Educational Classes Notes:Educational Classes Notes:Educational Classes Notes: EDUCATIONEDUCATION Parents must remain inside theParents must remain inside theParents must remain inside the BRIGHT BEGINNERS PRESCHOOL 1BRIGHT BEGINNERS PRESCHOOL 1 facility at all times, outside of thefacility at all times, outside of thefacility at all times, outside of the Education Registration Dates:Education Registration Dates: This is not a mommy & This is not a mommy & meme class! class! classroom.classroom.classroom. DesignedDesigned ffor or childchildreren that have n that have alrealreadadyy Participants must be able toParticipants must be able toParticipants must be able to Session 1:Session 1: been in a classroom setting or are been in a classroom setting or are remain in their seats and followremain in their seats and followremain in their seats and follow (8 WEEK SESSION)(8 WEEK SESSION)(8 WEEK SESSION) moving up from Little Learners. The moving up from Little Learners. The instruction.instruction.instruction. 01/14/25-2/28/25 01/14/25-2/28/25 children will learn the alphabet, children will learn the alphabet, This is a This is a This is a year-longyear-long program with program with registration every 8 weeks (exceptregistration every 8 weeks (exceptregistration every 8 weeks (except PPriority riority RReegistration: gistration: NNoveovembmbeer r 7 7 @@ 7:00am7:00am numbers, shapes, crafts, science, and numbers, shapes, crafts, science, and OnlineOnline RReegistration: gistration: NNoveovembmbeer r 14 14 @@ 7:00am7:00am summers).summers).summers). Beginning August 2024Beginning August 2024 following directions. Consistency is following directions. Consistency is In-PIn-Peerson rson RReegistration: gistration: NNoveovembmbeer r 18 18 @@ 7:00am7:00am In-Person Registration: November 18 @ 7:00am through May 2025through May 2025through May 2025.. recommended for success in this class. recommended for success in this class. KINDER PREPKINDER PREPKINDER PREPKINDER PREP LITTLE LEARNERSLITTLE LEARNERS This is not a mommy & me class!This is not a mommy & me class!This is not a mommy & me class!This is not a mommy & me class! Parents/guardians must remain in the Parents/guardians must remain in the This is not a mommy & This is not a mommy & meme class! class! Designed for children that have already Designed for children that have alreadyDesigned for children that have already building during the class period. building during the class period. OnlineOnline RReegistration gistration cancan For For todtodddlers lers who who neeneedd an an introdintroduction touction to been in a classroom setting or are moving been in a classroom setting or are movingbeen in a classroom setting or are moving DayDay DateDate TimeTime AgeAge CostCost Activity CodeActivity Code be found at: be found at: a social a social a social sesesetting. Childtting. Childtting. Children ren ren will fwill fwill focus onocus onocus on up from Bright Beginners. The children will up from Bright BeginnersBright Beginners. The children will 1 Desert Breeze 1/7-1/7- 11:30am-11:30am- 1 Desert Breeze 3-4 $82 Tu/ThTu/Th 3-4 $82 www.ClarkCountyNV.Gov/ www.ClarkCountyNV.Gov/ 2/272/27 how to fhow to fhow to fhow to fhow to follow ollow ollow ollow ollow dddddirections irections irections irections irections andandandandand b b b b beeeee Education 1:00pm 1:00pm Education learn skills to help them get ready for learn skills to help them get ready forlearn skills to help them get ready for ParksRegistration ParksRegistration introduced to colors, shapes, crafts, introdintrodintrodintroduceduceduceduced to to to to colors, colors, colors, colors, shapshapshapshapeeees, s, s, s, crafts,crafts,crafts,crafts, kindergarten. Counting and recognizing kindergarten. Counting and recognizingkindergarten. Counting and recognizing circle time, and more! Parents/guardians circle time, andcircle time, andcircle time, andcircle time, andcircle time, and