use, basic freestyle, finning on back, basic backstroke, changing direction while then then exit the exit the ppool 2) ool 2) Swim 12 Swim 12 yardyards s ofof then exit the pool 2) Swim 12 yards of backstroke & breaststroke, introduce backstroke & breaststroke, introduce jumpjumpjumping into water with subing into water with subing into water with submersion, mersion, mersion, andandand swimming, feet-first deep water entries, jumping into water with submersion, and swimming, feet-first deep water entries, elemeelementary bntary backstrokeackstroke 3) Tre3) Treadad for for 1515 elementary backstroke 3) Tread for 15 sidestroke, proficient treading with sculling sidestroke, proficient treading with sculling basic water safety skills. introduction to treading, and basic water basic water safety skills. introduction to treading, and basic water secondseconds with hes with headad ababove ove the watethe waterr seconds with head above the water and eggbeater kick, butterfly, sitting & and eggbeater kick, butterfly, sitting & Skills Required to Pass: 1) Jump into safety skills. Skills Required to Pass: 1) Jump into safety skills. kneeling dives, and basic water safety kneeling dives, and basic water safety Stroke Progression Stroke Progression water, completely submerge head, Skills Required to Pass: Skills Required to Pass: 1) Jump into lap water, completely submerge head, Skills Required to Pass: 1) Jump into lap Day Times Age Cost Activity Code Day TimesTimes Age Cost Activity Code skills. skills. M/W 4:00 PM 3 - 12 YRS $30 249103 M/W 4:00 P4:00 PMM 3 - 12 YRS $30 249103 resurface, and exit the pool using ladder ppool andool and re return to the turn to the wall 2) Swimwall 2) Swim resurface, and exit the pool using ladder pool and return to the wall 2) Swim Exit Skills Required: 1) Tread for 1 Exit Skills Required: 1) Tread for 1 T/TH 4:00 PM 3 - 12 YRS $30 249103 T/TH 4:00 P4:00 PMM 3 - 12 YRS $30 249103 or stairs 2) Start 10 ft. away from wall or apappprox. rox. 12 yard12 yards s ofof f freereestylestyle or stairs 2) Start 10 ft. away from wall or approx. 12 yards of freestyle minute 2) 5 strokes of butterfly 3) 25 yards minute 2) 5 strokes of butterfly 3) 25 yards SAT 8:15 AM | 9:15 AM 3 - 12 YRS $30 249103 SAT 8:15 AM8:15 AM | 9:15 | 9:15 AMAM 3 - 12 YRS $30 249103 stairs: front float for 5 seconds, roll over indindepependendently ently 2) 2) Swim Swim apappprox. rox. 12 yard12 yardss stairs: front float for 5 seconds, roll over independently 2) Swim approx. 12 yards of breaststroke 4) 25 yards of freestyle w/ of breaststroke 4) 25 yards of freestyle w/ to a back float for 5 seconds, then swim of of bbackstrokeackstroke ind indepepeendndentlyently to a back float for 5 seconds, then swim of backstroke independently effective side breathing 5) 25 yards of effective side breathing 5) 25 yards of back to start with minimal support back to start with minimal support backstroke 6) 25 yards of elementary backstroke 6) 25 yards of elementary Stroke Introduction Stroke IntroductionStroke Introduction backstroke backstroke Day Times Age Cost Activity Code Day Times Age Cost Activity Code Water IndependenceWater Independence Advanced Stroke Development M/W 4:00 PM 3 - 12 YRS $30 249102 M/W 4:00 PM 3 - 12 YRS $30$30 249102 Day Times Age Cost Activity Code Day Times Age Cost Activity Code Day Times Age Cost Activity Code T/TH 4:00 PM 3 - 12 YRS $30 249102 T/TH 4:00 PM 3 - 12 YRS $30$30 249102 M/W 5:00 PM | 6:30 PM 3 - 12 YRS $30 249101 M/W 5:00 PM | 6:30 PM 3 - 12 YRS $30 249101 M/W 5:00 PM 3 - 12 YRS $30 249104 SAT 9:15 AM 3 - 12 YRS $30 249102 SAT 9:15 AM 3 - 12 YRS $30 249102 T/TH 5:00 PM | 6:30 PM 3 - 12 YRS $30 249101 T/TH 5:00 PM | 6:30 PM 3 - 12 YRS $30 249101 T/TH 5:00 PM 3 - 12 YRS $30 249104 SAT 8:15 AM | 9:00 AM 3 - 12 YRS $30 249101 SAT 8:15 AM | 9:00 AM 3 - 12 YRS $30 249101 SAT 8:15 AM 3 - 12 YRS $30 249104

Youth Programs - 6 WeeksYouth Programs - 6 Weeks Water Polo - 60 min.Water Polo - 60 min. This recreaThis recreational water polo coursetional water polo course Intro to Aquatic Sports - 45 min.Intro to Aquatic Sports - 45 min. covers teamwork, fitness, critical covers teamwork, fitness, critical thinking, decision making, agility and thinking, decision making, agility and ThisThis class is designed to introclass is designed to introduceduce endurance. Participants will learn endurance. Participants will learn participants to the mechanics of aquatics participants to the mechanics of aquatics proper swimming techniques, how to proper swimming techniques, how to sports such as competitive swimming, sports such as competitive swimming, tread water efficiently using the tread water efficiently using the water polo, artistic swimming, and junior water polo, artistic swimming, and junior eggbeater technique, handle, pass and eggbeater technique, handle, pass and lifeguarding skills. Water safety skills are lifeguarding skills. Water safety skills are shoot a ball, along with goal keeping. shoot a ball, along with goal keeping. also incorporated into the lessons. also incorporated into the lessons. Skills Required to Enter: Participants Skills Required to Enter: Participants Skills Required to Enter: 1) Swim 25 Skills Required to Enter: 1) Swim 25 must be able to swim 50 yards of the must be able to swim 50 yards of the yards of freestyle with effective side yards of freestyle with effective side pool independently and tread water for pool independently and tread water for breathing 2) Swim 25 yards of backstroke breathing 2) Swim 25 yards of backstroke Adult/ TeenAdult/ Teen 1 minute. 1 minute. 3) Swim 25 yards of elementary 3) Swim 25 yards of elementary Swimming Lessons - 3 WeeksSwimming Lessons - 3 WeeksSwimming Lessons - 3 Weeks Swimming Lessons - 3 Weeks It is highly recommended that the It is highly recommended that the backstroke 4) Swim 25 yards of backstroke 4) Swim 25 yards of participant complete Advanced participant complete Advanced breaststroke. 5) Swim 5 strokes of breaststroke. 5) Swim 5 strokes of Beginner - 45 min.Beginner - 45 min.Beginner - 45 min. Stroke Development before Stroke Development before butterfly 6) Complete 1 minute of butterfly 6) Complete 1 minute ofbutterfly 6) Complete 1 minute of These swim lessons are designed to meetThese swim lessons are designed to meetThese swim lessons are designed to meet Water Aerobics - 6 WeeksWater Aerobics - 6 WeeksWater Aerobics - 6 Weeks enrolling. enrolling. treading. treading.treading.treading. each participant’s personal goals within a each participant’s personal goals within aeach participant’s personal goals within a Water PoloWater Polo It is highly recommended that the It is highly recommended that theIt is highly recommended that theIt is highly recommended that theIt is highly recommended that the group setting. group setting. Shallow Water Aerobics - 60 min.Shallow Water Aerobics - 60 min.Shallow Water Aerobics - 60 min. Day Times Age Cost Activity Code Day Times Age Cost Activity Code participant complete Advanced participant complete Advancedparticipant complete Advancedparticipant complete Advancedparticipant complete Advancedparticipant complete Advanced Instructors work with each participant to Instructors work with each participant toInstructors work with each participant to This program will not be offered during Session 2. This program will not be offered during Session 2. Jump into our water aerobics classes andJump into our water aerobics classes andJump into our water aerobics classes and Stroke Development before Stroke Development beforeStroke Development beforeStroke Development beforeStroke Development beforeStroke Development before overcome apprehension and learn basic overcome apprehension and learn basicovercome apprehension and learn basic build cardiovascular fitness and strength. build cardiovascular fitness and cardiovascular fitness and strength. enrolling. enrolling. swimming skills such as floating, swimming skills such as floating,swimming skills such as floating, Our water aerobics classes are easy on Our water aerobics classes are easy onOur water aerobics classes are easy on RecreationalRecreational Intro to AQ SportsIntro to AQ SportsIntro to AQ SportsIntro to AQ SportsIntro to AQ SportsIntro to AQ SportsIntro to AQ Sports submersion, and basic stroke development. submersion, and basic stroke development.submersion, and basic stroke development. your joints, yet challenging enough to help your joints, yet challenging enough to helpyour joints, yet challenging enough to help Swim Team - 60 min. Swim Team - 60 min. This program will not be offered during Session 2. This pThis pThis pThis program will not rogram will not rogram will not rogram will not bebebebe of of of offefefefererereredddd d d d during uring uring uring SeSeSeSession 2.ssion 2.ssion 2.ssion 2. This class mostly takes place in shallow This class mostly takes place in shallowThis class mostly takes place in shallow you reach new levels of fitness. Our water you reach new levels of fitness. Our wateryou reach new levels of fitness. Our water This is a reThis is a recreational level swim teamcreational level swim team water, however it may move to deep water water, however it may move to deep waterwater, however it may move to deep water aerobics classes are suitable for any aerobics classes are suitable for anyaerobics classes are suitable for any Artistic Swimming - 60 min.Artistic Swimming - 60 min.Artistic Swimming - 60 min.Artistic Swimming - 60 min.Artistic Swimming - 60 min. program that encourages teamwork and program that encourages teamwork and depending on participants’ readiness. depending on participants’ readiness.depending on participants’ readiness. fitness level, from beginning exercisers fitness level, from beginning exercisersfitness level, from beginning exercisers self-esteem. Participants will practice self-esteem. Participants will practice This is a recThis is a recThis is a recThis is a recThis is a recreational level artisticreational level artisticreational level artisticreational level artisticreational level artistic through elite athletes. Working out in the through elite athletes. Working out in thethrough elite athletes. Working out in the Beginning Adult/TeenBeginning Adult/Teen developing strokes and improve personal developing strokes and improve personal swimming program that encourages swimming pswimming pswimming pswimming program that encouragesrogram that encouragesrogram that encouragesrogram that encourages water is a fun way to improve your joint water is a fun way to improve your jointwater is a fun way to improve your joint Day Times Age Cost Activity Code Day Times Age Cost Activity Code times and skills. Emphasis is on personal times and skills. Emphasis is on personal teamwork and self-esteem. Participants teamwork ateamwork ateamwork ateamwork and self-esteem. Participantsnd self-esteem. Participantsnd self-esteem. Participantsnd self-esteem. Participants T/H 5:00 PM 13 YRS + $30 249107 T/H 5:00 PM 13 YRS + $30 249107 range of motion, flexibility and balance range of motion, flexibility and balance improvement. improvement. will learn the fundamentals of artistic will learn thwill learn thwill learn the fundamentals of artistice fundamentals of artistice fundamentals of artistic SAT 10:15 AM 13 YRS + $30 249107 SAT 10:15 AM10:15 AM 13 YRS + $30 249107 through the comfortable resistance of through the comfortable resistance of Skills Required to Enter: 1) Swim 25 Skills Required to Enter: 1) Swim 25 swimming, which blends creative swimming, which blends creative water. water. yards of freestyle with effective side yards of freestyle with effective side Intermediate/Intermediate/Intermediate/ movement and dance in the water. movement and dance in the water. This class takes place in the shallow water. This class takes place in the shallow water. breathing 2) Swim 25 yards of backstroke breathing 2) Swim 25 yards of backstrokebreathing 2) Swim 25 yards of backstroke Skills Required to Enter: 1) Swim 25 Skills Required to Enter: 1) Swim 25 Advanced - 45 min.Advanced - 45 min.Advanced - 45 min. Participants should work at their own Participants should work at their own 3) Swim 25 yards of elementary 3) Swim 25 yards of elementary3) Swim 25 yards of elementary yards independently 2) Tread water for yards independently 2) Tread water for pace and let the instructor know of pace and let the instructor know of These swim lessons are designed to meetThese swim lessons are designed to meetThese swim lessons are designed to meet backstroke 4) Swim 25 yards of backstroke 4) Swim 25 yards ofbackstroke 4) Swim 25 yards of 45 seconds. 45 seconds. any problems. any problems. each participant’s personal goals within a each participant’s personal goals within aeach participant’s personal goals within a breaststroke. 5) Swim 5 strokes of breaststroke. 5) Swim 5 strokes ofbreaststroke. 5) Swim 5 strokes of It is highly recommended that the It is highly recommended that the group setting. group setting. Shallow Water AerobicsShallow Water Aerobics butterfly 6) Complete 1 minute of butterfly 6) Complete 1 minute ofbutterfly 6) Complete 1 minute of participant complete Advanced participant complete Advanced Instructors work with each participant to Instructors work with each participant toInstructors work with each participant to Day Times Age Cost Activity Code Day Times Age Cost Activity Code treading. treading. Stroke Development before Stroke Development before refine skills such as treading, diving, and refine skills such as treading, diving, andrefine skills such as treading, diving, and M/W 7:15 AM | 8:30 AM 13 YRS + $36 249110 M/W 7:15 AM | 8:30 AM 13 YRS + $36 249110 It is highly recommended that the It is highly recommended that theIt is highly recommended that the enrolling. enrolling. SAT 8:00 AM 13 YRS + $18 249110 SAT 8:00 AM 13 YRS + $18 249110 stroke development. stroke development.stroke development. participant complete Advanced participant complete Advancedparticipant complete Advanced This class usually takes place in the lap This class usually takes place in the lapThis class usually takes place in the lap Stroke Development before Stroke Development beforeStroke Development beforeStroke Development beforeStroke Development before Skills Required to Enter Advanced Skills Required to Enter Advanced pool, however it may move to shallow pool, however it may move to shallowpool, however it may move to shallowpool, however it may move to shallow enrolling. enrolling. Artistic Swimming: Participants must Artistic Swimming: Participants must water if needed. water if needed. Recreational Swim TeamRecreational Swim TeamRecreational Swim Team have approval from the instructor have approval from the instructor Day Times Age Cost Activity Code Day Times Age Cost Activity CodeActivity Code Advanced Adult/Teen Artistic SwimmingArtistic Swimming T/TH 6:00 PM 5 - 17 YRS $60 249108 T/TH 6:00 PM 5 - 17 YRS $60 249108249108 Day Times Age Cost Activity Code Day Times This program will not be offered during Session 2. This program will not be offered during Session 2. SAT 10:30 AM 5 - 17 YRS $30 249108 SAT 10:30 AM 5 - 17 YRS $30 249108249108 M/W 6:00 PM 13 YRS + $30 249107 M/W 6:00 PM

Water AerobicsWater Aerobics *Extra Amenities* *Extra Amenities**Extra Amenities**Extra Amenities* Cont.- 6 Weeks Cont.- 6 Weeks (Private Facility Rentals Only) (Private Facility Rentals Only)Private Facility Rentals Only)Private Facility Rentals Only)Private Facility Rentals Only) Deep Water Aerobics - 60 min.Deep Water Aerobics - 60 min. *Price for each amenity includes the*Price for each amenity includes the*Price for each amenity includes the additional staff required to set up and additional staff required to set up andadditional staff required to set up and JuJump into our water aerobics classesmp into our water aerobics classes guard those areas.* guard those areguard those areguard those areguard those areguard those areguard those areas.*as.*as.*as.*as.*as.* and build cardiovascular fitness and and build cardiovascular fitness and strength. Our water aerobics classes are strength. Our water aerobics classes are easy on your joints, yet challenging easy on your joints, yet challenging Classroom/ Public RentalClassroom/ Public RentalClassroom/ Public Rental Classroom/ Public Rental - Inflatable Obstacle Course- Inflatable Obstacle Course- Inflatable Obstacle Course - Inflatable Obstacle Course enough to help you reach new levels of enough to help you reach new levels of Public rentals take place during ourPublic rentals take place during ourPublic rentals take place during our fitness. Our water aerobics classes are fitness. Our water aerobics classes are normal operating hours. normal operating hours. Private LessonsPrivate Lessons suitable for any fitness level, from suitable for any fitness level, from Day Times Age Cost Activity Code Day Times Age Cost Activity Code beginning exercisers through elite beginning exercisers through elite You and your guests will share the pool You and your guests will share the poolYou and your guests will share the pool M 3:25 PM Any $28 249106 M 3:25 PM Any $28 249106 athletes. Working out in the water is a athletes. Working out in the water is a space with the public. space with the public. fun way to improve your joint range of fun way to improve your joint range of T 3:40 PM | 4:15 PM Any $28 249106 T 3:40 PM | 4:15 PM Any $28 249106 You will have the classroom to yourself You will have the classroom to yourself motion, flexibility and balance through motion, flexibility and balance through to utilize. to utilize. the comfortable resistance of water. the comfortable resistance of water.the comfortable resistance of water. W 3:25 PM Any $28 249106 W 3:25 PM Any $28 249106 This class takes place in the lap pool and This class takes place in the lap pool andThis class takes place in the lap pool andThis class takes place in the lap pool andThis class takes place in the lap pool and Community Rate - $55/hour Community Rate - $55/hour $175$175 may involve some swimming. may involve some swimming.may involve some swimming.may involve some swimming.may involve some swimming. THTH 3:40 3:40 PPM M | 4:15 P| 4:15 PMM AnyAny $28 $28 249106249106 (2-hour minimum) (2-hour minimum) *Anyone under the age of 18 MUST pass *Anyone*Anyone under the under the age age ofof 18 MUST 18 MUST passpass Participants should work at their Participants should work at theirParticipants should work at theirParticipants should work at theirParticipants should work at theirParticipants should work at their a swim test before they can use this a swim test ba swim test befefore ore they they can use can use thisthis Commercial Rate - $110/hour Commercial Rate - $110/hour own pace and let the instructor own pace and let the instructorown pace and let the instructorown pace and let the instructorown pace and let the instructorown pace and let the instructor Sat 8:05 AM | 8:40 AM Any $28 249106 Sat 8:05 AM | 8:40 AM Any $28 249106 amenity.* amenity.* 9:15 AM | 9:50 AM 9:15 AM | 9:50 AM (2-hour minimum) (2-hour minimum) know of any problems. know of any problems.know of any problems.know of any problems.know of any problems.know of any problems. Includes 25 guests. Additional guests Includes 25 guests. Additional guests Deep Water AerobicsDeep Water AerobicsDeep Water AerobicsDeep Water AerobicsDeep Water AerobicsDeep Water AerobicsDeep Water Aerobics -Inflatable Slide-Inflatable Slide -Inflatable Slide Day Times Age Cost Activity Code Day Times AgeAgeAge Cost Activity Code will be charged at daily admission rate. will be charged at daily admission rate. Rental InformationRental Information SAT 9:15 AM 13 YRS + $18 249110 SAT 9:15 AM 13 13 YRS YRS ++ $18 249110 Extra amenities are NOT available Extra amenities are NOT available for public rentals. for public rentals. Lap Lane Rentals Lap Lane Rentals Private LessonsPrivate LessonsPrivate Lessons Private Facility RentalsPrivate Facility Rentals Private Lessons - 25 min.Private Lessons - 25 min. Private rentals take place outside ofPrivate rentals take place outside of $75$75 These are 1 on 1 lessons desigThese are 1 on 1 lessons designed toned to normal operating hours. normal operating hours. *For small Children.* *For small Children.* meet the individual needs of each meet the individual needs of each You and your guests will be the only You and your guests will be the only swimmer. swimmer. group in the facility. group in the facility. These lessons are limited in space and These lessons are limited in space and For groups wishing to rent lanes,For groups wishing to rent lanes, are first come, first serve. are first come, first serve. please call 702-455-1708. please call 702-455-1708. Community Rate - $100/hour Community Rate - $100/hour -Climbing Rock Wall-Climbing Rock Wall -Climbing Rock Wall (2-hour minimum) (2-hour minimum) *MUST have a valid certificate of *MUST have a valid certificate of Commercial Rate - $200/hour Commercial Rate - $200/hour $75$75 insurance.* insurance.* (2-hour minimum) (2-hour minimum)(2-hour minimum) *Anyone under the age of *Anyone*Anyone*Anyone*Anyone under the under the under the under the age age age age ofofofof 18 MUST pass a swim test 18 18 MUST MUST ppass a swim testass a swim test Rental Request Form & Guidelines can be foundRental Request Form & Guidelines can be found Includes 100 guests. $15/for every Includes 100 guests. $15/for every on our website: on our website: before they can use this bbefeforeore they can they can use use thisthis additional 20 guests. additional 20 guests. https://clarkcountynv.govhttps://clarkcountynv.gov amenity.* amenity.* *Extra amenities available w/ *Extra amenities available w/ Please send completed rental request toPlease send completed rental request to additional charge. additional charge. [email protected]

Cora Coleman Adult Activity PoolCora Coleman Adult Activity Pool MIXED ENDURANCE AEROBICSMIXED ENDURANCE AEROBICSMIXED ENDURANCE AEROBICSMIXED ENDURANCE AEROBICS 2100 2100 BonnieBonnie Ln. Ln. Las Las VeVegas, gas, NNV V 8915689156 (702) 455-2120 (702) 455-2120 3 or 6 Week Session - 1 Hour Class3 or 6 Week Session - 1 Hour Class3 or 6 Week Session - 1 Hour Class Cost Varies or $6 Drop-InCost Varies or $6 Drop-InCost Varies or $6 Drop-In Cost Varies or $6 Drop-In JuJuJuJuJumpmpmpmpmp right right right right right into into into into into our water our water our water our water our water aerobaerobaerobaerobaerobics ics ics ics ics classes classes classes classes classes andandandandand bbbbbuilduilduilduilduild card card card card cardiovascular fiovascular fiovascular fiovascular fiovascular fitness itness itness itness itness andandandandand GENERAL INFORMATIONGENERAL INFORMATIONGENERAL INFORMATION strestrestrestrength. ngth. ngth. ngth. JuJuJuJust st st st likelikelikelike swimming, swimming, swimming, swimming, our our our our water water water water aeaeaeaerobrobrobrobics ics ics ics classes are classes are classes are classes are easy on easy on easy on easy on your joints,your joints,your joints,your joints, strength. Just like swimming, our water aerobics classes are easy on your joints, yeyeyeyet t t t challenging echallenging echallenging echallenging enough to henough to henough to henough to helplplplp you reach you reach you reach you reach new new new new levels levels levels levels ofofofof fitness. fitness. fitness. fitness. Water Water Water Water aeaeaeaerobrobrobrobicsicsicsics yet challenging enough to help you reach new levels of fitness. Water aerobics Admission FeesAdmission Fees Open Swim Hours classeclasseclasseclasses s s s areareareare suitab suitab suitab suitable le le le ffffor or or or any any any any fitness fitness fitness fitness level, flevel, flevel, flevel, from rom rom rom bbbbeginning eeginning eeginning eeginning exercisers through xercisers through xercisers through xercisers through eliteeliteeliteelite classes are suitable for any fitness level, from beginning exercisers through elite Adult (18-54 YRS)Adult (18-54 YRS) $2$2 athletes. Working athletes. Working athletes. Working out out out in the in the in the water water water is is is a a a fun way to impfun way to impfun way to improveroverove your your your joint joint joint range range range ofofof athletes. Working out in the water is a fun way to improve your joint range of Senior (55+ YRS) $1 Senior (55+ YRS) $1 Monday, Wednesday 9 am - 2 pm motion, fmotion, fmotion, flexiblexiblexibility, andility, andility, and bbbalance through thealance through thealance through the comf comf comfortabortabortable le le resistance resistance resistance ofofof wate wate water.r.r. motion, flexibility, and balance through the comfortable resistance of water. Tuesday, Thursday 8 am - 11 am & 12 pm - 2 pm PPParticiparticiparticipants shouldants shouldants should work work work at at at their their their own own own pppace andace andace and let thelet thelet the instructor kn instructor kn instructor know ow ow of of of anyanyany Participants should work at their own pace and let the instructor know of any Swim PassesSwim Passes Friday 8 am - 2 pm pprobroblems. Plems. Participarticipants may bants may bring andring and useuse their their own own water water shoes; shoes; all otherall other problems. Participants may bring and use their own water shoes; all other Saturday & Sunday CLOSED Swim PSwim Passeasses can bs can bee p purchaseurchasedd at at eqequipuipment ment is pis providrovideded. . Water shoes are not Water shoes are not reqrequireduired to to taketake this class. *Dropthis class. *Drop-ins-ins equipment is provided. Water shoes are not required to take this class. *Drop-ins availabavailable as sple as space pace permits ermits $6 $6 –– pplease lease checheck ck with thewith the p pool fool for availabor availability.ility. available as space permits $6 – please check with the pool for availability. any any Clark Clark County County CommunityCommunity CeCententer or Aqr or Aquatic Ceuatic Cententer.r. Pool Closure DatesPool Closure Dates Classes Classes heldheld in Shallow in Shallow Water. Water. 20 p20 participarticipants pants peer r class.class. Classes held in Shallow Water. 20 participants per class. January 1st - New Years January 1st - New YearsJanuary 1st - New Years 90 Day Individual90 Day Individual January 20th - MLK Day January 20th - MJanuary 20th - MLK DayLK Day *Ad*Adult (18-54 ult (18-54 YRS) YRS) $30$30 For For more more information abinformation about out what what to to expexpect dect during Wateuring Water r AerobAerobics, pics, plelease ase call call usus For more information about what to expect during Water Aerobics, please call us Senior (55+ YRS) $20 Senior (55+ YRS) $20 February 17th - President Day February 17th - PFebruary 17th - President Dayresident Day at at (702) (702) 455-2120. 455-2120. *With all *With all water water exercise exercise pprograms, programs, plelease ase notifnotify y youryour at (702) 455-2120. *With all water exercise programs, please notify your Annual IndividualAnnual Individual instructor instructor ifif you have you have any any health concerns, phealth concerns, prerevious injurievious injuries s or medor medicalical instructor if you have any health concerns, previous injuries or medical *Ad*Adult (18-54 ult (18-54 YRS) YRS) $90$90 conditions that may be aggravated during workouts. conditions that may be aggravated during workouts. Senior (55+ YRS) $60 Senior (55+ YRS) $60 *Please note that pool hours/days of operation are*Please note that pool hours/days of operation are *Please note that pool hours/days of operation are *Adult Pool Passes are only good *Adult Pool Passes are only good DayDay 1A Dates1A Dates 1B Dates1B Dates TimeTime 1A1A 1B1B subject to change/closure for inclement weather,subject to change/closure for inclement weather,subject to change/closure for inclement weather, M/WM/W 1/6 1/6 - - 1/221/22 1/27 1/27 - - 2/122/12 8:00 am8:00 am $15$15 $18$18 at Cora Coleman Pool at Cora Coleman Pool special events, and unforeseeable events.*special events, and unforeseeable events.* T/ThT/Th 1/7 1/7 - - 1/231/23 1/28 1/28 - - 2/132/13 11:00 am11:00 am $18$18 $18$18 FriFri 1/10 1/10 - - 2/72/7 -- 2:00 p2:00 pmm $15$15 -- CLASS REGISTRATION INFORMATIONCLASS REGISTRATION INFORMATIONCLASS REGISTRATION INFORMATION DayDay 2A Dates2A Dates 2B Dates2B Dates TimeTime 2A2A 2B2B M/WM/W 2/24 2/24 - - 3/123/12 3/24 3/24 - - 4/94/9 8:00 am8:00 am $18$18 $18$18 Session 1 Registration Session 2 RegistrationSession 2 Registration T/ThT/Th 2/25 2/25 - - 3/133/13 3/25 3/25 - - 4/104/10 11:00 am11:00 am $18$18 $18$18 February 13th, 2024 @7:00 AM February 13th, 2024 @7:00 AM FriFri 2/28 2/28 - - 4/114/11 -- 2:00 p2:00 pmm $18$18 -- December 19th, 2024 @7:00 AM Session 2 Dates Session 2 Dates Session 1 Dates UPCOMING EVENTSUPCOMING EVENTS 2A - Feb. 24th - Mar. 14th 2A - Feb. 24th - Mar. 14th 1A - Jan. 6th - Jan. 24rd 2B - Mar. 24th - Apr. 11th 2B - Mar. 24th - Apr. 11th 1B - Jan. 27th - Feb. 13th Love Bug Bingo Love Bug Bingo *This brochure reflects dates/times Come play splash bingo in February 14th for session 1 and 2 ONLY.* the pool and win some 11 am - 12 pm Register Online At: prizes Regular Admission

Class Registration Youth Swimming DESERT BREEZE AQUATIC FACILITY Information Lessons - 3 Weeks 8275 W. Spring Mountain Rd., Session 1 Registration Water Introduction - 30 min. Las Vegas, NV 89117 (702) 455-7798 December 19th, 2024 @7:00AM Recommended Age: 6 MO. - 5 YRS. Participant Ratio: 1 instructor to 10 General Information Effective: December 19th, 2024 Session 1 Dates parent/guardian & student pairs Admission Fees 1A - Jan. 6th - Jan. 23rd An adult MUST be in the water at all Indoor LAP Swim Hours *For Session 1A - There is no class on January 20th times during classes. Lap pool has multiple lanes, 25yrds, & is 7 feet deep Youth (3-17 YRS.) $2 for MLK Day. M/W classes will be $25* Pool Location: Family Pool (0 to 4 feet) Adult (18-54 YRS) $3 Class Goals: To build swimming Senior (55+ YRS) $1 Monday - Friday.....................5:30am-11:00am & 1B - Jan. 27th - Feb. 13th 2:30pm-8:00pm readiness by emphasizing fun in the Swim Passes water. Adults & children participate in SAT. - Jan. 11th - Feb. 15th Saturday................................8:00am-2:00pm Swim Passes can be purchased at any guided classes together. Sunday..................................CLOSED *Saturday classes are a 6 week session. Clark County Community Center or Skills Included: Safe water entry & exit, *This brochure reflects dates/times for *The number of laps lanes varies throughout the day blowing bubbles, front & back floats, Session 1 ONLY.* Aquatic Center. due to other programming at the pool. kicking on front & back, freestyle arm 90-Day Family Pass Session 2 Registration movement, underwater exploration, and $100 basic water safety skills. Includes up to 4 family members in the same household. Indoor FAMILY Swim Hours February 13th, 2025 @7:00AM Additional members can be added for $20 each. Skills Required to Pass: 1) Separate Shallow (Kid) Pool, 3ft - 5ft deep Session 2 Dates from a parent/guardian while taking part 90-Day Individual Monday - Thursday................5:30am-8:30am & in group activities 2) Listen & take Youth (3-17 YRS) $40 2A - Feb. 24th - Mar. 13th 2:30pm -4:00pm Adult (18-54 YRS) $60 direction in a group setting Senior (55+ YRS) $20 Friday...................................5:30am-9:30am & **Children who require diapers must 2B - Mar. 24th - Apr. 10th 2:30pm-8:00pm Annual Family Pass wear a swim diaper under their Saturday................................11:00 am -2:00pm $300 SAT. - Mar. 1st - April 12th swimsuit** Sunday......................................CLOSED Includes up to 4 family members in the same household. *Saturday classes are a 6 week session Additional members can be added for $40 each. *The amount of space for open swim varies *There will be a break week with NO throughout the day due to other programming at the Water Introduction programming in between session 2A and 2B. Annual Individual pool. At times you will need to share open swim Session 1A Youth (3--17 YRS) $120 Break week will be 3/17 - 3/22. space with others. Day Dates Times Cost Adult (18-54 YRS) $180 Senior (55+ YRS) $60 M/W 1/6 - 1/22 4:00pm $25* Scan the QR Code or Register Online At: T/TH 1/7 - 1/23 4:00pm $30 Pool Closure Dates Outdoor Waterpark Hours T/TH 1/7 - 1/23 5:00pm $30 Dec. 16th, 17th & 18th - Family Pool Closed 2p-8 Waterpark features a shallow water beach entry, a play SAT 1/11 - 2/15 8:15am $30 structure and two water slides. Dec. 24th - Closed @11a Session 1B Dec. 25th - Closed M/W 1/27 - 2/12 4:00pm $30 CLOSED UNTIL SUMMER 2025! Dec. 31st - Closed @11a T/TH 1/28 - 2/13 4:00pm $30 Jan. 1st - Closed T/TH 1/28 - 2/13 5:00pm $30 Jan. 4th - Closed *Please note that pool hours/days of operation are Jan 20th - Closed Activity Code: 152100 subject to change. Closures for inclement weather, Feb. 17th - Closed special events, and unforeseeable events may occur.* Feb 20th - Closed @2p

Stroke Introduction - 45 min. Stroke Progression - 45 min. Advanced Stroke Development - Youth Swimming 45 min. Lessons Cont. - 3 Weeks Recommended Age: 5 YRS - 9 YRS Recommended Age: 6 YRS - 12 YRS Participant Ratio: 1 instructor to 6 Participant Ratio: 1 instructor to 8 Recommended Age: 7 YRS - 12 YRS Water Independence - 30 min. students students Participant Ratio: 1 instructor to 10 Pool Location: Family Pool & Lap Pool (5 Pool Location: Lap Pool (5 to 7 feet) students Recommended Age: 3 YRS - 8 YRS to 7 feet) Skills Required to Enter: 1) Jump into Pool Location: Lap Pool (7 feet) Participant Ratio: 1 instructor to 6 Skills Required to Enter: 1) Jump into lap pool and return to the wall 2) Swim Skills Required to Enter: 1) Jump into lap participants water, completely submerge head, approx. 12 yards of freestyle pool, fully submerge, swim 12 yards of Pool Location: Family Pool (0 to 4 feet) resurface, and exit the pool using ladder independently 2) Swim approx. 12 yards backstroke, turn around and swim freestyle Skills Required to Enter:1) Separate or stairs 2) Start 10 ft. away from wall or of backstroke independently with effective side breathing, then exit the from a parent/guardian while taking part stairs: front float for 5 seconds, roll over Class Goals: To refine basic swimming pool 2) Swim 12 yards of elementary in group activities 2) Listen & take to a back float for 5 seconds, then swim strokes to achieve proficiency (freestyle & backstroke 3) Tread for 15 seconds with direction in a group setting back to start with minimal support backstroke), review treading, and to head above the water Class Goals: To build basic water Class Goals: To refine freestyle, introduce elementary backstroke and Class Goals: To refine all basic swimming competency with minimal support. introduce backstroke, swim without any breaststroke. stokes and treading to proficiency, and to Skills Included: Safe water entry & exit, support, and build confidence entering Skills Included: Side breathing for introduce sidestroke, butterfly, sitting and blowing bubbles, bobs, relaxed the lap pool. freestyle to improve proficiency & kneeling dives. submersion, rolling from front to back Skills Included: Independent air endurance, refined backstroke, Skills Included: Refined elementary floats, streamlines on front & back, flutter recovery, rolling to back as air recovery for elementary backstroke, breaststroke, backstroke & breaststroke, introduce kicks on front & back, proper kickboard freestyle, longer distances for freestyle, basic treading, and basic water safety sidestroke, proficient treading with sculling use, basic freestyle, finning on back, basic backstroke, changing direction while skills. and eggbeater kick, butterfly, sitting & jumping into water with submersion, and swimming, feet-first deep water entries, Skills Required to Pass: 1) Jump into lap kneeling dives, and basic water safety basic water safety skills. introduction to treading, and basic water pool, fully submerge, swim 12 yards of skills. Skills Required to Pass: 1) Jump into safety skills. backstroke, turn around and swim Skills Required to Pass: 1) Tread for 1 water, completely submerge head, Skills Required to Pass: 1) Jump into lap freestyle with effective side breathing, minute 2) 5 strokes of butterfly 3) 25 yards resurface, and exit the pool using ladder pool and return to the wall 2) Swim then exit the pool 2) Swim 12 yards of of breaststroke 4) 25 yards of freestyle w/ or stairs 2) Start 10 ft. away from wall or approx. 12 yards of freestyle elementary backstroke 3) Tread for 15 effective side breathing 5) 25 yards of stairs: front float for 5 seconds, roll over independently 3) Swim approx. 12 yards seconds with head above the water backstroke 6) 25 yards of elementary to a back float for 5 seconds, then swim of backstroke independently backstroke back to start with minimal support Stroke Progression Advanced Stroke Development Water Independence Stroke Introduction Session 1A Session 1A Session 1A Session 1A Day Dates Times Cost Day Dates Times Cost Day Dates Times Cost Day Dates Times Cost M/W 1/6 - 1/22 4:00pm, 5:00pm $25* M/W 1/6 - 1/22 5:00pm $25* M/W 1/6 - 1/22 6:00pm $25* M/W 1/6 - 1/22 4:00pm, 5:00pm $25* 6:00pm T/TH 1/7 - 1/23 6:00pm,7:00pm $30 6:00pm T/TH 1/7 - 1/23 7:00pm $30 T/TH 1/7 - 1/23 4:00pm, 5:00pm $30 T/TH 1/7 - 1/23 4:00pm, 5:00pm $30 SAT 1/11 - 2/15 9:00am $30 SAT 1/11 - 2/15 10:00am $30 6:00pm 6:00pm Session 1B Session 1B SAT 1/11 - 2/15 8:15am $30 SAT 1/11 - 2/15 9:00am $30 M/W 1/27 - 2/12 5:00pm, $30 M/W 1/27 - 2/12 6:00pm $30 Session 1B Session 1B T/TH 1/28 - 2/13 6:00pm, 7:00pm $30 T/TH 1/28 - 2/13 7:00pm $30 M/W 1/27 - 2/12 4:00pm, 5:00pm, $30 M/W 1/27 - 2/12 4:00pm, 5:00pm, $30 6:00pm 6:00pm Activity Code: 152103 Activity Code: 152104 T/TH 1/28 - 2/13 4:00pm, 5:00pm, $30 T/TH 1/28 - 2/13 4:00pm, 5:00pm, $30 6:00pm 6:00pm Activity Code: 152102 Activity Code: 152101

Water Aerobics/ Fitness - 6 Weeks + 3 Weeks Youth Programs - 6 Weeks Adult/ Teen Swimming Lessons - 3 Weeks Recreational Jump into our water aerobics classes and build cardiovascular fitness and Recommended Age: 13 & Older Swim Team - 60 min. strength. Our water aerobics classes are easy on your joints, yet challenging This is a recreational level swim team enough to help you reach new levels of fitness. Age: 13 & Older Beginner - 45 min. program that encourages teamwork and *For Session 1 - There is NO class on Jan 20th. These swim lessons are designed to meet self-esteem. Participants will practice each participant’s personal goals within a developing strokes and improve personal Aqua Fit - 60 min. Aqua Fit group setting. times and skills. Emphasis is on personal Session 1 Uses water resistance and equip for a Instructors work with each participant to Day Dates Times Cost improvement. challenging work out! overcome apprehension and learn basic T /TH/F 1/7 - 2/14 9:30am - 10:30am $54 Recommended Age: 6 YRS - 17 YRS Aims to improve cardiovascular swimming skills such as floating, Activity Code: 152110 - 02 endurance, muscle tone, and strength Skills Required to Enter: submersion, and basic stroke development. Takes place in shallow water (3ft-5ft) 1) Swim 25 yards of freestyle with This class mostly takes place in shallow effective side breathing water, however it may move to deep water depending on participants’ readiness. 2) Swim 25 yards of backstroke Deep Water Aerobics 3) Swim 25 yards of elementary Deep Water Aerobics - 60 min. Adult/Teen Beginner Lessons Session 1 backstroke Day Dates Times Cost Use water belts and noodles for a deep Session 1A: 4) Swim 25 yards of breaststroke. T /TH 1/7 - 2/13 8:15am - 9:15am $36 water exercise! Day Dates Times Cost 5) Swim 5 strokes of butterfly Takes place in deep water (5ft-7ft), Activity Code: 152110 - 01 T/TH 1/7 - 1/23 7:00pm $30 6) Complete 1 minute of treading. comfortability while in deep water is SAT 1/11 - 2/15 10:00am $30 It is highly recommended that the participant recommended. Session 1B: complete Advanced Stroke Development before T/TH 1/28 - 2/13 7:00pm $30 enrolling. Dates: January 6th - February12th Activity Code: 152107 *NO class 1/20/2025 Combo Aerobics - 60 min. Combo Water Aerobics Session 1 Group games and activities are Day Dates Times Cost Intermediate/Advanced - 45 min. Swim Team combined for an exciting and interactive M/W 1/6 - 2/12 9:00am - 10:00am $33* Day Dates Times Cost These swim lessons are designed to meet each work out! Activity Code: 152110 - 00 M/W 1/6 - 2/12 7:00pm - 8:00pm $55* participant’s personal goals within a group Takes place in deep/ shallow water (3ft- setting. 7ft) Activity Code: 152108 Instructors work with each participant to Burn 400-600 calories each class! refine skills such as treading, diving, and stroke development. Private Lessons This class usually takes place in the lap pool, however it may move to shallow water if Private Lessons - 25 min. needed. Private Lessons We offer private lessons that allow Day Dates Times Cost Adult/Teen Advanced Lessons participants of any age (6months and Friday 1/10 - 2/14 3:00 PM | 3:30 PM $28 Session 1A: 4:00 PM | 4:30 PM older) or ability an opportunity for one- Day Dates Times Cost 5:00 PM | 5:30 PM on-one attention and feedback from M/W 1/6 - 1/22 7:00pm $30 6:00 PM | 6:30 PM quality instructors. 7:00 PM Session 1B: Activity Code: 152106 *Children 3yrs or younger will need an adult M/W 1/27 - 2/12 7:00pm $25 in the water! Activity Code: 152107 Sign ups are first come, first served!

CLASS REGISTRATION YOUTH SWIMMING CLASS REGISTRATIONCLASS REGISTRATION YOUTH SWIMMINGYOUTH SWIMMINGYOUTH SWIMMINGYOUTH SWIMMING HOLLYWOOD AQUATIC CENTERHOLLYWOOD AQUATIC CENTERHOLLYWOOD AQUATIC CENTER INFORMATIONINFORMATION LESSONS - 3 WEEKSLESSONS - 3 WEEKSLESSONS - 3 WEEKSLESSONS - 3 WEEKS 1550 1550 1550 S. S. S. HollywoodHollywoodHollywood, , , Las Las Las VeVeVegas, gas, gas, NNNV 89142V 89142V 89142 Session 1 RegistrationSession 1 RegistrationSession 1 RegistrationSession 1 Registration Water Introduction - 30 min.Water Introduction - 30 min.Water Introduction - 30 min.Water Introduction - 30 min.Water Introduction - 30 min.Water Introduction - 30 min. (702) 455-8508 (702) 455-8508(702) 455-8508 December 19th, 2024 @7:00 AM DeDeDecececembmbmbeeer r r 19th, 2024 19th, 2024 19th, 2024 @@@7:00 AM7:00 AM7:00 AM Recommended Age: 6 MO. - 5 YRS.Recommended Age: 6 MO. - 5 YRS.Recommended Age: 6 MO. - 5 YRS.Recommended Age: 6 MO. - 5 YRS.Recommended Age: 6 MO. - 5 YRS. Session 1 Dates Session 1 DatesSession 1 DatesSession 1 Dates GENERAL INFORMATIONGENERAL INFORMATIONGENERAL INFORMATIONGENERAL INFORMATION Participant Ratio: Participant Ratio: Participant Ratio: 1 1 1 1 instructor to 10instructor to 10instructor to 10instructor to 10 1A - Jan. 6th - Jan. 23rd 1A 1A 1A - - - JaJaJan. n. n. 6th - Ja6th - Ja6th - Jan. n. n. 23rd23rd23rd parent/guardian & student pairs pppparearearearent/guardian & student/guardian & student/guardian & student/guardian & student pnt pnt pnt pairsairsairsairs SESSION 1 HOURS EFFECTIVESESSION 1 HOURS EFFECTIVE Admission FeesAdmission FeesAdmission Fees An adult MUST be in the water at all An adult MUST be in the water at allAn adult MUST be in the water at allAn adult MUST be in the water at allAn adult MUST be in the water at all 01/05 - 02/1501/05 - 02/15 1B - Jan. 27th - Feb. 13th 1B 1B 1B - - - JaJaJan. n. n. 27th 27th 27th - - - FeFeFebbb. . . 13th13th13th Youth (3-17 YRS)Youth (3-17 YRS) $2$2 *UPDATED 11/05*UPDATED 11/05 times during classes. times during classes.times during classes.times during classes. Adult (18-54 YRS) $3 Adult (18-54 YRS) $3 SAT - Jan. 11th - Feb. 15th SAT SAT - Ja- Jan. n. 11th - Fe11th - Febb. 15th. 15th Pool Location: Family Pool (3.5 to 5 Pool Location:Pool Location: Family Family PPool ool (3.5 (3.5 to to 55 Lap Swim HoursLap Swim Hours Senior (55+ YRS) $1 Senior (55+ YRS) $1 *Session 1A - No class Mon. Jan. 20th*Session 1A - No class Mon. Jan. 20th*Session 1A - No class Mon. Jan. 20th feet) feet) *Under 18 must do a swim test to use *Under 18 must do a swim test to use Swim Passes Swim Passes *Session 1B - No class for morning programs on Mon.*Session 1B - No class for morning programs on Mon.*Session 1B - No class for morning programs on Mon.*Session 1B - No class for morning programs on Mon. Class Goals: To build swimming Class Goals: To bTo builduild swimming swimming 10 lanes - 25 yards - 7 to 9 Feet10 lanes - 25 yards - 7 to 9 Feet Feb 10th Feb 10th Swim Passes can be purchased at any Swim Passes can be purchased at any readiness by emphasizing fun in the readreadineiness bss by ey empmphasizing hasizing fun in thefun in the Monday - Friday 7 am - 11 am & 2 pm - 8 pm Monday - FridayMonday - Friday 7 am - 11 am & 2 pm - 8 pm water. Adults & children participate in water. water. water. AdAdAdults & ults & ults & childchildchildren ren ren ppparticiparticiparticipate ate ate ininin Clark County Community Center or Clark Clark County Community CeCounty Community Cententer r oror Session 2 RegistrationSession 2 RegistrationSession 2 Registration Saturday 9 am - 4 pm SaturdaySaturday 9 am - 4 pm guided classes together. guidguidguidguidguidguidguideeeeeeed d d d d d d classes classes classes classes classes classes classes together.together.together.together.together.together.together. February 13th, 2025 @7:00 AM FeFebbruary ruary 13th, 13th, 2025 @2025 @7:00 7:00 AMAM Aquatic Center. AqAqAquatic uatic uatic CeCeCentententer.r.r. Sunday CLOSED Sunday CLOSED Skills Included: Safe water entry & exit, Skills IncludedSkills Included: : SafSafe water ee water entry ntry & exit,& exit, Session 2 Dates Session 2 DatesSession 2 Dates 90-Day Family Pass90-Day Family Pass90-Day Family Pass Family Swim HoursFamily Swim HoursFamily Swim Hours blowing bubbles, front & back floats, bbblowing blowing blowing bubububbbbleleles, s, s, front & bfront & bfront & back ack ack fffloats,loats,loats, $100$100$100 2A - Feb. 24th - March 13th 2A 2A - - FeFebb. . 24th 24th - March - March 13th13th kicking on front & back, freestyle arm kicking on kicking on kicking on fffront ront ront & b& b& back, fack, fack, freestyle armreestyle armreestyle arm 7 7 am - 9 amam - 9 am InInInInInIncludcludcludcludcludcludes upes upes upes upes upes up to 4 to 4 to 4 to 4 to 4 to 4 fafafafafafamily membmily membmily membmily membmily membmily membeeeeeers rs rs rs rs rs in in in in in in the the the the the the same same same same same same householdhouseholdhouseholdhouseholdhouseholdhousehold...... Monday, WednesdayMonday, Wednesday movement, underwater exploration, and movement, movement, movement, undundunderwateerwateerwater expr expr exploration, loration, loration, andandand AdAdAdAdAdAddddddditional itional itional itional itional itional membmembmembmembmembmembers ers ers ers ers ers can can can can can can bbbbbbe e e e e e adadadadadadddddddeeeeeedddddd f f f f f forororororor $20 $20 each.each. 10 10 10 am - 11 amam - 11 amam - 11 am 2B - March 24th - April 10th 2B 2B - - March 24th March 24th - - ApApril ril 10th10th basic water safety skills. bbbbasic asic asic asic water safety skills.water safety skills.water safety skills.water safety skills. 2 pm - 4 pm 2 2 pm pm - - 4 p4 pmm SAT - March 1st - April 12th SAT SAT - March - March 1st 1st - - ApApril ril 12th12th 90 Day Individual90 Day Individual90 Day Individual90 Day Individual90 Day Individual90 Day Individual90 Day Individual Skills Required to Pass: 1) Separate Skills Required to Pass:Required to Pass:Required to Pass: 1) Sep1) Separatearate 8 am - 10 am 8 8 am - 10 amam - 10 am Tuesday, Thursday Tuesday, Thursday Youth (3--17 YRS) Youth (3--17 YRS)Youth (3--17 YRS)Youth (3--17 YRS)Youth (3--17 YRS) $40$40 *SAT Session 2 - No class March 22 due to break week*SAT Session 2 - No class March 22 due to break week*SAT Session 2 - No class March 22 due to break week 2 pm - 4 pm 2 pm - 4 pm from a parent/guardian while taking part fffrom rom rom a a a parent/guardparent/guardparent/guardian ian ian while while while taking taking taking partpartpart $60$60 AdAdAdAdAdult (18-54 ult (18-54 ult (18-54 ult (18-54 ult (18-54 YRS)YRS)YRS)YRS)YRS) $60 Senior Senior (55+ YRS)(55+ YRS) $20$20 Senior (55+ YRS) $20 in group activities 2) Listen & take in groupin groupin group activities activities activities 2) 2) 2) Listen Listen Listen & & & taketaketake 7 am - 9 am 7 am - 9 am Register Online At:Register Online At: direction in a group setting ddireirection in a groupction in a group setting setting 10 am - 11 am 10 am - 11 am Friday Friday Annual Family PassAnnual Family PassAnnual Family Pass 2 pm - 8 pm 2 pm - 8 pm **Children who require diapers must **Children who require diapers must**Children who require diapers must**Children who require diapers must $300 $300$300 IncludeIncludeIncludeIncludes s s s upupupup to to to to 4 4 4 4 ffffamily amily amily amily memememembembembembers rs rs rs in in in in the the the the same householdsame householdsame householdsame household.... wear a swim diaper under their Saturday Saturday wear a swim diaper under theirwear a swim diaper under their 1 pm - 4 pm 1 pm - 4 pm YOUTH SWIMMINGYOUTH SWIMMINGYOUTH SWIMMING Additional members can be added for $40 each. Additional members can be added for $40 each. swimsuit** swimsuit** LESSONS - 3 WEEKSLESSONS - 3 WEEKSLESSONS - 3 WEEKS LESSONS - 3 WEEKS DayDay 1A Dates1A Dates 1B Dates1B Dates1B Dates TimeTime 1A1A 1B1B CLOSED CLOSED Sunday Sunday Annual IndividualAnnual Individual M/WM/W 01/06 01/06 - - 01/2201/22 01/27 01/27 01/27 - - - 02/1202/1202/12 4:00 p4:00 pmm $25$25 $30$30 The volleyball net will be set up in the Family pool TheThe volleyb volleyball neall net t will bwill be e set upset up in the in the Family pFamily poolool Adaptive Splash - 30 minsAdaptive Splash - 30 minsAdaptive Splash - 30 minsAdaptive Splash - 30 mins Youth (3--17 YRS) Youth (3--17 YRS) $120$120 $180 AdAdult (18-54 ult (18-54 YRS)YRS) $180 M/WM/W 01/06 01/06 - - 01/2201/22 01/27 01/27 01/27 - - - 02/1202/1202/12 5:00 p5:00 pmm $25$25 $30$30 M/W/F 10:00am-11:00am for those who wish to play* M/W/F M/W/F 10:00am-11:00am f10:00am-11:00am for or thosethose who wish who wish to to pplay*lay* This class is This class is This class is This class is ddddesigneesigneesigneesignedddd to f to f to f to familiarizeamiliarizeamiliarizeamiliarize $60 Senior (55+ YRS) Senior (55+ YRS) $60 M/WM/W 01/06 01/06 - - 01/2201/22 01/27 01/27 01/27 - - - 02/1202/1202/12 6:00 p6:00 pmm $25$25 $30$30 ppparticiparticiparticipants ants ants with with with the water. Pthe water. Pthe water. Participarticiparticipants ants ants willwillwill participants with the water. Participants will Family Swim hours during Break Week FaFamily mily SSwwim im hhoouurs rs dduurinringg BreBreaakk WWeeeekk T/ThT/Th 01/07 01/07 - - 01/2301/23 01/28 01/28 01/28 - - - 02/1302/1302/13 4:00 p4:00 pmm $30$30 $30$30 02/17 - 02/22 02/17 - 02/22 learn learn learn bbbasic swimming asic swimming asic swimming skills, skills, skills, along with thealong with thealong with the learn basic swimming skills, along with the Pool Closure DatesPool Closure Dates T/ThT/Th 01/07 01/07 - - 01/2301/23 01/28 01/28 01/28 - - - 02/1302/1302/13 5:00 p5:00 pmm $30$30 $30$30 Monday - Friday: 7 am - 11 am; 2 pm - 8 pm Monday - - FridFridaay:y: 77 aam m - - 1111 aam;m; 22 ppm m - - 88 ppmm fffundundundamentals ofamentals ofamentals of wate wate water safr safr safety. All activitiesety. All activitiesety. All activities fundamentals of water safety. All activities Jan. 1st - New Years Day Jan. 1st - New Years Day Mar. 20th - Closed at 4pmMar. 20th - Closed at 4pm Saturday: 9am - 4 pm Sattuurdrdaay:y: 99aam m - - 44 ppmm T/ThT/Th 01/07 01/07 - - 01/2301/23 01/28 01/28 01/28 - - - 02/1302/1302/13 6:00 p6:00 pmm $30$30 $30$30 Jan. 4th - Staff Training Mar. 21st - Closed at 4pm Jan. 4th - Staff Training Mar. 21st - Closed at 4pm will bwill bwill beee ad ad adapapaptedtedted to to to fffit it it the needthe needthe needs ofs ofs of the the the will be adapted to fit the needs of the Sunday: CLOSED SSuunnddaayy:: CCLLOOSSEEDD SatSat 01/11 01/11 - - 02/1502/15 -- 10:15 am10:15 am $30$30 -- Jan. 17th - Closed at 4pm Jan. 17th - Closed at 4pm ppparticiparticiparticipants. ants. ants. This class This class This class is is is offoffofferederedered in a groupin a groupin a group participants. This class is offered in a group *Limited space in the lap and/or family pool *Limited space in the lap and/or family pool*Limited space in the lap and/or family pool Jan. 20th - MLK Day Jan. 20th - MLK Day April 17th - Closed at 4pmApril 17th - Closed at 4pm SatSat 01/11 01/11 - - 02/1502/15 -- 11:15 am11:15 am $30$30 -- setting fsetting fsetting fsetting fsetting for swimmers with little or swimmers with little or swimmers with little or swimmers with little or swimmers with little or or or or or nonononono setting for swimmers with little or no due to programming.* due to programming.*due to programming.*due to programming.*due to programming.* April 18th - Staff Training April 18th - Staff Training expexpeerience rience in the in the water. water. The The goal goal ofof this this experience in the water. The goal of this Feb. 10th - Closed 7am-4pm *Please note that pool hours/days of operation are*Please note that pool hours/days of operation are*Please note that pool hours/days of operation are April 19th - Special Event Feb. 10th - Closed 7am-4pm April 19th - Special Event *only lap lanes open 4p-8p subject to change/closure for inclement weather, subject to change/closure for inclement weather,subject to change/closure for inclement weather, *only lap lanes open 4p-8p class class is is to to bbuilduild confid confidence ence in andin and around around class is to build confidence in and around Feb. 17th - Presidents Day special events, and unforeseeable events.* special events, and unforeseeable events.*special events, and unforeseeable events.* May 3rd - Staff Training Feb. 17th - Presidents Day May 3rd - Staff Training the the water.water. the water. Feb. 20th - Closed at 4pm Feb. 20th - Closed at 4pm DayDay DateDate TimeTime CostCost Waterpark HoursWaterpark Hours Feb. 21st - Closed at 4pm Feb. 21st - Closed at 4pm SatSat 01/11 01/11 - - 02/1502/15 12:15 am12:15 am $30$30 Feb. 22nd - Open 12p-4p Feb. 22nd - Open 12p-4p Closed Closed until Summer 2025until Summer 2025

