DANCEDANCEDANCE ARTART WORKSHOPS AND EVENTSWORKSHOPS AND EVENTSWORKSHOPS AND EVENTSWORKSHOPS AND EVENTS Lunar New Year Spring FestivalLunar New Year Spring FestivalLunar New Year Spring FestivalLunar New Year Spring FestivalLunar New Year Spring FestivalLunar New Year Spring Festival HIP HOP IHIP HOP I ART FUNDAMENTALSART FUNDAMENTALSART FUNDAMENTALSART FUNDAMENTALSART FUNDAMENTALS BATON TWIRLING FUNDAMENTALSBATON TWIRLING FUNDAMENTALS A hipA hip hophop ddanceance class coveclass covers rs bbasic asic movesmoves LeaLeaLeaLearn rn rn rn the the the the bbbbasic asic asic asic pppprinciprinciprinciprinciples les les les ofofofof art art art art andandandand DaDatete:: FeFeFeFebbbbruary ruary ruary ruary 2nd2nd2nd2nd, , , , 2025202520252025 Baton Baton ffundundameamentals coventals cover r gripgrips, s, twirlingtwirling liklike e two-stetwo-stepp andand bbounceounce, , groovegroove,, ddddesign in aesign in aesign in aesign in a f f f fun un un un andandandand supsupsupsuppppportiveortiveortiveortive Time: Time: : : 11:00am 11:00am 11:00am 11:00am - - - - 2:00p2:00p2:00p2:00pmmmm techniques like spins and rolls, footwork techniques like spins and rolls, footwork ffootwork, andootwork, and upupppeer r bbodody y movememovement. Itnt. It eeeenvironmenvironmenvironmenvironment. Studnt. Studnt. Studnt. Studeeeents will nts will nts will nts will ffffocus onocus onocus onocus on for movement, and posture for grace in for movement, and posture for grace in Location: LocationLocation: : DeDeDesesesert rt rt BreBreBreezeezeeze CommunityCommunityCommunity includes freestyle practice, pencil/pen mediums while developing includes freestyle practice, pppencil/pencil/pencil/pen en en mememedddiums iums iums whilewhilewhile d d developevelopevelopinginging twirling. Beginners learn these twirling. Beginners learn these Center Center choreography, synchronization with essential skills such as color theory, choreography, synchronization with eeessessessential skills such ntial skills such ntial skills such as color as color as color theory,theory,theory, progressively to build skills and progressively to build skills and Desert Breeze Community Center’sDesert Breeze Community Center’sDesert Breeze Community Center’sDesert Breeze Community Center’s music, and partner work. Safety, composition, perspective, and texture. music, and partner work. Safety, compcompcomposition, osition, osition, pppeeersprsprspeeective, andctive, andctive, and tetetexturexturexture... confidence for advanced performances. confidence for advanced performances. annual Spring Festival is returning withannual Spring Festival is returning withannual Spring Festival is returning with annual Spring Festival is returning with technique, style, and attitude are key, technique, style, and attitude are key, DayDay DateDate TimeTime AgeAge CostCost Activity CodeActivity CodeActivity Code DayDay DateDate TimeTime AgeAge CoCostst Activity CoActivity Codede all its festivities as we celebrate theall its festivities as we celebrate the all its festivities as we celebrate the fostering technical skill and artistic fostering technical skill and artistic 5:00pm-5:00pm- 9:9:00a00amm-- 2 2 DeDeseserrt t BrBreeeezeze 2/27-4/102/27-4/102/27-4/10 6-11 $35 2 Desert Breeze Art ThTh 6-11 $35 2 Desert Breeze Art2 Desert Breeze Art 3/1-4/123/1-4/12 5-17 $35 SSaatt 5-17 $35 incoming Year of the Snake! Join us asincoming Year of the Snake! Join us as incoming Year of the Snake! Join us as 6:00pm6:00pm 10:10:00a00amm DaDanncece expression in hip hop dance. expression in hip hop dance. we enjoy the lion dance, performances,we enjoy the lion dance, performances, we enjoy the lion dance, performances, DayDay DateDate TimeTime AgeAge CoCostst Activity CoActivity Codede 6:00pm-6:00pm- 2/27-4/102/27-4/102/27-4/10 Th 12-17 $35 2 Desert Breeze Art Th 12-17 $35 2 Desert Breeze Art 7:00pm7:00pm community vendors, and more!community vendors, and more! community vendors, and more! 6:6:00p00pmm-- 2 2 DeDeseserrt t BrBreeeezeze BATON TWIRLING COMPETITIVEBATON TWIRLING COMPETITIVEBATON TWIRLING