MARTIAL ARTS YOUTH SPORTS MARTIAL ARTS YOUTH SPORTSYOUTH SPORTS DESERT BREEZE COMMUNITY CENTERDESERT BREEZE COMMUNITY CENTERDESERT BREEZE COMMUNITY CENTER YOUTH BASKETBALL LEAGUES YOUTH BASKETBALL LEAGUESYOUTH BASKETBALL LEAGUESYOUTH BASKETBALL LEAGUES TAE KWON DO BEGINNERSTAE KWON DO BEGINNERSTAE KWON DO BEGINNERSTAE KWON DO BEGINNERS 8275 Sp8275 Sp8275 Spring Mountain Rring Mountain Rring Mountain Rddd, , , LaLaLas s s VeVeVegas, Ngas, Ngas, NVVV 89117 89117 89117 TaeTaeTaeTae Kwon Kwon Kwon Kwon Do, aDo, aDo, aDo, a KoreKoreKoreKoreaaaan n n n martial martial martial martial art,art,art,art, Youth Youth Youth bbbaskaskaskeeetbtbtball leall leall leagueagueagues s s allowsallowsallows Youth basketball leagues allows (702) 455-8334 | Hours: Mon-Fri 7:00am-8:00pm(702) 455-8334 | Hours: Mon-Fri 7:00am-8:00pm(702) 455-8334 | Hours: Mon-Fri 7:00am-8:00pm pppprovidrovidrovidrovideeees s s s bbbbeeeeginginginginneneneners with rs with rs with rs with pppphysicahysicahysicahysicallll ppparticiparticiparticipananants ts ts to to to eeenjoy njoy njoy thethethe gagagamememe ofofof participants to enjoy the game of Revised 1/27/2025Revised 1/27/2025Revised 1/27/2025Revised 1/27/2025Revised 1/27/2025 ffffitneitneitneitness, ss, ss, ss, mememementantantantal l l l ddddiscipiscipiscipisciplinlinlinlineeee, , , , anananandddd seseseselflflflf---- bbbaskaskaskeeetbtbtbaaall ll ll in in in a a a fffun, nun, nun, non-compon-compon-compeeetitivetitivetitive basketball in a fun, non-competitive CENTER CLOSURESCENTER CLOSURES SESSION 2SESSION 2 February 17 President’s Day February 17 President’s Day ddddeeeeffffeeeensensensense skills through skills through skills through skills through structurestructurestructurestructuredddd eeenvironmenvironmenvironment. nt. nt. TheTheThesesese le le leagueagueagues s s fffocus ocus ocus ononon environment. These leagues focus on FeFebbruaruary ry 24 24 - - ApApril ril 1212 March 17 - March 21 (CENTER OPEN) Spring Break March 17 - March 21 (CENTER OPEN) Spring Break training. training. training. training. PPPProgrerogrerogrerogression ssion ssion ssion includincludincludincludeeees s s s leleleleaaaarningrningrningrning ddeeveveloploping ing ffundundameamental ntal skills,skills, developing fundamental skills, Priority RegistrationPriority Registration: : JaJanuary nuary 23 @23 @ 7:00am7:00am May 26 Memorial Day May 26 Memorial Day stastastastancencencences, s, s, s, kickkickkickkicks, s, s, s, ppppunchunchunchunches, fes, fes, fes, forms,orms,orms,orms, teteteaaamwork, mwork, mwork, spspsportsmanshortsmanshortsmanshipipip, , , andandand a a a lovelovelove teamwork, sportsmanship, and a love Online Registration: January 30 @ 7:00am Online Registration: January 30 @ 7:00am June 19 Juneteenth June 19 Juneteenth In-Person Registration: In-Person Registration: FeFebbruruary ary 3 3 @@ 7:00a7:00amm July 4 Independence Day July 4 Independence Day spspspsparring, arring, arring, arring, aaaandndndnd bbbbrererereakakakaking ing ing ing tetetetechniqchniqchniqchniqueueueuessss fffor or or thethethe gamegamegame, , , rararathethether r r thanthanthan empempemphasizinghasizinghasizing for the game, rather than emphasizing *No classes will take place during Spring Break.*No classes will take place during Spring Break. whilewhilewhile empempemphasizinhasizinhasizing g g rererespspspeeect,ct,ct, inteinteintensensense compcompcompeeetitiontitiontition or a or a or adddvavavancencenceddd intense competition or advanced pppeeerserserseveveverance, rance, rance, andandand seseselflflf-control.-control.