Youth Programs - 6 WeeksYouth Programs - 6 Weeks Water Polo - 60 min.Water Polo - 60 min. This recreaThis recreational water polo coursetional water polo course Intro to Aquatic Sports - 45 min.Intro to Aquatic Sports - 45 min. covers teamwork, fitness, critical covers teamwork, fitness, critical thinking, decision making, agility and thinking, decision making, agility and ThisThis class is designed to introclass is designed to introduceduce endurance. Participants will learn endurance. Participants will learn participants to the mechanics of aquatics participants to the mechanics of aquatics proper swimming techniques, how to proper swimming techniques, how to sports such as competitive swimming, sports such as competitive swimming, tread water efficiently using the tread water efficiently using the water polo, artistic swimming, and junior water polo, artistic swimming, and junior eggbeater technique, handle, pass and eggbeater technique, handle, pass and lifeguarding skills. Water safety skills are lifeguarding skills. Water safety skills are shoot a ball, along with goal keeping. shoot a ball, along with goal keeping. also incorporated into the lessons. also incorporated into the lessons. Skills Required to Enter: Participants Skills Required to Enter: Participants Skills Required to Enter: 1) Swim 25 Skills Required to Enter: 1) Swim 25 must be able to swim 50 yards of the must be able to swim 50 yards of the yards of freestyle with effective side yards of freestyle with effective side pool independently and tread water for pool independently and tread water for breathing 2) Swim 25 yards of backstroke breathing 2) Swim 25 yards of backstroke Adult/ TeenAdult/ Teen 1 minute. 1 minute. 3) Swim 25 yards of elementary 3) Swim 25 yards of elementary Swimming Lessons - 3 WeeksSwimming Lessons - 3 WeeksSwimming Lessons - 3 Weeks Swimming Lessons - 3 Weeks It is highly recommended that the It is highly recommended that the backstroke 4) Swim 25 yards of backstroke 4) Swim 25 yards of participant complete Advanced participant complete Advanced breaststroke. 5) Swim 5 strokes of breaststroke. 5) Swim 5 strokes of Beginner - 45 min.Beginner - 45 min.Beginner - 45 min. Stroke Development before Stroke Development before butterfly 6) Complete 1 minute of butterfly 6) Complete 1 minute ofbutterfly 6) Complete 1 minute of These swim lessons are designed to meetThese swim lessons are designed to meetThese swim lessons are designed to meet Water Aerobics - 6 WeeksWater Aerobics - 6 WeeksWater Aerobics - 6 Weeks enrolling. enrolling. treading. treading.treading.treading. each participant’s personal goals within a each participant’s personal goals within aeach participant’s personal goals within a Water PoloWater Polo It is highly recommended that the It is highly recommended that theIt is highly recommended that theIt is highly recommended that theIt is highly recommended that the group setting. group setting. Shallow Water Aerobics - 60 min.Shallow Water Aerobics - 60 min.Shallow Water Aerobics - 60 min. Day Times Age Cost Activity Code Day Times Age Cost Activity Code participant complete Advanced participant complete Advancedparticipant complete Advancedparticipant complete Advancedparticipant complete Advancedparticipant complete Advanced Instructors work with each participant to Instructors work with each participant toInstructors work with each participant to This program will not be offered during Session 2. This program will not be offered during Session 2. Jump into our water aerobics classes andJump into our water aerobics classes andJump into our water aerobics classes and Stroke Development before Stroke Development beforeStroke Development beforeStroke Development beforeStroke Development beforeStroke Development before overcome apprehension and learn basic overcome apprehension and learn basicovercome apprehension and learn basic build cardiovascular fitness and strength. build cardiovascular fitness and cardiovascular fitness and strength. enrolling. enrolling. swimming skills such as floating, swimming skills such as floating,swimming skills such as floating, Our water aerobics classes are easy on Our water aerobics classes are easy onOur water aerobics classes are easy on RecreationalRecreational Intro to AQ SportsIntro to AQ SportsIntro to AQ SportsIntro to AQ SportsIntro to AQ SportsIntro to AQ SportsIntro to AQ Sports submersion, and basic stroke development. submersion, and basic stroke development.submersion, and basic stroke development. your joints, yet challenging enough to help your joints, yet challenging enough to helpyour joints, yet challenging enough to help Swim Team - 60 min. Swim Team - 60 min. This program will not be offered during Session 2. This pThis pThis pThis program will not rogram will not rogram will not rogram will not bebebebe of of of offefefefererereredddd d d d during uring uring uring SeSeSeSession 2.ssion 2.ssion 2.ssion 2. This class mostly takes place in shallow This class mostly takes place in shallowThis class mostly takes place in shallow you reach new levels of fitness. Our water you reach new levels of fitness. Our wateryou reach new levels of fitness. Our water This is a reThis is a recreational level swim teamcreational level swim team water, however it may move to deep water water, however it may move to deep waterwater, however it may move to deep water aerobics classes are suitable for any aerobics classes are suitable for anyaerobics classes are suitable for any Artistic Swimming - 60 min.Artistic Swimming - 60 min.Artistic Swimming - 60 min.Artistic Swimming - 60 min.Artistic Swimming - 60 min. program that encourages teamwork and program that encourages teamwork and