COMPETITIVEBATON TWIRLING COMPETITIVE 2/24-4/92/24-4/9 MM//WW 5-105-10 $46$46 7:7:00p00pmm DaDanncece Baton twirling involves the rhythmic Baton Baton Baton Baton twirling involvetwirling involvetwirling involvetwirling involves thes thes thes the rhythmic rhythmic rhythmic rhythmic YOUTH ACRYLIC PAINTINGYOUTH ACRYLIC PAINTINGYOUTH ACRYLIC PAINTING manipulation of the baton, often manipmanipmanipmanipmanipulation ulation ulation ulation ulation ofofofofof the the the the the b b b b baton, aton, aton, aton, aton, ofofofofoftententententen Through guidThrough guidThrough guideeeddd lelelessons, ssons, ssons, studstudstudents ents ents willwillwill BALLET IBALLET I accompanied by music. Competitive accompaccompaccompaccompaccompanieanieanieanieanieddddd bbbbby music. Compy music. Compy music. Compy music. Compy music. Compeeeeetitivetitivetitivetitivetitive lelelearn arn arn thethethe f f fundundundamentals amentals amentals ofofof acrylicacrylicacrylic BalleBallet t typtypically ically includincludes es bbasic asic bballetallet baton twirling combines elements of bbbbbaton aton aton aton aton twirling twirling twirling twirling twirling combcombcombcombcombineineineineines s s s s eeeeelements lements lements lements lements ofofofofof pppainting, includainting, includainting, including ing ing color color color mixing, mixing, mixing, bbbrushrushrush movemovemements, stretches, nts, stretches, andand e exexercisercisess gymnastics, dance, and performance art, gymnastics, gymnastics, gymnastics, gymnastics, gymnastics, gymnastics, ddddddanceanceanceanceanceance, , , , , , andandandandandand pppppperferferferferferformanceormanceormanceormanceormanceormance art, art, art, art, art, art, tetetechniqchniqchniques, layering, ues, layering, ues, layering, andandand creating creating creating ddesignedesigned to d to developevelop coordcoordination,ination, and judges evaluate competitors based andandandand judjudjudjudgegegeges s s s evaluate evaluate evaluate evaluate compcompcompcompetitors etitors etitors etitors bbbbaseaseaseasedddd texture. They will experiment with tetexturexture. . TheThey y will ewill expxpeeriment withriment with bbalancealance, , andand gracegrace. . TheThe class class eempmphasizehasizess on criteria such as difficulty of tricks, on on on on critecritecritecriteria ria ria ria such such such such as as as as ddddififififfffficulty oficulty oficulty oficulty of tricks, tricks, tricks, tricks, different styles and subjects, from still ddiffiffeerent styles rent styles andand sub subjects, jects, ffrom rom stillstill Family Fun Paint Jam: MarchFamily Fun Paint Jam: MarchFamily Fun Paint Jam: MarchFamily Fun Paint Jam: MarchFamily Fun Paint Jam: MarchFamily Fun Paint Jam: MarchFamily Fun Paint Jam: March fun and creativity while introducing fun and creativity while introducing precision, showmanship, and overall pppprecision, recision, recision, recision, showmanshipshowmanshipshowmanshipshowmanship, , , , andandandand overa overa overa overallllllll life to abstract art, and develop their liflife e to to ababstrastract ct art, art, andand ddeveeveloplop thetheirir students to the fundamentals of ballet students to the fundamentals of ballet EditionEditionEditionEdition performance quality. This class requires ppppeeeerfrfrfrformance ormance ormance ormance qqqquality. uality. uality. uality. This This This This class class class class rererereqqqquiresuiresuiresuires own unique artistic voice. own own uniqunique ue artistic artistic voicevoice.. technique and terminology. technique and terminology. Date:Date: March March 8, 8, 20252025 instructor approval to enroll. instructor apinstructor apinstructor apppproval roval roval to eto eto enroll.nroll.nroll. DayDay DateDate TimeTime AgeAge CostCost Activity CodeActivity Code DayDay DateDate TimeTime AgeAge CoCostst Activity CoActivity Codede Time: 10:00am-12:00pTime: 10:00am-12:00pmm DayDayDay DateDateDate TimeTimeTime AgeAge CoCostst Activity CoActivity CoActivity Codedede 4:30pm-4:30pm- 5:5:00p00pmm-- 2 2 DeDeseserrt t BrBreeeezeze 