FACILITY RENTALSFACILITY RENTALS RENTALRENTAL MEETING ROMEETING ROOOMSMS INFORMATIONINFORMATION MEETING ROOM AMEETING ROOM A MEETING ROOM CMEETING ROOM C Meeting Room A, B, C, & DMeeting Room A, B, C, & D (Max Capacity: 50 - 150)(Max Capacity: 50 - 150) Community Rate:Community Rate:Community Rate:Community Rate: $60 $60 $60 for for for first first first two two two (2) (2) (2) hourshourshours $20 $20 for for each adeach addditional houritional hour CommeCommercial rcial RateRate:: $120 $120 for for first first two two (2) (2) hourshours $40 $40 for for each adeach addditional houritional hour MEETING ROOM BMEETING ROOM B KITCHENKITCHEN KitchenKitchen Community Rate:Community Rate:Community Rate:Community Rate:Community Rate:Community Rate:Community Rate:Community Rate: $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 for for for for for for first first first first first first two two two two two two (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) hourshourshourshourshourshours $20 $20 $20 for for for each adeach adeach adddditionalitionalitional hourhourhour CommeCommeCommercial rcial rcial RateRateRate::: $80 for first two (2) hours $80 $80 for for first first two two (2) (2) hourshours $20 $20 for for each adeach addditionalitional hourhour MEETING ROOM DMEETING ROOM D ALALLL RE RESESERVATIONS ARE ORVATIONS ARE ON A FIRST COME, FIRST SEN A FIRST COME, FIRST SERVERVE BASIS. BASIS. PLPLEEASEASE AL ALLLOW 5-7 BUSINEOW 5-7 BUSINESS DAYS, AFTESS DAYS, AFTER SUBMITTALR SUBMITTAL, FOR A RESPONSE, FOR A RESPONSE ON ON Walnut Recreation Center is perfect forWalnut Recreation Center is perfect forWalnut Recreation Center is perfect forWalnut Recreation Center is perfect for YOUR ROOM RESERVATION REQUEST YOUR ROOM RESERVATION REQUEST parties & meetings (for example;parties & meetings (for example;parties & meetings (for example; WEWE PROVIDE, BUT DO NOT SE PROVIDE, BUT DO NOT SET UP, TABLT UP, TABLEES & CHAIRS.S & CHAIRS. birthdays, showers, anniversaries,birthdays, showers, anniversaries, NO ALNO ALCOHOLCOHOL, IL, ILLELEGALGAL SUBSTANCE SUBSTANCES, FOG MACHINES, FOG MACHINES, GAS GRILS, GAS GRILLLS, PROPANES, PROPANE,, graduation parties, holiday parties, etc.).graduation parties, holiday parties, etc.).graduation parties, holiday parties, etc.).graduation parties, holiday parties, etc.). GLASS, HELIUM BALLOONS ALLOWED. GLASS, HELIUM BALLOONS ALLOWED. Please contact us at (702) 455-8402 forPlease contact us at (702) 455-8402 forPlease contact us at (702) 455-8402 for NON-PROFIT (COMMUNITY PATRONS) MAY NONON-PROFIT (COMMUNITY PATRONS) MAY NOT CHARGET CHARGE FE FEEES FOS FOR ER EVEVENTSNTS availability, fees, rules and request forms.availability, fees, rules and request forms. OR CONCESSIONS. ONLY "COMMERCIAL" RATES ALLOW THE SALE OF OR CONCESSIONS. ONLY "COMMERCIAL" RATES ALLOW THE SALE OF CONCESSIONS. CONCESSIONS. ALALLL RE RESESERVATIONS MUST INCLRVATIONS MUST INCLUDE SET UP AND BREUDE SET UP AND BREAK DOAK DOWN TIMEWN TIME..

Clark County Parks and Recreation Catalog Fall Page 68 Page 70