YOUTH SWIMMINGYOUTH SWIMMINGYOUTH SWIMMINGYOUTH SWIMMING Stroke Introduction - 45 min.Stroke Introduction - 45 min. Stroke Progression - 45 min.Stroke Progression - 45 min.Stroke Progression - 45 min.Stroke Progression - 45 min. LELELESSONS - 3 WEEKSSSONS - 3 WEEKSSSONS - 3 WEEKS LESSONS - 3 WEEKS Recommended Age: 5 YRS - 9 YRSRecommended Age: 5 YRS - 9 YRS Recommended Age: 6 YRS - 12 YRSRecommended Age: 6 YRS - 12 YRSRecommended Age: 6 YRS - 12 YRSRecommended Age: 6 YRS - 12 YRS Recommended Age: 6 YRS - 12 YRS Participant Ratio: 1 instructor to 6 Participant Ratio: Participant Ratio: Participant Ratio: 1 instructor to 8 Participant Ratio: 1 instructor to 6 Participant Ratio: 1 instructor to 8 Water Independence - 30 min.Water Independence - 30 min.Water Independence - 30 min. students studstudentsents students students Recommended Age: 3 YRS - 8 YRSRecommended Age: 3 YRS - 8 YRSRecommended Age: 3 YRS - 8 YRS Pool Location: Family Pool (3.5 to 5 Pool Location: Pool Location: Pool Location: LapLap P Pool ool (7 (7 to to 9 f9 feeteet) Pool Location: Family Pool (3.5 to 5 Pool Location: Lap Pool (7 to 9 feet) Advanced Stroke Advanced StrokeAdvanced StrokeAdvanced Stroke Participant Ratio: 1 1 instructor to 6instructor to 6 Participant Ratio: 1 instructor to 6 feet) & Lap Pool (7 to 9 feet) Skills Required to Enter:Skills Required to Enter:Skills Required to Enter: 1) Jump into feet) & Lap Pool (7 to 9 feet) Skills Required to Enter: 1) Jump into participants participants Development - 45 min.Development - 45 min.Development - 45 min.Development - 45 min.Development - 45 min. Skills Required to Enter: 1) Jump into laplaplap p p pool andool andool and return to return to return to the wall the wall the wall 2) Swim2) Swim2) Swim Skills Required to Enter: 1) Jump into lap pool and return to the wall 2) Swim Pool Location: Family Family PPool (3.5 ool (3.5 to to 5 5 fefeet)et) Pool Location: Family Pool (3.5 to 5 feet) Recommended Age: 7 YRS - 12 YRSRecommended Age: 7 YRS - 12 YRSRecommended Age: 7 YRS - 12 YRSRecommended Age: 7 YRS - 12 YRSRecommended Age: 7 YRS - 12 YRS water, completely submerge head, apapapppprox. rox. rox. 12 yard12 yard12 yards s s ofofof f f freereereestylestylestyle water, completely submerge head, approx. 12 yards of freestyle Skills Required to Enter:1) 1) SeSepparatearate Skills Required to Enter:1) Separate Participant Ratio: Participant Ratio: Participant Ratio: 1 1 1 instructor to 10instructor to 10instructor to 10 resurface, and exit the pool using ladder indindindepepependendendently ently ently 2) 2) 2) Swim Swim Swim apapapppprox. rox. rox. 12 yard12 yard12 yardsss resurface, and exit the pool using ladder independently 2) Swim approx. 12 yards ffrom rom a a pparent/guardarent/guardian while ian while taking ptaking partart from a parent/guardian while taking part studstudentsents students or stairs 2) Start 10 ft. away from wall or of of bbackstrokeackstroke ind indepepeendndentlyently or stairs 2) Start 10 ft. away from wall or of backstroke independently in groupin group activities 2) activities 2) ListeListen & n & taketake ddireirectionction in group activities 2) Listen & take direction Pool Location: Pool Location: LapLap P Pool ool (7 (7 to to 9 f9 feet)eet) Pool Location: Lap Pool (7 to 9 feet) stairs: front float for 5 seconds, roll over Class Goals: Class Goals: To To rerefine fine bbasic asic swimmingswimming stairs: front float for 5 seconds, roll over Class Goals: To refine basic swimming in a group setting in a group setting Required Skills to Enter: Required Skills to Enter: Required Skills to Enter: Required Skills to Enter: 1) 1) JuJumpmp into into laplap Required Skills to Enter: 1) Jump into lap to a back float for 5 seconds, then swim strokestrokestrokes to achieve s to achieve s to achieve ppproficiency roficiency roficiency (f(f(freestyle reestyle reestyle &&& to a back float for 5 seconds, then swim strokes to achieve proficiency (freestyle & Class Goals: To build basic water Class Goals: To build basic water ppool, fool, fully subully submerge, swim merge, swim 12 yard12 yards ofs of pool, fully submerge, swim 12 yards of bbback to start ack to start ack to start with minimal with minimal with minimal supsupsupppportortort bbackstrokeackstroke), re), review view treadtreading, anding, and to to back to start with minimal support backstroke), review treading, and to competency with minimal support. competency with minimal support. bbbackstrokeackstrokeackstroke, turn , turn , turn aroundaroundaround andandand swim swim swim freefreefreestylestylestyle backstroke, turn around and swim freestyle Class Goals:Class Goals:Class Goals: To refine freestyle, introdintroduce uce elementary elementary bbackstrokeackstroke and and Class Goals: To refine freestyle, introduce elementary backstroke and SkillsSkills Included: Included: SafeSafe water water entry & entry & exit,exit, Skills Included: Safe water entry & exit, with with with efefeffefefective sidctive sidctive side be be brerereathing, then athing, then athing, then exit theexit theexit the with effective side breathing, then exit the introdintrodintroduce uce uce bbbackstrokeackstrokeackstroke, , , swim without swim without swim without anyanyany bbreaststrokereaststroke.. introduce backstroke, swim without any breaststroke. bbbblowing lowing lowing lowing bbbbububububbbbbles, bles, bles, bles, bobobobobs, relaxeds, relaxeds, relaxeds, relaxed blowing bubbles, bobs, relaxed pppool 2) ool 2) ool 2) Swim 12 Swim 12 Swim 12 yardyardyards s s of of of eleeleelementarymentarymentary pool 2) Swim 12 yards of elementary supsupsupppport, ort, ort, andandand b b builduilduild confconfconfidididence ence ence enteringenteringentering Skills Included: Skills Included: Side breathing for support, and build confidence entering Skills Included: Side breathing for subsubsubsubmemememersion, rolling frsion, rolling frsion, rolling frsion, rolling from rom rom rom ffffront ront ront ront to to to to bbbbackackackack submersion, rolling from front to back bbbackstrokeackstrokeackstroke 3) Tread 3) Tread 3) Tread for 15 secondfor 15 secondfor 15 seconds withs withs with backstroke 3) Tread for 15 seconds with the lap pool. ffreestyle reestyle to impto improve rove pprofroficiency iciency && the lap pool. freestyle to improve proficiency & fffffloats, streamlines on loats, streamlines on loats, streamlines on loats, streamlines on loats, streamlines on front front front front front & b& b& b& b& back,ack,ack,ack,ack, f f f f flutterlutterlutterlutterlutter floats, streamlines on front & back, flutter headheadhead ab ab above theove theove the water water water head above the water Skills Included: Skills Included: IndIndIndepepependendendeeent airnt airnt air endendurance, reurance, refinedfined bbackstrokeackstroke,, Skills Included: Independent air endurance, refined backstroke, kicks kicks kicks kicks kicks on fon fon fon fon front ront ront ront ront & b& b& b& b& back,ack,ack,ack,ack, pppppropropropropropeeeeer r r r r kickbkickbkickbkickbkickboardoardoardoardoard kicks on front & back, proper kickboard Class Goals: To To To rererefine fine fine all ball ball basic swimmingasic swimmingasic swimming Class Goals: To refine all basic swimming recovery, rolling to brecovery, rolling to brecovery, rolling to back ack ack as air as air as air recoveryrecoveryrecovery elemeelementary bntary backstrokeackstroke, b, brereaststrokeaststroke,, recovery, rolling to back as air recovery elementary backstroke, breaststroke, use, use, use, use, use, bbbbbasic fasic fasic fasic fasic freestyle, freestyle, freestyle, freestyle, freestyle, finning inning inning inning inning on bon bon bon bon back,ack,ack,ack,ack, use, basic freestyle, finning on back, stokestokestokestokes ands ands ands and tretretretreadadadading to ping to ping to ping to proficiency, roficiency, roficiency, roficiency, andandandand to to to to stokes and treading to proficiency, and to fffor or or fffrerereestyle, estyle, estyle, longer dlonger dlonger distanceistanceistances s s forforfor bbasic asic treadtreading, anding, and b basic wateasic water safr safetyety for freestyle, longer distances for basic treading, and basic water safety jumpjumpjumpjumpjumpjumping into water with subing into water with subing into water with subing into water with subing into water with subing into water with submersion, mersion, mersion, mersion, mersion, mersion, andandandandandand jumping into water with submersion, and introdintrodintroduce uce uce sidsidsidestrokeestrokeestroke, , , bbbutterfly, utterfly, utterfly, sitting andsitting andsitting and introduce sidestroke, butterfly, sitting and fffreestyle, reestyle, reestyle, bbbasic asic asic bbbackstrokeackstrokeackstroke, changing, changing, changing skills. freestyle, basic backstroke, changing skills. bbbbasic asic asic asic water water water water safesafesafesafety skills.ty skills.ty skills.ty skills. basic water safety skills. kneeling dives. kneeling dives. dddirection while irection while irection while swimming, fswimming, fswimming, feet-first eet-first eet-first dddeepeepeep Skills Required to Pass: Skills Required to Pass: 1) Jump into lap direction while swimming, feet-first deep Skills Required to Pass: 1) Jump into lap SkillsSkillsSkillsSkills Required to Pass: Required to Pass: Required to Pass: Required to Pass: 1) Ju1) Jumpmp into into Skills Required to Pass: 1) Jump into Skills Included: RefRefRefinedinedined elementaryelementaryelementary Skills Included: Refined elementary water water water entries, introdentries, introdentries, introduction uction uction to to to treadtreadtreading,ing,ing, ppool, fool, fully subully submerge, swim merge, swim 12 yard12 yards ofs of water entries, introduction to treading, pool, fully submerge, swim 12 yards of water, water, water, water, compcompcompcompletely subletely subletely subletely submerge headmerge headmerge headmerge head,,,, water, completely submerge head, bbbackstrokeackstrokeackstroke & & & bbbreaststrokereaststrokereaststroke, , , introdintrodintroduceuceuce backstroke & breaststroke, introduce and basic water safety skills. bbackstrokeackstroke, turn , turn aroundaround andand swim swim and basic water safety skills. backstroke, turn around and swim resurfresurfresurfresurface, andace, andace, andace, and exit exit exit exit the the the the ppppool ool ool ool using ladusing ladusing ladusing ladddddeeeer r r r orororor resurface, and exit the pool using ladder or sidsidsideeestrokestrokestroke, p, p, proficieroficieroficient treadnt treadnt treading with scullinging with scullinging with sculling sidestroke, proficient treading with sculling Skills Required to Pass: 1) Jump into ffreestyle reestyle with with efeffefective sidctive side be brereathing,athing, Skills Required to Pass: 1) Jump into freestyle with effective side breathing, stairs stairs stairs stairs 2) 2) 2) 2) Start Start Start Start 10 f10 f10 f10 ft. away ft. away ft. away ft. away from rom rom rom wall orwall orwall orwall or stairs 2) Start 10 ft. away from wall or andand eggb eggbeater eater kick,kick, b butterfutterfly, ly, sitting sitting && and eggbeater kick, butterfly, sitting & lap pool and return to the wall 2) Swim then then then then exit the exit the exit the exit the ppppool 2) ool 2) ool 2) ool 2) Swim 12 Swim 12 Swim 12 Swim 12 yardyardyardyards s s s ofofofof lap pool and return to the wall 2) Swim then exit the pool 2) Swim 12 yards of stairs: fstairs: fstairs: front front front float float float for 5 or 5 or 5 secondsecondseconds, roll s, roll s, roll oveoveover tor tor to stairs: front float for 5 seconds, roll over to knkneeling eeling ddives, andives, and bbasic asic water safetywater safety kneeling dives, and basic water safety approx. 12 yards of freestyle elemeelemeelemeelementary bntary bntary bntary backstrokeackstrokeackstrokeackstroke 3) Tre3) Tre3) Tre3) Treadadadad for for for for 15151515 approx. 12 yards of freestyle elementary backstroke 3) Tread for 15 a ba back ack ffloat loat for for 5 second5 seconds, thes, then swim n swim bbackack a back float for 5 seconds, then swim back skills. skills. independently 2) Swim approx. 12 yards secondsecondsecondsecondseconds with hes with hes with hes with hes with headadadadad abababababove ove ove ove ove the watethe watethe watethe watethe waterrrrr independently 2) Swim approx. 12 yards seconds with head above the water to start with minimal support to start with minimal support Exit Skills Required: Exit Skills Required: 1) Tread for 1 Exit Skills Required: 1) Tread for 1 DayDay 1A Dates1A Dates1A Dates1A Dates1A Dates 1B Dates1B Dates TimeTime 1A1A 1B1B of of bbackstrokeackstroke ind indepepeendndentlyently of backstroke independently minute 2) 5 minute 2) 5 strokestrokes s of of bbutterfly utterfly 3) 25 yard3) 25 yardss minute 2) 5 strokes of butterfly 3) 25 yards *7:00pm class ages 8-12 ONLY*7:00pm class ages 8-12 ONLY M/WM/W 01/06 01/06 01/06 01/06 01/06 - - - - - 01/2201/2201/2201/2201/22 01/27 01/27 - - 02/1202/12 5:00 p5:00 pmm $25$25 $30$30 DayDay 1A Dates1A Dates1A Dates 1B Dates1B Dates TimeTime 1A1A 1B1B of of bbreaststrokereaststroke 4) 25 yard4) 25 yards ofs of f freestylereestyle w/ w/ of breaststroke 4) 25 yards of freestyle w/ M/WM/W 01/06 01/06 01/06 01/06 01/06 - - - - - 01/2201/2201/2201/2201/22 01/27 01/27 - - 02/1202/12 6:00 p6:00 pmm $25$25 $30$30 DayDay 1A Dates1A Dates 1B Dates1B Dates TimeTime 1A1A 1B1B M/WM/W 01/06 01/06 01/06 - - - 01/2201/2201/22 01/27 01/27 - - 02/1202/12 4:00 p4:00 pmm $25$25 $30$30 efefffective sidective side be brereathing 5) athing 5) 25 25 yardyards s ofof effective side breathing 5) 25 yards of T/ThT/Th 01/07 01/07 01/07 - - - 01/2301/2301/23 01/28 01/28 01/28 01/28 - - - - 02/1302/1302/1302/13 4:00 p4:00 pmm $30$30 $30$30 M/M/WW 01/06 01/06 - - 01/2201/22 01/27 01/27 - - 02/1202/12 4:00 p4:00 pmm $25$25 $30$30 M/WM/W 01/06 01/06 01/06 - - - 01/2201/2201/22 01/27 01/27 - - 02/1202/12 5:00 p5:00 pmm $25$25 $30$30 bbackstrokeackstroke 6) 25 6) 25 yardyards s ofof elementaryelementary backstroke 6) 25 yards of elementary T/ThT/Th 01/07 01/07 01/07 - - - 01/2301/2301/23 01/28 01/28 01/28 01/28 - - - - 02/1302/1302/1302/13 5:00 p5:00 pmm $30$30 $30$30 M/M/WW 01/06 01/06 - - 01/2201/22 01/27 01/27 - - 02/1202/12 5:00 p5:00 pmm $25$25 $30$30 M/WM/W 01/06 01/06 01/06 - - - 01/2201/2201/22 01/27 01/27 - - 02/1202/12 6:00 p6:00 pmm $25$25 $30$30 backstroke backstroke T/ThT/Th 01/07 01/07 01/07 - - - 01/2301/2301/23 01/28 01/28 01/28 01/28 - - - - 02/1302/1302/1302/13 6:00 p6:00 pmm $30$30 $30$30 M/M/WW 01/06 01/06 - - 01/2201/22 01/27 01/27 - - 02/1202/12 6:00 p6:00 pmm $25$25 $30$30 T/ThT/Th 01/07 01/07 - - 01/2301/23 01/28 01/28 01/28 - - - 02/1302/1302/13 4:00 p4:00 pmm $30$30 $30$30 *M/W 6:00pm class ages 10-17 ONLY *M/W 6:00pm class ages 10-17 ONLY*M/W 6:00pm class ages 10-17 ONLY SatSat 01/11 01/11 01/11 - - - 02/1502/1502/15 -- 12:15 p12:15 p12:15 p12:15 pmmmm $30$30 -- *M/W*M/W 01/06 - 001/06 - 01/221/22 01/27 - 02/1201/27 - 02/12 7:00 pm7:00 pm $25$25 $30$30 T/ThT/Th 01/07 01/07 - - 01/2301/23 01/28 01/28 01/28 - - - 02/1302/1302/13 5:00 p5:00 pmm $30$30 $30$30 DayDay 1A Dates1A Dates 1B Dates1B Dates1B Dates TimeTime 1A1A 1B1B T/ThT/Th 01/07 01/07 - - 01/2301/23 01/28 01/28 - - 02/1302/13 4:00 p4:00 pmm $30$30 $30$30 T/ThT/ThT/Th 01/07 01/07 01/07 - - - 01/2301/2301/23 01/28 01/28 01/28 01/28 01/28 - - - - - 02/1302/1302/1302/1302/13 6:00 p6:00 p6:00 pmmm $30$30$30 $30$30$30 M/WM/W 01/06 01/06 - - 01/2201/22 01/27 01/27 - - 02/1202/12 5:00 pm $25 $30 T/ThT/Th 01/07 01/07 - - 01/2301/23 01/28 01/28 - - 02/1302/13 5:00 p5:00 pmm $30$30 $30$30 SatSat 01/11 01/11 - - 02/1502/15 -- 10:15 am10:15 am10:15 am $30$30 -- M/WM/W 01/06 - 01/2201/06 - 01/22 01/27 - 02/1201/27 - 02/12 6:00 pm $25 $30 T/ThT/Th 01/07 01/07 - - 01/2301/23 01/28 01/28 - - 02/1302/13 6:00 p6:00 pmm $30$30 $30$30 SatSat 01/11 01/11 - - 02/1502/15 -- 11:15 am11:15 am11:15 am $30$30 -- T/ThT/Th 01/07 01/07 - - 01/2301/23 01/28 01/28 - - 02/1302/13 4:00 pm $30 $30 *T/Th*T/Th 01/07 - 001/07 - 01/231/23 01/28 - 02/1301/28 - 02/13 7:00 pm7:00 pm $30$30 $30$30 T/ThT/ThT/Th 01/07 01/07 - - 01/2301/23 01/28 01/28 - - 02/1302/13 5:00 pm $30 $30 SaSatt 01/11 01/11 - - 02/1502/15 -- 10:15 am10:15 am $30$30 -- T/ThT/ThT/Th 01/07 01/07 - - 01/2301/23 01/28 01/28 - - 02/1302/13 6:00 pm $30 $30 SaSatt 01/11 01/11 - - 02/1502/15 -- 11:15 am11:15 am $30$30 -- SatSat 01/11 01/11 01/11 - - - 02/1502/1502/15 - 12:15 pm $30 -

WATER AEROBICSWATER AEROBICSWATER AEROBICSWATER AEROBICS YOUTH PROGRAMS - 6 WEEKSYOUTH PROGRAMS - 6 WEEKSYOUTH PROGRAMS - 6 WEEKSYOUTH PROGRAMS - 6 WEEKS Intro to Aquatic Sports - 45 min.Intro to Aquatic Sports - 45 min. ADULT/ TEENADULT/ TEEN Shallow Water Aerobics - 45 min. Recreational Swim Team - 45 min.Recreational Swim Team - 45 min.Recreational Swim Team - 45 min.Recreational Swim Team - 45 min. Shallow Water Aerobics - 45 min.Shallow Water Aerobics - 45 min.Shallow Water Aerobics - 45 min.Shallow Water Aerobics - 45 min. SWIMMING LESSONS - 3 WEEKSSWIMMING LESSONS - 3 WEEKSSWIMMING LESSONS - 3 WEEKSSWIMMING LESSONS - 3 WEEKS SWIMMING LESSONS - 3 WEEKS ThisThisThis class is declass is designed to introduce participantssigned to introduce participants This is a recreational level swim teamThis is a recreational level swim teamThis is a recreational level swim teamThis is a recreational level swim team Jump right into our water aerobics classesJump right into our water aerobics classesJump right into our water aerobics classesJump right into our water aerobics classesJump right into our water aerobics classes to the mechanics of aquatics sports such as to the mechanto the mechanics of aquatics sports such asics of aquatics sports such as Beginner - 45 min.Beginner - 45 min.Beginner - 45 min. program that encourages teamwork and program that encourages teamwork andprogram that encourages teamwork andprogram that encourages teamwork and and build cardiovascular fitness and and build cardiovascular fitness andand build cardiovascular fitness andand build cardiovascular fitness andand build cardiovascular fitness and competitive swimming, water polo, artistic competitive swcompetitive swimming, water polo, artisticimming, water polo, artistic self-esteem. Participants will practice self-esteem. Participants will practiceself-esteem. Participants will practiceself-esteem. Participants will practice strength. Just like swimming, our water strength. Just like swimming, our waterstrength. Just like swimming, our waterstrength. Just like swimming, our waterstrength. Just like swimming, our water swimming, and junior lifeguarding skills. swimming, answimming, and junior lifeguarding skills.d junior lifeguarding skills. These swim lessons are designed to meet eachThese swim lessons are designed to meet eachThese swim lessons are designed to meet eachThese swim lessons are designed to meet each developing strokes and improve personal developing strokes and improve personaldeveloping strokes and improve personaldeveloping strokes and improve personal aerobics classes are easy on your joints, aerobics classes are easy on your joints,aerobics classes are easy on your joints,aerobics classes are easy on your joints,aerobics classes are easy on your joints, Water safety skills are also incorporated into Water safety sWater safety skills are also incorporated intokills are also incorporated into participant’s personal goals within a group participant’s personal goals within a groupparticipant’s personal goals within a groupparticipant’s personal goals within a group times and skills. Emphasis is on personal times and skills. Emphasis is on personaltimes and skills. Emphasis is on personaltimes and skills. Emphasis is on personal yet challenging enough to help you reach yet challenging enough to help you reachyet challenging enough to help you reachyet challenging enough to help you reachyet challenging enough to help you reach the lessons. the lessons.the lessons. setting. setting. improvement. improvement. new levels of fitness. Water aerobics new levels of fitness. Water aerobicsnew levels of fitness. Water aerobicsnew levels of fitness. Water aerobicsnew levels of fitness. Water aerobics Skills Required to Enter: 1) Swim 25 yards of Skills RequirSkills Required to Entered to Enter: 1) Swim 25 yards of Instructors work with each participant to Instructors work with each participant toInstructors work with each participant toInstructors work with each participant to Skills Required to Enter: 1) Swim 25 Skills Required to Enter: 1) Swim 25 Swim 25 Swim 25 classes are suitable for any fitness level, classes are suitable for any fitness level,classes are suitable for any fitness level,classes are suitable for any fitness level,classes are suitable for any fitness level, freestyle with effective side breathing 2) Swim freestyle with effective side breathing 2) Swimfreestyle with effective side breathing 2) Swim overcome apprehension and learn basic overcome apprehension and learn basicovercome apprehension and learn basicovercome apprehension and learn basic yards of freestyle with effective side yards of freestyle with effective side from beginning exercisers through elite from beginning exercisers through elitefrom beginning exercisers through elitefrom beginning exercisers through elitefrom beginning exercisers through elite 25 yards of backstroke 3) Swim 25 yards of 25 yards of backstroke 3) Swim 25 yards of25 yards of backstroke 3) Swim 25 yards of swimming skills such as floating, submersion, swimming skills such as floating, submersion,swimming skills such as floating, submersion,swimming skills such as floating, submersion, breathing 2) Swim 25 yards of backstroke breathing 2) Swim 25 yards of backstrokebreathing 2) Swim 25 yards of backstroke athletes. Working out in the water is a fun athletes. Working out in the water is a funathletes. Working out in the water is a funathletes. Working out in the water is a funathletes. Working out in the water is a fun elementary backstroke 4) Swim 25 yards of elementary backstroke 4) Swim 25 yards ofelementary backstroke 4) Swim 25 yards of and basic stroke development. This class and basic stroke development. This classand basic stroke development. This classand basic stroke development. This class 3) Swim 25 yards of elementary 3) Swim 25 yards of elementary way to improve your joint range of way to improve your joint range ofway to improve your joint range ofway to improve your joint range ofway to improve your joint range of breaststroke. 5) Swim 5 strokes of butterfly 6) breaststroke. 5) Swim 5 strokes of butterfly 6)breaststroke. 5) Swim 5 strokes of butterfly 6)breaststroke. 5) Swim 5 strokes of butterfly 6)breaststroke. 5) Swim 5 strokes of butterfly 6) mostly takes place in shallow water, however it mostly takes place in shallow water, however itmostly takes place in shallow water, however itmostly takes place in shallow water, however it backstroke 4) Swim 25 yards of backstroke 4) Swim 25 yards of motion, flexibility and balance through motion, flexibility and balance throughmotion, flexibility and balance through Complete 1 minute of treading. Complete 1 minute of treading.Complete 1 minute of treading.Complete 1 minute of treading.Complete 1 minute of treading.Complete 1 minute of treading. may move to deep water depending on may move to deep water depending onmay move to deep water depending on breaststroke. 5) Swim 5 strokes of breaststroke. 5) Swim 5 strokes of the comfortable resistance of water. the comfortable resistance of water.the comfortable resistance of water. It is highly recommended that the It is highly recommended that theIt is highly recommended that theIt is highly recommended that theIt is highly recommended that the participants’ readiness. participants’ readiness.participants’ readiness. butterfly 6) Complete 1 minute of butterfly 6) Complete 1 minute of Participants should work at their own Participants should work at their ownParticipants should work at their own participant complete Advanced Stroke participant complete Advanced Strokeparticipant complete Advanced Strokeparticipant complete Advanced Strokeparticipant complete Advanced Stroke DayDay 1A Dates1A Dates1A Dates 1B Dates1B Dates TimeTime 1A1A 1B1B treading. treading.treading.treading. pace and let the instructor know of any pace and let the instructor know of anypace and let the instructor know of anypace and let the instructor know of any Development before enrolling. Development before enrolling.Development before enrolling.Development before enrolling.Development before enrolling. It is highly recommended that the It is highly recommended that theIt is highly recommended that theIt is highly recommended that theIt is highly recommended that the M/WM/W 01/06 01/06 01/06 - - - 01/2201/2201/22 01/27 01/27 - - 02/1202/12 7:00 p7:00 pmm $25$25 $30$30 problems. Classes held in Shallow Water. problems. Classes held in Shallow Water.problems. Classes held in Shallow Water.problems. Classes held in Shallow Water. DayDay DateDateDate TimeTime CostCost participant complete Advanced participant complete Advancedparticipant complete Advancedparticipant complete Advancedparticipant complete Advanced 20 participants per class. Participants may 20 participants per class. Participants may20 participants per class. Participants may20 participants per class. Participants may T/ThT/Th 01/07 01/07 01/07 - - - 01/2301/2301/23 01/28 01/28 - - 02/1302/13 7:00 p7:00 pmm $30$30 $30$30 SatSat 01/11 01/11 01/11 01/11 - - - - 02/1502/1502/1502/15 10:15 am10:15 am $30$30 Stroke Development before Stroke Development beforeStroke Development beforeStroke Development beforeStroke Development beforeStroke Development before bring and use their own water shoes, all bring and use their own water shoes, allbring and use their own water shoes, allbring and use their own water shoes, all enrolling. enrolling. other equipment is provided. Water other equipment is provided. Waterother equipment is provided. Waterother equipment is provided. Water DayDay DateDate TimeTime CostCost shoes are not required to take this class. shoes are not required to take this are not required to take this are not required to take this are not required to take this class. DayDay 1A Dates1A Dates 1B Dates1B Dates1B Dates1B Dates TimeTime 1A1A 1B1B M/M/WW 01/06 01/06 01/06 01/06 01/06 - - - - - 02/1202/1202/1202/1202/12 7:00 p7:00 pmm $55$55 Intermediate/ Advanced - 45 min. Intermediate/ Advanced - 45 min.Intermediate/ Advanced - 45 min. PRIVATE LESSONSPRIVATE LESSONSPRIVATE LESSONS PRIVATE LESSONS M/W/FM/W/F 01/06 01/06 - - 01/2401/24 01/27 01/27 01/27 01/27 - - - - 02/1402/1402/1402/14 9:15 am9:15 am $24$24 $24$24 T/ThT/Th 01/07 01/07 01/07 - - - 02/1302/1302/13 5:00 p5:00 pmm $60$60 These swim lessons are designed to meet the These swim lessons are designed to meet theThese swim lessons are designed to meet the T/ThT/Th 01/07 01/07 - - 01/2301/23 01/28 01/28 01/28 --- 02/1302/1302/13 7:15 am7:15 am $18$18 $18$18 T/ThT/Th 01/07 01/07 01/07 - - - 02/1302/1302/13 7:00 p7:00 p7:00 pmmm $60$60 Private Swim LessonsPrivate Swim LessonsPrivate Swim LessonsPrivate Swim Lessons participant's personal goals in a group setting. participant's personal goals in a group setting.participant's personal goals in a group setting. T/ThT/Th 01/07 01/07 - - 01/2301/23 01/28 01/28 01/28 - - - 02/1302/1302/13 10:15 am10:15 am10:15 am $18$18 $18$18 SatSat 01/11 01/11 01/11 - - - 02/1502/1502/15 11:15 am11:15 am11:15 am $30$30 1:1 Studen1:1 Student to Instructor ratio!t to Instructor ratio! Instructors work with each participant to work Instructors work with each participant to workInstructors work with each participant to work SatSat 01/11 01/11 - - 02/1502/15 -- 9:15 am9:15 am9:15 am $18$18 -- If you’re not interested in group If you’re not interested in group Artistic Swimming - 45 min.Artistic Swimming - 45 min.Artistic Swimming - 45 min.Artistic Swimming - 45 min. Artistic Swimming - 45 min. on and refine basic skills such as floating, on and refine basic skills such as floating,on and refine basic skills such as floating, lessons or you want to focus more on lessons or you want to focus more on swimming under water, and stroke swimming under water, and strokeswimming under water, and strokeswimming under water, and strokeswimming under water, and stroke This isThis isThis isThis is a a a a recreational le recreational le recreational le recreational level vel vel vel arararartistictistictistictistic a specific need, Private Lessons are a specific need, Private Lessons are development. This class takes place in deep development. This class takes place in deepdevelopment. This class takes place in deepdevelopment. This class takes place in deepdevelopment. This class takes place in deep swimming pswimming pswimming programrogramrogram that that that encouragencouragencourageeesss swimming program that encourages for you! for you! water. water.water.water. teamwork and self-esteem. Participants teamwork and self-esteem. Participants 25 minutes for $28 25 minutes for $28 will learn the fundamentals of artistic will learn the fundamentals of artistic DayDay 1A Dates1A Dates1A Dates1A Dates1A Dates 1B Dates1B Dates TimeTime 1A1A 1B1B NOT SURE WHAT CLASS?NOT SURE WHAT CLASS?NOT SURE WHAT CLASS? swimming, which blends creative swimming, which blends creative DayDayDay DateDate TimeTime CostCost M/WM/W 01/06 01/06 01/06 01/06 01/06 - - - - - 01/2201/2201/2201/2201/22 01/27 01/27 - - 02/1202/12 7:00 p7:00 pmm $25$25 $30$30 movement and dance in the water. movement and dance in the water. 7:00 p7:00 pmm T/ThT/Th 01/07 01/07 01/07 - - - 01/2301/2301/23 01/28 01/28 01/28 01/28 - - - - 02/1302/1302/1302/13 7:00 p7:00 pmm $30$30 $30$30 Skills Required to Enter: 1) Swim 25 Skills Required to Enter: 1) Swim 25 Scan here Scan hereScan here M M M - Th- Th- Th 01/06 01/06 - - 02/1302/13 $28$28 7:30 p7:30 pmm yards independently 2) Tread water for yards independently 2) Tread water for to help to helpto help 45 seconds. 45 seconds. you you 6:00 p6:00 pmm It is highly recommended that the It is highly recommended that the decide! decide!decide! FriFri 01/10 01/10 01/10 - - - 02/1402/1402/14 participant complete Advanced participant complete Advanced 6:30 p6:30 pmm $28$28 Stroke Development before Stroke Development before 7:00 p7:00 pmm enrolling. enrolling. 7:30 p7:30 p7:30 pmmm DayDay DateDate TimeTime CostCost T/ThT/Th 01/07 01/07 - - 02/1302/13 6:00 p6:00 pmm $60$60 12:15 p12:15 pmm SatSat 01/11 01/11 - - 02/1502/15 $28$28$28 12:45 p12:45 pmm LAST THURSDAY OF THE SESSIONLAST THURSDAY OF THE SESSION ARTISTIC SWIMMING SHOW AT 6PMARTISTIC SWIMMING SHOW AT 6PM * No lesson(s) Fri. 01/17; Mon. 01/20* No lesson(s) Fri. 01/17; Mon. 01/20 SWIM MEET AT 7PMSWIM MEET AT 7PM

RENTAL INFORMATIONRENTAL INFORMATIONRENTAL INFORMATIONRENTAL INFORMATION Indoor Meeting RoomIndoor Meeting RoomIndoor Meeting RoomIndoor Meeting Room Outdoor PatioOutdoor Patio Outdoor WaterparkOutdoor WaterparkOutdoor WaterparkOutdoor Waterpark Indoor PoolIndoor PoolIndoor Pool Will ReturnWill Return Will ReturnWill Return Summer of Summer of Summer ofSummer of 2025 2025 2025 2025 Indoor Pool Facility RentalIndoor Pool Facility RentalIndoor Pool Facility RentalIndoor Pool Facility RentalIndoor Pool Facility RentalIndoor Pool Facility RentalIndoor Pool Facility Rental Access to IndAccess to Indoor or Outdoor Pooloor or Outdoor Pool Picnic Area Community RatePicnic Area Community RatePicnic Area Community Rate Rental Rental Rental Rental Rental Rental Rental apapapapapapapppppppplications flications flications flications flications flications flications for or or or or or or Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer 2025 2025 2025 2025 2025 2025 2025 willwillwillwillwillwillwill Two-Hour Minimum/ up to100 peopleTwo-Hour Minimum/ up to100 peopleTwo-Hour Minimum/ up to100 peopleTwo-Hour Minimum/ up to100 peopleTwo-Hour Minimum/ up to100 people *outdoor pool closed for season Max capacity of 50 patrons, admission *outdoor pool closed for season Max capacity of 50 patrons, admissionMax capacity of 50 patrons, admission be accepted May 1, 2025. bbe e accepacceptedted May 1, 2025. May 1, 2025. $100/hour: non-profit $100/hour: non-profit$100/hour: non-profit included. included.included. OutdOutdOutdOutdOutdoor oor oor oor oor WaterpWaterpWaterpWaterpWaterpark Park Park Park Park Privaterivaterivaterivaterivate Re Re Re Re Rentalntalntal*ntalntal* $200/hour: for-profit $200/hour: for-profit$200/hour: for-profit$200/hour: for-profit First two hours $140.00 Indoor RoomIndoor RoomIndoor RoomIndoor RoomIndoor Room Rental Community Rate Rental Community Rate Rental Community Rate Rental Community Rate Rental Community Rate First two hours $140.00First two hours $140.00 Two-Hour Minimum/100 people Two-Hour Minimum/100 pTwo-Hour Minimum/100 peeopoplele $15/hour-additional lifeguard/20people $15/hour-additional lifeguard/20people$15/hour-additional lifeguard/20people$15/hour-additional lifeguard/20people $40.00 each additional hour. Max capacity of 25 patrons, admission Max capacityMax capacityMax capacityMax capacity of 25 patrons, admission of 25 patrons, admission of 25 patrons, admission of 25 patrons, admission $40.00 each additional hour.$40.00 each additional hour. $200/hour: Community or non-profit rate $200/hour: Community or non-p$200/hour: Community or non-profrofit rateit rate included. included.included.included. Availability: Availability:Availability: $400/hour: Commercial rate $400/hour: Comme$400/hour: Commercial ratercial rate First two hours $110.00 First two hours $110.00First two hours $110.00First two hours $110.00First two hours $110.00 Picnic Area Commercial RatePicnic Area Commercial RatePicnic Area Commercial Rate $15/hour-additional lifeguard/20people $15/hour-ad$15/hour-addditional lifitional lifeguardeguard/20p/20peopeoplele $20.00 each additional hour. Max capacity of 50 patrons, admission $20.00 each additional hour.$20.00 each additional hour.$20.00 each additional hour.$20.00 each additional hour.$20.00 each additional hour. Max capacity of 50 patrons, admissionMax capacity of 50 patrons, admission Indoor Pool Lane RentalsIndoor Pool Lane RentalsIndoor Pool Lane RentalsIndoor Pool Lane Rentals included. included. Availability: AvailabAvailability:ility: $3/hour/lane: youth non-profit$3/hour/lane: youth non-profit$3/hour/lane: youth non-profit$3/hour/lane: youth non-profit$3/hour/lane: youth non-profit First two hours $280.00 Indoor RoomIndoor RoomIndoor RoomIndoor RoomIndoor RoomIndoor Room Rental Commercial Rate Rental Commercial Rate Rental Commercial Rate Rental Commercial Rate Rental Commercial Rate Rental Commercial Rate First two hours $280.00First two hours $280.00 * 3-week advance notice required, if * 3-week ad* 3-week advance vance notice notice reqrequireduired, if, if $10/hour/lane: adult non-profit $10/hour/lane: adult non-profit$10/hour/lane: adult non-profit$10/hour/lane: adult non-profit$10/hour/lane: adult non-profit $80.00 each additional hour. Max capacity of 25 patrons, admission Max capacityMax capacityMax capacityMax capacityMax capacityMax capacity of 25 patrons, admission of 25 patrons, admission of 25 patrons, admission of 25 patrons, admission of 25 patrons, admission of 25 patrons, admission $80.00 each additional hour.$80.00 each additional hour. staffing allows stafstaffing allowsfing allows included. included. Friday 5:00 – 9:00 pm FridFriday 5:00 ay 5:00 – – 9:00 p9:00 pmm **Requires Liability Insurance **Requires Liability Insurance**Requires Liability Insurance**Requires Liability Insurance First two hours $220 First two hours $220First two hours $220First two hours $220 Saturday 5:00 – 9:00 pm SaturdSaturday 5:00 –ay 5:00 – 9:00 p9:00 pmm Call for availability (702-455-8508) Call for availability (702-455-8508)Call for availability (702-455-8508)Call for availability (702-455-8508) $40.00 each additional hour $40.00 each additional hour$40.00 each additional hour$40.00 each additional hour$40.00 each additional hour RENTAL REQUESTS ARE ACCEPTED NO LESS THAN 3 WEEKS PRIOR TO THE RENTAL REQUESTS ARE ACCEPTED NO LESS THAN 3 WEEKS PRIOR TO THE RENTAL REQUESTS ARE ACCEPTED NO LESS THAN 3 WEEKS PRIOR TO THE RENTAL REQUESTS ARE ACCEPTED NO LESS THAN 3 WEEKS PRIOR TO THE RENTAL DATERENTAL DATERENTAL DATERENTAL DATE Aquatic Mascot - Tommy the TurtleAquatic Mascot - Tommy the TurtleAquatic Mascot - Tommy the TurtleAquatic Mascot - Tommy the TurtleAquatic Mascot - Tommy the Turtle To reqTo reqTo reqTo reqTo request a rental at Hollywood Aquatic Center you can scan the QR code below and email it to [email protected] a rental at Hollywood Aquatic Center you can scan the QR code below and email it to [email protected] a rental at Hollywood Aquatic Center you can scan the QR code below and email it to [email protected] a rental at Hollywood Aquatic Center you can scan the QR code below and email it to [email protected] a rental at Hollywood Aquatic Center you can scan the QR code below and email it to [email protected]. NNon-Pon-Profrofit it Rate:Rate: Rental requests are processed in the order in which they are received. RentaRentaRental requests are processed in the order in which they are received.l requests are processed in the order in which they are received.l requests are processed in the order in which they are received. $15 p$15 per qer quarter houruarter hour SCAN HERESCAN HERESCAN HERE For-PFor-Profit Rate:rofit Rate: $30 per quarter hour $30 per quarter hour FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA FOR THEFOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA FOR THEFOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA FOR THEFOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA FOR THE MOST UP-TO-DATE INFORMATIONMOST UP-TO-DATE INFORMATIONMOST UP-TO-DATE INFORMATION MOST UP-TO-DATE INFORMATION Oops! Oops! The Hollywood Aquatic staff hThe Hollywood Aquatic staff hThe Hollywood Aquatic staff has made every effort toas made every effort toas made every effort to prepare this brochure as accurately as possible. prprepare this brochure as accuepare this brochure as accurately as possible.rately as possible. However due to deadlines, program listings & new However due to deadlines, program listings & new information may require that adjustments be made information may require that adjustments be made to programs, fees, schedules, etc. We apologize in to programs, fees, schedules, etc. We apologize in advance should you find an error or for any advance should you find an error or for any inconvenience these errors or adjustments may inconvenience these errors or adjustments may cause. cause.

West Flamingo Aquatic CenterWest Flamingo Aquatic Center Swimming LessonsSwimming Lessons Adult only Indoor Pool - 21 & up Adult only Indoor Pool - 21 & up *With *With all wateall water r pprograms, rograms, PPlelease ase notifnotify y your instructor ifyour instructor if you you have any health concerns, previous injuries or medical have any health concerns, previous injuries or medical 6255 West Flamingo R6255 West Flamingo Rd, Ld, Las Vas Vegaegas, Ns, NV, 89103V, 89103 conditions that may be aggravated during workouts conditions that may be aggravated during workouts (702 455-4192) (702 455-4192) [email protected] [email protected] 21 & older21 & older Beginner lessonsBeginner lessons Participant ratio: Participant ratio: 1 1 ininstrustructor ctor to to 10 10 stustuddeenntsts Pool location:Pool location: SShhaallowllow wwaateter r (0 (0 to to 4 4 ffeeeet)t) No Experience RequiredNo Experience Required Class goal:Class goal: InInstrustructors ctors wworkork wwithith eeaachch ppaarticiprticipaannt t to to oveovercomercome apprehension and work on basic skills such as floating, swimming apprehension and work on basic skills such as floating, swimming underwater, and basic stroke development. Lessons are designed to underwater, and basic stroke development. Lessons are designed to meet the participants personal goals. meet the participants personal goals. Skills taught: Freestyle and back stroke, rotary breathing, Skills taught: Freestyle and back stroke, rotary breathing, streamlining, breaststroke, scissor kick, front/back float, survival streamlining, breaststroke, scissor kick, front/back float, survival floating, basic treading, etc. floating, basic treading, etc. December - FebruaryDecember - FebruaryDecember - FebruaryDecember - February BrochureBrochure Brochure DaysDaysDaysDays DatesDatesDates TimesTimesTimes CostCostCost CodeCodeCode 01/07 to01/07 to 02/11 1:30pm-02:15pm 02/11 1:30pm-02:15pm $30$30 159108-00159108-00 TuesTues 01/09 to 02/13 1:30pm-02:15pm $30 159108-01 01/09 to 02/13 1:30pm-02:15pm $30 159108-01 ThursThurs *Effective 12/10/2024*Effective 12/10/2024

West Flamingo Aquatic CenterWest Flamingo Aquatic Center Water FitnessWater Fitness 6255 6255 W. Flamingo W. Flamingo RRdd, Las Ve, Las Vegas gas NNV, 89103V, 89103 *With *With all wateall water r Exercise Exercise pprograms, Programs, Pleaselease notify your notify your instructor instructor if if you you havehave (702) 455-4192 (702) 455-4192 any health concerns, previous injuries or medical conditions that may be any health concerns, previous injuries or medical conditions that may be aggravated during workouts aggravated during workouts Open Swim Hours Open Swim Hours Daily Admission FeesDaily Admission Fees Mondays Mondays Wednesday Wednesday FridayFriday 21 & older21 & older Aqua MovementsAqua Movements Adults 18-54Adults 18-54 Years Years 9:00 am to 12:00 pm 9:00 am to 12:00 pm $2 $2 & 1:00 pm to 3:00PM & 1:00 pm to 3:00PM AqAquuaa MoveMovememennts ts 21 21 & & oldoldeer r DropDrop-in-ins s AvaAvailailabblele ffor or $6 $6 ppeer r visitvisit Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Thursday Senior 55 Senior 55 and olderand older Slow moving exercises to increase range of motion and arthritic Slow moving exercises to increase range of motion and arthritic joints. This class is not a cardiovascular class, but a focus on joints. This class is not a cardiovascular class, but a focus on 9:00 am to 1:30 pm & 2:30pm to 9:00 am to 1:30 pm & 2:30pm to $1 $1 improving range of motion throughout the body. This class will be improving range of motion throughout the body. This class will be 3:00PM 3:00PM Swim PassesSwim Passes Pass#AQWFPass#AQWF held in deep and shallow water. held in deep and shallow water. Saturday and Sunday Saturday and Sunday PPasseasses can s can bbee P Purchaseurchasedd ffrom rom anyany This is a 45-minute class on M, W, F. Ability to swim not required. This is a 45-minute class on M, W, F. Ability to swim not required. Closed Closed Clark County Community Center or Clark County Community Center or AqAquatics Ceuatics Cententerr Pool Closure Dates Pool Closure Dates 90 Day Pass90 Day Pass AdAdultult SeSeniornior Session 1 | No Class Jan 20thSession 1 | No Class Jan 20th (18-54 Yrs) (55 + yrs) (18-54 Yrs) (55 + yrs) 12/25/2024 12/25/2024 Christmas Christmas ddayay DaysDaysDaysDaysDays DatesDates TimesTimes CostCost CodeCode $30 $20 $30 $20 01/01/2025 01/01/2025 NNeew Yew Years dars dayay $51$51 08:15am-09:00am 08:15am-09:00am 0101/0/06 6 ttoo 0202/1/144 159110-02 159110-02 M/WM/W/F/F 1 Year Pass1 Year Pass 01/20/2025 MLK Day 01/20/2025 MLK Day AdAdultult SeSeniornior 02/17/2025 Presidents day 02/17/2025 Presidents day 12:15p12:15pm-01:00pm-01:00pmm M/W/F M/W/F 01/06 to 02/14 01/06 to 02/14 $51$51 159110-03159110-03 (18-54 Yrs) (55 + yrs) (18-54 Yrs) (55 + yrs) Class RegistrationClass RegistrationClass RegistrationClass Registration $90 $60 $90 $60 InformationInformation Information Rental InformationRental Information In person or Online Begins In person or Online Begins Looking fLooking for or a grea great pat placelace to to cecelelebbraterate your next birthday, family reunion or your next birthday, family reunion or SessioSession 1 Registration 1 Registrationn spspspspeeeecial cial cial cial eeeevevevevent? nt? nt? nt? How abHow abHow abHow about out out out rerererenting nting nting nting thethethethe December 19th 7:00 AMDecember 19th 7:00 AM swimming pswimming pswimming pswimming pool? pool? pool? pool? pleleleleaseaseasease contact contact contact contact thethethethe swimming pool? please contact the aqaqaqaquatics uatics uatics uatics ofofofoffffficeiceiceice at at at at 702-455-7798 f702-455-7798 f702-455-7798 f702-455-7798 forororor aquatics office at 702-455-7798 for SessioSession Dates:n Dates: moremoremoremore inf inf inf information ormation ormation ormation andandandand to to to to bbbbook ook ook ook youryouryouryour more information and to book your 01/6 to 2/14 01/6 to 2/14 rerentalntal rental RReegistegister r OnlineOnline at:at: Children can participate in Children can participate in www.ClarkCountyNwww.ClarkCountyNV.Gov/PV.Gov/ParksRarksReegistationgistation rentals at West Flamingo Poolrentals at West Flamingo Pool Or at Any Or at Any ofof your Nyour Neearearest Clark st Clark CountyCounty RReecrecreation ation FacilitieFacilities.s.

ROBERT E. “BOB” PRICE RECREATION CENTERROBERT E. “BOB” PRICE RECREATION CENTERROBERT E. “BOB” PRICE RECREATION CENTER MUSICMUSIC SPECIAL EVENTSSPECIAL EVENTSSPECIAL EVENTS 2050 2050 2050 BonnieBonnieBonnie LaneLaneLane, , , Las Las Las VeVeVegas, gas, gas, NNNV V V 891568915689156 PIANO - PRIVATEPIANO - PRIVATEPIANO - PRIVATEPIANO - PRIVATEPIANO - PRIVATE KIDS NIGHT OUTKIDS NIGHT OUTKIDS NIGHT OUTKIDS NIGHT OUT Participants will learn the bParticipants will learn the bParticipants will learn the bParticipants will learn the basics of a pianoasics of a pianoasics of a pianoasics of a piano Participants will enjoy a fun night of games,Participants will enjoy a fun night of games,Participants will enjoy a fun night of games,Participants will enjoy a fun night of games, (702) 455-7600(702) 455-7600 (702) 455-7600 such as how to touch the keys, locate notes, such as how to touch the kesuch as how to touch the kesuch as how to touch the keys, locate notes,ys, locate notes,ys, locate notes, food, and a themed craft. food, and a themed, and a themed, and a themed craft. Day Day DateDate Time Time AgeAge CostCost Activity CodeActivity CodeActivity Code read music, count & hear music. read music, count & hear mread music, count & hear mread music, count & hear music.usic.usic. F 2/7 6pm-9pm 3-12 $10 Bob Price Kids Night Out F 2/7 6pm-9pm 3-12 $10 BobBob P Pricerice Kid Kids Nis Night ght OutOut SPORTSSPORTS MARTIAL ARTSMARTIAL ARTS Day Day DateDate TimeTime AgeAgeAge CostCostCost Activity CodeActivity Code M 2/24 - 4/7 4-4:30pm 6+ $60 Bob Price Piano M 2/24 2/24 - - 4/74/7 4-4:30pm 6+ $60$60 Bob Price Piano BASKETBALL SKILLSBASKETBALL SKILLS SAMURAI SWORDSAMURAI SWORD M 2/24 - 4/7 4:30-5pm 6+ $60 Bob Price Piano M 2/24 2/24 - - 4/74/7 4:30-5pm 6+ $60 BobBob P Pricerice P Pianoiano M 2/24 - 4/7 5-5:30pm 6+ $60 Bob Price Piano M 2/24 2/24 - - 4/74/7 5-5:30pm 6+ $60 BobBob P Pricerice P Pianoiano Participants will learn how to improve Participants will learn how to improve PParticiparticipants will ants will lelearn thearn the M 2/24 - 4/7 5:30-6pm 6+ $60 Bob Price Piano M 2/24 2/24 - - 4/74/7 5:30-6pm 6+ $60 BobBob P Pricerice P Pianoiano your movement and flexibility by using your movement and flexibility by using ffununddameamentals ofntals of b baskeasketbtball. This classall. This class Tu 2/25 - 4/8 4:30-5pm 6+ $60 Bob Price Piano Tu 2/25 2/25 - - 4/84/8 4:30-5pm 6+ $60 BobBob P Pricerice P Pianoiano Tu 2/25 - 4/8 5-5:30pm 6+ $60 Bob Price Piano Tu 2/25 2/25 - - 4/84/8 5-5:30pm 6+ $60 BobBob P Pricerice P Pianoiano a wooden sword to simulate practice a wooden sword to simulate practice ffococuseuses on s on a a varievariety ty ofof skills such as:skills such as: Tu 2/25 - 4/8 5:30-6pm 6+ $60 Bob Price Piano Tu 2/25 2/25 - - 4/84/8 5:30-6pm 6+ $60 Bob Price Piano techniques. techniques. ddribribbbling, ling, ppassing, assing, shooting, shooting, ddeeffeensense,, Tu 2/25 - 4/8 6-6:30pm 6+ $60 Bob Price Piano Tu 2/25 2/25 - - 4/84/8 6-6:30pm 6+ $60 Bob Price Piano Day DayDay Date Time Date Time AgeAge CostCost Activity CodeActivity Code W 2/26 - 4/9 4:30-5pm 6+ $60 Bob Price Piano W 2/26 2/26 - - 4/94/9 4:30-5pm 6+ $60 Bob Price Piano anananddd moremoremore!!! Tu 2/25-4/8 6:15pm-7pm 8+ $15 Bob Price Martial Arts 01 Tu 2/25-4/8 6:15pm-7pm 8+ $15 Bob Price Martial Arts 01 W 2/26 - 4/9 5-5:30pm 6+ $60 Bob Price Piano W 2/26 2/26 - - 4/94/9 5-5:30pm 6+ $60 Bob Price Piano Day DayDayDay DateDate TimeTime AgeAge CostCost Activity CodeActivity Code W 2/26 - 4/9 5:30-6pm 6+ $60 Bob Price Piano W 2/26 2/26 - - 4/94/9 5:30-6pm 6+ $60 Bob Price Piano KUNG-FUKUNG-FU Tu 9/3-10/10 6pm-7:00pm 6+ $30 Bob Price Sports 02 Tu 9/3-10/10 6p9/3-10/10 6p9/3-10/10 6p9/3-10/10 6pm-7:00pm-7:00pm-7:00pm-7:00pmmmm 6+ $30 Bob Price Sports 02 W 2/26 - 4/9 6-6:30pm 6+ $60 Bob Price Piano W 2/26 2/26 - - 4/94/9 6-6:30pm 6+ $60 Bob Price Piano TEEN NIGHTTEEN NIGHTTEEN NIGHT W 2/26 - 4/9 6:30-7pm 6+ $60 Bob Price Piano W 2/26 2/26 - - 4/94/9 6:30-7pm 6+ $60 Bob Price Piano Participants will learn beginning Kung- Participants will learn beginning Kung- VOLVOLVOLVOLVOLVOLLEYBALL SKILLSLEYBALL SKILLSLEYBALL SKILLSLEYBALL SKILLSLEYBALL SKILLSLEYBALL SKILLS F 2/28 - 4/11 4:30-5pm 6+ $60 Bob Price Piano F 2/28 2/28 - - 4/114/11 4:30-5pm 6+ $60 Bob Price Piano Fu. This class focuses on integrating Fu. This class focuses on integrating Participants will enjoy fun competitions forParticipants will enjoy fun competitions forParticipants will enjoy fun competitions for F 2/28 - 4/11 5-5:30pm 6+ $60 Bob Price Piano F 2/28 2/28 - - 4/114/11 5-5:30pm 6+ $60 Bob Price Piano PPPPParticiparticiparticiparticiparticipants will ants will ants will ants will ants will lelelelelearn thearn thearn thearn thearn the b b b b basics asics asics asics asics ofofofofof Participants will learn the basics of martial arts into daily practice and martial arts into daily practice and prizes, snacks, exclusive gym and game room prizes, snacks, exclusive gym and game roomprizes, snacks, exclusive gym and game room F 2/28 - 4/11 5:30-6pm 6+ $60 Bob Price Piano F 2/28 2/28 - - 4/114/11 5:30-6pm 6+ $60 Bob Price Piano vollevollevollevollevollevolleybybybybybyball all all all all all such such such such such such as: as: as: as: as: as: seseseseseserving, rving, rving, rving, rving, rving, bbbbbblocking,locking,locking,locking,locking,locking, volleyball such as: serving, blocking, F 2/28 - 4/11 6-6:30pm 6+ $60 Bob Price Piano F 2/28 2/28 - - 4/114/11 6-6:30pm 6+ $60 Bob Price Piano time. Teens must be a registered Open time. Teens must be a registered Opentime. Teens must be a registered Open building positive disciplined students building positive disciplined students ppppassing, andassing, andassing, andassing, and sp sp sp spiking.iking.iking.iking. passing, and spiking. F 2/28 - 4/11 6:30-7pm 6+ $60 Bob Price Piano F 2/28 2/28 - - 4/114/11 6:30-7pm 6+ $60 Bob Price Piano Recreation participant. Recreation participant. and providing practical learning and providing practical learning Day Day DateDate TimeTime AgeAge CostCostCost Activity CodeActivity Code Day Day Date Time Date Time AgeAge CostCost Activity CodeActivity CodeActivity Code experiences. experiences. F 2/28-4/11 6pm-7pm 8-15 $30 Bob Price Sports 01 F 2/28-4/112/28-4/11 6pm-7pm 8-15 $30 BobBob P Pricerice Sports 01 Sports 01 F 2/21 6pm-9pm 13-17 Free N/A F 2/21 6pm-9pm 13-17 Free N/A Day Day Date Time Date Time AgeAge CostCost Activity CodeActivity Code TUMBLINGTUMBLING TUMBLING M 2/24-4/7 6pm-7pm 6+ $30 Bob Price Martial Arts 02 M 2/24-4/7 6pm-7pm 6+ $30 Bob Price Martial Arts 02 PPPPParararararticipticipticipticipticipants ants ants ants ants will will will will will lelelelelearararararn n n n n bbbbbasic asic asic asic asic gymnasticsgymnasticsgymnasticsgymnasticsgymnastics PRESCHOOL PRESCHOOL tetetechnchnchniqiqiqueueues s s likelikelike tumbtumbtumbling ling ling on on on a a a mat mat mat &&& hehelplpfful ul strestretch tch eexexercisercises. s. LeLeararn n toto LITTLE BOBCATSLITTLE BOBCATSLITTLE BOBCATSLITTLE BOBCATSLITTLE BOBCATS mastemaster r coorcoorddination anination andd otheother skills.r skills. ChildChildChildrereren n n lelelearn valuabarn valuabarn valuablelele d d deeeveveveloploplopmemementalntalntal Children learn valuable developmental Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code skills skills skills through through through curriculum bcurriculum bcurriculum baseaseaseddd skills through curriculum based W 2/26-4/9 5pm-6pm 5-6 $30 Bob Price Tumbling 03 W 2/26-4/9 5pm-6pm 5-6 $30 Bob Price Tumbling 03 lelelearning, social arning, social arning, social inteinteinteraction, raction, raction, arts arts arts & & & crafcrafcraft,t,t, learning, social interaction, arts & craft, W 2/26-4/9 6pm-7pm 7+ $30 Bob Price Tumbling 04 W 2/26-4/9 6pm-7pm 7+ $30 Bob Price Tumbling 04 instructor-leinstructor-leinstructor-leddd ce ce centententers, andrs, andrs, and instructor-led centers, and indindindeeepppeeendndndeeent pnt pnt play lay lay through through through our our our NNNeeevadvadvadaaa independent play through our Nevada StateStateStateState licelicelicelicensensensensedddd p p p program. rogram. rogram. rogram. *P*P*P*Participarticiparticiparticipantsantsantsants State licensed program. *Participants MUST bMUST bee p potty-traineotty-trainedd, , no pno pull upull ups s areare MUST be potty-trained, no pull ups are allowed.* allowed.* Day Day DateDate Time Age Time Age CostCost Activity CodeActivity CodeActivity Code M/W/FM/W/F 2/12-3/14 2/12-3/14 9am-12p9am-12pmm 3.5-53.5-5 $169$169 BobBobBob P P Pricericerice Kinder P Kinder PKinder Prereprepp

INDOOR RENTALSINDOOR RENTALSINDOOR RENTALS PARK RENTALSPARK RENTALSPARK RENTALS FITNESSFITNESS OPEN RECREATIONOPEN RECREATION ADULT PICKLEBALLADULT PICKLEBALL OPEN RECREATIONOPEN RECREATION GAZEBO AGAZEBO AGAZEBO A MULTI-PURPOSE ROOM MULTI-PURPOSE ROOMMULTI-PURPOSE ROOMMULTI-PURPOSE ROOM Pickleball is a paddle sport that Pickleball is a paddle sport that Located by Cora Coleman Senior PPPPeeeerfrfrfrfeeeect ct ct ct ffffor small or small or small or small ppppartieartieartiearties s s s (b(b(b(bababababyyyy LocateLocateLocateddd b b by y y Cora Cora Cora ColeColeColeman man man SeSeSeniorniornior School-ageSchool-agedd childchildreren n can pcan participarticipateate combines elements of badminton, combines elements of badminton, Center and the Playground. showeshoweshoweshowers, rs, rs, rs, anniveanniveanniveanniversariersariersariersaries, s, s, s, memememeeeeetings,tings,tings,tings, CeCeCentententer andr andr and thethethe PPPlaygroundlaygroundlayground... in a variein a variety ty ofof activitieactivities s includincluding:ing: tennis, and table tennis. Participants tennis, and table tennis. Participants eetc.)tc.) Capacity: Capacity: Capacity: 105105 opopeen gym, n gym, groupgroup game games, vids, videeoo are responsible for set up and clean are responsible for set up and clean Features: Features: 9 9 tatabbleles, s, 3 3 grills, grills, aanndd 3 3 pprerepp Features: 9 tables, 3 grills, and 3 prep gamegames, ands, and more more. A . A reregistration fgistration formorm Max Participants: Max Participants: Max Participants: 3030 up of all equipment. Paddle rentals up of all equipment. Paddle rentals ttablableses.. C Coovverered byed by a s a shade shade shelheltterer.. tables. Covered by a shade shelter. Square Footage: Square Footage: 36ft x 25ft Square Footage: 36ft x 25ft is is REQUIRED REQUIRED with with a a pparearent’s signaturent’s signature Cost Cost available upon request. available upon request. Cost Cost in pin peerson.rson. CommunityCommunity Rate: $75 Community Rate: $75 First Two Hours: First Two Hours: $140 First Two Hours: $140 Day Age Time CostDay Age Time Cost Commercial Rate: Commercial Rate: $150 Commercial Rate: $150 Day Time Day Time AAgege Co Costst $50 per additional hour$50 per additional hour $50 per additional hour M-FM-F 18+18+ 7:7:00-11:00-11:00a00amm FreFreee M-FM-F 2:2:45-5:45-5:45p45pmm 6-176-17 FreFreee ADULT BASKETBALLADULT BASKETBALL DAY CAMPDAY CAMP AdAdAdults can ults can ults can eeenjoy njoy njoy opopopeeen n n gym bgym bgym baskeaskeasketbtbtball.all.all. DAY CAMP BaskeBasketbtball reall rentals ntals areare availabavailablele upuponon SPRING BREAK DAY CAMP SPRING BREAK DAY CAMPSPRING BREAK DAY CAMPSPRING BREAK DAY CAMPSPRING BREAK DAY CAMP rereqqueuest with a fst with a form orm ofof idideentifntification.ication. Children can participate in a variety ChildChildChildChildChildrererereren n n n n can pcan pcan pcan pcan participarticiparticiparticiparticipateateateateate in a variein a variein a variein a variein a varietytytytyty Day Age Time CostDay Age Time Cost of activities including: indoor and ofofofofof activitie activitie activitie activitie activities s s s s includincludincludincludincluding: ing: ing: ing: ing: indindindindindoor oor oor oor oor andandandandand M-FM-F 18+18+ 11a11amm-2:-2:30p30pmm $2$2 outdoor games, field trips, themed outdoutdoutdoutdoutdoutdoor oor oor oor oor oor gamegamegamegamegamegames, s, s, s, s, s, ffffffieieieieieieldldldldldld triptriptriptriptriptrips, s, s, s, s, s, thethethethethethememememememedddddd GAZEBO BGAZEBO B FITNESS BOOTCAMPFITNESS BOOTCAMP arts & crafts, special events, and arts arts arts arts & & & & cracracracraffffts, ts, ts, ts, spspspspeeeecial cial cial cial eeeevevevevents, andnts, andnts, andnts, and LocateLocateLocateddd b b by y y BobBobBob PPPricericerice RRReeecrecrecreationationation Adults can learn and practice a variety AdAdults can ults can lelearn andarn and p practiceractice a a varievarietyty movies. Participants will need to moviemoviemoviemovies. s. s. s. PPPParticiparticiparticiparticipants ants ants ants will newill newill newill neeeeedddd to to to to CeCententer.r. of exercise routines. ofof e exexercisercise routine routines.s. CLASSROOM CLASSROOMCLASSROOM bring a daily lunch and snack that bbbbring ring ring ring a a a a ddddaily aily aily aily lunch andlunch andlunch andlunch and snack snack snack snack thatthatthatthat Day Age Time Cost Day Age Time Cost Capacity: Capacity: 7070 PPPeeerfrfrfeeect ct ct fffor smalleor smalleor smaller mer mer meeeetings tings tings andandand DO NOT require refrigeration or to DODODODO N N N NOT reOT reOT reOT reqqqquireuireuireuire rererereffffrigerigerigerigeration or toration or toration or toration or to Features: 6 tables, 2 grills, and 2 prep Features: 6 tables, 2 grills, and 2 prep T-ThT-ThT-Th 18+18+ 8a8amm-9:-9:45a45amm FRFREEEE pppartieartiearties s s (b(b(babababy y y showeshoweshowers, rs, rs, anniveanniveanniversariersariersaries,s,s, be reheated. bbee re reheheateatedd.. tables. Covered by a shade shelter. tables. Covered by a shade shelter. mememeeeetings, tings, tings, eeetc.)tc.)tc.) INDOOR RENTALS INDOOR RENTALS Day Day DatesDates TimeTime AgeAge CostCostCost Cost Cost Max Participants: Max Participants: Max Participants: 3030 M-F 3/17-3/21 7a-6p 6-12 $21 a day M-F 3/17-3/21 7a-6p 6-12 $21 a day$21 a day Community Rate: $50 Community Rate: $50 GYMGYMGYMGYMGYM Square Footage: Square Footage: Square Footage: 36f36ft t x x 25f25ftt Commercial Rate: $100 Commercial Rate: $100 Can be used for larger meetings, Can bCan bCan beee useuseuseddd fffor largeor largeor larger mer mer meeeetings,tings,tings, Cost Cost basketball games, or larger parties. bbbaskeaskeasketbtbtball all all gamegamegames, or larges, or larges, or larger pr pr partieartiearties.s.s. First Two Hours: First Two Hours: $140 First Two Hours: $140 Max Participants: Max Participants: Max Participants: 200200 $50 per additional hour$50 per additional hour $50 per additional hour Square Footage: 105ft x 75ft Square Footage: Square Footage: 105ft x 75ft Cost CostCost First Two Hours: $160 First Two Hours: $160$160 $70 per additional hour $70 per additional hour$70 per additional hour

Tiny Tots SportsTiny Tots Sports CAMBRIDGE RECREATION CENTERCAMBRIDGE RECREATION CENTER OPEN GYMOPEN GYMOPEN GYM GeGet t your your littlelittle oneones moving s moving with with ourour Looking fLooking fLooking for a por a por a placelacelace to to to shoot hoopshoot hoopshoot hoopsss 3930 3930 CambCambridridgege St, St, Las Las VeVegas, Ngas, NV 89119V 89119 Tiny Tiny Tots Tots SpSports orts class! Declass! Designesignedd f foror or por por play a play a play a pickuickuickuppp gamegamegame? ? ? EnjoyEnjoyEnjoy (702)(702) 455-7169 455-7169 | | Hours: Hours: Mon-Fri Mon-Fri (7:00am-8:00p(7:00am-8:00pm)m) young young childchildreren, this fn, this fun un andand eenenergergetictic acceacceaccess to our ss to our ss to our fffull-sizeull-sizeull-size court andcourt andcourt and class class introdintroduceuces s bbasic spasic sports orts skillsskills ffflelelexibxibxiblelele hours, hours, hours, pppeeerfrfrfeeect fct fct for casualor casualor casual Kickboxing 1-on-1Kickboxing 1-on-1 through through eengaging activitiengaging activities ands and gamegames.s. gamegamegames or ps or ps or practiceracticeractice... Whether you're a complete beginner Whether you're a complete beginner It’s It’s a a gregreat way fat way for or kidkids s to to ddeeveveloplop looking to explore the world of looking to explore the world of SeniorsSeniors AdultsAdults Open-RecOpen-Rec coordcoordination, teination, teamwork,amwork, andand a love a love fforor kickboxing or an experienced kickboxing or an experienced 7:00AM -9:00AM 9:00AM-12:00PM 2:00PM-6:00PM 7:00AM -9:00AM 9:00AM-12:00PM 2:00P2:00PM-6:00PM-6:00PMM pphysical activity. hysical activity. (Age(Ages 3-5)s 3-5) practitioner aiming to refine your practitioner aiming to refine your Free $2 Free Free $2 Free Days: Days: WedWednesdnesdaysays skills, our new 1-on-1 class is designed skills, our new 1-on-1 class is designed Times: Times: (4:00P(4:00PM M - - 4:45P4:45PM)M) Mon - Fri Tues & Thurs Tues - Fri Mon - Fri Tues & Thurs Tues - Fri for you! Receive personalized for you! Receive personalized Session 1:Session 1: instruction tailored to your level, instruction tailored to your level, *Time*Times s may may vary throughout vary throughout the the yearyear January 6th - February 15th January 6th - February 15th improve your technique, and boost improve your technique, and boost Session 2: Session 2: your confidence in a supportive your confidence in a supportive INTRODUCING...INTRODUCING... February 24th - April 12th February 24th - April 12th environment. Don’t miss out on this environment. Don’t miss out on this Session 3: Session 3: exciting opportunity to learn and grow exciting opportunity to learn and grow PICKLEBALLPICKLEBALL — sign up today and kickstart your — sign up today and kickstart your ApApApApril 14th ril 14th ril 14th ril 14th - - - - May May May May 24th24th24th24th April 14th - May 24th Starting Starting NNoveovembmbeer 13th, r 13th, wewe’re’re kickboxing journey! (Ages 6+) kickboxing journey! (Ages 6+) eexcitexcitedd to to introdintroduceuce ppickleicklebball all inin CLASSESCLASSESCLASSESCLASSESCLASSES Days: Days: Mondays & Mondays & WedWednesdaysnesdays the gymnasium at Cambridge! the gymnasium at Cambridge! Times: 2:00PM | 2:45PM | 3:30PM | 4:15PM Times: 2:00PM | 2:45PM | 3:30PM | 4:15PM BasketballBasketballBasketball Whether you’re a seasoned player Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the game, come join us or new to the game, come join us Skills Skills Skills Skills andandandand Drills (5-8) Drills (5-8) Drills (5-8) Drills (5-8) - - - In thisIn In thisthis TaeKwonDoTaeKwonDo FITNESS ROOMFITNESS ROOM for a fun and active way to spend for a fun and active way to spend introdintrodintrodintroductory uctory uctory uctory pppprogram, werogram, werogram, werogram, we ffffocus onocus onocus onocus on BeBeBeginneginneginnersrsrs - - - SteSteSteppp into the into the into the world world world ofofof your time. Bring your paddle and your time. Bring your paddle and thethethe bbbasics asics asics ofofof thethethe gamegamegame, he, he, helplplping ing ing youngyoungyoung the basics of the game, helping young GeGet t ffit it andand stay active stay active in in our four fullyully TaeTaekwkwondondo with our o with our bbeeginneginner-fr-frieriendndlyly a ball to challenge friends or meet a ball to challenge friends or meet players develop essential skills. players develop essential skills. eeqquipuipppeedd f fitneitness ss room! room! FeFeaturingaturing classeclasses! Ps! Peerfrfeect fct for neor newcomewcomers, rs, ourour other community members. other community members. Through engaging activities and Through engaging activities and a a rangerange of of we weights ights andand card cardioio sesessions ssions ffocus on focus on fundundameamentalntal Please note that participants are Please note that participants are playful drills, we aim to build playful drills, we aim to build machinemachines, s, our spour spaceace is d is deesignesignedd tetetechniqchniqchniqueueues, s, s, ffforms, andorms, andorms, and b b basic seasic seasic selflflf--- required to complete a waiver and required to complete a waiver and confidence, coordination, and a love confidence, coordination, and a love to supto suppport ort your your workout goals.workout goals. dddeeefffeeensensense. . . (Age(Age(Ages s s 6-12)6-12)6-12) register for an open use pass. Get register for an open use pass. Get for basketball. (Ages 5-8) for basketball. (Ages 5-8) ready to have fun and stay active ready to have fun and stay active MemberMember DayDay MonthMonth YearYear AdAdvancevancedd - - - - EleEleEleElevatevatevatevate your your your your TaeTaeTaeTaekwkwkwkwondondondondoooo —see you on the court! —see you on the court! Skills Skills Skills andandand Drills (6-12) Drills (6-12) Drills (6-12) - - This This class isclass is skills skills skills with with with our our our adadadvancevancevanceddd class d class d class deeesignesignesigneddd Teens $3 $15 $105 Teens $3 $15 $105 ddeesignesignedd f for por playelayers rers readady to y to taketake Senior (50+)Senior (50+) Adult (18+)Adult (18+) fffor eor eor expxpxpeeerierieriencencenceddd pppractitioneractitioneractitioners. rs. rs. DiveDiveDive their game to the next level. Our goal their game to the next level. Our goal Mon. | Wed. | Fri. Mon. & Fri. Mon. | Wed. | Fri. Mon. & Fri. Adults $4 $16 $115 Adults $4 $16 $115 dddeeeeeepppeeer r r into compinto compinto complelelex x x tetetechniqchniqchniqueueues,s,s, is to refine skills, boost confidence, is to refine skills, boost confidence, Mon. 2:00PM-8:00PM Mon. 2:00PM-8:00PM adadadvancevancevanceddd f f forms, orms, orms, andandand high-lehigh-lehigh-levevevel sel sel selflflf--- and foster a deeper understanding of and foster a deeper understanding of 9:00AM-2:00PM 9:00AM-2:00PM Seniors $1 $5 $35 Seniors $1 $5 $35 Fri. 6:00PM-8:00PM Fri. 6:00PM-8:00PM the game. (Ages 6-12) the game. (Ages 6-12) dddeeefffeeensensense stratestratestrategiegiegies. (Ages. (Ages. (Ages s s 6+)6+)6+) Hours:Hours: Daily - Free Daily - $2 Daily - Free Daily - $2 Days: Days: TueTuesdsdaysays Days: Days: TueTuesdsdays & ays & ThursdThursdaysays MondMonday ay - - FridFridayay Times: S&D 5-8 - (6:00PM - 6:45PM) | S&D 9-12 - (7:00PM - Times: Beginners - (4:30PM - 5:30PM) | Advanced - (6:30PM Times: S&D 5-8 - (6:00PM - 6:45PM) | S&D 9-12 - (7:00PM - Times: BeBeginners ginners - - (4:30P(4:30PM - M - 5:30P5:30PM) | AdvancedM) | Advanced - - (6:30P(6:30PMM Monthly - Free Monthly - $12 Monthly - Free Monthly - $12 (7:00 AM - 8:00 PM) (7:00 AM - 8:00 PM) 7:45PM) - 7:30PM) 7:45PM) - 7:30PM)

rereffundund. R. Reeffundunds s areare availab availablele b baseasedd on on with with colorfcolorful ul coloring coloring ppageages, s, or or jumpjump weweeek k ffor or GameGame Day, Day, whewherere seseniorsniors week for Game Day, where seniors OPEN REC / AFTER SCHOOLOPEN REC / AFTER SCHOOL thethe ffollowing criteollowing criteria: ria: IfIf a a class class oror on oneon one of of our our compcomputeuters to prs to play lay youryour comecome togetogethether r to to eenjoy njoy bboardoard game gamess come together to enjoy board games TheThe af afteter school pr school program is rogram is anan pprogram rogram is canceis cancellelledd bby they the ffavoriteavorite game games. s. WheWhethether r you'reyou're a a andand gregreat at compcompany! any! This reThis regulargular and great company! This regular opopeen/supn/supeerviservisedd rerecrecreationation ddeeppartmeartment a fnt a full reull reffundund will bwill bee givegiven.n. mastemaster r artist, artist, a gamea game guru, guru, or or just just wantwant gathegathering is a chancering is a chance to to ffeeeel l youngyoung gathering is a chance to feel young pprograrogram m which pwhich providrovidees s activitieactivities,s, IfIf a class a class reregistration is cancegistration is cancellelledd bbyy to chill with friends, Kidsville is the to chill with friends, Kidsville is the again, conneagain, connect ct with with ffrieriendnds, s, andand havehave again, connect with friends, and have gym usagegym usage, , worksworkshophops, arts s, arts nn indindividividual ual pprior to closerior to close ofof ffirst dirst day ay ofof place to be. So grab your friends and place to be. So grab your friends and ffun un pplaying a laying a varievariety ty ofof gamegames. All ares. All are fun playing a variety of games. All are cracraffts ts ffor or youth ageyouth ages 6-17 yes 6-17 yearsars class class 100% 100% rereffundund will b will bee givegiven; afn; afteterr join the fun—adventures await at join the fun—adventures await at wewelcomelcome to to shareshare in thein the laughte laughter r andand welcome to share in the laughter and oldold. P. Program is rogram is TueTuesdsday - Friday - Fridayay thethe ffirst dirst day ofay of class no class no rereffundund.. Kidsville! Kidsville! camaraderie each week! camaraderie each week! ffrom rom 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM2:00 PM - 6:00 PM. . THISTHIS RReeseservations cancervations cancellelledd bbyy FACILITY RESERVATIONSFACILITY RESERVATIONS PPROGRROGRAM IS FRAM IS FREE!EE! All child All childrerenn indindividividual/groupual/group 30 d30 days ays pprior to userior to use WeWeWedddnenenesdsdsdays| ays| ays| Wii Wii Wii BowlingBowlingBowling - - PPeerfrfeect fct foror atteattendnding must haveing must have a waive a waiver onr on rerececeiveive 100% 100% rereffundund, 21 d, 21 days ays ppriorrior Cambridge offers affordable rooms for Cambridge offers affordable rooms for seseniors, niors, this activity is this activity is a grea great at way way toto ffileile signesignedd bby y a a pparearent/guardnt/guardian.ian. 75% 75% rereffundund, 14 , 14 ddays pays prior rior 50% 50% givegiven,n, your next event. We have several your next event. We have several stay stay activeactive, , eenjoy njoy ffrieriendndly comply compeetition,tition, All pAll participarticipants ants areare re reqquireuiredd to to andand leless than 14 ss than 14 ddays ays pprior to userior to use nornor spaces available for your facility use spaces available for your facility use andand socializesocialize with f with feellow llow pparticiparticipants.ants. wewear ar closeclosedd toe toe shoeshoes s whilewhile rereffundund.. needs. Reservations request forms are needs. Reservations request forms are NNo o eexpxpeerieriencence ne neeeddeedd——just comejust come pppparticiparticiparticiparticipating ating ating ating in afin afin afin afteteteter schoolr schoolr schoolr school available at the front desk. Please give available at the front desk. Please give rereadady fy for a goodor a good time time and and lots of lots of SENIOR PROGRAM 50+SENIOR PROGRAM 50+ rererecrecrecreation activitieation activitieation activities.s.s. 2 WEEK NOTICE2 WEEK NOTICE f for or rerental rental reqqueuests.sts. laughs.laughs. Bingo BreakfastBingo Breakfast Bridge LoungeBridge LoungeBridge LoungeBridge Lounge Bridge Lounge DISCOUNT PROGRAM DISCOUNT PROGRAM Mark your calendars for the last Mark your calendars for the last ThursdThursdThursdays|Deays|Deays|Deafafaf SeSeSeniorsniorsniors - From - - From From pppokeokeokerrr AreAreAreAreAre you you you you you looking flooking flooking flooking flooking for a por a por a por a por a placelacelacelacelace to to to to to hang hang hang hang hang out,out,out,out,out, Friday of every month and join us for Friday of every month and join us for gamegames on s on a a teteleleppromprompteter r to to ffeestivestive rerererelax, andlax, andlax, andlax, and have have have have ffffun with fun with fun with fun with frierierieriendndndnds? s? s? s? TheTheTheThe TheThe P Parks arks andand Re Recrecreationation a morning of fun and prizes at our a morning of fun and prizes at our holidholiday ay ppotlucks, otlucks, thetherere's always's always BridBridBridBridgegegege LoungeLoungeLoungeLounge is opis opis opis opeeeen n n n just just just just ffffor or or or teteteteeeeens,ns,ns,ns, ScholarshipScholarship p program rogram pprovidrovideess Breakfast Bingo event! We'll be Breakfast Bingo event! We'll be somesomething ething exciting hapxciting happpeening.ning. ofofofofffffeeeering ring ring ring a a a a ppppeeeerfrfrfrfeeeect spct spct spct spot ot ot ot to to to to eeeenjoy somenjoy somenjoy somenjoy some ffinancial inancial assistanceassistance ffor or classeclasses,s, serving up a delicious breakfast from serving up a delicious breakfast from WheWhethether r you’reyou’re looking to relooking to relax,lax, ddddowntimeowntimeowntimeowntime. With f. With f. With f. With foosboosboosboosball, pall, pall, pall, ping ing ing ing ppppong,ong,ong,ong, sports leagues, and fitness room sports leagues, and fitness room 10 AM to 12:30 PM as you play your 10 AM to 12:30 PM as you play your socializesocialize, or e, or enjoy somenjoy some f frieriendndlyly arcadarcadarcadeee gaming, gaming, gaming, andandand a TV f a TV f a TV for or or moviemoviemoviesss memberships to qualifying Clark memberships to qualifying Clark favorite game. favorite game. compcompeetition, wetition, we’d’d lovelove to to seseee you you and shows, there's something for and shows, there's something for County residents. To apply please County residents. To apply please Field Trips / Workshops Field Trips / Workshops thetherere!! everyone. Plus, we have a variety of everyone. Plus, we have a variety of ask ask ffor an or an apappplication at lication at thethe ffrontront ask for an application at the front For the latest information on For the latest information on board games available if you're in the board games available if you're in the ddeesk sk ofof thethe cecententer. Pr. Pleleasease allow allow 22 desk of the center. Please allow 2 upcoming workshops and field trips, upcoming workshops and field trips, mood for some classic fun. Whether mood for some classic fun. Whether weweeeksks f for apor appplication lication pprocerocessingssing weeks for application processing visit the Cambridge Recreation Center visit the Cambridge Recreation Center you're here to challenge your friends you're here to challenge your friends andand apappproval.roval. and approval. front desk or check our website. New front desk or check our website. New to a game or just unwind, the Bridge to a game or just unwind, the Bridge schedules are released bimonthly on schedules are released bimonthly on Lounge is the place to be. Lounge is the place to be. the same day as our Friday Breakfast the same day as our Friday Breakfast REFUNDSREFUNDSREFUNDS Bingo events. Don’t miss out on these Bingo events. Don’t miss out on these Kidsville Kidsville Refunds will be made first to RReeffundunds will s will bbee madmadee ffirst toirst to exciting opportunities! exciting opportunities! ComeCome on on ddown own to to KidKidsvillesville, , whewherere ffunun accommodate each individual or group accommodaccommodateate eeach ach indindividividual or ual or groupgroup Senior Days Senior Days nenevever r eendnds! s! DiveDive into a into a worldworld of of by transferring use to a similar bby y transftransfeerring rring useuse to a similar to a similar TueTueTuesdsdsdays ays ays | | | GameGameGame Day Day Day - Join us - Join us eeveveryry aweawesomesome b boardoard game games, s, geget t crecreativeative program or facility before issuing a pprogram rogram or or ffacility acility bbeefforeore issuing a issuing a