2/28-4/112/28-4/112/28-4/11 8-12 $41 2 Desert Breeze Art FriFri 8-12 $41 2 Desert Breeze Art Location: Location: DeDesesert rt BreBreeezeze CommunityCommunity 2/24-4/92/24-4/9 10:10:00a00amm-- 2 2 2 DeDeDeseseserrrt t t BrBrBreeeeeezezeze MM//WW 5-105-10 $46$46 6:00pm 6:00pm 3/1-4/123/1-4/12 6:6:00p00pmm DaDanncece 5-17 $46 SSaatt 5-17 $46 12:12:00p00pmm DaDanncece CeCententerr YOUTH PAPER MACHEYOUTH PAPER MACHEYOUTH PAPER MACHE *Ins*Instructructor Ator Appropprovvalal Required Required Cost: Cost: $2.00/p$2.00/peersonrson StudStudStudeeents nts nts will will will lelelearn how arn how arn how to to to crecrecreate ate ate uniquniquniqueueue ADULT SPORTSADULT SPORTS AgeAgeAges:s: s: 6+6+ sculpsculpsculptureturetures, s, s, masks, masks, masks, andandand other eother eother excitingxcitingxciting BABY BATONBABY BATON ADULT WOMEN’S CATCHIBALL SKILLSADULT WOMEN’S CATCHIBALL SKILLSADULT WOMEN’S CATCHIBALL SKILLS Join us for a seasonal paint jam whereJoin us for a seasonal paint jam where projects using paper, glue, and various pprojects rojects using using ppapaper, er, glueglue, , andand variousvarious This is a skills class for “Catchiball” -- a BabBaby y bbaton classeaton classes s teach young teach young childchildrerenn This This is a is a skills skills class class ffor or “Catchib“Catchiball” all” -- a-- a we dive into spring-themed crafts and we dive into spring-themed crafts and materials. The class will cover essential materials. materials. The The class class will will covecover r eessessentialntial sport similar to volleyball. It‘s a team bbasic asic bbaton twirling aton twirling skills, motorskills, motor spsport ort similar similar to to vollevolleybyball. all. It‘s a It‘s a teteamam techniques such as layering, molding, tetechniqchniques ues such asuch as layering, s layering, moldmolding,ing, delights! Enjoy a creative and cozy delights! Enjoy a creative and cozy development, coordination, and rhythm. sport where players pass a lightweight development, coordination, and rhythm. spsport ort whewherere pplayelayers rs ppass ass a lightweighta lightweight and drying, allowing students to create andand ddrying, arying, allowing studllowing studeents nts to to creacreatete atmosphere with guidance from our atmosphere with guidance from our Activities include holding and twirling the ball among teammates with the goal of Activities include holding and twirling the bball all among teamong teammateammates with s with thethe goal goal ofof sturdy and intricate pieces of art. sturdsturdy y andand intricate intricate p pieiececes ofs of art. art. instructor in this engaging workshop! instructor in this engaging workshop! baton, rhythmic movements, music- scoring points by throwing it into the baton, rhythmic movements, music- scoring scoring ppoints oints bby y throwing throwing it it into theinto the DayDayDay DateDate TimeTime AgeAge CostCost Activity CodeActivity Code opponent's side. Key skills include hand- listening to build confidence and lay the listening to build confidence and lay the opopopoppppponent's sidonent's sidonent's sidonent's side. e. e. e. KeKeKeKey sky sky sky skills ills ills ills includincludincludincludeeee hand hand hand hand---- 5:00pm- 2/25-4/82/25-4/8 8-17 $41 2 Desert Breeze Art TuTu foundation for future skills. eye coordination, teamwork, and quick foundation for future skills. eeyeye coordcoordination, ination, teamwork, teamwork, andand qquickuick 6:30pm DayDay DateDate TimeTime AgeAge CostCost Activity CodeActivity Code decision-making. ddddeeeecision-making.cision-making.cision-making.cision-making. DayDayDayDay DateDateDateDate TimeTimeTimeTime AgeAge CoCostst Activity CodeActivity CodeActivity Code 8:8:30a30amm-- 2 Desert Breeze 2 Desert Breeze Check back soon for more 3/1-4/123/1-4/12 SSaatt 3-5 $23 3-5 $23 6:6:00p00pmm-- 2 2 2 DeDeDeseseserrrt t t BrBrBreeeeeezezeze AdAdAduuultltlt 9:9:00a00amm Dance Dance MM//WW 2/24-4/92/24-4/9 25+25+ $92$92 workshops and events in 2025! 8:00pm SSpportsorts 8:00pm

Clark County Parks and Recreation Catalog Fall Page 29 Page 31