-control. ppeerfrformanceormance.. performance. DRUMS WITH BRYANDRUMS WITH BRYAN PERFORMING ARTSPERFORMING ARTS Our drum class teaches fundamental Our drum class teaches fundamental Mandatory Skills Test and Parent MeetingMandatory Skills Test and Parent MeetingMandatory Skills Test and Parent Meeting DayDay DateDateDate TimeTime AgeAge CoCostst Activity CodeActivity Code PIANO/VOCAL WITH LADY VPIANO/VOCAL WITH LADY VPIANO/VOCAL WITH LADY VPIANO/VOCAL WITH LADY V 6:6:00p00pmm-- tetechniqchniqueues s likelike ppostureosture, , holdholdinging Date:DateDate: January 10, 2025January 10, 2025 M/WM/W 2/24-4/92/24-4/92/24-4/9 6-17 $46 2 Desert Breeze Martial Arts 6-17 $46 2 Desert Breeze Martial Arts StudStudStudStudStudeeeeents nts nts nts nts will will will will will lelelelelearn farn farn farn farn fundundundundundameameameameamental pntal pntal pntal pntal pianoianoianoianoiano 7:00pm 7:00pm ddrumsticks, andrumsticks, and bbasic asic rhythms. Srhythms. Studtudentsents Time: 5:00pm-8:00pmTimeTime: 5:00pm-8:00pm skills, skills, skills, skills, skills, skills, includincludincludincludincludincluding ing ing ing ing ing kekekekekekey touch, notey touch, notey touch, notey touch, notey touch, notey touch, note ppracticeractice on on ppractice ractice ppadads s or simpor simplifielifiedd *A*A*Attendancttendancttendance to both ise to both ise to both is required to s required to s required to secececure your cure your cure your child’shild’shild’s s s spppotot identification, music reading, rhythm ididididideeeeentification, ntification, ntification, ntification, ntification, music music music music music readreadreadreadreading, rhythming, rhythming, rhythming, rhythming, rhythm TAE KWON DO ADVANCEDTAE KWON DO ADVANCEDTAE KWON DO ADVANCED ddrum rum kits kits bbeefforeore adadvancing. Thevancing. The in the leagues. in the leagues. counting, and music listening. It is counting, counting, counting, counting, counting, andandandandand music music music music music listelistelistelistelistening. ning. ning. ning. ning. It It It It It isisisisis atmosphere is relaxed, encouraging atmosphere is relaxed, encouraging For 6-8 year-oldsFor 6-8 year-oldsFor 6-8 year-olds Advanced Tae Kwon Do practitioners AdAdvavancencedd TaTaee Kwon Kwon Do Do ppraractitionectitionersrs recommended for participants to have a rerererererecommecommecommecommecommecommendndndndndndedededededed f f f f f for por por por por por participarticiparticiparticiparticiparticipants to haveants to haveants to haveants to haveants to haveants to have a a a a a a DayDay DateDate TimeTime CostCost enjoyment and gradual skill enjoyment and gradual skill enhance speed, power, and precision eenhanhancence spspeeeedd, , ppoweower, r, aandnd p prerecisioncision piano or keyboard at home for practice. ppppiano iano iano iano or or or or kekekekeybybybyboardoardoardoard at at at at homehomehomehome ffffor or or or ppppractice.ractice.ractice.ractice. PracticesPractices TuesTues 1/14-3/111/14-3/11 5:00pm-6:00pm5:00pm-6:00pm5:00pm-6:00pm development. *30 minute sessions* development. *30 minute sessions* $85 $85 through complex forms, sparring throuthrough gh compcomplelex x fforms, orms, spsparringarring *30 minute sessions* *30 *30 *30 minute minute minute sesesessions*ssions*ssions* GamesGames FriFri 1/24-3/141/24-3/14 5:00pm-7:00pm5:00pm-7:00pm5:00pm-7:00pm DayDay DateDate TimeTime AgeAge CoCostst Activity CodeActivity Code DayDay DateDateDate TimeTimeTime AgeAge CoCoCoststst Activity CoActivity Codede tactics, and specialized techniques. tatactics, ctics, andand spspeecializecializedd te techniqchniqueues.s. 3:00pm- 3:00pm- MM 2/24-4/72/24-4/72/24-4/7 4:4:4:00p00p00pmmm-7:-7:-7:30p30p30pmmm 6+6+ $90$90 2 Desert Breeze Music2 Desert Breeze Music2 Desert Breeze Music M 2/24-4/7 6+ $90 2 Desert Breeze Music M 2/24-4/7 6+ $90 2 Desert Breeze Music They also focus on philosophical TheThey y also also ffocus ocus onon p philosophilosophicahicall For 9-11 year-oldsFor 9-11 year-olds 7:30pm 7:30pm TuTuTu 2/25-4/82/25-4/8 4:4:4:30p30p30pmmm-7:-7:-7:30p30p30pmmm 6+6+ $90$90 2 Desert Breeze Music2 Desert Breeze Music2 Desert Breeze Music DayDay DateDate TimeTime CostCost principles like integrity and pprinciprincipleles s likelike inteintegrity grity andand 3:30pm- 3:30pm- Tu 2/27-4/10 6+ $90 2 Desert Breeze Music Tu 