What’s BeenWhat’s BeenWhat’s Been CORA COLEMAN SENIOR CENTERCORA COLEMAN SENIOR CENTERCORA COLEMAN SENIOR CENTER WiiWiiWiiWiiWiiWiiWiiWiiWiiWiiWiiWiiWiiWiiWiiWiiWiiWiiWiiWiiWiiWiiWiiWiiWiiWiiWiiWiiWiiWiiWii WiiWiiWiiWiiWiiWiiWiiWiiWiiWiiWiiWiiWiiWiiWiiWiiWiiWiiWiiWiiWiiWiiWiiWiiWiiWiiWiiWiiWiiWiiWiiWiiWiiWiiWiiWiiWiiWiiWiiWiiWiiWiiWiiWiiWiiWiiWiiWiiWiiWiiWiiWiiWiiWiiWiiWiiWii Happening HereHappening Here Happening Here 2100 Bonnie2100 BonnieBonnie, , , Las Las Las VeVeVegas, Ngas, Ngas, NV V V 891568915689156 (702) 455-7617 (702) 455-7617 Love toLove toLove toLove toLove toLove toLove toLove toLove toLove toLove toLove toLove toLove toLove toLove toLove toLove to Love toLove toLove toLove toLove toLove toLove toLove toLove toLove toLove toLove toLove toLove toLove toLove toLove toLove toLove toLove toLove toLove toLove to Serves Older Adults 50+Serves Older Adults 50+ Center HoCenter HoCenter HoCenter Hours ours ours ours offff OOperaperatiotion:n: Live,Live,Live,Live,Live,Live,Live, Live,Live,Live,Live,Live,Live,Live,Live,Live,Live,Live,Live,Live,Live,Live,Live, MMoondandayy - Frida - Fridayy 7:15 a7:15 am - 5:00 pmm - 5:00 pm PoPoool Hol Hours ours of Of Operaperatiotion:n: MMoondandayy - Frida - Fridayy 8:00 a8:00 a8:00 am - 2:00 pmm - 2:00 pmm - 2:00 pm LaughLaughLaughLaughLaughLaughLaughLaughLaughLaughLaughLaughLaughLaughLaughLaughLaughLaughLaughLaughLaughLaughLaughLaughLaughLaughLaughLaughLaughLaughLaughLaughLaughLaughLaugh LaughLaughLaughLaughLaughLaughLaughLaughLaughLaughLaughLaughLaughLaughLaughLaughLaughLaughLaughLaughLaughLaughLaughLaughLaughLaughLaughLaughLaughLaughLaughLaughLaughLaughLaughLaughLaughLaughLaughLaughLaughLaughLaughLaughLaughLaughLaughLaughLaughLaughLaughLaughLaughLaughLaughLaughLaughLaughLaughLaughLaughLaughLaugh (702) 455-2120 o(702) 455-2120 o(702) 455-2120 or (702) 455-8508r (702) 455-8508r (702) 455-8508 (702) 455-2120 or (702) 455-8508 & Play& Play& Play& Play& Play& Play& Play& Play& Play& Play& Play& Play& Play& Play& Play& Play & Play& Play& Play& Play& Play& Play& Play& Play& Play& Play& Play& Play& Play& Play& Play& Play& Play& Play& Play& Play& Play& Play& Play& Play Visit oVisit our webpaur webpage age att Visit our webpage at www.clawww.clawww.clawww.clawww.clawww.clarkcorkcorkcorkcorkcorkcountyuntyuntyuntyuntyuntynvnvnvnvnvnv.go.go.go.go.go.govvvvvv//////papapapapaparksrksrksrksrksrks OOOOOnline Registranline Registranline Registranline Registranline Registratiotiotiotiotion can can can can cannnnn Online Registration can be found at: be found at: www.Clawww.Clawww.Clawww.Clawww.Clawww.ClarkCorkCorkCorkCorkCorkCountyuntyuntyuntyuntyuntyNV.GoNV.GoNV.GoNV.GoNV.GoNV.Govvvvvv////// www.ClarkCountyNV.Gov/ PaPaPaParksRegistrarksRegistrarksRegistrarksRegistratiotiotiotionnnn ParksRegistration RegistratioRegistratioRegistratioRegistration Dates:n Dates:n Dates:n Dates: SessioSessioSessioSessioSession 7: Registration 7: Registration 7: Registration 7: Registration 7: Registration is currently on is currently on is currently on is currently on is currently openpenpenpenpen Session 1: Online Reg. Thursday, December 19, 2024 SessioSessioSessioSessioSession 1: On 1: On 1: On 1: On 1: Online Reg. Thursday, December 19, 2024nline Reg. Thursday, December 19, 2024nline Reg. Thursday, December 19, 2024nline Reg. Thursday, December 19, 2024nline Reg. Thursday, December 19, 2024 Session 1: Walk-In Reg. Monday, December 23, 2024 SessioSessioSessioSession 1: Wn 1: Wn 1: Wn 1: Walk-In Reg. Malk-In Reg. Malk-In Reg. Malk-In Reg. Moooonday, December 23, 2024nday, December 23, 2024nday, December 23, 2024nday, December 23, 2024 Session 2: Online Registration, Thursday Feb. 6, 2025 SessioSessioSession 2: On 2: On 2: Online Registrationline Registrationline Registration, Thursday Feb. 6, 2025n, Thursday Feb. 6, 2025n, Thursday Feb. 6, 2025 Session 2: Walk-In Reg. Monday, February 10, 2025 SessioSessioSessioSession 2: Wn 2: Wn 2: Wn 2: Walk-In Reg. Malk-In Reg. Malk-In Reg. Malk-In Reg. Moooonday, February 10, 2025nday, February 10, 2025nday, February 10, 2025nday, February 10, 2025 Clark County DeClark County Deppartmeartment nt ofof PParks andarks and ReRecrecreationation welcomes individuals of all abilities to participate welcomes individuals of all abilities to participate Class Session Dates Class Session Dates in our programs. We will fully comply with the in our programs. We will fully comply with the Session 7: Monday, October 21 - Sat., Dec. 14, 2024 SessioSessioSession 7: Mn 7: Mn 7: Mooonday, Onday, Onday, Octoctoctober 21 - Sat., Dec. 14, 2024ber 21 - Sat., Dec. 14, 2024ber 21 - Sat., Dec. 14, 2024 Americans with Disabilities Act in making Americans with Disabilities Act in making Session 1: Monday, January 6 - Sat., Feb. 15, 2025 SessioSession 1: Mn 1: Moonday, January 6 - Sat., Feb. 15, 2025nday, January 6 - Sat., Feb. 15, 2025 Session 2: Monday, Feb. 24 - Saturday April 12, 2025 SessioSession 2: Mn 2: Moonday, Feb. 24 - Saturday Anday, Feb. 24 - Saturday April 12, 2025pril 12, 2025 reasonable accommodations to encourage reasonable accommodations to encourage participants in our programs. We are committed participants in our programs. We are committed Break weeks: Break weeks: to provide assistance to those with mental and to provide assistance to those with mental and Monday, December 23 - Saturday, January 4, 2025 MMoonday, December 23 - Saturday, January 4, 2025nday, December 23 - Saturday, January 4, 2025 physical disabilities who required special physical disabilities who required special Center is CLOSED in observance of the holidays Center is CLCenter is CLOOSESED in oD in observance observance of the hof the holidayslidays accommodation to participate in a program or Wednesday, December 25, 2024 - Christmas Wednesday, December 25, 2024 - Christmas activity. Wednesday, January 1, 2025 - New Years Day Wednesday, January 1, 2025 - New Years Day Monday, January 20, 2025 - MLK Jr. Day Monday, January 20, 2025 - MLK Jr. Day Monday, February 17, 2025 - Presidents Day Monday, February 17, 2025 - Presidents Day

DancerciseDancercise Fitness RoomFitness RoomFitness Room Tuesdays & Thursdays Tuesdays & Thursdays Line Dance Beginners Line Dance BeginnersLine Dance BeginnersLine Dance BeginnersLine Dance Beginners Monday - Friday: 7:15 am - 4:45 pmMonday - Friday: 7:15 am - 4:45 pmMonday - Friday: 7:15 am - 4:45 pm 8:00 am - 8:45 am 8:00 am - 8:45 am Wednesday WeWeWedddnenenesdsdsdayayay No reservation required. No reservation required. $40 $40 Must bring your own towel, water Must bring your own towel, water 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm 2:00 p2:00 p2:00 p2:00 pm - m - m - m - 3:00 p3:00 p3:00 p3:00 pmmmm Drop in fees for the above paid classes will be $6.00 per Drop in feesDrop in fees for the above paid c for the above paid claslassseses wil will be $6.00 perl be $6.00 per bottle and wipe down machines after bottle and wipe down machines after Free - Space is limited FreFreFreFreeeee - - - - SpSpSpSpaceaceaceace is limite is limite is limite is limitedddd each use. each use. drop in. Please see staff if you have any questions drop in. Please see staff if you have any questions MEMBERSHIP FEES:MEMBERSHIP FEES: Line Dance Advance Line Dance AdvanceLine Dance AdvanceLine Dance Advance Beat It - Cardio Drumming Beat It - Cardio Drumming Seniors(55+)Seniors(55+)Seniors(55+) Tuesday & Thursday TueTueTuesdsdsday & ay & ay & ThursdThursdThursdayayay $1 per day $1 per day Friday, 12/20, 1/17 & 2/21 Friday, 12/20, 1/17 & 2/21 $5 per month $5 per month 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm 12:00 p12:00 p12:00 pm - 1:00 pm - 1:00 pm - 1:00 pmmm 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm $35 per year $35 per year Free - Space is limited Free - Space is limited $5 / per class $5 $5 / p/ peer r classclass Fun seated cardio driven class. Fun seFun seateatedd card cardio dio driveriven class.n class. African Dance African Dance ExerciseExercise Tuesdays - 12/3, 1/7, & 2/4 Tuesdays - 12/3, 1/7, & 2/4 Tai Chi Tai ChiTai Chi 1:15 pm - 2:00 pm 1:15 pm - 2:00 pm Low Impact Senior FitnessLow Impact Senior FitnessLow Impact Senior Fitness Wednesdays & Fridays WeWeddnenesdsdays ays & Frid& Fridaysays Mondays Mondays $5.00 per class $5.00 per class 7:30 am - 8:30 am Beginners 7:30 am - 8:30 am BeBeginneginnersrs 10:00 am –10:00 am – 11:00 11:00 amam 10:00 am – 11:00 am Class can be done standing or in a chair for those Class can be done standing or in a chair for those 8:30 am - 9:30 am - Intermediate 8:30 am - 8:30 am - 9:30 am - Inte9:30 am - Intermermeddiateiate WeWeddnenesdsdaysays Wednesdays with mobility issues. Taught by William T. with mobility issues. Taught by William T. 9:30 am - 9:30 am - 10:30 am10:30 am 9:30 am - 10:30 am Free Free FridFridaysays Fridays 9:30 am - 9:30 am - 10:30 am10:30 am 9:30 am - 10:30 am Cumbia Dance Cumbia Dance African Drums African Drums FreFreee - - SpSpaceace is limite is limitedd andand Free - Space is limited and Mondays Mondays registration required. registration required. Wednesdays - 1/8, 2/5 Wednesdays - 1/8, 2/5 11:00 am - 11:45 am 11:00 am - 11:45 am No Class: No Class: 9:30 am - 10:15 am 9:30 am - 10:15 am 12/25, 1/1, 1/3, 1/20, 2/17 12/25, 1/1, 1/3, 1/20, 2/17 $26.00 per class $26.00 per class $5.00 / per class $5.00 / per class Virtual Virtual classeclasses s areare availabavailablele on FB on FB andand DVD cop DVD copieiess Virtual classes are available on FB and DVD copies Class can be done alone or with a partner. Class Class can bcan bee ddoneone alonealone or or with with a a ppartneartner.r. Learn how to play the drums with William T. Learn how to play the drums with William T. can be requested. can be requested. Chair Yoga Chair Yoga Clark County Parks and Recreation offers Clark Clark County PCounty Parks arks andand Re Recrecreation ation ofofffeersrs TueTuesdsdays ays & & ThursdThursdaysays Tuesdays & Thursdays DanceDanceDance scholarship assistance to those who qualify. 9:45 am – 10:30 am 9:45 am – 10:30 am Line Dance Intermediate Line Dance Intermediate The assistance helps pay for classes and 10:45 am - 11:30 am 10:45 am - 11:30 am Wednesday Wednesday $40 session 1 $40 session 1 activities throughout the year. See front desk 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm 1:00 p1:00 pm - m - 2:00 p2:00 pmm for details. Free - upon instructor approval FreFreee - - upupon on instructor instructor apappprovalroval

Creative ArtsCreative Arts Fun with Art w/DanFun with Art w/DanFun with Art w/DanFun with Art w/Dan Social Sewing Club Social Sewing Club ComeComeComeCome le le le learn darn darn darn dififififffffeeeererererent fnt fnt fnt fun un un un art art art art tetetetechniqchniqchniqchniqueueueuessss Wood Craft Club Wood Craft Club with with with with our instructor our instructor our instructor our instructor who is who is who is who is a rea rea rea retiretiretiretiredddd CCSD CCSD CCSD CCSD ComeComeCome and and and e e enjoy njoy njoy timetimetime with with with otheotheothers whors whors who Come and enjoy time with others who Come and enjoy time with others who Art Art Art teteteacheacheacher. r. r. Each month is Each month is Each month is a da da difififfffeeerererentntnt Art teacher. Each month is a different enjoy like to sew and quilt. This class enjoy like to sew and quilt. This class like doing wood art. Bring your own like doing wood art. Bring your own theme. theme. works on their own projects. donated works on their own projects. donated supplies or use what the center has to supplies or use what the center has to fabric is available. Please bring your own fabric is available. Please bring your own 2nd2nd We Weddnenesdsdaysays 2:00 p2:00 pm - m - 3:30 p3:30 pmm 2nd Wednesdays 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm offer. offer. machine. During break weeks there will machine. During break weeks there will $6.00 $6.00 ppeer classr class $6.00 per class WeWeddnenesdsday: 1/8ay: 1/8 9:00 am 9:00 am - 9:00 am - - 10:30 p10:30 p10:30 pmmm be NO sewing. Volunteer instructors be NO sewing. Volunteer instructors rerereregistration is registration is registration is registration is reqqqquireuireuireuiredddd.... $1 each date $1 each date available for questions. available for questions. registration is required. registration is required. Painting with Lori Painting with LoriPainting with Lori Tuesdays 10:00 am - 2:00 pm Tuesdays 10:00 am - 2:00 pm Cost: $6.00 Cost: $6.00 Come and enjoy this fun class. Each week ComeCome and and e enjoy njoy this this ffun un class. class. Each weEach weeekk Craft WorkshopsCraft Workshops fffocuseocuseocuses on s on s on a a a dddifififfffeeerererent pnt pnt projerojeroject, andct, andct, and p p paintaintaint registration is required. registration is required. The center has a variety of different craft TheTheThe ce ce centententer r r has a has a has a varievarievariety ty ty ofofof dddifififfffeeerererent nt nt crafcrafcrafttt memeddium. ium. This This class class ddoeoes s watewatercolors too.rcolors too. medium. This class does watercolors too. worksworksworkshophophop instructors instructors instructors that that that teteteach ach ach fffununun TueTuesdsdaysays 11:00 11:00 am - 12:30 p11:00 am - 12:30 pam - 12:30 pmmm ppprojerojerojects cts cts throughout thethroughout thethroughout the ye ye year. Supar. Supar. Supppplielieliesss Paint Workshops with L. Griffin Paint Workshops with L. Griffin areare includ includeedd in the in the f feeee, unle, unless ss notenotedd.. are included in the fee, unless noted. Cost: $22.00 4-week class session Cost: $22.00 4-we4-weeek k class seclass sessionssion SeSeSeeee ffflyelyelyers rs rs ppposteosteosteddd at at at thethethe ce ce centententer r r worksworksworkshophophop See flyers posted at the center workshop Learn to paint with acrylics. Different Learn to paint with acrylics. Different Session 1: 1/8, 1/,15, 1/22, & 2/5 SeSession 1: 1/8, ssion 1: 1/8, 1/,15, 1/22, 1/,15, 1/22, & 2/5& 2/5 ddateates, times, times s andand pprojerojects.cts. dates, times and projects. techniques will be learned each month. techniques will be learned each month. Session 2: 2/26/, 3/5, 3/12, 3/26 SeSession 2: 2/26/, ssion 2: 2/26/, 3/5, 3/12, 3/5, 3/12, 3/263/26 All supplies provided. All supplies provided. registration is required. registration is required. Various dates/Time TBA - SeTBA - Seee FlyeFlyersrs Various dates/Time TBA - See Flyers 1st 1st TueTuesdsdaysays 11:00 am - 12:30 11:00 am - 12:30 ppmm 6.00 per workshop 6.00 per workshop Health & WellnessHealth & Wellness Cost: $6.00 each workshops Cost: $6.00 each workshops registration is required. registration is required. registration is required. registration is required. Grief Group GrieGrieGriefff Group Group Group MondMondMondMondMonday ay ay ay ay ----- 12/16, 12/16, 1/6, 2/31/6, 2/3 12/16, 1/6, 2/3 Sketching with Janet Sketching with Janet Jewelry WorkshopsJewelry Workshops 11:00 am - 12:00 pm 11:00 am - 12:00 pm LeLearn arn skills to impskills to improverove your your ddrawingrawing Free Free All supplies are included in this All supplies are included in this This groupThis groupThis group is is is leleleddd b b by y y a a a ppprofrofrofeeessional griessional griessional griefff This group is led by a professional grief ability. Participants will learn lines, ability. Participants will learn lines, educational class. Instructor is a educational class. Instructor is a counsecounselor lor CompCompassion assion CareCare Hosp Hospiceice.. counselor Compassion Care Hospice. shading and diff. techniques. All supplies shading and diff. techniques. All supplies pprofrofeessional jessional jewewelry lry artist. artist. SeSeee f flyelyer r fforor professional jewelry artist. See flyer for pprovidrovideedd.. provided. dates and registration information. dates and registration information. Guided Meditation Guided Meditation 2nd Mondays, 2nd Mondays, Fridays 11:00 - 2:00 pm Fridays 11:00 - 2:00 pm 3rd3rd3rd3rd3rd Tue Tue Tue Tue Tuesdsdsdsdsdaysaysaysaysays 11:00 am - 11:00 am - 12:30 p11:00 am - 12:30 p12:30 pmmm 12/9, 1/13, 2/10 Cost: $6.00 each workshops CoCost: $6.00 est: $6.00 each workshopach workshopss $6.00 per workshop $6.00 per workshop 11:00 am - 12:00 pm registration is required. reregistration is registration is reqquireuiredd.. registration is required registration is required Free Join us for an hour of relaxation.

Social ActivitiesSocial ActivitiesSocial Activities Creative Arts ContinuedCreative Arts ContinuedCreative Arts ContinuedCreative Arts Continued Karaoke Madness Karaoke MadnessKaraoke MadnessKaraoke Madness Do you like to Sing and or just come to Do Do Do you you you likelikelike to Sing to Sing to Sing andandand or or or just just just comecomecome to to to BingoBingo Adult Coloring & Diamond ArtAdult Coloring & Diamond ArtAdult Coloring & Diamond Art listen. This is an open group. listelistelisten. This n. This n. This is an is an is an opopopeeen groupn groupn group... ComeComeCome and and and e e enjoy njoy njoy timetimetime with with with otheotheothers whors whors who Come and enjoy a few games of Bingo ComeCome and and e enjoy njoy a fa feew w gamegames s ofof BingoBingo Wednesdays 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm WeWeddnenesdsdaysays 12:00 p12:00 pm - 2:00 pm - 2:00 pmm eeenjoy njoy njoy coloring. coloring. coloring. Bring your Bring your Bring your own own own bbbooks ooks ooks andandand enjoy coloring. Bring your own books and with friends. Keep fit, active, and with friends. Keep fit, active, and 12/4, & 1/8 12/4, & 1/8 supsuppplielies or uses or use what the what the cecententer has tor has to supplies or use what the center has to socializesocialize!! Free Free ofofofofffffeeeer. Diamondr. Diamondr. Diamondr. Diamond art art art art ppppleleleleaseaseasease bbbbring your ring your ring your ring your ownownownown offer. Diamond art please bring your own Thursdays 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm Thursdays 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm kits. The center has some kits available kits. The center has some kits available registration is required. reregistration is registration is reqquireuiredd.. 1/9, & 1/9, & 2/62/6 for small fee. for small fee. 9:00 am - 10:30 pm Tuesdays 9:00 am - 10:30 pm Free Free Let’s Do Lunch Let’s Do LunchLet’s Do LunchLet’s Do Lunch Free registration is required. registration is required. Make new friends, while we travel around MakeMake nenew fw frieriendnds, whiles, while wewe trave travel aroundl around reregistration gistration is is rereqquireuiredd.. town to experience different culinary town town to to eexpxpeerieriencence d dififffeererent nt culinaryculinary delights. This is a social group that tries ddeelights. lights. This This is is a a social groupsocial group that that trietriess BuncoBuncoBunco international cuisines. inteinternational cuisinernational cuisines.s. Crochet & Knit Social TimeCrochet & Knit Social Time FridFridFriday 12/13, ay 12/13, ay 12/13, TbTbTbddd 12:00 p12:00 pm - 2:00 pm - 2:00 pmm ComeComeCome and and and e e enjoy njoy njoy ppplaying laying laying Bunco Bunco Bunco fffor or or ppprizerizerizes.s.s. Come and enjoy time with others who Come and enjoy time with others who MeMeeet t nenew pw peeopoplele and and have have ffun.un. Meet new people and have fun. Free Free eenjoy njoy this this crecreativeative art. art. Bring your Bring your ownown TBD TBD TBD - - - seseseeee ffflyelyelyerrr 12:00 p12:00 pm - 2:00 pm - 2:00 pmm registration is required. minimum enrolled reregistration is registration is reqquireuiredd. minimum . minimum eenrollenrolledd pprojerojects. cts. YaYarn is rn is availabavailablele. . VolunteVolunteeerr needed to not cancel dates. needed to not cancel dates. Free Free instructor is on hand to assist. instructor is on hand to assist. registration is required. reregistration is registration is reqquireuiredd.. Thursdays 11:00 am - 1:00 pm Thursdays 11:00 am - 1:00 pm CC Adventure CrewCC Adventure Crew Free TThihiss g grrooup doup doeses mo morre adve advententururoousus aactivitiectivitiess registration is required. registration is required. Movie Matinees Movie Matinees tthen ohen ourur s sttandarandard td trriipsps and meet and meet me’ me’ss.. Cost of all activities is paid for to the location Cost of all activities is paid for to the location Come enjoy a monthly movie on our large ComeCome e enjoy a monthly njoy a monthly moviemovie on our on our largelarge and at the participants expense. If interested in and at the participants expense. If interested in screen TV. Movie titles listed on flyer screscreeen TV. n TV. MovieMovie title titles listes listedd on on fflyelyerr joining this fun group, please contact the joining this fun group, please contact the pposteostedd e each month.ach month. Community ColoringCommunity Coloring center. Trips are open to members in the crew. center. Trips are open to members in the crew. Fridays 2:30 pm - 4:30 pm Fridays 2:30 pm - 4:30 pm You must attend a meeting to be eligible to You must attend a meeting to be eligible to The center offers community coloring The center offers community coloring 12/20, 12/20, 1/24, 2/281/24, 2/28 register, and trip registration is on a first come register, and trip registration is on a first come ppageages fs for all or all to to pparticiparticipateate in in compcompleleting.ting. pages for all to participate in completing. first serve basis. Choose what fits your ability first serve basis. Choose what fits your ability Free Free TheThey y areare locatelocatedd in the in the north north hallway andhallway and They are located in the north hallway and level. Check board for current flyer. llevevelel.. C Checheck bok boarard fod forr c cururrrentent fl flyyerer.. change by the season. change by the season. registration is required. registration is required. TripTripTrip TBD TBDTBD Next Meeting Date: 1/10 NNNNext Meeting Dateext Meeting Dateext Meeting Dateext Meeting Date: 1/10: 1/10: 1/10: 1/10 Registration is required for all trips/meeting Registration is reqRegistration is requireduired for for all trips/meetingall trips/meeting

GAMES & SOCIAL CLUBSGAMES & SOCIAL CLUBS FIELD TRIPSFIELD TRIPSFIELD TRIPS Monday Monday Join Join Join Join us fus fus fus for for for for fun, un, un, un, eeeedddducational anducational anducational anducational and e e e excitingxcitingxcitingxciting Friday Friday Train Dominos: 8:30 am - 11:30 am or Train Dominos: 8:30 am - 11:30 am or eeexcursions. xcursions.xcursions. LotteLotteLottery ry ry rereregistration isgistration isgistration is Wii Wii Bowling: 11:00 am Bowling: 11:00 am 12:00 pm - 3:30 pm 12:00 pm - 3:30 pm rererereqqqquireuireuireuiredddd, , , , ddddateateateates notes notes notes notedddd und und und undeeeer er er er each tripach tripach tripach trip.... Wii Bowl / Golf: 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm. Wii Wii Bowl / GolfBowl / Golf: 1:00 : 1:00 ppm - 2:00 pm - 2:00 pm.m. Pickleball: 8:30 am - 9:30 am Pickleball: 8:30 am - 9:30 am TripTripTripTrips s s s areareareare non- non- non- non- rererereffffundundundundabababablelelele.... TripTripTrips s s may may may bbbeee Open Games: 8:30 am - 11:30 am OpOpeen Gamen Games: s: 8:30 8:30 am am - - 11:30 am11:30 am (no class 1/20, 2/17) (no class 1/20, 2/17) cancecancecancecancecancellellellellelleddddd dddddueueueueue to low e to low e to low e to low e to low enrollmenrollmenrollmenrollmenrollment, sont, sont, sont, sont, so Cornhole: 2:30 pm - 4:00 pm Cornhole: 2:30 pm - 4:00 pm ppppleleleleaseaseasease sign sign sign sign upupupup eeeearly.arly.arly.arly. Ad Addditional itional ffeeeess Monday - Friday Monday - Friday may apmay apmay apmay apmay apppppply andly andly andly andly and will b will b will b will b will beeeee notenotenotenotenoteddddd. P. P. P. P. Pleleleleleaseaseaseasease Tuesday Tuesday arrivearrivearrivearrivearrive 15 15 15 15 15 minuteminuteminuteminuteminutes bs bs bs bs beeeeeffffforeoreoreoreore dddddeeeeeppppparturearturearturearturearture Billiards: 7:15 am - 4:45 pm Billiards: 7:15 am - 4:45 pm Cornhole: 9:00 am - 10:30 am Cornhole: 9:00 am - 10:30 am timetimetime to sign to sign to sign adadadddditional itional itional waivewaivewaivers rs rs as as as Wii Bowling: 11:00 am or 1:00 pm Wii Bowling: 11:00 am or 1:00 pm Ping Pong: 7:15 am - 4:45 pm PPing ing PPong: 7:15 ong: 7:15 am - 4:45 pam - 4:45 pmm NNNo o o pppeeerfrfrfumeumeume on on on van van van triptriptrips. Flyes. Flyes. Flyers rs rs will bwill bwill beee (1p(1pm limitem limitedd spspots)ots) (1pm limited spots) Puzzles: 7:15 am - 4:45 pm ***NEW*** PPuzzleuzzles: 7:15 s: 7:15 am - 4:45 am - 4:45 ppm ***Nm ***NEW***EW*** ppposteosteosteddd at the at the at the cececentententer fr fr for or or upupupcoming tripcoming tripcoming trips.s.s. Chair Chair Chair Chair VolleVolleVolleVolleybybybyball: 2:00 pall: 2:00 pall: 2:00 pall: 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm - 3:30 pm - 3:30 pm - 3:30 pmmmm Chair Volleyball: 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm Horseshoes, Croquet, Shuffleboard, Bocce, HorseHorseshoeshoes, Croqs, Croqueuet, Shuft, Shuffflelebboardoard, Bocce, Bocce,, seseseseeeee fffflyelyelyelyer 12/10, r 12/10, r 12/10, r 12/10, 1/7, 1/21, 1/7, 1/21, 1/7, 1/21, 1/7, 1/21, 2/11, 2/252/11, 2/252/11, 2/252/11, 2/25 see flyer 12/10, 1/7, 1/21, 2/11, 2/25 CheCheCheck ck ck with thewith thewith the cececentententer fr fr for or or infinfinformationormationormation Cornhole, Pickleball, Frisbee & 4sq equip. CornholeCornhole, , PPickleicklebball, Frisball, Frisbeeee & 4sq& 4sq eeqquipuip.. Chair Chair Chair Chair Chair VolleVolleVolleVolleVolleybybybybyball Holidall Holidall Holidall Holidall Holiday Pay Pay Pay Pay Party arty arty arty arty 12/2412/2412/2412/2412/24 Chair Volleyball Holiday Party 12/24 abababout theout theout the De De Decececembmbmbeeer r r triptriptrips s s andandand anyanyany OpOpOpOpOpeeeeen Gamen Gamen Gamen Gamen Games: s: s: s: s: 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 am am am am am - - - - - 11:30 am11:30 am11:30 am11:30 am11:30 am Open Games: 8:30 am - 11:30 am available to check out: available to check out: upup-to-d-to-dateate inf information.ormation. ScrabScrabScrabScrabScrabbbbbblelelelele: 12:30 p: 12:30 p: 12:30 p: 12:30 p: 12:30 pm - 3:00 m - 3:00 m - 3:00 m - 3:00 m - 3:00 pppppmmmmm Scrabble: 12:30 pm - 3:00 pm All players must adhere to our center All pAll playelayers must adrs must adheherere to to our ceour cententerr LadLadLadLadLadLadieieieieieies Billiards Billiards Billiards Billiards Billiards Billiards: 10:30 s: 10:30 s: 10:30 s: 10:30 s: 10:30 s: 10:30 am - 12:00 am - 12:00 am - 12:00 am - 12:00 am - 12:00 am - 12:00 ppppppmmmmmm Ladies Billiards: 10:30 am - 12:00 pm guidelines. guidelines. WednesdayWednesday Wednesday Players wanted for all games! PPlayelayers wanters wantedd f for all or all gamegames!s! PPPPinochleinochleinochleinochle: 12:00 : 12:00 : 12:00 : 12:00 ppppm m m m - - - - 4:00 4:00 4:00 4:00 ppppmmmm Pinochle: 12:00 pm - 4:00 pm BocceBocceBocceBocce Ball: Ball: Ball: Ball: 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 am am am am - - - - 10:00 am10:00 am10:00 am10:00 am Bocce Ball: 8:30 am - 10:00 am Registration is required for all games Registration is required for all gamesRegistration is required for all games PPPing ing ing PPPong: 8:30 ong: 8:30 ong: 8:30 am - 11:30 am - 11:30 am - 11:30 amamam Ping Pong: 8:30 am - 11:30 am FIELD TRIP REGISTRATIONFIELD TRIP REGISTRATION INFO INFO Thursday Thursday Chinese Mah Jongg: 9:00 am - Noon Chinese Mah Jongg: 9:00 am - Noon All All rereggistraistrationtions s aarere ddononee bby y inin-p-peersonrson LeLearn arn a a NNeew Boardw Board GameGame: 9:00 am - 11:30: 9:00 am - 11:30 Learn a New Board Game: 9:00 am - 11:30 lottery system. lottery system. am. See flyer for list of monthly games and am. See flyer for list of monthly games and Tickets are drawn at 2:00 pm sharp! Tickets are drawn at 2:00 pm sharp! class date changes. class date changes. All purchases and meals are at your own All purchases and meals are at your own Open Games: 8:30 am - 11:30 am Open Games: 8:30 am - 11:30 am expense. expense. Texas Hold’Em: 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm Texas Hold’Em: 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm You may register yourself and one other YoYou mayu may r regiegisstterer y yoourursselelf and of and onene other person only. person only. You may not be listed on more than one You may not be listed on more than one other person's ticket. other person's ticket. YoYoYou mayu mayu may no no nottt r r regiegiegissstttererer o o otttherherher peo peo peoplplple ie ie if yf yf yooouuu yyyooourururssselelelf arf arf are noe noe nottt at at attttendiendiendingngng

Chair Volleyball Holiday PartyChair Volleyball Holiday Party Chair Volleyball Holiday Party Movie on the PatioMovie on the PatioMovie on the Patio Movie on the Patio SPECIAL EVENTSSPECIAL EVENTS Tuesday, December 24, 2024Tuesday, December 24, 2024 Tuesday, December 24, 2024 Tuesday, February 18, 2025Tuesday, February 18, 2025Tuesday, February 18, 2025 Tuesday, February 18, 2025 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm 4:30 pm - 6:45 pm4:30 pm - 6:45 pm 4:30 pm - 6:45 pm Cost: $2.00 Cost: $2.00 TheTheThe ce ce centententer r r hosts a variehosts a variehosts a variety ofty ofty of sp sp speeecialcialcial Cost: Free (snacks (snacks (snacks availabavailabavailablelele fffor or or pppurchaseurchaseurchase))) Cost: Free (snacks available for purchase) RReegistration gistration rereqquireuiredd - - CC CC CVbCVball all HPHP 12/2412/24 Registration required - CC CVball HP 12/24 eevevents nts ffor or thethe se senior community. nior community. AllAll events for the senior community. All RRReeegistration gistration gistration rerereqqquireuireuireddd - - - CC CC CC MovieMovieMovie on on on 2/12/12/1888 Registration required - CC Movie on 2/18 This is our first holiday party - see flyer at This is our first holiday party - see flyer at events are for 50+ unless noted50+ unless noted. Se. . SeSeeee events are for seseseeee ffflyelyelyer at r at r at cececentententer fr fr for spor spor speeecifcifcific eic eic evevevent dnt dnt deeetails.tails.tails. see flyer at center for specific event details. center for specific event details. center for specific event details. fflyelyers rs pposteostedd at at thethe cecententer fr for moreor more flyers posted at the center for more details. details. Wii Bowling Noon Years Eve Party Wii Bowling Noon Years Eve Party Carolers and CookiesCarolers and Cookies Tuesday, December 31, 2024 Tuesday, December 31, 2024 Thursday, December 12, 2024 Thursday, December 12, 2024 11:00 am - 1:00 pm 11:00 am - 1:00 pm 1:15 pm - 2:00 pm 1:15 pm - 2:00 pm Cost: $2.00 Cost: $2.00 Cost: $2.00 Cost: $2.00 Registration required - CC Wii NYE 12/31 Registration required - CC Wii NYE 12/31 RReegistration gistration rereqquireuiredd - - codcodee CC CC LVA LVA 12/1212/12 Registration required - code CC LVA 12/12 This is our annual holiday party - see flyer at This is our annual holiday party - see flyer at TTThis phis phis portionortionortion intention intention intentionallyallyally lef lef left bt bt blanklanklank. A. A. Anynyny Enjoy theEnjoy theEnjoy the sound sound sounds ofs ofs of the the the Las Ve Las Ve Las Vegas gas gas AcadAcadAcadeeemymymy Enjoy the sounds of the Las Vegas Academy additional information about events can be adaddditional infitional informormation abation abouout evt events can bents can bee center for specific event details. center for specific event details. obtained by contacting the center SeSenior nior Choir singing holidChoir singing holiday carols.ay carols. obobtainedtained b byy contacting contacting th the cene centerter Senior Choir singing holiday carols. PPParticiparticiparticipants will ants will ants will bbbeee tre tre treateateateddd to to to cookiecookiecookies s s andandand Participants will be treated to cookies and Soup-R-Bowl Party Soup-R-Bowl Party cocoa. Secocoa. Seee f flyelyer at cer at cententer r ffor or moremore cocoa. See flyer at center for more Wednesday, February 5, 2025 Wednesday, February 5, 2025 infinformationormation information 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm Cost: $5.00 Cost: $5.00 Holiday Cookie and Cocoa GiveawayHoliday Cookie and Cocoa GiveawayHoliday Cookie and Cocoa Giveaway Holiday Cookie and Cocoa Giveaway Registration required - CC Soup-R 2/5 Registration required - CC Soup-R 2/5 Friday, December 13, 2024Friday, December 13, 2024 Friday, December 13, 2024 Football Frenzy winners will be announced. Football Frenzy winners will be announced. 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm see flyer at center for specific event details. see flyer at center for specific event details. Cost: $2.00 Cost: $2.00 InfInformation ormation ababoutout Always check Always check RRReeegistration gistration gistration rerereqqquireuireuireddd - - - CC CC CC Hol. Hol. Hol. CookieCookieCookie 12/1312/1312/13 Registration required - CC Hol. Cookie 12/13 the the For the Love of Fashion & Sweets For the Love of Fashion & Sweets b b oardoard voluntevolunteeerr f f or change or changes This eThis eThis evevevent is nt is nt is ppprovidrovidrovideeeddd in pin pin part art art bbby ArchWey ArchWey ArchWell ll ll andandand This event is provided in part by ArchWell and Thursday, February 13, 2025 Thursday, February 13, 2025 s to tripto trip opoppportunitieortunities s ffor or thethe s, s, classe classe AeAeAeAetna tna tna tna as a thank as a thank as a thank as a thank you to our you to our you to our you to our pppparticiparticiparticiparticipants. ants. ants. ants. EachEachEachEach Aetna as a thank you to our participants. Each s, s, 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm events andevents and community community eevevents nts willwill pppeeerson rson rson will rewill rewill recececeiveiveive a a a holidholidholiday giveay giveay giveaway. away. away. HotHotHot person will receive a holiday giveaway. Hot Cost: $5.00 Cost: $5.00 sp sp eakers.. eakers.. bbee pposteostedd via via a a fflyelyer r inin Cocoa bCocoa bCocoa bar ar ar andandand holidholidholiday Karaokeay Karaokeay Karaoke avalab avalab avalablelele. . . - - - seseseeee Cocoa bar and holiday Karaoke avalable. - see Registration required - CC For the Love 2/13 Registration required - CC For the Love 2/13 thethe loblobbby,y, fflyelyer at cer at cententer r ffor or spspeecifcific ic eevevent nt ddeetails.tails. flyer at center for specific event details. This is a new event. See flyer at center for This is a new event. See flyer at center for event details and when registration begins. event details and when registration begins. Annual Holiday Party Annual Holiday Party Hot Shots Billiards TournamentHot Shots Billiards Tournament Hot Shots Billiards Tournament Thursday, December 19, 2024 Thursday, December 19, 2024 Thursday, February 20, 2025Thursday, February 20, 2025 Thursday, February 20, 2025 This is our annual This is our annual holidholiday ay pparty - searty - seee f flyelyer atr at This is our annual holiday party - see flyer at 8:30 am8:30 am8:30 am8:30 am - 12:00 pm- 12:00 pm 8:30 am - 12:00 pm center for specific event details. Registration center for specific event details. Registration Cost: $6.00 player / $3.00 spectatorCost: $6.00 player / $3.00 spectator Cost: $6.00 player / $3.00 spectator is required and this event is not available is required and this event is not available RReegistration gistration rereqquireuiredd - - CC CC Hot Shots Hot Shots 2/202/20 Registration required - CC Hot Shots 2/20 online - only available to register at Cora online - only available to register at Cora SingleSingles s RRoundound RRobobin in bbeest ofst of two match ptwo match play.lay. Singles Round Robin best of two match play. Coleman Senior Center. Coleman Senior Center. SpSpaceace limitelimitedd - p - play lay ffor or pprizerizes s andand bbragging ragging rightsrights Space limited - play for prizes and bragging rights

GUEST SPEAKERS ANDGUEST SPEAKERS AND ComputersComputersComputers LibraryLibraryLibrary WORKSHOPS WORKSHOPS Open Computer LabOpen Computer Lab TheTheThe ce ce centententer r r has a has a has a widwidwideee se se selelelection ofction ofction of b b both oth oth DVDDVDDVD The center has a wide selection of both DVD Clark County Social ServicesClark County Social Services TheThe cecententer r has has oneone compcomputeuter r availabavailablele The center has one computer available moviemoviemovies ands ands and b b booksooksooks that that that areareare availab availab availablelele f f for useor useor use... movies and books that are available for use. Quarterly 1st Tuesdays Quarterly 1st Tuesdays ffor or pparticiparticipant ant useuse dduring uring bbusineusiness ss hours.hours. for participant use during business hours. ComeComeCome visit visit visit our our our libliblibrary rary rary andandand you might fyou might fyou might findindind Come visit our library and you might find 10:00 am - 12:00 pm 10:00 am - 12:00 pm somesomesomething that intething that intething that interererests sts sts you. you. you. All bAll bAll books ooks ooks andandand something that interests you. All books and Free - Information Table Free - Information Table moviemoviemovies ares ares are fffrerereeee to to to chechecheck ck ck out. Weout. Weout. We areareare not not not movies are free to check out. We are not acceacceppting ting any any ddonations ofonations of b booksooks at this at this accepting any donations of books at this Device AdviceDevice Advice time. time. TheTheThe lib lib library is rary is rary is availabavailabavailablelele to sit to sit to sit andandand rerereadadad d d duringuringuring The library is available to sit and read during A Key to Wellbeing A Key to Wellbeing Tuesdays - Quarterly Tuesdays - Quarterly opopeen pn program rogram timetimes.s. open program times. Friday, December 20, 2024 Friday, December 20, 2024 12/17 12/17 11:00 am - 1:00 pm 11:00 am - 1:00 pm 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm Free - Registration Required FreFreee - - RReegistration Rgistration Reeqquireuiredd A representative from the CCLDLV will be here A representative from the CCLDLV will be here Representatives from Humana will be on RRReeeppprereresesesentativentativentatives fs fs from Humana rom Humana rom Humana will will will bbbeee on on on to teach you. Bring your tablet or phone and to teach you. Bring your tablet or phone and Puzzles PuzzlesPuzzles hand to teach on overall wellbeing and handhandhand to to to teteteach ach ach on oveon oveon overall rall rall wewewellbllbllbeeeing ing ing andandand your questions. your questions. hehealth.alth. TheTheThe ce ce centententer r r ofofoffffeeers rs rs a a a varievarievariety ty ty ofofof communitycommunitycommunity ppuzzleuzzles s to to taketake ppart in. art in. WeWe of offfeer crosswordr crossword puzzles to take part in. We offer crossword LanguageLanguage Gardening with Howard GalinGardening with Howard GalinGardening with Howard Galin andand wordword se search arch ppuzzleuzzles s locatelocatedd in thein the NNorthorth and word search puzzles located in the North Fridays, 1/10, 2/14, 3/21, & 4/4Fridays, 1/10, 2/14, 3/21, & 4/4Fridays, 1/10, 2/14, 3/21, & 4/4 hallway to hallway to eengagengage andand challe challengenge thethe mindmind.. hallway to engage and challenge the mind. Book ClubBook Club 10:30 10:30 am - 11:30 amam - 11:30 am 10:30 am - 11:30 am WeWe also ofalso offfeer pr puzzleuzzles s in thein the loblobbby y thatthat We also offer puzzles in the lobby that 2nd Tuesdays - 12/10 & 2/11/252nd Tuesdays - 12/10 &2nd Tuesdays - 12/10 &2nd Tuesdays - 12/10 & 2/11/25 FreFreee - - RReegistration Rgistration Reeqquireuiredd Free - Registration Required everyone is welcome help complete. everyone is welcome help complete. 2:15 pm - 3:15 pm 2:15 pm - 3:15 pm ComeComeCome le le learn darn darn difififfffeeerererent gardnt gardnt gardeeening tipning tipning tips s s fffromromrom Come learn different gardening tips from Free Free a Master Gardener. a Master Gardener. Registration required Registration required Book title listed on flyer Book title listed on flyer QueQuestions will stions will bbee give given at then at the me meeeting andting and clubclub Questions will be given at the meeting and club is directed by our book club coordinator. is directed by our book club coordinator. RentalsRentals Conversational Spanish Conversational Spanish Mondays Mondays The center rents the Multi Purpose Room andThe center rents the Multi Purpose Room and PPleleasease stop stop bby they the ce cententer r ffor or aa 9:30 am - 10:30 am 9:30 am - 10:30 am classrooms for community/family events andclassrooms for community/family events and complete list of guest speakers in complete list of guest speakers in $26 - 5 week sessions$26 - 5 week sessions $26 - 5 week sessions meetings. Think of us the next time you are hosting anmeetings. Think of us the next time you are hosting an January. January. RRRReeeegistration gistration gistration gistration rererereqqqquireuireuireuiredddd ---- Registration required - event. Clark County regulations apply. See the front SeSeee fflyelyer r ffor or class class ddateates.s. See flyer for class dates. desk for more information and to complete and ClasseClasses s taught btaught by y our bour bi-lingual i-lingual instructor. instructor. YouYou Classes taught by our bi-lingual instructor. You application. will lewill learn wordarn words, ps, phrasehrases ands and p pronounciation.ronounciation. will learn words, phrases and pronounciation. PLease contact the center for information about additional educPLease contact the center for information about additional educational classes.ational classes.

MARTIAL ARTS YOUTH SPORTS MARTIAL ARTS YOUTH SPORTSYOUTH SPORTS DESERT BREEZE COMMUNITY CENTERDESERT BREEZE COMMUNITY CENTERDESERT BREEZE COMMUNITY CENTER YOUTH BASKETBALL LEAGUES YOUTH BASKETBALL LEAGUESYOUTH BASKETBALL LEAGUESYOUTH BASKETBALL LEAGUES TAE KWON DO BEGINNERSTAE KWON DO BEGINNERSTAE KWON DO BEGINNERSTAE KWON DO BEGINNERS 8275 Sp8275 Sp8275 Spring Mountain Rring Mountain Rring Mountain Rddd, , , LaLaLas s s VeVeVegas, Ngas, Ngas, NVVV 89117 89117 89117 TaeTaeTaeTae Kwon Kwon Kwon Kwon Do, aDo, aDo, aDo, a KoreKoreKoreKoreaaaan n n n martial martial martial martial art,art,art,art, Youth Youth Youth bbbaskaskaskeeetbtbtball leall leall leagueagueagues s s allowsallowsallows Youth basketball leagues allows (702) 455-8334 | Hours: Mon-Fri 7:00am-8:00pm(702) 455-8334 | Hours: Mon-Fri 7:00am-8:00pm(702) 455-8334 | Hours: Mon-Fri 7:00am-8:00pm pppprovidrovidrovidrovideeees s s s bbbbeeeeginginginginneneneners with rs with rs with rs with pppphysicahysicahysicahysicallll ppparticiparticiparticipananants ts ts to to to eeenjoy njoy njoy thethethe gagagamememe ofofof participants to enjoy the game of Revised 1/27/2025Revised 1/27/2025Revised 1/27/2025Revised 1/27/2025Revised 1/27/2025 ffffitneitneitneitness, ss, ss, ss, mememementantantantal l l l ddddiscipiscipiscipisciplinlinlinlineeee, , , , anananandddd seseseselflflflf---- bbbaskaskaskeeetbtbtbaaall ll ll in in in a a a fffun, nun, nun, non-compon-compon-compeeetitivetitivetitive basketball in a fun, non-competitive CENTER CLOSURESCENTER CLOSURES SESSION 2SESSION 2 February 17 President’s Day February 17 President’s Day ddddeeeeffffeeeensensensense skills through skills through skills through skills through structurestructurestructurestructuredddd eeenvironmenvironmenvironment. nt. nt. TheTheThesesese le le leagueagueagues s s fffocus ocus ocus ononon environment. These leagues focus on FeFebbruaruary ry 24 24 - - ApApril ril 1212 March 17 - March 21 (CENTER OPEN) Spring Break March 17 - March 21 (CENTER OPEN) Spring Break training. training. training. training. PPPProgrerogrerogrerogression ssion ssion ssion includincludincludincludeeees s s s leleleleaaaarningrningrningrning ddeeveveloploping ing ffundundameamental ntal skills,skills, developing fundamental skills, Priority RegistrationPriority Registration: : JaJanuary nuary 23 @23 @ 7:00am7:00am May 26 Memorial Day May 26 Memorial Day stastastastancencencences, s, s, s, kickkickkickkicks, s, s, s, ppppunchunchunchunches, fes, fes, fes, forms,orms,orms,orms, teteteaaamwork, mwork, mwork, spspsportsmanshortsmanshortsmanshipipip, , , andandand a a a lovelovelove teamwork, sportsmanship, and a love Online Registration: January 30 @ 7:00am Online Registration: January 30 @ 7:00am June 19 Juneteenth June 19 Juneteenth In-Person Registration: In-Person Registration: FeFebbruruary ary 3 3 @@ 7:00a7:00amm July 4 Independence Day July 4 Independence Day spspspsparring, arring, arring, arring, aaaandndndnd bbbbrererereakakakaking ing ing ing tetetetechniqchniqchniqchniqueueueuessss fffor or or thethethe gamegamegame, , , rararathethether r r thanthanthan empempemphasizinghasizinghasizing for the game, rather than emphasizing *No classes will take place during Spring Break.*No classes will take place during Spring Break. whilewhilewhile empempemphasizinhasizinhasizing g g rererespspspeeect,ct,ct, inteinteintensensense compcompcompeeetitiontitiontition or a or a or adddvavavancencenceddd intense competition or advanced pppeeerserserseveveverance, rance, rance, andandand seseselflflf-control.-control.-control. ppeerfrformanceormance.. performance. DRUMS WITH BRYANDRUMS WITH BRYAN PERFORMING ARTSPERFORMING ARTS Our drum class teaches fundamental Our drum class teaches fundamental Mandatory Skills Test and Parent MeetingMandatory Skills Test and Parent MeetingMandatory Skills Test and Parent Meeting DayDay DateDateDate TimeTime AgeAge CoCostst Activity CodeActivity Code PIANO/VOCAL WITH LADY VPIANO/VOCAL WITH LADY VPIANO/VOCAL WITH LADY VPIANO/VOCAL WITH LADY V 6:6:00p00pmm-- tetechniqchniqueues s likelike ppostureosture, , holdholdinging Date:DateDate: January 10, 2025January 10, 2025 M/WM/W 2/24-4/92/24-4/92/24-4/9 6-17 $46 2 Desert Breeze Martial Arts 6-17 $46 2 Desert Breeze Martial Arts StudStudStudStudStudeeeeents nts nts nts nts will will will will will lelelelelearn farn farn farn farn fundundundundundameameameameamental pntal pntal pntal pntal pianoianoianoianoiano 7:00pm 7:00pm ddrumsticks, andrumsticks, and bbasic asic rhythms. Srhythms. Studtudentsents Time: 5:00pm-8:00pmTimeTime: 5:00pm-8:00pm skills, skills, skills, skills, skills, skills, includincludincludincludincludincluding ing ing ing ing ing kekekekekekey touch, notey touch, notey touch, notey touch, notey touch, notey touch, note ppracticeractice on on ppractice ractice ppadads s or simpor simplifielifiedd *A*A*Attendancttendancttendance to both ise to both ise to both is required to s required to s required to secececure your cure your cure your child’shild’shild’s s s spppotot identification, music reading, rhythm ididididideeeeentification, ntification, ntification, ntification, ntification, music music music music music readreadreadreadreading, rhythming, rhythming, rhythming, rhythming, rhythm TAE KWON DO ADVANCEDTAE KWON DO ADVANCEDTAE KWON DO ADVANCED ddrum rum kits kits bbeefforeore adadvancing. Thevancing. The in the leagues. in the leagues. counting, and music listening. It is counting, counting, counting, counting, counting, andandandandand music music music music music listelistelistelistelistening. ning. ning. ning. ning. It It It It It isisisisis atmosphere is relaxed, encouraging atmosphere is relaxed, encouraging For 6-8 year-oldsFor 6-8 year-oldsFor 6-8 year-olds Advanced Tae Kwon Do practitioners AdAdvavancencedd TaTaee Kwon Kwon Do Do ppraractitionectitionersrs recommended for participants to have a rerererererecommecommecommecommecommecommendndndndndndedededededed f f f f f for por por por por por participarticiparticiparticiparticiparticipants to haveants to haveants to haveants to haveants to haveants to have a a a a a a DayDay DateDate TimeTime CostCost enjoyment and gradual skill enjoyment and gradual skill enhance speed, power, and precision eenhanhancence spspeeeedd, , ppoweower, r, aandnd p prerecisioncision piano or keyboard at home for practice. ppppiano iano iano iano or or or or kekekekeybybybyboardoardoardoard at at at at homehomehomehome ffffor or or or ppppractice.ractice.ractice.ractice. PracticesPractices TuesTues 1/14-3/111/14-3/11 5:00pm-6:00pm5:00pm-6:00pm5:00pm-6:00pm development. *30 minute sessions* development. *30 minute sessions* $85 $85 through complex forms, sparring throuthrough gh compcomplelex x fforms, orms, spsparringarring *30 minute sessions* *30 *30 *30 minute minute minute sesesessions*ssions*ssions* GamesGames FriFri 1/24-3/141/24-3/14 5:00pm-7:00pm5:00pm-7:00pm5:00pm-7:00pm DayDay DateDate TimeTime AgeAge CoCostst Activity CodeActivity Code DayDay DateDateDate TimeTimeTime AgeAge CoCoCoststst Activity CoActivity Codede tactics, and specialized techniques. tatactics, ctics, andand spspeecializecializedd te techniqchniqueues.s. 3:00pm- 3:00pm- MM 2/24-4/72/24-4/72/24-4/7 4:4:4:00p00p00pmmm-7:-7:-7:30p30p30pmmm 6+6+ $90$90 2 Desert Breeze Music2 Desert Breeze Music2 Desert Breeze Music M 2/24-4/7 6+ $90 2 Desert Breeze Music M 2/24-4/7 6+ $90 2 Desert Breeze Music They also focus on philosophical TheThey y also also ffocus ocus onon p philosophilosophicahicall For 9-11 year-oldsFor 9-11 year-olds 7:30pm 7:30pm TuTuTu 2/25-4/82/25-4/8 4:4:4:30p30p30pmmm-7:-7:-7:30p30p30pmmm 6+6+ $90$90 2 Desert Breeze Music2 Desert Breeze Music2 Desert Breeze Music DayDay DateDate TimeTime CostCost principles like integrity and pprinciprincipleles s likelike inteintegrity grity andand 3:30pm- 3:30pm- Tu 2/27-4/10 6+ $90 2 Desert Breeze Music Tu 2/27-4/10 6+ $90 2 Desert Breeze Music WW 2/26-4/92/26-4/9 4:4:4:00p00p00pmmm-7:-7:-7:30p30p30pmmm 6+6+ $90$90 2 Desert Breeze Music2 Desert Breeze Music2 Desert Breeze Music PracticesPractices TuesTues 1/14-3/111/14-3/11 5:00pm-6:00pm5:00pm-6:00pm 7:30pm 7:30pm indomitable spirit. Dedication and indindomitaomitabblele spspirit. irit. DeDeddicaication tion andand $85$85 FF 2/28-4/112/28-4/11 4:4:00p00pmm-7:-7:30p30pmm 6+6+ $90$90 2 Desert Breeze Music2 Desert Breeze Music2 Desert Breeze Music GamesGames SatSat 1/24-3/141/24-3/14 12:00pm-2:00pm12:00pm-2:00pm 3:30pm- 3:30pm- Th 2/27-4/10 6+ $90 2 Desert Breeze Music Th 2/27-4/10 6+ $90 2 Desert Breeze Music continuous training are key for continuous continuous trainintraining g areare kekey y fforor 7:30pm 7:30pm SSaa 3/1-4/123/1-4/12 8:8:30a30amm-11:-11:30a30amm 6+6+ $90$90 2 Desert Breeze Music2 Desert Breeze Music progressing through belt ranks and pprogrerogressing ssing through through bbeelt lt rankranks s andand For 12-14 year-olds For 12-14 year-olds PIANO WITH LIAMPIANO WITH LIAM YOUTH THEATERYOUTH THEATERYOUTH THEATER DayDay DateDate TimeTime CostCost achieving proficiency. achieachieving ving pprofroficieiciency.ncy. StudStudeents nts will will lelearn arn ffundundameamental pntal pianoiano PracticesPractices ThursThurs 1/16-3/131/16-3/13 5:00pm-6:00pm5:00pm-6:00pm An An An introdintrodintroduction uction uction to to to thethetheateateater class cover class cover class coversrsrs $85 $85 Day DateDate Time Age Cost Activity Code Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code skills, skills, includincluding king key ey touch, touch, notenote GamesGames SatSat 1/18-3/151/18-3/15 12:00pm-2:00pm12:00pm-2:00pm fffundundundamental amental amental eeelelelememements nts nts like like like actingactingacting 7:00pm- 7:00pm- idideentification, ntification, music music rereadading, rhythming, rhythm M/W 2/24-4/92/24-4/9 6-17 $46 2 Desert Breeze Martial Arts M/W 2/24-4/9 6-17 $46 2 Desert Breeze Martial Arts tetetechniqchniqchniqueueues, s, s, stagestagestage movemovemovememement, nt, nt, andandand 8:00pm 8:00pm Activity Code: 1 Desert Breeze LeaguesActivity Code: 1 Desert Breeze Leagues counting, andcounting, and music music listelistening. It ning. It isis *Instructor Approval Required*Instructor Approval Required*Instructor Approval Required character development. It includes charactecharacter r ddeeveveloplopmement. It nt. It includincludeses recommended for participants to have a recommended for participants to have a practical exercises such as improvisation ppppractical eractical eractical eractical exexexexercisercisercisercises such s such s such s such as impas impas impas improvisationrovisationrovisationrovisation piano or keyboard at home for practice. piano or keyboard at home for practice. and discussions on stagecraft, providing a andand ddiscussions iscussions on on stagestagecrafcraft, t, pprovidroviding ing aa *30 minute sessions* *30 minute sessions* STAY TUNED FOR UPCOMING comprehensive overview of theater compcomprerehehensivensive overview of overview of theate theaterr DayDay DateDate TimeTime AgeAge CostCost Activity CodeActivity Code YOUTH SPORTS CLASSES practices and production. practices and production. TuTu 2/25-4/82/25-4/8 2:2:00p00pmm-3:-3:30p30pmm 6+6+ $90$90 2 Desert Breeze Music2 Desert Breeze Music TuTu 2/25-4/82/25-4/8 4:4:00p00pmm-5:-5:30p30pmm 6+6+ $90$90 2 Desert Breeze Music2 Desert Breeze Music DayDay DateDate TimeTime AgeAge CostCost Activity CodeActivity CodeActivity Code TuTu 2/25-4/82/25-4/8 6:6:00p00pmm-7:-7:30p30pmm 6+6+ $90$90 2 Desert Breeze Music2 Desert Breeze Music 2/27- 5:30pm- 2/27- 5:30pm- 8-15 $35 2 Desert Breeze Theater Th Th 8-15 $35 2 Desert Breeze Theater2 Desert Breeze Theater 4/10 6:30pm 4/10 6:30pm ThTh 2/27-4/102/27-4/10 5:5:00p00pmm-7:-7:30p30pmm 6+6+ $90$90 2 Desert Breeze Music2 Desert Breeze Music

