Stroke Progression - 45 min.Stroke Progression - 45 min.Stroke Progression - 45 min.Stroke Progression - 45 min. AQUATIC SPRINGS INDOOR POOLAQUATIC SPRINGS INDOOR POOLAQUATIC SPRINGS INDOOR POOL Recommended Age: 7 YRS - 12 YRSRecommended Age: 7 YRS - 12 YRSRecommended Age: 7 YRS - 12 YRSRecommended Age: 7 YRS - 12 YRSRecommended Age: 7 YRS - 12 YRS 7025 7025 7025 S. S. S. Fort ApFort ApFort Apacheacheache R R Rddd., Las Ve., Las Ve., Las Vegas, gas, gas, NNNV V V 891488914889148 Participant Ratio: Participant Ratio: Participant Ratio: 1 instructor to 8 Participant Ratio: 1 instructor to 8 studstudentsents students (702) 455-1708(702) 455-1708 (702) 455-1708 Pool Location: Pool Location: Pool Location: LapLap P Pool ool (7 (7 to to 9 f9 feeteet) Pool Location: Lap Pool (7 to 9 feet) Stroke Introduction - 45 min.Stroke Introduction - 45 min. Skills Required to Enter:Skills Required to Enter:Skills Required to Enter: 1) Jump into Skills Required to Enter: 1) Jump into Youth SwimmingYouth SwimmingYouth SwimmingYouth Swimming Recommended Age: 6 YRS - 10 YRSRecommended Age: 6 YRS - 10 YRS laplaplap p p pool andool andool and return to return to return to the wall the wall the wall 2) Swim2) Swim2) Swim lap pool and return to the wall 2) Swim Lessons Cont. - 3 WeeksLessons Cont. - 3 Weeks Lessons Cont. - 3 Weeks Advanced StrokeAdvanced StrokeAdvanced Stroke Participant Ratio: 1 instructor to 6 Participant Ratio: 1 instructor to 6 apapapppprox. rox. rox. 12 yard12 yard12 yards s s ofofof f f freereereestylestylestyle approx. 12 yards of freestyle Development - 45 min.Development - 45 min. Development - 45 min. students students indindindepepependendendently ently ently 2) 2) 2) Swim Swim Swim apapapppprox. rox. rox. 12 yard12 yard12 yardsss independently 2) Swim approx. 12 yards Water Independence - 30 min.Water Independence - 30 min. Pool Location: Family Pool & Lap Pool (4 Pool Location: Family Pool & Lap Pool (4 of of bbackstrokeackstroke ind indepepeendndentlyently of backstroke independently Recommended Age: 9 YRS - 12 YRSRecommended Age: 9 YRS - 12 YRSRecommended Age: 9 YRS - 12 YRS Recommended Age: 3 YRS - 8 YRSRecommended Age: 3 YRS - 8 YRS to 9 feet) to 9 feet) Class Goals: Class Goals: To To rerefine fine bbasic asic swimmingswimming Class Goals: To refine basic swimming Participant Ratio: Participant Ratio: 1 instructor to 10 Participant Ratio: 1 instructor to 10 Participant Ratio: 1 instructor to 6 Skills Required to Enter: 1) Jump into Participant Ratio: 1 instructor to 6 Skills Required to Enter: 1) Jump into strokestrokestrokes to achieve s to achieve s to achieve ppproficiency roficiency roficiency (f(f(freestyle reestyle reestyle &&& strokes to achieve proficiency (freestyle & students students participants water, completely submerge head, participants water, completely submerge head, bbackstrokeackstroke), re), review view treadtreading, anding, and to to backstroke), review treading, and to Pool Location: Lap Pool (7 to 9 feet) Pool Location: Lap Pool (7 to 9 feet) Pool Location: Family Family PPool (0 ool (0 to to 4 f4 feeeet)t) resurface, and exit the pool using ladder Pool Location: Family Pool (0 to 4 feet) resurface, and exit the pool using ladder introdintroduce uce elementary elementary bbackstrokeackstroke and and introduce elementary backstroke and Required Skills to Enter: Required Skills to Enter: 1) Jump into lap Required Skills to Enter: 1) Jump into lap SkillsSkillsSkillsSkills Required to Enter: Required to Enter: Required to Enter: Required to Enter:1) Separate or stairs 2) Start 10 ft. away from wall or Skills Required to Enter:1) Separate or stairs 2) Start 10 ft. away from wall or bbreaststrokereaststroke.. breaststroke. ppool, fool, fully subully submerge, swim merge, swim 12 yard12 yards ofs of pool, fully submerge, swim 12 yards of ffffrom rom rom rom a a a a pppparent/guardarent/guardarent/guardarent/guardian while ian while ian while ian while taking ptaking ptaking ptaking partartartart stairs: front float for 5 seconds, roll over from a parent/guardian while taking part stairs: front float for 5 seconds, roll over Skills Included: Skills Included: Side breathing for Skills Included: Side breathing for bbackstrokeackstroke, turn , turn aroundaround andand swim swim freefreestylestyle backstroke, turn around and swim freestyle in groupin groupin groupin group activities 2) activities 2) activities 2) activities 2) ListeListeListeListen & n & n & n & taketaketaketake to a back float for 5 seconds, then swim in group activities 2) Listen & take to a back float for 5 seconds, then swim ffreestyle reestyle to impto improve rove pprofroficiency iciency && freestyle to improve proficiency & with with efeffefective sidctive side be brereathing, then athing, then exit theexit the with effective side breathing, then exit the dddddirection in irection in irection in irection in irection in a a a a a groupgroupgroupgroupgroup sesesesesettingttingttingttingtting back to start with minimal support direction in a group setting back to start with minimal support endendurance, reurance, refinedfined bbackstrokeackstroke,, endurance, refined backstroke, ppool 2) ool 2) Swim 12 Swim 12 yardyards s of of eleelementarymentary pool 2) Swim 12 yards of elementary Class Goals:Class Goals:Class Goals:Class Goals: To bTo bTo bTo bTo builduilduilduilduild bbbbbasic waterasic waterasic waterasic waterasic water Class Goals: To refine freestyle, Class Goals: To build basic water Class Goals: To refine freestyle, elemeelementary bntary backstrokeackstroke, b, brereaststrokeaststroke,, elementary backstroke, breaststroke, bbackstrokeackstroke 3) Tread 3) Tread for 15 secondfor 15 seconds withs with backstroke 3) Tread for 15 seconds with compcompcompcompcompcompetency etency etency etency etency etency with with with with with with minimal minimal minimal minimal minimal minimal supsupsupsupsupsuppppppport.ort.ort.ort.ort.ort. introduce backstroke, swim without any competency with minimal support. introduce backstroke, swim without any bbasic asic treadtreading, anding, and b basic wateasic water safr safetyety basic treading, and basic water safety headhead ab above theove the water water head above the water SkillsSkills Included: Included: SafeSafeSafeSafe water water water water entry & entry & entry & entry & exit,exit,exit,exit, support, and build confidence entering Skills Included: Safe water entry & exit, support, and build confidence entering skills. skills. Class Goals: To To rerefine fine all ball basic swimmingasic swimming Class Goals: To refine all basic swimming bbbblowing lowing lowing lowing bbbbububububbbbbles, bles, bles, bles, bobobobobs, relaxeds, relaxeds, relaxeds, relaxed the lap pool. blowing bubbles, bobs, relaxed the lap pool. Skills Required to Pass: Skills Required to Pass: 1) Jump into lap Skills Required to Pass: 1) Jump into lap stokestokes ands and tretreadading to ping to proficiency, roficiency, andand to to stokes and treading to proficiency, and to subsubsubsubmemememersion, rolling frsion, rolling frsion, rolling frsion, rolling from rom rom rom ffffront ront ront ront to to to to bbbbackackackack Skills Included: Independent air submersion, rolling from front to back Skills Included: Independent air ppool, fool, fully subully submerge, swim merge, swim 12 yard12 yards ofs of pool, fully submerge, swim 12 yards of introdintroduce uce sidsidestrokeestroke, , bbutterfly, utterfly, sitting andsitting and introduce sidestroke, butterfly, sitting and ffffloats, streamlines on loats, streamlines on loats, streamlines on loats, streamlines on front front front front & b& b& b& back,ack,ack,ack, f f f flutterlutterlutterlutter recovery, rolling to back as air recovery for floats, streamlines on front & back, flutter recovery, rolling to back as air recovery for bbackstrokeackstroke, turn , turn aroundaround andand swim swim backstroke, turn around and swim kneeling dives. kneeling dives. kicks kicks kicks kicks on fon fon fon front ront ront ront & b& b& b& back,ack,ack,ack, ppppropropropropeeeer r r r kickbkickbkickbkickboardoardoardoard freestyle, longer distances for freestyle, kicks on front & back, proper kickboard freestyle, longer distances for freestyle, ffreestyle reestyle with with efeffefective sidctive side be brereathing,athing, freestyle with effective side breathing, Skills Included: Refined elementary Skills Included: Refined elementary use, use, use, use, bbbbasic fasic fasic fasic freestyle, freestyle, freestyle, freestyle, finning inning inning inning on bon bon bon back,ack,ack,ack, basic backstroke, changing direction while use, basic freestyle, finning on back, basic backstroke, changing direction while then then exit the exit the ppool 2) ool 2) Swim 12 Swim 12 yardyards s ofof then exit the pool 2) Swim 12 yards of backstroke & breaststroke, introduce backstroke & breaststroke, introduce jumpjumpjumping into water with subing into water with subing into water with submersion, mersion, mersion, andandand swimming, feet-first deep water entries, jumping into water with submersion, and swimming, feet-first deep water entries, elemeelementary bntary backstrokeackstroke 3) Tre3) Treadad for for 1515 elementary backstroke 3) Tread for 15 sidestroke, proficient treading with sculling sidestroke, proficient treading with sculling basic water safety skills. introduction to treading, and basic water basic water safety skills. introduction to treading, and basic water secondseconds with hes with headad ababove ove the watethe waterr seconds with head above the water and eggbeater kick, butterfly, sitting & and eggbeater kick, butterfly, sitting & Skills Required to Pass: 1) Jump into safety skills. Skills Required to Pass: 1) Jump into safety skills. kneeling dives, and basic water safety kneeling dives, and basic water safety Stroke Progression Stroke Progression water, completely submerge head, Skills Required to Pass: Skills Required to Pass: 1) Jump into lap water, completely submerge head, Skills Required to Pass: 1) Jump into lap Day Times Age Cost Activity Code Day TimesTimes Age Cost Activity Code skills. skills. M/W 4:00 PM 3 - 12 YRS $30 249103 M/W 4:00 P4:00 PMM 3 - 12 YRS $30 249103 resurface, and exit the pool using ladder ppool andool and re return to the turn to the wall 2) Swimwall 2) Swim resurface, and exit the pool using ladder pool and return to the wall 2) Swim Exit Skills Required: 1) Tread for 1 Exit Skills Required: 1) Tread for 1 T/TH 4:00 PM 3 - 12 YRS $30 249103 T/TH 4:00 P4:00 PMM 3 - 12 YRS $30 249103 or stairs 2) Start 10 ft. away from wall or apappprox. rox. 12 yard12 yards s ofof f freereestylestyle or stairs 2) Start 10 ft. away from wall or approx. 12 yards of freestyle minute 2) 5 strokes of butterfly 3) 25 yards minute 2) 5 strokes of butterfly 3) 25 yards SAT 8:15 AM | 9:15 AM 3 - 12 YRS $30 249103 SAT 8:15 AM8:15 AM | 9:15 | 9:15 AMAM 3 - 12 YRS $30 249103 stairs: front float for 5 seconds, roll over indindepependendently ently 2) 2) Swim Swim apappprox. rox. 12 yard12 yardss stairs: front float for 5 seconds, roll over independently 2) Swim approx. 12 yards of breaststroke 4) 25 yards of freestyle w/ of breaststroke 4) 25 yards of freestyle w/ to a back float for 5 seconds, then swim of of bbackstrokeackstroke ind indepepeendndentlyently to a back float for 5 seconds, then swim of backstroke independently effective side breathing 5) 25 yards of effective side breathing 5) 25 yards of back to start with minimal support back to start with minimal support backstroke 6) 25 yards of elementary backstroke 6) 25 yards of elementary Stroke Introduction Stroke IntroductionStroke Introduction backstroke backstroke Day Times Age Cost Activity Code Day Times Age Cost Activity Code Water IndependenceWater Independence Advanced Stroke Development M/W 4:00 PM 3 - 12 YRS $30 249102 M/W 4:00 PM 3 - 12 YRS $30$30 249102 Day Times Age Cost Activity Code Day Times Age Cost Activity Code Day Times Age Cost Activity Code T/TH 4:00 PM 3 - 12 YRS $30 249102 T/TH 4:00 PM 3 - 12 YRS $30$30 249102 M/W 5:00 PM | 6:30 PM 3 - 12 YRS $30 249101 M/W 5:00 PM | 6:30 PM 3 - 12 YRS $30 249101 M/W 5:00 PM 3 - 12 YRS $30 249104 SAT 9:15 AM 3 - 12 YRS $30 249102 SAT 9:15 AM 3 - 12 YRS $30 249102 T/TH 5:00 PM | 6:30 PM 3 - 12 YRS $30 249101 T/TH 5:00 PM | 6:30 PM 3 - 12 YRS $30 249101 T/TH 5:00 PM 3 - 12 YRS $30 249104 SAT 8:15 AM | 9:00 AM 3 - 12 YRS $30 249101 SAT 8:15 AM | 9:00 AM 3 - 12 YRS $30 249101 SAT 8:15 AM 3 - 12 YRS $30 249104

Clark County Parks and Recreation Catalog Fall Page 4 Page 6