CAMPUS CONNECTIONSCAMPUS CONNECTIONSCAMPUS CONNECTIONSCAMPUS CONNECTIONS New Directions for Youth (G.I.T.)New Directions for Youth (G.I.T.)New Directions for Youth (G.I.T.) BEYOND THE BASKETBEYOND THE BASKET 1625 1625 1625 W. W. W. CareCareCarey y y AveAveAve, , , Las Las Las VVVeeegas, gas, gas, NNNVVV 89030| 89030| 89030| (702) (702) (702) 455.7067455.7067455.7067 Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark Clark County MidCounty MidCounty MidCounty MidCounty MidCounty Midddddddlelelelelele & & & & & & High High High High High High SchoolsSchoolsSchoolsSchoolsSchoolsSchools MeMeMeMeMeMentoring Pntoring Pntoring Pntoring Pntoring Pntoring Programrogramrogramrogramrogramrogram PProgram rogram (Hours) (Hours) TueTuesdsday-Thursday-Thursday ay 2:00-6:00 2:00-6:00 pp.m..m. Program (Hours) Tuesday-Thursday 2:00-6:00 p.m. BBeeeeyondyondyondyond the thethethe BaskeBaskeBaskeBasket Met Met Met Mentoring, ntoring, ntoring, ntoring, aaaa WWeeee se se seserverververve youth b youth b youth b youth beeeeyondyondyondyond thethethethe walls walls walls walls two-month two-month two-month bbbaskeaskeasketbtbtball andall andall and two-month basketball and CHAMPIONS OF YOUTHCHAMPIONS OF YOUTH STAY ON TRACKSTAY ON TRACK ofofof P P Parks andarks andarks and Re Re Recrecrecreation ation ation CeCeCentententer.r.r. of Parks and Recreation Center. memementorshipntorshipntorship p p program rogram rogram fffor or or midmidmiddddlelele mentorship program for middle Our Our Our stafstafstaffff areareare conne conne connectectecteddd to a to a to a varievarievarietytyty Our staff are connected to a variety We provide opportunities for We provide opportunities for National Recreation Association (NRPA) National Recreation Association (NRPA) school youth. school youth. Participarticipants willants will school youth. Participants will ofofof mid mid middddlelele andandand high high high school studschool studschool studeeentsntsnts of middle and high school students is our preventive program framework is our preventive program framework youth to earn school credits. These youth to earn school credits. These lelelearn arn arn bbbaskeaskeasketbtbtball fall fall fundundundameameamentals,ntals,ntals, learn basketball fundamentals, in thein the Clark Clark County SchoolCounty School in the Clark County School wrapped around the NRPA youth wrapped around the NRPA youth workshops and activities include workshops and activities include andand eexpxplorelore hehealthy althy liflifeestylestyles,s, and explore healthy lifestyles, Districts, Districts, right on right on thetheir campir campuseuses.s. Districts, right on their campuses. mentoring. It focuses on educational mentoring. It focuses on educational life skills, personal development, life skills, personal development, acadacadeemic mic eenrichmenrichment, nt, andand academic enrichment, and WeWe pprovidrovidee groupgroup me mentoring,ntoring, We provide group mentoring, enrichment gaps and serving under enrichment gaps and serving under leleadadeershiprship d deeveveloplopmement nt to to unlockunlock leadership development to unlock job readiness, and recreational job readiness, and recreational ffacilitating workshopacilitating workshops s andand a a spspaceace facilitating workshops and a space rerereresourcesourcesourcesourcedddd communitie communitie communitie communities s s s with with with with anananan resourced communities with an thetheir pir poteotential.ntial. their potential. ffor theor them m to to havehave a voicea voice withwith for them to have a voice with apapapappppproach roach roach roach to to to to initiateinitiateinitiateinitiate comp comp comp comprerererehehehehensivensivensivensive approach to initiate comprehensive leisure activities. Teens volunteer leisure activities. Teens volunteer supsuppportiveortive adadults.ults. supportive adults. youth youth youth youth youth dddddeeeeeveveveveveloploploploplopmemememement nt nt nt nt opopopopopppppportunitieortunitieortunitieortunitieortunities. Wes. Wes. Wes. Wes. We youth development opportunities. We and are engaged for the duration and are engaged for the duration Our ur initiativeinitiative to re to reach outsidach outsidee ofof Our initiative to reach outside of seseseseserververververve age age age age ages 13-17 in s 13-17 in s 13-17 in s 13-17 in s 13-17 in all ofall ofall ofall ofall of our our our our our ppppprogramsrogramsrogramsrogramsrograms serve ages 13-17 in all of our programs ofofofof the the the their ir ir ir rererereqqqquireuireuireuiredddd cre cre cre credddditsitsitsits of their required credits thethe Clark Clark County County RReecrecreationation the Clark County Recreation with with with with PPPPridridridrideeee andandandand PPPPassion!assion!assion!assion! with Pride and Passion! CeCententers rs ffosteosters rers recruitmecruitment nt toto Centers fosters recruitment to LELELELEADERS OF THE FUTUREADERS OF THE FUTUREADERS OF THE FUTUREADERS OF THE FUTURE LEADERS OF THE FUTURE impact the enrollment and impact the enrollment and (LOTF)(LOTF)(LOTF) pparticiparticipation ation in our CCPin our CCPR ceR cententersrs participation in our CCPR centers OOur ur ur stafstafstaffff fffosteosteoster r r youth in youth in youth in leleleadadadeeershiprshiprship Our staff foster youth in leadership anandd characharactecter dr deeveveloplopmement. nt. WeWe give give and character development. We give Tue.-Thur.Tue.-Thur.Tue.-Thur. 9 am-1 pm Tue.-Thur. 9 am-1 pm CoachingCoachingCoachingCoachingCoachingCoachingCoachingCoachingCoachingCoachingCoaching youth voice a space and face. Teens youth voice a space and face. Teens participate in workshops, activities, participate in workshops, activities, service to the community and service to the community and seldom field trips. It is a place to seldom field trips. It is a place to discover a sense of belonging, discover a sense of belonging, supportive adult mentors, receive supportive adult mentors, receive opportunities and have FUN! opportunities and have FUN! YOUTHYOUTHYOUTHYOUTH VOICE!VOICE!VOICE!VOICE!VOICE!VOICE!VOICE!VOICE!VOICE!VOICE!VOICE!VOICE!VOICE!VOICE!VOICE!VOICE!VOICE!VOICE!VOICE!VOICE!VOICE!VOICE!VOICE!VOICE!VOICE!VOICE!VOICE! Tue./Thurs. 4:00 pm-6:00 pm Tue./Thurs. 4:00 pm-6:00 pm

Clark County Parks and Recreation Catalog Fall Page 80 Page 82