DANCEDANCEDANCE ARTART WORKSHOPS AND EVENTSWORKSHOPS AND EVENTSWORKSHOPS AND EVENTSWORKSHOPS AND EVENTS Lunar New Year Spring FestivalLunar New Year Spring FestivalLunar New Year Spring FestivalLunar New Year Spring FestivalLunar New Year Spring FestivalLunar New Year Spring Festival HIP HOP IHIP HOP I ART FUNDAMENTALSART FUNDAMENTALSART FUNDAMENTALSART FUNDAMENTALSART FUNDAMENTALS BATON TWIRLING FUNDAMENTALSBATON TWIRLING FUNDAMENTALS A hipA hip hophop ddanceance class coveclass covers rs bbasic asic movesmoves LeaLeaLeaLearn rn rn rn the the the the bbbbasic asic asic asic pppprinciprinciprinciprinciples les les les ofofofof art art art art andandandand DaDatete:: FeFeFeFebbbbruary ruary ruary ruary 2nd2nd2nd2nd, , , , 2025202520252025 Baton Baton ffundundameamentals coventals cover r gripgrips, s, twirlingtwirling liklike e two-stetwo-stepp andand bbounceounce, , groovegroove,, ddddesign in aesign in aesign in aesign in a f f f fun un un un andandandand supsupsupsuppppportiveortiveortiveortive Time: Time: : : 11:00am 11:00am 11:00am 11:00am - - - - 2:00p2:00p2:00p2:00pmmmm techniques like spins and rolls, footwork techniques like spins and rolls, footwork ffootwork, andootwork, and upupppeer r bbodody y movememovement. Itnt. It eeeenvironmenvironmenvironmenvironment. Studnt. Studnt. Studnt. Studeeeents will nts will nts will nts will ffffocus onocus onocus onocus on for movement, and posture for grace in for movement, and posture for grace in Location: LocationLocation: : DeDeDesesesert rt rt BreBreBreezeezeeze CommunityCommunityCommunity includes freestyle practice, pencil/pen mediums while developing includes freestyle practice, pppencil/pencil/pencil/pen en en mememedddiums iums iums whilewhilewhile d d developevelopevelopinginging twirling. Beginners learn these twirling. Beginners learn these Center Center choreography, synchronization with essential skills such as color theory, choreography, synchronization with eeessessessential skills such ntial skills such ntial skills such as color as color as color theory,theory,theory, progressively to build skills and progressively to build skills and Desert Breeze Community Center’sDesert Breeze Community Center’sDesert Breeze Community Center’sDesert Breeze Community Center’s music, and partner work. Safety, composition, perspective, and texture. music, and partner work. Safety, compcompcomposition, osition, osition, pppeeersprsprspeeective, andctive, andctive, and tetetexturexturexture... confidence for advanced performances. confidence for advanced performances. annual Spring Festival is returning withannual Spring Festival is returning withannual Spring Festival is returning with annual Spring Festival is returning with technique, style, and attitude are key, technique, style, and attitude are key, DayDay DateDate TimeTime AgeAge CostCost Activity CodeActivity CodeActivity Code DayDay DateDate TimeTime AgeAge CoCostst Activity CoActivity Codede all its festivities as we celebrate theall its festivities as we celebrate the all its festivities as we celebrate the fostering technical skill and artistic fostering technical skill and artistic 5:00pm-5:00pm- 9:9:00a00amm-- 2 2 DeDeseserrt t BrBreeeezeze 2/27-4/102/27-4/102/27-4/10 6-11 $35 2 Desert Breeze Art ThTh 6-11 $35 2 Desert Breeze Art2 Desert Breeze Art 3/1-4/123/1-4/12 5-17 $35 SSaatt 5-17 $35 incoming Year of the Snake! Join us asincoming Year of the Snake! Join us as incoming Year of the Snake! Join us as 6:00pm6:00pm 10:10:00a00amm DaDanncece expression in hip hop dance. expression in hip hop dance. we enjoy the lion dance, performances,we enjoy the lion dance, performances, we enjoy the lion dance, performances, DayDay DateDate TimeTime AgeAge CoCostst Activity CoActivity Codede 6:00pm-6:00pm- 2/27-4/102/27-4/102/27-4/10 Th 12-17 $35 2 Desert Breeze Art Th 12-17 $35 2 Desert Breeze Art 7:00pm7:00pm community vendors, and more!community vendors, and more! community vendors, and more! 6:6:00p00pmm-- 2 2 DeDeseserrt t BrBreeeezeze BATON TWIRLING COMPETITIVEBATON TWIRLING COMPETITIVEBATON TWIRLING COMPETITIVEBATON TWIRLING COMPETITIVE 2/24-4/92/24-4/9 MM//WW 5-105-10 $46$46 7:7:00p00pmm DaDanncece Baton twirling involves the rhythmic Baton Baton Baton Baton twirling involvetwirling involvetwirling involvetwirling involves thes thes thes the rhythmic rhythmic rhythmic rhythmic YOUTH ACRYLIC PAINTINGYOUTH ACRYLIC PAINTINGYOUTH ACRYLIC PAINTING manipulation of the baton, often manipmanipmanipmanipmanipulation ulation ulation ulation ulation ofofofofof the the the the the b b b b baton, aton, aton, aton, aton, ofofofofoftententententen Through guidThrough guidThrough guideeeddd lelelessons, ssons, ssons, studstudstudents ents ents willwillwill BALLET IBALLET I accompanied by music. Competitive accompaccompaccompaccompaccompanieanieanieanieanieddddd bbbbby music. Compy music. Compy music. Compy music. Compy music. Compeeeeetitivetitivetitivetitivetitive lelelearn arn arn thethethe f f fundundundamentals amentals amentals ofofof acrylicacrylicacrylic BalleBallet t typtypically ically includincludes es bbasic asic bballetallet baton twirling combines elements of bbbbbaton aton aton aton aton twirling twirling twirling twirling twirling combcombcombcombcombineineineineines s s s s eeeeelements lements lements lements lements ofofofofof pppainting, includainting, includainting, including ing ing color color color mixing, mixing, mixing, bbbrushrushrush movemovemements, stretches, nts, stretches, andand e exexercisercisess gymnastics, dance, and performance art, gymnastics, gymnastics, gymnastics, gymnastics, gymnastics, gymnastics, ddddddanceanceanceanceanceance, , , , , , andandandandandand pppppperferferferferferformanceormanceormanceormanceormanceormance art, art, art, art, art, art, tetetechniqchniqchniques, layering, ues, layering, ues, layering, andandand creating creating creating ddesignedesigned to d to developevelop coordcoordination,ination, and judges evaluate competitors based andandandand judjudjudjudgegegeges s s s evaluate evaluate evaluate evaluate compcompcompcompetitors etitors etitors etitors bbbbaseaseaseasedddd texture. They will experiment with tetexturexture. . TheThey y will ewill expxpeeriment withriment with bbalancealance, , andand gracegrace. . TheThe class class eempmphasizehasizess on criteria such as difficulty of tricks, on on on on critecritecritecriteria ria ria ria such such such such as as as as ddddififififfffficulty oficulty oficulty oficulty of tricks, tricks, tricks, tricks, different styles and subjects, from still ddiffiffeerent styles rent styles andand sub subjects, jects, ffrom rom stillstill Family Fun Paint Jam: MarchFamily Fun Paint Jam: MarchFamily Fun Paint Jam: MarchFamily Fun Paint Jam: MarchFamily Fun Paint Jam: MarchFamily Fun Paint Jam: MarchFamily Fun Paint Jam: March fun and creativity while introducing fun and creativity while introducing precision, showmanship, and overall pppprecision, recision, recision, recision, showmanshipshowmanshipshowmanshipshowmanship, , , , andandandand overa overa overa overallllllll life to abstract art, and develop their liflife e to to ababstrastract ct art, art, andand ddeveeveloplop thetheirir students to the fundamentals of ballet students to the fundamentals of ballet EditionEditionEditionEdition performance quality. This class requires ppppeeeerfrfrfrformance ormance ormance ormance qqqquality. uality. uality. uality. This This This This class class class class rererereqqqquiresuiresuiresuires own unique artistic voice. own own uniqunique ue artistic artistic voicevoice.. technique and terminology. technique and terminology. Date:Date: March March 8, 8, 20252025 instructor approval to enroll. instructor apinstructor apinstructor apppproval roval roval to eto eto enroll.nroll.nroll. DayDay DateDate TimeTime AgeAge CostCost Activity CodeActivity Code DayDay DateDate TimeTime AgeAge CoCostst Activity CoActivity Codede Time: 10:00am-12:00pTime: 10:00am-12:00pmm DayDayDay DateDateDate TimeTimeTime AgeAge CoCostst Activity CoActivity CoActivity Codedede 4:30pm-4:30pm- 5:5:00p00pmm-- 2 2 DeDeseserrt t BrBreeeezeze 2/28-4/112/28-4/112/28-4/11 8-12 $41 2 Desert Breeze Art FriFri 8-12 $41 2 Desert Breeze Art Location: Location: DeDesesert rt BreBreeezeze CommunityCommunity 2/24-4/92/24-4/9 10:10:00a00amm-- 2 2 2 DeDeDeseseserrrt t t BrBrBreeeeeezezeze MM//WW 5-105-10 $46$46 6:00pm 6:00pm 3/1-4/123/1-4/12 6:6:00p00pmm DaDanncece 5-17 $46 SSaatt 5-17 $46 12:12:00p00pmm DaDanncece CeCententerr YOUTH PAPER MACHEYOUTH PAPER MACHEYOUTH PAPER MACHE *Ins*Instructructor Ator Appropprovvalal Required Required Cost: Cost: $2.00/p$2.00/peersonrson StudStudStudeeents nts nts will will will lelelearn how arn how arn how to to to crecrecreate ate ate uniquniquniqueueue ADULT SPORTSADULT SPORTS AgeAgeAges:s: s: 6+6+ sculpsculpsculptureturetures, s, s, masks, masks, masks, andandand other eother eother excitingxcitingxciting BABY BATONBABY BATON ADULT WOMEN’S CATCHIBALL SKILLSADULT WOMEN’S CATCHIBALL SKILLSADULT WOMEN’S CATCHIBALL SKILLS Join us for a seasonal paint jam whereJoin us for a seasonal paint jam where projects using paper, glue, and various pprojects rojects using using ppapaper, er, glueglue, , andand variousvarious This is a skills class for “Catchiball” -- a BabBaby y bbaton classeaton classes s teach young teach young childchildrerenn This This is a is a skills skills class class ffor or “Catchib“Catchiball” all” -- a-- a we dive into spring-themed crafts and we dive into spring-themed crafts and materials. The class will cover essential materials. materials. The The class class will will covecover r eessessentialntial sport similar to volleyball. It‘s a team bbasic asic bbaton twirling aton twirling skills, motorskills, motor spsport ort similar similar to to vollevolleybyball. all. It‘s a It‘s a teteamam techniques such as layering, molding, tetechniqchniques ues such asuch as layering, s layering, moldmolding,ing, delights! Enjoy a creative and cozy delights! Enjoy a creative and cozy development, coordination, and rhythm. sport where players pass a lightweight development, coordination, and rhythm. spsport ort whewherere pplayelayers rs ppass ass a lightweighta lightweight and drying, allowing students to create andand ddrying, arying, allowing studllowing studeents nts to to creacreatete atmosphere with guidance from our atmosphere with guidance from our Activities include holding and twirling the ball among teammates with the goal of Activities include holding and twirling the bball all among teamong teammateammates with s with thethe goal goal ofof sturdy and intricate pieces of art. sturdsturdy y andand intricate intricate p pieiececes ofs of art. art. instructor in this engaging workshop! instructor in this engaging workshop! baton, rhythmic movements, music- scoring points by throwing it into the baton, rhythmic movements, music- scoring scoring ppoints oints bby y throwing throwing it it into theinto the DayDayDay DateDate TimeTime AgeAge CostCost Activity CodeActivity Code opponent's side. Key skills include hand- listening to build confidence and lay the listening to build confidence and lay the opopopoppppponent's sidonent's sidonent's sidonent's side. e. e. e. KeKeKeKey sky sky sky skills ills ills ills includincludincludincludeeee hand hand hand hand---- 5:00pm- 2/25-4/82/25-4/8 8-17 $41 2 Desert Breeze Art TuTu foundation for future skills. eye coordination, teamwork, and quick foundation for future skills. eeyeye coordcoordination, ination, teamwork, teamwork, andand qquickuick 6:30pm DayDay DateDate TimeTime AgeAge CostCost Activity CodeActivity Code decision-making. ddddeeeecision-making.cision-making.cision-making.cision-making. DayDayDayDay DateDateDateDate TimeTimeTimeTime AgeAge CoCostst Activity CodeActivity CodeActivity Code 8:8:30a30amm-- 2 Desert Breeze 2 Desert Breeze Check back soon for more 3/1-4/123/1-4/12 SSaatt 3-5 $23 3-5 $23 6:6:00p00pmm-- 2 2 2 DeDeDeseseserrrt t t BrBrBreeeeeezezeze AdAdAduuultltlt 9:9:00a00amm Dance Dance MM//WW 2/24-4/92/24-4/9 25+25+ $92$92 workshops and events in 2025! 8:00pm SSpportsorts 8:00pm

Educational Classes Notes:Educational Classes Notes:Educational Classes Notes: EDUCATIONEDUCATION Parents must remain inside theParents must remain inside theParents must remain inside the BRIGHT BEGINNERS PRESCHOOL 1BRIGHT BEGINNERS PRESCHOOL 1 facility at all times, outside of thefacility at all times, outside of thefacility at all times, outside of the EEducatioducation Registration Registration Dan Dates:tes: This This is is not not a a mommy & mommy & meme class!class! classroom.classroom.classroom. DesigneDesignedd ffor childor childreren that haven that have alrealreadadyy SessioSession 2:n 2: Participants must be able toParticipants must be able toParticipants must be able to been in a classroom setting or are been in a classroom setting or are (8 W(8 W(8 WEEEEEEK SEK SEK SESSIOSSIOSSION)N)N) remain in their seats and followremain in their seats and followremain in their seats and follow MaMarchrch 10th10th - - MaMay y 9th9th moving up from Little Learners. The moving up from Little Learners. The instruction.instruction.instruction. (Break(Break w weekeek - M - Marcarch 17-Mh 17-Marcarch 21)h 21) children will learn the alphabet, children will learn the alphabet, This is a This is a This is a year-longyear-long program with program with PPriority riority RReeggistraistrationtion:: JaJannuuaarry y 23 23 @@ 7:7:00a00amm registration every 8 weeks (exceptregistration every 8 weeks (exceptregistration every 8 weeks (except numbers, shapes, crafts, science, and numbers, shapes, crafts, science, and OnOnlinlinee RReeggistristraationtion:: JJaannuuaary ry 30 30 @@ 7:7:00a00amm summers).summers).summers). Beginning August 2024Beginning August 2024 following directions. Consistency is following directions. Consistency is In-Person Registration: February 3 @ 7:00am In-Person Registration: February 3 @ 7:00am through May 2025through May 2025through May 2025.. recommended for success in this class. recommended for success in this class. KINDER PREPKINDER PREPKINDER PREPKINDER PREP LITTLE LEARNERSLITTLE LEARNERS This is not a mommy & me class!This is not a mommy & me class!This is not a mommy & me class!This is not a mommy & me class! Parents/guardians must remain in the Parents/guardians must remain in the This This is not is not a mommy & a mommy & meme class! class! Designed for children that have already Designed for children that have alreadyDesigned for children that have already building during the class period. building during the class period. OnlineOnline RReegistragistration tion cancan For For todtodddlelers rs who who neneeded an an introdintroduction uction toto been in a classroom setting or are moving been in a classroom setting or are movingbeen in a classroom setting or are moving DayDay DateDate TimeTime AgeAge CostCost Activity CodeActivity Code be found at: be found at: a a a social social social setting. setting. setting. ChildChildChildrereren n n will will will fffocus ocus ocus ononon up from Bright Beginners. The children will up from Bright BeginnersBright Beginners. The children will 3/11-3/11- 12:00pm-12:00pm- 2 Desert Breeze2 Desert Breeze Tu/ThTu/Th 3-3.993-3.99 $82$82 www.ClarkCountyNV.Gov/ www.ClarkCountyNV.Gov/ 5/8 5/8 how how how how how to to to to to fffffollow dollow dollow dollow dollow directions irections irections irections irections andandandandand b b b b beeeee Education 1:30pm1:30pm Education learn skills to help them get ready for learn skills to help them get ready forlearn skills to help them get ready for ParksRegistration ParksRegistration introduced to colors, shapes, crafts, introdintrodintrodintroduceduceduceduced to to to to colors, colors, colors, colors, shapshapshapshapes, crafes, crafes, crafes, crafts,ts,ts,ts, kindergarten. Counting and recognizing kindergarten. Counting and recognizingkindergarten. Counting and recognizing circle time, and more! Parents/guardians circlecirclecirclecirclecircle time time time time time, , , , , andandandandand more more more more more! P! P! P! P! Parearearearearents/guardnts/guardnts/guardnts/guardnts/guardiaiaiaiaiansnsnsnsns numbers up to 30, sight words, math numbers up to 30, sight words, mathnumbers up to 30, sight words, math concepts, writing, and following instructions concepts, writing, and following instructionsconcepts, writing, and following instructions must remain in the building during the must must must must must rererereremain main main main main in in in in in thethethethethe bbbbbuilduilduilduilduilding ing ing ing ing ddddduring uring uring uring uring thethethethethe will be taught. Parents/guardians must will be taught. Parents/guardians mustwill be taught. Parents/guardians must class period. class period. remain in the building during the class remain in the building during the classremain in the building during the class DayDay DateDate TimeTimeTimeTime AgeAge CostCost Activity CodeActivity Code period. period. 9:30am-9:30am-9:30am-9:30am- 2 Desert Breeze2 Desert Breeze 3/11-5/83/11-5/83/11-5/8 Tu/ThTu/Th 2-2.992-2.992-2.99 $65$65 DayDay DateDateDate TimeTime AgeAge CoCostst Activity CoActivity Codede 10:30am Education 10:30am10:30am Education 10:00am- 2 Desert Breeze 10:00am- 2 Desert Breeze 3/10- 3/10-3/10- 11:00am-11:00am-11:00am- 2 Desert Breeze2 Desert Breeze MM//WW//FF 4-5 $88 4-5 $88 3/11-5/83/11-5/8 Tu/Th Tu/ThTu/Th 2-2.992-2.99 $55$55$55 5/95/95/9 11:30am Education 11:30am Education 11:45am Education 11:45am11:45am Education *Mon. class prices prorated due to holiday closures.*Mon. class prices prorated due to holiday closures.*Mon. class prices prorated due to holiday closures. ALL ALL ALL ABOUT ABOUT ABOUT LEARNING LEARNING LEARNING (INTRO (INTRO (INTRO TOTOTO PRESCHOOL)PRESCHOOL) PRESCHOOL) This This This is not is not is not a mommy a mommy a mommy & & & mememe class! class! class! DesignedDesignedDesigned f f for childor childor children that ren that ren that have have have neneneveveverrr been in a classroom setting (first time bbeeeen n in a in a classroom classroom setting setting (f(first irst timetime socialization). The children will learn socialization). The socialization). The childchildreren will n will lelearnarn their letters, numbers, tracing, cutting, their letters, numbtheir letters, numbers, tracing, ers, tracing, cutting,cutting, and following directions. andand ffollowing dollowing directions.irections. Parents/guardians must remain in the PParearents/guardnts/guardians ians must remain must remain in thein the building during the class period. bbuilduilding ing dduring the uring the class pclass perioderiod.. DayDay DateDate TimeTime AgeAge CoCostst Activity CodeActivity CodeActivity Code 12:00pm- 2 2 DeDeseserrt t BreBreeezeze 12:00pm- 2 Desert Breeze 3/10-3/10- MM//WW//FF 4-5 $88 4-5 $88 5/95/9 1:30pm EdEduucacationtion 1:30pm Education

SENIOR PROGRAMMINGSENIOR PROGRAMMINGSENIOR PROGRAMMING SENIOR SPECIAL EVENTSSENIOR SPECIAL EVENTSSENIOR SPECIAL EVENTSSENIOR SPECIAL EVENTS SENIOR WORKSHOPSSENIOR WORKSHOPSSENIOR WORKSHOPSSENIOR WORKSHOPS CHAIR AEROBICSCHAIR AEROBICS WII BOWLINGWII BOWLING Medicare Annual EnrollmentMedicare Annual EnrollmentMedicare Annual EnrollmentMedicare Annual Enrollment Semi-Annual Mixed DoublesSemi-Annual Mixed DoublesSemi-Annual Mixed DoublesSemi-Annual Mixed DoublesSemi-Annual Mixed Doubles Come and enjoy Wii bowling and meet Come and enjoy Wii bowling and meet ChaChair ir aeaerobrobics is ics is aa se seateatedd e exexercisercise Period WorkshopPeriod Workshop Period Workshop Pickleball TournamentPickleball TournamentPickleball TournamentPickleball Tournament new friends. Keep fit, active, and new friends. Keep fit, active, and program focusing on low-impact program focusing on low-impact DonDonDonDon’’’’t t t t mmmmiss iss iss iss ththththis is is is opopopoppppportuortuortuortunnnnity ity ity ity to to to to ggggeeeetttt socialize! socialize! Preliminary Round:Preliminary Round:Preliminary Round:Preliminary Round: aerobic movements, flexibility, and aerobic movements, flexibility, and personalized assistance, and ensure pppeeersonrsonrsonaaalizelizelizeddd aaassistassistassistannncecece, , , aaannnddd eeennnsususurerere muscle strength. It aims to improve muscle strength. It aims to improve Day Time Day Time Date:Date: WeWeWeWeddddnenenenesdsdsdsday, ay, ay, ay, MaMaMaMarch rch rch rch 5, 20255, 20255, 20255, 2025 you’re making the best choices for youyouyou’’’rrreee mmmaaakkkinininggg thththeee bbbeeest st st chchchoiceoiceoices s s fffororor cardiovascular health and joint cardiovascular health and joint Wednesdays 10:00am-12:00pm Wednesdays 10:00am-12:00pm Time: Time: 9:00 : 9:00 9:00 AMAMAM your healthcare needs. Expert youyouyour r r hhheeeaaalthlthlthcacacarerere nnneeeeeeddds. s. s. ExExExpppeeertrtrt mobility while accommodating varying mobility while accommodating varying Cost: Free! Cost: Free! Championship Round:Championship Round:Championship Round: Advantage is not affiliated with the AdAdAdvavavannntatatagggeee is is is nnnot ot ot aaaffffffiliailiailiateteteddd wwwithithith thththeee fitness levels for a safe workout fitness levels for a safe workout Date: Date: : : ThursdThursdThursdThursdaaaay, y, y, y, March March March March 27,202527,202527,202527,2025 U.S. Government or federal Medicare U.SU.SU.S. . . GovGovGoveeerrrnnnmmmeeennnt t t ororor fffeeedddeeerararal l l MeMeMedddicaicaicarerere SENIOR BOOK CLUBSENIOR BOOK CLUB experience. experience. Time: Time: 9:00 : 9:00 9:00 AMAMAM program. For ages 64+. pprogrogrraamm. . ForFor aaggees s 64+64+.. Dive into the monthly book club pick, Dive into the monthly book club pick, Day Time Day Time chat chat ababout out all things all things bbookish, ookish, mingle,mingle, Date: Date: FeFebbrruuaary ry 4,4, 20252025 Cost: $5 Cost: $5$5 Tues 10:00am-11:00am TueTuess 10:00a10:00am-11:00amm-11:00am and let the good times roll! and let the good times roll! TimTimTime:e:e: 11:11:15a15amm-12:-12:15a15amm Thurs 10:00am-11:00am ThursThursThurs 10:00a10:00am-11:00amm-11:00am Day Time Day Time CCCooost:st:st: FrFrFreeeeee Cost: Free! Cost:Cost:Cost: Free! Second Monday 10:00am-11:30am Second Monday 10:00am-11:30am LINE DANCINGLINE DANCINGLINE DANCINGLINE DANCINGLINE DANCINGLINE DANCING FITNESS ROOMFITNESS ROOM of Every Month of Every Month Dance, socialize, be active, and make DanceDanceDanceDanceDance, , , , , socializesocializesocializesocializesocialize, , , , , bbbbbeeeee aaaaactivectivectivectivective, , , , , anananananddddd mamamamamakekekekeke Must Must hahaveve currecurrent nt validvalid Cost: Free! Cost: Free! nenew w ffrieriendnds!s! ffitneitness ss memembmbeershiprship.. Nintendo Wii BowlingNintendo Wii BowlingNintendo Wii BowlingNintendo Wii BowlingNintendo Wii Bowling Day Time Day Time CORNHOLECORNHOLE Open Mon-Fri from 7am-8pm. Open Mon-Fri from 7am-8pm. Silver Pins TournamentSilver Pins TournamentSilver Pins Tournament Mon (lvl 4) 10:00am-11:00am MonMon (lvl (lvl 4)4) 10:00am-11:00am10:00am-11:00am10:00am-11:00am Aim for the win as you go head-to- Aim for the win as you go head-to- Wed (lvl 3) 10:00am-11:00am WeWedd (lvl (lvl 3)3) 10:00am-11:00am10:00am-11:00am10:00am-11:00am head against others in a friendly game head against others in a friendly game Must Must bbring ring your your own own towetowel, l, watewaterr Date: Date: : ThursdThThursdursdaaay, y, y, March March March 13, 13, 13, 202520252025 Thurs (lvl 2) 11:15am-12:15 pm Thurs Thurs (lvl (lvl 2)2) 11:1511:15am-12:15 am-12:15 ppmm ofof CornholeCornhole.. bbottleottle, , andand wipwipee ddown own machinemachiness Time: Time: : 9:00 9:00 9:00 AMAMAM Thurs (lvl 1) 12:30pm-1:30pm ThursThurs (lvl 1) 12:30p12:30p12:30pm-1:30pm-1:30pm-1:30pmmm Day Time Day Time afafteter r useuse.. Location: LocationLocation: SilveSilveradrado o RRaannch ch CommunityCommunity Cost: Free! Cost:Cost: FreFreee!! Thursdays 11:15am-1:15pm Thursdays 11:15am-1:15pm CeCententerr Cost: Free! Cost: Free! Youth aYouth ageges s 13 13 -15 -15 must must bbee SCRABBLESCRABBLE PPricerice:: PlPlPlayersayersayers -$7, -$7, SpecSpectatorstators - - $7$7 aaccompccompaanieniedd bby y pparearent/guardnt/guardiaian.n. Come and enjoy board games and Come and enjoy board games and DeDeDesesesert rt rt BreBreBreeeezezeze’s ’s ’s vevevery ry ry own own own NNNinteinteintendndndo o o WiiWiiWii meet new friends. Keep your wits meet new friends. Keep your wits Bowling teBowling teBowling team am am will will will bbbeee strikstrikstriking ing ing upupup thethethe Combo passes for the DB Aquatics Combo passes for the DB Aquatics sharp socialize! sharp socialize! virtuvirtuvirtual al al lanelanelanes s s in in in this this this ananannualnualnual andand thethe DB DB FitneFitness ss RRoom oom areare alsoalso Day Time Day Time tourntourntournameameament. nt. nt. SupSupSupppport ort ort our our our teteteam am am as as as aaa availabavailablele ffor or ppurchaseurchase!! Tuesdays 11:15am-1:15pm Tuesdays 11:15am-1:15pm spspspeeectactactator, tor, tor, or join or join or join our our our leleleagueagueague aaandndnd bbbowlowlowl Adults Teens (13 -17yrs)Teens (13 -17yrs) Adults Cost: Free! Cost: Free! fffor or or our our our teteteam!am!am! Drop-in: $4 Drop-in: $3 Drop-in: $4 Drop-in: $3 Monthly: $16 Monthly: $15Monthly: $15Monthly: $15 Monthly: $16Monthly: $16 Yearly: $115 Yearly: $105 Yearly: $105 Yearly: $115 Fit and Swim Seniors (55+yrs) Seniors (55+yrs) Fit and Swim Pass Drop-in: $1 Drop-in: $1 Pass Monthly: $70 Monthly: $5 Monthly: $5 Monthly: $70 Yearly Pass: $210 Yearly: $35 Yearly: $35 Yearly Pass: $210

SENIOR FIELD TRIPSSENIOR FIELD TRIPS ASK ABOUT OUR OTHER PROGRAMS!ASK ABOUT OUR OTHER PROGRAMS!ASK ABOUT OUR OTHER PROGRAMS!ASK ABOUT OUR OTHER PROGRAMS! Inscriptagraphs TourInscriptagraphs TourInscriptagraphs Tour DB Girls Night at the Rec Spring Festival Activities DB Girls Night at the Rec Spring Festival ActivitiesSpring Festival ActivitiesSpring Festival Activities PParticiparticipants ants will tour will tour InscripInscriptagraptagraphs, hs, aa ppremiere remiere crySpcrySports & Enteorts & Entertainmertainmentnt Facility in Las Vegas. Lunch will be Facility in Las Vegas. Lunch will be followed afterwards. *Cost is $2.00. followed afterwards. *Cost is $2.00. Sign-UpSign-UpSign-Up Date: Date: Date: January January 21, 21, 20252025 ScScaan n for for info!info! DateDateDate ofofof TripTripTrip::: January January 30 30 at at 10:30am10:30am Clark County Wetlands TourClark County Wetlands TourClark County Wetlands Tour PParticiparticipants ants will will tour thetour the Clark Clark County County Wetlands. Lunch will take place Wetlands. Lunch will take place bbbeeeffforeoreorehandhandhand. . . *Cost is*Cost is $2.00. $2.00. beforehand. *Cost is $2.00. Sign-UpSign-UpSign-UpSign-UpSign-Up Date: Date: Date: Date: Fe Date: FeFebbbruaruaruary ry 6, ry 6, 6, 202520252025 DateDateDateDateDateDate of of of of of of Trip Trip Trip Trip Trip Trip:::::: FeFeFebbbruaruaruary 27 ry 27 ry 27 at at at 10:30am10:30am10:30am ******TripTripTripTripTripTrips s s s s s aaaaaarererererere non non non non non non rererererereffffffuuuuuundndndndndndaaaaaabbbbbblelelelelele...... TripTrips s may may bbee cacacacacancencencencencellellellellelleddddd dddddueueueueue to to to to to low low low low low eeeeennnnnrollmerollmerollmerollmerollment, nt, nt, nt, nt, so so so so so pppppleleleleleaseaseaseasease signsignsignsignsign cancelled due to low enrollment, so please sign up early. AdAdAdAdAdAddddddditionaitionaitionaitionaitionaitional l l l l l ffffffeeeeeeeeeeees s s s s s may amay amay amay amay amay Please up early. Additional fees may apply. Please arrivearrivearrivearrive 15 15 15 15 minuteminuteminuteminutes bs bs bs beeeefffforeoreoreore ddddeeeeppppaaaarturerturerturerture time time time time.... arrive 15 minutes before departure time. FIELD TRIP INFORMATIONFIELD TRIP INFORMATIONFIELD TRIP INFORMATION 1. 1.SSSigigignnn-u-u-uppps s s bbbeeegggininin aaat t t 9:9:9:30 30 30 aaammm,,, ononon thththeee specified date mentioned in the spspeecifcifieiedd ddaatete mmeenntiontioneedd inin ththee OPEN GYMOPEN GYM brochure, for every trip. bbrochrochuurere, , ffor or eeveverry y trtripip.. ADULT BASKETBALLADULT BASKETBALL TEEN VOLLEYBALLTEEN VOLLEYBALLTEEN VOLLEYBALL ADULT BADMINTONADULT BADMINTON You may arrive as early as 9:15 am, to 2.You may arrive as early as 9:15 am, to 2. DayDay Age Age TimeTime Day Age Time Day Age Time Day Age Time Day Age Time receive a number and reserve your receive a number and reserve your MonMon 18+ 18+ 12:30p12:30pm-2:00pm-2:00pmm Tu/Th 18+ 10:30am-12:00pm Tu/ThTu/Th 18+ 10:30am-12:00pm Wed 13-17 2:00pm-4:00pm Wed 13-17 2:00pm-4:00pm spot in the Registration Line. spot in the Registration Line. NNuummbbeersrs FriFri 18+ 18+ 10:30am-12:00p10:30am-12:00pmm Sat 25+ 9:00am-12:00 pm SaSatt 25+ 9:00am-12:00 pm Cost: Free! Cost: FreFreee!! &&& rerereseseservrvrvaaationtiontions s s wwwill ill ill nnnot ot ot bbbeee gggiveiveivennn ououout t t ororor Cost:Cost: $2$2 mmaaddee bbeefforeore 9:9:15 15 aamm.. Cost: $2 Cost: $2$2 ADULT PICKLEBALLADULT PICKLEBALLADULT PICKLEBALL 3. 3.Registration will take place at the Registration will take place at the SENIOR BASKETBALLSENIOR BASKETBALLSENIOR BASKETBALL Day Age Day Age TimeTime SENIOR BADMINTONSENIOR BADMINTON Front Desk at 9:30 am. We will call Front Desk at 9:30 am. We will call Day Age Time Day Age Time Mon Mon 18+ 18+ 10:30a10:30am-12:00pm-12:00pmm Day Age Day Age TimeTime ppaarrticipticipaannts ts inin ththee ordordeer r inin wwhhichich youyourr Tu/Th 50+ 9:00am-10:30am Tu/Th 50+ 9:00a9:00am-10:30amm-10:30am WeWedd 18+ 18+ 10:30am-1:15p10:30am-1:15pmm Fri Fri 50+ 50+ 9:00a9:00am-10:30amm-10:30am number was distributed. number was distributed. Cost: Free! Cost: Cost: FreFreee!! Cost:Cost:Cost: $2$2$2$2 Cost:Cost: FreFreee!! 4. At least one member of a specific 4.At least one member of a specific TEEN BASKETBALLTEEN BASKETBALL SENIOR PICKLEBALLSENIOR PICKLEBALL household must be present to sign-up household must be present to sign-up DayDay Age Age TimeTimeTime Day Age Day Time for a field trip. for a field trip. Tu/ThTu/Th 13-17 13-17 2:00p2:00p2:00pm-4:00pm-4:00pm-4:00pmmm M/W M/W 50+ 9:00am-10:30am 5.Please remember, space is limited 5.Please remember, space is limited and varies for every field trip. and varies for every field trip. Cost:Cost: FreFreee!! Cost:Cost: FreFreee!!

INDOOR RENTALSINDOOR RENTALSINDOOR RENTALS DAY CAMPDAY CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS SCHOLARSHIPS UPCOMING DATES:UPCOMING DATES:UPCOMING DATES: STANDARD CLASSROOMSTANDARD CLASSROOM MULTI-PURPOSE ROOMMULTI-PURPOSE ROOMMULTI-PURPOSE ROOM ClarkClarkClark County County County is is is committecommittecommitteddd to to to Ample space for meetings, classes, and more.Ample space for meetings, classes, and more. Perfect for small parties (i.e. showers,Perfect for small parties (i.e. showers, DatesDatesDatesDates Registration DatesRegistration DatesRegistration Dates ppprovidrovidroviding ing ing low cost low cost low cost seseservicervicervices s s to to to thththeee Approximate Maximum Occupancy - 26 Approximate Maximum Occupancy - 26 anniversaries, graduation parties, meetings, anniversaries, graduation parties, meetings,anniversaries, graduation parties, meetings, October 17 online @ 7am October 17 online @ 7am DeceDeceDeceDecembmbmbmbeeeer r r r 23 - 23 - 23 - 23 - JanuaryJanuaryJanuaryJanuary 33 pppuububblic. lic. lic. ThThTheee P P Paaarkrkrks s s andandand RRReeecrecrecreaaationtiontion participants. participants. etc.). (Food allowed, but not smoking or etc.). (Food allowed, but not smoking oretc.). (Food allowed, but not smoking or (Winter Camp) (Winter Camp)(Winter Camp) October 21 walk-in @ 7am OctobOctobeer r 2121 walk-in @ 7am ScholaScholaScholarshiprshiprship PPPrororogram gram pprovidrovideess alcoholic beverages). Approximate Maximum alcoholic beverages). Approximate Maximumalcoholic beverages). Approximate Maximum January 27 December 12 at 7:00am January January 2727 DeceDecembmbeer r 12 at 12 at 7:00a7:00amm fffinainainancial ncial ncial assistaassistaassistancencence fffor or or classeclasseclasses s s anananddd Occupancy - 67 participants. Occupancy - 67 participants.Occupancy - 67 participants. GYMNASIUM GYMNASIUM March 17 - March 21 March March 17 - 17 - March 21March 21 FeFeFebbbrururuary ary ary 6 6 6 onlineonlineonline @@@ 7a7a7ammm ppprograms rograms rograms to to to qqqualifualifualifying ying ying Clark Clark Clark CountyCountyCounty Can be used for Can be used for sporting events, teamsporting events, team FeFeFebbbrururuary ary ary 10 10 10 wwwaaalk-in lk-in lk-in @@@ 7a7a7ammm (Spring Break Camp) (Spring Break(Spring Break Camp) Camp) MEETING ROOMMEETING ROOMMEETING ROOM rereresidsidsideeents (ants (ants (as s s fffunununddding ing ing is is is aaavavavailabilabilablelele).).). building activities, large trainings, building activities, large trainings, ApApApril ril ril 282828 March March March 27 a27 a27 at t t 7:00am7:00am7:00am Great for meetings, classes, and more.Great for meetings, classes, and more.Great for meetings, classes, and more. ScholaScholaScholarshiprshiprships s s areareare availabavailabavailablelele throughthroughthrough performances and more. Half of the performances and more. Half of the Approximate Maximum Occupancy - 67 Approximate Maximum Occupancy - 67Approximate Maximum Occupancy - 67 DeDececembmbeer r 31, 31, 2024. 2024. To To aapppply, ply, pleleasease Gym is also available. (Food allowed, Gym is also available. (Food allowed, Time: 7:00AM-6:00PTime: : 7:00AM-6:00P7:00AM-6:00PMMM participants. participants.participants. but not smoking or alcoholic but not smoking or alcoholicbut not smoking or alcoholic rereqqueuest st anan a apppplicalication tion at at thethe ffronrontt Cost: Cost: $21/d$21/d$21/dayayay beverages). Approximate Maximum beverages). Approximate Maximumbeverages). Approximate Maximumbeverages). Approximate Maximumbeverages). Approximate Maximum ddeesksk. . PPleleasease aallow llow 2 2 weweeeks ks ffor or thethe AgeAgeAges:s: s: 6-12 6-12 6-12 6-12 yeyeyeyears ars ars ars oldoldoldold Occupancy - 354-707 participants. Occupancy - 354-707 participants.Occupancy - 354-707 participants.Occupancy - 354-707 participants.Occupancy - 354-707 participants. apappplicalication tion to to Day Day CampCamp is is ddeesignesignedd ffor or childchildreren n aagegess Day Camp is designed for children ages RENTAL NOTESRENTAL NOTESRENTAL NOTES 6-12 6-12 yeyears ars oldold. . ChChildildrerenn cacan n pparticiparticipateate 6-12 years old. Children can participate SECURITY DEPOSITSECURITY DEPOSITSECURITY DEPOSIT in in a a varievariety ty ofof activitieactivities includs including:ing: in a variety of activities including: A security deposit of $100.00 in the form of a check or money order ONLY is required for A security deposit of $100.00 in the form of a check or money oA security deposit of $100.00 in the form of a check or money oA security deposit of $100.00 in the form of a check or money order ONLY is required forrder ONLY is required forrder ONLY is required for bboaoardrd gagamemes, ins, inddoor/outdoor/outdoor oor gagamemes,s, board games, indoor/outdoor games, all indoor rentals. This amount will be refunded if the premises are left clean and all indoor rentals. This amount will be refunded if the premises are left rentals. This amount will be refunded if the premises are left rentals. This amount will be refunded if the premises are left clean andclean andclean and arts arts n n crafcrafts, ts, spspeecial cial eevevents, nts, andand arts n crafts, special events, and undamaged and the event is concluded on time. Clark County reserves the right to bill undamaged and the event is concluded on time. Clark County reseundamaged and the event is concluded on time. Clark County reseundamaged and the event is concluded on time. Clark County reserves the right to billrves the right to billrves the right to bill moviemovies s (G (G or Por PG).G). movies (G or PG). for any damages or excess cleaning required due to renter use. for any damages or excess cleaning required due to renter use.for any damages or excess cleaning required due to renter use.for any damages or excess cleaning required due to renter use. **Must Must bbring ring two two snacksnacks s andand a a lunchlunch *Must bring two snacks and a lunch SETUP AND CLEANUP SETUP AND CLEANUPSETUP AND CLEANUP L.O.T.F. PROGRAML.O.T.F. PROGRAM thathat t ddoeoesn’t sn’t neneeedd to to bbee heheateatedd oror that doesn’t need to be heated or Setup and cleanup are the responsibility of the renter and should be conducted during Setup and cleanup are the responsibility of the renter and shouSetup and cleanup are the responsibility of the renter and should be conducted duringld be conducted during rereffrigerigeraratetedd andand a a rereffillaillabblele watewaterr refrigerated and a refillable water TheThe mission mission ofof thethe Clark Clark CounCounty ty PParksarks the reservation times the renter request. All tables & chairs used for said event must be the reservation times the renter request. All tables & chairs uthe reservation times the renter request. All tables & chairs used for said event must besed for said event must be bottle. bottle. andand RReecrecreaationtion “Le “Leaadders ofers of thethe cleaned & put on carts. Renters are responsible to cover tables with table cloths. cleaned & put on carts. Renters are responsible to cover tablescleaned & put on carts. Renters are responsible to cover tables with table cloths. with table cloths. *Registration form is a*Registration form is a *Registration form is a FutuFuturere PProgram” rogram” (LOTF) (LOTF) is is to pto providrovidee EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT pre-requisite to enroll in thepre-requisite to enroll in the pre-requisite to enroll in the youth youth with with TThehe opoppportuortunity nity to to gaingain The center has approximately 10 round - 5ft tables, 20 - 6ft rectangular tables, and The center has approximately 10 round - 5ft tables, 20 - 6ft reThe center has approximately 10 round - 5ft tables, 20 - 6ft rectangular tables, andctangular tables, and program. Scan QR code below.program. Scan QR code below. program. Scan QR code below. valuavaluabblele workwork eexpxpeerieriencence, , ddeeveveloplop approximately 130 chairs that can be provided at user’s request. Additional equipment approximately 130 chairs that can be provided at user’s request. Additional equipmentthat can be provided at user’s request. Additional equipment must be supplied by the user. must be supplied by the user. leleadadeershiprship skills skills andand makmakee a a ppositiveositive ddififffeererencence in in thetheir ir communcommunity.ity. NO SMOKING OR ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES NO SMOKING OR ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGESNO SMOKING OR ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES Smoking and consumption of alcoholic beverages are not permitted anywhere within Smoking and consumption of alcoholic beverages are not permitteSmoking and consumption of alcoholic beverages are not permitted anywhere withind anywhere within StudStudeents nts cacan n only only voluntevolunteeer r upup to to 2020 Desert Breeze Community Center. Desert Breeze Community Center. houhouhours rs rs pppeeer r r weweweeeek. k. k. TheTheThe ppprogram rogram rogram runrunrunsss EXCESSIVE NOISE LEVELS EXCESSIVE NOISE LEVELS ddurinuring g SchSchool ool BreBreakak P Peeriodriods.s. The playing of loud music or the creation of any other disturbing noises will not be The playing of loud music or the creation of any other disturbing noises will not be permitted anywhere in Desert Breeze Community Center. permitted anywhere in Desert Breeze Community Center. ApAppplicalications tions can can bbee ppickeickedd upup at at thethe *Note: We do not allow helium balloons or smoke machines in our facility. *Note: We do not allow helium balloons or smoke machines in our facility. ffronront t ddesk.esk.

MARTIAL ARTS YOUTH SPORTS MARTIAL ARTS YOUTH SPORTSYOUTH SPORTS DESERT BREEZE COMMUNITY CENTERDESERT BREEZE COMMUNITY CENTERDESERT BREEZE COMMUNITY CENTER YOUTH BASKETBALL LEAGUESYOUTH BASKETBALL LEAGUESYOUTH BASKETBALL LEAGUESYOUTH BASKETBALL LEAGUES TAE KWON DO BEGINNERS TAE KWON DO BEGINNERSTAE KWON DO BEGINNERSTAE KWON DO BEGINNERS 8275 8275 8275 SpSpSpring Mountain ring Mountain ring Mountain RdRdRd, Las Vegas, N, Las Vegas, N, Las Vegas, NV V V 891178911789117 TaeTaeTaeTae Kwon Do, a KoKwon Do, a KoKwon Do, a KoKwon Do, a Korerererean an an an martial martial martial martial art,art,art,art, Youth bYouth bYouth bYouth baskeaskeaskeasketbtbtbtball leall leall leall leagueagueagueagues s s s allowsallowsallowsallows (702(702(702) 455-8334 | Hours: Mon-Fri 7:00am-8:00pm) 455-8334 | Hours: Mon-Fri 7:00am-8:00pm) 455-8334 | Hours: Mon-Fri 7:00am-8:00pm pppprovidrovidrovidrovideeees s s s bbbbeeeeginneginneginneginners rs rs rs with with with with pppphysicalhysicalhysicalhysical pppparticiparticiparticiparticipants ants ants ants to to to to eeeenjoy njoy njoy njoy thethethethe gamegamegamegame of of of of Revised 12/26/2024Revised 12/26/2024Revised 12/26/2024Revised 12/26/2024Revised 12/26/2024 ffffitneitneitneitness, ss, ss, ss, memememental dntal dntal dntal discipiscipiscipisciplinelinelineline, , , , andandandand se se se selflflflf---- bbbbaskeaskeaskeasketbtbtbtball all all all in a fin a fin a fin a fun, un, un, un, non-compnon-compnon-compnon-compeeeetitivetitivetitivetitive CENTER CLOSURESCENTER CLOSURES SESSION 1SESSION 1 ddddeeeeffffeeeensensensense skills through structureskills through structureskills through structureskills through structuredddd eeeenvironmenvironmenvironmenvironment. Thent. Thent. Thent. Thesesesese leleleleagueagueagueagues s s s ffffocus ocus ocus ocus onononon November 28-30 THANKSGIVING November 28-30 THANKSGIVING January January 6 6 - - FeFebbruary ruary 1515 DeceDecembmbeer 25 r 25 CHRISTMASCHRISTMAS training. Ptraining. Ptraining. Ptraining. Progrerogrerogrerogression includssion includssion includssion includeeees s s s lelelelearningarningarningarning dddeeeveveveloploploping fing fing fundundundameameamental skills,ntal skills,ntal skills, January 1 New Years Day January 1 New Years Day stancestancestancestances, s, s, s, kicks, kicks, kicks, kicks, ppppuncheuncheuncheunches, s, s, s, fffforms,orms,orms,orms, teteteteamwork,amwork,amwork,amwork, sp sp sp sportsmanshiportsmanshiportsmanshiportsmanship, , , , andandandand a a a a lovelovelovelove Online RegistrationOnline Registration: : NNoveovembmbeer r 14 14 @@ 7:00a7:00amm January 20 MLK Day January 20 MLK Day spspspsparring, arring, arring, arring, andandandand bbbbrererereaking aking aking aking tetetetechniqchniqchniqchniqueueueuessss fffor theor theor the gamegamegame, rathe, rathe, rather r r than than than eeempmpmphasizinghasizinghasizing for the game, rather than emphasizing In-Person Registration: November 18 @ 7:00am In-Person Registration: November 18 @ 7:00am February 17 President’s Day February 17 President’s Day whilewhilewhile eeempmpmphasizing hasizing hasizing rererespspspeeect,ct,ct, inteinteintensensense compcompcompeeetition tition tition or or or adadadvancevancevanceddd intense competition or advanced DRUMS WITH BRYANDRUMS WITH BRYAN pppeeerserserseveveverancerancerance, , , andandand seseselflflf-control.-control.-control. ppeerfrformanceormance.. performance. PERFORMING ARTSPERFORMING ARTS Our Our ddrum rum class class teaches fteaches fundundamentalamental Mandatory Skills Test and Parent MeetingMandatory Skills Test and Parent MeetingMandatory Skills Test and Parent Meeting DayDay DateDateDate TimeTime AgeAge CostCost Activity CodeActivity Code PIANO/VOCAL WITH LADY VPIANO/VOCAL WITH LADY VPIANO/VOCAL WITH LADY VPIANO/VOCAL WITH LADY VPIANO/VOCAL WITH LADY V techniqtechniques ues likelike p posture, osture, holdholdinging 6p6pmm-- Date:DateDate: January 10, 2025January 10, 2025 M/WM/W 1/6-2/121/6-2/121/6-2/12 6-17 $42 1 Desert Breeze Martial Arts 6-17 $42 1 Desert Breeze Martial Arts ddrumsticks, andrumsticks, and bbasic asic rhythms. Studrhythms. Studentsents 7pm 7pm StudStudStudStudStudeeeeents nts nts nts nts will will will will will lelelelelearn arn arn arn arn fffffundundundundundameameameameamental pntal pntal pntal pntal pianoianoianoianoiano TimeTimeTime: 5:00pm-8:00pm: 5:00pm-8:00pm *Mon. c*Mon. c*Mon. classlasslass pric pric priceseses prorated due to hol prorated due to hol prorated due to holiday ciday ciday clllosososuresuresures... practice on practice pads or simplified practice on practice pads or simplified skills, skills, skills, skills, skills, skills, includincludincludincludincludincluding ing ing ing ing ing kekekekekekey y y y y y touch, touch, touch, touch, touch, touch, notenotenotenotenotenote *A*A*Attendancttendancttendance to both ise to both ise to both is required to s required to s required to secececure your cure your cure your chilhilhild’sd’sd’s s s spotpotpot drum kits before advancing. The drum kits before advancing. The TAE KWON DO ADVANCEDTAE KWON DO ADVANCEDTAE KWON DO ADVANCED in the leagues. in the leagues. ididididideeeeentifntifntifntifntification, ication, ication, ication, ication, music music music music music rerererereadadadadading, ing, ing, ing, ing, rhythmrhythmrhythmrhythmrhythm identification, music reading, rhythm atmosphere is relaxed, encouraging atmosphere is relaxed, encouraging For 6-8 year-oldsFor 6-8 year-oldsFor 6-8 year-olds Advanced Tae Kwon Do practitioners AdAdvancevancedd Tae Tae Kwon Do pKwon Do practitioneractitionersrs counting, andcounting, andcounting, andcounting, andcounting, andcounting, and music listemusic listemusic listemusic listemusic listemusic listening. ning. ning. ning. ning. ning. It It It It It It isisisisisis counting, and music listening. It is enjoyment and gradual skill enjoyment and gradual skill DayDay DateDate TimeTime CostCost enhance speed, power, and precision eenhancenhance spspeeeedd, p, poweower, andr, and p prerecisioncision rerererecommecommecommecommendndndndeeeedddd f f f for por por por participarticiparticiparticipants to haveants to haveants to haveants to have recommended for participants to have development. *30 minute sessions* development. *30 minute sessions* PracticesPractices TueTuess 1/14-3/111/14-3/11 5:00pm-6:00p5:00pm-6:00p5:00pm-6:00pmmm $85$85 through complex forms, sparring through through compcomplelex fx forms, orms, spsparringarring a a a a ppppiano or iano or iano or iano or kekekekeybybybyboardoardoardoard at at at at homehomehomehome f f f forororor a piano or keyboard at home for DayDay DateDate TimeTime AgeAge CostCost Activity CodeActivity Code GamesGames FriFri 1/24-3/141/24-3/14 5:00pm-7:00p5:00pm-7:00p5:00pm-7:00pmmm tactics, and specialized techniques. tactics, tactics, andand spspeecializecializedd te techniqchniqueues.s. 3:00pm- 3:00pm- ppracticeractice.. *30 minute*30 minute*30 minute sesesessions*ssions*ssions* practice. *30 minute sessions* M 1/6-2/10 6+ $75 1 Desert Breeze Music M 1/6-2/10 6+ $75 1 Desert Breeze Music 7:00pm 7:00pm They also focus on philosophical TheThey y also falso focus on ocus on pphilosophilosophicalhical For 9-11 year-oldsFor 9-11 year-olds DayDayDay DateDate TimeTimeTime AgeAge CostCost Activity CodeActivity CodeActivity Code 3:30pm- 3:30pm- DayDay DateDate TimeTime CostCost Tu 1/7-2/11 6+ $90 1 Desert Breeze Music Tu 1/7-2/11 6+ $90 1 Desert Breeze Music principles like integrity and pprinciprincipleles s likelike inte integrity andgrity and MM 1/6-2/101/6-2/10 4:00p4:00p4:00pmmm-7:30p-7:30p-7:30pmmm 6+6+ $75$75 1 1 1 DeDeDesert sert sert Breeze Breeze Breeze MusicMusicMusic 7:00pm 7:00pm PracticesPractices TueTuess 1/14-3/111/14-3/11 5:00pm-6:00p5:00pm-6:00pmm indomitable spirit. Dedication and indindomitabomitablele sp spirit. Deirit. Deddication andication and $85$85 3:30pm- 3:30pm- TuTu 1/7-2/111/7-2/11 4:00p4:00pmm-7:30p-7:30pmm 6+6+ $90$90 1 1 1 DeDeDesert sert sert Breeze Breeze Breeze MusicMusicMusic Th 1/9-2/13 6+ $90 1 Desert Breeze Music Th 1/9-2/13 6+ $90 1 Desert Breeze Music GamesGames SatSat 1/24-3/141/24-3/14 12:00p12:00pm-2:00pm-2:00pmm 7:00pm 7:00pm WW 1/8-2/121/8-2/12 4:00p4:00pmm-7:30p-7:30pmm 6+6+ $90$90 1 1 DeDesert sert Breeze Breeze MusicMusic continuous training are key for continuous training arecontinuous training are kekey y fforor *Mon. c*Mon. c*Mon. classlasslass pric pric priceseses prorated due to hol prorated due to hol prorated due to holiday ciday ciday clllosososuresuresures... FF 1/10-2/141/10-2/14 4:00p4:00pmm-7:30p-7:30pmm 6+6+ $90$90 1 1 DeDesert sert Breeze Breeze MusicMusic progressing through belt ranks and pprogrerogressing through bssing through beelt lt ranksranks and and For 12-14 year-oldsFor 12-14 year-olds SatSat 1/11-2/151/11-2/15 8:30a8:30amm-11:30a-11:30amm 6+6+ $75$75 1 1 DeDesert sert Breeze Breeze MusicMusic INTRO TO THEATERINTRO TO THEATERINTRO TO THEATER Day Date Time Cost Day Date Time Cost achieving proficiency. achieachieving ving pprofroficieiciency.ncy. *Mon. and Sat. c*Mon. and Sat. cllasasss pric priceses prorated due to holiday c prorated due to holiday closureslosures.. PracticesPractices ThursThurs 1/16-3/131/16-3/13 5:00pm-6:00p5:00pm-6:00pmm An An An introdintrodintroduction uction uction to to to theatetheatetheater class coversr class coversr class covers $85 $85 DayDay DateDateDate TimeTime AgeAge CostCost Activity CodeActivity Code GamesGames SatSat 1/18-3/151/18-3/15 12:00p12:00pm-2:00pm-2:00pmm fffundundundamental amental amental elemeelemeelements nts nts likelikelike acting acting acting 7:00pm- 7:00pm- M/W 1/6-2/121/6-2/12 6-17 $42 1 Desert Breeze Martial Arts M/W 1/6-2/12 6-17 $42 1 Desert Breeze Martial Arts techniques, stage movement, and techniqtechniques, stage movement, andues, stage movement, and 8:00pm 8:00pm Activity Code: 1 Desert Breeze Leagues Activity Code: 1 Desert Breeze Leagues *Ins*Ins*Instructructructor Approval Requiredtor Approval Requiredtor Approval Required character development. It includes character character ddevelopevelopment. ment. It It includincludeses *Mon. c*Mon. c*Mon. classlasslass pric pric priceseses prorated due to hol prorated due to hol prorated due to holiday ciday ciday clllosososuresuresures... practical exercises such as improvisation ppppractical exerciseractical exerciseractical exerciseractical exercises s s s such such such such as impas impas impas improvisationrovisationrovisationrovisation and discussions on stagecraft, providing a andand d discussions on iscussions on stagestagecrafcraft, t, pprovidroviding ing aa STAY TUNED FOR UPCOMING comprehensive overview of theater compcompreherehensive nsive overview overview ofof the theaterater YOUTH SPORTS CLASSES practices and production. practices and production. DayDay DateDate TimeTime AgeAge CostCost Activity CodeActivity CodeActivity Code 5:30pm- 5:30pm- 8-15 $35 1 Desert Breeze Theater Th 1/9-2/13 Th 1/9-2/13 8-15 $35 1 1 DeDesert sert Breeze Breeze TheTheaterater 6:30pm 6:30pm

Music Helen Meyer Community Center Day Time Cost 4525 New Forest Drive Las Vegas, NV 89147 Piano (702) 455-7723 FRI 3pm - 3:30pm $90 Piano Tumbling DANCE FRI 3:30pm - 4pm $90 Participants learn fine motor skills and Learn beginning tumbling techniques. different dance and cheer techniques. movements such as rolls, twists, Piano handsprings, or somersaults on floor FRI 4pm - 4:30pm $90 Day Time Cost mats or on the ground. Piano Cheer Day Time Cost FRI 4:30pm - 5pm $90 TUE 4pm - 5pm $26 Tumbling Piano Hip- hop THUR 4pm-5pm $26 FRI 5pm - 5:30pm $90 Mon 4:30pm - 5:30pm $26 Tumbling Piano THUR 5pm - 6pm $26 FRI 5:30pm - 6pm $90 Music SPORTS Participants receive 30 minute private Participants learn basic skills while you lesson on Piano. improve your fitness, stamina, and coordination. Day Time Cost Day Time Cost Piano Tennis WED 3pm - 3:30pm $90 MON 5pm - 6pm $26 Piano Skating WED 3:30pm - 4pm $90 FRI 4pm - 5pm $26 Piano Skating WED 4pm - 4:30pm $90 FRI 5pm - 6pm $26 Piano Theater WED 4:30pm - 5pm $90 A class focused on short scripts, Piano monologues, and improvisation. WED 5pm - 5:30pm $90 Piano Day Time Cost WED 5:30pm - 6pm $90 Theater MON 5pm - 6pm $26

Helen Meyer Community Center 4525 New Forest Drive Las Vegas, NV 89147 (702) 455-7723 Tiny Tot Play Kindergarten Prep Participants learn basic skills while you Session 2 Class Dates Through our program, children gain improve your fitness, stamina, and valuable developmental skills that are December 2nd - coordination. fostered through social interaction and Day Time Cost independent play opportunities. February 21st Early Explorers Day Time Cost MON/WED/FRI 11:15am-12:15pm $105 07 - A Early Explorers Tues/Thurs 8:15am - 11:15am $300 TUES/THUR 11:15am-12:15pm $70 08 - B Tues/Thurs 8:15am - 11:15am $300 Preschool Prep 09 - A Our preschool classes are licensed by Tues/Thurs 12:15pm - 3:15pm $300 Tiny Tot Dance and the State of Nevada, and they provide Tumbling 10 -B our participants with a creative learning experience. Participants learn fine motor skills and Tues/Thurs 12:15pm - 3:15pm $300 different dance and cheer techniques. 11 - A Day Time Cost Participants will learn beginning Mon/Wed/Fri 8:15am - 11:15am $375 01 - C tumbling techniques. 12-B Tues/Thurs 8:15am - 11:15am $300 Day Time Cost 02 - D Mon/Wed/Fri 12:15pm - 3:15pm $375 Tiny Tot Cheer Tues/Thurs 8:15am - 11:15am $300 13 -D TUE 3:15am - 4pm $35 03 - C Mon/Wed/Fri 12:15pm - 3:15pm $375 Tiny Tot Tumbling Tues/Thurs 12:15pm - 3:15pm $300 14 -A THUR 3:15pm - 4pm $35 04 -D Mon/Wed/Fri 12:15pm - 3:15pm $375 Tues/Thurs 12:15pm - 3:15pm $300 15 -B 05 - C Mon/Wed/Fri 12:15pm - 3:15pm $375 Mon/Wed/Fri 8:15am - 11:15am $375 16-D Mon/Wed/Fri 12:15pm - 3:15pm $375 06-C Mon/Wed/Fri 12:15pm - 3:15pm $375

HOLLYWOOD RECREATION CENTER PIANO - PRIVATE KARATE Participants will learn the basics of Drums such 1650 S. Hollywood, Las Vegas, NV 89142 Participants will learn beginning as how to read music, count & hear music. Participants are encouraged to have a Drum set Karate. This class focuses on (702) 455-0566 at home to practice on. integrating martial arts into daily Instructor: Hannah GYMNASTICS practice and building positive DANCE & GYMNASTICS Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code M 1/06-2/10 5-5:30pm 6+ $75 Hollywood Piano Private disciplined students and providing Participants will learn basic gymnastics BALLET M 1/06-2/10 5:30-6pm 6+ $75 Hollywood Piano Private practical learning experiences. techniques like tumbling on a mat, & M 1/06-2/10 6-6:30pm 6+ $75 Hollywood Piano Private Students will learn basic ballet skills Instructor: George M 1/06-2/10 6:30-7pm 6+ $75 Hollywood Piano Private walking the balance beam. Learn to and terminology through technique M 1/06-2/10 7-7:30pm 6+ $75 Hollywood Piano Private Beginning master coordination and other skills. M 1/06-2/10 7:30-8pm 6+ $75 Hollywood Piano Private and creative movements. Tights, Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code W 1/08-2/12 5-5:30pm 6+ $90 Hollywood Piano Private Instructor: Starr T/Th 1/07-1/30 6pm-7pm 6+ $34 Hollywood Karate 01 leotards, and ballet flats are preferred W 1/08-2/12 5:30-6pm 6+ $90 Hollywood Piano Private Beginner Gymnastics Intermediate but leggings and other tight-fitted, W 1/08-2/12 6-6:30pm 6+ $90 Hollywood Piano Private Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code W 1/08-2/12 6:30-7pm 6+ $90 Hollywood Piano Private comfortable clothes are okay too. Hair F 1/10-2/14 4pm-5pm 5-6 $35 Hollywood Gymnastics T/Th 1/07-1/30 7pm-8pm 6+ $34 Hollywood Karate 02 W 1/08- 2/12 7-7:30pm 6+ $90 Hollywood Drum Private F 1/10-2/14 5pm-6pm 7-8 $35 Hollywood Gymnastics should be up, out of the face. No W 1/08-2/12 7:30-8pm 6+ $90 Hollywood Drum Private F 1/10-2/14 6pm-7pm 9-11 $35 Hollywood Gymnastics ADULT KARATE - TRADITIONAL street shoes or jeans. DRUMS - PRIVATE Intermediate Gymnastics Instructor: Starr This class teaches basic self-defense Must have previous gymnastics experience to enroll. Participants will learn the basics of Drums such Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code as how to read music, count & hear music. Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code techniques from a blended array of Sa 1/11-2/15 9am-10am 5-6 $35 Hollywood Gymnastics T 1/07-2/11 4pm-4:45pm 4 $27 Hollywood Ballet 01 Participants are encouraged to have a Drum set disciplines. This will enable students Sa 1/11-2/15 10am-11am 7-9 $35 Hollywood Gymnastics T 1/07-2/11 5pm-6:00pm 5-6 $35 Hollywood Ballet 02 at home to practice on. Instructor: Bryan to learn skills and techniques T 1/07-2/11 6pm-7:00pm 7-9 $35 Hollywood Ballet 03 Sa 1/11-2/15 11am-12pm 10-12 $35 Hollywood Gymnastics Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code T 1/07-2/11 7pm-8:00pm 10-13 $35 Hollywood Ballet 04 F 1/10-2/14 4-4:30pm 7+ $75 Hollywood Drum Private necessary to defend themselves. W 1/08-2/12 4pm-4:45pm 4 $27 Hollywood Ballet 05 F 1/10-2/14 4:30-5pm 7+ $75 Hollywood Drum Private Participants under 18 may attend with W 1/08-2/12 5pm-6:00pm 5-6 $35 Hollywood Ballet 06 F 1/10-2/14 5-5:30pm 7+ $75 Hollywood Drum Private W 1/08-2/12 6pm-7:00pm 7-8 $35 Hollywood Ballet 07 F 1/10-2/14 5:30-6pm 7+ $75 Hollywood Drum Private the instructor's approval. F 1/10-2/14 6-6:30pm 7+ $75 Hollywood Drum Private Instructor: George F 1/10-2/14 6:30-7pm 7+ $75 Hollywood Drum Private F 1/10-2/14 7-7:30pm 7+ $75 Hollywood Drum Private Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code F 1/10-2/14 7:30-8pm 7+ $75 Hollywood Drum Private W 1/08-1/29 6pm-7:00pm 18+ $27 Hollywood Karate 03 F 1/10-2/14 5-5:30pm 7+ $75 Hollywood Drum Private PERFORMING ARTS SENIOR PROGRAMMING BASIC ACTING SKILLS MARTIAL ARTS BINGO This class will focus on the basic acting skills Come and enjoy a few games of Bingo ADULT KARATE - ADULT DANCE TECHNIQUE including character work, scene with friends. Keep fit, active, and TOOLS & EQUIPMENT Learning the basics of dance technique. Various development, monologues and socialize! styles will be explored during this class. This class focuses on the traditional tools improvisation. As well as, learning to Instructor: Starr used in Karate such as the Bo, flying fan, Day Time Day Time memorize lines and becoming comfortable sticks, and more. Participants under 18 Day Date Time Age Cost with performing in front of others. Instructor: WeWedd Oct Oct 16 16 10:30am-12:00p10:30am-12:00pmm may attend with the instructor's S 1/11-2/15 12:30pm-1:30pm 16+ $35 Starr Wed Nov 20 10:30am-12:00 pm Wed Nov 20 10:30am-12:00 pm approval. Instructor: George Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code Activity Code Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code W 1/08-2/12 7pm-8pm 9-15 $35 Hollywood Acting Skills Cost: Free! Cost: Free! Hollywood Adult Dance W 1/08-1/29 7:00-8:00pm 18+ $27 Hollywood Karate 04

