GUEST SPEAKERS ANDGUEST SPEAKERS AND ComputersComputersComputers LibraryLibraryLibrary WORKSHOPS WORKSHOPS Open Computer LabOpen Computer Lab TheTheThe ce ce centententer r r has a has a has a widwidwideee se se selelelection ofction ofction of b b both oth oth DVDDVDDVD The center has a wide selection of both DVD Clark County Social ServicesClark County Social Services TheThe cecententer r has has oneone compcomputeuter r availabavailablele The center has one computer available moviemoviemovies ands ands and b b booksooksooks that that that areareare availab availab availablelele f f for useor useor use... movies and books that are available for use. Quarterly 1st Tuesdays Quarterly 1st Tuesdays ffor or pparticiparticipant ant useuse dduring uring bbusineusiness ss hours.hours. for participant use during business hours. ComeComeCome visit visit visit our our our libliblibrary rary rary andandand you might fyou might fyou might findindind Come visit our library and you might find 10:00 am - 12:00 pm 10:00 am - 12:00 pm somesomesomething that intething that intething that interererests sts sts you. you. you. All bAll bAll books ooks ooks andandand something that interests you. All books and Free - Information Table Free - Information Table moviemoviemovies ares ares are fffrerereeee to to to chechecheck ck ck out. Weout. Weout. We areareare not not not movies are free to check out. We are not acceacceppting ting any any ddonations ofonations of b booksooks at this at this accepting any donations of books at this Device AdviceDevice Advice time. time. TheTheThe lib lib library is rary is rary is availabavailabavailablelele to sit to sit to sit andandand rerereadadad d d duringuringuring The library is available to sit and read during A Key to Wellbeing A Key to Wellbeing Tuesdays - Quarterly Tuesdays - Quarterly opopeen pn program rogram timetimes.s. open program times. Friday, December 20, 2024 Friday, December 20, 2024 12/17 12/17 11:00 am - 1:00 pm 11:00 am - 1:00 pm 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm Free - Registration Required FreFreee - - RReegistration Rgistration Reeqquireuiredd A representative from the CCLDLV will be here A representative from the CCLDLV will be here Representatives from Humana will be on RRReeeppprereresesesentativentativentatives fs fs from Humana rom Humana rom Humana will will will bbbeee on on on to teach you. Bring your tablet or phone and to teach you. Bring your tablet or phone and Puzzles PuzzlesPuzzles hand to teach on overall wellbeing and handhandhand to to to teteteach ach ach on oveon oveon overall rall rall wewewellbllbllbeeeing ing ing andandand your questions. your questions. hehealth.alth. TheTheThe ce ce centententer r r ofofoffffeeers rs rs a a a varievarievariety ty ty ofofof communitycommunitycommunity ppuzzleuzzles s to to taketake ppart in. art in. WeWe of offfeer crosswordr crossword puzzles to take part in. We offer crossword LanguageLanguage Gardening with Howard GalinGardening with Howard GalinGardening with Howard Galin andand wordword se search arch ppuzzleuzzles s locatelocatedd in thein the NNorthorth and word search puzzles located in the North Fridays, 1/10, 2/14, 3/21, & 4/4Fridays, 1/10, 2/14, 3/21, & 4/4Fridays, 1/10, 2/14, 3/21, & 4/4 hallway to hallway to eengagengage andand challe challengenge thethe mindmind.. hallway to engage and challenge the mind. Book ClubBook Club 10:30 10:30 am - 11:30 amam - 11:30 am 10:30 am - 11:30 am WeWe also ofalso offfeer pr puzzleuzzles s in thein the loblobbby y thatthat We also offer puzzles in the lobby that 2nd Tuesdays - 12/10 & 2/11/252nd Tuesdays - 12/10 &2nd Tuesdays - 12/10 &2nd Tuesdays - 12/10 & 2/11/25 FreFreee - - RReegistration Rgistration Reeqquireuiredd Free - Registration Required everyone is welcome help complete. everyone is welcome help complete. 2:15 pm - 3:15 pm 2:15 pm - 3:15 pm ComeComeCome le le learn darn darn difififfffeeerererent gardnt gardnt gardeeening tipning tipning tips s s fffromromrom Come learn different gardening tips from Free Free a Master Gardener. a Master Gardener. Registration required Registration required Book title listed on flyer Book title listed on flyer QueQuestions will stions will bbee give given at then at the me meeeting andting and clubclub Questions will be given at the meeting and club is directed by our book club coordinator. is directed by our book club coordinator. RentalsRentals Conversational Spanish Conversational Spanish Mondays Mondays The center rents the Multi Purpose Room andThe center rents the Multi Purpose Room and PPleleasease stop stop bby they the ce cententer r ffor or aa 9:30 am - 10:30 am 9:30 am - 10:30 am classrooms for community/family events andclassrooms for community/family events and complete list of guest speakers in complete list of guest speakers in $26 - 5 week sessions$26 - 5 week sessions $26 - 5 week sessions meetings. Think of us the next time you are hosting anmeetings. Think of us the next time you are hosting an January. January. RRRReeeegistration gistration gistration gistration rererereqqqquireuireuireuiredddd ---- Registration required - event. Clark County regulations apply. See the front SeSeee fflyelyer r ffor or class class ddateates.s. See flyer for class dates. desk for more information and to complete and ClasseClasses s taught btaught by y our bour bi-lingual i-lingual instructor. instructor. YouYou Classes taught by our bi-lingual instructor. You application. will lewill learn wordarn words, ps, phrasehrases ands and p pronounciation.ronounciation. will learn words, phrases and pronounciation. PLease contact the center for information about additional educPLease contact the center for information about additional educational classes.ational classes.

Clark County Parks and Recreation Catalog Fall Page 27 Page 29