DANCEDANCEDANCE ARTART WORKSHOPS AND EVENTSWORKSHOPS AND EVENTSWORKSHOPS AND EVENTSWORKSHOPS AND EVENTS Lunar New Year Spring FestivalLunar New Year Spring FestivalLunar New Year Spring FestivalLunar New Year Spring FestivalLunar New Year Spring FestivalLunar New Year Spring Festival HIP HOP IHIP HOP I ART FUNDAMENTALSART FUNDAMENTALSART FUNDAMENTALSART FUNDAMENTALSART FUNDAMENTALS BATON TWIRLING FUNDAMENTALSBATON TWIRLING FUNDAMENTALS A A hiphip hop hop ddance ance class class covecovers rs bbasic asic movesmoves Learn Learn Learn Learn the bthe bthe bthe basic pasic pasic pasic principrinciprinciprinciples ofles ofles ofles of art art art art andandandand Date:Date: FeFeFeFebbbbruary ruary ruary ruary 2nd2nd2nd2nd, 2025, 2025, 2025, 2025 Baton fBaton fundundameamentals ntals cover gripcover grips, s, twirlingtwirling likelike two-step two-step andand b bounce, groove,ounce, groove, ddddesign in a fesign in a fesign in a fesign in a fun un un un andandandand sup sup sup suppppportiveortiveortiveortive Time: Time: : : 11:00am - 2:00p11:00am - 2:00p11:00am - 2:00p11:00am - 2:00pmmmm techniques like spins and rolls, footwork techniques like spins and rolls, footwork ffootwork,ootwork, and and upupppeer br bodody y movement. Itmovement. It environment. Studenvironment. Studenvironment. Studenvironment. Students will ents will ents will ents will ffffocus ocus ocus ocus onononon for movement, and posture for grace in for movement, and posture for grace in Location: DeLocationLocation: : DeDesesesert Brert Brert Breeeezezeze CommunityCommunityCommunity includes freestyle practice, pencil/pen mediums while developing includes freestyle practice, pppencil/pencil/pencil/pen en en mememedddiums whileiums whileiums while d d deveeveeveloploplopinginging twirling. Beginners learn these twirling. Beginners learn these CeCententerr choreography, synchronization with essential skills such as color theory, choreography, synchronization with esseesseessential ntial ntial skills such as skills such as skills such as color thecolor thecolor theory,ory,ory, progressively to build skills and progressively to build skills and Desert Breeze Community Center’sDesert Breeze Community Center’sDesert Breeze Community Center’sDesert Breeze Community Center’s music, and partner work. Safety, composition, perspective, and texture. music, and partner work. Safety, compcompcomposition, osition, osition, ppperspersperspective, andective, andective, and texture.texture.texture. confidence for advanced performances. confidence for advanced performances. annual Spring Festival is returning withannual Spring Festival is returning withannual Spring Festival is returning with annual Spring Festival is returning with technique, style, and attitude are key, technique, style, and attitude are key, DayDay DateDate TimeTime AgeAge CostCost Activity CodeActivity CodeActivity Code DayDay DateDate TimeTime AgeAge CostCost Activity CodeActivity Code all its festivities as we celebrate theall its festivities as we celebrate the all its festivities as we celebrate the fostering technical skill and artistic fostering technical skill and artistic 5:00pm-5:00pm- 99:0:000am-am- 1 Desert Breeze 1 Desert Breeze 1/9-2/131/9-2/131/9-2/13 6-11 $35 1 Desert Breeze Art ThTh 6-11 $35 1 1 DeDesert sert Breeze Breeze ArtArt 1/11-2/151/11-2/15 SatSat 5-17 $30 5-17 $30 incoming Year of the Snake! Join us asincoming Year of the Snake! Join us as incoming Year of the Snake! Join us as 6:00pm 6:00pm 10:00am Dance 10:00am Dance expression in hip hop dance. expression in hip hop dance. we enjoy the lion dance, performances,we enjoy the lion dance, performances, we enjoy the lion dance, performances, *Sat. cl*Sat. clasasss prices prorated due to holiday c prices prorated due to holiday closures.losures. DayDay DateDate TimeTime AgeAge CostCost Activity CodeActivity Code 6:00pm-6:00pm- 1/9-2/131/9-2/131/9-2/13 12-17 $35 1 Desert Breeze Art Th Th 12-17 $35 1 Desert Breeze Art 7:00pm 7:00pm community vendors, and more!community vendors, and more! community