Cora Coleman Adult Activity PoolCora Coleman Adult Activity Pool MIXED ENDURANCE AEROBICSMIXED ENDURANCE AEROBICSMIXED ENDURANCE AEROBICSMIXED ENDURANCE AEROBICS 2100 2100 BonnieBonnie Ln. Ln. Las Las VeVegas, gas, NNV V 8915689156 (702) 455-2120 (702) 455-2120 3 or 6 Week Session - 1 Hour Class3 or 6 Week Session - 1 Hour Class3 or 6 Week Session - 1 Hour Class Cost Varies or $6 Drop-InCost Varies or $6 Drop-InCost Varies or $6 Drop-In Cost Varies or $6 Drop-In JuJuJuJuJumpmpmpmpmp right right right right right into into into into into our water our water our water our water our water aerobaerobaerobaerobaerobics ics ics ics ics classes classes classes classes classes andandandandand bbbbbuilduilduilduilduild card card card card cardiovascular fiovascular fiovascular fiovascular fiovascular fitness itness itness itness itness andandandandand GENERAL INFORMATIONGENERAL INFORMATIONGENERAL INFORMATION strestrestrestrength. ngth. ngth. ngth. JuJuJuJust st st st likelikelikelike swimming, swimming, swimming, swimming, our our our our water water water water aeaeaeaerobrobrobrobics ics ics ics classes are classes are classes are classes are easy on easy on easy on easy on your joints,your joints,your joints,your joints, strength. Just like swimming, our water aerobics classes are easy on your joints, yeyeyeyet t t t challenging echallenging echallenging echallenging enough to henough to henough to henough to helplplplp you reach you reach you reach you reach new new new new levels levels levels levels ofofofof fitness. fitness. fitness. fitness. Water Water Water Water aeaeaeaerobrobrobrobicsicsicsics yet challenging enough to help you reach new levels of fitness. Water aerobics Admission FeesAdmission Fees Open Swim Hours classeclasseclasseclasses s s s areareareare suitab suitab suitab suitable le le le ffffor or or or any any any any fitness fitness fitness fitness level, flevel, flevel, flevel, from rom rom rom bbbbeginning eeginning eeginning eeginning exercisers through xercisers through xercisers through xercisers through eliteeliteeliteelite classes are suitable for any fitness level, from beginning exercisers through elite Adult (18-54 YRS)Adult (18-54 YRS) $2$2 athletes. Working athletes. Working athletes. Working out out out in the in the in the water water water is is is a a a fun way to impfun way to impfun way to improveroverove your your your joint joint joint range range range ofofof athletes. Working out in the water is a fun way to improve your joint range of Senior (55+ YRS) $1 Senior (55+ YRS) $1 Monday, Wednesday 9 am - 2 pm motion, fmotion, fmotion, flexiblexiblexibility, andility, andility, and bbbalance through thealance through thealance through the comf comf comfortabortabortable le le resistance resistance resistance ofofof wate wate water.r.r. motion, flexibility, and balance through the comfortable resistance of water. Tuesday, Thursday 8 am - 11 am & 12 pm - 2 pm PPParticiparticiparticipants shouldants shouldants should work work work at at at their their their own own own pppace andace andace and let thelet thelet the instructor kn instructor kn instructor know ow ow of of of anyanyany Participants should work at their own pace and let the instructor know of any Swim PassesSwim Passes Friday 8 am - 2 pm pprobroblems. Plems. Participarticipants may bants may bring andring and useuse their their own own water water shoes; shoes; all otherall other problems. Participants may bring and use their own water shoes; all other Saturday & Sunday CLOSED Swim PSwim Passeasses can bs can bee p purchaseurchasedd at at eqequipuipment ment is pis providrovideded. . Water shoes are not Water shoes are not reqrequireduired to to taketake this class. *Dropthis class. *Drop-ins-ins equipment is provided. Water shoes are not required to take this class. *Drop-ins availabavailable as sple as space pace permits ermits $6 $6 –– pplease lease checheck ck with thewith the p pool fool for availabor availability.ility. available as space permits $6 – please check with the pool for availability. any any Clark Clark County County CommunityCommunity CeCententer or Aqr or Aquatic Ceuatic Cententer.r. Pool Closure DatesPool Closure Dates Classes Classes heldheld in Shallow in Shallow Water. Water. 