SENIOR PROGRAMMINGSENIOR PROGRAMMING HEALTH & FITNESS 55+HEALTH & FITNESSHEALTH & FITNESSHEALTH & FITNESS 55+ FIELD TRIPS FIELD TRIPS SENIOR PROGRAMMINGSENIOR PROGRAMMING CON’T CON’T SENIOR LINE DANCESENIOR LINE DANCESENIOR LINE DANCESENIOR LINE DANCE BINGO BINGO CROCHETING & SEWING CROCHETING & SEWING This class is This class is This class is This class is opopopopeeeen to all n to all n to all n to all ddddanceanceanceance le le le ComeCome and and e enjoy njoy a fa feew w gamegames s ofof Bring an eBring an existing xisting pprojeroject ct or or start astart a Bingo with friends. Bingo with friends. new one with the help of friends! new one with the help of friends! Day Time Day Time Day TimeDay Time Day Time Day Time Wednesdays 12:15pm-1:15pm WeWeddnenesdsdaysays 12:15pm-1:15pm Mon/Wed/Fri 10:30am-12:00pm Mon/Wed/Fri 10:30am-12:00pm Mon/Wed/Fri 12:00pm-3:00pm Mon/Wed/Fri 12:00pm-3:00pm Cost:Cost:Cost: $5 a month$5 a month Cost: Free! Cost: Free! Cost:Cost: FreFreee!! SIT & STRETCHSIT & STRETCH PINOCHLEPINOCHLE DOUBLE DOUBLE DECK DECK BeBe a p a part art ofof this this low-implow-impact act classclass hosted by John and friends. hosted by John and friends. FIELD TRIP REGISTRATIONFIELD TRIP REGISTRATION PPPlay, lay, lay, socializesocializesocialize, , , andandand makemakemake nenenewww INFORMATION INFORMATION ffrieriendnds!s! friends! Day Time Day Time DayDayDayDay Time Day Time All reAll registrations aregistrations are ddoneone in-pin-peerson.rson. Mon/TueMon/TueMon/Tue/Fri/Fri/Fri 9:30am-10:15am Mon/Tue/Fri 9:30am-10:15am MoMoMoMoMon/Wen/Wen/Wen/Wen/Weddddd/Fri/Fri/Fri/Fri/Fri 10:30am-12:00p10:30am-12:00pmm RReegistration gistration opopeens ns at 8:00 at 8:00 am on am on thethe Cost:Cost:Cost:Cost: FreFreee!! Cost: Free! Cost:Cost:Cost:Cost: FreFreee!! last last MondMonday ofay of e each month, unleach month, unlessss otheotherwiserwise notenotedd.. CANASTACANASTA All pAll purchaseurchases ands and me meals als areare at your at your WII BOWLINGWII BOWLINGWII BOWLINGWII BOWLING Day Time Day Time SENIOR OPEN RECSENIOR OPEN RECSENIOR OPEN RECSENIOR OPEN RECSENIOR OPEN REC own eown expxpeensense.. ComeComeComeCome and and and and e e e enjoy njoy njoy njoy Wii Wii Wii Wii bbbbowling owling owling owling andandandand Mon/Wed/Fri 12:00pm-3:00pm Mon/Wed/Fri 12:00pm-3:00pm Enjoy a Enjoy a Enjoy a Enjoy a Enjoy a fffffull stockeull stockeull stockeull stockeull stockeddddd game game game game game roomroomroomroomroom mememeeeet t t nenenew fw fw frierieriendndnds. Kes. Kes. Keeeeppp f f fit, it, it, activeactiveactive,,, meet new friends. Keep fit, active, You You may may reregistegister yourser yourselflf and and oneone SPADES SPADES compcompcompleleletetete with bwith bwith billiardilliardilliards s s andandand complete with billiards and and socialize! and socialize! otheother r ppeerson only.rson only. Day Time Day Time ffoosboosball.all. foosball. Day Time Day Time Tue 10:30am-12:00pm Tue 10:30am-12:00p10:30am-12:00pmm Day Time Day Time Mon/Tue 10:00am-11:30am Mon/Tue 10:00am-11:30am UNOUNOUNO UNO Day TimeDayDay Time Mon - Fri 8:00am-10:00am Mon - Fri 8:00am-10:00am Cost:Cost: FreFreee!! Fri 12:00pm-3:00pm Fri 12:00pm-3:00pm Cost: Free! Cost: Free! OUTDOOR WALKING TRAILOUTDOOR WALKING TRAIL MEXICAN TRAIN MEXICAN TRAIN SENIOR PAINTERSSENIOR PAINTERSSENIOR PAINTERS Our newly renovated park includes Our newly renovated park includes exercise machines to enjoy as well as exercise machines to enjoy as well as DOMINOES DOMINOES NNNNo o o o eeeexpxpxpxpeeeerierierieriencencencence nenenenececececessary to pssary to pssary to pssary to paint aint aint aint aaaa walking, jogging, walking, jogging, or or running. Each running. Each laplap The object of the game is to have The object of the game is to have mastemasterprpieiecece, , or or continuecontinue on anon an masterpiece, or continue on an on our on our track track is is eeqqual ual to 1/4 to 1/4 ofof a a milemile.. on our track is equal to 1/4 of a mile. the fewest points, after playing all the fewest points, after playing all eeeexsiting pxsiting pxsiting pxsiting projerojerojeroject.ct.ct.ct. exsiting project. Use of the track is FREE. In case of Use of the track is FREE. In case of hands. hands. inclement weather, you may utilize inclement weather, you may utilize Day TimeDay Time Day Time Day Time the indoor gym for walking during the indoor gym for walking during Thur 10:00pm-12:00pm Thur 10:00pm-12:00pm MoMon/Wen/Wed d 12:00p12:00pm-3:00pm-3:00pmm morning hours. morning hours. Cost: Free! Cost: Free! Cost: Free! Cost: Free!

Clark County Parks and Recreation Catalog Fall Page 75 Page 77