Some Pool Rules to Keep in MindSome Pool Rules to Keep in MindSome Pool Rules to Keep in Mind Welcome to Clark County Aquatics!Welcome to Clark County Aquatics!Welcome to Clark County Aquatics! DiveDiveDive into f into f into fun andun andun and re re relaxation with Clark County’s plaxation with Clark County’s plaxation with Clark County’s prereremiemiemier aqr aqr aquaticsuaticsuatics SwimweSwimweSwimweSwimweSwimweSwimweSwimwear: Apar: Apar: Apar: Apar: Apar: Apar: Appppppppropropropropropropropriateriateriateriateriateriateriate swimwe swimwe swimwe swimwe swimwe swimwe swimwear isar isar isar isar isar isar is pprogram. Werogram. We of offfeer a varier a variety ofty of p pools across our community thatools across our community that rerererererererereqqqqqqqqquireuireuireuireuireuireuireuireuireddddddddd. For your saf. For your saf. For your saf. For your saf. For your saf. For your saf. For your saf. For your saf. For your safeeeeeeeeety andty andty andty andty andty andty andty andty and the the the the the the the the the saf saf saf saf saf saf saf saf safeeeeeeeeety ofty ofty ofty ofty ofty ofty ofty ofty of otheotheotheotheotheotheothers, only clothing that drs, only clothing that drs, only clothing that drs, only clothing that drs, only clothing that drs, only clothing that drs, only clothing that doeoeoeoeoeoeoes not ps not ps not ps not ps not ps not ps not poseoseoseoseoseoseose a saf a saf a saf a saf a saf a saf a safeeeeeeetytytytytytyty catecatecater to swimmer to swimmer to swimmers ofrs ofrs of all age all age all ages ands ands and skill le skill le skill levevevels. Whels. Whels. Whethethether you’rer you’rer you’re looking looking looking risk may brisk may brisk may beee worn in the worn in the worn in the f f facility.acility.acility. to taketo take a re a reffrereshing swim, eshing swim, enjoy a lenjoy a leisureisurely dly day with theay with the f family, oramily, or join a watejoin a water fr fitneitness class, wess class, we have have the the p peerfrfeect pct pool fool for you.or you. SupSupSupSupSupeeeeervision: Childrvision: Childrvision: Childrvision: Childrvision: Childrererereren undn undn undn undn undeeeeer 8 must br 8 must br 8 must br 8 must br 8 must beeeee accompaccompaccompaccompaccompaccompaccompaccompanieanieanieanieanieanieanieaniedddddddd b b b b b b b by an ady an ady an ady an ady an ady an ady an ady an adult who must bult who must bult who must bult who must bult who must bult who must bult who must bult who must beeeeeeee in the in the in the in the in the in the in the in the watewatewatewatewatewater within arm’s rer within arm’s rer within arm’s rer within arm’s rer within arm’s rer within arm’s reach ofach ofach ofach ofach ofach of the the the the the the child child child child child child at all time at all time at all time at all time at all time at all times.s.s.s.s.s. OUR POOLSOUR POOLS CondCondCondCondCondCondConduct: Nuct: Nuct: Nuct: Nuct: Nuct: Nuct: No running, horseo running, horseo running, horseo running, horseo running, horseo running, horseo running, horseppppppplay, or dlay, or dlay, or dlay, or dlay, or dlay, or dlay, or divingivingivingivingivingivingiving fffffrom therom therom therom therom the p p p p pool dool dool dool dool YEAR ROUND POOLSYEAR ROUND POOLSYEAR ROUND POOLS SEASONAL POOLSSEASONAL POOLS Health: PHealth: PHealth: PHealth: PHealth: PHealth: PHealth: Pleleleleleleleaseaseaseaseaseasease avoid avoid avoid avoid avoid avoid avoid swimming if swimming if swimming if swimming if swimming if swimming if swimming if you have you have you have you have you have you have you have an an an an an an an All our Seasonal PAll our Seasonal Pools have closedools have closed for the 2024 season. They will for the 2024 season. They will opopopopopeeeeen woundn woundn woundn woundn wound or are or are or are or are or are f f f f feeeeeeeeeeling unwell.ling unwell.ling unwell.ling unwell.ling unwell. Aquatic Springs Indoor PoolAquatic Springs Indoor PoolAquatic Springs Indoor Pool reopreopen Summer 2025. Pen Summer 2025. Please e-mail lease e-mail CCAqCCAqCCAquatics@uatics@[email protected] 7025 7025 7025 SSSouououththth Fort Fort Fort ApApApaaachchcheee RRRoaoaoaddd 5.5.5. FoodFoodFood and and and Drinks: Food Drinks: Food Drinks: Food and and and d d drinks