vendors, and more! 66:0:000pm-pm- 1 Desert Breeze 1 Desert Breeze BATON TWIRLING COMPETITIVEBATON TWIRLING COMPETITIVEBATON TWIRLING COMPETITIVEBATON TWIRLING COMPETITIVE 1/6-2/121/6-2/12 M/WM/W 5-10 $42 5-10 $42 7:00pm Dance 7:00pm Dance Baton twirling involves the rhythmic Baton twirling involves theBaton twirling involves theBaton twirling involves theBaton twirling involves the rhythmic rhythmic rhythmic rhythmic YOUTH ACRYLIC PAINTINGYOUTH ACRYLIC PAINTINGYOUTH ACRYLIC PAINTING *Mon. c*Mon. classlass pric priceses prorated due to hol prorated due to holiday ciday cllososuresures.. manipulation of the baton, often manipmanipmanipmanipmanipulation of ulation of ulation of ulation of ulation of the the the the the bbbbbaton, aton, aton, aton, aton, ofofofofoftententententen Through guidThrough guidThrough guidededed lessons, lessons, lessons, studstudstudeeents nts nts willwillwill BALLET IBALLET I accompanied by music. Competitive accoaccoaccoaccoaccompmpmpmpmpaniedaniedaniedaniedanied bbbbby y y y y music. Comusic. Comusic. Comusic. Comusic. Compmpmpmpmpetitiveetitiveetitiveetitiveetitive learn learn learn the the the fundfundfundamentals amentals amentals of of of acrylicacrylicacrylic BalleBallet t typtypically includically includes bes basic basic balletallet baton twirling combines elements of bbbbbaton aton aton aton aton twirling combtwirling combtwirling combtwirling combtwirling combines ines ines ines ines elements ofelements ofelements ofelements ofelements of pppainting, includainting, includainting, including color ing color ing color mixing, mixing, mixing, bbbrushrushrush movements, movements, stretches, andstretches, and e exercisesxercises gymnastics, dance, and performance art, gymnastics, gymnastics, gymnastics, gymnastics, gymnastics, gymnastics, ddddddance, ance, ance, ance, ance, ance, andandandandandand p p p p p performance erformance erformance erformance erformance erformance art,art,art,art,art,art, techniqtechniqtechniques, layering, andues, layering, andues, layering, and creatingcreatingcreating ddesignedesigned to d to developevelop coord coordination,ination, and judges evaluate competitors based andandandand jud jud jud judges eges eges eges evaluate valuate valuate valuate compcompcompcompeeeetitors titors titors titors bbbbaseaseaseasedddd texture. texture. texture. TheTheThey will y will y will expexpexpeeeriment riment riment withwithwith bbalance, alance, andand grace. The grace. The class class empemphasizeshasizes on criteria such as difficulty of tricks, on criteria such as on criteria such as on criteria such as on criteria such as ddddiffiffiffifficulty of iculty of iculty of iculty of tricks,tricks,tricks,tricks, different styles and subjects, from still ddififfereferent styles nt styles andand subsubjects, fjects, from rom stillstill fun and creativity while introducing fun and creativity while introducing precision, showmanship, and overall pppprerererecision, showmanshipcision, showmanshipcision, showmanshipcision, showmanship, , , , andandandand overall overall overall overall life to abstract art, and develop their liflife to abe to abstract stract art, andart, and ddevelopevelop theirtheir students to the fundamentals of ballet students to the fundamentals of ballet performance quality. This class requires pppperferferferformanceormanceormanceormance q q q quality. uality. uality. uality. This This This This class class class class reqreqreqrequiresuiresuiresuires own unique artistic voice. own uniqown uniqueue artistic voice. artistic voice. technique and terminology. technique and terminology. instructor approval to enroll. instruinstruinstructor ctor ctor apapapppproval to eroval to eroval to enroll.nroll.nroll. DayDay DateDate TimeTime AgeAge CostCost Activity CodeActivity Code DayDay DateDate TimeTime AgeAge CostCost Activity CodeActivity Code DayDayDay DateDateDate TimeTimeTime AgeAge CostCost Activity CodeActivity CodeActivity Code 4:30pm-4:30pm- 55:0:000pm-pm- 1 Desert Breeze 1 Desert Breeze 1/10-2/141/10-2/141/10-2/14 8-12 $41 