BASKETBALLBASKETBALL SENIOR PROGRAMSSENIOR PROGRAMSSENIOR PROGRAMS AFTERSCHOOL PROGRAM AFTERSCHOOL PROGRAM BASKETBALL CLINICSBASKETBALL CLINICS SENIOR H.O.T. SPOTSENIOR H.O.T. SPOTSENIOR H.O.T. SPOT TREEHOUSE REC TREEHOUSE REC This is an This is an introdintroductory class uctory class ffor or pparticiparticipants ants wantingwanting to to IfIf you're you're a a sesenior nior andand you'reyou're WaWalnlnuut's t's aaffteterschrschool ool pprograrogram m is is aa susuppeerviservisedd pprograrogramm lelearn arn thethe b basic asic skills skills andand rule rules ofs of the the game game. . InstructionInstruction looking flooking for dor daily activitieaily activities,s, will focus on the proper fundamentals and highlight will focus on the proper fundamentals and highlight ddeesignsigneedd to to eenngagagege youyouthth aageges s 6-12 6-12 aat t ththee eenndd ofof ththee schschoolool monthly monthly classeclasses, s, ffieieldld triptrips,s, shooting, passing, and dribbling. Participants with varying shooting, passing, and dribbling. Participants with varying day. This fun-filled program focuses on recreational activities day. This fun-filled program focuses on recreational activities andand monthly monthly eevevents,nts, levels of experience will have the opportunity to gain new levels of experience will have the opportunity to gain new such as: sports, games, arts & crafts and other activities. such as: sports, games, arts & crafts and other activities. Walnut's Walnut's SeSenior Hot Spnior Hot Spotot skills or refine their technique through drills and practice. skills or refine their technique through drills and practice. Registration is required. Registration is required. has has eeveverything rything you neyou neeedd!! DayDay DateDate CostCost AgeAge Activity CodeActivity Code Time Time TEENS IN THE HOUSETEENS IN THE HOUSE TueTuess 1122/0/033 - - 1122/2/244 66 WWaalnlnuutt BaBaskskeettbbaall ll 0303 $5 5:45 PM - 6:30 PM 5:45 PM - 6:30 PM $5 5-11 5-11 Registration is required to Registration is required to A A ffuunn opoppportuortunnity ity ffor or teteeenns s to to pplalay y spsports, orts, leleaarnrn sociasocial l skskills,ills, Thurs 12/05 - 12/26 Thurs 12/05 - 12/26 $5 5:45 PM - 6:30 PM 5:45 PM - 6:30 PM $5 6 Walnut Basketball 04 6 Walnut Basketball 04 12-17 12-17 participate in most participate in most sportsmanship, participate in fitness classes, attend sportsmanship, participate in fitness classes, attend activities. activities. workshops, and more! workshops, and more! HEALTH & FITNESSHEALTH & FITNESS DayDay DateDate AgeAge CostCost Activity CodeActivity Code Time Time ZUMBAZUMBAZUMBAZUMBA TEEN PROGRAMS TEEN PROGRAMS M-FM-F 0088/1/122 - - 0055/2/233 33 PPMM - - 66 PPMM WWLLYTRYTREECC 6-12 6-12 FREE FREE ZuZuZuZumbmbmbmbaaaa s s s s aaaa hhhhighighighigh-e-e-e-ennnneeeergy, rgy, rgy, rgy, LaLaLaLatintintintin-in-in-in-inspspspspireireireiredddd ddddaaaannnncececece wwwworkorkorkorkouououout t t t ththththaaaatttt M-F 08/12 - 05/23 2 PM - 6 PM WLTTREC M-F 08/12 - 05/23 2 PM - 6 PM WLTTREC 13-17 13-17 FREE FREE combcombcombcombinininineeees s s s cacacacardrdrdrdio, io, io, io, strestrestrestrennnngthgthgthgth, , , , aaaannnndddd fffflelelelexibxibxibxibility ility ility ility tratratratraininininininining.g.g.g. TEEN FRIDAYSTEEN FRIDAYS AgeAge DateDateDateDate CostCost Activity CodeActivity Code TimeTime DayDay EEvvereryy 1 1sstt and 3 and 3rrd Fd Frriidayday o of tf the Mhe Moontnth Th Teenseens wi willll DAY CAMP DAY CAMP 18 18 & UP& UP 66 WWAALLUNUNT T FIFITNTNEESSSS 0101 11112222/0/0/0/02222 - - - - 11112222/2/2/2/23333 $25$25 99 AAMM - - 1100 AAMM MoMonn participate in diverse workshops, recreational and participate in diverse workshops, recreational and 18 & UP 18 & UP 6 WALNUT FITNESS 03 6 WALNUT FITNESS 03 $25$25 12/03 - 12/24 12/03 - 12/24 9 AM - 10 AM 999 AAAMMM - - - 111000 AAAMMM Tues Tues 18 & UP 18 & UP 6 WALNUT FITNESS 05 6 WALNUT FITNESS 05 $25$25 12/05 - 12/26 12/05 - 12/26 9 AM - 10 AM 999 AAAMMM - - - 111000 AAAMMM Thurs Thurs social activities, special events, & Field Trips. social activities, special events, & Field Trips. 