SPECIAL INTEREST FITNESS WINCHESTER CULTURAL CENTER ZUMBA INTRO TO MIME 3130 S McLeod Dr, Las Vegas, NV 89120 Dance fitness exercise. Participants are This introductory class will explore well (702) 455-7340 taught basic easy-to-learn movements. known mime techniques as in “walking Instructor: Carmen against the wind” and “the box”. The JAZZ DANCE Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code class will cover more complex physical Jazz dance provides basic fundamentals T/Th 1/07-2/13 6pm-7pm 18+ $37 WC Zumba techniques as well as improvisation. FOLKLORICO all dancers need with technique that Wed 1/08-2/12 6pm-7pm 18+ $26 WC Zumba Instructor: Benedikt T/Th 2/25-4/10 6pm-7pm 18+ $31 WC Zumba can be used in multiple different dance A traditional Mexican dance that Wed 2/23-4/09 6pm-7pm 18+ $26 WC Zumba Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code reflects culture, beliefs and traditions genres. S 1/11-2/15 12:30-1:30pm 6 &up $26 WC Intro to Mime ZUMBA GOLD of different regions and ethnicities. Instructor: Tiffannie Bond S 3/01-4/12 12:30-1:30pm 6 &up $18 WC Intro to Mime Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code Low impact dance fitness exercise. T/Th Instructor: Martha F 1/10-2/14 6 :30- 7:30pm 6-18 $26 WC Jazz Sat Instructor: Gerardo Participants are taught basic easy-to- F 2/28-4/12 6:30 - 7:30pm 6-18 $18 WC Jazz Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code learn movements. BALLET TTh 1/07-2/13 5:30-7:30pm 5&up $37 WC Folklorico Instructor: Carmen TTh 2/25-4/10 5:30-7:30pm 5&up $37 WC Folklorico Participants are introduced to basic Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code Sa 1/11-2/15 6pm-7:00pm 12-14 $37 WC Folklorico Wed 1/08-2/12 6pm-7pm 18+ $18 WC Zumba ballet techniques and creative Sa 3/01-4/12 7pm-8:00pm 15-17 $25 WC Folklorico Wed 2/23-4/09 6pm-7pm 18+ $18 WC Zumba movement with a focus on expression CREATIVE LINE DANCING ADULT FOLKLORICO while developing gross and fine motor A traditional Mexican dance that skills, body awareness, balance, Line Dance: Living, inseparable, reflects culture, beliefs and traditions coordination and rhythm naturalism, enhancement, diversity, of different regions and ethnicities. never-ending, confidence and energy. Instructors: Samantha & Eryanne T/Th Instructor: Martha Come learn variety of styles of line Baby Ballet Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code dancing. Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code TuTh 1/07-2/13 4:30-5:30pm 18&up $37 WC Folklorico Sa 1/11-2/15 9:15-10am 3-5 $18 WC Baby Ballet Instructor: Chlois TuTh 2/25-4/10 4:30-5:30pm 18&up $31 WC Folklorico Sa 3/01-4/12 9:15-10am 3-5 $12 WC Baby Ballet Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code F 1/10-2/14 1:30-3:30pm 18+ FREE WC Line Dance HIP HOP F 2/28-4/11 1:30-3:30pm 18+ FREE WC Line Dance Learn various hip-hop techniques in this introductory course, including MUSIC stretch, choreography, isolations and IGNITE DRUMS rhythm. Come learn the rhythm of African Instructor: Tiffannie Drums. Instructor: Harold Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code W/F 1/08-2/15 5:30-6:30pm 6-18 $28 WC Hip Hop Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code W/F 2/23-4/11 5:30-6:00pm 6-18 $25 WC Hip Hop S 1/11-2/15 5pm-6pm 6&up Free WC Ignite Drums S 3/01-4/12 5pm-6pm 6&up Free WC Ignite Drums

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