1 Desert Breeze Art FriFri 8-12 $41 1 Desert Breeze Art 1/6-2/121/6-2/12 10:10:00a00amm-- 1 1 DeDesesert rt BreBreeezeze 1 Desert Breeze M/WM/W 5-10 $42 5-10 $42 6:00pm 6:00pm 1/11-2/151/11-2/15 6:6:00p00pmm Dance Dance SatSat 5-17 $42 5-17 $42 12:12:00p00pmm Dance Dance Check back soon for moreCheck back soon for more *Mon. c*Mon. c*Mon. classlasslass pric pric priceseses prorated due to hol prorated due to hol prorated due to holiday ciday ciday clllosososuresuresures... YOUTH PAPER MACHEYOUTH PAPER MACHEYOUTH PAPER MACHE *Ins*Instructructotor Ar Approvpprovalal Required Required workshops and events in 2025!workshops and events in 2025! StudStudStudents ents ents will learn will learn will learn how to crehow to crehow to create ate ate uniquniquniqueueue ADULT SPORTSADULT SPORTS *Sat. cl*Sat. clasasss prices prorated due to holiday c prices prorated due to holiday closures.losures. sculpsculpsculptureturetures, s, s, masks, andmasks, andmasks, and other eother eother excitingxcitingxciting BABY BATONBABY BATON ADULT WOMEN’S CATCHIBALL SKILLS ADULT WOMEN’S CATCHIBALL SKILLSADULT WOMEN’S CATCHIBALL SKILLS projects using paper, glue, and various pprojerojects using cts using ppapaper, glueer, glue, and, and various various This is a skills class for “Catchiball” -- a BabBaby y bbaton aton classeclasses s teach young childteach young childrerenn This is a skills This is a skills class class for for “Catchib“Catchiball” all” -- a-- a materials. The class will cover essential materials. materials. TheThe class will class will covecover er essentialssential basic baton twirling skills, motor sport similar to volleyball. It‘s a team basic baton twirling skills, motor spsport ort similar similar to to volleybvolleyball. It‘s a all. It‘s a teteamam techniques such as layering, molding, techniqtechniques ues such such as as layering, layering, moldmolding,ing, development, coordination, and rhythm. sport where players pass a lightweight development, coordination, and rhythm. spsport ort where where pplayers players pass ass a a lightweightlightweight and drying, allowing students to create andand d drying, rying, allowing studallowing students to createents to create Activities include holding and twirling the ball among teammates with the goal of Activities include holding and twirling the bball all among among teammateteammates s with with the the goal ofgoal of sturdy and intricate pieces of art. sturdsturdy y andand intricate intricate ppieces ieces ofof baton, rhythmic movements, music- scoring points by throwing it into the baton, rhythmic movements, music- scoring scoring ppoints boints by throwing y throwing it it into theinto the DayDayDay DateDate TimeTime AgeAge CostCost Activity CodeActivity Code opponent's side. Key skills include hand- listening to build confidence and lay the listening to build confidence and lay the opopopoppppponent's onent's onent's onent's sidsidsidsideeee. Key . Key . Key . Key skills skills skills skills includincludincludinclude e e e handhandhandhand---- 5:00pm- 1/7-2/111/7-2/11 8-17 $41 1 Desert Breeze Art TuTu foundation for future skills. eye coordination, teamwork, and quick foundation for future skills. eye eye coordcoordination, ination, teamwork,teamwork, andand qquickuick 6:30pm DayDay DateDate TimeTime AgeAge CostCost Activity CodeActivity Code decision-making. ddddecision-making.ecision-making.ecision-making.ecision-making. DayDayDayDay DateDateDateDate TimeTimeTimeTime AgeAge CostCost Activity CodeActivity CodeActivity Code 1/11-1/11- 1 Desert Breeze 1 Desert Breeze SatSat 8:8:30a30amm-9:-9:15a15amm 3-53-5 $23$23 2/152/15 66:0:000pm-pm- 111 D D Deseseserererttt B B Brrreezeezeeze Ae Ae Adulduldulttt Dance Dance M/WM/W 1/6-2/121/6-2/12 25+25+ $84$84 8:00pm SSpportsorts 8:00pm *Sat. cl*Sat. clasasss prices prorated due to holiday c prices prorated due to holiday closures.losures. *Mon. c*Mon. classlass pric priceses prorated due to hol prorated due to holiday ciday cllososuresures..
Clark County Parks and Recreation Catalog Fall Page 29 Page 31