SENIOR PROGRAMMING FITNESS ROOM FIELD TRIP REGISTRATION CONT’D INFORMATION Private sessions are $25/per 30 minutes. CARDS WITH FRIENDS All registrations are done in-person. Must have current valid All purchases and meals are at your Play, socialize, and make new fitness membership. own expense. friends! You may not register other people if Day Time Open during regular operating hours. you yourself are not attending Wed Jan 08 10:30am-12:00pm Must bring your own towel, water FIELD TRIPS Wed Ferb 05 10:30am-12:00 pm bottle, and wipe down machines Cost: Free! after use. HEALTH & FITNESS Join us for monthly excursions. Advanced registration is required. You Youth ages 13 -15 must be SUNRISE STRETCH All Health & Fitness classes offer a accompanied by parent/guardian. must register in person. Trips are non daily class drop-in fee of $5 per Get your morning started with our refundable. Trips may be cancelled Combo passes for the HW Aquatics class. sunrise stretch class. This class will get due to low enrollment, so please sign and the HW Fitness Room are also your blood pumping and give you the available for purchase! up early. Additional fees may apply. STRENGHT & CONDITIONING energy to get you to your next cup of Please arrive 15 minutes before Adults This class provides a total body workout that Joe! Instructor: Randy Teens (13 -17yrs) Drop-in: $4 departure time. begins with a cardio warm-up and provides Drop-in: $3 Monthly: $16 Day Date Time muscular toning, strength and endurance for Monthly: $15 Yearly: $115 HONEY SALT M/W 1/06-2/12 8:00-9:00am Yearly: $105 each major muscle group using free weights (includes Open Gym) Day Time and resistance bands. Instructor: Aurora Age Cost Activity Code Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code Thur Sept 19 10:00am-1:00pm 50+ $10 Hollywood Sunrise Stretch Pool and Fitness Seniors (55 & up) T/TH 1/08-2/12 6:15pm-7pm 16+ $41 Hollywood Strength Cost Activity Code Room Combo Drop-in: $1 $2 Hollywood Senior Field Trips WII BOWLING Monthly: $70 Monthly: $5 FIT CAMP Yearly Pass: $210 Yearly: $35 Come and enjoy Wii bowling and meet Fit camp is a medium to high-intensity KITCHEN TABLE new friends. Keep fit, active, and interval training program. It provides Personal Training $25/30 minute Day Time socialize! cardio & strength training all in the same (Need a valid pass) Tues Oct 24 10:30am-1:00pm class. Class ends with stretching the Day Time Cost Activity Code muscles. Instructor: Renee Wednesdays 10:00am-2:00pm $2 Hollywood Senior Field Trips Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code Cost: Free! M 1/06-2/10 6pm-7:00pm 13+ $30 Hollywood Fit Camp ZUMBA ONLINE REGISTRATION Exhilarating, effective, easy-to-follow, Latin- Online Registration can inspired, calorie burning, dance fitness class be found at: that’s moving millions of people towards joy www.ClarkCountyNV.Gov/ and health Instructor: Veronica Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code ParksRegistration M/W 1/06-2/12 7pm-8pm 16+ $40 Hollywood Zumba

EARLY LEARNING ART CLASSES HEALTH & FITNESS CONT’D FOR THE LOVE OF ART Pre-K PREP This art class is for the passionate artist. STEP AEROBICS Little Learners class is designed to We will be creating, painting, crafting, and prepare kiddos for Kindergarten by Step aerobics is a great way to burn learning about art. Instructor: Bridget focusing on the development of the skills fat, shape, and tone, and build needed for Pre-K. muscles. This is a great workout for Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code Instructor: Maria T 1/07-2/11 5:30pm-6:30pm 8-12 $35 Hollywood Art 01 beginners. Enjoy 30 minutes of basic Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code step aerobics in this class taught at a EARLY CHILDHOOD T/TH 1/07-2/13 5pm-5:45pm 3-4 $41 Hollywood Pre-k Prep moderate pace with an emphasis on ENRICHMENT LITTLE LEARNERS proper form. This class is Our Early Childhood Enrichment (ECE) Little Learners class is designed to accompanied by highenergy music prepare kiddos for Kindergarten by Preschool Program is a state-licensed and is very easy to follow. focusing on developmentally appropriate program for children ages 4-5. This Instructor: Aurora/Kris activities, which will provide children with program provides children with a Day Date Time the foundation for future academic creative learning experience, social learning. Instructor: Maria T/Th 1/07 - 2/13 5:45pm - 6:15pm interaction, valuable developmental Cost Activity Code Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code skills and independent play M/W 1/06-2/12 8am-8:45am 3-4 $37 Hollywood LL $41 Hollywood Step M/W 1/06-2/12 9am-9:45am 3-4 $37 Hollywood LL opportunities, which will be carried YOGA throughout their formal education. ABC LEARNING Learn balance, strength, flexibility, Skills introduced and developed are: Little Learners class is designed to and mindfulness where a variety of letters & sounds, recognizing & writing prepare kiddos for Kindergarten by yoga movements and postures are numbers, recognizing quantities, focusing on the development of the skills fffocusing on ocusing on ocusing on the the the dddevelopevelopevelopment ment ment ofofof the skillsthe skillsthe skills taught. All levels welcome. Namaste! counting 1 through 20, recognizing needed for independent reasoning, Instructor: Kandy/Allison shapes, and sequencing & patterns. manners, and social interaction. Day Date Time Instructor: Maria Children must be four (4) years old by M/F 1/06 - 2/14 6:15am - 7am Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code the first day of class to enroll in the 4- Follow our Social Media M/W 1/06-2/12 10am-10:45am 3-4 $37 Hollywood ABC Cost Activity Code @HollywoodRecCenter 5-year old class. Children must be M/W 1/06-2/12 11am-11:45am 3-4 $37 Hollywood ABC $36 Hollywood Yoga 01 toilet trained (no pull-ups) and must SHOW & SHARE Day Date Time perform their own personal hygiene. Little Learners class is designed to COLORFUL CUBS M/W 1/06 - 2/12 5pm - 5:45pm Instructor: Bridget prepare kiddos for Kindergarten by This Class will not only teach your little Cost Activity Code Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code focusing on the development of the skills one the love of art but will also help them M/W 12/16 9am-12pm 4-5 $200 Hollywood ECE needed for independent reasoning, $36 Hollywood Yoga 02 learn a second language. Names of items T/TH 12/17 9am-12pm 4-5 $200 Hollywood ECE manners, and social interaction. will be said in English and Spanish. Day Date Time We're Hiring! CLASS INSTRUCTOR Instructor: Maria If you have the heart of a public servant and the spirit of an entrepreneur, we are looking for you! We’re looking for highly motivated Instructor: Yasmin S 1/11 - 2/15 9:30am - 10:30am professional to fill the positions of instructors who possess skills and talents they wish to share with the public to run specialty classes andprograms foradultsandyouthinourcommunity.Wewouldlovetoaddontoourexistingprograms. Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code $15 per hour, depending on experience Cost Activity Code Candidates must be 18 years of T/TH 1/07-2/13 6pm-6:45pm 3-4 $41 Hollywood S & S T/TH 1/7-2/13 10:45am-11:45am 4-7 $35 Hollywood CC age. High school diploma or equivalent is a must. Scan here to apply! $30 Hollywood Yoga 03

BASKETBALL TRAINING CAMP YOUTH SPORTS CLASSES CHEERLEADING PPPParticiparticiparticiparticipants will ants will ants will ants will learn thelearn thelearn thelearn the b b b beginningeginningeginningeginning This is a basketball training camp in which BASKETBALL SKILLS bbbasics asics asics ofofof cheer cheer cheer & & & stunting.stunting.stunting. participants will learn such skills as: how Learn the fundamentals of basketball. Instructor: TeInstructor: Teannianni to pivot, dribbling, rebound, how to shoot Ages 9-11 Instructor: Olynnso Day DayDay DateDate Time Time AgeAge CostCostCost Activity Code a layup, free throws, and much more. S 11/02-12/7 9am-10am 7-11 $30 Hollywood Cheer 11/02-12/7 9am-10am 7-11 $30$30 Instructor: Olynnso Day Date Time S 11/02-12/7 10am-11am 11-14 $30 Hollywood Cheer 11/02-12/7 10am-11am 11-14 $30 Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code W 1/08 - 2/12 7pm - 8pm W 1/08-2/12 6pm-7pm 6-8 $35 Hollywood Bball Camp Cost Activity Code SOCCER SKILLS 101 $35 Hollywood Basketball Skills 01 This is a soccer class in which Day Date Time GIRLS SPORT CLASSES participants will learn such skills as S 1/11 - 2/15 11:30am - 12:30pm TINY TOT dribbling, passing, and much more. Cost Activity Code This all girls tiny tot class is a class Instructor: Miguel $30 Hollywood Basketball Skills 02 designed to give participants an intro to Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code basic skills to help gain fundamentals of TH 1/09-2/13 6pm-7pm 6-8 $35 Hollywood Soccer Skills BASKETBALL SKILLS-ADVANCED the game. Instructor: Adam P. SOCCER SKILLS Participants will learn proper Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code shooting techniques, how to execute Learn basic soccer skills-dribbling, T 1/07-2/11 5pm-5:45pm 4-6 $27 Hollywood Girls Bball a fast break, how to break a press, passing, shooting, and teamwork. BASKETBALL BASICS different zones defenses, set a pick Instructor: Miguel This all girls basketball class is used to Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code and roll, and much more. teach the fundamentals of shooting, TH 1/09-2/13 7pm-8pm 9-11 $35 Hollywood Soccer Skills Conditioning, sportsmanship and dribbling, defending, rebounding, and more. Instructor: Adam P team work will also be a part of this TINY TOT BASKETBALL Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code Basic basketball skills, passing ,dribbling, class. Previous basketball experience M 1/06-2/10 5pm-6:00pm 7-11 $30 Hollywood Girls shooting, and teamwork. required to enroll. Ages 9-15 RISING STAR Instructor: Olynnso Instructor: Clarence Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code The rising star basketball program is a 1 Day Date Time T 1/07-2/11 6pm-6:45pm 4-5 $27 Hollywood Tinytot BB hour class designed to teach W 1/08 - 2/12 6pm - 8pm offensive/defensive strategies focused on Room Reservations Room ReservationsRoom ReservationsRoom Reservations Cost Activity Code improving footwork, body control & team The Hollywood Recreation Center has several rooms that can be reserved for business meetings, birthday celebrations, bridal or baby showers and family gatherings. $46 Hollywood Basketball Adv 01 passing. Instructor: Adam P Room Community Rate Commercial Rate $160 for first 2 hours $80 for first 2 hours Multipurpose Room Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code $20 for each additional hour $40 for each additional hour Flag Football $40 for first 2 hours $80 for first 2 hours Warming Kitchen W 1/08-2/12 5pm-6pm 12-15 $35 Hollywood Girls Used in conjunction with Multipurpose Room $20 for each additional hour $40 for each additional hour Basic football skills, passing ,terminology $60 for first 2 hours $120 for first 2 hours Meeting Room $20 for each additional hour $40 for each additional hour $100for first 2 hours $200 for first 2 hours and teamwork. Gymnasium $40 for each additional hour $80 for each additional hour Minimum of 2 staff required if outside normal operating hours at $30 each hour Facility Staffing Instructor: Miguel & Juvani All Hollywood Recreation Center classes and facility activities take first priority. Room reservations are not guaranteed. Food and beverages are permitted. This facility does have a oven range and refrigerator. Tables and chairs will be provided at user’s request. Hollywood Recreation Center staff will not assist with the set up of tables or chairs. No other equipment (trash bags, stereos, extension cords, etc) will be provided. Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code The sales of goods, merchandise or services are not permitted on premises. Smoking and consumption of alcoholic beverages are not permitted anywhere within Hollywood Recreation Center. The playing of loud music or the creation of any other disturbing noises will not be permitted anywhere in Hollywood Recreation Center. T 1/07-2/11 6pm-7pm 8-11 $35 Hollywood Flag Football Setup and cleanup are the responsibility of the renter and should be conducted during the reservation times the renter request. Additional fees will be assessed if rooms are not cleaned, organized and returned to their proper order. A refundable cleaning deposit of $100.00 may be required for certain types of rentals. Clark County reserves the right to bill for any damages or excess cleaning required due to renter use.

Parents/guardians must remain PPParearearents/guardnts/guardnts/guardians ians ians must must must rereremainmainmain CLASSES CLASSES MELVIN ENNIS RECREATION CENTERMELVIN ENNIS RECREATION CENTERMELVIN ENNIS RECREATION CENTER present in the center during class. ppprereresesesent in nt in nt in thethethe cececentententer dr dr during uring uring class.class.class. CHEERLEADINGCHEERLEADINGCHEERLEADINGCHEERLEADING CHEERLEADING 3720 3720 3720 E. CareE. CareE. Carey y y AveAveAve., Las Ve., Las Ve., Las Vegas, gas, gas, NNNV 89115V 89115V 89115 DayDay DateDateDate Time Time AgeAge CostCost Activity CodeActivity Code PPParticiparticiparticipants will ants will ants will lelelearn barn barn beeeginningginningginning Participants will learn beginning TU /TH 1/7-2/13 9am-10am 4-5 $20 1 Melvin Ennis Kinder TU /TH 11/7/7-2-2/1/133 9am-10am 44-5-5 $20 1 Melvin Ennis Kinder (702) 455-1291 (702) 455-1291(702) 455-1291 chechecheeeerlerlerleadadading. ing. ing. This This This class class class fffocuseocuseocuses s s ononon cheerleading. This class focuses on CenteCenteCenter Hours: Mondr Hours: Mondr Hours: Monday-Friday-Friday-Friday | 7 ay | 7 ay | 7 AM - 6 AM - 6 AM - 6 PPPMMM LITTLE EXPLORERSLITTLE EXPLORERSLITTLE EXPLORERS lelelearning thearning thearning the fffundundundameameamentals fntals fntals for cheor cheor cheeeer.r.r. learning the fundamentals for cheer. This class will This class will This class will havehavehave eeexciting topxciting topxciting topics andics andics and This class will have exciting topics and SomeSomeSome stunting andstunting andstunting and d d danceanceance Some stunting and dance HOLIDAY CLOSURESHOLIDAY CLOSURES AFTER SCHOOLAFTER SCHOOL inteinteinteractiveractiveractive p p play whilelay whilelay while introdintrodintroducingucingucing interactive play while introducing incorpincorpincorporations will orations will orations will bbbeee dddeeemonstratemonstratemonstrateddd incorporations will be demonstrated PROGRAM PROGRAM childchildchildrereren to n to n to bbbasic easic easic elelelememements ofnts ofnts of scie scie sciencencence children to basic elements of science in this this class. in this class. 1212/25/24/25/24 CHRCHRISTMASISTMAS andand eexpxploratory loratory pplay lay to bto builduild socialsocial and exploratory play to build social TheThe af afteter school pr school program is rogram is a a safsafee,, Instructor: AriInstructor: Ari Instructor: Ari 1/1/25 NEW YEARS DAY 1/1/25 NEW YEARS DAY skills. skills. PParearent must nt must reremain main ppreresesent nt inin skills. Parent must remain present in supsupeerviservisedd re recrecreation ation pprogram rogram thatthat 1/20/25 MARTIN LUTHER KING 1/20/25 MARTIN LUTHER KING thethe cecententer dr during uring class.class. the center during class. pprovidrovidees, s, activitieactivities, s, arts & arts & crafcrafts,ts, 2/17/25 PRESIDENT’S DAY 2/17/25 PRESIDENT’S DAY Day Day DateDateDate TimeTime Age Age CostCost Activity CodeActivity Code outdoutdoor poor play, snack,lay, snack, and and worksworkshophopss Day DayDay DateDate TimeTime AgeAge CostCost Activity CodeActivity Code TU/TH 1/7-2/13 5pm-6pm 6+ $18 1 Melvin Ennis Cheer TU/TH 11/7/7-2-2/1/133 5pm-6pm 666+++ $$$111888 1 Melvin Ennis Cheer TU/TH 1/7-2/13 11am-11:45pm 3-5 $20 TU/TH 11/7/7-2-2/1/133 11am-11:45pm 3-5 $20 11MMeelvinlvinEEnnnnisEisExxpplolorr ffor childor childreren n ageages 6 s 6 to 17 to 17 yeyears oldars old.. EARLY ENRICHMENTEARLY ENRICHMENT EARLY ENRICHMENT CLASS INFORMATIONCLASS INFORMATIONCLASS INFORMATIONCLASS INFORMATIONCLASS INFORMATIONCLASS INFORMATION PProgram rogram is is MondMonday - Friday - Friday, 2:00 pay, 2:00 pmm ARTFUL MINDSARTFUL MINDSARTFUL MINDS to 5:30 pto 5:30 pm; FRm; FREEEE Participants will learn step-by-step PParticiparticipants will ants will lelearn stearn stepp-b-by-stey-stepp ClarkClarkClarkClarkClarkClark County of County of County of County of County of County offfffffeeeeeers rs rs rs rs rs onlineonlineonlineonlineonlineonline andandandandandand walk- walk- walk- walk- walk- walk- instruction how to draw, color, paint, instruction instruction how how to to ddraw, color, raw, color, ppaint,aint, in rein rein rein rein rein registration. gistration. gistration. gistration. gistration. gistration. OnlineOnlineOnlineOnlineOnlineOnline rerererereregistrationgistrationgistrationgistrationgistrationgistration in registration. Online registration SPECIALTY WINTER CAMPSPECIALTY WINTER CAMPSPECIALTY WINTER CAMP All school-ageAll school-agedd child childreren must n must havehave a a allows allows allows allows pppparticiparticiparticiparticipants ants ants ants to to to to sesesesecurecurecurecure a a a a spspspspot inot inot inot in allows participants to secure a spot in and sculpting their own masterpieces. andand sculpsculpting ting thetheir own masteir own masterprpieiececes.s. SupSupSupervisedervisedervised p p program frogram frogram for or or childchildchildrereren n n ages ages ages 6-6-6- compcompleletetedd re registration gistration waviewavier on fr on fileile a a a a pppprograrograrograrogram m m m with with with with immeimmeimmeimmeddddiateiateiateiate a program with immediate Each class will have a different theme Each Each class will class will havehave a d a dififffeererent thent thememe 12 12 12 years years years oldoldold ddduring uring uring winter winter winter bbbreakreakreak signesignedd b by py parearent nt or guardor guardian ian to atteto attendnd.. avaavaavaavailabilabilabilability. For onlineility. For onlineility. For onlineility. For online rerereregistration,gistration,gistration,gistration, availability. For online registration, inspired by a famous artist or style. inspinspireiredd b by y a a ffamous amous artist artist or or stylestyle.. consisting of sports, arts n crafts, consisting of consisting of spsports, arts orts, arts n crafn crafts,ts, ppleleasease visit: visit: please visit: All pAll participarticipants ants must must adadheherere to ce to cententerr Day DayDay DateDateDate TimeTime AgeAgeAge CostCost Activity CodeActivity Code workshops, and more. $10 per day/ per worksworkshophops, s, andand more. more. $10 p$10 peer r dday/ pay/ perer Class. Class. Class. Class Class TU/THTU/TH 111/7/7/7-2-2-2/1/1/13 33 1010aa-1-100::4455aamm 44-5-5 $$1155 11 MMeelvinlvin EEnnnnis is AArtrt rulerules s andand guidguideelinelines.s. child. Pre-registration, space is limited. child. Pre-registration, space is limited. sesesessions ssions ssions areareare 6 6 6 weweweeeeks ks ks in lein lein length.ngth.ngth. sessions are 6 weeks in length. TOT TIMETOT TIMETOT TIME RReegistration gistration bbeegins gins JuJuly ly 29th. 29th. PProgramrogram This class will introduce children to This class will This class will introdintroduceuce childchildreren n toto Session 7 Class Dates:Session 7 Class Dates: bbbeeegins August 19,2024 - May gins August 19,2024 - May gins August 19,2024 - May 23, 2025.23, 2025.23, 2025. cognitive development through colors, cognitivecognitive ddeeveveloplopmement nt through through colors,colors, October 21 - December 7 October 21 - December 7 Online Registration: Sept. 26 @ 7am shapes, counting, social interaction, Online Registration: Sept. 26 @ 7am shapshapees, counting, social intes, counting, social interaction,raction, Walk-in Registration: Sept. 30 Walk-in Registration: Sept. 30 and more. Parents/guardians must andand moremore. P. Parearents/guardnts/guardians ians mustmust (Break Week: November 25 - 30 & (Break Week: November 25 - 30 & remain present in the center during reremain main ppreresesent in nt in thethe ce cententer r dduringuring December 9 - 21) December 9 - 21) class. class. DayDay DateDate Time Age Time Age CostCost Activity CodeActivity Code M/W 1/6-2/12 10am-10:45am 3-4 $20 1 Melvin Ennis Tot MMM/W/W/W 11/6/6-2-2/1/122 10am-10:45am 333-4-4-4 $20 1 Melvin Ennis Tot Session 1 Class Dates:Session 1 Class Dates: KINDER PREP KINDER PREP January 6 - February 15, 2025 January 6 - February 15, 2025 Children will learn the basic concepts Children will learn the basic concepts Online Registration: Nov. 14 @ 7am Online Registration: Nov. 14 @ 7am of math and reading by recognizing of math and reading by recognizing Walk-in Registration: Nov. 18 Walk-in Registration: Nov. 18 Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code letters, numbers, shapes, and colors. letters, numbers, shapes, and colors. (Break Week: February 15 - 16) (Break Week: February 15 - 16) M-F 12/23-1/3 8am-1pm 6-12 $10/day Melvin WinterCamp

INDOOR RENTAL AREASINDOOR RENTAL AREASINDOOR RENTAL AREASINDOOR RENTAL AREASINDOOR RENTAL AREAS SPECIAL EVENTSSPECIAL EVENTS ACTIVE ADULTSACTIVE ADULTS MULTI-PURPOSE AREAMULTI-PURPOSE AREAMULTI-PURPOSE AREAMULTI-PURPOSE AREAMULTI-PURPOSE AREA CONT’D CONT’D Holiday Sign Workshop Holiday Sign Workshop PPPPeeeerfrfrfrfeeeect ct ct ct ffffor por por por partieartieartiearties ( ( ( (i.e. . . . bbbbababababy y y y showeshoweshoweshowers,rs,rs,rs, Perfect for parties (i.e. baby showers, ADULT PICKLEBALLADULT PICKLEBALL Tuesday, December 10, 2024Tuesday, December 10, 2024 Tuesday, December 10, 2024 anniveanniveanniveanniversariersariersariersaries, s, s, s, bbbbirthdirthdirthdirthdays, ays, ays, ays, gradgradgradgraduation,uation,uation,uation, anniversaries, birthdays, graduation, 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm Pickleball is a paddle sport that Pickleball is a paddle sport that memememeeeeetings, tings, tings, tings, eeeetc.) tc.) tc.) tc.) FoodFoodFoodFood alloweallowealloweallowedddd, , , , bbbbut ut ut ut nononono meetings, etc.) Food allowed, but no $10.00 per person $10.00 per person alcoholic balcoholic balcoholic balcoholic beeeeveveveveragerageragerages or smokings or smokings or smokings or smoking alcoholic beverages or smoking combines elements of badminton, combines elements of badminton, Ages: 11 and up Ages: 11 and up ppeermittermittedd.. permitted. tennis, and table tennis. Two or four tennis, and table tennis. Two or four All supplies provided All supplies provided players use paddles made of wood or players use paddles made of wood or composite materials to hit a composite materials to hit a Gingerbread House WorkshopGingerbread House Workshop perforated polymer ball. Suitable for perforated polymer ball. Suitable for Wednesday, December 19, 2024Wednesday, December 19, 2024 all ages and skills level. Paddle all ages and skills level. Paddle 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm rentals available upon request. rentals available upon request. $5.00 per person $5.00 per person Ages: 4 and up Ages: 4 and up Day Age Time Cost DayDay AgeAge TimeTime Cost All supplies provided All supplies provided MMMM - - - - F F F F 18+18+ 7:7:7:30a30a30ammm-2:-2:-2:00p00p00pmmm FreFreee CLASSROOM(S) A or BCLASSROOM(S) A or B CLASSROOM(S) A or B FACILITY RENTALS FACILITY RENTALS PPeerfrfeect ct ffor small or small memeeetings, tings, HOA’S, eHOA’S, Perfect for small meetings, HOA’S, etc. SPORTSSPORTSSPORTS MeMelvin Ennis Relvin Ennis Recrecreation ation CeCententer r isis FoodFood alloweallowedd, , bbut no ut no alcoholicalcoholic Food allowed, but no alcoholic TINY TOT SPORTSTINY TOT SPORTSTINY TOT SPORTSTINY TOT SPORTSTINY TOT SPORTSTINY TOT SPORTS ppeerfrfeect ct ffor or small small ppartiearties, s, memeeetings,tings, bbeeveveragerages s or or smoking smoking ppeermittermittedd.. beverages or smoking permitted. Tiny Tot Sports is a class that introducesTiny Tot Sports is a class that introducesTiny Tot Sports is a class that introducesTiny Tot Sports is a class that introducesTiny Tot Sports is a class that introducesTiny Tot Sports is a class that introducesTiny Tot Sports is a class that introducesTiny Tot Sports is a class that introduces and outdoor sports fields. We offer and outdoor sports fields. We offer children to sports and group games, and children to sports and group games, andchildren to sports and group games, andchildren to sports and group games, andchildren to sports and group games, and WARMING KITCHENWARMING KITCHEN WARMING KITCHEN rental spaces in our facility and rental spaces in our facility and helps them develop motor skills and social hehehehelps them develop motor skills and sociallps them develop motor skills and sociallps them develop motor skills and sociallps them develop motor skills and social ShouldShould bbee re rententedd in conjunction in conjunction withwith Should be rented in conjunction with outdoor park fields for your special outdoor park fields for your special and emotional skills. The class is designed for anananand emotional skills. The class is designed ford emotional skills. The class is designed ford emotional skills. The class is designed ford emotional skills. The class is designed for a room. No grills or stove top use. a room. No grills or stove top use. occasion or sports events. Contact us occasion or sports events. Contact us children ages 3–5.5 years old and may children ages 3–5.5 years old and maychildren ages 3–5.5 years old and maychildren ages 3–5.5 years old and maychildren ages 3–5.5 years old and may EqEquipuipppeedd with with rereffrigerigerator, rator, oveoven, andn, and Equipped with refrigerator, oven, and at (702) 455-1291 for availability, at (702) 455-1291 for availability, include activities such as: basketball, floor include activities such as: basketball, floorinclude activities such as: basketball, floorinclude activities such as: basketball, floorinclude activities such as: basketball, floor hockey, soccer, kickball, and t-ball. Parents hockey, soccer, kickball, and t-ball. Parentshockey, soccer, kickball, and t-ball. Parentshockey, soccer, kickball, and t-ball. Parentshockey, soccer, kickball, and t-ball. Parents sink. sink. rental fees, rules, and request forms. rental fees, rules, and request forms. must remain present during class. must remain present during class.must remain present during class. Rates vary by room request, date and Rates vary by room request, date and Day Day DateDate TimeTime AgeAge CostCost Activity CodeActivity Code OUTDOOR FIELDS (1-4)OUTDOOR FIELDS (1-4) OUTDOOR FIELDS (1-4) hours of rental. Rentals are first come, hours of rental. Rentals are first come, WED 1/8-2/12 5pm-5:45pm 3-5 $15 1 Melvin Ennis Tsport WED 1/8-2/12 5pm-5:45pm 3-5 $15 1 Melvin Ennis Tsport SOFTBALL FIELD (5)SOFTBALL FIELD (5) SOFTBALL FIELD (5) ffirst irst seserverve b basis.asis. first serve basis. PPeerfrfeect ct ffor teor team am ppracticeractices, s, gamegames, es, Perfect for team practices, games, etc. REFUND POLICYREFUND POLICY CLEANING DEPOSITCLEANING DEPOSIT CLEANING DEPOSIT WeWe havehave 5 5 ffieieldlds with lights s with lights outdoutdoors.oors. We have 5 fields with lights outdoors. IIff aa claclass ss oor r pproroggraram m is is cacanncecellelledd bby y tthhee A A clecleaning daning deepposit ofosit of $100 is $100 is ddueue d dayay A cleaning deposit of $100 is due day RRateates s bbeegin gin at at $12/p$12/peer r hour. hour. $10 light$10 light Rates begin at $12/per hour. $10 light department, a full refund will be given. Class department, a full refund will be given. Class ofof e evevent pnt prior to erior to ententering ring of event prior to entering room. registration may be cancelled by an individual registration may be cancelled by an individual ppeermit, rmit, 2 hour 2 hour minimum.minimum. permit, 2 hour minimum. DeDepposit osit is is only only acceaccepptetedd in in fform oform of Deposit is only accepted in form of and issued a 100% refund if cancellation is and issued a 100% refund if cancellation is checheck ck or or monemoney ordy ordeer. r. TheThe amountamount check or money order. The amount ONLINE REGISTRATIONONLINE REGISTRATION made prior to the first class. No refunds will be made prior to the first class. No refunds will be will bwill bee rereffundundeedd if if the the p preremisemises ares are will be refunded if the premises are issued after the first day of class. Credits issued issued after the first day of class. Credits issued OnlineOnlineOnline RRReeegistration gistration gistration cancancan lelelelefffft t t t cleclecleclean an an an andandandand undundundundamageamageamageamagedddd and and and and the the the the left clean and undamaged and the to household account expire after 90 days. At to household account expire after 90 days. At bbee f foundound at: at: Melvin Ennis Recreation Center staff makes Melvin Ennis Recreation Center staff makes rerententer mer met all t all cecententer guidr guideelinelines.s. renter met all center guidelines. www.ClarkCountyNV.Gov/ www.ClarkCountyNV.Gov/ every effort to make sure programs and every effort to make sure programs and NoNoNote:te:te: We DO We DO We DO NO NO NOT alloT alloT allow cow cow confetti, glitter,nfetti, glitter,nfetti, glitter, information meet deadlines. We apologize in information meet deadlines. We apologize in ParksRegistration ParksRegistration smoke/fog machines, propane, or use of smosmoke/foke/fog machines, prog machines, propane, opane, or use or use off advance should you find an error and will advance should you find an error and will alcohol in our facility. alcohol in our facility. correct it promptly. correct it promptly.

Parents/guardians must remain PPParearearents/guardnts/guardnts/guardians ians ians must must must rereremainmainmain CLASSES CLASSES MELVIN ENNIS RECREATION CENTERMELVIN ENNIS RECREATION CENTERMELVIN ENNIS RECREATION CENTER present in the center during class. ppprereresesesent in nt in nt in thethethe cececentententer dr dr during uring uring class.class.class. CHEERLEADINGCHEERLEADINGCHEERLEADINGCHEERLEADING CHEERLEADING 3720 3720 3720 E. CareE. CareE. Carey y y AveAveAve., Las Ve., Las Ve., Las Vegas, gas, gas, NNNV 89115V 89115V 89115 DayDay DateDateDate Time Time AgeAge CostCost Activity CodeActivity Code PPParticiparticiparticipants will ants will ants will lelelearn barn barn beeeginningginningginning Participants will learn beginning TU /TH 1/7-2/13 9am-10am 4-5 $20 1 Melvin Ennis Kinder TU /TH 11/7/7-2-2/1/133 9am-10am 44-5-5 $20 1 Melvin Ennis Kinder (702) 455-1291 (702)(702) 455-1291455-1291 chechecheeeerlerlerleadadading. ing. ing. This This This class class class fffocuseocuseocuses s s ononon cheerleading. This class focuses on CenteCenteCenter Hours: Mondr Hours: Mondr Hours: Monday-Friday-Friday-Friday | 7 ay | 7 ay | 7 AM - 6 AM - 6 AM - 6 PPPMMM LITTLE EXPLORERSLITTLE EXPLORERSLITTLE EXPLORERS lelelearning thearning thearning the fffundundundameameamentals fntals fntals for cheor cheor cheeeer.r.r. learning the fundamentals for cheer. This class will This class will This class will havehavehave eeexciting topxciting topxciting topics andics andics and This class will have exciting topics and SomeSomeSome stunting andstunting andstunting and d d danceanceance Some stunting and dance HOLIDAY CLOSURESHOLIDAY CLOSURES AFTER SCHOOLAFTER SCHOOL inteinteinteractiveractiveractive p p play whilelay whilelay while introdintrodintroducingucingucing interactive play while introducing incorpincorpincorporations will orations will orations will bbbeee dddeeemonstratemonstratemonstrateddd incorporations will be demonstrated PROGRAM PROGRAM childchildchildrereren to n to n to bbbasic easic easic elelelememements ofnts ofnts of scie scie sciencencence children to basic elements of science in this this class. in this class. 1212/25/24/25/24 CHRCHRISTMASISTMAS andand eexpxploratory loratory pplay lay to bto builduild socialsocial and exploratory play to build social TheThe af afteter school pr school program is rogram is a a safsafee,, Instructor: AriInstructor: Ari Instructor: Ari 1/1/25 NEW YEARS DAY 1/1/25 NEW YEARS DAY skills. skills. PParearent must nt must reremain main ppreresesent nt inin skills. Parent must remain present in supsupeerviservisedd re recrecreation ation pprogram rogram thatthat 1/20/25 MARTIN LUTHER KING 1/20/25 MARTIN LUTHER KING thethe cecententer dr during uring class.class. the center during class. pprovidrovidees, s, activitieactivities, s, arts & arts & crafcrafts,ts, 2/17/25 PRESIDENT’S DAY 2/17/25 PRESIDENT’S DAY Day Day DateDateDate TimeTime Age Age CostCost Activity CodeActivity Code outdoutdoor poor play, snack,lay, snack, and and worksworkshophopss Day DayDay DateDate TimeTime AgeAge CostCost Activity CodeActivity Code TU/TH 1/7-2/13 5pm-6pm 6+ $18 1 Melvin Ennis Cheer TU/TH 11/7/7-2-2/1/133 5pm-6pm 666+++ $$$111888 1 Melvin Ennis Cheer TU/TH 1/7-2/13 11am-11:45pm 3-5 $20 TU/TH 11/7/7-2-2/1/133 11am-11:45pm 3-5 $20 11MMeelvinlvinEEnnnnisEisExxpplolorr ffor childor childreren n ageages 6 s 6 to 17 to 17 yeyears oldars old.. EARLY ENRICHMENTEARLY ENRICHMENT EARLY ENRICHMENT CLASS INFORMATIONCLASS INFORMATIONCLASS INFORMATIONCLASS INFORMATIONCLASS INFORMATIONCLASS INFORMATION PProgram rogram is is MondMonday - Friday - Friday, 2:00 pay, 2:00 pmm ARTFUL MINDSARTFUL MINDSARTFUL MINDS to 5:30 pto 5:30 pm; FRm; FREEEE Participants will learn step-by-step PParticiparticipants will ants will lelearn stearn stepp-b-by-stey-stepp ClarkClarkClarkClarkClarkClark County of County of County of County of County of County offfffffeeeeeers rs rs rs rs rs onlineonlineonlineonlineonlineonline andandandandandand walk- walk- walk- walk- walk- walk- instruction how to draw, color, paint, instruction instruction how how to to ddraw, color, raw, color, ppaint,aint, in rein rein rein rein rein registration. gistration. gistration. gistration. gistration. gistration. OnlineOnlineOnlineOnlineOnlineOnline rerererereregistrationgistrationgistrationgistrationgistrationgistration in registration. Online registration SPECIALTY WINTER CAMPSPECIALTY WINTER CAMPSPECIALTY WINTER CAMP All school-ageAll school-agedd child childreren must n must havehave a a allows allows allows allows pppparticiparticiparticiparticipants ants ants ants to to to to sesesesecurecurecurecure a a a a spspspspot inot inot inot in allows participants to secure a spot in and sculpting their own masterpieces. andand sculpsculpting ting thetheir own masteir own masterprpieiececes.s. SupSupSupervisedervisedervised p p program frogram frogram for or or childchildchildrereren n n ages ages ages 6-6-6- compcompleletetedd re registration gistration waviewavier on fr on fileile a a a a pppprograrograrograrogram m m m with with with with immeimmeimmeimmeddddiateiateiateiate a program with immediate Each class will have a different theme Each Each class will class will havehave a d a dififffeererent thent thememe 12 12 12 years years years oldoldold ddduring uring uring winter winter winter bbbreakreakreak signesignedd b by py parearent nt or guardor guardian ian to atteto attendnd.. avaavaavaavailabilabilabilability. For onlineility. For onlineility. For onlineility. For online rerereregistration,gistration,gistration,gistration, availability. For online registration, inspired by a famous artist or style. inspinspireiredd b by y a a ffamous amous artist artist or or stylestyle.. consisting of sports, arts n crafts, consisting of consisting of spsports, arts orts, arts n crafn crafts,ts, ppleleasease visit: visit: please visit: All pAll participarticipants ants must must adadheherere to ce to cententerr Day DayDay DateDateDate TimeTime AgeAgeAge CostCost Activity CodeActivity Code workshops, and more. $10 per day/ per worksworkshophops, s, andand more. more. $10 p$10 peer r dday/ pay/ perer Class. Class. Class. Class Class TU/THTU/TH 111/7/7/7-2-2-2/1/1/13 33 1010aa-1-100::4455aamm 44-5-5 $$1155 11 MMeelvinlvin EEnnnnis is AArtrt rulerules s andand guidguideelinelines.s. child. Pre-registration, space is limited. child. Pre-registration, space is limited. sesesessions ssions ssions areareare 6 6 6 weweweeeeks ks ks in lein lein length.ngth.ngth. sessions are 6 weeks in length. TOT TIMETOT TIMETOT TIME RReegistration gistration bbeegins gins JuJuly ly 29th. 29th. PProgramrogram This class will introduce children to This class will This class will introdintroduceuce childchildreren n toto Session 7 Class Dates:Session 7 Class Dates: bbbeeegins August 19,2024 - May gins August 19,2024 - May gins August 19,2024 - May 23, 2025.23, 2025.23, 2025. cognitive development through colors, cognitivecognitive ddeeveveloplopmement nt through through colors,colors, October 21 - December 7 October 21 - December 7 Online Registration: Sept. 26 @ 7am shapes, counting, social interaction, Online Registration: Sept. 26 @ 7am shapshapees, counting, social intes, counting, social interaction,raction, Walk-in Registration: Sept. 30 Walk-in Registration: Sept. 30 and more. Parents/guardians must andand moremore. P. Parearents/guardnts/guardians ians mustmust (Break Week: November 25 - 30 & (Break Week: November 25 - 30 & remain present in the center during reremain main ppreresesent in nt in thethe ce cententer r dduringuring December 9 - 21) December 9 - 21) class. class. DayDay DateDate Time Age Time Age CostCost Activity CodeActivity Code M/W 1/6-2/12 10am-10:45am 3-4 $20 1 Melvin Ennis Tot MMM/W/W/W 11/6/6-2-2/1/122 10am-10:45am 333-4-4-4 $20 1 Melvin Ennis Tot Session 1 Class Dates:Session 1 Class Dates: KINDER PREP KINDER PREP January 6 - February 15, 2025 January 6 - February 15, 2025 Children will learn the basic concepts Children will learn the basic concepts Online Registration: Nov. 14 @ 7am Online Registration: Nov. 14 @ 7am of math and reading by recognizing of math and reading by recognizing Walk-in Registration: Nov. 18 Walk-in Registration: Nov. 18 Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code letters, numbers, shapes, and colors. letters, numbers, shapes, and colors. (Break Week: February 15 - 16) (Break Week: February 15 - 16) M-F 12/23-1/3 8am-1pm 6-12 $10/day Melvin WinterCamp

NORTH COUNTY-LOGANDALE 1301 W Whipple Ave Logandale, NV 89021 TUMBLING (702) 398-7480 Office Hours: M-F, 8am-4pm Tumbling Each tumbling class builds upon each YOUTH SPORTS UPCOMING YOUTH other. Participants start out learning SPORTS Youth Basketball Pre-K Basketball basic tumbling skills like the splits, This is a great opportunity for kids to Children ages 3-5 will learn about the summersault, back bend, cart wheel Sport Registration Dates Age Cost 2025 Boys Volleyball 1/16-2/3/25 4th-8th $55 learn the basic fundamentals of fun of basketball. This is not a league, and round off, then move to more 2025 MS Track 1/16-2/3/25 6th-8th $55 basketball as well as apply skills they and participants will not be divided up advanced skills like hand stand, front have learned in past years. Leauges into teams. Participants will play fun and back walk-over, back hand spring, are divided up by grades and each games that introduce skills without and trampoline cartwheels. team will have practices at least once being competitive. Fee includes a Instructor: Cindy Olafson a week.. Fee includes a team shirt and CHRISTMAS WITH THE commemorative medal. commemorative medal. COMMISSIONER Instructor: Lauralyn Robison Coordinator: Lauralyn Robison Intermediate II Day Date Time Age Cost M 1/6-5/8/25 3:30-4:45pm 5-11 $110 Boys K-1st Flag Football Day Date Time Age Cost Day Date Time Age Cost M 1/6-2/10 3:30-4:15pm 3-5 $30 * Beginner Th 1/9-2/13 5:30-8:30pm 5-7 $60 Day Date Time Age Cost Girls K-1st Flag Football T 1/7/2/11 3:30-4:15pm 3-5 $35 M 1/6-5/8/25 4:45-5:45pm 5-11 $80 Day Date Time Age Cost Th 1/9-2/13 5:30-8:30pm 5-7 $60 W 1/8/-2/12 3:30-4:15pm 3-5 $35 Team Day Date Time Age Cost *Fee is less due to holiday on 1/20 T/Th 1/7-5/8/25 3:30-5pm 5-11 $150 Boys 2nd-3rd Flag Football Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code: Logandale Youth Volleyball Mini Team Sat 1/9-2/13 8:30am-1:30pm 7-9 $60 Day Date Time Age Cost Girls 2nd-3rd Flag Football T/Th 1/6-5/8/25 5-6pm 5-11 $130 Day Date Time Age Cost Sat 1/9-2/13 8:30am-1:30pm 7-9 $60 Advanced Day Date Time Age Cost W 1/8-5/8/25 3:30-5pm 5-11 $110 Boys 4th-5th Flag Football Day Date Time Age Cost Kinder T/Th 1/9-2/13 8:30am-1:30pm 9-11 $60 Day Date Time Age Cost Boys 4th-5th Flag Football W 1/8-5/8/25 5-6pm 5-11 $80 Day Date Time Age Cost T/Th 1/9-2/13 8:30am-1:30pm 9-11 $60 Intermediate I Day Date Time Age Cost W 1/8-5/8/25 6-7:15pm 5-6 $80 Activity Code: Logandale Youth Basketball

EARLY CHILDHOOD YOGA CLASSES NORTH COUNTY - OVERTON ABC/123 - ACTIVE LEARNING Gentle and mindful healing for all 325 COOPER ST OVERTON, NV 89021 ages. Participants will be guided This is an early childhood education (702) 397-0400 Office Hours M-Th 8am - 5:30pm through yin yoga poses and then finish program for children ages 3 to 5 years. with guided mediation. The focus is on the development of DANCE CLASSES Instructor: Jocelyn Witsken Beginning Ballet large motor skills using music and Tiny Tot Combo Held at the Overton Community Center movement, books and nursey rhymes. Participants will learn the basics to Participants will learn the basics to Day Time Age Cost The development of fine motor skills ballet dancing. Participants are tap and ballet dance. Participants are M/W 9:30am-10:45am 16+ $10 geared to a classroom setting, like required to wear ballet shoes, leotard required to have ballet and tap shoes, and tights and hair must be pulled up. holding a pencil properly and using wear leotards and tights. CRAFT CLASS Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code scissors. Art projects will focus on Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code Tu 10/1-11/5 3:30-4:30pm 5-12 $38 6 Overton Dance letter, color, shape and number Th 10/3-11/7 2:15-3:15pm 3-5 $32 6 Overton Dance Participants will use their creativity and learning. This is an ongoing program crafting skills to make a craft to display at Intermediate Ballet Tiny Tot Ballet from August 2024 - May 2025 home. Participants should wear something Participants will continue to increase that will allow to get messy. *dates subject to *participants must be 3 years old by Participants will learn the basics to their skills in ballet dancing. change. tballet dance. Participants are September 15, 2024 Participants are required to wear Instructor: Penny Harris required to have ballet shoes, wear Instructors: Brandi Campbell ballet shoes, leotard and tights and Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code leotards and tights. & Shauna Ward hair must be pulled up. W 11/20 4:30-5:30pm K-5th FREE Overton Craft Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code W 12/18 4:30-5:30pm K-5th FREE Overton Craft Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code 3-5 year old Tue 10/1-11/5 2:05-3:00pm 3-5 $38 6 Overton Dance W 1/20 4:30-5:30pm K-5th FREE Overton Craft Th 10/3-11/7 4:30-5:30p 8-16 $32 6 Overton Dance Day Time Cost Activity Code W 2/19 4:30-5:30pm K-5th FREE Overton Craft T/Th 9:30-11:30am $125 6 Overton Active Learning Musical Theatre T/Th 12:00-2:00pm $125 6 Overton Active Learning Beginning Tap/Jazz Combo SENIOR PROGRAMMING Participants will lip-sync and dance to Participants will learn the basics to Books & Boogie - Holiday songs from TV, movies and musicals. tap and jazz dancing. Participants are Provided by United Seniors Inc. Participants will listen to a holiday 5-12 year old required to wear tap shoes and 702-397-8002 Day Date Time Cost Activity Code story, make a craft and have a snack comfortable clothing. Tu 10/1-11/5 5:30-6:30p $38 6 Overton Dance based around the story. 11-16 year old Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code Classes available Instructors: Brandi Campbell Tu 10/1-11/5 3:30-4:30pm 5-12 $38 6 Overton Dance Day Date Time Cost Activity Code Monday - Friday 7am - 2pm Th 10/3-11/7 5:30-6:30pm $32 6 Overton Dance & Shauna Ward Intermediate Tap/Jazz Combo Instructor for all Dance classes: Monthly trips to Walmart Deirdre Woodrow Field trips to activities in Participants will continue to increase Mesquite, Las Vegas and St. their skills in tap and jazz dancing. George. Participants are required to wear tap shoes and comfortable clothing. Visit the Facebook page - Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code Moapa Valley Senior Center for more Th 10/3-11/7 3:30-4:30pm 8-16 $32 6 Overton Dance information, or stop by the center.

NORTH COUNTY - MOAPA 1340 EAST STATE HIGHWAY 168, MOAPA NV 89025 (702) 864-2423 Youth Programs Upcoming Events OPEN GYM 6-8th Basketball Open Gym allows the community to come Reindeer Drawing Contest practice and play their favorite sports during This program is for participants in middle Register for your own 3'x3' square to draw the week. school who want to better their basketball your best Reindeer with chalk on the side (Open gym times may vary due to youth sports programs) skills. Each week participants will practice walk. Winners from each age group will Basketball basketball skills then practice those skills on receive a prize. Ages 6+. Day Time Age Cost Activity Code scrimadge days. Mon/Wed 4:30 - 6:00pm 8-14 Free Moapa Open Gym_ Basketball Y Monday, December 23rd Mon/Wed 6:00 - 8:00pm 15+ Free Moapa Open Gym_ Basketball Girls 10:00 am to 12:30pm Volleyball Day Date Time Grade Cost Activity Code Day Time Age Cost Activity Code T/Th 1/7- 2/13 3:00-4:30 pm 6-8th $60 1 Moapa Basketball_ Girls Mid Thursday 5:00- 6:30pm 12 -14 Free Moapa Open Gym_ Volleyball Mid Boys Thursday 6:30 - 8:00pm 15+ Free Moapa Open Gym_Volleyball Day Date Time Grade Cost Activity Code M/W 1/6- 2/12 3:00-4:30 pm 6-8th $60 1 Moapa Basketball_ Boys Mid Pickleball Day Time Age Cost Activity Code Tues/Thurs 8:00 - 12:00 pm 15+ Free Moapa Open Gym_Pickleball AM Afterschool Sports Tues 5:00 - 8:00pm 15+ Free Moapa Open Gym_ Pickleball PM Participate in a wide range of games EARLY CHILDHOOD and sports led by Moapa Recreation Center Staff for participants ages 8-15. Imagination Station This is a drop-in program, participants This early childhood program provides fun games and activities for participants to learn must register with their parent's as they play. approval before participating. Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code MOAPA’S MISSING (Afterschool Sports times may vary due to youth sports programs) M/W 1/6 9:00-11:00am 3-5 $60 Moapa Imagination Station MASTERPIECES Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code T/Th TBD 3:00-5:00pm 8-15 FREE Moapa Afterschool Each month three decorated rock are hidden in within the Moapa Park area. If found return the rocks to the Moapa Parks and Rec office or Moapa Library to collect a prize. January February March April Pre-K Basketball This early childhood program introduces participants to basketball skill, dills and games. Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code Monday 1/6 -2/10 12:15-1:00 pm 3-5 $30 1 Moapa Tiny Tot_ Basketball

NORTH COUNTY - BUNKERVILLE 150 W. VIRGIN ST., BUNKERVILLE NV 89007 (702) 346-5260 RECREATION PROGRAMS FACILITY RENTALS PARK RENTALS Bunkerville Community center Park Pavillions, Soccer Field & Ballfield may be Afterschool Rec $80 for the first 2 hours reserved. Pavilion rental fees are $50, Additional fees Participate in a wide range of games $20 for each additional hour for group sizes greater than 100. and sports led by Bunkerville The gym rental includes access to the kitchen, Pavillion A - Original Pavillion Recreation Center Staff for tables, and chairs. (6 Tables, 1 power outlet. ) participants ages 8-15. This is a drop- Pavillion B- New Pavillion A cleaning deposit of $500 is required in program, participants must register (6 Tables, 3 Grills, No power outlets). This amount will be refunded if the premises are with their parent's approval before BallFiled & Soccer Filed -May be Reserved, Certain left clean and undamaged and the event is participating. activities may require insurance. concluded on time. Clark County reserves the right Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code Please contact the Bunkerville Community Center to bill for any damages or excess cleaning required M/W TBD 3:00-5:00pm 8-15 FREE Bunkerville Afterschool 702-346-5260 regarding all facility rentals. due to renter use. Setup and cleanup are the renter's responsibility PaPaPavilvilvilioioionnn A A A PaPaPavilvilvilioioionnn B B B and should be conducted during the reservation times the renter requests. Any Decorations put up by the renter must be removed. All garbage cans tables & chairs used for the said event must be cleaned & put on carts. Smoking and consumption of alcoholic beverages are not permitted anywhere within Bunkerville Community Center. Violation of Facilities rules will result in the ending of the rental, and forfeit of the Cleaning Deposit. bounce houses and children's amusement rides require a two million dollar liability insurance with Clark County as an insured. if indemnity insurance ONLINE REGISTRATION is not received the reservation will be canceled. Online Registration can Facility Staff will open and close at the times stated be found at: on the reservation paperwork/Receipt. No split www.ClarkCountyNV.Gov/ times will be reserved, reservations must be one ParksRegistration continuous block.

PARADISE RECREATION CENTERPARADISE RECREATION CENTER 4775 4775 MCLEOD MCLEOD DRDRIVE, IVE, LAS VEGAS, LAS VEGAS, NNVV (702)455-7513 (702) 455-7513 GENERAL INFORMATIONGENERAL INFORMATION CLASS SESSION INFORMATION CLASS SESSION INFORMATIONCLASS SESSION INFORMATION SESSION 7 SESSION 7 OCTOBER 21- DECEMBER 6, 2024 OCTOBER 21- DECEMBER 6, 2024 WINTER 2025WINTER 2025 ONLINE REGISTRATION: SEPTEMBER 26 ONLINE REGISTRATION: SEPTEMBER 26 WALK-INWALK-IN REGISTRREGISTRATIONATION: SEP: SEPTEMBERTEMBER 30 30 WALK-IN REGISTRATION: SEPTEMBER 30 HOURS OF OPERATIONHOURS OF OPERATION SESSION 1SESSION 1 MONDAY-FRIDAY: 7:00AM-7:00PM* MONDAY-FRIDAY: 7:00AM-7:00PM* JANUARY 6 - FEBRUARY 15, 2025JANUARY 6 - FEBRUARY 15, 2025 JANUARY 6 - FEBRUARY 15, 2025 SATURDAY AND SUNDAY: CLOSED SATURDAY AND SUNDAY: CLOSEDSATURDAY AND SUNDAY: CLOSED ONONLINLINE E RREGISTRATIONEGISTRATION: : NNOVEMBEROVEMBER 1414 ONLINE REGISTRATION: NOVEMBER 14 *PLE*PLE*PLEAAASESESE CA CA CALL FOR 2LL FOR 2LL FOR 2000222444 HOLIDA HOLIDA HOLIDAYYY HOU HOU HOURSRSRS WALK-INWALK-IN REGISTRREGISTRATIONATION: N: NOVEMBER OVEMBER 1818 WALK-IN REGISTRATION: NOVEMBER 18 SESSION 2SESSION 2SESSION 2 HOLIDAY CLOHOLIDAY CLOHOLIDAY CLOSURE DATESSURE DATESSURE DATES FEBRUARY 24- APRIL 12, 2025FEBRUARY 24- APRIL 12, 2025 FEBRUARY 24- APRIL 12, 2025 THURS., NOVEMBER 28THTHURS., NOVEMBER 28THTHURS., NOVEMBER 28TH - THAN - THANKSGIVINKSGIVING G DAYDAY ONONLINLINE E RREGISTRATIONEGISTRATION: : JANJANUARUARY Y 3030 ONLINE REGISTRATION: JANUARY 30 WALK-INWALK-IN REGISTRREGISTRATIONATION: FEBR: FEBRUARUARY 3Y 3 WALK-IN REGISTRATION: FEBRUARY 3 FRI., NOVEMBER 29THFRI., NOVEMBER 29THFRI., NOVEMBER 29TH - FAMILY DAY - FAMILY DAY SESSION 3 SESSION 3 WED., DECEMBER 25THWED., DECEMBER 25TH - CHRISTMAS DAY - CHRISTMAS DAY - CHRISTMAS DAY APRIL 14 - MAY 24, 2025 APRIL 14 - MAY 24, 2025 ONLINE REGISTRATION: JANUARY 30 ONLINE REGISTRATION: JANUARY 30 WED., JANUARY 1STWED., JANUARY 1ST - NEW YEARS DAY - NEW YEARS DAY - NEW YEARS DAY WALK-IN REGISTRATION: FEBRUARY 3 WALK-IN REGISTRATION: FEBRUARY 3 MON., JANUARY 20THMON., JANUARY 20TH - MLK DAY - MLK DAY Online Registration can be found at:Online Registration can be found at: www.ClarkCountyNV.Gov/ParksRegistration www.ClarkCountyNV.Gov/ParksRegistration MON., FEBRUARY 17THMON., FEBRUARY 17TH - PRESIDENT’S DAY - PRESIDENT’S DAY PPParadaradaradiseiseise RRReeecrecrecreation Ceation Ceation Centententer r r has a has a has a varievarievariety ty ty ofofof leleleisureisureisure classe classe classes ands ands and opopopppportunitieortunitieortunities fs fs for your or your or your pppeeersonal rsonal rsonal inteinteinterererests. sts. sts. SpSpSports, eorts, eorts, early childarly childarly childhoodhoodhood eeeddducation, ducation, ducation, day ay ay campcampcamps,s,s, f fitneitness, ss, andand spspspeeecial cial cial eeevevevents fnts fnts for all ageor all ageor all ages. s. s. PPPleleleaseasease re re revievieview w w ofofof b b brochurerochurerochure to le to le to learn abarn abarn about our out our out our ppprograms andrograms andrograms and activitieactivitieactivities. s. s. RRReeemememembmbmbeeer to rer to rer to registegistegister er er early! arly! arly! RRReeegistegistegistering ring ring at at at thethethe last minutelast minutelast minute may may may mememeananan that the class has already been cancelled due to low enrollment. Visit the front desk or call us at 702-455-7513 for more information about programs. that that thethe class class has alrehas alreadady y bbeeeen cancen cancellelledd d dueue to to low low eenrollmenrollment. nt. Visit theVisit the ffront ront ddeesk sk or or call call us us at 702-455-7513 fat 702-455-7513 for moreor more infinformation ormation ababout pout programs.rograms.