18 & UP 18 & UP 6 WALNUT FITNESS 02 6 WALNUT FITNESS 02 $25$25 12/02 - 12/23 1122/0/022 - - 1122/2/233 10 AM - 11 AM 1100 AAMM - - 1111 AAMM Mon Mon All Participants must be registered to participate. All Participants must be registered to participate. 18 & UP 18 & UP 6 WALNUT FITNESS 04 $25$25 6 WALNUT FITNESS 04 12/03 - 12/24 1122/0/033 - - 1122/2/244 10 AM - 11 AM 1100 AAMM - - 1111 AAMM Tues Tues 18 & UP 18 18 & UP& UP $25 $25 6 WALNUT FITNESS 05 6 WALNUT FITNESS 05 12/05 - 12/26 1122/0/055 - - 1122/2/266 10 AM - 11 AM 10 AM - 11 AM Thurs Thurs FITNESS ROOMFITNESS ROOM Walnut RWalnut RWalnut RWalnut RWalnut RWalnut Reeeeeecrecrecrecrecrecreation ation ation ation ation ation CeCeCeCeCeCententententententer’s Fitner’s Fitner’s Fitner’s Fitner’s Fitner’s Fitness ss ss ss ss ss RRRRRRoom ofoom ofoom ofoom ofoom ofoom offfffffeeeeeers rs rs rs rs rs compcompcompcompcompcomprerererererehehehehehehensivensivensivensivensivensive andandandand condcondcondconditioning itioning itioning itioning eeeeqqqquipuipuipuipmememement at a grent at a grent at a grent at a great at at at ppppricericericerice!!!! MeMeMeMembmbmbmbeeeershiprshiprshiprships s s s maymaymaymay and conditioning equipment at a great price! Memberships may bbbbbbbeeeeeee p p p p p p purchaseurchaseurchaseurchaseurchaseurchaseurchaseddddddd on on on on on on on a a a a a a a dddddddaily, aily, aily, aily, aily, aily, aily, monthly monthly monthly monthly monthly monthly monthly or or or or or or or annual bannual bannual bannual bannual bannual bannual basis asis asis asis asis asis asis with with with with with with with nonononononono be purchased on a daily, monthly or annual basis with no contracts contracts contracts contracts or automatic or automatic or automatic or automatic ppppaymeaymeaymeayments.nts.nts.nts. All pAll pAll pAll participarticiparticiparticipants ants ants ants must must must must wewewewearararar contracts or automatic payments. All participants must wear fffitneitneitness ss ss apapappppropropropriateriateriate attireattireattire, a towe, a towe, a towel l l andandand f f fitness appropriate attire, a towel and footwear. TeTeTeeeens must bns must bns must beee re re registegistegistererereddd bbby y y a a a ppparearearent nt nt or or or guardguardguardian andian andian and those those those age age agesss Teens must be registered by a parent or guardian and those ages 13-15 must b13-15 must b13-15 must b13-15 must beeee accompaccompaccompaccompanieanieanieaniedddd bbbby a py a py a py a parearearearent or lent or lent or lent or legal gal gal gal guardguardguardguardian with aian with aian with aian with a 13-15 must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian with a currecurrent ment membmbeershiprship in in thethe FitneFitness ss RRoom.oom. current membership in the Fitness Room. AdultsAdults Teens (13 -17yrs)Teens (13 -17yrs) Drop-in: $4 Drop-in: $4 Drop-in: $3 Drop-in: $3 LEADERS OF THE FUTURE (L.O.T.F.) LEADERS OF THE FUTURE (L.O.T.F.) Monthly: Monthly: $16$16 Monthly: $15 Monthly: $15 Yearly: $115 Yearly: $115 CCllarark Ck Coountuntyy’’ss Leader Leaderss o of tf the Fhe Fututurure Pre Prooggrram iam iss a l a leadereadersshihipp Yearly: $105 Yearly: $105 development opportunity for participants 13 -17 years old. development opportunity for participants 13 -17 years old. Basketball Pass Basketball Pass Seniors (55 & up)Seniors (55 & up) LOTFs will focus on service to the community, Education, LOTFs will focus on service to the community, Education, Monthly: $12 Monthly: $12 Drop-in: $1 Drop-in: $1 leadership development, job training skills, and social recreation. leadership development, job training skills, and social recreation. Monthly: $5 Monthly: $5 Basketball/Fitness Pass Basketball/Fitness Pass We are looking for Teens who are dependable, have a positive We are looking for Teens who are dependable, have a positive Yearly: $35 Yearly: $35 Monthly: $25 Monthly: $25 attitude, and believe in the value of teamwork. Apply Today! attitude, and believe in the value of teamwork. Apply Today!

Clark County Parks and Recreation Catalog Fall Page 67 Page 69