depending on participants’ readiness. depending on participants’ readiness.depending on participants’ readiness. fitness level, from beginning exercisers fitness level, from beginning exercisersfitness level, from beginning exercisers self-esteem. Participants will practice self-esteem. Participants will practice This is a recThis is a recThis is a recThis is a recThis is a recreational level artisticreational level artisticreational level artisticreational level artisticreational level artistic through elite athletes. Working out in the through elite athletes. Working out in thethrough elite athletes. Working out in the Beginning Adult/TeenBeginning Adult/Teen developing strokes and improve personal developing strokes and improve personal swimming program that encourages swimming pswimming pswimming pswimming program that encouragesrogram that encouragesrogram that encouragesrogram that encourages water is a fun way to improve your joint water is a fun way to improve your jointwater is a fun way to improve your joint Day Times Age Cost Activity Code Day Times Age Cost Activity Code times and skills. Emphasis is on personal times and skills. Emphasis is on personal teamwork and self-esteem. Participants teamwork ateamwork ateamwork ateamwork and self-esteem. Participantsnd self-esteem. Participantsnd self-esteem. Participantsnd self-esteem. Participants T/H 5:00 PM 13 YRS + $30 249107 T/H 5:00 PM 13 YRS + $30 249107 range of motion, flexibility and balance range of motion, flexibility and balance improvement. improvement. will learn the fundamentals of artistic will learn thwill learn thwill learn the fundamentals of artistice fundamentals of artistice fundamentals of artistic SAT 10:15 AM 13 YRS + $30 249107 SAT 10:15 AM10:15 AM 13 YRS + $30 249107 through the comfortable resistance of through the comfortable resistance of Skills Required to Enter: 1) Swim 25 Skills Required to Enter: 1) Swim 25 swimming, which blends creative swimming, which blends creative water. water. yards of freestyle with effective side yards of freestyle with effective side Intermediate/Intermediate/Intermediate/ movement and dance in the water. movement and dance in the water. This class takes place in the shallow water. This class takes place in the shallow water. breathing 2) Swim 25 yards of backstroke breathing 2) Swim 25 yards of backstrokebreathing 2) Swim 25 yards of backstroke Skills Required to Enter: 1) Swim 25 Skills Required to Enter: 1) Swim 25 Advanced - 45 min.Advanced - 45 min.Advanced - 45 min. Participants should work at their own Participants should work at their own 3) Swim 25 yards of elementary 3) Swim 25 yards of elementary3) Swim 25 yards of elementary yards independently 2) Tread water for yards independently 2) Tread water for pace and let the instructor know of pace and let the instructor know of These swim lessons are designed to meetThese swim lessons are designed to meetThese swim lessons are designed to meet backstroke 4) Swim 25 yards of backstroke 4) Swim 25 yards ofbackstroke 4) Swim 25 yards of 45 seconds. 45 seconds. any problems. any problems. each participant’s personal goals within a each participant’s personal goals within aeach participant’s personal goals within a breaststroke. 5) Swim 5 strokes of breaststroke. 5) Swim 5 strokes ofbreaststroke. 5) Swim 5 strokes of It is highly recommended that the It is highly recommended that the group setting. group setting. Shallow Water AerobicsShallow Water Aerobics butterfly 6) Complete 1 minute of butterfly 6) Complete 1 minute ofbutterfly 6) Complete 1 minute of participant complete Advanced participant complete Advanced Instructors work with each participant to Instructors work with each participant toInstructors work with each participant to Day Times Age Cost Activity Code Day Times Age Cost Activity Code treading. treading. Stroke Development before Stroke Development before refine skills such as treading, diving, and refine skills such as treading, diving, andrefine skills such as treading, diving, and M/W 7:15 AM | 8:30 AM 13 YRS + $36 249110 M/W 7:15 AM | 8:30 AM 13 YRS + $36 249110 It is highly recommended that the It is highly recommended that theIt is highly recommended that the enrolling. enrolling. SAT 8:00 AM 13 YRS + $18 249110 SAT 8:00 AM 13 YRS + $18 249110 stroke development. stroke development.stroke development. participant complete Advanced participant complete Advancedparticipant complete Advanced This class usually takes place in the lap This class usually takes place in the lapThis class usually takes place in the lap Stroke Development before Stroke Development beforeStroke Development beforeStroke Development beforeStroke Development before Skills Required to Enter Advanced Skills Required to Enter Advanced pool, however it may move to shallow pool, however it may move to shallowpool, however it may move to shallowpool, however it may move to shallow enrolling. enrolling. Artistic Swimming: Participants must Artistic Swimming: Participants must water if needed. water if needed. Recreational Swim TeamRecreational Swim TeamRecreational Swim Team have approval from the instructor have approval from the instructor Day Times Age Cost Activity Code Day Times Age Cost Activity CodeActivity Code Advanced Adult/Teen Artistic SwimmingArtistic Swimming T/TH 6:00 PM 5 - 17 YRS $60 249108 T/TH 6:00 PM 5 - 17 YRS $60 249108249108 Day Times Age Cost Activity Code Day Times This program will not be offered during Session 2. This program will not be offered during Session 2. SAT 10:30 AM 5 - 17 YRS $30 249108 SAT 10:30 AM 5 - 17 YRS $30 249108249108 M/W 6:00 PM 13 YRS + $30 249107 M/W 6:00 PM

Clark County Parks and Recreation Catalog Fall Page 5 Page 7