GRAFFITI ABATEMENTGRAFFITI ABATEMENT GANG INTERVENTIONGANG INTERVENTIONGANG INTERVENTION COMMUNITY SERVICECOMMUNITY SERVICE ClasseClasseClasseClassessss Back Back On TraOn Trackck CodCodCodeee Enf Enf Enforceorceorcememement Pnt Pnt Programrogramrogram Teens meet our staff at our main Teens meet our staff at our main We serve court ordered teens who are We serve court ordered teens who are OOur ur ur ur stafstafstafstafffff spspspspeeeecialist cialist cialist cialist ofofofofffffeeeers rs rs rs a a a a spspspspaceaceaceace campus to receive transportation to a campus to receive transportation to a rereqquireuiredd to volunteto volunteeer communityr community to unleto unleto unlearn andarn andarn and lelelearn arn arn nenenew w w mindmindmindsesesetststs to unlearn and learn new mindsets site organized by our partners code site organized by our partners code service. Volunteer opportunities such andandand bbbeeehaviors haviors haviors with with with a a a lifliflifeee skills skills skills service. Volunteer opportunities such and behaviors with a life skills enforcement specialist and painters. enforcement specialist and painters. as: service to the community with curriculum that fcurriculum that fcurriculum that fosteosteoster r r a a a nenenewww as: service to the community with curriculum that foster a new For up to 4 hours, they overlay paint For up to 4 hours, they overlay paint special events set-up/breakdown and ddireirection ction ofof activitie activities. s. Thehesese teteeensns special events set-up/breakdown and direction of activities. These teens on graffiti painting until it is on graffiti painting until it is more. areare court-ord court-ordeereredd to to atteattendnd ffiveive more. are court-ordered to attend five completed with a fresh and new coat completed with a fresh and new coat Teens are allowed up to four hours conseconsecutivecutive classeclasses s with with aa Teens are allowed up to four hours consecutive classes with a Workshop OverviewWorkshop Overview Workshop Overview of paint on that property. Teens of paint on that property. Teens dddduring uring uring uring weweweweeeeekdkdkdkdays andays andays andays and e e e eight hours ight hours ight hours ight hours onononon cecertifrtificateicate of of comp compleletion tion inceincentiventive during weekdays and eight hours on certificate of completion incentive receive water and a light lunch during receive water and a light lunch during weweweweeeeekekekekendndndnds. Wes. Wes. Wes. We pppprovidrovidrovidrovideeee af af af afteteteter-schoolr-schoolr-schoolr-school ffor theor their coopir coopeeration ration andand weekends. We provide after-school for their cooperation and IntrodIntrodIntroduction to Expuction to Expuction to Expeeectationsctationsctations their service. their service. community secommunity secommunity secommunity secommunity servicervicervicervicervice ppppprojerojerojerojerojects andcts andcts andcts andcts and commitmecommitment nt to to thetheir obir obligations ligations toto community service projects and commitment to their obligations to Managing AngeManaging AngeManaging Anger andr andr and ConfConfConflictlictlict weweweweweeeeeekekekekekendndndndnds fs fs fs fs for youth to accumulateor youth to accumulateor youth to accumulateor youth to accumulateor youth to accumulate thethe court.court. weekends for youth to accumulate the court. anananananandddddd compcompcompcompcompcompleleleleleletetetetetete the the the the the their ir ir ir ir ir rererererereqqqqqquireuireuireuireuireuiredddddd and complete their required DeDecision cision MakingMaking 1st & 2nd Sat. 8:00 am-12:00 pm 1st & 2nd Sat. 8:00 am-12:00 pm community secommunity secommunity secommunity servicervicervicervice hours.hours.hours.hours. Sat. 11:00 am-12:30 pm11:00 am-12:30 pm Sat. 11:00 am-12:30 pm community service hours. DeDeDeDeDeDeDeveveveveveveveloploploploploploploping ing ing ing ing ing ing InteInteInteInteInteInteInterprprprprprprpeeeeeeersonal Skillsrsonal Skillsrsonal Skillsrsonal Skillsrsonal Skillsrsonal Skillsrsonal Skills Tue.-Thur.Tue.-Thur. 2:00 pm-6:00 pm2:00 pm-6:00 pm2:00 pm-6:00 pm Tue.-Thur. 2:00 pm-6:00 pm LifLifee SkillsSkills TEENS INTEENS INTEENS INTEENS INTEENS INTEENS INTEENS IN TEENS INTEENS INTEENS INTEENS INTEENS INTEENS INTEENS INTEENS INTEENS INTEENS INTEENS INTEENS IN TEENS INTEENS INTEENS INTEENS INTEENS INTEENS INTEENS INTEENS INTEENS INTEENS INTEENS INTEENS INTEENS INTEENS IN ACTIONACTIONACTIONACTIONACTIONACTIONACTION ACTIONACTIONACTIONACTIONACTIONACTIONACTIONACTIONACTIONACTIONACTIONACTION ACTIONACTIONACTIONACTIONACTIONACTIONACTIONACTIONACTIONACTIONACTIONACTIONACTIONACTION HAPPENSHAPPENSHAPPENS HERE!HERE!HERE!!!! Teen servicesTeen servicesTeen services
Clark County Parks and Recreation Catalog Fall Page 81 Page 83