Class RegistrationClass RegistrationClass RegistrationClass RegistrationClass Registration Youth SwimmingYouth SwimmingYouth SwimmingYouth SwimmingYouth SwimmingYouth SwimmingYouth Swimming AQUATIC SPRINGS INDOOR POOLAQUATIC SPRINGS INDOOR POOLAQUATIC SPRINGS INDOOR POOL InformationInformation Lessons - 3 WeeksLessons - 3 WeeksLessons - 3 WeeksLessons - 3 Weeks Information Lessons - 3 Weeks 7025 7025 7025 S. S. S. Fort ApFort ApFort Apacheacheache R R Rddd., Las Ve., Las Ve., Las Vegas, gas, gas, NNNV V V 891488914889148 Session 2 RegistrationSession 2 RegistrationSession 2 RegistrationSession 2 Registration Water Introduction - 30 min.Water Introduction - 30 min.Water Introduction - 30 min.Water Introduction - 30 min. (702) 455-1708 (702) 455-1708 February 13th, 2025 @7:00 AM FeFeFebbbruary ruary ruary 13th, 13th, 13th, 2025 @2025 @2025 @7:00 7:00 7:00 AMAMAM Office HoursOffice Hours Recommended Age: 6 MO. - 5 YRS.Recommended Age: 6 MO. - 5 YRS.Recommended Age: 6 MO. - 5 YRS.Recommended Age: 6 MO. - 5 YRS.Recommended Age: 6 MO. - 5 YRS.Recommended Age: 6 MO. - 5 YRS. Participant Ratio: 1 instructor to 10 Participant Ratio: Participant Ratio: 1 1 instructor to 10instructor to 10 General InformationGeneral Information Mon.- Fri...Mon.- Fri.....6:00am ..6:00am - - 7:00p7:00pmm Session 2 Dates Session 2 DatesSession 2 Dates parent/guardian & student pairs pparearent/guardian & student/guardian & student pnt pairsairs Sat..............8:00am-3:00pm Sat..............8:00am-3:00pm 2A- Feb. 24th - Mar. 14th 2A- Fe2A- Fe2A- Febbb. 24th . 24th . 24th - - - Mar. 14thMar. 14thMar. 14th Admission FeesAdmission Fees Sun.............CLOSED Sun.............CLOSED An adult MUST be in the water at all An adult MUST be in the water at allAn adult MUST be in the water at allAn adult MUST be in the water at all Youth (3-17 YRS.)Youth (3-17 YRS.) $2$2 times during classes. times during classes.times during classes. 2B - Mar. 24th - April 11th 2B 2B 2B - - - Mar. Mar. Mar. 24th - Ap24th - Ap24th - April 11thril 11thril 11th Adult (18-54 YRS) $3 Adult (18-54 YRS) $3 Lap Swim HoursLap Swim Hours Pool Location: Family Pool (0 to 4 feet) Pool Location:Pool Location: Family Pool (0 to 4 feet) SAT. - Mar. 1st - April 12th SAT. SAT. SAT. - - - Mar. 1st - ApMar. 1st - ApMar. 1st - April 12thril 12thril 12th Senior (55+ YRS) $1 Senior (55+ YRS) $1 Class Goals: To build swimming Class Goals:Class Goals: To bTo builduild swimming swimming Monday - Thursday ............Monday - Thursday ............6:00am-12:00p6:00am-12:00pm*m* *For Session 2 - There are no classes*For Session 2 - There are no classes*For Session 2 - There are no classes 3:00pm-7:00pm* 3:00pm-7:00pm* readiness by emphasizing fun in the readiness by emphasizing fun in the Swim PassesSwim Passes Feb. 17th - Feb. 22nd for break week.*Feb. 17th - Feb. 22nd for break week.*Feb. 17th - Feb. 22nd for break week.* Friday................................6:00am-12:00pm* Friday................................6:00am-12:00pm* water. Adults & children participate in water. water. AdAdults & ults & childchildren ren pparticiparticipate ate inin Swim Passes can be purchased at any Swim Passes can be purchased at any 3:00pm-7:00pm* 3:00pm-7:00pm* guided classes together. guidguideed d classes classes together.together. Saturday............................8:00am-3:00pm Saturday............................8:00am-3:00pm Clark Clark Clark Clark County Community CeCounty Community CeCounty Community CeCounty Community Cententententer r r r orororor Clark County Community Center or Session 3 RegistrationSession 3 RegistrationSession 3 Registration Skills Included: Safe water entry & exit, Skills IncludedSkills Included: Safe water entry & exit, Sunday..............................CLOSED Sunday..............................CLOSED AqAqAquatic uatic uatic CeCeCentententer.r.r. Aquatic Center. April 10th, 2024 @7:00 AM ApApril 10th,ril 10th, 2024 @7:00 AM blowing bubbles, front & back floats, bbbblowing blowing blowing blowing bububububbbbbleleleles, s, s, s, front & bfront & bfront & bfront & back ack ack ack ffffloats,loats,loats,loats, High School Swim Team runs from February 18th - High School Swim Team runs from February 18th - kicking on front & back, freestyle arm kicking on kicking on ffront ront & b& back, fack, freestyle armreestyle arm 90-Day Family Pass90-Day Family Pass90-Day Family Pass Session 3 Dates Session 3 DatesSession 3 Dates May 2nd - lap lanes will be extremely limited in theMay 2nd - lap lanes will be extremely limited in the $100$100 movement, underwater exploration, and movement, movement, undunderwateerwater expr exploration, loration, andand IncludeIncludeIncludeIncludeIncludeIncludes s s s s s upupupupupup to 4 to 4 to 4 to 4 to 4 to 4 ffffffamily amily amily amily amily amily memememememembembembembembembers rs rs rs rs rs in in in in in in the the the the the the same householdsame householdsame householdsame householdsame householdsame household...... afternoon during these dates.afternoon during these dates. 