DANCEDANCE MARTIAL ARTSMARTIAL ARTS EDUCATIONEDUCATIONEDUCATION YOUTH WORKSHOPSYOUTH WORKSHOPSYOUTH WORKSHOPS FRENCH: BEGINNER / INTERMEDIATEFRENCH: BEGINNER / INTERMEDIATEFRENCH: BEGINNER / INTERMEDIATE BEGINNER BALLETBEGINNER BALLET KUNDALINI YOGAKUNDALINI YOGA MIND OF A MAKERMIND OF A MAKERMIND OF A MAKER This class fThis class focuses on ocuses on bbreathwork,reathwork, mind mind,, Learn Learn Learn bbbasic asic asic French wordFrench wordFrench words, vocabs, vocabs, vocabulary,ulary,ulary, These workshops will inspire young makersThese workshops will inspire young makersThese workshops will inspire young makers A pA perferfectect bblendlend of of artistry, techniqartistry, technique,ue, andandandand b b b bodododody. Great y. Great y. Great y. Great for adfor adfor adfor adults ults ults ults andandandand seseseseniors.niors.niors.niors. to develop their own unique creations. to develop their own unique develop their own unique creations. and phrases. Instructor: Ms. Janine andand p phrases. Instructor: hrases. Instructor: Ms. JaMs. Janinenine and grace. This classical French ballet and grace. This classical French ballet Exercises may bExercises may bExercises may bExercises may be de de de doneoneoneone sitting sitting sitting sitting in in in in a chair.a chair.a chair.a chair. Exercises may be done sitting in a chair. Focuses will include fine art, visual art, Focuses will include fine art, visual art,Focuses will include fine art, visual art, Day Day Date Date TimeTime AgeAge CostCost Activity CodeActivity CodeActivity Code Instructor: AdInstructor: Adinaina Instructor: Adina crafting, and culinary art. Each week, our crafting, and culinary art. Each week, ourcrafting, and culinary art. Each week, our class includes basic techniques led by an class includes basic techniques led by an W 1/8-2/12 4pm-5pm 5-8 $30 1 Paradise Education W 1/8-2/12 4pm-5pm 5-8 $30 1 1 PParadaradise ise EducationEducation instructor will provide an example of a instructor will provide an example of ainstructor will provide an example of a Day Day DateDate TimeTime AgeAge W 1/8-2/12 5pm-6pm 8-14 $30 1 Paradise Education W 1/8-2/12 5pm-6pm 8-14 $30 1 1 PParadaradise ise EducationEducation expert instructor. Instructor: Ms. Janine expert instructor. Instructor: Ms. Janine T 1/7-1/28 12pm-1:15pm 16+ T 1/7-1/28 12pm-1:15pm 16+ finished project and then guide participants finished project and then guide participantsfinished project and then guide participants PRIVATE TUTORINGPRIVATE TUTORING Cost Activity Code Cost Activity Code to form their own version of the creation. to form their own version of the form their own version of the creation. Day Day DateDate TimeTime AgeAge Day Day DateDate TimeTime AgeAge $20 1 Paradise Martial Arts $20 1 Paradise Martial Arts 1:1 tutoring with an 1:1 tutoring with an 1:1 tutoring with an expexpexperiencederiencederienced teacher.teacher.teacher. T/ThT/Th 1/7-2/13 1/7-2/13 5p5pm-6pm-6pm m 5-11 5-11 Th ThTh 1/9-2/131/9-2/13 5p 5pm-6pm-6pm m 8-12 8-12 Develop your skills in a variety of subject Develop your skills in a variety of subject Cost Activity Code Cost Activity Code CostCostCost Activity Code Activity Code FAMILY CAPOEIRAFAMILY CAPOEIRA areas. Instructor: Ms. Lillie areas. Instructor: Ms. Lillie $50 1 Paradise Dance $50 1 Paradise Dance $40 1 Paradise Youth Wksp $40 1 1 PParadaradise ise Youth WkspYouth Wksp Day Day DateDate Time Time AgeAge Brazilian martial art, dBrazilian martial art, dBrazilian martial art, dBrazilian martial art, disguiseisguiseisguiseisguisedddd as a d as a d as a d as a danceanceanceance PETITE PIROUETTES: PRE-K BALLETPETITE PIROUETTES: PRE-K BALLET Th Th 1/9-2/131/9-2/13 3p3pm-4pm-4pm m 5+5+ andandandand p p p peeeerformedrformedrformedrformed to to to to musical musical musical musical instrumentsinstrumentsinstrumentsinstruments and performed to musical instruments DAY CAMP / PARENT NIGHT OUT DAY CAMP / PARENT NIGHT OUTDAY CAMP / PARENT NIGHT OUT Th 1/9-2/13 4pm-5pm 5+ Th 1/9-2/13 4pm-5pm 5+ andandandand trad trad trad traditional Brazilian itional Brazilian itional Brazilian itional Brazilian songs. songs. songs. songs. AllAllAllAll and traditional Brazilian songs. All Our Our Our Our youngest youngest youngest youngest ddddancers are ancers are ancers are ancers are invitedinvitedinvitedinvited totototo Th 1/9-2/13 5pm-6pm 5+ Th 1/9-2/13 5pm-6pm 5+ childchildchildchildren ren ren ren must bmust bmust bmust be accompe accompe accompe accompaniedaniedaniedanied bbbby y y y anananan children must be accompanied by an DAY CAMP DAY CAMP Th 1/9-2/13 6pm-7pm 5+ Th 1/9-2/13 6pm-7pm 5+ exexexexpppplore lore lore lore the the the the wondwondwondwonderful worlderful worlderful worlderful world ofofofof bbbballet.allet.allet.allet. adadult 18 yrs+. Instructor: Timult 18 yrs+. Instructor: Tim adult 18 yrs+. Instructor: Tim Join us for a wonderful winter of engaging activitiesJoin us for a wonderful winter of engaging activitiesJoin us for a wonderful winter of engaging activities Cost Activity Code Cost Activity Code This class combines introductory This class coThis class coThis class coThis class combmbmbmbines introdines introdines introdines introductoryuctoryuctoryuctory and festive fun. Activities include indoor/outdoor and festive fun. Activities include indoor/outdoorand festive fun. Activities include indoor/outdoor Day Day DateDate TimeTime AgeAge $90 1 Paradise Education $90 1 Paradise Education group games, crafts, STEM activities, sports, guest group games, crafts, STEM activities, sports, guestgroup games, crafts, STEM activities, sports, guest WW 1/8-2/12 1/8-2/12 4:45p 4:45pm-5:15pm-5:15pm m 5+ 5+ techniques with engaging activities and techniqtechniqtechniqtechniques ues ues ues with engaging activities with engaging activities with engaging activities with engaging activities andandandand presenters, and more. presenters, and more. Cost Activity Code Cost Activity Code MUSIC MUSIC story time. Instructor: Ms. Janine story story story story timetimetimetime. Instructor: Ms. Ja. Instructor: Ms. Ja. Instructor: Ms. Ja. Instructor: Ms. Janinenineninenine DayDay Time Age Time AgeAge $30 1 Paradise Marital Arts $30 1 Paradise Marital Arts Monday-Friday 7am-6pm 6-12 Monday-Friday 7am-6pm 6-12 Day Day DateDate TimeTimeTime AgeAge Winter Day Camp 2024: Winter Day Camp 2024: DecembDeceDecembmber er er 23-January 23-January 23-January 3, 20253, 20253, 2025 PRIVATE MUSIC LESSONSPRIVATE MUSIC LESSONS CAPOEIRACAPOEIRA T T 1/7-2/111/7-2/111/7-2/11 4p4p4pm-5pm-5pm-5pm mm 3-4 3-4 Spring Break Day Camp 2025: Spring Break Day Camp 2025: March 17-21, 2025March 17-21, 2025March 17-21, 2025 1:1 le1:1 lessons ssons focus focus on music bon music basics;asics; CostCost Activity CodeActivity CodeActivity Code Summer Day Camp 2025: Summer Day Camp 2025: May 27-August May 27-August 8, 20258, 2025 Brazilian martial art, dBrazilian martial art, disguiseisguisedd as a d as a danceance CostCost Activity CodeActivity Code learning to read notes, read rhythms, learning to read notes, read rhythms, $30 1 Paradise Dance $30 1 Paradise Dance and performed to musical instruments and performed to musical instruments $21/day DayCamp Paradise $21/day DayCamp Paradise play scales, play basic chords and other play scales, play basic chords and other and traditional Brazilian songs. and traditional Brazilian songs. Day Camp Closure Dates: Day Camp Closure Dates: YOUTH COMBO: TAP + BALLETYOUTH COMBO: TAP + BALLETYOUTH COMBO: TAP + BALLETYOUTH COMBO: TAP + BALLET tools essential to play any style of tools essential to play any style of Instructor: Tim Instructor: Tim 12/25/24 (Wed) and 01/01/25 (Wed) 12/25/24 (Wed) and 01/01/25 (Wed) music. Our instructor is trained to music. Our instructor is trained to This class will This class will This class will introdintrodintroduceuceuce stud stud students to bents to bents to basicasicasic Day DayDay DateDate TimeTime Age Age DAY CAMP POLICIESDAY CAMP POLICIES teach piano and any other instrument. teach piano and any other instrument. tap dancing techniques as well as tap dancing techniques as well as W 1/8-2/12 5:15pm-6:45pm 16+ WW 1/8-2/12 5:15pm-6:45pm 16+ PPayment ayment in fin full is ull is reqrequireduired to reserve to reserve youryour Our center has a piano on site, but any Our center has a piano on site, but any Cost Activity Code Cost Activity CodeActivity Code classical ballet. Instructor: Ms. Janine classical ballet. Instructor: Ms. Janine child’s space. child’s space. other instruments must be provided by other instruments must be provided by $45 1 Paradise Marital Arts $45 1 1 PParadaradise ise Marital ArtsMarital Arts AvailabAvailability ility is on is on a a ffirst come, irst come, first first serveserve Day Day DateDate TimeTime AgeAge student. Students must be able to student. Students must be able to bbasis.asis. Th Th 1/9-2/13 1/9-2/13 4p4pm-5pm-5pm m 6-126-12 identify letters A-G when reading sheet identify letters A-G when reading sheet RefRefundunds s will only bwill only be e issuedissued if if notice is givenotice is givenn Cost Activity Code Cost Activity Code music. Instructor: Gerilynn music. Instructor: Gerilynn bby y WedWednenesdsday ay of of the the pprior rior weweek. There ek. There areare $30 1 Paradise Dance $30 1 Paradise Dance no refunds or credits for missed days. no refunds or credits for missed days. Day Day DateDate TimeTime Age Age Th Th 1/9-2/13 1/9-2/13 4:30pm-5:00p 4:30pm-5:00pmm 3+ 3+ PParents/guardarents/guardians ians are are reqrequireduired to comp to compleletete Th -or- F 1/9-2/14 5:00pm-5:30pm 3+ Th -or- F 1/9-2/14 5:00pm-5:30pm 3+ a participant registration/information form a participant registration/information form Th -or- F 1/9-2/14 5:30pm-6:00pm 3+ Th -or- F 1/9-2/14 5:30pm-6:00pm 3+ each new season. each new season. Th -or- F 1/9-2/14 6:00pm-6:30pm 3+ Th -or- F 1/9-2/14 6:00pm-6:30pm 3+ PParticiparticipants can bants can be e 5 5 years years bbut ut must must bbee *Select a day and a 30 min time slot *Select a day and a 30 min time slot currently enrolled in kindergarten during currently enrolled in kindergarten during Cost Activity Code Cost Activity Code the 2024-2025 school year. the 2024-2025 school year. $70 1 Paradise Music $70 1 Paradise Music

DAY CAMP / PARE DAY CAMP / PARENT NIGHT ONT NIGHT OUT COUT CONT.NT. OPEN GYMOPEN GYM OPEN GYM YOUTH AND TEENSYOUTH AND TEENS EARLY CHILDHOODEARLY CHILDHOOD PICKLEBALL - ADVANCEDPICKLEBALL - ADVANCEDPICKLEBALL - ADVANCED PARENTS NIGHT OUTPARENTS NIGHT OUT TEEN OPEN GYM TEEN OPEN GYM PRESCHOOL (2 DAY)PRESCHOOL (2 DAY) PParents, treat yourself arents, treat yourself to to a a night night ofofff while while AGES 3-4 YEAR OLDSAGES 3-4 YEAR OLDS Mon/Wed/Fri @ 7:30 am -9:30am Mon/Wed/Fri @ 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm Mon/Wed/Fri @ 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm Mon/Wed/Fri @ 7@ 7:30 am -9:30am:30 am -9:30am we ewe entertain ntertain your kidyour kids ands and p providrovidee a a Cost: FREECost: FREE Ages: 18+ yearsAges: 18+ years Day DateDay Date TimeTime delicious dinner. Activities include gym delicious dinner. Activities include gym AGES: 6TH-12TH GRADE PPickleicklebball is a pall is a padadddlele spsport thatort that AGES: 6TH-12TH GRADE Pickleball is a paddle sport that T/Th 12/09 - 01/31 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM T/Th 12/09 - 01/31 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM games, arts & crafts, dinner, and a movie. games, arts & crafts, dinner, and a movie. PParticiparticipants are ants are rereqquireduired to to compcomplete lete aa combcombineines s eelelemements nts ofof tetennis,nnis, combines elements of tennis, T/Th 12/09 - 01/31 12:30 PM - 3:30 PM T/Th 12/09 - 01/31 12:30 PM - 3:30 PM 24-25 school 24-25 school year waiver year waiver andand p preresesent nt aa 24-25 school year waiver and present a bbadadminton, andminton, and p ping-ping-pong using aong using a badminton, and ping-pong using a Day Day DateDate TimeTime AgeAge CostCost Cost Activity Code Cost Activity Code school ID or proof of school enrollment school ID or proof of school enrollment F 12/20 6pm-10pm 6-12 $25 Winter Wonderland F 12/20 6pm-10pm 6-12 $25 Winter Wonderland ppadadddlele and and whifwhiffflele b balls. alls. It is It is a a gamegame paddle and whiffle balls. It is a game $150 9 Paradise Preschool Program $150 9 Paradise Preschool Program each day at check-in. each day at check-in. that is appropriate for players of all that is appropriate for players of all KINDERPREP (3 DAY)KINDERPREP (3 DAY) ages and skill levels. ages and skill levels. LEADERS OF THE FUTURE (LOTF)LEADERS OF THE FUTURE (LOTF) AGES 4-5 YEAR OLDS AGES 4-5 YEAR OLDS SUMMER 2025 SUMMER 2025 Day Day DateDate TimeTime EARLY CHILDHOODEARLY CHILDHOOD AGES: 13-17 YEARS AGES: 13-17 YEARS PICKLEBALL - NOVICE/BEGINNERPICKLEBALL - NOVICE/BEGINNER M/W/F 12/09 - 01/31 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM M/W/F 12/09 - 01/31 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM Our early childhood classeOur early childhood classes are licenseds are licensed TheThe goal goal ofof the Leadthe Leadeers rs of of the Futurethe Future FRIDAY @ 12:30PM-2:30PM FRIDAY @ 12:30PM-2:30PM M/WM/W/F/F 12/09 12/09 - - 01/31 12:30 01/31 12:30 PPM M - - 3:30 P3:30 PMM through the State of Nevada. Our classes through the State of Nevada. Our classes (LOTF) (LOTF) pprogram rogram is is to to create andcreate and maintainmaintain (LOTF) program is to create and maintain Ages: 18+ years Ages: 18+ years CostCost Activity CodeActivity Code high standards of education, character, high standards of education, character, provide children a creative learning provide children a creative learning Designed for participants beginner Designed for participants beginner $225 9 Paradise Preschool Program $225 9 Paradise Preschool Program citizenship and skill development. Teen citizenship and skill development. Teen experience. Children gain valuable experience. Children gain valuable (novice) skill level players new to (novice) skill level players new to Leaders will focus on service to the Leaders will focus on service to the developmental skills which are fostered developmental skills whicdevelopmental skills which are fosteredh are fostered 5 DAY OPTION5 DAY OPTION Pickleball. Create as a space for new Pickleball. Create as a space for new community, leadership development, job community, leadership development, job through social interaction and independent through social interaction and independentthrough social interaction and independent AGES 3-5 YEAR OLDSAGES 3-5 YEAR OLDS players to play and learn at their own players to play and learn at their own training and social recreation. training and social recreation. play opportunities. play opportunities. pace. Note: There is no instructor pace. Note: There is no instructor Day DateDay Date TimeTime How How How How to to to to apapapappppply:ly:ly:ly: CompCompCompCompCompleleleleletetetetete apapapapapppppplication lication lication lication lication in in in in in SpSpSpSpSpring ring ring ring ring 2025,2025,2025,2025,2025, M-F 12/09 - 01/31 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM M-F 12/09 - 01/31 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM present for this program. present for this program. Required documents due byRequired documents due by which which which is is is availabavailabavailablelele at at at thethethe f f front dront dront deeesk. sk. sk. HaveHaveHave M-F 12/09 - 01/31 12:30 PM - 3:30 PM M-F 12/09 - 01/31 12:30 PM - 3:30 PM student’s first day of class: student’s first day of class: two two two two rerererespspspspeeeectectectectedddd adadadadults ults ults ults who arewho arewho arewho are not renot renot renot relatelatelatelatedddd ADULT OPEN GYM - BASKETBALL ADULT OPEN GYM - BASKETBALL Cost Activity Code Cost Activity Code to you to you to you to you to you (e(e(e(e(e.g., .g., .g., .g., .g., teteteteteacheacheacheacheacher, rer, rer, rer, rer, religious ligious ligious ligious ligious leleleleleadadadadadeeeeer,r,r,r,r, Registration PacketRegistration Packet TUES/THURS @ 8:00AM-11:30AM TUES/THURS @ 8:00AM-11:30AM coach, coach, coach, eeetc) tc) tc) writewritewrite a a a lelelettettetter r r ofofof re re refffeeerererencencence fffororor $330 9 Paradise Preschool Program $330 9 Paradise Preschool Program Copy of Birth CertificateCopy of Birth Certificate you you you you ddddeeeescribscribscribscribing ing ing ing your your your your work work work work habhabhabhabits,its,its,its, Cost: $2 (Day) or $12(Month) Cost: $2 (Day) or $12(Month) Shot RecordsShot Records pppeeersonality rsonality rsonality andandand commitmecommitmecommitment nt nt lelelevevevel.l.l. PRESCHOOL AND PLAYPRESCHOOL AND PLAY Ages: 18+ year Ages: 18+ year HealthHealth E Evaluation valuation (due within 30(due within 30 Day DateDay Date TimeTime Open gym days and hours are Open gym days and hours are days) days) T/Th 12/09 - 01/31 11:30 AM-12:30PM T/Th 12/09 - 01/31 11:30 AM-12:30PM subject to change. A Valid ID is subject to change. A Valid ID is Your child will need to bring Your child will need to bring Cost Activity Code Cost Activity Code required. Children under the age of required. Children under the age of the following items daily: the following items daily: $30 9 Paradise Preschool Program $30 9 Paradise Preschool Program 18 are not allowed in the gym during 18 are not allowed in the gym during BackpBackpackack adult open gym. adult open gym. 1 inch1 inch binder binder KINDER CLUBKINDER CLUB Fall Open Gym Dates will begin on: Fall Open Gym Dates will begin on: RefillaRefillable Water Bottleble Water Bottle Day Day DateDate Time Time Teen Open Gym: August 19, 2024Teen Open Gym: August 19, 2024 LunchLunch (no peanuts or nuts) (no peanuts or nuts) M/W/F 12/09 - 01/31 11:30 AM-12:30PM M/W/F 12/09 - 01/31 11:30 AM-12:30PM Pickleball: September 4, 2024Pickleball: September 4, 2024 Extra Extra change of clotheschange of clothes Cost Activity Code Cost Activity Code Adult Basketball: September 4, 2024Adult Basketball: September 4, 2024 $40 9 Paradise Preschool Program $40 9 Paradise Preschool Program Note: Open gym dates are subject to Note: Open gym dates are subject to cancellation based on center programming. cancellation based on center programming.

RENTALSRENTALS SENIORSSENIORS YOGAYOGA INDOOR RENTAL AREASINDOOR RENTAL AREASINDOOR RENTAL AREAS Cleaning DepositCleaning Deposit - A cleaning deposit Cleaning Deposit - A cleaning deposit CARDS WITH FRIENDSCARDS WITH FRIENDS Join uJoin us as we slowly move ths as we slowly move through moves torough moves to of $100.00 is is rereqquireuiredd ffor or all indall indooroor of $100.00 is required for all indoor Play, socialize, and make new Play, socialize, and make new build strength and flexibility and discover our build strength and flexibility and discover our Gymnasium –– Can bCan bee useusedd fforor Gymnasium – Can be used for rerentals pntals prior rior to to rerental. This amount willntal. This amount will rentals prior to rental. This amount will friends! friends! inner stillness. inner stillness. spsporting orting eevevents, tents, team bam builduildinging sporting events, team building bbee re reffundundeedd ifif thethe ppreremisemises s areare le lefftt be refunded if the premises are left Day Time Day Time DDayay TimTimee AgAgee activitieactivities, s, largelarge trainings, trainings, activities, large trainings, cleclean andan and undundamageamagedd andand the the e evevent isnt is clean and undamaged and the event is M/WM/W /F/F 8:00 AM-3:00 8:00 AM-3:00 PPMM TTuesues 12:12:00 00 PPM-1:M-1:15 15 PPMM 16+16+ ppeerfrformanceormances s andand more more. . HalfHalf ofof thethe performances and more. Half of the concluded on time. concluded on time. Cost:Cost: Fre Freee!! Cost Cost Gym Gym is is also availabalso availablele. (Food. (Food allowe allowedd,, Gym is also available. (Food allowed, $10$10 but not smoking or alcoholic but not smoking or alcoholic Setup and Cleanup - Setup and Setup and Cleanup - Setup and RESTORATIVE CHAIRRESTORATIVE CHAIR SCRABBLE CLUBSCRABBLE CLUB beverages). beverages). cleanup are the responsibility of the cleanup are the responsibility of the YOGA AND MEDITATION YOGA AND MEDITATION Come enjoy casual word play with aCome enjoy casual word play with a renter and should be conducted renter and should be conducted Restorative chair yoga and meditationRestorative chair yoga and meditation welcoming and friendly group of people. welcoming and friendly group of people. Multi-Purpose Room - Perfect for Multi-Purpose Room - Perfect for dduring uring thethe re reseservation rvation timetimes s thethe re rententerr during the reservation times the renter encourages physical, mental, and emotional encourages physical, mental, and emotional small parties (i.e. showers, small parties (i.e. showers, rereqqueuest. All tabst. All tableles s & chairs use& chairs usedd f foror request. All tables & chairs used for DayDay Time Time relaxation. rerelaxation.laxation. anniversaries, graduation parties, anniversaries, graduation parties, saidsaid eevevent nt must must bbee cle cleaneanedd & & stafstafff willwill said event must be cleaned & staff will TueTuess 8:00 AM-3:00 8:00 AM-3:00 PPMM Day DayDayDay TimeTime AgeAge meetings, etc.). (Food allowed, but not meetings, etc.). (Food allowed, but not pput away. ut away. RReententers rs areare re respsponsibonsiblele to to put away. Renters are responsible to Wed Wed 11:30 11:30 AM11:30 AM11:30 AMAM-12:30 P-12:30 -12:30 -12:30 PPPMMMM 50+ 50+ Cost:Cost: Fre Freee!! smoking or alcoholic beverages). smoking or alcoholic beverages). Cost Cost covecover r tabtableles with tabs with tablelecloths.cloths. cover tables with tablecloths. $5 $5 SUNRISE STROLL SUNRISE STROLL Equipment –– TheThe ce cententer r hashas Equipment – The center has Enjoy walking Enjoy walking in in a safa safe e andand climateclimate MUSIC AND MOVEMENTMUSIC AND MOVEMENTMUSIC AND MOVEMENTMUSIC AND MOVEMENTMUSIC AND MOVEMENT Note: We do not allow confetti, Note: We do not allow confetti, controlled environment! You are controlled environment! You are apappproximateroximately 10 roundly 10 round - 5f - 5ft t tabtableles, 20s, 20 approximately 10 round - 5ft tables, 20 Music and Movement includeMusic and Movement includeMusic and Movement includeMusic and Movement include a mix of guided a mix of guided a mix of guided a mix of guided glitter, helium balloons, smoke glitter, helium balloons, smoke welcome to wear your headphones or welcome to wear your headphones or -- 6f6ft t rerectangular ctangular tabtableles, s, andand - 6ft rectangular tables, and dance and improvised movement activities. dddance and improvised movemance and improvised movemance and improvised movement activities.ent activities.ent activities. converse with friends, while getting your converse with friends, while getting your machines, or use of alcohol in our machines, or use of alcohol in our apappproximateroximately 130 chairs that can ly 130 chairs that can bbee approximately 130 chairs that can be Day Date Time Age Day DateDate Time AgeAge steps in! Walking may take place from steps in! Walking may take place from facility. facility. pprovidrovideedd at at useuser’s r’s rereqqueuest. st. AdAddditionalitional provided at user’s request. Additional T/TH 6/3-8/19 10:00 AM-11:00 AM 50+ T/TH 6/3-8/196/3-8/19 10:00 AM-11:00 AM 50+50+ 7:00 - 9:00 a.m., but is at Instructor's 7:00 - 9:00 a.m., but is at Instructor's Cost CostCost eeqquipuipmement nt must must bbee sup suppplieliedd b by y thethe equipment must be supplied by the $5 $5$5 discretion while classes are held in discretion while classes are held in PARKPARKPARK RENTAL AREAS PARK RENTAL AREAS user. user. gymnasium. gymnasium.gymnasium.gymnasium.gymnasium.gymnasium. CARDIO AND PUMPCARDIO AND PUMP DayDay TimeTime Day Time Area A– Just North of the Recreation Area A– Just North of the Recreation No Smoking or Alcoholic No Smoking or Alcoholic A low intensity workout comA low intensity workout comA low intensity workout comA low intensity workout combines cardio,bines cardio,bines cardio,bines cardio, T/TH T/THT/TH 7:00 AM-8:00 7:00 AM-8:00 AMAM strenstrenstrength, and flexibility, all mgth, and flexibility, all mgth, and flexibility, all modified to aodified to aodified to a Center and shaded by large trees. It Center and shaded by large trees. It Beverages - Smoking and Beverages - Smoking and seateseated position.d position. has 14 covered tables and one large has 14 covered tables and one large consumption of alcoholic beverages consumption of alcoholic beverages Cost:Cost:Cost: Fre FreFreeee!!! Day Day TimeTime AgeAge grill. grill. are not permitted anywhere within are not permitted anywhere within M/W/F 10:00 AM-11:00 AM 50+ M/W/F 10:00 AM-11:00 AM 50+ Cost Cost Paradise Recreation Center. Paradise Recreation Center. $5 $5 Area B– Is next to the playground and Area B– Is next to the playground and restrooms in the park. It has 14 restrooms in the park. It has 14 Excessive Noise Levels - The playing Excessive Noise Levels - The playing ASK FOR OUR MONTHLY SENIOR NEWSLETTERASK FOR OUR MONTHLY SENIOR NEWSLETTERASK FOR OUR MONTHLY SENIOR NEWSLETTER covered tables and two small grills covered tables and two small grills of loud music or the creation of any of loud music or the creation of any other disturbing noises will not be other disturbing noises will not be TO SEE MORE PROGRAMS THAT INCLUDE TO SEE MORE PROGRAMS THAT INCLUDETO SEE MORE PROGRAMS THAT INCLUDE Areas 7 and 8– Are near Area A. It has Areas 7 and 8– Are near Area A. It has permitted anywhere in Paradise permitted anywhere in Paradise WORKSHOPS, FIELD TRIPS, AND MORE! WORKSHOPS, FIELD TRIPS, AND MORE! 4 uncovered tables and 1 grill. 4 uncovered tables and 1 grill. Recreation Center. Recreation Center. Areas 9, 11, 13 and 14– Features 2 Areas 9, 11, 13 and 14– Features 2 uncovered tables and 1 grill. uncovered tables and 1 grill.

YOUTH RECREATION PROGRAMMING YOUTH RECREATION PROGRAMMING PARKDALE RECREATION CENTERPARKDALE RECREATION CENTER PARKDALE SOCCER CLINICS AFTER SCHOOL OPEN RECREATIONAFTER SCHOOL OPEN RECREATION PARKDALE SOCCER CLINICS 3200 3200 3200 3200 FeFeFeFerndrndrndrndalealealeale St., Las Ve St., Las Ve St., Las Ve St., Las Vegas, gas, gas, gas, NNNNV V V V 89121891218912189121 Players will learn the fundamentals of Daily activitieDaily activities s includincludee arts arts & craf& crafts,ts, Players will learn the fundamentals of (702)455- (702)455- 7517 7517 (R(Reec.) c.) & & (702)455-8502 (SR(702)455-8502 (SR.).) (702)455- 7517 (Rec.) & (702)455-8502 (SR.) soccer and build upon existing skills. gamegames, sps, sports, teorts, team challeam challengenges, vids, videeoo soccer and build upon existing skills. RRRRECREATIONECREATIONECREATIONECREATION BUILDIN BUILDIN BUILDIN BUILDING: G: G: G: MondMondMondMonday - Friday - Friday - Friday - Friday ay ay ay | | | | 7 AM - 7 AM - 7 AM - 7 AM - 6 P6 P6 P6 PMMMM Class will emphasize conditioning, gamegames, movies, movie ddays ays & the& thememedd eevevents.nts. Class will emphasize conditioning, SENSENIORIOR BUILDIN BUILDING: MondG: Monday ay | | 8 AM - 12 P8 AM - 12 PM M & & TueTuesdsday- Friday- Friday ay | | 8 AM- 8 AM- 3 3 PPMM SENIOR BUILDING: Monday | 8 AM - 12 PM & Tuesday- Friday | 8 AM- 3 PM proper shot technique, TimeTimes/Dates/Dates s subsubjeject to changect to change.. proper shot technique, offense/defense and being a great PParearents nts must must reregistegister ther their ir childchild/re/ren n ifif offense/defense and being a great HOLIDAY CLOHOLIDAY CLOSURESSURES NON-DISCRIMINATIONNON-DISCRIMINATION teammate. This class will meet in the thethey arey are nenew to thew to the p program.rogram. tete ammateammate .. This class will This class will memeeet in t in thethe STATEMENT STATEMENT 1/11/1 NNEW EW YEARYEAR’S DAY’S DAY Day Day DateDate Time Age Time Age CostCost gymnasium. Players must be gymnasium. Players must be Clark Clark County goveCounty governmernment is nt is a rea recipcipieientnt M-TH 8/12 - 5/2025 2:30-5:30 PM 6-12 yrs. Free M-TH 8/12 - 5/2025 2:30-5:30 PM 6-12 yrs. Free 1/20 MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. DAY 1/20 MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. DAY registered in order to participate. registered in order to participate. ofof f feeddeeral fral fundunding fing for someor some ofof its its 2/17 PRESIDENT’S DAY 2/17 PRESIDENT’S DAY TEEN OPEN BASKETBALLTEEN OPEN BASKETBALL Instructor: Coach Kevin Instructor: Coach Kevin pprograms andrograms and activitie activities.s. The The County is County is ComeCome shoot shoot hoophoops in s in PParkdarkdaleale Day Day DateDate TimeTime AgeAge CostCost CLASS INFORMATIONCLASS INFORMATION committecommittedd to ad to administeministering thering thesese Gymnasium! Gymnasium! TimeTimes/Dates/Dates s areare sub subjejectct Tuesday 1/7 - 2/11 5-6 PM 6-12 Free Tuesday 1/7 - 2/11 5-6 PM 6-12 Free Tuesday 2/25 - 4/8 5-6 PM 6-12 Free Tuesday 2/25 - 4/8 5-6 PM 6-12 Free pprograms andrograms and activitie activities s ffor or thethe bbeeneneffitit to changeto change ddueue to Ce to Cententer r eevevents.nts. Clark Clark County ofCounty offfeers rs two two fforms oforms of Day Day DateDate TimeTime AgeAge CostCost of all citizens in compliance with the of all citizens in compliance with the reregistragistration; tion; InteInternernet andt and Walk-in. Walk-in. COMMUNITYCOMMUNITY T & TH ongoing 2-4 PM 13-17 yrs. Free T & TH ongoing 2-4 PM 13-17 yrs. Free County’s non-discrimination policies, County’s non-discrimination policies, InteInternernet t reregistration gistration allowsallows SPECIAL EVENTS (ALL AGES) SPECIAL EVENTS (ALL AGES) PARKDALE PEP SQUADPARKDALE PEP SQUADPARKDALE PEP SQUADPARKDALE PEP SQUAD which are consistent with the which are consistent with the pparticiparticipants ants to to sesecurecure a p a position osition in thein the PARKDALE FOOD & GROOVEPARKDALE FOOD & GROOVE Come and experience the Parkdale ComeCome and and e expxpeerieriencence thethe PParkdarkdaleale requirements of federal civil rights requirements of federal civil rights pprograrograms with immems with immeddiateiate availab availability.ility. 1/23 @ 9:00 AM 1/23 @ 9:00 AM spirit with chants, cheer routines & spirit with chants, cheer routines & regulations regulations 2/27 @ 9:00 AM 2/27 @ 9:00 AM For For inteinternrneet ret registration, gistration, ppleleasease visit:visit: even cheer at live events! All must even cheer at live events! All must 3/27 @ 9:00 AM 3/27 @ 9:00 AM wear athletic shoes. Poms will be wear athletic shoes. Poms will be OH NO, IT’S CANCELLED?!OH NO, IT’S CANCELLED?! 4/24 @ 9:00 AM 4/24 @ 9:00 AM ACTIVITY REGISTRATION DATESACTIVITY REGISTRATION DATES provided. provided. NNothing ruins a othing ruins a goodgood pprogram thanrogram than (See flyer for details) (See flyer for details) SeSession 1 ssion 1 InteInternernet & Walk-Int & Walk-In Instructor: Coach Chelsea Instructor: Coach Chelsea waiting waiting until theuntil the last last minuteminute to to reregistragistration starts:tion starts: De Dececembmbeer 23, r 23, 20242024 Beginner Beginner BUNNY HOP BUNNY HOP reregistegister!r! P Pleleasease re registegister er early to avoidarly to avoid Monday 2/24- 4/7* 4-5 pm 6-9 yrs Free Monday 2/24- 4/7* 4-5 pm 6-9 yrs Free SeSession 1 ssion 1 Class DateClass Dates:s: 1/6 1/6 - - 2/142/14 APRIL 12 | 9:00 - 11:00 AM APRIL 12 | 9:00 - 11:00 AM ddisapisapppointmeointment!nt! We We ratio ratio eeachach Advanced* must have Coach approval Advanced* must have Coach approval (see flyer for details) (see flyer for details) Wednesday 2/26 - 4/9* 4/5 PM 9-13 yrs. Free Wednesday 2/26 - 4/9* 4/5 PM 9-13 yrs. Free pprogram rogram to to allow allow thethe right amount right amount ofof SeSession 2 ssion 2 InteInternernet & Walk-Int & Walk-In *no class the week of 3/17 - 3/21 *no class the week of 3/17 - 3/21 supsuppplielies, mes, meals, eals, eqquipuipmement andnt and ZION COMMUNITY TRIP ZION COMMUNITY TRIP reregistragistration starts: tion starts: FeFebbruary ruary 10, 202510, 2025 PARKDALE BASKETBALL CLINICSPARKDALE BASKETBALL CLINICS sanitization sanitization eefffforts.orts. Thank Thank APRIL 19 | 6:30 AM - 6:00 PM APRIL 19 | 6:30 AM - 6:00 PM SeSession 2 ssion 2 Class DateClass Dates: 2/2s: 2/24 - 4/114 - 4/11 PPlayelayers will rs will bbee introd introduceucedd to ne to new w andand $5 per person $5 per person DO YOU FOLLOW US?!DO YOU FOLLOW US?! eexisting dxisting drills that rills that eempmphasizehasize (info will be available in March) (info will be available in March) ENGLISH AS A SECONDENGLISH AS A SECOND condconditioning, itioning, ppropropeer shot ter shot techniqchniqueue,, LANGUAGE LANGUAGE ofofffeensense/d/deeffeensense tactics tactics andand bbeeing ing aa TAX PREPARATION SERVICESTAX PREPARATION SERVICES LeLearnarn ESL ESL at at PParkdarkdaleale!! Classe Classes s areare teteam pam playelayer.r. Vita Tax Vita Tax is is ofofffering ering frefree taxe tax held Monday - Thursday, 8:00 - 11:00 held Monday - Thursday, 8:00 - 11:00 pprepreparation services aration services at at PParkdarkdaleale!! Instructor: Instructor: Coach Coach SmileSmiless AM. Please call (702)651-4747 OR AM. Please call (702)651-4747 OR Day Day DateDate Time Time AgeAge CostCost Visit Visit KeKeeepp up up to d to dateate with with Wednesday 1/8 - 2/12 5-6 PM 6-12 yrs. Free Wednesday 1/8 - 2/12 5-6 PM 6-12 yrs. Free (702)215-4732 to get registered! (702)215-4732 to get registered! to check eligibility & schedule your to check eligibility & schedule your Wednesday 2/26 - 4/10* 5-6 PM 6-12 yrs. Free Wednesday 2/26 - 4/10* 5-6 PM 6-12 yrs. Free all theall the hap happpeenings atnings at appointment! appointment! THIS BROCHURE WAS UPDATED ON 1/30/2025THIS BROCHURE WAS UPDATED ON 1/30/2025 *no class the week of 3/17 - 3/21 *no class the week of 3/17 - 3/21 PParkdarkdaleale!!

ART GALLERY CRAWL & LUNCHART GALLERY CRAWL & LUNCH PET PROJECTS YOGA PET PROJECTS YOGA SENIOR ART & CRAFT CLASSESSENIOR ART & CRAFT CLASSES 1/8 | 10:30 AM - 2:00 PM 1/8 | 10:30 AM - 2:00 PM Join Ms. Brenda as we make treat Strengthen your body and mind with Join Ms. Brenda as we make treat Strengthen your body and mind with toys for the dogs & cats awaiting our live yoga class! This class is toys for the dogs & cats awaiting our live yoga class! This class is BLUEBIRDS QUILT CIRCLE BLUEBIRDS QUILT CIRCLE CRAFTS OF CARING TRIP* CRAFTS OF CARING TRIP* adoption at the nearby shelter! suitable for all skill levels and you’ll adoption at the nearby shelter! suitable for all skill levels and you’ll This quilting circle meets monthly to This quilting circle meets monthly to 1/29 | 9:30 AM - 2:00 PM 1/29 | 9:30 AM - 2:00 PM Dates: 1/22, 2/19, 3/26, 4/23 learn all the benefits of this practice! Dates: 1/22, 2/19, 3/26, 4/23 learn all the benefits of this practice! socialize, learn new tips and tricks socialize, learn new tips and tricks (see flyer for details) (see flyer for details) Time: 10:30-11:30 AM Instructor: Kandy Time: 10:30-11:30 AM Instructor: Kandy and have fun with others with the and have fun with others with the *must participate in Crafts of Caring *must participate in Crafts of Caring Cost: Free Cost: Free Session 1: 1/7 - 2/13 Session 1: 1/7 - 2/13 workshop to attend this field trip workshop to attend this field trip same interest in quilting. same interest in quilting. Days: Tuesday & Thursday Days: Tuesday & Thursday Days: 2nd Monday Days: 2nd Monday CRAFT WITH LORICRAFT WITH LORI Time: 8:15 - 9:00 AM UNCE BOTANICAL TOUR* Time: 8:15 - 9:00 AM UNCE BOTANICAL TOUR* Time: 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM Time: 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM Join Join Lori Lori with with a a holidholiday ay crafcraft- ft- fit fit foror 2/5 | 7:30 AM - 3:00 PM 2/5 | 7:30 AM - 3:00 PM Cost: $ 32 Cost: $ 32 Cost: Free Cost: Free giving! This class is for all abilities! giving! This class is for all abilities! *this is a rescheduled trip *this is a rescheduled trip All supplies provided. All supplies provided. QUILT CLUBQUILT CLUB Session 2: 3/25 - 4/10* Session 2: 3/25 - 4/10* Date: 2/11 Date: 2/11 This club is for all levels of quilting and This club is for all levels of quilting and CULINARY CRUISER CULINARY CRUISER *this is a 3-week mini session *this is a 3-week mini session Time: 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM Time: 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM sewing and meets to sew and sewing and meets to sew and 2/19 | 10:30 AM - 2:00 PM 2/19 | 10:30 AM - 2:00 PM Days: Tuesday & Thursday Days: Tuesday & Thursday Cost: $5 Cost: $5 socialize. Participants supply their socialize. Participants supply their (See flyer for details) (See flyer for details) Time: 8:15 - 9:00 AM Time: 8:15 - 9:00 AM own materials. own materials. Cost: $16 Cost: $16 Date: 4/1 Date: 4/1 Days: Tuesdays & Fridays Days: Tuesdays & Fridays NEON MUSEUM TRIP NEON MUSEUM TRIP Time: 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM Time: 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM Time: 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM Time: 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM MARCH 19| 10:30 AM - 2:00 PM MARCH 19| 10:30 AM - 2:00 PM SEED LIBRARY SEED LIBRARY Cost: $5 Cost: $5 Cost: Free Cost: Free (See flyer for details) (See flyer for details) HaveHave you you seseeen n our our nenew w seseeedd lib library?rary? PAINT WITH LORI DROP IN PAINT CLUB PAINT WITH LORI DROP IN PAINT CLUB Donated by the East Las Vegas Seed Donated by the East Las Vegas Seed CLARK COUNTY FAIR & RODEO CLARK COUNTY FAIR & RODEO Join Lori as she guides you in Bring your paints, brushes, canvas, Join Lori as she guides you in Bring your paints, brushes, canvas, Share, it encourages gardening and Share, it encourages gardening and APRIL 10 | 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM APRIL 10 | 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM unleashing your inner artist and paper, etc. and share our space with unleashing your inner artist and paper, etc. and share our space with sharing seed knowledge for a sharing seed knowledge for a (see flyer for details- see the Front Desk) (see flyer for details- see the Front Desk) making painting masterpieces! No others with the same interest! This is making painting masterpieces! No others with the same interest! This is healthier, sustainable community. healthier, sustainable community. previous experience necessary and an open program with no formal previous experience necessary and an open program with no formal Please see Carol to email her photos of Please see Carol to email her photos of SENIOR ON-GOINGSENIOR ON-GOING all supplies are provided. instruction. all supplies are provided. instruction. your garden to the East Las Vegas Seed your garden to the East Las Vegas Seed ACTIVITIES ACTIVITIES Share Organization! They love to see Share Organization! They love to see Session 1: 1/7, 1/14, 1/21 & 2/4 Session 1: 1/7, 1/14, 1/21 & 2/4 WHO’S GOT GAME?!WHO’S GOT GAME?! Day: Thursdays Day: Thursdays what you’ve accomplished! what you’ve accomplished! Time: 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM Time: 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM This group meets to play new card and This group meets to play new card and Time: 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM Time: 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM Cost: $ 10 Cost: $ 10 board games. board games. SENIOR FIELD TRIPSSENIOR FIELD TRIPS Cost: Free Cost: Free Day Time Day Time Mondays 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM Mondays 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM Session 2: 2/25, 3/4, 3/11 & 3/25 Session 2: 2/25, 3/4, 3/11 & 3/25 SENIOR HEALTH &SENIOR HEALTH & FIELD TRIP REGISTRATIONFIELD TRIP REGISTRATION Thursdays 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM Thursdays 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM Time: 10 AM - 2:00 PM Time: 10 AM - 2:00 PM FITNESS FITNESS INFORMATION INFORMATION Fridays 8:00 AM -2:00 PM Fridays 8:00 AM -2:00 PM Cost: $10 Cost: $10 SIT & FIT (VIDEO FITNESS) SIT & FIT (VIDEO FITNESS) JJooiin Parn Parkdalkdale ase as we v we vententurure ace acrroossss t thehe Cost: Free Cost: Free Join us for a dynamic virtual class Join us for a dynamic virtual class Las Vegas Valley! All purchases and Las Vegas Valley! All purchases and CRAFTS OF CARINGCRAFTS OF CARING where you follow along an instructor! where you follow along an instructor! meals are at your own expense (each meals are at your own expense (each Join Chelsea as we create decorations Join Chelsea as we create decorations COMPUTER LAB (IN STUDIO) COMPUTER LAB (IN STUDIO) field trip will have a lunch stop (unless field trip will have a lunch stop (unless Day Time Day Time Parkdale Senior Center has two lab Parkdale Senior Center has two lab for the Ronald McDonald House! for the Ronald McDonald House! otherwise noted). $2 transportation otherwise noted). $2 transportation computers available for use. See or Call computers available for use. See or Call Monday/Wed 9:30-10:30 AM Monday/Wed 9:30-10:30 AM Date: 1/17 Date: 1/17 fee due at time of registration. fee due at time of registration. the Front Desk for days & times that the the Front Desk for days & times that the Time: 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Time: 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Friday 9:00-10:00 AM Friday 9:00-10:00 AM lab is available. There are no printing lab is available. There are no printing Cost: Free Cost: Free Cost: Free Cost: Free services available. services available.

CENTER AMMENITIESCENTER AMMENITIES FITNESS ROOMFITNESS ROOM SENIOR SPECIAL EVENTS SENIOR SPECIAL EVENTS ADULT GAME ROOMADULT GAME ROOM BLACK HISTORY MONTH LUNCHEON BLACK HISTORY MONTH LUNCHEON PParkdarkdaleale RReecrecreation Ceation Cententer’s r’s FitneFitnessss ADULT DVD & BOOK LIBRARY ADULT DVD & BOOK LIBRARY Come shoot pool, play ping pong Come shoot pool, play ping pong FEBRUARY 12 FEBRUARY 12 RRRoom oom oom ofofoffffeeers rs rs compcompcomprererehehehensivensivensive andandand Room offers comprehensive and Come and check out our book and Come and check out our book and and/or arcade games in our Game and/or arcade games in our Game condcondcondcondcondconditioning itioning itioning itioning itioning itioning eeeeeeqqqqqquipuipuipuipuipuipmememememement nt nt nt nt nt at at at at at at a a a a a a gregregregregregreatatatatatat conditioning equipment at a great 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM DVD library in the senior building! DVD library in the senior building! Room! Times/Dates are subject to Room! Times/Dates are subject to ppppricericericerice!!!! MeMeMeMembmbmbmbeeeershiprshiprshiprships s s s may may may may bbbbeeee price! Memberships may be (See flyer for details) (See flyer for details) You may pick up books and DVD’s for You may pick up books and DVD’s for pppppurchaseurchaseurchaseurchaseurchaseddddd on a don a don a don a don a daily, monthly oraily, monthly oraily, monthly oraily, monthly oraily, monthly or purchased on a daily, monthly or change due to Center events. change due to Center events. loan, keeps or gift to a friend! We are loan, keeps or gift to a friend! We are annual bannual basis asis with with no contracts orno contracts or annual basis with no contracts or Day Day TimeTime Age Age CostCost BIG EASY BASH BIG EASY BASH always accepting donations of gently always accepting donations of gently automatic automatic automatic pppaymeaymeayments.nts.nts. All pAll pAll participarticiparticipantsantsants automatic payments. All participants M-F 8 AM- 12 PM 18+ Free M-F 8 AM- 12 PM 18+ Free FEBRUARY 26 FEBRUARY 26 used books and DVD’s to replenish used books and DVD’s to replenish must must must must must wewewewewear ar ar ar ar fffffitneitneitneitneitness apss apss apss apss appppppropropropropropriateriateriateriateriate attire attire attire attire attire,,,,, must wear fitness appropriate attire, ADULT COMPUTER LAB ADULT COMPUTER LAB 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM our library! our library! a towea towel andl and f a towel and footwear. The Computer Lab is available for job The Computer Lab is available for job (See flyer for details) (See flyer for details) OUTDOOR BASKETBALL COURT OUTDOOR BASKETBALL COURT searching and games. Children are not searching and games. Children are not TeTeTeeeens must bns must bns must beee re re registegistegistererereddd bbby y y a a a ppparearearentntnt Teens must be registered by a parent B.Y.O.B. (Bring your own B.Y.O.B. (Bring your own allowed near the Lab during Adult Lab allowed near the Lab during Adult Lab SHAMROCK SHINDIG SHAMROCK SHINDIG or guardor guardor guardor guardian ian ian ian andandandand thosethosethosethose ageageageages 13-15s 13-15s 13-15s 13-15 or guardian and those ages 13-15 Basketball) and enjoy our brand Basketball) and enjoy our brand hours. There are no printing, faxing or hours. There are no printing, faxing or must must must must bbbbeeee accomp accomp accomp accompanieanieanieaniedddd b b b by y y y a pa pa pa parearearearent nt nt nt orororor must be accompanied by a parent or MARCH 12 MARCH 12 new outdoor Basketball court! LED new outdoor Basketball court! LED copy services available but use of the copy services available but use of the lelelelegal guardgal guardgal guardgal guardian with a curreian with a curreian with a curreian with a currentntntnt legal guardian with a current 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM lighting is available after sunset. memembmbeershiprship in in thethe Fitne Fitness ss Room.Room. membership in the Fitness Room. lighting is available after sunset. lab is free. Each new participant will lab is free. Each new participant will (See flyer for details) (See flyer for details) review and sign a Guidelines Form review and sign a Guidelines Form SENIOR TEAM SPORTSSENIOR TEAM SPORTS before first use. before first use. Adults Teens (13 -1Teens (13 -17yrs)7yrs) Adults Day Time Day Time Drop-in: $4 Drop-in: $3 Drop-in: $3 Drop-in: $4 Wii BOWLINGWii BOWLING Monday- Friday 8-10 AM Monday- Friday 8-10 AM Monthly: $16 Monthly: $15 Monthly: $15 Monthly: $16 Come and enjoy Wii bowling and meet Come and enjoy Wii bowling and meet Yearly: $115 Yearly: $105 Yearly: $105 Yearly: $115 new friends. Keep fit, active, and new friends. Keep fit, active, and (includes Open Gym) (includes Open Gym) FACILITY RESERVATIONSFACILITY RESERVATIONS Seniors (55 & up) Seniors (55 & up) socialize! socialize! Drop-in: $1 Drop-in: $1 Day Time Day Time Fitness Room/ Fitness Room/ Monthly: $5 Monthly: $5 PParkdarkdaleale is pis peerfrfeect fct for por partiearties &s & Gym Pass: Gym Pass: Mondays (Practice) 11 AM - 12 PM Mondays (Practice) 11 AM - 12 PM Yearly: $35 Yearly: $35 memeeetings tings (f(for or eexampxamplele; b; birthdirthdays,ays, Monthly: $22 Monthly: $22 Thursdays (Game Day) 10 - 11:30 AM Thursdays (Game Day) 10 - 11:30 AM showers, anniversaries, graduation showers, anniversaries, graduation Cost: Free Cost: Free parties, holiday parties, etc.). Parkdale parties, holiday parties, etc.). Parkdale offers rental spaces in both the Senior offers rental spaces in both the Senior OPEN GYMOPEN GYM MARKS MADNESS TOURNAMENT MARKS MADNESS TOURNAMENT Center and Recreation Center for your Center and Recreation Center for your ParParkdalkdale Rece Recrreateatiioon Cn Cententerer’’ss g gyymnasmnasiiumum MARCH 13 MARCH 13 next special occasion. Contact us at next special occasion. Contact us at lends to different and fun activities! lends to different and fun activities! 7:30 AM - 3:00 PM 7:30 AM - 3:00 PM (702) 455-7517 for availability, fees, (702) 455-7517 for availability, fees, Open Gym fee is either $2/daily or Open Gym fee is either $2/daily or (See flyer for details) (See flyer for details) $12/month for those $12/month for those rules and request forms. rules and request forms. SENIOR WORKSHOPSSENIOR WORKSHOPS 18 - 54 years of age. 18 - 54 years of age. BEREAVEMENT SUPPORTBEREAVEMENT SUPPORT SENIOR CENTER: SENIOR CENTER: Adult BasketballAdult Basketball Join this group that provides hope, Join this group that provides hope, Multi-Purpose Room (80 max) Multi-Purpose Room (80 max) $80/ First $80/ First 2 Hours 2 Hours | | $20 $20 eeach ach adaddditional itional hourhour $80/ First 2 Hours | $20 each additional hour Monday - Friday Monday - Friday empathy and new understandings to empathy and new understandings to Kitchen Kitchen $20/each hour of rental $20/each hour of rental 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM* 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM* those who’ve experienced loss. those who’ve experienced loss. RECREATION CENTER: RECREATION CENTER: *On occasion, the gymnasium may be *On occasion, the gymnasium may be Day Time Day Time Multi-Purpose Room (60 max) Multi-Purpose Room (60 max) $80/First 2 Hours | $20 each additional hour $80/First 2 Hours | $20 each additional hour closed for special events. Notice will be closed for special events. Notice will be 1st & 3rd Monday 1 - 2:30 PM 1st & 3rd Monday 1 - 2:30 PM Patio (30 max) Patio (30 max) $60/First 2 Hours | $20 each additional hour $60/First 2 Hours | $20 each additional hour posted for these closures. posted for these closures. Cost: Free Cost: Free Staffing Fee Staffing Fee $30/hour after business hours $30/hour after business hours

SILVERADO RANCH COMMUNITY CENTER SESSION DATES MISTAKES HAPPEN Occasionally there may be an error in days, 9855 Gilespie St, Las Vegas, NV 89183 Session 1 times, registration requirements, or fees in January 6-February 15, 2025 this brochure. When errors do occur, our (702) 455-6811 staff will do everything possible to correct the situation promptly. Thank you for your REGISTRATION Monday-Friday: 7am-8pm|Saturday: 8am-3pm patience and understanding should these Online begins November 14 @ 7am situations arise. COOKING BALLET Walk in begins November 18 @ 7am Students will explore creative Online Registration can COOKING FUNDAMENTALS INTRO TO HIP HOP & GROOVES movement while learning basic ballet A fast-paced class to get dancers on be found at: Cooking fundamentals will return at concepts. Recommended attire: www.ClarkCountyNV.Gov/ their feet and groovin’. Learn street- the end of February. Leotard and tights or leggings. ParksRegistration style dances and funky hip hop com Instructor: Kirsten SECRETLY FINE DINING binations to appropriate, upbeat All activity codes start with Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code Secretly Fine Dining will return at the music. 1 Silverado Ranch S 1/11-2/15 10:15-11am 3-4 $24 Ballet 01 end of February. Instructor: KJ S 1/11-2/15 11:15-12pm 5-6 $24 Ballet 02 Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code S 1/11-2/15 12:15-1:15pm 7-9 $35 Ballet 03 M 1/6-2/10 6 - 7pm 13+ $30 Hip Hop 01 ENGLISH COUNTRY DANCE BELLY DANCE SCOTTISH COUNTRY DANCE Unlock your core strength through the If you love the dance and music from If you are interested in Scottish dance graceful movements inspired by Arabic Jane Austen and other historical and music or an Outlander show fan, dance! Join us to tone your body, English movies, then this class is for this is the class for you. Dances from improve flexibility, and experience the you. Dances from 1651 to 2024 will be the Royal Scottish Country Dance empowering rhythm of belly dance in a taught. Society will be taught. Please wear flat fun, supportive environment. Instructor: Eileen shoes like ballet slippers, jazz shoes or DANCE Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code Instructor: Heather Ghillies. W 1/8-2/12 6-7pm 18+ $35 English 01 ADULT BALLET Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code Instructor: Eileen Th 1/9-2/13 6-7pm 13+ $35 Belly Dance 02 Ballet class is an excellent, full-body Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code HAWAIIAN DANCE W 1/8-2/12 7 - 8pm 18+ $35 Scottish 01 workout that will improve balance, This class teaches the basic steps and BELLY DANCE TRADITIONAL flexibility, core strength, muscle hand motions for those who are new Come and learn tradition belly dance coordination, musicality, and mental to hula or for those wanting to improve moves in this mixed level class. We will focus. Recommended attire: Leotard HOLIDAY CLOSURES existing skills. Emphasis on the basic learn fun traditional belly dance moves and tights or leggings. movement of the hula in an easy and put them into a performance Instructor: Kirsten Monday, January 20 friendly environment. drum solo. Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code Instructor: Renee Instructor: Heidi Th 1/9-2/13 7-8pm 16+ $35 Ballet 04 ** All class fees are prorated to reflect facility closure dates Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code M 1/6-2/10 5-6pm 13+ $30 Belly Dance 01 T 1/7-2/11 7-8pm 13+ $35 Hula 01

All activity codes start with FITNESS ROOM FOLLOW US DANCE CONT’D 1 Silverado Ranch Must have current valid @SilveradoRanchCommunityCenter WORLD DANCE fitness membership. HIGH LOW FITNESS Dances from all over the world will be Open during regular operating hours. CHAIR YOGA 50+ HIGH Fitness is a ZERO equipment, full taught. North American, South Chair Yoga invites you to find mobility body workout that has been shown to Must bring your own towel, water American, Europe, Asia and Africa. If in a way that is soft and gentle but also bottle, and wipe down machines improve overall endurance, stamina, you have ever wanted to dance along really supportive and beneficial. This after use. strength, and cardiovascular health. at a festival, this is your chance to learn class focuses on connecting breath Instructor: Britta & Tiffany dances to join in. Youth ages 13 -15 must be with Yoga. accompanied by parent/guardian. Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code Instructor: Eileen Instructor: Tyniah Th 1/9-2/13 9-10am 13+ $35 High Fitness 01 Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code Adults Teens (13 -17yrs) F 1/10-2/14 9-10am 13+ $35 High Fitness 02 W 1/8-2/12 4-5:30pm 18+ $41 World 01 Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code Drop-in: $4 Drop-in: $3 W 1/8-2/12 10:30-11:30am 50+ $35 Yoga 04 Monthly: $16 Monthly: $15 Yearly: $115 Yearly: $105 MAT PILATES CHAIR MOVEMENT (includes Open Gym) Fundamental Pilates is slow Chair movement for postural Seniors (55 & up) movements with breathing techniques awareness, balance, and range of Drop-in: $1 to strengthen and lengthen body form motion improvement. Monthly: $5 with deep mind-body flow connectivity Yearly: $35 Instructor: Jean to balance mind, body, and soul. Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code T/Th 1/14-1/30 12-12:45pm 50+ $28 Chair Movement 01 Instructor: Diana Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code T 1/7-2/11 10-11am 18+ $35 Pilates 01 INDOOR TRACK HEALTH & FITNESS Th 1/9-2/13 10-11am 18+ $35 Pilates 02 Our second floor features a rubberized 100 MILE CLUB indoor track to enjoy walking, jogging, or RESTORATIVE YOGA A healthy lifestyle is a long lifestyle. running in an airconditioned setting. This is a gentle stretching practice Start this year and never stop. As you Each lap on our track is equal to 1/10 of a mile. Use of the track is FREE. We ask where yoga poses are held for longer walk/run our track, keep track of how that you check in at the front desk prior durations with the use of props. Effort many miles you go. We will give out to your walk/run. is minimal to allow for relaxation, prizes for who ever exercises the most making the class accessible to all We encourage you to join our Strava miles overall and most miles in a day. Club! You'll make new friends, be able to levels. Must be able to access the floor. If you do not want to set an outrageous participate in challenges and maybe Instructor: Tiffany goal, try and get 100 miles over the even participate in a little friendly Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code course of the year and receive a t-shirt competition. M 1/6-2/10 11a-12p 13+ $30 Yoga 01 to represent your accomplishment. See Youth 13-15 must be accompanied by an All Health & Fitness classes offer a the front desk for your mile/lap adult. No children under the age of 13 daily class drop-in fee of $6 per tracker. unless approved by a supervisor. class.

CARTOONS & COMICS MAKERS SPACE HEALTH & FITNESS RISK INVOLVEMENT If you love cartoons and anime, this is CONT’D 3D PRINTING for you! In this class you will learn Many of our programs involve Welcome to the world of 3D printing! different drawing technique to express strenuous activities and a certain RESTORE YOUR CORE LV 1 In this class, you will learn everything degree of risk. Inquire with staff for yourself. A comprehensive, sustainable fitness further information regarding the you need to know to design and 3D Instructor: Bella program that empowers women who amount of activity expected of print your own creations. Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code aim to be strong, long, mobile and participants and the risk, if any, S 1/11-2/15 12-1pm 10+ $35 Cartoon 01 Instructor: Joseph & Benjamin functional. Gain core strength, achieve normally associated with the program. Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code By registering for an activity, the pelvic floor function, and learn to M 1/6-2/10 4-5:30pm 12+ $36 3D Print 01 CREATE WITH A PAL registrant acknowledges that he/she is T/Th 1/7-2/13 6-7:30pm 12+ $62 3D Print 02 move efficiently and optimally. Enjoy the little things in life with your aware of the risk, is physically Instructor: Heather capable of participating in the activity, little ones and spend this special time Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code CAN’T VAN GOGH WRONG and voluntarily accepts any risks S 1/11-2/15 8-9am 18+ $35 RYC 01 together creating art they discover new Enjoy a relaxed, fun atmosphere as involved. media like clay, paint, and more! you experiment with various RESTORE YOUR CORE LV 2 Instructor: Jasmine techniques and materials, perfect for SURGE STRENGTH Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code For those who want to continue their all skill levels. Create masterpieces and S 1/11-2/15 11a-12p 3-5 $35 Create 01 Surge Strength is a music driven weight RYC journey with more advanced make memories—you can’t go wrong! training dumbbell workout to target, movements and flow. Prerequisite: Instructor: Jasmine INTRO TO ART strengthen, shape, and tone every Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code RYC1 and instructor approval. F 1/10-2/14 1-3pm 18+ $46 Van Gogh 01 Children will create seasonal art as muscle in your body. Instructor: Heather Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code well as learn about famous artists in Instructor: Britta CARD MAKING 101 S 1/11-2/15 9-10am 18+ $35 RYC 02 fun and imaginative ways. Various Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code Experience creativity in a new, fun way M 1/6-2/10 9-10am 10+ $30 Surge 01 artistic media will be used including all while spreading love, joy and SALSAROBICS acrylic paint, watercolors, canvas, kindness in a handmade card. Stamps, YOGA Combination of aerobic exercises and paper and clay. Ink and Paper supplied. Get a total body workout that dance steps ranging from low to high Instructor: Bella Instructor: Christina enhances strength, cardiovascular intensity movements to popular Latin Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code conditioning, balance, and flexibility. T 1/14-2/11 10-11am 18+ $30 Card Making 01 dances such as Salsa, Cumbia, F 1/10-2/14 6-7pm 10+ $35 Intro Art 01 This class focuses on connecting breath Merengue, Bachata and more. with Yoga. Classes will consist of a warm-up, Instructor: Tyniah & Diane SUPPLY LISTS dynamic stretching, cardiovascular Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code segment, and cool-down. T 1/7-2/11 8-9am 50+ $35 Yoga 02 Some classes require a supply list that T 1/7-2/11 9-10am 16+ $35 Yoga 03 Instructor: Diana you will be given at the time of Th 1/9-2/13 12-1pm 16+ $35 Yoga 05 Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code registration. Other classes may have T 1/7-2/11 11a-12p 18+ $35 Salsarobics 01 supplies at the first class. Please check All activity codes start with Th 1/9-2/13 11a-12p 18+ $35 Salsarobics 02 your receipt for more information. 1 Silverado Ranch

CAPOERIA SENIOR PROGRAMMING MOSAIC MUSE MAKERS SPACE CONT’D Brazilian martial art, disguised as a BOOK CLUB Dive into diverse projects like painting, dance and performed to instruments JOY OF PAINTING Monthly book club - join us for an sculpting, and mixed media, while and traditional Brazilian songs. engaging discussion on the monthly Let's paint! We will come together honing your skills and expressing your Instructor: Tim book pick! through a painting class that allows us creativity in a vibrant, supportive Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code Day Time Age Cost to connect with one another and T 1/7-2/11 5:30-7pm 13+ $41 Capoeria 02 setting. T 1/7 11:30a-12:30p 50+ Free! S 1/11-2/15 1:30-3pm 7+ $41 Capoeria 03 explore our creative sides. Instructor: Jasmine T 2/4 11:30a-12:30p 50+ Free! Instructor: Bella Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code PERFORMING ARTS F 1/10-2/14 3-5pm 12-18 $46 Mosaic 01 Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code W 1/8-2/12 8-9:30am 50+ $41 Paint 01 PIANO - PRIVATE WANDERING MINDS CHAIR VOLLEYBALL Participants will learn the basics of a KIDS CRAFTS The fastest growing seated sport - Little artists will explore creativity piano such as how to touch the keys, perfect for all abilities and fitness Participants will explore their creativity through painting, drawing, and hands- locate notes, read music, count & hear levels using different materials while on projects designed to spark music. Participants should have a Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code interacting with others. This class will imagination and develop fine motor W 1/8-2/19 10-11a 50+ Free Chair Volleyball 01 piano/keyboard at home to practice. be filled with fun and challenge as we skills. Instructor: Ewan create different crafts out of art Instructor: Jasmine Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code materials. M 1/6-2/10 2-2:30pm 7+ $75 Piano 01 S 1 /11-2/15 10-11am 3-5 $35 Wandering 01 M 1/6-2/10 2:30-3pm 7+ $75 Piano 02 Instructor: Liana M 1/6-2/10 3-3:30pm 7+ $75 Piano 03 Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code MARTIAL ARTS M 1/6-2/10 3:30-4pm 7+ $75 Piano 04 M 1/6-2/10 6-7p 6-12 $30 Kids Crafts 01 M 1/6-2/10 4-4:30pm 7+ $75 Piano 05 ADULT SELF DEFENSE M 1/6-2/10 5-5:30pm 7+ $75 Piano 06 M 1/6-2/10 5:30-6pm 7+ $75 Piano 07 Learn how to protect yourself in a safe MINI MONETS M 1/6-2/10 6-6:30pm 7+ $75 Piano 08 and comfortable environment. M 1/6-2/10 6:30-7pm 7+ $75 Piano 09 This fun art program integrates light art Instructor: Scott M 1/6-2/10 7-7:30pm 7+ $75 Piano 10 instruction, a touch of history, and tons Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code M 1/6-2/10 7:30-8pm 7+ $75 Piano 11 of fun art techniques with the goal of F 1/10-2/14 6-7p 18+ $35 Self Defense 02 S 1/11-2/15 11-11:30am 7+ $90 Piano 12 F 1/10-2/14 7-8p 18+ $35 Self Defense 03 S 1/11-2/15 11:30-12p 7+ $90 Piano 13 encouraging participation, developing S 1/11-2/15 12-12:30pm 7+ $90 Piano 14 dynamic, creative thinkers and S 1/11-2/15 1-1:30pm 7+ $90 Piano 15 CAPOERIA KIDS S 1/11-2/15 1:30-2pm 7+ $90 Piano 16 fostering a lifelong love of art and self- We introduce kids to capoeria CASUAL GAME PLAY S 1/11-2/15 2-2:30pm 7+ $90 Piano 17 expression. combining acrobatics, music, and dance S 1/11-2/15 2:30-3pm 7+ $90 Piano 18 Socialize, make new friends, and open Instructor: Bella for a fun, educational experience that play your favorite game! Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code promotes fitness, coordination, and Free! S 1/11-2/15 1-2pm 6-9 $35 Monets 01 Day Time cultural appreciation. FOLLOW US Mondays Any Card Games 1-4p Instructor: Tim All activity codes start with @SilveradoRanchCommunityCenter Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code Tuesdays Any Board Games 1-4p 1 Silverado Ranch T 1/7-2/11 5-5:30pm 6-12 $23 Capoeria 01 Wednesdays Mah Jongg 2:30-5p

WII BOWLING SEWING BASICS SPANISH FOR ADULTS SENIOR PROGRAMMING Come and enjoy Wii bowling and meet Sew along with our knowledgable Come and join us to learn basic CONT’D new friends. Keep fit, active, and instructor while making a project. conversational skills and verb socialize! Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code CARD GAMES 101 conjugation. Practice by speaking T 1/7-2/11 1-4p 50+ $15 Sewing 01 Day Time Cost Come play Spades, Hearts, Blackout, everyday phrases. Casino, and Brisk in a friendly Tuesdays 9-11:30 am Free! SEWING BEYOND BASICS Instructor: Arturo atmosphere. The games are easy to This class is designed for those with Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code learn and enjoyable to play. M 1/6-2/10 10a-12pm 18+ $40 Spanish 01 YARN/CROCHET/KNIT basic sewing skills, machine T 1/7-2/11 3-5pm 18+ $46 Spanish 02 Instructor: Frank Socialize, bring your current project knowledge, and interested in ways to W 1/8-2/12 3-5pm 18+ $46 Spanish 03 Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code and crochet/knit in a comfortable enhance their skill set beyond the M 1/6-2/10 10a-12p 50+ $12 Cards 01 environment. basics Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code Day Time Cost SPORTS CORNHOLE Th 1/9-2/13 1-4p 50+ $15 Sewing 02 Fridays 1-4pm Free! Learn how to play cornhole, improve BASEBALL SKILLS your skills, perfect for all skill levels. Learn the fundamentals of baseball ADULT (19+) OPEN GYM SPECIAL INTEREST Instructor: Blanchard whether you’re new or have played Open gym days and hours are subject ENGLISH SECOND LANGUAGE LV 1 Day Time Cost before. to change. A Valid ID is required. M 9-10:30am Free! Beginner classes for multilingual Instructor: Scott Entry Fee speakers. Class will consist of the Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code FIELD TRIPS $2 daily Th 1/9-2/13 6-7p 6-8 $35 Baseball Skills 01 basics of English such as vocabulary, Let’s tour the Smith Center, explore Th 1/9-2/13 7-8p 9-11 $35 Baseball Skills 02 $12 month grammar, functional language, and Downtown Container Park and Arts FREE for participants 55yrs and up or pronunciation. Students of these BASKETBALL SKILLS District and more! with purchase of a yearly fitness pass. classes will gain reading, writing, and Learn the fundamentals of basketball Days/Times TBD Badminton speaking skills in English. whether you’re new or have played Tuesday/Thursday Instructor: Cynthia MAH JONGG before. 7am-9:30am Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code Instructor: Scott & Gabe Learn how to play this vibrant social Th 1/9-2/13 6-8pm 18+ $46 ESL 01 Basketball tile based game! American rules. Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code Monday/Wednesday/Friday W 1/8-2/12 6-7p 6-8 $35 Basketball Skills 03 Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code ENGLISH SECOND LANGUAGE LV 2 11:30am-1:30pm W 1/8-2/12 7-8p 9-11 $35 Basketball Skills 04 W 1/8-2/12 12:30-2:30p 50+ $15 Mah Jongg 01 Intermediate classes for multilingual S 1/11-2/15 10-11a 6-8 $35 Basketball Skills 01 Saturday (for ages 25+) S 1/11-2/15 11a-12p 9-11 $35 Basketball Skills 02 speakers. Class consists of learning 1:30pm-3pm SENIOR SELF DEFENSE levels of English such as vocabulary, Learn how to protect yourself. Senior Basketball 50+ grammar, functional language, and Instructor: Scott Tuesday/Thursday pronunciation. It will build upon skills Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code 12:30pm-2pm T 1/7-2/11 12-1p 50+ $35 Self Defense 01 learned in the previous course. Pickleball Instructor: Cynthia Monday/Wednesday/Friday Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code 7am-9:30am S 1/11-2/15 1-3pm 18+ $46 ESL 02

PUPPY LOVE SPORTS CONT’D VOLLEYBALL LEAGUE - TINY TOTS OPEN GYM A Celebration and Resource Fair for Coming Soon! Does your little one have energy to burn? CHEER SKILLS Animal Lovers at Silverado Ranch Dog 9-11 years & 12-17 years Then you need our FREE "indoor playground" complete with balls, toys and Park. This dog-friendly event is for Will return in Session 2 mats. This is a great way to get to know animal lovers to learn more about other families in the neighborhood and community services for pet owners, SPECIAL EVENTS GIRLS ON THE RUN meet new friends. Adult must accompany see what animal welfare organizations child. Girls have fun, make friends, increase are doing in our community, and enjoy BACK TO THE 90's MURDER Ages 5 and under their physical levels and learn vegan food/treats! Stay tuned for MYSTERY PARTY Tuesday/Thursday important life skills. Trained coaches more details. 10am-noon $10 per person lead girls through interactive lessons FREE Ages 50+ and running activities. The season will Monday, February 10 VOLLEYBALL SKILLS culminate with a 5K Community 4-6pm Celebration! Stay tuned for more Learn the fundamentals of volleyball Advance registration required information. Register online at whether you’re new or have played A thrilling whodunit set in the iconic before. 90's decade. Dress up and solve Instructor: Ariana mysteries. Dinner included. Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code SOCCER SKILLS Th 1/9-2/13 6-7p 8-14 $35 Volleyball 01 (Intro) Learn the fundamentals of soccer Th 1/9-2/13 7-8p 8-14 $35 Volleyball 02 (Lv 1) SOUP-ER BOWL PARTY whether you’re new or have played $10 per person before. FACILITY RESERVATIONS Ages 50+ Instructor: Kristopher BASKETBALL WINTER LEAGUE Silverado Ranch Community Center Friday, January 31 6-8 years & 9-11 years Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code is perfect for parties & meetings (for 11-2pm S 1/11-2/15 9-10a 6-8 $35 Soccer Skills 01 (Lvl 1) January 10-March 14 example; birthdays, showers, Advance registration required S 1/11-2/15 10-11a 6-8 $35 Soccer Skills 02 (Intro) S 1/11-2/15 11a-12p 9-13 $35 Soccer Skills 03 (Intro) anniversaries, graduation parties, Celebrate the upcoming sports ball S 1/11-2/15 12-1p 9-13 $35 Soccer Skills 04 (Lvl 1) Our youth sports leagues are for boys holiday parties, etc.). game with your favorite yard games, and girls! Our leagues are designed for soup, and fun! All Silverado Ranch Community participants to utilize the fundamental TINY TOT SPORTS Center classes and facility activities skills in game situations. Advanced registration is highly recommended for Play and learn sports with us! all our classes, events and workshops. take first priority. Room Instructor: Various Mandatory Skills Test & Parent reservations are not guaranteed. Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code Nothing cancels a good program quicker than Meeting: January 10, 2025 everyone waiting until the last minute to register. M 1/6-2/10 10-10:30a 3-5 $20 TT Sports 01 - Soccer If there are not enough registrations by a certain M 1/6-2/10 10:30-11a 3-5 $20 TT Sports 02 - Soccer 6-8y Practices: Tues 6p Games: Fri 6p date, the class/program may be cancelled. Scan here for Th 1/9-2/13 4-4:45p 3-5 $27 TT Sports 05- T-ball Coming in on the day the class/program begins 9-11y Practices: Tues 7p Games: Fri 7p S 1/11-2/15 9:30-10a 3-5 $23 TT Sports 06- Basket more information won’t resurrect it, so please register early. All activity codes start with Sorry, phone registration are not accepted. Registration began November 4 1 Silverado Ranch

LET’S PAINT A PICTURE WORKSHOPS CULINARY CRAFT Ever heard of a paint night? Join us as Come and learn about how you can our instructor gives you step by step A BRUSH OF BRILLIANCE make some quick and easy meals. instructions as you create your own Learn about the great artists in this art Ages 18+. $10 per workshop. holiday themed painting. Ages 10+. workshop. You learn about techniques Appetizers and Herbal Mocktails $10 per workshop. and personal stories. Perfect for art Wed, January 15 6-8pm enthusiast of all levels. Ages 50+. New Year Masterpiece $15 per workshop Tue, January 7 5:30-7:30pm Puff Pastry Paul Cezanne Wed, February 12 6-8pm Valentine Date Night Sat, January 11 10:00-11:30am Tue, February 11 5:30-7:30pm Soup and Bread Bisa Butler Wed, March 26 6-8pm Sat, February 8 10:00-11:30am HERBAL TEA SERIES Come and learn all about herbals for GARDENING holistic health, herbalism in history, Come learn tips and tricks for your ARTIST SPACE cold brew mastery and herbs and garden from a Master Gardener. Ages Unleash your inner artist and join us spirituality. Ages 18+ 18+. $10 per workshop. for an exciting exploration of different $5 per workshop Winter Fruit Tree Care arts and techniques that will ignite Heart Health with Herbal Tea SOUND BATH & TEA Wed, January 8 6-8pm your passion for craftmanship. Ages Wed, January 8 5-6pm 10+. $10 per workshop. Join our Sound Bath event. This is Structural Pruning Seasonal Herbal Cooking supportive and nurturing space where Wed, January 15 6-8pm Wed, January 22 5-6pm women come together to connect, Polymer Clay Fruit Tree Pruning share and grow. Each session we will Wed, January 15 10am - Noon Herbal First Aids Basics Wed, January 22 6-8pm explore topics to promote emotional Wed, January 29 5-6pm Jewelry Making well being, tea ceremonies and sound Wed, January 22 10am - Noon Grow your own produce Teas for Restful Sleep bowls. Ages 18+. $10 per workshop. Wed, January 29 6-8pm Wed, February 5 5-6pm Denim Jackets Dates TBD Wed, January 29 10am - Noon Intro to Edible Plants HOLIDAY CARDS Upcycle Art Wed, February 5 6-8pm Experience creativity in a new, fun way Wed, February 5 10am - Noon VISION BOARDS How to grow your own produce all while spreading love, joy and Envision and manifest your dreams in Wed, February 12 6-8pm kindness in a handmade card. Stamps, an interactive and reflective Vision ink and paper supplied Ages 18+. $10 Board Workshop. Vision boards act as What to plant now FOLLOW US per workshop. a visual representation of your goals Wed, February 19 6-8pm Valentine and dreams.Ages 16+. $10. @SilveradoRanchCommunityCenter Sat, January 18 11am-1pm Fri, January 10 6-8pm

SUGGESTIONS/ YOUTH RECREATION PROGRAMMING PROGRAM EVALUATION AFTERSCHOOL OPEN REC DAY CAMP The Silverado Ranch Community Center Join our supervised after-school Day Camp is an all-day, supervised strives to provide the best service to our recreational-based program for program designed to entertain and customers, and we welcome suggestions and comments that will help us achieve children in First thru twelfth grades engage youth (ages 6-12) when school this goal and improve our services. (ages 6-18). Offered daily after school is not in session. This fun-filled Please assist us in evaluating and during the school year from school program focuses on crafts, sports, improving our program(s) and/or dismissal until 6 p.m. Our program games, and other fun activities. facilities by answering the question provides recreational activities both below. Scan the QR code below to tell us Monday, January 27 indoors and outdoors along with what you think. Monday, February 10 sports/open gym, arts & crafts, tournaments, and movies. 7am-6pm Monday-Friday Day Camp is $21 per day, per ** Open Rec follows the CCSD calendar. REFUND POLICY child. There is no Open Rec on days there is no Payment in full is required to school. There is no program on staff If a class or program is cancelled by the development days or Winter Break. reserve your childs space. department, a full refund will be given. Refunds will be issued if requested by Day Camp availability is on a All participants must be registered the close of business on the first day of first come, first served basis. class. No refunds will be issued after the prior to participating, parents are Parents/Guardians are required first day of class. Credits issued to required to complete information to complete a participant household account will expire after 90 waivers. registration/information form days. annually. There is a one time $20 fee per school Day Camp registration cancelled by an Campers must bring their own year, per participant. individual will be refunded 100% only if breakfast and lunch. All campers notice of non-attendance is given by the should bring an afternoon snack. Wednesday of the prior week. Once registered participants may check Day Camp close at 6:00 p.m. LOST & FOUND themselves in and out of the program. Beginning at 6:01 p.m., a late Once they leave/check out of the Clark County Parks & Recreation is pick‐up fee of $5.00 will be designated program area, they cannot not responsible for lost or stolen assessed for every 10 minutes the return for the day, and we are no items. A lost & found is located near participant that remains at the the front desk. Items not claimed longer responsible for them. site. after 30 days will be donated.