inrinks inrinks in if you are interestedif you are interested in working in Summer 2025.Ap in working in Summer 2025.Appplications arelications are dddddddeeeeeeesignatesignatesignatesignatesignatesignatesignateddddddd are are are are are are areas only. Alcohol andas only. Alcohol andas only. Alcohol andas only. Alcohol andas only. Alcohol andas only. Alcohol andas only. Alcohol and glass glass glass glass glass glass glass (702)(702) 455-1708455-1708 encouragedencouraged to b to be sube submittedmitted b before Apefore April 2025. containecontainecontainecontainecontainers arers arers arers arers are not p not p not p not p not peeeeermittermittermittermittermitteddddd..... Desert Breeze Aquatic FacilityDesert Breeze Aquatic FacilityDesert Breeze Aquatic FacilityDesert Breeze Aquatic FacilityDesert Breeze Aquatic Facility **For a f**For a f**For a full list ofull list ofull list of p p pool rules visitool rules visitool rules visit LaughlinLaughlin Indian SpringsIndian Springs 8275 8275 8275 8275 SSSSpppprinrinrinring g g g MouMouMouMounnnntatatatainininin RRRRdddd....**arks**arks** Aquatic CenterAquatic Center Neighborhood PoolNeighborhood Pool (702)(702)(702) 455-7798455-7798455-7798 3790 S. James Bilbray Pkwy.3790 S. James Bilbray Pkwy. 400 Sky Lane400 Sky Lane Tips for a Great ExperienceTips for a Great ExperienceTips for a Great ExperienceTips for a Great Experience (702)(702) 299-9955299-9955 (702)(702)(702) 879-3023879-3023879-3023 Hollywood Aquatic CenterHollywood Aquatic CenterHollywood Aquatic CenterHollywood Aquatic CenterHollywood Aquatic CenterHollywood Aquatic Center --- PPPack Esseack Esseack Essentials: Bring sunscrentials: Bring sunscrentials: Bring sunscreeeen, a hat, a towen, a hat, a towen, a hat, a towel,l,l, 1550 1550 1550 1550 SSSS. . . . HollywHollywHollywHollywoodoodoodood OvertonOverton LogandaleLogandaleLogandale andand a change a change of of clothe clothes.s. (702)(702)(702)(702) 455-8508455-8508455-8508455-8508 Neighborhood PoolNeighborhood Pool Neighborhood PoolNeighborhood PoolNeighborhood Pool -- Stay HydStay Hydrateratedd: Drink p: Drink plelenty ofnty of wate water, er, espspeeciallycially 375 W. Thomas375 W. Thomas 3280 N. Moapa Valley Blvd.3280 N. Moapa Valley Blvd.3280 N. Moapa Valley Blvd. on hot don hot days.ays. (702)(702) 397-2684397-2684 (702)(702) 398-3126398-3126 ADULT ACTIVITY POOLSADULT ACTIVITY POOLSADULT ACTIVITY POOLSADULT ACTIVITY POOLS -- ArriveArrive Early: Ge Early: Get a goodt a good sp spot andot and avoid avoid p peeakak timetimes fs for a moreor a more re relaxelaxedd e expxpeerieriencence.. Cora Coleman AdultCora Coleman Adult Parkdale Water ParkParkdale Water Park Paradise Water ParkParadise Water Park -- Check ScheCheck Schedduleules: Look ups: Look up p pool hours andool hours and any any Activity PoolActivity Pool 3200 Ferndale St.3200 Ferndale St. 4775 McLeod4775 McLeod pplannelannedd closure closures or maintes or maintenancenance b beefforeore 2100 2100 BonBonnnieie LLaannee (702)(702) 455-7523455-7523 (702)(702) 455-8541455-8541 heheheheadadadading out. (702)(702) 455-2120455-2120 ----- Follow LifFollow LifFollow LifFollow LifFollow Lifeeeeeguardguardguardguardguard Instructions: They are the Instructions: They are the Instructions: They are the Instructions: They are the Instructions: They are thererererere to to to to to eeensurensurensure e e eveveveryoneryoneryone’s saf’s saf’s safeeety andty andty and e e enjoymenjoymenjoyment.nt.nt. Whitney Water ParkWhitney Water ParkWhitney Water Park Walnut Water ParkWalnut Water ParkWalnut Water Park 5712 E. Missouri Ave.5712 E. Missouri Ave.5712 E. Missouri Ave. 3085 N. Walnut3085 N. Walnut3085 N. Walnut West FlamingoWest Flamingo WeWe can’t wait to se can’t wait to seee you sp you splash, swim, andlash, swim, and have have 702-455-6635702-455-6635702-455-6635 (702)(702)(702) 455-8422455-8422455-8422 Adult Activity PoolAdult Activity Pool a fa fantastic timeantastic time at our p at our pools. For moreools. For more d deetails ontails on 6255 6255 W. W. FlaFlamminingo go RRdd.. scheschedduleules ands and p programs, visit our werograms, visit our webbsitesite at at (702)(702) 455-4192455-4192 or call onearks or call one of of our pour pools dools direirectly.ctly.

Clark County Parks and Recreation Catalog Fall Page 2 Page 4