3A 3A 3A - - - ApApApril 21st - May 9thril 21st - May 9thril 21st - May 9th basic water safety skills. bbasic asic water safety skills.water safety skills. Additional members can be added for $20 each. AdAdAdAdAdddddditional membitional membitional membitional membitional members ers ers ers ers can can can can can bebebebebe ad ad ad ad addededededed d d d d fffffororororor $20 each. Skills Required to Pass: 1) Separate Skills Required to Pass:Required to Pass: 1) Separate 3B - May 12th - May 30th 3B 3B - - May May 12th 12th - - May May 30th30th 90 Day Individual90 Day Individual90 Day Individual90 Day Individual90 Day Individual from a parent/guardian while taking part ffrom rom a a parent/guardparent/guardian ian while while taking taking partpart Family Swim HoursFamily Swim Hours Youth (3--17 YRS) Youth (3--17 YRS)Youth (3--17 YRS)Youth (3--17 YRS)Youth (3--17 YRS) $40$40 SAT. - April 25th - May 31st SAT. SAT. - - ApApril ril 25th - May 31st25th - May 31st in group activities 2) Listen & take in groupin group activities activities 2) 2) Listen Listen & & taketake Monday - Thursday.............6:00am-12:00pm* Monday - Thursday.............6:00am-12:00pm* AdAdAdult (18-54 ult (18-54 ult (18-54 YRS)YRS)YRS) $60 Adult (18-54 YRS) $60 Senior Senior (55+ YRS)(55+ YRS) $20$20 Senior (55+ YRS) $20 direction in a group setting direction in a group setting *For Session 3 - There are no classes *For Session 3 - There are no classes*For Session 3 - There are no classes 3:00pm-5:00pm* 3:00pm-5:00pm* Friday.................................6:00am-12:00pm* Friday.................................6:00am-12:00pm* on Saturday, May 10th for Staff Training AND on Saturday, May 10th for Staff Training ANDon Saturday, May 10th for Staff Training AND **Children who require diapers must **Children who require diapers must**Children who require diapers must Annual Family PassAnnual Family PassAnnual Family Pass 3:00pm-7:00pm* 3:00pm-7:00pm* Monday, May 26th for Memorial Day.* Monday, May 26th for Memorial Day.*Monday, May 26th for Memorial Day.* wear a swim diaper under their wear a swim diaper under their Saturday............................11:00am-3:00pm Saturday............................11:00am-3:00pm $300 $300 swimsuit** swimsuit** IncludeIncludeIncludeIncludes s s s upupupup to 4 to 4 to 4 to 4 ffffamily amily amily amily memememembembembembers rs rs rs in in in in the the the the same householdsame householdsame householdsame household.... Sunday...............................CLOSED Sunday...............................CLOSED Additional members can be added for $40 each. Additional members can be added for $40 each. Session 4 RegistrationSession 4 RegistrationSession 4 Registration Water IntroductionWater Introduction May 29th, 2024 @7:00 AM May 29th,May 29th, 2024 @7:00 AM *Limited space in the lap and/or family pool due to *Limited space in the lap and/or family pool due to*Limited space in the lap and/or family pool due to Annual IndividualAnnual Individual Day Times Age Cost Activity Code Day Times Age Cost Activity Code programming.* programming.* Youth (3--17 YRS) Youth (3--17 YRS) $120$120 M/W 5:45 PM 6 MO. - 5 YRS $30 249100 M/W 5:45 PM 6 MO. - 5 YRS $30 249100 Session 4 DatesSession 4 DatesSession 4 Dates Adult (18-54 YRS) $180 Adult (18-54 YRS) $180 T/TH 5:45 PM 6 MO. - 5 YRS $30 249100 T/TH 5:45 PM 6 MO. - 5 YRS $30 249100 $60 Senior (55+ YRS) Senior (55+ YRS) $60 4 4 4 - - - JuJuJunenene 9th - Ju 9th - Ju 9th - Junenene 27th27th27th SAT 10:00 AM 6 MO. - 5 YRS $30 249100 SAT 10:00 AM 6 MO. - 5 YRS $30 249100 SAT. - June 14th - July 26th SAT. SAT. - - JuJunene 14th - Ju 14th - July 26thly 26th Pool Closure DatesPool Closure Dates February 17th - Closed for President’s DayFebruary 17th - Closed for President’s Day **Class dates and times reflect session 2 ONLY.* **Class dates and times reflect session 2 ONLY.***Class dates and times reflect session 2 ONLY.* May 10th - Closed for Staff Training May 10th - Closed for Staff Training May 26th - Closed for Memorial Day May 26th - Closed for Memorial Day June 19th - Closed for Juneteenth June 19th - Closed for Juneteenth July 4th - Closed for Independence Day July 4th - Closed for Independence Day July 11th - Closed for Staff Training July 11th - Closed for Staff Training *Please note that pool hours/days of operation are *Please note that pool hours/days of operation are*Please note that pool hours/days of operation are Register Online At: subject to change. Closure for inclement weather, subject to change. Closure for inclement weather,subject to change. Closure for inclement weather, special events, and unforeseeable events may occur.* special events, and unforeseeable events may occur.*special events, and unforeseeable events may occur.*
Clark County Parks and Recreation Catalog Fall Page 3 Page 5