MUSICMUSICMUSIC PIANO - PRIVATEPIANO - PRIVATE 3075 N. Walnut Road, Las Vegas, NV 89115 | (702) 455-84023075 N. Walnut Road, Las Vegas, NV 89115 | (702) 455-8402 PPParticiparticiparticipants ants ants will learn will learn will learn to to to ppplay scales lay scales lay scales andandand b b basicasicasic Monday - Friday: 7 AM - 8 PM | Saturday & Sunday: ClosedMonday - Friday: 7 AM - 8 PM | Saturday & Sunday: Closed chords, sight reading, tempo, rhythm, and the chordchords, sight res, sight readading, temping, tempo, o, rhythm, rhythm, andand thethe CLASS SESSION INFORMATIONCLASS SESSION INFORMATION DANCEDANCE basic five-finger position. Participants should bbasic asic five-finger pfive-finger position. Position. Participarticipants ants shouldshould Session 6Session 6 Session 1Session 1 have a piano/keyboard for lessons and for have a piano/keyboard for lessons and for BALLETBALLET NovemberNovember JanuaryJanuary practice at home. practice at home. NOVEMBER 4TH - NOVEMBER 27THNOVEMBER 4TH - NOVEMBER 27TH JANUARY 6TH - JANUARY 31STJANUARY 6TH - JANUARY 31ST PParticiparticipants will ants will lelearn barn basic asic bballeallet t skills andskills and DecemberDecember FebruaryFebruary terminology through technique and creative terminology through technique and creative GUITAR - PRIVATEGUITAR - PRIVATE DECEMBER 2ND - DECEMBER 27THDECEMBER 2ND - DECEMBER 27TH FEBRUARY 3RD - FEBRUARY 28THFEBRUARY 3RD - FEBRUARY 28TH movements. Tights, leotards, and ballet flats are movements. Tights, leotards, and ballet flats are REREGISTRATIOGISTRATION DATEN DATESS REREGISTRATIOGISTRATION DATEN DATESS PParticiparticipants ants will will learn learn the bthe basics asics ofof songs songs of of manymany NONOVEVEMBER:MBER: OCTO OCTOBEBER 21STR 21ST JANUARY:JANUARY: DE DECECEMBEMBER 16THR 16TH preferred but leggings and other tight-fitted, preferred but leggings and other tight-fitted, DECEMBER: NOVEMBER 18TH FEBRUARY: JANUARY 21ST DECEMBER: NOVEMBER 18TH FEBRUARY: JANUARY 21ST styles, instrument maintenance, beginner techniques, styles, instrument maintenance, beginner techniques, comfortable clothes are okay too. Hair should be comfortable clothes are okay too. Hair should be EARLY REGISTRATION IS ENCOURAGED.EARLY REGISTRATION IS ENCOURAGED. CLASSES MAY FILL QUICKLY OR CAN BE CANCELLED DUE TO LOW ENROLLMENT. CLASSES MAY FILL QUICKLY OR CAN BE CANCELLED DUE TO LOW ENROLLMENT. music theory and history, and sight reading. music theory and history, and sight reading. up, out of the face. No street shoes or jeans. up, out of the face. No street shoes or jeans. Participants should have a guitar for lessons and for Participants should have a guitar for lessons and for TINY TOTTINY TOT practice at home. practice at home. DayDay AgeAge CostCost Activity CodeActivity Code Date Time Date Time HOLIDAY CLOSURESHOLIDAY CLOSURESHOLIDAY CLOSURESHOLIDAY CLOSURES PRIVATE MUSIC LESSONSPRIVATE MUSIC LESSONS M/W 12/02 - 12/23 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM 3-5 $15 6 Walnut Dance 07 M/W 12/02 - 12/23 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM 3-5 $15 6 Walnut Dance 07 Day Age Cost Activity Code Day Age Cost Activity Code Date Time Date Time 11/2811/28 THANTHANTHANKSGIVINKSGIVINKSGIVING DAYG DAYG DAY THANKSGIVING DAY BALLET & TAP BALLET & TAP 6&UP 6&UP 6 Walnut Music 05 $40 2 PM - 2:30 PM 12/06 - 12/26 ThursThurs 12/06 - 12/26 2 PM - 2:30 PM $40 6 Walnut Music 05 11/29 FAMILY FAMILY DAYDAY 11/29 FAMILY DAY DayDay AgeAge CostCost Activity CodeActivity Code Date Time Date Time 6&UP 6&UP 6 Walnut Music 06 $40 2:30 PM - 3 PM 12/06 - 12/26 Thurs Thurs 12/06 - 12/26 2:30 PM - 3 PM $40 6 Walnut Music 06 12/2512/25 CHRCHRISTMAS DAYISTMAS DAY 12/25 CHRISTMAS DAY M/W 44::3300 PPMM - - 66 PPMM 6-86-8 $25$25 66 WWaalnlnuutt DaDanncece 0808 M/W 12/02 12/02 -12/23-12/23 6&UP 6&UP 6 Walnut Music 07 $40 3 PM - 3:30 PM 12/06 - 12/26 Thurs Thurs 12/06 - 12/26 3 PM - 3:30 PM $40 6 Walnut Music 07 1/11/1 NNEW EW YEARYEAR’S DAY’S DAY 1/1 NEW YEAR’S DAY 6 PM - 7:30 PM 9-12 $25 6 Walnut Dance 09 M/W 6 PM - 7:30 PM 9-12 $25 6 Walnut Dance 09 M/W 12/02 12/02 - - 1212/23/23 6&UP 6&UP 6 Walnut Music 08 $40 3:30 PM - 4 PM 12/06 - 12/26 Thurs Thurs 12/06 - 12/26 3:30 PM - 4 PM $40 6 Walnut Music 08 1/201/20 MARMARTINTIN LUTHERLUTHER KIN KING JRG JR. . DAYDAY 1/20 MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. DAY 2/17 PRESIDENTS’ DAY 2/17 PRESIDENTS’ DAY JAZZJAZZ MARTIAL ARTSMARTIAL ARTS KARATEKARATE Jazz Jazz is is a a high ehigh enenergy tergy technical stylechnical style of of ddanceance withwith FOLLOW US ON SOCIALS!FOLLOW US ON SOCIALS! differences than ballet. Students should wear differences than ballet. Students should wear PParticiparticipants will ants will lelearn barn beeginning ginning KarateKarate. . This classThis class from fitted clothing, have hair pulled out of face. from fitted clothing, have hair pulled out of face. ffocuseocuses on s on inteintegrating martial arts grating martial arts into into ddailyaily Jazz shoes or ballet shoes are preferred. Jazz shoes or ballet shoes are preferred. ppracticeractice and and b builduilding ping positiveositive ddiscipisciplinelinedd stud studeentsnts andand pprovidroviding ping practical ractical lelearning arning eexpxpeerieriencences.s. DayDayDay AgeAge CostCost Activity CodeActivity Code Date Time Date Time Thurs 12/05 - 12/26 5 PM - 6 PM Thurs 1122/0/055 - - 1122/2/266 5 PM - 6 PM $25$25 66 WWaalnlnuutt DaDanncece 1010 7-137-13 DayDay AgeAge CostCost Activity CodeActivity Code Date Time Date Time 66 WWaalnlnuutt MMaartrtiaial l AArtrts s 0044 ThursThurs 1122/0/055 - - 1122/2/266 44::3300 PPMM - - 66 PPMM 6-86-8 $25$25 LINE DANCINGLINE DANCINGLINE DANCING 66 WWaalnlnuutt MMaartrtiaial l AArtrts s 0055 Thurs 12/05 - 12/26 6 PM - 7:30 PM 9-15 $25 Thurs 12/05 - 12/26 6 PM - 7:30 PM 9-15 $25 SELF-DEFENSESELF-DEFENSE LINE DANCING FOR ADULTS & SENIORSLINE DANCING FOR ADULTS & SENIORSLINE DANCING FOR ADULTS & SENIORS Cost Cost Cost Cost DayDay Age Activity Code DayDay Age Activity Code Age Activity Code Age Activity Code Time Time DateDate Time DateDate Time 66 W Waalnlnuutt MMaartrtiaial l AArtrts s 0066 21 21 && UPUP FRFREEEE 16 16 && UPUP FRFREEEE TueTuess 1122/0/033 - - 1122/2/244 999 AAAMMM - - - 111111:::3330 0 0 AAAMMM 66 WWaalnlnuutt DaDanncece 1111-1-122 ThursThurs 1122/0/055 - - 1122/2/266 99 AAMM - - 1111::330 0 AAMM

BASKETBALLBASKETBALL SENIOR PROGRAMSSENIOR PROGRAMSSENIOR PROGRAMS AFTERSCHOOL PROGRAM AFTERSCHOOL PROGRAM BASKETBALL CLINICSBASKETBALL CLINICS SENIOR H.O.T. SPOTSENIOR H.O.T. SPOTSENIOR H.O.T. SPOT TREEHOUSE REC TREEHOUSE REC This is an This is an introdintroductory class uctory class ffor or pparticiparticipants ants wantingwanting to to IfIf you're you're a a sesenior nior andand you'reyou're WaWalnlnuut's t's aaffteterschrschool ool pprograrogram m is is aa susuppeerviservisedd pprograrogramm lelearn arn thethe b basic asic skills skills andand rule rules ofs of the the game game. . InstructionInstruction looking flooking for dor daily activitieaily activities,s, will focus on the proper fundamentals and highlight will focus on the proper fundamentals and highlight ddeesignsigneedd to to eenngagagege youyouthth aageges s 6-12 6-12 aat t ththee eenndd ofof ththee schschoolool monthly monthly classeclasses, s, ffieieldld triptrips,s, shooting, passing, and dribbling. Participants with varying shooting, passing, and dribbling. Participants with varying day. This fun-filled program focuses on recreational activities day. This fun-filled program focuses on recreational activities andand monthly monthly eevevents,nts, levels of experience will have the opportunity to gain new levels of experience will have the opportunity to gain new such as: sports, games, arts & crafts and other activities. such as: sports, games, arts & crafts and other activities. Walnut's Walnut's SeSenior Hot Spnior Hot Spotot skills or refine their technique through drills and practice. skills or refine their technique through drills and practice. Registration is required. Registration is required. has has eeveverything rything you neyou neeedd!! DayDay DateDate CostCost AgeAge Activity CodeActivity Code Time Time TEENS IN THE HOUSETEENS IN THE HOUSE TueTuess 1122/0/033 - - 1122/2/244 66 WWaalnlnuutt BaBaskskeettbbaall ll 0303 $5 5:45 PM - 6:30 PM 5:45 PM - 6:30 PM $5 5-11 5-11 Registration is required to Registration is required to A A ffuunn opoppportuortunnity ity ffor or teteeenns s to to pplalay y spsports, orts, leleaarnrn sociasocial l skskills,ills, Thurs 12/05 - 12/26 Thurs 12/05 - 12/26 $5 5:45 PM - 6:30 PM 5:45 PM - 6:30 PM $5 6 Walnut Basketball 04 6 Walnut Basketball 04 12-17 12-17 participate in most participate in most sportsmanship, participate in fitness classes, attend sportsmanship, participate in fitness classes, attend activities. activities. workshops, and more! workshops, and more! HEALTH & FITNESSHEALTH & FITNESS DayDay DateDate AgeAge CostCost Activity CodeActivity Code Time Time ZUMBAZUMBAZUMBAZUMBA TEEN PROGRAMS TEEN PROGRAMS M-FM-F 0088/1/122 - - 0055/2/233 33 PPMM - - 66 PPMM WWLLYTRYTREECC 6-12 6-12 FREE FREE ZuZuZuZumbmbmbmbaaaa s s s s aaaa hhhhighighighigh-e-e-e-ennnneeeergy, rgy, rgy, rgy, LaLaLaLatintintintin-in-in-in-inspspspspireireireiredddd ddddaaaannnncececece wwwworkorkorkorkouououout t t t ththththaaaatttt M-F 08/12 - 05/23 2 PM - 6 PM WLTTREC M-F 08/12 - 05/23 2 PM - 6 PM WLTTREC 13-17 13-17 FREE FREE combcombcombcombinininineeees s s s cacacacardrdrdrdio, io, io, io, strestrestrestrennnngthgthgthgth, , , , aaaannnndddd fffflelelelexibxibxibxibility ility ility ility tratratratraininininininining.g.g.g. TEEN FRIDAYSTEEN FRIDAYS AgeAge DateDateDateDate CostCost Activity CodeActivity Code TimeTime DayDay EEvvereryy 1 1sstt and 3 and 3rrd Fd Frriidayday o of tf the Mhe Moontnth Th Teenseens wi willll DAY CAMP DAY CAMP 18 18 & UP& UP 66 WWAALLUNUNT T FIFITNTNEESSSS 0101 11112222/0/0/0/02222 - - - - 11112222/2/2/2/23333 $25$25 99 AAMM - - 1100 AAMM MoMonn participate in diverse workshops, recreational and participate in diverse workshops, recreational and 18 & UP 18 & UP 6 WALNUT FITNESS 03 6 WALNUT FITNESS 03 $25$25 12/03 - 12/24 12/03 - 12/24 9 AM - 10 AM 999 AAAMMM - - - 111000 AAAMMM Tues Tues 18 & UP 18 & UP 6 WALNUT FITNESS 05 6 WALNUT FITNESS 05 $25$25 12/05 - 12/26 12/05 - 12/26 9 AM - 10 AM 999 AAAMMM - - - 111000 AAAMMM Thurs Thurs social activities, special events, & Field Trips. social activities, special events, & Field Trips. 18 & UP 18 & UP 6 WALNUT FITNESS 02 6 WALNUT FITNESS 02 $25$25 12/02 - 12/23 1122/0/022 - - 1122/2/233 10 AM - 11 AM 1100 AAMM - - 1111 AAMM Mon Mon All Participants must be registered to participate. All Participants must be registered to participate. 18 & UP 18 & UP 6 WALNUT FITNESS 04 $25$25 6 WALNUT FITNESS 04 12/03 - 12/24 1122/0/033 - - 1122/2/244 10 AM - 11 AM 1100 AAMM - - 1111 AAMM Tues Tues 18 & UP 18 18 & UP& UP $25 $25 6 WALNUT FITNESS 05 6 WALNUT FITNESS 05 12/05 - 12/26 1122/0/055 - - 1122/2/266 10 AM - 11 AM 10 AM - 11 AM Thurs Thurs FITNESS ROOMFITNESS ROOM Walnut RWalnut RWalnut RWalnut RWalnut RWalnut Reeeeeecrecrecrecrecrecreation ation ation ation ation ation CeCeCeCeCeCententententententer’s Fitner’s Fitner’s Fitner’s Fitner’s Fitner’s Fitness ss ss ss ss ss RRRRRRoom ofoom ofoom ofoom ofoom ofoom offfffffeeeeeers rs rs rs rs rs compcompcompcompcompcomprerererererehehehehehehensivensivensivensivensivensive andandandand condcondcondconditioning itioning itioning itioning eeeeqqqquipuipuipuipmememement at a grent at a grent at a grent at a great at at at ppppricericericerice!!!! MeMeMeMembmbmbmbeeeershiprshiprshiprships s s s maymaymaymay and conditioning equipment at a great price! Memberships may bbbbbbbeeeeeee p p p p p p purchaseurchaseurchaseurchaseurchaseurchaseurchaseddddddd on on on on on on on a a a a a a a dddddddaily, aily, aily, aily, aily, aily, aily, monthly monthly monthly monthly monthly monthly monthly or or or or or or or annual bannual bannual bannual bannual bannual bannual basis asis asis asis asis asis asis with with with with with with with nonononononono be purchased on a daily, monthly or annual basis with no contracts contracts contracts contracts or automatic or automatic or automatic or automatic ppppaymeaymeaymeayments.nts.nts.nts. All pAll pAll pAll participarticiparticiparticipants ants ants ants must must must must wewewewearararar contracts or automatic payments. All participants must wear fffitneitneitness ss ss apapappppropropropriateriateriate attireattireattire, a towe, a towe, a towel l l andandand f f fitness appropriate attire, a towel and footwear. TeTeTeeeens must bns must bns must beee re re registegistegistererereddd bbby y y a a a ppparearearent nt nt or or or guardguardguardian andian andian and those those those age age agesss Teens must be registered by a parent or guardian and those ages 13-15 must b13-15 must b13-15 must b13-15 must beeee accompaccompaccompaccompanieanieanieaniedddd bbbby a py a py a py a parearearearent or lent or lent or lent or legal gal gal gal guardguardguardguardian with aian with aian with aian with a 13-15 must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian with a currecurrent ment membmbeershiprship in in thethe FitneFitness ss RRoom.oom. current membership in the Fitness Room. AdultsAdults Teens (13 -17yrs)Teens (13 -17yrs) Drop-in: $4 Drop-in: $4 Drop-in: $3 Drop-in: $3 LEADERS OF THE FUTURE (L.O.T.F.) LEADERS OF THE FUTURE (L.O.T.F.) Monthly: Monthly: $16$16 Monthly: $15 Monthly: $15 Yearly: $115 Yearly: $115 CCllarark Ck Coountuntyy’’ss Leader Leaderss o of tf the Fhe Fututurure Pre Prooggrram iam iss a l a leadereadersshihipp Yearly: $105 Yearly: $105 development opportunity for participants 13 -17 years old. development opportunity for participants 13 -17 years old. Basketball Pass Basketball Pass Seniors (55 & up)Seniors (55 & up) LOTFs will focus on service to the community, Education, LOTFs will focus on service to the community, Education, Monthly: $12 Monthly: $12 Drop-in: $1 Drop-in: $1 leadership development, job training skills, and social recreation. leadership development, job training skills, and social recreation. Monthly: $5 Monthly: $5 Basketball/Fitness Pass Basketball/Fitness Pass We are looking for Teens who are dependable, have a positive We are looking for Teens who are dependable, have a positive Yearly: $35 Yearly: $35 Monthly: $25 Monthly: $25 attitude, and believe in the value of teamwork. Apply Today! attitude, and believe in the value of teamwork. Apply Today!

FACILITY RENTALSFACILITY RENTALS RENTALRENTAL MEETING ROMEETING ROOOMSMS INFORMATIONINFORMATION MEETING ROOM AMEETING ROOM A MEETING ROOM CMEETING ROOM C Meeting Room A, B, C, & DMeeting Room A, B, C, & D (Max Capacity: 50 - 150)(Max Capacity: 50 - 150) Community Rate:Community Rate:Community Rate:Community Rate: $60 $60 $60 for for for first first first two two two (2) (2) (2) hourshourshours $20 $20 for for each adeach addditional houritional hour CommeCommercial rcial RateRate:: $120 $120 for for first first two two (2) (2) hourshours $40 $40 for for each adeach addditional houritional hour MEETING ROOM BMEETING ROOM B KITCHENKITCHEN KitchenKitchen Community Rate:Community Rate:Community Rate:Community Rate:Community Rate:Community Rate:Community Rate:Community Rate: $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 for for for for for for first first first first first first two two two two two two (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) hourshourshourshourshourshours $20 $20 $20 for for for each adeach adeach adddditionalitionalitional hourhourhour CommeCommeCommercial rcial rcial RateRateRate::: $80 for first two (2) hours $80 $80 for for first first two two (2) (2) hourshours $20 $20 for for each adeach addditionalitional hourhour MEETING ROOM DMEETING ROOM D ALALLL RE RESESERVATIONS ARE ORVATIONS ARE ON A FIRST COME, FIRST SEN A FIRST COME, FIRST SERVERVE BASIS. BASIS. PLPLEEASEASE AL ALLLOW 5-7 BUSINEOW 5-7 BUSINESS DAYS, AFTESS DAYS, AFTER SUBMITTALR SUBMITTAL, FOR A RESPONSE, FOR A RESPONSE ON ON Walnut Recreation Center is perfect forWalnut Recreation Center is perfect forWalnut Recreation Center is perfect forWalnut Recreation Center is perfect for YOUR ROOM RESERVATION REQUEST YOUR ROOM RESERVATION REQUEST parties & meetings (for example;parties & meetings (for example;parties & meetings (for example; WEWE PROVIDE, BUT DO NOT SE PROVIDE, BUT DO NOT SET UP, TABLT UP, TABLEES & CHAIRS.S & CHAIRS. birthdays, showers, anniversaries,birthdays, showers, anniversaries, NO ALNO ALCOHOLCOHOL, IL, ILLELEGALGAL SUBSTANCE SUBSTANCES, FOG MACHINES, FOG MACHINES, GAS GRILS, GAS GRILLLS, PROPANES, PROPANE,, graduation parties, holiday parties, etc.).graduation parties, holiday parties, etc.).graduation parties, holiday parties, etc.).graduation parties, holiday parties, etc.). GLASS, HELIUM BALLOONS ALLOWED. GLASS, HELIUM BALLOONS ALLOWED. Please contact us at (702) 455-8402 forPlease contact us at (702) 455-8402 forPlease contact us at (702) 455-8402 for NON-PROFIT (COMMUNITY PATRONS) MAY NONON-PROFIT (COMMUNITY PATRONS) MAY NOT CHARGET CHARGE FE FEEES FOS FOR ER EVEVENTSNTS availability, fees, rules and request forms.availability, fees, rules and request forms. OR CONCESSIONS. ONLY "COMMERCIAL" RATES ALLOW THE SALE OF OR CONCESSIONS. ONLY "COMMERCIAL" RATES ALLOW THE SALE OF CONCESSIONS. CONCESSIONS. ALALLL RE RESESERVATIONS MUST INCLRVATIONS MUST INCLUDE SET UP AND BREUDE SET UP AND BREAK DOAK DOWN TIMEWN TIME..

FITNESS - (cont.) FITNESS - (cont.)FITNESS - (cont.) WEST FLAMINGO SENIOR CENTERWEST FLAMINGO SENIOR CENTERWEST FLAMINGO SENIOR CENTER GAMES GAMES Participants can socialize while playing PPPParticiparticiparticiparticipants can ants can ants can ants can socializesocializesocializesocialize while while while while pppplayinglayinglayinglaying PPPParticiparticiparticiparticipants ants ants ants will will will will workout workout workout workout to to to to thethethetheiriririr 6255 6255 6255 W. Flamingo W. Flamingo W. Flamingo RRRddd, Las Ve, Las Ve, Las Vegas, gas, gas, NNNV V V 891038910389103 the following games. thethethe fffollowing gameollowing gameollowing games.s.s. ffffitneitneitneitness ss ss ss lelelelevevevevel l l l to to to to thethethethe ffffollowing ollowing ollowing ollowing classeclasseclasseclassessss Day TimeTime Room Cost Day Time Room Cost ofofofofofofffffffeeeeeererererereredddddd at at at at at at WeWeWeWeWeWest st st st st st Flamingo.Flamingo.Flamingo.Flamingo.Flamingo.Flamingo. (702) 455-7742(702) 455-7742 (702) 455-7742 Bridge Bridge SESSION 1 - Jan 6-March 31SESSION 1 - Jan 6-March 31 Day Time Day Time RoRoRoooommm Co Costst CLACLASS SCHEDULESS SCHEDULE Register: online Dec 16, walk-in Dec 16Register: online Dec 16, walk-in Dec 16Register: online Dec 16, walk-in Dec 16 MON 10a10amm-2p-2pmm 2 $8 MON 10am-2pm 2 $8 YoYoYogagaga ARTS & CRAFTSARTS & CRAFTS DANCE - (cont.)DANCE - (cont.) CanastaCanasta Canasta MONMONMON/WED /WED /WED 9a9a9ammm-10:15a-10:15a-10:15ammm ExEx $34$34 Day Time Room Cost Day Time Room Cost Day Time RoDayDayDay Time Rooomm CoCostst TU/FRTU/FRII 11:45am-4pm 2 $10 TU/FRI 11:45am-4pm 2 $10 YoYoYoYoga Strength & Stretchga Strength & Stretchga Strength & Stretchga Strength & Stretch Knit & Crochet Knit & Crochet Japanese Dance - BegJapanese Dance - Beg Canasta - Learn toCanasta - Learn to play play Canasta - Learn to play WED 10:30a10:30amm-11:45a-11:45amm ExEx $21$21 WED 10:30am-11:45am Ex $21 WED 9am-1pm 3 $10 WED 9am-1pm 3 $10 MonMonMonMon 1:45p1:45pmm-4:45p-4:45pmm ExEx $10$10 BByy appo appoiintntmentment o onlnlyy $2$2 By appointment only $2 YoYoYoga - Chairga - Chairga - Chair Open Crafts Open Crafts Japanese DanceJapanese Dance CribbageCribbage Cribbage WEDWEDWED 12:15p12:15pmm-1:15p-1:15pmm ExEx $19$19 MON 9am-3pm 3 $10 MONMON 9am-3p9am-3pmm 3 $10 THURTHURTHURTHUR 1:45p1:45pmm-4:45p-4:45pmm ExEx $10$10 WED 9am-12pm 2 $6 WED 9am-12pm 2 $6 SPECIAL INTERESTSPECIAL INTEREST Open Sewing Open SewingOpen SewingOpen Sewing Korean Line Dance Korean Line Dance Game ClubGame Club Game Club Day Time Room CostDay TimeTimeTimeTime Room Cost TUES 9am-1:45pm 3 $10 TUESTUESTUES 9am-1:45p9am-1:45p9am-1:45pmmm 3 $10 MONMONMON 10:30am-12pm Ex $6 MON 10:30am-12pm Ex $6 TH/FRI 9am-3pm 3 $10 TH/FRI 9am-3pm 3 $10 Drum CircleDrum CircleDrum Circle DANCE DANCEDANCE Korean Line Dance Korean Line Dance PinoPinochlechle Pinochle TUES 3pm-4pm MPR $6 TUES 3p3pm-4pm-4pmm MPR $6 Day Time Room CostDay TimeTimeTimeTime Room Cost WEDWEDWED 1:30pm-3pm Ex $6 WED 1:30pm-3pm Ex $6 FRI 8a8amm-11a-11amm 2 $6 FRI 8am-11am 2 $6 THUR 12pm-1pm THURTHUR 12pm-1pm Asian Folk Dance Asian Folk DanceAsian Folk DanceAsian Folk DanceAsian Folk Dance Korean Traditional Dance Korean Traditional Dance PoPoker Clubker Club (No Session 7) Poker Club (No Session 7) Korean SongKorean Song MON 2pm-4pm 1 $6 MON 2p2p2pm-4pm-4pm-4pmmm 1 $6 THUR 11:15am-2:30pm 1 $8 THUR 11:15am-2:30pm 1 $8 THUR 1:30p1:30pmm-4p-4pmm MPR $8 THUR 1:30pm-4pm MPR $8 MON 1:00pm-2:30pm 1 $6 MONMON 1:00pm-2:30pm 1 $6 Body Rhythm Body RhythmBody Rhythm Latin Dance Latin Dance ScrabbleScrabble Scrabble Learn Mandarin ChineseLearn Mandarin Chinese THU 3pm-4:45pm 1 $8 THUTHU 3p3pm-4:45pm-4:45pmm 1 $8 FFFRIRIRI 2:30pm-4:30pm Ex $8 FRI 2:30pm-4:30pm Ex $8 THURTHUR 99am-am-44pmpm 2 $8 THUR 9am-4pm 2 $8 WED 3:30pm-4:30pm 2 $6 WEDWED 3:30p3:30p3:30pm-4:30pm-4:30pm-4:30pmmm 2 $6$6 Chinese Classical Dance Chinese Classical DanceChinese Classical DanceChinese Classical Dance Line Dance - Inter II Line Dance - Inter II FITNESSFITNESS SPORTSSPORTS TUES 1pm-4pm 1 $8 TUES 1pm-4pm 1 $8 TUESTUESTUES 10:30am-12pm 1 $6 TUES 10:30am-12pm 1 $6 Day Time Room CostDay Time Room Cost Day Time Day Time RoRooomm Co Costst Chinese Folk Dance Chinese Folk Dance Line Dance - Inter/AdvLine Dance - Inter/Adv Line Dance - Inter/Adv Chair EChair Exercisexercise Chair Exercise Pickle BallPickle Ball WED 8am-9:45am 1 $6 WED 8am-9:45am 1 $6 WEDWEDWED 10a10amm-11:30a-11:30amm 1 $6 WED 10am-11:30am 1 $6 TU/THURTU/THUR11:45a11:45amm-12:30p-12:30pmm Ex $32 TU/THUR11:45am-12:30pm Ex $32 TUES 10:30am-2:30pm MPR $8 TUES 10:30am-2:30pm MPR $8 Chinese TikTok Dance Chinese TikTok Dance Line Dance - Inter/AdvLine Dance - Inter/Adv Line Dance - Inter/Adv Find YoFind YoFind Your Grour Grour Groooove -Dance/Eve -Dance/Eve -Dance/Exercisexercisexercise WED 1pm-4:30pm MPR $8 WED 1pm-4:30pm MPR $8 WED 1pm-3pm 1 $8 WED 1pm-3pm 1 $8 FFFRIRIRI 10a10amm-11:30a-11:30amm 1 $6 FRI 10am-11:30am 1 $6 MONMON 12p12p12pmmm-1p-1p-1pmmm ExEx $8$8 WII BowlingWII Bowling Exercise Line Dance Exercise Line Dance Line Dance I Line Dance I LoLoLoLoLow Impactw Impactw Impactw Impactw Impact THUR 9am-11am MPR $8 THUR 9am-11am MPR $8 FRI 11am-12:30pm Ex $6 FRI 11am-12:30pm Ex $6 TUESTUESTUESTUES 8:30a8:30amm-10a-10a-10ammm MMPRPR $6$6 TUES 8:30am-10am MPR $6 TU/THURTU/THURTU/THUR10:30a10:30amm-11:30a-11:30amm ExEx $37$37 Chair Volleyball Chair VolleyballChair Volleyball Exercise Line Dance Exercise Line Dance Line Dance II Line Dance II Tai Chi Practice Tai Chi PracticeTai Chi Practice Fri, Jan3 2pm-3:30pm MPR $1 Fri, Jan3 2pm-3:30pm MPR $1 FRI 12:30pm-2pm Ex $6 FRI 12:30pm-2pm Ex $6 MONMONMON 8:30am-10am MMPRPR $6 MON 8:30am-10am MPR $6 Fri, Jan 24 2pm-3:30pm MPR $1 Fri, Jan 24 2pm-3:30pm MPR $1 MONMON/FR/FRII12:15pm-1:15pm MPR $8 MON/FRI12:15pm-1:15pm MPR $8 Freestyle Dance Freestyle Dance Nationality Dance Nationality Dance Fri, Feb 7 2pm-3:30pm MPR $1 Fri, Feb 7 2pm-3:30pm MPR $1 MON 10am-12:30pm 1 $6 MON 10am-12:30pm 1 $6 MONMONMON 1:30pm-3:30pm MPR $10$10 MON 1:30pm-3:30pm MPR $10 Fri Feb 21 2pm-3:30pm MPR $1 Fri Feb 21 2pm-3:30pm MPR $1

MONTHLY ACTIVITIES - Registration for Jan/Feb MONTHLY ACTIVITIES - Registration for Jan/FebMONTHLY ACTIVITIES - Registration for Jan/FebMONTHLY ACTIVITIES - Registration for Jan/FebMONTHLY ACTIVITIES - Registration for Jan/FebMONTHLY ACTIVITIES - Registration for Jan/Feb December 18, 2024 at 9:00 amDecember 18, 2024 at 9:00 amDecember 18, 2024 at 9:00 amDecember 18, 2024 at 9:00 am ALL ACTIVITIES SUBJECT TO CHANGEALL ACTIVITIES SUBJECT TO CHANGEALL ACTIVITIES SUBJECT TO CHANGEALL ACTIVITIES SUBJECT TO CHANGEALL ACTIVITIES SUBJECT TO CHANGEALL ACTIVITIES SUBJECT TO CHANGE Registration for March/April will be February 19th at 9:00 am.Registration for March/April will be February 19th at 9:00 am.Registration for March/April will be February 19th at 9:00 am.Registration for March/April will be February 19th at 9:00 am.Registration for March/April will be February 19th at 9:00 am.Registration for March/April will be February 19th at 9:00 am.Registration for March/April will be February 19th at 9:00 am. Next brochure is out February 10th Next brochure is out February 10thNext brochure is out February 10thNext brochure is out February 10thNext brochure is out February 10thNext brochure is out February 10thNext brochure is out February 10thNext brochure is out February 10th Join Join Join us fus fus for monthly eor monthly or monthly eexcursions. xcursions.xcursions. AdAdAdAdvancevancevancevancedddd re re reregistration is registration is registration is registration is reqqqquireuireuireuiredddd via via via via in pin pin pin peeeerson rson lotterson lotterson lottelottery ry ry ry systesystesystesystem. m.m.m. TripTripTrips ares ares are non renon renon refffundundundababablelele. .. Ad AdAdddditional itional itional fffeeeeeesss FIELD TRIPS FIELD TRIPSFIELD TRIPS may apmay apmay apmay apmay apmay appppppply, cash fly, cash fly, cash fly, cash fly, cash fly, cash for tickeor tickeor tickeor tickeor tickeor tickets dts dts dts dts dts dueueueueueue at at at at at at timetimetimetimetimetime ofofofofofof rerererereregistration. Pgistration. Pgistration. Pgistration. Pgistration. Pgistration. Pleleleleleleaseaseaseaseasease arrivearrivearrivearrivearrivearrive at at at at at at leleleleleleast ast ast ast ast ast 15 minute15 minute15 minute15 minute15 minute15 minutes bs bs bs bs bs beeeeeefffffforeoreoreoreoreore ffffffieieieieieieldldldldldld triptriptriptriptriptrip ddddddeeeeeepppppparturearturearturearturearturearture timetimetimetimetimetime or or or or or or you you you you you you may may may may may may loseloseloseloseloselose your sp your sp your sp your sp your sp your spot.ot.ot.ot.ot.ot. Valley of Fire/Lost City Museum, Thurs, Jan 16,Valley of Fire/Lost City Museum, Thurs, Jan 16,Valley of Fire/Lost City Museum, Thurs, Jan 16, $2 Van, $2 Van, TraveTraveTraveTraveTravel l l l l to to to to to ValleValleValleValleValley y y y y ofofofofof FireFireFireFireFire , a ge, a ge, a ge, a ge, a geologic ologic ologic ologic ologic wondwondwondwondwondeeeeerlandrlandrlandrlandrland, , , , , worldworldworldworldworld-re-re-re-re-renownenownenownenownenowneddddd valle valle valle valle valley y y y y with 2000 yewith 2000 yewith 2000 yewith 2000 yewith 2000 year oldar oldar oldar oldar old pppppeeeeetroglyptroglyptroglyptroglyptroglyphs carvehs carvehs carvehs carvehs carveddddd into massiveinto massiveinto massiveinto massiveinto massive re re re re reddddd sandsandsandsandsandstonestonestonestonestone ffffformations in ormations in ormations in ormations in ormations in thethethethethe Travel to Valley of Fire , a geologic wonderland, world-renowned valley with 2000 year old petroglyphs carved into massive red sandstone formations in the Mohave Desert. WeWe will will also also visit visit thethe Lost CityLost City MuseMuseMuseum, um, um, that that that tetetells lls lls thethethe story of story of story of NNNeeevadvadvada’s a’s a’s fffirst pirst pirst peeermanermanermanent rent rent residsidsideeents nts nts bbbeeetwetwetweeeennn AD 200 to AD AD 200 to AD 1200.1200. Pack a lunch to Mohave Desert. We will also visit the Lost City Museum, that tells the story of Nevada’s first permanent residents between AD 200 to AD 1200. Pack a lunch to eat while out. Van leVan leaveaves at 10am ands at 10am and re returns turns ~ ~ 3:30p3:30pmm eat while out. Van leaves at 10am and returns ~ 3:30pm Jamms. Van leaves at 9am and returns ~ ~ 11:30am.11:30am. Jamms. Van leaves at 9am and returns ~ 11:30am. Breakfast Crew, Tues, Jan 7, $2 VanBreakfast Crew, Tues, Jan 7, $2 Van Breakfast Crew, Tues, Jan 7, $2 Van The Sinatra Experience: with Dave Halston, South Point, Fri, JaThe Sinatra Experience: with Dave Halston, South Point, Fri, JaThe Sinatra Experience: with Dave Halston, South Point, Fri, JaThe Sinatra Experience: with Dave Halston, South Point, Fri, JaThe Sinatra Experience: with Dave Halston, South Point, Fri, JaThe Sinatra Experience: with Dave Halston, South Point, Fri, Jan 17, $2 Van, $28 cash to sign up, $Food/drinksn 17, $2 Van, $28 cash to sign up, $Food/drinksn 17, $2 Van, $28 cash to sign up, $Food/drinks ExpExpExpExpExpeeeeerierierierieriencencencencence the the the the the soundsoundsoundsoundsounds ofs ofs ofs ofs of ol’ ol’ ol’ ol’ ol’ BlueBlueBlueBlueBlue Eye Eye Eye Eye Eyes s s s s wtih wtih wtih wtih wtih DaveDaveDaveDaveDave Halston.Halston.Halston.Halston.Halston. Van leVan leaveaves at 5:00ps at 5:00pm m andand re returns turns ~ ~ 9:30p9:30pm.m. Experience the sounds of ol’ Blue Eyes wtih Dave Halston. Van leaves at 5:00pm and returns ~ 9:30pm. Lunch Bunch, Tues, Jan 21, $2 VanLunch Bunch, Tues, Jan 21, $2 VanLunch Bunch, Tues, Jan 21, $2 VanLunch Bunch, Tues, Jan 21, $2 Van MRMR MAMA’S MAMA’S Van leaves at 11am and returns ~ ~ 1:30p1:30pm.m. MR MAMA’S Van leaves at 11am and returns ~ 1:30pm. Lunch Bunch, Tues, Jan 21, $2 Van Serpentine Fire, South Point, Fri, Jan 31, $2 Van, $28 cash to Serpentine Fire, South Point, Fri, Jan 31, $2 Van, $28 cash to Serpentine Fire, South Point, Fri, Jan 31, $2 Van, $28 cash to Serpentine Fire, South Point, Fri, Jan 31, $2 Van, $28 cash to Serpentine Fire, South Point, Fri, Jan 31, $2 Van, $28 cash to Serpentine Fire, South Point, Fri, Jan 31, $2 Van, $28 cash to sign up, $ for food/drinkssign up, $ for food/drinks Serpentine Fire, South Point, Fri, Jan 31, $2 Van, $28 cash to sign up, $ for food/drinks Enjoy the sounds of Earth, Wind, and Fire by Serpentine Fire at the South Point. Enjoy theEnjoy theEnjoy theEnjoy theEnjoy the sound sound sound sound sounds ofs ofs ofs ofs of Earth, Wind Earth, Wind Earth, Wind Earth, Wind Earth, Wind, and, and, and, and, and FireFireFireFireFire bbbbby Sey Sey Sey Sey Serprprprprpeeeeentinentinentinentinentine FireFireFireFireFire at theat theat theat theat the South P South P South P South P South Point.oint.oint.oint.oint. Van leaves at 5:00pm and returns ~ 9:30pm. Van leVan leVan leVan leVan leaveaveaveaveaves at 5:00ps at 5:00ps at 5:00ps at 5:00ps at 5:00pm m m m m andandandandand re re re re returns turns turns turns turns ~ 9:30p~ 9:30p~ 9:30p~ 9:30p~ 9:30pm.m.m.m.m. Breakfast Crew, Tues, Feb 4, $2 VanBreakfast Crew, Tues, Feb 4, $2 VanBreakfast Crew, Tues, Feb 4, $2 Van SHUCKS TAVERSHUCKS TAVERSHUCKS TAVERSHUCKS TAVERNNNN ANANANAND D D D OYSTEROYSTEROYSTEROYSTER BAR Van le BAR Van le BAR Van le BAR Van leaveaveaveaves s s s at at at at 9am 9am 9am 9am andandandand re re re returnsturnsturnsturns ~ ~ 11:30am.11:30am. Breakfast Crew, Tues, Feb 4, $2 Van Street Corner Renaissance, West Charleston Library,Sat, Feb 8 $2 Van, Free Event Street Corner Renaissance, West Charleston Library,Sat, Feb 8Street Corner Renaissance, West Charleston Library,Sat, Feb 8Street Corner Renaissance, West Charleston Library,Sat, Feb 8 $2 Van, Free Event$2 Van, Free Event CeCeCeCeCelelelelelebbbbbrararararatetetetete Black Black Black Black Black History History History History History Month Month Month Month Month in din din din din doo-wopoo-wopoo-wopoo-wopoo-wop style style style style style with with with with with StreStreStreStreStreeeeeet Cornet Cornet Cornet Cornet Corner Rr Rr Rr Rr Reeeeenaissancenaissancenaissancenaissancenaissance, , , , , a groupa groupa groupa groupa group ofofofofof dddddistinguisheistinguisheistinguisheistinguisheistinguisheddddd gegegegegentlentlentlentlentlemememememen n n n n a a a a a capcapcapcapcappppppeeeeella lla lla lla lla singesingesingesingesingers drs drs drs drs deeeeedddddicateicateicateicateicateddddd to to to to to singing singing singing singing singing thethethethethe music themusic they lovey love ffrom rom ddays goneays gone b by!y! Van leVan leVan leVan leaveaveaveaves at 6:15ps at 6:15ps at 6:15ps at 6:15pm m m m andandandand re re rereturns ~ 8:30pturns turns turns ~ 8:30p~ 8:30p~ 8:30pmmmm Best Dam Film Festival, Boulder City, Thur, Feb 13, $2 Van,Best Dam Film Festival, Boulder City, Thur, Feb 13, $2 Van,Best Dam Film Festival, Boulder City, Thur, Feb 13, $2 Van, $ Pay for individual movies.$ Pay for individual movies. Best Dam Film Festival, Boulder City, Thur, Feb 13, $2 Van, $ Pay for individual movies. TheTheTheThe Dam Dam Dam Dam Short Short Short Short Film Film Film Film SocieSocieSocieSociety ty ty ty aims aims aims aims to to to to seseseseeeeek k k k out out out out original, original, original, original, unusual, unusual, unusual, unusual, andandandand eeeententententertaining rtaining rtaining rtaining short short short short ffffilms ilms ilms ilms ffffrom rom rom rom aroundaroundaroundaround thethethethe worldworldworldworld.... This This This This yeyeyeyear’s ar’s ar’s ar’s 21st 21st 21st 21st annual annual annual annual ffffeeeestival stival stival stival ffffeeeeatureatureatureature oveoveoveoverrrr The Dam Short Film Society aims to seek out original, unusual, and entertaining short films from around the world. 140 short 140 short ffilms.ilms. Van le Van leaveaves at 8:15am s at 8:15am and andand re rereturns turns ~ 5:00pturns ~ 5:00p~ 5:00pm.m.m. EDDIE’S Mexican Restaurant Van leaves at 11am and returns ~ 1:30pm. EDDIE’S EDDIE’S EDDIE’S MeMeMexican xican xican RRReeestaurant Van lestaurant Van lestaurant Van leaveaveaves s s at at at 11am 11am 11am andandand rerereturnsturnsturns ~ 1:30pm. Lunch Bunch, Tues, Feb 18, $2 Van Lunch Bunch, Tues, Feb 18, $2 Van Neon Museum, Thur, Feb 20, Van $2, $ museum day of trip Neon Museum, Thur, Feb 20, Van $2, $ museum day of trip This museum is the story of Las Vegas, and you will find spaces, signs, and experiences that bring our rich history to light. Van leaves at 2:00pm and returns This museThis museThis museum um um is theis theis the story of story of story of Las Las Las VeVeVegas, andgas, andgas, and you will f you will f you will findindind sp sp spaceaceaces, s, s, signs, signs, signs, andandand eeexpxpxpeeerierieriencencences s s that that that bbbring ring ring our rich our rich our rich history history history to to to light.light.light. Van leaves at 2:00pm and returns ~4:30pm. ~4:30pm.

SPECIAL EVENTSSPECIAL EVENTS SPECIAL EVENTS FITNESS ROOM FITNESS ROOM BINGOBINGO Day Time Cost Day Time Cost Valentine’s Day Fashion ShowValentine’s Day Fashion ShowValentine’s Day Fashion Show Valentine’s Day Fashion Show Friday, February 11thFriday, February 11thFriday, February 11th Friday, February 11th Fri, Jan 10 10am-11:30am $3 Fri, Jan 10 10am-11:30am $3 12pm - 2:00pm12pm - 2:00pm12pm - 2:00pm 12pm - 2:00pm SpSponsoredonsored bby: EZBZ y: EZBZ MedMedicareicare $6 $6 Fri,FeFri,Febb 77 10am-11:30am 10am-11:30am $3 $3 Join us fus fus for a for a for a fun fun fun fashion show andashion show andashion show and aaa Join us for a fun fashion show and a Monday - Friday 8am-5pm Monday - Friday 8am-5pm light lunch light lunch light lunch andandand many many many dddeeessessesserts.rts.rts. light lunch and many desserts. Sponsored by: Care Solutions Sponsored by: Care Solutions One Day Pass - $1 One Day Pass - $1 Yearly Pass - $15 Yearly Pass - $15 SUPPER CLUBSUPPER CLUB Meet and eat with fellow seniorsMeet and eat with fellow seniorsMeet and eat with fellow seniors GAME ROOM GAME ROOM every 3rd Wednesday at 4pm! every 3rd Wednesday at 4pm!every 3rd Wednesday at 4pm! WORKSHOPS WORKSHOPS Healthy Eating DemoHealthy Eating Demo Healthy Eating Demo January 15:January 15: Bagel Cafe January 15: Bagel Cafe Wednesday, January 8Wednesday, January 8 Wednesday, January 8 301 N. Buffalo 301 N. Buffalo 10am-11am10am-11am 10am-11am Free-Sponsored by Archwell HealthFree-Sponsored by Archwell Health Free-Sponsored by Archwell Health February 19:February 19: Osaka Japanese February 19: Osaka Japanese ComeCome e enjoy somenjoy some hehealthy trealthy treats ats whilewhile Come enjoy some healthy treats while Monday - Friday 8am-5pm Monday - Friday 8am-5pm Bistro 4205 W Sahara Bistro 4205 W Sahara lelearning abarning about out hehealthy althy eeating.ating. learning about healthy eating. One Day Pass - $1 One Day Pass - $1 Cost: Free! Cost: FreFree!e! Safe Driver Tech - AARPSafe Driver Tech - AARP Yearly Pass - $15 Yearly Pass - $15 Wednesday, January 15Wednesday, January 15 WALKING CLUBWALKING CLUB 10am-11am 10am-11am BUNCO BUNCOBUNCO Join Join us as us as wewe trave travel l to to pparks arks aroundaround Join us as we travel to parks around Free Free thethethe Las Las Las VeVeVegas Vallegas Vallegas Valley andy andy and e e enjoy njoy njoy thethethe the Las Vegas Valley and enjoy the Day TimeDay TimeTime Join Join us to leus to learn arn ababout theout the tetechnology inchnology in Join us to learn about the technology in various scevarious scevarious scenenenery. ry. ry. $1 to re$1 to re$1 to registegistegister pr pr peeer r r triptriptrip... various scenery. $1 to register per trip. your cars and how to use it. your cars and how to use it. Wed, Jan 22 10am-11:30am Wed, Jan 22 10am-11:30am Sponsored by:Sponsored by: TBD TBD Miracle Ear Miracle Ear Fri, Jan 17: Hollywood Fri, Fri, Fri, JaJaJan n n 17:17:17: Hollywood Wednesday, February 5Wednesday, February 5 WeWedd, Fe, Febb 26 26 10am-11:30am 10am-11:30am Fri, Fri, Fri, Fri, JaJaJaJan n n n 24:24:24:24: The The Gard Gardeensns 10am-12pm10am-12pm Sponsored by:Sponsored by: TBDTBD Fri, Fri, Fri, Fri, JaJaJaJan n n n 31:31:31:31: Mission Mission HillsHills Free Free Cost:Cost: FreFreee!! Fri, Fri, Fri, FeFeFebbb 14: 14: 14: Green Valley Fri, Feb 14: Green Valley Enjoy a brief presentation followed by Enjoy a brief presentation followed by Fri, Fri, Fri, FeFeFebbb 21: 21: 21: Craig Ranch Regional Fri, Feb 21: Craig Ranch Regional hearing tests (limited spaces) hearing tests (limited spaces) Fri, Fri, Fri, FeFeFebbb 28: 28: 28: Paseos Fri, Feb 28: Paseos CORN HOLE CORN HOLE GeneologyGeneology Geneology Wednesday, February 12 Wednesday, February 12 Day Time Day Time Van leVan leVan leVan leVan leVan leaveaveaveaveaveaves at 10am fs at 10am fs at 10am fs at 10am fs at 10am fs at 10am for eor eor eor eor eor each tripach tripach tripach tripach tripach trip...... Van leaves at 10am for each trip. 10am-11pm 10am-11pm Wed, Jan 29 8am-12pm Wed, Jan 29 8am-12pm Free Free Wed, Feb 12-outside 8am-12pm Wed, Feb 12-outside 8am-12pm Learn how to search your family Learn how to search your family Cost: Free! Cost: Free! history. history.

West Flamingo Senior CenterWest Flamingo Senior CenterWest Flamingo Senior CenterWest Flamingo Senior Center 6255 6255 W. Flamingo W. Flamingo RdRd 6255 W. Flamingo Rd Las Vegas, NV 89103 Las Vegas, NV 89103 702-455-7742 702-455-7742 Hours of OperationHours of Operation Monday - Friday 8am - 5pmMonday - Friday 8am - 5pm Closures for Jan/Feb:Closures for Jan/Feb:Closures for Jan/Feb: January 1st January 1st January 20th January 20th February 17th February 17th Important Phone #’s:Important Phone #’s: Emergency: 911Emergency: 911Emergency: 911 Emergency: 911 Non-emergency: 311Non-emergency: 311Non-emergency: 311Non-emergency: 311Non-emergency: 311Non-emergency: 311 Non-emergency: 311 Senior Advocate:Senior Advocate: 702-455-7051702-455-7051 Senior Advocate: 702-455-7051 West Flamingo Pool: 702-455-4192 West Flamingo Pool: 702-455-4192 ONLINE REGISTRATIONONLINE REGISTRATION OnlineOnline RReegistration gistration can bcan bee ffoundound at:at: www.ClarkCountyNV.Gov/ www.ClarkCountyNV.Gov/ PParksarksRReegistrationgistration ParksRegistration

Whitney Recreation & Senior CenterWhitney Recreation & Senior CenterWhitney Recreation & Senior CenterWhitney Recreation & Senior CenterWhitney Recreation & Senior Center 5712 5712 5712 5712 East Missouri East Missouri East Missouri East Missouri Avenue Avenue Avenue Avenue Las Las Las Las Vegas, NVegas, NVegas, NVegas, NV 89122V 89122V 89122V 89122 FOOD DISTRIBUTIONFOOD DISTRIBUTIONFOOD DISTRIBUTIONFOOD DISTRIBUTION HD DANCE TEAM HD DANCE TEAMHD DANCE TEAM (702) 455-7576 (702) 455-7576 EVENTEVENT EVENT VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIESVOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES OPEN RECREATIONOPEN RECREATION WhitneWhitneWhitneWhitney’s HD Dancey’s HD Dancey’s HD Dancey’s HD Dance TeTeTeTeam ofam ofam ofam offfffeeeersrsrsrs On On On On thethethethe f f f first irst irst irst ThursdThursdThursdThursday ofay ofay ofay of e e e each month,ach month,ach month,ach month, ddddanceanceanceance ffffor or or or inteinteinteintererererestestestestedddd pppparticiparticiparticiparticipantsantsantsants WhitneWhitneWhitneWhitney y y y hosts its’ hosts its’ hosts its’ hosts its’ ffffoodoodoodood d d d distribistribistribistributionutionutionution ageageageages s s s 11-17. 11-17. 11-17. 11-17. DanceDanceDanceDance stylestylestylestyles includs includs includs includeeee Youth Open RecYouth Open Rec HaveHaveHave a a a skill you’dskill you’dskill you’d like like like to to to shareshareshare ororor eeeevevevevent. This ent. This ent. This ent. This evevevevent is nt is nt is nt is ffffirst irst irst irst comecomecomecome, f, f, f, firstirstirstirst MajoreMajoreMajoreMajorettettettette, Ja, Ja, Ja, Jazz, Standzz, Standzz, Standzz, Stands, s, s, s, Lyrical,Lyrical,Lyrical,Lyrical, timetimetimetime you’re you’re you’re you’re willing willing willing willing to to to to ddddonateonateonateonate f f f for oneor oneor oneor one Youth ageYouth ages s 6 6 - - 12 may 12 may pparticiparticipateate inin seseseserverververvedddd b b b beeeeginning ginning ginning ginning at 4pat 4pat 4pat 4pm. Them. Them. Them. Therererere is is is is nononono HipHipHipHipHip-Hop-Hop-Hop-Hop-Hop, , , , , Clowning, Clowning, Clowning, Clowning, Clowning, andandandandand SteSteSteSteSteppppp. . . . . PPPPPleleleleleaseaseaseasease ofofofof our p our p our p our programs? Werograms? Werograms? Werograms? We would would would would lovelovelovelove gamegames, cras, crafft, andt, and gym activitie gym activities afs afteterr ppprerere-re-re-registration, gistration, gistration, incomeincomeincome limits, limits, limits, or or or ageageage kekekekeeeeepppp your e your e your e your eyeyeyeyes ps ps ps posteosteosteostedddd ffffor or or or audaudaudauditionitionitionition you you you you to to to to bbbbeeee p p p part art art art ofofofof thethethethe WhitneWhitneWhitneWhitney Tey Tey Tey Team!am!am!am! school dschool daily at no aily at no chargecharge.. rerestrictions fstrictions for this eor this evevent. Pnt. Pleleasease callcall opopopppportunitieortunitieortunities.s.s. Lunch Lunch Lunch bbby Threy Threy Threeee SqSqSquareuareuare is includ is includ is includeeeddd... thethe cecententer fr for moreor more d deetails.tails. ADULT VOLUNTEERSADULT VOLUNTEERSADULT VOLUNTEERS This fThis fThis fThis frererereeeee p p p program rogram rogram rogram is is is is coachecoachecoachecoachedddd b b b byyyy AdAdAdults ageults ageults ages s s 18+ 18+ 18+ must must must pppass aass aass a Day: Day: Day: Day: Day: MondMondMonday ay ay - Frid- Frid- Fridayayay Coach Coach Z.Z. bbbackgackgackgroundroundround chechecheck ck ck to volunteto volunteto volunteeeer.r.r. Time: 2:00pm - 6:00pm Time:Time:Time:Time: 2:00p2:00p2:00p2:00p2:00pm - m - m - m - m - 6:00p6:00p6:00p6:00p6:00pmmmmm ROCK CLIMBINGROCK CLIMBING Ask Ask Ask fffor dor dor deeetails at thetails at thetails at the f f front dront dront Cost: Free Cost: FreFreFreFreeeee *Waiver Required* *Waive*Waive*Waive*Waive*Waive*Waiver r r r r r ReReReReReReqqqqqquireuireuireuireuireuiredddddd****** WhitneWhitneWhitney’s Ry’s Ry’s Rock ock ock Wall is Wall is Wall is opopopeeen Mondn Mondn Mondaysaysays LEADERS OF THE FUTURELEADERS OF THE FUTURELEADERS OF THE FUTURE fffrom rom rom 3:30 3:30 3:30 pppm m m - - - 5:30 p5:30 p5:30 pm. m. m. PPPatrons mustatrons mustatrons must Youth ages 13-17 may volunteer Youth ageYouth ages s 13-17 may 13-17 may voluntevolunteeerr bbbeee 6 6 6 yeyeyears or ars or ars or oldoldoldeeer, r, r, at at at leleleast ast ast 353535 their time during breaks and after thetheir timeir time d during buring brereaks andaks and af afteterr ppoundounds, ands, and 48" 48" or or talletaller.r. pounds, and 48" or taller. school fschool fschool for school or school or school crecrecredddit. it. it. AnAnAn apapapppplication must blication must blication must beee compcompcompleleleteteteddd tototo Teen Open Rec Cost: $1 Cost: $1 ppeer climbr climb or or $5 all $5 all ddayay Cost: $1 per climb or $5 all day ppparticiparticiparticipateateate... WaiveWaiveWaiver r r RRReeeqqquireuireuireddd to to to ClimbClimbClimb RC FLYERSRC FLYERS Teen Open Rec Teen Open Rec FOLLOW US ONLINEFOLLOW US ONLINEFOLLOW US ONLINE Teens ages 13-17 may participate in Teens ages 13-17 may participate in Bring your own RC plane, or watch Bring your Bring your Bring your own Rown Rown RC C C ppplanelanelane, or watch, or watch, or watch HOURS OF OPERATION:HOURS OF OPERATION: HOURS OF OPERATION: Open Gym and game room activities Open Gym and game room activities OnlineOnline InfInformation Can ormation Can bbee Found Found at:at: the award winning pros fly theirs. thethethe awardawardaward winning pwinning pwinning pros ros ros fffly ly ly thethetheirs.irs.irs. daily at no charge. Lunch by Three daily at no charge. Lunch by Three www.ClarkCountyNV.Gov/ www.ClarkCountyNV.Gov/ No experience necessary. NNNo o o eeexpxpxpeeerierieriencencence ne ne necececessary.ssary.ssary. Square is included. Square is included. Monday - FridayMonday - FridayMonday - Friday WhitneWhitneWhitney y y ReReRecrecrecreation Ceation Ceation Centententerrr Day: Monday - Friday Day: Monday - Friday Day: Mondays Day: : MondMondaysays 8:00am - 6:00pm8:00am - 6:00pm 8:00am - 6:00pm Time: 2:00pm - 6:00pm Time: 2:00pm - 6:00pm @whitneyccpr @whitneyccpr Time: 10:30am-12:00pm Time: 10:30am-12:00p10:30am-12:00pmm Cost:Cost: FreFreee CLOSED CLOSED Cost: Free! Cost: FreFreee!! Whitney Recreation & Senior CenterWhitney Recreation & Senior Center SATURDAY & SUNDAYSATURDAY & SUNDAY SATURDAY & SUNDAY *Waiver Required* *Waiver Required* Age: 21+ Age: 21+21+

FITNESS ROOMFITNESS ROOM RESERVATIONS - RENT WITH US!RESERVATIONS - RENT WITH US!RESERVATIONS - RENT WITH US!RESERVATIONS - RENT WITH US! SPECIAL EVENTSSPECIAL EVENTSSPECIAL EVENTS PPPPrivaterivaterivaterivate sesesesessions ssions ssions ssions areareareare $25/p$25/p$25/p$25/peeeerrrr BLITZEN’S BALL BLITZEN’S BALL BLACK HISTORY MONTHBLACK HISTORY MONTHBLACK HISTORY MONTH WhitneWhitneWhitneWhitney y y y ReReReRecrecrecrecreation andation andation andation and Se Se Se Senior nior nior nior CeCeCeCententententerrrr BLACK HISTORY MONTH 30 30 30 minuteminuteminutes.s.s. Thursday, December 5th, 2024 Thursday, December 5th, 2024 CELEBRATIONCELEBRATION ofofoffffeeers rs rs indindindoor andoor andoor and outd outd outdoor spoor spoor spaceaceaces s s fffororor offers indoor and outdoor spaces for CELEBRATION 11:00am - 2:00pm 11:00am - 2:00pm Must have current valid Must have current valid rererent nt nt fffor or or community andcommunity andcommunity and commecommecommercialrcialrcial rent for community and commercial fitness membership. fitness membership. Saturday, February 22nd, 2025Saturday, February 22nd, 2025Saturday, February 22nd, 2025 Saturday, February 22nd, 2025 usageusageusageusage. . . . ReReReReseseseservations rvations rvations rvations includincludincludincludeeee tabtabtabtableleleles s s s andandandand usage. Reservations include tables and FREE- A holiday gathering including FREE- A holiday gathering including 10:00am - 2:00pm00am - 2:00pm 10:00am - 2:00pm chairs.chairs. chairs. Open during regular operating hours. Open during regular operating hours. games, prizes, Bingo, and lunch. games, prizes, Bingo, and lunch. Registration required. Registration required. FreFreFreeee - - - Join us Join us Join us in trimming in trimming in trimming thethethe tretretreeee,,, Free - Join us in trimming the tree, Must bring your own towel, water Must Must Must bbbring your ring your ring your own toweown toweown towel, watel, watel, waterrr PPPPPleleleleleaseaseaseasease se se se se seeeeee the the the the the ffffflyelyelyelyelyer fr fr fr fr for moreor moreor moreor moreor more dddddeeeeetails tails tails tails tails ononononon Please see the flyer for more details on eeenjoying holidnjoying holidnjoying holiday carols, anday carols, anday carols, and wintewintewinterrr enjoying holiday carols, and winter bottle, and wipe down machines bbbbottleottleottleottle, , , , andandandand wipwipwipwipeeee ddddown machineown machineown machineown machinessss spspspspaceaceaceaces, s, s, s, ppppricing, andricing, andricing, andricing, and cap cap cap capacityacityacityacity spaces, pricing, and capacity BRUNCH N BINGO BRUNCH N BINGO after use. afafteter user use.. chechecheeeer r r as weas weas we ppprererepppareareare the the the ce ce centententer r r fffor or or thethethe cheer as we prepare the center for the information. information. most wondmost wondmost wondeeerfrfrful ul ul timetimetime ofofof thethethe most wonderful time of the year. Monday, December 16th, 2024 Monday, December 16th, 2024 Youth ages 13 -15 must be Youth ageYouth ageYouth ages s s 13 13 13 -15 -15 -15 must must must bbbeee 10:30am - 12:00pm 10:30am - 12:00pm accompanied by parent/guardian. accompaccompaccompanieanieanieddd b b by y y ppparearearent/guardnt/guardnt/guardian.ian.ian. Combo passes for Adult Open Gym CombCombCombCombCombCombCombCombCombCombCombCombo po po po po po po po po po po po passeasseasseasseasseasseasseasseasseasseasseasses fs fs fs fs fs fs fs fs fs fs fs for Ador Ador Ador Ador Ador Ador Ador Ador Ador Ador Ador Adult ult ult ult ult ult ult ult ult ult ult ult OpOpOpOpOpOpOpOpOpOpOpOpeeeeeeeeeeeen Gymn Gymn Gymn Gymn Gymn Gymn Gymn Gymn Gymn Gymn Gymn Gym $5.00- Enjoy brunch and a twist $5.00- Enjoy brunch and a twist are also available for purchase! areareareareareareareareare also also also also also also also also also availabavailabavailabavailabavailabavailabavailabavailabavailablelelelelelelelele f f f f f f f f for por por por por por por por por purchaseurchaseurchaseurchaseurchaseurchaseurchaseurchaseurchase!!!!!!!!! on Bingo! Ages 55+. Registration on Bingo! Ages 55+. Registration required. required. PUBLIC ART EXHIBITPUBLIC ART EXHIBIT Teens (13 -17yrs)Teens (13 -17yrs)Teens (13 -17yrs)Teens (13 -17yrs)Teens (13 -17yrs)Teens (13 -17yrs)Teens (13 -17yrs) OPENING RECEPTIONOPENING RECEPTION DropDrop-in: $3-in: $3 Drop-in: $3 Wednesday, January 16th, 2025Wednesday, January 16th, 2025 Monthly: Monthly: $15$15 Monthly: $15 55:00pm - 7:00pm:00pm - 7:00pm YeYearly: arly: $105$105 Yearly: $105 AdultsAdults Adults DropDrop-in: $4-in: $4 Drop-in: $4 FREE- View Whitney’s newest FREE- View Whitney’s newest Monthly: Monthly: $16$16 Monthly: $16 temporary public art exhibit, featuring temporary public art exhibit, featuring Yearly: $115 Yearly: $115 ffiveive (5) artists! (5) artists! five (5) artists! (includes Open Gym) LITTLE BOOKS AND LITTLE COOKSLITTLE BOOKS AND LITTLE COOKSLITTLE BOOKS AND LITTLE COOKS LITTLE BOOKS AND LITTLE COOKS (includes Open Gym) WINTER REFRESHWINTER REFRESHWINTER REFRESH OPEN GYMOPEN GYM Adult Open Gym Adult Open Gym TuesdaysTuesdays Tuesdays Monday, January 27th, 2025Monday, January 27th, 2025 Monday, January 27th, 2025 and Fitness and Fitness January 14th, 21st, 28th andJanuary 14th, 21st, 28th andJanuary 14th, 21st, 28th and January 14th, 21st, 28th and Teens (6 -17yrs) Teens (6 -17yrs) Ages 6-17 Ages 6-17 Room Combo Room Combo February 4th, 11th, and 18thFebruary 4th, 11th, and 18thFebruary 4th, 11th, and 18th February 4th, 11th, and 18th Monday - Friday Monday - Friday 10:00am - 12:00pm10:00am - 12:00pm 10:00am - 12:00pm Monthly: $28 Monthly: $28 4:30pm - 6:00pmm - 6:00pm 4:30pm - 6:00pm 2:00pm - 6:00pm Free 2:00pm - 6:00pm Free Ages 3 - 5, with a parentAges 3 - 5, with a parentAges 3 - 5, with a parent Ages 3 - 5, with a parent Adults (18+ ) Adults (18+ ) Seniors (55 & up) Seniors (55 & up) Looking fLooking for school or school supsuppplielies s andand Looking for school supplies and Monday - Friday Monday - Friday Drop-in: $1 Drop-in: $1 FreFreFreeee - - - RRReeegistration Rgistration Rgistration Reeeqqquireuireuireddd Free - Registration Required community recommunity resourcesources s at at thethe midmidwayway community resources at the midway 2:00pm - 6:00pm $2.00 2:00pm - 6:00pm $2.00 Monthly: $5 Monthly: $5 This six-weThis six-weThis six-weeeek k k ppparearearenting nting nting ppprogram rogram rogram isisis This six-week parenting program is school yeschool year par point? Backpoint? Backpacks acks andand school year point? Backpacks and Yearly: $35 Yearly: $35 Seniors (55yrs+) Seniors (55yrs+) dddeeesignesignesigneddd to p to p to promoteromoteromote hehehealthy althy althy eeeating,ating,ating, designed to promote healthy eating, school supplies are free. OpOpeen ton to school supplies are free. Open to Monday - Friday Monday - Friday fffamily amily amily liteliteliteracy, racy, racy, school reschool reschool readadadineineiness skills, ss skills, ss skills, andandand family literacy, school readiness skills, and school ageschool agedd youth youth - - childchildreren n must must bbee school aged youth - children must be 2:00pm - 6:00pm Free 2:00pm - 6:00pm Free ppppositiveositiveositiveositive -p-p-p-parearearearent childnt childnt childnt child inteinteinteinteraction.raction.raction.raction. positive -parent child interaction. ppreresesent to rent to receceiveive supsuppplielies.s.