20 p20 participarticipants pants peer r class.class. Classes held in Shallow Water. 20 participants per class. January 1st - New Years January 1st - New YearsJanuary 1st - New Years 90 Day Individual90 Day Individual January 20th - MLK Day January 20th - MJanuary 20th - MLK DayLK Day *Ad*Adult (18-54 ult (18-54 YRS) YRS) $30$30 For For more more information abinformation about out what what to to expexpect dect during Wateuring Water r AerobAerobics, pics, plelease ase call call usus For more information about what to expect during Water Aerobics, please call us Senior (55+ YRS) $20 Senior (55+ YRS) $20 February 17th - President Day February 17th - PFebruary 17th - President Dayresident Day at at (702) (702) 455-2120. 455-2120. *With all *With all water water exercise exercise pprograms, programs, plelease ase notifnotify y youryour at (702) 455-2120. *With all water exercise programs, please notify your Annual IndividualAnnual Individual instructor instructor ifif you have you have any any health concerns, phealth concerns, prerevious injurievious injuries s or medor medicalical instructor if you have any health concerns, previous injuries or medical *Ad*Adult (18-54 ult (18-54 YRS) YRS) $90$90 conditions that may be aggravated during workouts. conditions that may be aggravated during workouts. Senior (55+ YRS) $60 Senior (55+ YRS) $60 *Please note that pool hours/days of operation are*Please note that pool hours/days of operation are *Please note that pool hours/days of operation are *Adult Pool Passes are only good *Adult Pool Passes are only good DayDay 1A Dates1A Dates 1B Dates1B Dates TimeTime 1A1A 1B1B subject to change/closure for inclement weather,subject to change/closure for inclement weather,subject to change/closure for inclement weather, M/WM/W 1/6 1/6 - - 1/221/22 1/27 1/27 - - 2/122/12 8:00 am8:00 am $15$15 $18$18 at Cora Coleman Pool at Cora Coleman Pool special events, and unforeseeable events.*special events, and unforeseeable events.* T/ThT/Th 1/7 1/7 - - 1/231/23 1/28 1/28 - - 2/132/13 11:00 am11:00 am $18$18 $18$18 FriFri 1/10 1/10 - - 2/72/7 -- 2:00 p2:00 pmm $15$15 -- CLASS REGISTRATION INFORMATIONCLASS REGISTRATION INFORMATIONCLASS REGISTRATION INFORMATION DayDay 2A Dates2A Dates 2B Dates2B Dates TimeTime 2A2A 2B2B M/WM/W 2/24 2/24 - - 3/123/12 3/24 3/24 - - 4/94/9 8:00 am8:00 am $18$18 $18$18 Session 1 Registration Session 2 RegistrationSession 2 Registration T/ThT/Th 2/25 2/25 - - 3/133/13 3/25 3/25 - - 4/104/10 11:00 am11:00 am $18$18 $18$18 February 13th, 2024 @7:00 AM February 13th, 2024 @7:00 AM FriFri 2/28 2/28 - - 4/114/11 -- 2:00 p2:00 pmm $18$18 -- December 19th, 2024 @7:00 AM Session 2 Dates Session 2 Dates Session 1 Dates UPCOMING EVENTSUPCOMING EVENTS 2A - Feb. 24th - Mar. 14th 2A - Feb. 24th - Mar. 14th 1A - Jan. 6th - Jan. 24rd 2B - Mar. 24th - Apr. 11th 2B - Mar. 24th - Apr. 11th 1B - Jan. 27th - Feb. 13th Love Bug Bingo Love Bug Bingo *This brochure reflects dates/times Come play splash bingo in February 14th for session 1 and 2 ONLY.* the pool and win some 11 am - 12 pm Register Online At: prizes Regular Admission

Clark County Parks and Recreation Catalog Fall Page 7 Page 9