2/27-4/10 6+ $90 2 Desert Breeze Music WW 2/26-4/92/26-4/9 4:4:4:00p00p00pmmm-7:-7:-7:30p30p30pmmm 6+6+ $90$90 2 Desert Breeze Music2 Desert Breeze Music2 Desert Breeze Music PracticesPractices TuesTues 1/14-3/111/14-3/11 5:00pm-6:00pm5:00pm-6:00pm 7:30pm 7:30pm indomitable spirit. Dedication and indindomitaomitabblele spspirit. irit. DeDeddicaication tion andand $85$85 FF 2/28-4/112/28-4/11 4:4:00p00pmm-7:-7:30p30pmm 6+6+ $90$90 2 Desert Breeze Music2 Desert Breeze Music2 Desert Breeze Music GamesGames SatSat 1/24-3/141/24-3/14 12:00pm-2:00pm12:00pm-2:00pm 3:30pm- 3:30pm- Th 2/27-4/10 6+ $90 2 Desert Breeze Music Th 2/27-4/10 6+ $90 2 Desert Breeze Music continuous training are key for continuous continuous trainintraining g areare kekey y fforor 7:30pm 7:30pm SSaa 3/1-4/123/1-4/12 8:8:30a30amm-11:-11:30a30amm 6+6+ $90$90 2 Desert Breeze Music2 Desert Breeze Music progressing through belt ranks and pprogrerogressing ssing through through bbeelt lt rankranks s andand For 12-14 year-olds For 12-14 year-olds PIANO WITH LIAMPIANO WITH LIAM YOUTH THEATERYOUTH THEATERYOUTH THEATER DayDay DateDate TimeTime CostCost achieving proficiency. achieachieving ving pprofroficieiciency.ncy. StudStudeents nts will will lelearn arn ffundundameamental pntal pianoiano PracticesPractices ThursThurs 1/16-3/131/16-3/13 5:00pm-6:00pm5:00pm-6:00pm An An An introdintrodintroduction uction uction to to to thethetheateateater class cover class cover class coversrsrs $85 $85 Day DateDate Time Age Cost Activity Code Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code skills, skills, includincluding king key ey touch, touch, notenote GamesGames SatSat 1/18-3/151/18-3/15 12:00pm-2:00pm12:00pm-2:00pm fffundundundamental amental amental eeelelelememements nts nts like like like actingactingacting 7:00pm- 7:00pm- idideentification, ntification, music music rereadading, rhythming, rhythm M/W 2/24-4/92/24-4/9 6-17 $46 2 Desert Breeze Martial Arts M/W 2/24-4/9 6-17 $46 2 Desert Breeze Martial Arts tetetechniqchniqchniqueueues, s, s, stagestagestage movemovemovememement, nt, nt, andandand 8:00pm 8:00pm Activity Code: 1 Desert Breeze LeaguesActivity Code: 1 Desert Breeze Leagues counting, andcounting, and music music listelistening. It ning. It isis *Instructor Approval Required*Instructor Approval Required*Instructor Approval Required character development. It includes charactecharacter r ddeeveveloplopmement. It nt. It includincludeses recommended for participants to have a recommended for participants to have a practical exercises such as improvisation ppppractical eractical eractical eractical exexexexercisercisercisercises such s such s such s such as impas impas impas improvisationrovisationrovisationrovisation piano or keyboard at home for practice. piano or keyboard at home for practice. and discussions on stagecraft, providing a andand ddiscussions iscussions on on stagestagecrafcraft, t, pprovidroviding ing aa *30 minute sessions* *30 minute sessions* STAY TUNED FOR UPCOMING comprehensive overview of theater compcomprerehehensivensive overview of overview of theate theaterr DayDay DateDate TimeTime AgeAge CostCost Activity CodeActivity Code YOUTH SPORTS CLASSES practices and production. practices and production. TuTu 2/25-4/82/25-4/8 2:2:00p00pmm-3:-3:30p30pmm 6+6+ $90$90 2 Desert Breeze Music2 Desert Breeze Music TuTu 2/25-4/82/25-4/8 4:4:00p00pmm-5:-5:30p30pmm 6+6+ $90$90 2 Desert Breeze Music2 Desert Breeze Music DayDay DateDate TimeTime AgeAge CostCost Activity CodeActivity CodeActivity Code TuTu 2/25-4/82/25-4/8 6:6:00p00pmm-7:-7:30p30pmm 6+6+ $90$90 2 Desert Breeze Music2 Desert Breeze Music 2/27- 5:30pm- 2/27- 5:30pm- 8-15 $35 2 Desert Breeze Theater Th Th 8-15 $35 2 Desert Breeze Theater2 Desert Breeze Theater 4/10 6:30pm 4/10 6:30pm ThTh 2/27-4/102/27-4/10 5:5:00p00pmm-7:-7:30p30pmm 6+6+ $90$90 2 Desert Breeze Music2 Desert Breeze Music

Clark County Parks and Recreation Catalog Fall Page 28 Page 30