SENIOR PROGRAMMINGSENIOR PROGRAMMING HEALTH & FITNESS 55+HEALTH & FITNESSHEALTH & FITNESSHEALTH & FITNESS 55+ FIELD TRIPS FIELD TRIPS SENIOR PROGRAMMINGSENIOR PROGRAMMING CON’T CON’T SENIOR LINE DANCESENIOR LINE DANCESENIOR LINE DANCESENIOR LINE DANCE BINGO BINGO CROCHETING & SEWING CROCHETING & SEWING This class is This class is This class is This class is opopopopeeeen to all n to all n to all n to all ddddanceanceanceance le le le ComeCome and and e enjoy njoy a fa feew w gamegames s ofof Bring an eBring an existing xisting pprojeroject ct or or start astart a Bingo with friends. Bingo with friends. new one with the help of friends! new one with the help of friends! Day Time Day Time Day TimeDay Time Day Time Day Time Wednesdays 12:15pm-1:15pm WeWeddnenesdsdaysays 12:15pm-1:15pm Mon/Wed/Fri 10:30am-12:00pm Mon/Wed/Fri 10:30am-12:00pm Mon/Wed/Fri 12:00pm-3:00pm Mon/Wed/Fri 12:00pm-3:00pm Cost:Cost:Cost: $5 a month$5 a month Cost: Free! Cost: Free! Cost:Cost: FreFreee!! SIT & STRETCHSIT & STRETCH PINOCHLEPINOCHLE DOUBLE DOUBLE DECK DECK BeBe a p a part art ofof this this low-implow-impact act classclass hosted by John and friends. hosted by John and friends. FIELD TRIP REGISTRATIONFIELD TRIP REGISTRATION PPPlay, lay, lay, socializesocializesocialize, , , andandand makemakemake nenenewww INFORMATION INFORMATION ffrieriendnds!s! friends! Day Time Day Time DayDayDayDay Time Day Time All reAll registrations aregistrations are ddoneone in-pin-peerson.rson. Mon/TueMon/TueMon/Tue/Fri/Fri/Fri 9:30am-10:15am Mon/Tue/Fri 9:30am-10:15am MoMoMoMoMon/Wen/Wen/Wen/Wen/Weddddd/Fri/Fri/Fri/Fri/Fri 10:30am-12:00p10:30am-12:00pmm RReegistration gistration opopeens ns at 8:00 at 8:00 am on am on thethe Cost:Cost:Cost:Cost: FreFreee!! Cost: Free! Cost:Cost:Cost:Cost: FreFreee!! last last MondMonday ofay of e each month, unleach month, unlessss otheotherwiserwise notenotedd.. CANASTACANASTA All pAll purchaseurchases ands and me meals als areare at your at your WII BOWLINGWII BOWLINGWII BOWLINGWII BOWLING Day Time Day Time SENIOR OPEN RECSENIOR OPEN RECSENIOR OPEN RECSENIOR OPEN RECSENIOR OPEN REC own eown expxpeensense.. ComeComeComeCome and and and and e e e enjoy njoy njoy njoy Wii Wii Wii Wii bbbbowling owling owling owling andandandand Mon/Wed/Fri 12:00pm-3:00pm Mon/Wed/Fri 12:00pm-3:00pm Enjoy a Enjoy a Enjoy a Enjoy a Enjoy a fffffull stockeull stockeull stockeull stockeull stockeddddd game game game game game roomroomroomroomroom mememeeeet t t nenenew fw fw frierieriendndnds. Kes. Kes. Keeeeppp f f fit, it, it, activeactiveactive,,, meet new friends. Keep fit, active, You You may may reregistegister yourser yourselflf and and oneone SPADES SPADES compcompcompleleletetete with bwith bwith billiardilliardilliards s s andandand complete with billiards and and socialize! and socialize! otheother r ppeerson only.rson only. Day Time Day Time ffoosboosball.all. foosball. Day Time Day Time Tue 10:30am-12:00pm Tue 10:30am-12:00p10:30am-12:00pmm Day Time Day Time Mon/Tue 10:00am-11:30am Mon/Tue 10:00am-11:30am UNOUNOUNO UNO Day TimeDayDay Time Mon - Fri 8:00am-10:00am Mon - Fri 8:00am-10:00am Cost:Cost: FreFreee!! Fri 12:00pm-3:00pm Fri 12:00pm-3:00pm Cost: Free! Cost: Free! OUTDOOR WALKING TRAILOUTDOOR WALKING TRAIL MEXICAN TRAIN MEXICAN TRAIN SENIOR PAINTERSSENIOR PAINTERSSENIOR PAINTERS Our newly renovated park includes Our newly renovated park includes exercise machines to enjoy as well as exercise machines to enjoy as well as DOMINOES DOMINOES NNNNo o o o eeeexpxpxpxpeeeerierierieriencencencence nenenenececececessary to pssary to pssary to pssary to paint aint aint aint aaaa walking, jogging, walking, jogging, or or running. Each running. Each laplap The object of the game is to have The object of the game is to have mastemasterprpieiecece, , or or continuecontinue on anon an masterpiece, or continue on an on our on our track track is is eeqqual ual to 1/4 to 1/4 ofof a a milemile.. on our track is equal to 1/4 of a mile. the fewest points, after playing all the fewest points, after playing all eeeexsiting pxsiting pxsiting pxsiting projerojerojeroject.ct.ct.ct. exsiting project. Use of the track is FREE. In case of Use of the track is FREE. In case of hands. hands. inclement weather, you may utilize inclement weather, you may utilize Day TimeDay Time Day Time Day Time the indoor gym for walking during the indoor gym for walking during Thur 10:00pm-12:00pm Thur 10:00pm-12:00pm MoMon/Wen/Wed d 12:00p12:00pm-3:00pm-3:00pmm morning hours. morning hours. Cost: Free! Cost: Free! Cost: Free! Cost: Free!

SPECIAL INTEREST FITNESS WINCHESTER CULTURAL CENTER ZUMBA INTRO TO MIME 3130 S McLeod Dr, Las Vegas, NV 89120 Dance fitness exercise. Participants are This introductory class will explore well (702) 455-7340 taught basic easy-to-learn movements. known mime techniques as in “walking Instructor: Carmen against the wind” and “the box”. The JAZZ DANCE Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code class will cover more complex physical Jazz dance provides basic fundamentals T/Th 1/07-2/13 6pm-7pm 18+ $37 WC Zumba techniques as well as improvisation. FOLKLORICO all dancers need with technique that Wed 1/08-2/12 6pm-7pm 18+ $26 WC Zumba Instructor: Benedikt T/Th 2/25-4/10 6pm-7pm 18+ $31 WC Zumba can be used in multiple different dance A traditional Mexican dance that Wed 2/23-4/09 6pm-7pm 18+ $26 WC Zumba Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code reflects culture, beliefs and traditions genres. S 1/11-2/15 12:30-1:30pm 6 &up $26 WC Intro to Mime ZUMBA GOLD of different regions and ethnicities. Instructor: Tiffannie Bond S 3/01-4/12 12:30-1:30pm 6 &up $18 WC Intro to Mime Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code Low impact dance fitness exercise. T/Th Instructor: Martha F 1/10-2/14 6 :30- 7:30pm 6-18 $26 WC Jazz Sat Instructor: Gerardo Participants are taught basic easy-to- F 2/28-4/12 6:30 - 7:30pm 6-18 $18 WC Jazz Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code learn movements. BALLET TTh 1/07-2/13 5:30-7:30pm 5&up $37 WC Folklorico Instructor: Carmen TTh 2/25-4/10 5:30-7:30pm 5&up $37 WC Folklorico Participants are introduced to basic Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code Sa 1/11-2/15 6pm-7:00pm 12-14 $37 WC Folklorico Wed 1/08-2/12 6pm-7pm 18+ $18 WC Zumba ballet techniques and creative Sa 3/01-4/12 7pm-8:00pm 15-17 $25 WC Folklorico Wed 2/23-4/09 6pm-7pm 18+ $18 WC Zumba movement with a focus on expression CREATIVE LINE DANCING ADULT FOLKLORICO while developing gross and fine motor A traditional Mexican dance that skills, body awareness, balance, Line Dance: Living, inseparable, reflects culture, beliefs and traditions coordination and rhythm naturalism, enhancement, diversity, of different regions and ethnicities. never-ending, confidence and energy. Instructors: Samantha & Eryanne T/Th Instructor: Martha Come learn variety of styles of line Baby Ballet Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code dancing. Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code TuTh 1/07-2/13 4:30-5:30pm 18&up $37 WC Folklorico Sa 1/11-2/15 9:15-10am 3-5 $18 WC Baby Ballet Instructor: Chlois TuTh 2/25-4/10 4:30-5:30pm 18&up $31 WC Folklorico Sa 3/01-4/12 9:15-10am 3-5 $12 WC Baby Ballet Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code F 1/10-2/14 1:30-3:30pm 18+ FREE WC Line Dance HIP HOP F 2/28-4/11 1:30-3:30pm 18+ FREE WC Line Dance Learn various hip-hop techniques in this introductory course, including MUSIC stretch, choreography, isolations and IGNITE DRUMS rhythm. Come learn the rhythm of African Instructor: Tiffannie Drums. Instructor: Harold Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code W/F 1/08-2/15 5:30-6:30pm 6-18 $28 WC Hip Hop Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code W/F 2/23-4/11 5:30-6:00pm 6-18 $25 WC Hip Hop S 1/11-2/15 5pm-6pm 6&up Free WC Ignite Drums S 3/01-4/12 5pm-6pm 6&up Free WC Ignite Drums

SENIOR PROGRAMMING EVENTS CONCERTS/SHOWS MEXICAN TRAIN DOMINOES HERE’S LOOKING AT YOU, Enjoy a game of Mexican Train with KIDS DOCUMENTARY JAZZ ARTS COMMUNITY AMERICAN NOT SO IDLE friends! Conversations about growing up on ENSEMBLE Day Time Come show case your talents during tthe Silver Screen. World Premier The Jazz Arts Community Ensemble is Every Tues 9am-3:00pm our annual Senior Talent Show. screening starring Beverly Washburn, sponsored by the Las Vegas Jazz Auditions will be held November Cost: Free! Mimi Gibson, and Sharon Baird. Society. 12th. Day Time CARDS WITH FRIENDS Day Time Day Time December 18 6:30pm January 18 2:00pm Play, socialize, and make new December 12 3:00pm VIPTickets: $20 - Includes: Meet & friends! Tickets: $15 Tickets: $5 Greet with stars at 5:30 pm, Day Time refreshments, reserved seat, and after Every Wed 10am-3:00pm MARIANO GONZALEZ HARP BARBERSHOP CHORUS show Q&A Cost: Free! MENTORSHIP RECITAL The Silver Statesmen Chorus has GA Tickets: $10 - Includes: Screening Winchester’s in house Harp teamed up with ‘Til Morning Comes & WII BOWLING and after show Q&A Mentorship will perform songs High Stakes Quartets to perform Come and enjoy Wii bowling and December 2:00pm they’ve learned throughout their holiday favorites! meet new friends. Keep fit, active, Tickets: $5 - SCREENING ONLY mentorship. and socialize! Day Time INTERNATIONAL MOTHER December 14 2:00pm Day Time Day Time LANGUAGE DAY Tickets: $20, children 12 & under Every Wed 10am-3:00pm January 24 6:00pm Free Cost: Free! Tickets: $10 Celebrating the mother languages of Africa! SENIOR STRETCH MUSICAL GEMS Day Time Get your morning started with our Classical music performed by Dmytro ORGINALS CONCERT SERIES February 21 5:30pm-7:30pm sunrise stretch class. This class will get Nehrych and guests featuring pieces Tickets: Free & Open to the Public your blood pumping and give you the Local musicians performing and by renowned composers. energy to get you to your next cup of showcasing their original music. Day Time JAZZ FESTIVAL Joe! Instructor: Carmen Day Time December 28 3:00pm Day Time Las Vegas Jazz Society celebrate 50 January 25 6:00pm Tickets: $20 years! Special Jazz Festival featuring T/F 9:00-10:00am February 22 6:00pm live performances, vendors, March 29 6:00pm workshops and more! Tickets: $15 Day Time April 26 & 27 1:00pm-6:00pm Tickets: Free & Open to the Public

CAMPUS CONNECTIONSCAMPUS CONNECTIONSCAMPUS CONNECTIONSCAMPUS CONNECTIONS New Directions for Youth (G.I.T.)New Directions for Youth (G.I.T.)New Directions for Youth (G.I.T.) BEYOND THE BASKETBEYOND THE BASKET 1625 1625 1625 W. W. W. CareCareCarey y y AveAveAve, , , Las Las Las VVVeeegas, gas, gas, NNNVVV 89030| 89030| 89030| (702) (702) (702) 455.7067455.7067455.7067 Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark County MidCounty MidCounty MidCounty MidCounty MidCounty Midddddddlelelelelele & & & & & & High High High High High High SchoolsSchoolsSchoolsSchoolsSchoolsSchools MeMeMeMeMeMentoring Pntoring Pntoring Pntoring Pntoring Pntoring Programrogramrogramrogramrogramrogram PProgram rogram (Hours) (Hours) TueTuesdsday-Thursday-Thursday ay 2:00-6:00 2:00-6:00 pp.m..m. Program (Hours) Tuesday-Thursday 2:00-6:00 p.m. BBeeeeyondyondyondyond the thethethe BaskeBaskeBaskeBasket Met Met Met Mentoring, ntoring, ntoring, ntoring, aaaa WWeeee se se seserverververve youth b youth b youth b youth beeeeyondyondyondyond thethethethe walls walls walls walls two-month two-month two-month bbbaskeaskeasketbtbtball andall andall and two-month basketball and CHAMPIONS OF YOUTHCHAMPIONS OF YOUTH STAY ON TRACKSTAY ON TRACK ofofof P P Parks andarks andarks and Re Re Recrecrecreation ation ation CeCeCentententer.r.r. of Parks and Recreation Center. memementorshipntorshipntorship p p program rogram rogram fffor or or midmidmiddddlelele mentorship program for middle Our Our Our stafstafstaffff areareare conne conne connectectecteddd to a to a to a varievarievarietytyty Our staff are connected to a variety We provide opportunities for We provide opportunities for National Recreation Association (NRPA) National Recreation Association (NRPA) school youth. school youth. Participarticipants willants will school youth. Participants will ofofof mid mid middddlelele andandand high high high school studschool studschool studeeentsntsnts of middle and high school students is our preventive program framework is our preventive program framework youth to earn school credits. These youth to earn school credits. These lelelearn arn arn bbbaskeaskeasketbtbtball fall fall fundundundameameamentals,ntals,ntals, learn basketball fundamentals, in thein the Clark Clark County SchoolCounty School in the Clark County School wrapped around the NRPA youth wrapped around the NRPA youth workshops and activities include workshops and activities include andand eexpxplorelore hehealthy althy liflifeestylestyles,s, and explore healthy lifestyles, Districts, Districts, right on right on thetheir campir campuseuses.s. Districts, right on their campuses. mentoring. It focuses on educational mentoring. It focuses on educational life skills, personal development, life skills, personal development, acadacadeemic mic eenrichmenrichment, nt, andand academic enrichment, and WeWe pprovidrovidee groupgroup me mentoring,ntoring, We provide group mentoring, enrichment gaps and serving under enrichment gaps and serving under leleadadeershiprship d deeveveloplopmement nt to to unlockunlock leadership development to unlock job readiness, and recreational job readiness, and recreational ffacilitating workshopacilitating workshops s andand a a spspaceace facilitating workshops and a space rerereresourcesourcesourcesourcedddd communitie communitie communitie communities s s s with with with with anananan resourced communities with an thetheir pir poteotential.ntial. their potential. ffor theor them m to to havehave a voicea voice withwith for them to have a voice with apapapappppproach roach roach roach to to to to initiateinitiateinitiateinitiate comp comp comp comprerererehehehehensivensivensivensive approach to initiate comprehensive leisure activities. Teens volunteer leisure activities. Teens volunteer supsuppportiveortive adadults.ults. supportive adults. youth youth youth youth youth dddddeeeeeveveveveveloploploploplopmemememement nt nt nt nt opopopopopppppportunitieortunitieortunitieortunitieortunities. Wes. Wes. Wes. Wes. We youth development opportunities. We and are engaged for the duration and are engaged for the duration Our ur initiativeinitiative to re to reach outsidach outsidee ofof Our initiative to reach outside of seseseseserververververve age age age age ages 13-17 in s 13-17 in s 13-17 in s 13-17 in s 13-17 in all ofall ofall ofall ofall of our our our our our ppppprogramsrogramsrogramsrogramsrograms serve ages 13-17 in all of our programs ofofofof the the the their ir ir ir rererereqqqquireuireuireuiredddd cre cre cre credddditsitsitsits of their required credits thethe Clark Clark County County RReecrecreationation the Clark County Recreation with with with with PPPPridridridrideeee andandandand PPPPassion!assion!assion!assion! with Pride and Passion! CeCententers rs ffosteosters rers recruitmecruitment nt toto Centers fosters recruitment to LELELELEADERS OF THE FUTUREADERS OF THE FUTUREADERS OF THE FUTUREADERS OF THE FUTURE LEADERS OF THE FUTURE impact the enrollment and impact the enrollment and (LOTF)(LOTF)(LOTF) pparticiparticipation ation in our CCPin our CCPR ceR cententersrs participation in our CCPR centers OOur ur ur stafstafstaffff fffosteosteoster r r youth in youth in youth in leleleadadadeeershiprshiprship Our staff foster youth in leadership anandd characharactecter dr deeveveloplopmement. nt. WeWe give give and character development. We give Tue.-Thur.Tue.-Thur.Tue.-Thur. 9 am-1 pm Tue.-Thur. 9 am-1 pm CoachingCoachingCoachingCoachingCoachingCoachingCoachingCoachingCoachingCoachingCoaching youth voice a space and face. Teens youth voice a space and face. Teens participate in workshops, activities, participate in workshops, activities, service to the community and service to the community and seldom field trips. It is a place to seldom field trips. It is a place to discover a sense of belonging, discover a sense of belonging, supportive adult mentors, receive supportive adult mentors, receive opportunities and have FUN! opportunities and have FUN! YOUTHYOUTHYOUTHYOUTH VOICE!VOICE!VOICE!VOICE!VOICE!VOICE!VOICE!VOICE!VOICE!VOICE!VOICE!VOICE!VOICE!VOICE!VOICE!VOICE!VOICE!VOICE!VOICE!VOICE!VOICE!VOICE!VOICE!VOICE!VOICE!VOICE!VOICE! Tue./Thurs. 4:00 pm-6:00 pm Tue./Thurs. 4:00 pm-6:00 pm

GRAFFITI ABATEMENTGRAFFITI ABATEMENT GANG INTERVENTIONGANG INTERVENTIONGANG INTERVENTION COMMUNITY SERVICECOMMUNITY SERVICE ClasseClasseClasseClassessss Back Back On TraOn Trackck CodCodCodeee Enf Enf Enforceorceorcememement Pnt Pnt Programrogramrogram Teens meet our staff at our main Teens meet our staff at our main We serve court ordered teens who are We serve court ordered teens who are OOur ur ur ur stafstafstafstafffff spspspspeeeecialist cialist cialist cialist ofofofofffffeeeers rs rs rs a a a a spspspspaceaceaceace campus to receive transportation to a campus to receive transportation to a rereqquireuiredd to volunteto volunteeer communityr community to unleto unleto unlearn andarn andarn and lelelearn arn arn nenenew w w mindmindmindsesesetststs to unlearn and learn new mindsets site organized by our partners code site organized by our partners code service. Volunteer opportunities such andandand bbbeeehaviors haviors haviors with with with a a a lifliflifeee skills skills skills service. Volunteer opportunities such and behaviors with a life skills enforcement specialist and painters. enforcement specialist and painters. as: service to the community with curriculum that fcurriculum that fcurriculum that fosteosteoster r r a a a nenenewww as: service to the community with curriculum that foster a new For up to 4 hours, they overlay paint For up to 4 hours, they overlay paint special events set-up/breakdown and ddireirection ction ofof activitie activities. s. Thehesese teteeensns special events set-up/breakdown and direction of activities. These teens on graffiti painting until it is on graffiti painting until it is more. areare court-ord court-ordeereredd to to atteattendnd ffiveive more. are court-ordered to attend five completed with a fresh and new coat completed with a fresh and new coat Teens are allowed up to four hours conseconsecutivecutive classeclasses s with with aa Teens are allowed up to four hours consecutive classes with a Workshop OverviewWorkshop Overview Workshop Overview of paint on that property. Teens of paint on that property. Teens dddduring uring uring uring weweweweeeeekdkdkdkdays andays andays andays and e e e eight hours ight hours ight hours ight hours onononon cecertifrtificateicate of of comp compleletion tion inceincentiventive during weekdays and eight hours on certificate of completion incentive receive water and a light lunch during receive water and a light lunch during weweweweeeeekekekekendndndnds. Wes. Wes. Wes. We pppprovidrovidrovidrovideeee af af af afteteteter-schoolr-schoolr-schoolr-school ffor theor their coopir coopeeration ration andand weekends. We provide after-school for their cooperation and IntrodIntrodIntroduction to Expuction to Expuction to Expeeectationsctationsctations their service. their service. community secommunity secommunity secommunity secommunity servicervicervicervicervice ppppprojerojerojerojerojects andcts andcts andcts andcts and commitmecommitment nt to to thetheir obir obligations ligations toto community service projects and commitment to their obligations to Managing AngeManaging AngeManaging Anger andr andr and ConfConfConflictlictlict weweweweweeeeeekekekekekendndndndnds fs fs fs fs for youth to accumulateor youth to accumulateor youth to accumulateor youth to accumulateor youth to accumulate thethe court.court. weekends for youth to accumulate the court. anananananandddddd compcompcompcompcompcompleleleleleletetetetetete the the the the the their ir ir ir ir ir rererererereqqqqqquireuireuireuireuireuiredddddd and complete their required DeDecision cision MakingMaking 1st & 2nd Sat. 8:00 am-12:00 pm 1st & 2nd Sat. 8:00 am-12:00 pm community secommunity secommunity secommunity servicervicervicervice hours.hours.hours.hours. Sat. 11:00 am-12:30 pm11:00 am-12:30 pm Sat. 11:00 am-12:30 pm community service hours. DeDeDeDeDeDeDeveveveveveveveloploploploploploploping ing ing ing ing ing ing InteInteInteInteInteInteInterprprprprprprpeeeeeeersonal Skillsrsonal Skillsrsonal Skillsrsonal Skillsrsonal Skillsrsonal Skillsrsonal Skills Tue.-Thur.Tue.-Thur. 2:00 pm-6:00 pm2:00 pm-6:00 pm2:00 pm-6:00 pm Tue.-Thur. 2:00 pm-6:00 pm LifLifee SkillsSkills TEENS INTEENS INTEENS INTEENS INTEENS INTEENS INTEENS IN TEENS INTEENS INTEENS INTEENS INTEENS INTEENS INTEENS INTEENS INTEENS INTEENS INTEENS INTEENS IN TEENS INTEENS INTEENS INTEENS INTEENS INTEENS INTEENS INTEENS INTEENS INTEENS INTEENS INTEENS INTEENS INTEENS IN ACTIONACTIONACTIONACTIONACTIONACTIONACTION ACTIONACTIONACTIONACTIONACTIONACTIONACTIONACTIONACTIONACTIONACTIONACTION ACTIONACTIONACTIONACTIONACTIONACTIONACTIONACTIONACTIONACTIONACTIONACTIONACTIONACTION HAPPENSHAPPENSHAPPENS HERE!HERE!HERE!!!! Teen servicesTeen servicesTeen services

SUNSET PARK SPORTS UNIT COURT RENTALS Inside Sunset Park 2601 Sunset Rd., Las Vegas, NV 89120 SUNSET PARK PICKLEBALL COMPLEX (702) 455-8241 Email: [email protected] Courts #13-16 and 21-24 are available for drop-in reservations (practice, PICKLEBALL LEAGUES OFFICE HOURS friends, and family use). Pickleball is the real “dill!” Pickleball is 7:30 am - 5:30 pm Fees: $6 per hour, per court. the fastest-growing sport that is a very Monday - Thursday popular sport for all ages in Clark Closed Friday - Sunday and Holidays Drop-in pickleball court reservations County. Any combination of doubles. are limited to two courts per day with a Skills 3.0 and up. Leagues are played at two-hour time limit per court and a the Sunset Park Pickleball Complex. maximum of 6 reservations per Days Seasons Start Time Age Cost M/W Spring 9:00am 18+ $140 account, per month. Fall *per team Note: Self-Referee & seasons are seven weeks. VOLLEYBALL LEAGUES Reservations are available online, you Volleyball is a very popular sport for must have an account, or in person. No adults in Clark County, NV. Leagues cancellations, changes, credits or are designed for various skill levels refunds will be granted for online from the ex-college athlete to the "Just reservations. ADULT SPORT LEAGUES For Fun" player. We offer leagues for Men and Coed. Volleyball is offered all year! We offer indoor volleyball SOFTBALL LEAGUES leagues at our Clark County Recreation Softball remains the most popular Centers and outdoor volleyball sport of choice for adults in Clark leagues played at the Sunset Park PICKLEBALL ROUND ROBINS County. Leagues are designed for all Sand Volleyball Courts. We offer Single-day round-robin skill levels from the ex-college athlete Days Seasons Match Start Times Age Cost pickleball tournaments at Sunset to the "Just For Fun." Men's and Co-ed M-F Spring I 6:30pm, 7:15pm 18+ $120 (4per) Sunset Park Pickleball Court Spring II 8:00pm, 8:45pm $180 (6per) Park’s Pickleball Complex during leagues are offered several nights a Online Reservations Summer *45-min match times *per team Spring and Fall. All levels are welcome! week. Leagues are played at the Fall + $30 ref fee Sunset Park Softball Complex! Sign up as an individual. Play with Winter per night Days Seasons Match Start Times Age Cost Note: Seasons are seven weeks. different partners & opponents each M-F Spring I 6:15pm, 7:15pm 18+ $460 round. Each match will go to 11 points Spring II 8:15pm, 9:15pm *per team Adult Sports Leagues Summer *60-min game times + $30 umpire with a 20 minute cap. Fall fee per night Days Seasons Start Times Age Cost Note: Games are double-headers & seasons are seven weeks. Sat Spring 8:00am, 11:00am 18+ $35 Fall 2:00pm *per person Note: Self-Referee

FIELD ALLOCATIONS SPORTS UNIT Inside Sunset Park 2601 Sunset Rd., Las Vegas, NV 89120 We allocate over 30 facilities, with over 100 fields and courts for youth and (702) 455-8241 Email: [email protected] adult sports. SUNSET PARK BASKETBALL COURTS SUNSET PARK Courts #1-8 are available for drop-in COURT RENTALS We allocate our facilities for sporting reservations (practice, friends, and events/tournaments on a yearly SUNSET PARK SAND VOLLEYBALL COURTS family use) allocation period: Courts #1-7 are available for drop-in Fees: $10 per hour, per court. January thru December reservations (practice, friends, and A Field Allocations Sporting Event family use) Drop-in basketball court reservations Request Form needs to be submitted Fees: $10 per hour, per court. are limited to two courts per day with no later than April 15th, the year prior. a two-hour time limit per court and a SUNSET PARK TENNIS COURTS DropDropDrop-in -in -in vollevollevolleybybyball all all court recourt recourt reseseservationsrvationsrvations maximum of 6 reservations per Courts #1-8 are available for drop-in We allocate our facilities to leagues in areareareare limite limite limite limitedddd to to to to two two two two courts courts courts courts ppppeeeer dr dr dr day with aay with aay with aay with a account, per month. reservations (practice, friends, and bi-annual allocation periods: two-hour timetwo-hour timetwo-hour timetwo-hour time limit p limit p limit p limit peeeer court r court r court r court andandandand aaaa family use) (1.) January thru July mamamamamamamaximum ofximum ofximum ofximum ofximum ofximum ofximum of 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 rerererererereseseseseseseservations rvations rvations rvations rvations rvations rvations pppppppeeeeeeerrrrrrr Reservations must be made in person. Fees: $6 per hour, per court. A Field Allocations League Request account, account, account, account, account, pppppeeeeer r r r r month.month.month.month.month. Form must be submitted no later than Drop-in tennis court reservations are October 15th, the year prior. RRReeeseseservations arervations arervations are availabavailabavailablelele onlineonlineonline, you, you, you limited to two courts per day with a (2.) August thru December mumumust st st havehavehave an an an account, or in account, or in account, or in pppeeerson. rson. rson. NNNooo two-hour time limit per court and a A Field Allocations League Request cancecancecancellations, changellations, changellations, changes, s, s, crecrecredddits orits orits or maximum of 6 reservations per Form must be submitted no later than rereffundunds s will bwill bee grantegrantedd f for onlineor online account, per month. April 15th, of the same year. reservations. Sunset Park Volleyball Court Reservations must be made in person. Our facilities are available for drop-in Online Reservations reservations (practice, friends, and Field Allocations family use) on a month-to-month basis, based on limited availability. Drop-in reservations are limited to a maximum of 6 reservations per account, per month. Drop-in reservations must be made in person.

CLARK COUNTY WETLANDS PARKCLARK COUNTY WETLANDS PARKCLARK COUNTY WETLANDS PARKCLARK COUNTY WETLANDS PARK 7050 7050 7050 7050 WeWeWeWetlandtlandtlandtlands s s s PPPPark ark ark ark Ln, Las VeLn, Las VeLn, Las VeLn, Las Vegas, gas, gas, gas, NNNNV V V V 89122891228912289122 ART EXHIBITSART EXHIBITSART EXHIBITS (702) 455-7522 (702) 455-7522 Spotlight on Nature Gallery (SONG)Spotlight on Nature Gallery (SONG)Spotlight on Nature Gallery (SONG) Showing in theShowing in the SON SONGalleGallery ry isis Showing in the SONGallery is Discovering NatureDiscovering Nature, our second art Discovering Nature, our second art JANUARY 2025 PROGRAM SCHEDULEJANUARY 2025 PROGRAM SCHEDULEJANUARY 2025 PROGRAM SCHEDULEJANUARY 2025 PROGRAM SCHEDULEJANUARY 2025 PROGRAM SCHEDULEJANUARY 2025 PROGRAM SCHEDULEJANUARY 2025 PROGRAM SCHEDULEJANUARY 2025 PROGRAM SCHEDULEJANUARY 2025 PROGRAM SCHEDULEJANUARY 2025 PROGRAM SCHEDULEJANUARY 2025 PROGRAM SCHEDULEJANUARY 2025 PROGRAM SCHEDULEJANUARY 2025 PROGRAM SCHEDULE show show ffeeaturing work aturing work ffrom rom Clark Clark CountyCounty show featuring work from Clark County stafstafff & & voluntevolunteeers! rs! Visit Visit us dus during uring opopeenn staff & volunteers! Visit us during open hours through Jahours through January 30 nuary 30 to to seseee thethe hours through January 30 to see the © © WeWetlandstlands crecreativity andativity and skill skill ofof thethe County County crecrew.w. creativity and skill of the County crew. The NestThe Nest Visit the Nest in our Information Visit theVisit the N Neest st in our in our InfInformationormation Kiosk to see Wetlands for the Kiosk to see Wetlands for theWetlands for the HolidaysHolidaysHolidaysHolidays, , , a a a fffeeestivestivestive art e art e art exhibxhibxhibitionitionition with with with with with salesalesalesalesale p p p p proceroceroceroceroceeeeeeddddds bs bs bs bs beeeeenenenenenefffffitingitingitingitingiting with sale proceeds benefiting WeWeWeWeWetlandtlandtlandtlandtlands Ps Ps Ps Ps Park ark ark ark ark FrieFrieFrieFrieFriendndndndnds. s. s. s. s. TheTheTheTheThe showshowshowshowshow Wetlands Park Friends. The show © © WeWetlandstlands will bwill bwill bwill bwill beeeee upupupupup until until until until until JaJaJaJaJanuary nuary nuary nuary nuary will be up until January 25. © © PPhilip hilip MartiniMartini GET INVOLVED AT WETLANDS PARKGET INVOLVED AT WETLANDS PARKGET INVOLVED AT WETLANDS PARKGET INVOLVED AT WETLANDS PARK Become a VolunteerBecome a VolunteerBecome a VolunteerBecome a VolunteerBecome a Volunteer Wetlands: Hands On!Wetlands: Hands On!Wetlands: Hands On! PROGRAMS AT A GLANCEPROGRAMS AT A GLANCE PROGRAMS AT A GLANCE ONGOING INFORMATIONONGOING INFORMATIONONGOING INFORMATION VolunteVolunteVolunteVolunteVolunteeeeeers rs rs rs rs areareareareare neneneneneeeeeedddddeeeeeddddd ye ye ye ye year-roundar-roundar-roundar-roundar-round TakeTake the the ste stewardwardshipship of of We Wetlandtlandss Take the stewardship of Wetlands in various capin various capin various capin various capacitieacitieacitieacities, bs, bs, bs, both indoth indoth indoth indoorsoorsoorsoors PPark ark into into your handyour hands. Voluntes. Volunteeersrs Park into your hands. Volunteers Nature CenterNature CenterNature Center SSAT AT 1/4 1/4 1p1pmm - - WeWetlatlanndds s WaWalklkeers rs KickKick-Of-Offf** andandandand outdoutdoutdoutdoors. oors. oors. oors. FindFindFindFind op op op oppppportunitieortunitieortunitieortunitiessss pparticiparticipateate in in monthly monthly pprojerojectscts participate in monthly projects OpOpeen Tuen Tuesdsday-Sunday-Sunday, ay, 9am-3p9am-3pm,m, Open Tuesday-Sunday, 9am-3pm, SUN 1/5 11am - Watercolor for Kids* SUN 1/5 11am - Watercolor for Kids* thethe NNatureature CeCententer r includincludees s anan the Nature Center includes an andand lelearn arn how how to to start start atat includincludincludincluding ping ping ping picking icking icking icking upupupup trash, trash, trash, trash, rerereremovingmovingmovingmoving including picking up trash, removing ExhibExhibit Galleit Gallery, Nry, Natureature Store Store,, Exhibit Gallery, Nature Store, WED 1/8 11am - Nature Tales WED 1/8 11am - Nature Tales volvolvolunteer.cunteer.cunteer.ccccwetlwetlwetlandsandsandsparkparkpark.c.c.comomom.. grafgrafgraffffiti, piti, piti, painting, reainting, reainting, removing moving moving invasiveinvasiveinvasive graffiti, painting, removing invasive LoungeLounge, , andand Aud Auditorium, itorium, all fall frereee toto Lounge, and Auditorium, all free to ppplants, lants, lants, condcondconducting ucting ucting trailtrailtrail plants, conducting trail SAT 1/11 1pm - Wetlands Explorers* SAT 1/11 1pm - Wetlands Explorers* Get Involved at Wetlands Park!Get Involved at Wetlands Park! enter. enter. maintemaintemaintenancenancenance, and, and, and he he helplplping withing withing with maintenance, and helping with Day Date Time Day Date Time SUN 1/12 10am - Tabletops SUN 1/12 10am - Tabletops Sa 1/18 1-2:30pm Sa 1/18 1-2:30pm rererestoration storation storation ppprojerojerojects. All agects. All agects. All agesss restoration projects. All ages Visiting the ParkVisiting the Park Visiting the Park SAT 1/18 8am - Java Jaunt Birding* SAT 1/18 8am - Java Jaunt Birding* wewewelcomelcomelcome, , , bbbut ut ut youth youth youth must must must havehavehave aaa welcome, but youth must have a Trails Trails areare op opeen dn daily faily from drom dawn awn toto Trails are open daily from dawn to guardguardian ian ppreresesent. nt. Sign up here.Sign up here.Sign up here.Sign up here. guardian present. SUN 1/19 11am - Watercolor for Adults* SUN 1/19 11am - Watercolor for Adults* ddusk. usk. BeBefforeore you comeyou come, che, check ck thethe dusk. Before you come, check the weweweweatheatheatheather rer rer rer repppport fort fort fort for highor highor highor high weather report for high Day Day DateDate Time Time AgeAge SAT 1/25 10am - Kids Create* SAT 1/25 10am - Kids Create* Sa 1/11 9-11am All Sa 1/11 9-11am All tetempmpeeratureratures s or or fflash lash ffloodlood temperatures or flash flood SUN 1/26 9am - Women’s Walk* SUN 1/26 9am - Women’s Walk* warnings. warnings. Bring Bring watewater, r, walkingwalking warnings. Bring shoeshoes, s, a hat, sunscrea hat, sunscreeen, andn, and b bugug shoes, a hat, sunscreen, and bug *Advance registration required. *Advance registration required. © Wetlands © Wetlands spray. spray.

CLACLACLARK COUNTY WETLANDS PARKRK COUNTY WETLANDS PARKRK COUNTY WETLANDS PARK Kids Create Kids CreateKids Create 7050 7050 7050 WeWeWetlandtlandtlands s s PPPark ark ark Ln, Las VeLn, Las VeLn, Las Vegas, gas, gas, NNNV V V 891228912289122 KidKidKidKids s s s will gewill gewill gewill get cret cret cret creativeativeativeative with with with with pppplastelastelastelaster andr andr andr and (702)(702) 455-7522455-7522 (702) 455-7522 clay. This month, weclay. This month, weclay. This month, we’ll b’ll b’ll beee making making making aaa clay. This month, we’ll be making a clay neclay neclay nest &st &st & FAMILY PROGRAMSFAMILY PROGRAMS WALKSWALKS ART PROGRAMSART PROGRAMSART PROGRAMS eeggs ggs andand eggs and Nature TalesNature Tales Wetlands Walkers Kick-OffWetlands Walkers Kick-Off Watercolor for KidsWatercolor for KidsWatercolor for Kids ppainting ainting aa painting a Join Join us fus for a 2-3 mileor a 2-3 mile groupgroup guid guideedd ppreremadmadee premade NNatureature-the-thememedd story and story and craf craftt ExpExpExpExpeeeerierierieriencencencence nature nature nature nature through through through through art art art art andandandand walk walk to to geget thet the nenew w yeyear startear startedd ceceramic owl.ramic owl. ceramic owl. pprograrogram. m. FreFreee and and walk-in. walk-in. havehavehavehave f f f fun un un un whilewhilewhilewhile lelelelearning arning arning arning kidkidkidkid-f-f-f-frierierieriendndndndlylylyly while learning about Wetlands Park while learning about Wetlands Park To To join in,join in, To join in, Day Day DateDate TimeTime AgeAge watewatewatercolor rcolor rcolor pppainting ainting ainting andandand d d drawingrawingrawing W 1/8 11am -12pm All W 1/8 11am -12pm All and the Wetlands Walkers fitness and the Wetlands Walkers fitness ssssign up here.ign up here.ign up here.ign up here. © Wetlands © Wetlands skills. skills. TheThe thethememe this this month month isis skills. The theme this month is program. Sign up here.Sign up here.Sign up here. program. Wetlands ExplorersWetlands ExplorersWetlands Explorers Day DayDay DateDate TimeTime AgeAge CostCost landlandscapscapees s andand skieskies. All s. All supsuppplieliess landscapes and skies. All supplies Sa 1/25 10am-12:30pm 4+ $10 Sa 1/251/25 10am-12:30pm 4+ $10 Day Day DateDate TimeTime AgeAge CostCost Outdoor program for younger kids OutdOutdOutdOutdoor oor oor oor pppprogram rogram rogram rogram ffffor or or or youngeyoungeyoungeyounger r r r kidkidkidkidssss areare p providrovideedd. . Sign up here.Sign up here.Sign up here. are provided. Sa 1/4 1-3pm All $5 Sa 1/4 1-3pm All $5 with age-appropriate activities for all with with with with ageageageage-ap-ap-ap-apppppropropropropriateriateriateriate activitieactivitieactivitieactivities s s s ffffor or or or allallallall Day Day DateDate Time Time AgeAge CostCost FITNESSFITNESS Java Jaunt BirdingJava Jaunt Birding pppppparticiparticiparticiparticiparticiparticipants. Pants. Pants. Pants. Pants. Pants. Parearearearearearental pntal pntal pntal pntal pntal participarticiparticiparticiparticiparticipationationationationationation Su 1/5 11am-12pm 4-17 $5 Su 1/5 11am-12pm 4-17 $5 Wetlands WalkersWetlands WalkersWetlands WalkersWetlands WalkersWetlands Walkers Walk with a Red Rock Audubon Society Walk with a Red Rock Audubon Society rerererereqqqqquireuireuireuireuireddddd. . . . . TheTheTheTheThemememememes s s s s vary. vary. vary. vary. vary. Sign up here.Sign up here.Sign up here. required. Themes vary. birding expert and a Wetlands Park birding expert and a Wetlands Park Day Day DateDate TimeTimeTimeTimeTime Age Age CostCost A walk in nature is A walk in nature is Sa 1/11 1-2:30pm 3-8 $5 Sa 1/11 1-2:30p1-2:30p1-2:30p1-2:30pmmmm 3-8 $5 naturalist to spot resident and naturalist to spot resident and better than a better than a migratory birds. For both beginner migratory birds. For both beginner treadmill. Our goal treadmill. Our goal and experienced birders. Binoculars and experienced birders. Binoculars this year is to this year is to available to borrow. Sign up hereSign up hereSign up here.. available to borrow. collectively walk a collectively walk a Day Day DateDate TimeTime AgeAge CostCost Sa 1/18 8-10am 10+ $5 Sa 1/18 8-10am 10+ $5 total total total total ofofofof 5,700 5,700 5,700 5,700 milemilemilemiles,s,s,s, total of 5,700 miles, © Wetlands © Wetlands the same as the Green Darner the same as the Green Darner © Wetlands © Wetlands TabletopsTabletops Dragonfly’s multigenerational migration Dragonfly’s multigenerational migration Watercolor for AdultsWatercolor for AdultsWatercolor for Adults journey. Can you help us reach our goal? journey. Can you help us reach our goal? Join a Park naturalist in the Exhibit Join a Park naturalist in the Exhibit A A A bbbeeeginning andginning andginning and inteinteintermermermedddiateiateiate Gallery for a free, drop-in, educational Gallery for a free, drop-in, educational Log your hours and earn rewards at Log your hours and earn rewards at watewatewatercolor rcolor rcolor trials class that etrials class that etrials class that encouragencouragencouragesss display and activity about taking “A display and activity about taking “A © © PPhilip hilip MartiniMartini walwalwalkkkersersers.c.c.ccccwetlwetlwetlandsandsandsparkparkpark.c.c.comomom.. Peek Into the Park”. Peek Into the Park”. studstudstudeeents nts nts to to to eeexpxpxplorelorelore d d difififfffeeerererentntnt Women’s Walk in the Wetlands Women’s Walk in the WetlandsWomen’s Walk in the Wetlands RReegistegister r ffor or pprograms onlinerograms online atat tetetechniqchniqchniqueueues. s. s. Each class will Each class will Each class will fffocus ocus ocus on aon aon a Day Day DateDate TimeTime AgeAge Enjoy a guided walk in a safe and Enjoy a Enjoy a guidguideedd walk walk in in a a safsafee andand programsprogramsprograms.c.c.ccccwetlandswetlandswetlandsparkparkpark.c.c.comomom.. Su 1/12 10am-12pm All Su 1/12 10am-12pm All spspspeeecifcifcific natureic natureic nature the the themememe/t/t/topopopic. ic. ic. ThisThisThis inclusive environment, focused on inclusiveinclusive eenvironmenvironment, nt, ffocuseocusedd onon month’s month’s month’s thethethemememe is winte is winte is winter skier skier skies. Alls. Alls. All mental and physical health. Come memememental andntal andntal andntal and p p p physical hehysical hehysical hehysical health. Comealth. Comealth. Comealth. Come Accessibility NoticeAccessibility NoticeAccessibility Notice supsuppplielies ares are pprovidrovideedd, b, but fut feeeel l ffrereee toto together with other women and enjoy togetogethether with other with other r womewomen n andand eenjoynjoy WWetetllandsands Par Park welk welccoomesmes peo peoplple oe of alf alll bbring ring your own! your own! Sign up here. thethethe uniquniquniqueueue b b beeeauty auty auty ofofof WeWeWetlandtlandtlands Ps Ps Park.ark.ark. abilities. If you are in need of a program abilities. If you are in need of a program Day Day DateDate Time Age Cost Sign up here.Sign up here.Sign up here. modification, please call (702) 455-7522 modification, please call (702) 455-7522 SuSu 1/191/19 11am-12:30pm 18+ $10 Day Day DateDate Time Time AgeAge CostCost two weeks prior to the program date. two weeks prior to the program date. © Wetlands © Wetlands Su 1/26 9-11am All $5 Su 1/26 9-11am All $5

CLARK COUNTY WETLANDS PARKCLARK COUNTY WETLANDS PARKCLARK COUNTY WETLANDS PARKCLARK COUNTY WETLANDS PARK 7050 7050 7050 7050 WeWeWeWetlandtlandtlandtlands s s s PPPPark ark ark ark Ln, Las VeLn, Las VeLn, Las VeLn, Las Vegas, gas, gas, gas, NNNNV V V V 89122891228912289122 ART EXHIBITSART EXHIBITSART EXHIBITS (702) 455-7522 (702) 455-7522 Spotlight on Nature Gallery (SONG)Spotlight on Nature Gallery (SONG)Spotlight on Nature Gallery (SONG) TheThe Las Ve Las Vegas gas WateWatercolor Sociercolor Societyty The Las Vegas Watercolor Society rereturns to turns to WeWetlandtlands Ps Park ark ffrom Ferom Febbruaryruary returns to Wetlands Park from February FEBRUARY 2025 PROGRAM SCHEDULEFEBRUARY 2025 PROGRAM SCHEDULEFEBRUARY 2025 PROGRAM SCHEDULEFEBRUARY 2025 PROGRAM SCHEDULEFEBRUARY 2025 PROGRAM SCHEDULEFEBRUARY 2025 PROGRAM SCHEDULEFEBRUARY 2025 PROGRAM SCHEDULEFEBRUARY 2025 PROGRAM SCHEDULEFEBRUARY 2025 PROGRAM SCHEDULEFEBRUARY 2025 PROGRAM SCHEDULEFEBRUARY 2025 PROGRAM SCHEDULEFEBRUARY 2025 PROGRAM SCHEDULEFEBRUARY 2025 PROGRAM SCHEDULE 8 8 to to ApApril ril 24 f24 for theor their ir 2025 Signature 8 to April 24 for their 2025 Signature ShowShow. Visit the SONG in our Exhibit Show. Visit the SONG in our Exhibit GalleGallery to sery to seee tale talententedd local local artists’artists’ Gallery to see talented local artists’ work work on don dispisplay!lay! work on display! © Joel Reyna © Joel Reyna The NestThe Nest Morrigan Morrigan Morrigan DeDeDeVito, our Vito, our Vito, our 202420242024 Morrigan DeVito, our 2024 Artist Artist Artist Artist in Rin Rin Rin Reeeesidsidsidsideeeencencencence, , , , is is is is showingshowingshowingshowing Artist in Residence, is showing off Nature JournalsNature JournalsNature JournalsNature JournalsNature Journals inspired off Nature Journals inspired bbbbby hey hey hey hey her work r work r work r work r work in in in in in thethethethethe P P P P Park fark fark fark fark fromromromromrom by her work in the Park from © © Morrigan DeVitoMorrigan DeVito FeFeFeFeFebbbbbrururururuary ary ary ary ary 1 1 1 1 1 through through through through through ApApApApApril ril ril ril ril February 1 through April 30. GET INVOLVED AT WETLANDS PARKGET INVOLVED AT WETLANDS PARKGET INVOLVED AT WETLANDS PARKGET INVOLVED AT WETLANDS PARK © © PPhilip hilip MartiniMartini Become a VolunteerBecome a VolunteerBecome a VolunteerBecome a VolunteerBecome a Volunteer Wetlands: Hands On!Wetlands: Hands On!Wetlands: Hands On! ONGOING INFORMATIONONGOING INFORMATIONONGOING INFORMATION PROGRAMS AT A GLANCEPROGRAMS AT A GLANCEPROGRAMS AT A GLANCE VolunteVolunteVolunteVolunteeeeers rs rs rs areareareare neneneneeeeeddddeeeedddd yeyeyeyear-roundar-roundar-roundar-round Volunteers are needed year-round TakeTake the the ste stewardwardshipship of of We Wetlandtlandss Take the stewardship of Wetlands in various capin various capin various capacitieacitieacities, bs, bs, both indoth indoth indoorsoorsoors in various capacities, both indoors PPark ark into into your handyour hands. Voluntes. Volunteeersrs Park into your hands. Volunteers Nature CenterNature CenterNature Center SSUNUN 2/2 2/2 11a11amm - - WaWatetercolor rcolor ffor or KidKids*s* andandand outdoutdoutdoors. oors. oors. FindFindFind op op opppportunitieortunitieortunitiesss and outdoors. Find opportunities pparticiparticipateate in in monthly monthly pprojerojectscts participate in monthly projects OpOpeen Tuen Tuesdsday-Sunday-Sunday, ay, 9am-3p9am-3pm,m, Open Tuesday-Sunday, 9am-3pm, SSAT AT 2/8 2/8 & & SSUNUN 2/9 2/9 10a10amm - - FeFeeeddeerWarWatchtch thethe NNatureature CeCententer r includincludees s anan the Nature Center includes an and learn how to start at and learn how to start at includincludincludincluding ping ping ping picking icking icking icking upupupup trash, trash, trash, trash, rerereremovingmovingmovingmoving including picking up trash, removing ExhibExhibit Galleit Gallery, Nry, Natureature Store Store,, Exhibit Gallery, Nature Store, volvolvolunteer.cunteer.cunteer.ccccwetlwetlwetlandsandsandsparkparkpark.c.c.comomom.. grafgrafgraffffiti, piti, piti, painting, reainting, reainting, removing moving moving invasiveinvasiveinvasive graffiti, painting, removing invasive SUN 2/9 10am - Tabletops SUN 2/9 10am - Tabletops LoungeLounge, , andand Aud Auditorium, itorium, all fall frereee toto Lounge, and Auditorium, all free to ppplants, lants, lants, condcondconducting ucting ucting trailtrailtrail plants, conducting trail WED 2/12 11am - Nature Tales WED 2/12 11am - Nature Tales enter. enter. maintemaintemaintenancenancenance, and, and, and he he helplplping withing withing with maintenance, and helping with SAT 2/15 8am - Java Jaunt Birding* SAT 2/15 8am - Java Jaunt Birding* rererestoration storation storation ppprojerojerojects. All agects. All agects. All agesss restoration projects. All ages Visiting the ParkVisiting the Park Visiting the Park wewewelcomelcomelcome, , , bbbut ut ut youth youth youth must must must havehavehave aaa welcome, but youth must have a SAT 2/15 1pm - Wetlands Explorers* SAT 2/15 1pm - Wetlands Explorers* Trails Trails areare op opeen dn daily faily from drom dawn awn toto Trails are open daily from dawn to guardguardian ian ppreresesent. nt. Sign up here.Sign up here.Sign up here.Sign up here. guardian present. ddusk. usk. BeBefforeore you comeyou come, che, check ck thethe dusk. Before you come, check the SUN 2/16 11am - Watercolor for Adults* SUN 2/16 11am - Watercolor for Adults* weweweweatheatheatheather rer rer rer repppport fort fort fort for highor highor highor high weather report for high Day Day DateDate Time Time AgeAge SAT 2/22 & SUN 2/23 10am - FeederWatch SAT 2/22 & SUN 2/23 10am - FeederWatch Sa 2/8 9-11am All Sa 2/8 9-11am All tetempmpeeratureratures s or or fflash lash ffloodlood temperatures or flash flood warnings. warnings. Bring Bring watewater, r, walkingwalking warnings. Bring SUN 2/23 9am - Discovery Walk* SUN 2/23 9am - Discovery Walk* © © WeWetlandstlands shoeshoes, s, a hat, sunscrea hat, sunscreeen, andn, and b bugug shoes, a hat, sunscreen, and bug *Advance registration required. *Advance registration required. spray. spray.

CLACLACLARK COUNTY WETLANDS PARKRK COUNTY WETLANDS PARKRK COUNTY WETLANDS PARK 7050 7050 7050 WeWeWetlandtlandtlands s s PPPark ark ark Ln, Las VeLn, Las VeLn, Las Vegas, gas, gas, NNNV V V 891228912289122 Watercolor for AdultsWatercolor for AdultsWatercolor for Adults Watercolor for Adults (702) 455-7522(702) 455-7522 (702) 455-7522 A A A A bbbbeeeeginning andginning andginning andginning and inteinteinteintermermermermeddddiateiateiateiate Discovery Walk: In the Wetlands,Discovery Walk: In the Wetlands,Discovery Walk: In the Wetlands, Discovery Walk: In the Wetlands, watewatewatewatercolor rcolor rcolor rcolor trials class that etrials class that etrials class that etrials class that encouragencouragencouragencouragessss Where Nature Becomes PersonalWhere Nature Becomes PersonalWhere Nature Becomes Personal Where Nature Becomes Personal Project FeederWatchProject FeederWatch FAMILY PROGRAMSFAMILY PROGRAMS studstudstudstudeeeents nts nts nts to to to to eeeexpxpxpxplorelorelorelore d d d dififififffffeeeererererentntntnt ExpExpExpeeerierieriencencence the the the PPPark ark ark in a way that isin a way that isin a way that is Experience the Park in a way that is Join Join us in us in thethe Exhib Exhibit Galleit Gallery ry fforor Nature TalesNature Tales tetetetechniqchniqchniqchniqueueueues. s. s. s. Each class will Each class will Each class will Each class will ffffocus ocus ocus ocus on aon aon aon a pppeeersonal rsonal rsonal to to to you you you on on on this this this dddiscoveiscoveiscovery ry ry walk.walk.walk. personal to you on this discovery walk. this bird count program to see this bird count program to see spspspeeecifcifcific natureic natureic nature the the themememe/t/t/topopopic. ic. ic. ThisThisThis NNatureature-the-thememedd story and story and craf craftt Along theAlong theAlong the way, we way, we way, we’ll d’ll d’ll discuss biscuss biscuss beeenenenefffits ofits ofits of Along the way, we’ll discuss benefits of which bird species visit our which bird species visit our month’s month’s month’s month’s thethethethememememe is native is native is native is native mammals. mammals. mammals. mammals. AllAllAllAll pprograrogram. m. FreFreee and and walk-in. walk-in. spspspeeendndnding timeing timeing time in in in naturenaturenature and and and useuseuse ourourour spending time in nature and use our feeders this season. All materials feeders this season. All materials Day Day DateDate TimeTime AgeAge sesesensensenses to fs to fs to form orm orm pppeeersonal connersonal connersonal connectionsctionsctions senses to form personal connections supsupsupppplielielies ares ares are ppprovidrovidrovideeeddd, b, b, but fut fut feeeeeel l l fffrerereeee tototo provided. Free, drop-in. provided. Free, drop-in. W 2/12 11am -12pm All W 2/12 11am -12pm All to theto the landlandscapscapee. . Sign up here.Sign up here.Sign up here. to the landscape. bbbring ring ring your own! your own! your own! Sign up here.Sign up here.Sign up here. Day Day DateDate Time Time AgeAge Day Day Date Time Date Time AgeAge CostCost Sa 2/8 10-11:30am All Sa 2/8 10-11:30am All Day DayDay DateDateDate TimeTime AgeAge CostCost Su 2/23 9-11am 15+ $5 Su 2/23 9-11am 15+ $5 Su 2/9 10-11:30am All Su 2/9 10-11:30am All Su 2/16 11am-12:30pm 18+ $10 Su 2/162/16 11am-12:30pm 18+ $10 Sa 2/22 10-11:30am All Sa 2/22 10-11:30am All Su 2/23 10-11:30am All Su 2/23 10-11:30am All FITNESSFITNESS © Wetlands © Wetlands Wetlands WalkersWetlands WalkersWetlands WalkersWetlands WalkersWetlands Walkers Wetlands ExplorersWetlands ExplorersWetlands ExplorersWetlands ExplorersWetlands ExplorersWetlands Explorers A walk in nature is A walk in nature is © Wetlands © Wetlands OutdOutdOutdOutdOutdOutdOutdoor oor oor oor oor oor oor ppppppprogram rogram rogram rogram rogram rogram rogram fffffffor or or or or or or youngeyoungeyoungeyoungeyoungeyoungeyounger r r r r r r kidkidkidkidkidkidkidsssssss better than a better than a with with with with ageageageage-ap-ap-ap-apppppropropropropriateriateriateriate activitieactivitieactivitieactivities s s s ffffor or or or allallallall with age-appropriate activities for all treadmill. Our goal treadmill. Our goal ART PROGRAMS ART PROGRAMS pppparticiparticiparticiparticipants. Pants. Pants. Pants. Parearearearental pntal pntal pntal participarticiparticiparticipationationationation participants. Parental participation © Wetlands © Wetlands this year is to this year is to rererereqqqquireuireuireuiredddd. . . . TheTheTheThe Saturd Saturd Saturd Saturday theay theay theay thememememe this this this this required. The Saturday theme this Watercolor for KidsWatercolor for Kids Watercolor for Kids collectively walk a collectively walk a month is month is month is Animal Tracks. Animal Tracks. Animal Tracks. Sign up here.Sign up here.Sign up here.Sign up here. month is Animal Tracks. WALKS WALKS total total total total ofofofof 5,700 5,700 5,700 5,700 milemilemilemiles,s,s,s, total of 5,700 miles, ExpExpExpeeerierieriencencence nature nature nature through through through art art art andandand Day DayDay DateDate TimeTime AgeAge CostCost Sa 2/15 1-2:30pm 3-8 $5 SaSa 2/152/15 1-2:30p1-2:30pmm 3-8 $5 Java Jaunt BirdingJava Jaunt BirdingJava Jaunt Birding the same as the Green Darner the same as the Green Darner havehave f fun un whilewhile lelearning arning kidkid-f-frieriendndlyly have fun while learning kid-friendly Dragonfly’s multigenerational migration Dragonfly’s multigenerational migration watewatercolor rcolor ppainting ainting andand d drawingrawing watercolor painting and drawing Walk Walk with with a a ReRedd Rock Rock AudAudububon on SocieSocietyty Walk with a Red Rock Audubon Society bbirdirding ing eexpxpeert andrt and a We a Wetlandtlands s PParkark birding expert and a Wetlands Park journey. Can you help us reach our goal? journey. Can you help us reach our goal? skills. skills. TheThe thethememe this this month month is is nativenative skills. The theme this month is native naturalist to spnaturalist to spot reot residsideent andnt and naturalist to spot resident and Log your hours and earn rewards at Log your hours and earn rewards at mammals. mammals. All All supsuppplielies ares are p providrovideedd.. mammals. All supplies are provided. migratory migratory bbirdirds. s. For For bboth oth bbeeginneginnerr migratory birds. For both beginner walwalwalkkkersersers.c.c.ccccwetlwetlwetlandsandsandsparkparkpark.c.c.comomom.. Sign up here.Sign up here.Sign up here.Sign up here.Sign up here. © Kathryn Jones © Kathryn Jones andand eexpxpeerieriencencedd bbirdirdeers. Binocularsrs. Binoculars and experienced birders. Binoculars Day Day Date Time Age Date Time Age CostCost RReegistegister r ffor or pprograms onlinerograms online atat availabavailablele to b to borrow. orrow. Sign up hereSign up hereSign up here.. available to borrow. Su 2/2 11am-12pm 4-17 $5 Su 2/2 11am-12pm 4-17 $5 TabletopsTabletops Day Day DateDate TimeTime AgeAge CostCost programsprogramsprograms.c.c.ccccwetlandswetlandswetlandsparkparkpark.c.c.comomom.. Join Join a a ppark ark naturalist in naturalist in thethe ExhibExhibitit Sa 2/15 8-10am 10+ $5 Sa 2/15 8-10am 10+ $5 Gallery for a free, drop-in display and Gallery for a free, drop-in display and Accessibility NoticeAccessibility NoticeAccessibility Notice activity about litter and debris, activity about litter and debris, WWetetllandsands Par Park welk welccoomesmes peo peoplple oe of alf alll learning “How long does it last?” learning “How long does it last?” abilities. If you are in need of a program abilities. If you are in need of a program Day Day DateDate TimeTime AgeAge modification, please call (702) 455-7522 modification, please call (702) 455-7522 Su 2/9 10am-12pm All Su 2/9 10am-12pm All two weeks prior to the program date. two weeks prior to the program date. © Wetlands © Wetlands © © PPhilip hilip MartiniMartini