more! Pmore! Pmore! Pmore! Pmore! Parearearearearents/guardnts/guardnts/guardnts/guardnts/guardiansiansiansiansians numbers up to 30, sight words, math numbers up to 30, sight words, mathnumbers up to 30, sight words, math concepts, writing, and following instructions concepts, writing, and following instructionsconcepts, writing, and following instructions must remain in the building during the must must must must must remain remain remain remain remain in the in the in the in the in the bbbbbuilduilduilduilduilding ding ding ding ding during theuring theuring theuring theuring the will be taught. Parents/guardians must will be taught. Parents/guardians mustwill be taught. Parents/guardians must class period. class period. remain in the building during the class remain in the building during the classremain in the building during the class DayDay DateDate TimeTimeTimeTime AgeAge CostCost Activity CodeActivity Code period. period. 1/7-1/7- 10:15am-10:15am-10:15am-10:15am- 1 1 DeDesert sert BreezeBreeze 2-3 Tu/ThTu/Th 2-32-3 $55$55 DayDay DateDateDate TimeTime AgeAge CostCost Activity CodeActivity Code 2/27 2/272/27 11:00am11:00am11:00am EdEducationucation 10:00am- 1 Desert Breeze 10:00am- 1 Desert Breeze 1/7-1/7-1/7- 1/7-1/7- 9:15am-9:15am-9:15am- 1 1 DeDesert sert BreezeBreeze M/W/FM/W/F 4-5 $88 4-5 $88 2-3 Tu/ThTu/ThTu/Th 2-3 $55$55$55 2/272/272/27 11:30am Education 11:30am Education 2/27 2/27 10:00am10:00am10:00am EdEducationucation *Mon. c*Mon. c*Mon. classlasslass pric pric priceseses prorated due to hol prorated due to hol prorated due to holiday ciday ciday clllosososuresuresures... BRIGHT BEGINNERS PRESCHOOL 2BRIGHT BEGINNERS PRESCHOOL 2 ALL ALL ABOUT ABOUT LEARNING LEARNING (INTRO (INTRO TOTO This is not a mommy & This is not a mommy & This is not a mommy & mememe class! class! class! PRESCHOOL)PRESCHOOL) DesignedDesignedDesigned fffor or or childchildchildrereren that have n that have n that have alrealrealreadadadyyy This is not a mommy & This is not a mommy & meme class! class! bbbeeeeeen in n in n in a a a classroom classroom classroom sesesetting or aretting or aretting or are DesignedDesigned ffor or childchildreren that have n that have nevernever moving upmoving upmoving up fffrom rom rom Little LearnersLittle Learners. . TheThe been in a classroom setting (first time been in a classroom setting (first time children will learn the alphabet, childchildren ren will will learn learn the alpthe alphabhabet,et, socialization). The children will learn socialization). The children will learn numbers, shapes, crafts, science, and numbnumbeers, shaprs, shapes, crafes, crafts, ts, sciencescience, and, and their letters, numbers, tracing, cutting, their letters, numbers, tracing, cutting, following directions. Consistency is ffollowing dollowing directions. irections. Consistency Consistency isis and following directions. and following directions. recommended for success in this class. recommendrecommendrecommendrecommendeeeedddd f f f for or or or succesuccesuccesuccess ss ss ss in in in in this this this this class.class.class.class. Parents/guardians must remain in the Parents/guardians must remain in the Parents/guardians must remain in the PParents/guardarents/guardians ians must must remain remain in in thethe building during the class period. building during the class period. building during the class period. bbuilduilding ding during uring the class pthe class peeriodriod.. DayDay DateDate TimeTime AgeAge CostCost Activity CodeActivity Code DayDay DateDate TimeTime AgeAge CostCost Activity CodeActivity CodeActivity Code 12:00pm- 1 Desert Breeze 12:00pm- 1 Desert Breeze 1/6-1/6- 1 Desert Breeze 1/7-1/7- 1:15pm-1:15pm- 1 1 DeDesert sert BreezeBreeze M/M/W/FW/F 4-5 $88 4-5 $88 2/282/28 3-4 $82 Tu/ThTu/Th 3-4 $82 1:30pm Education 1:30pm Education 2/27 2/27 Education 2:45pm 2:45pm Education *Mon. c*Mon. classlass pric priceses prorated due to hol prorated due to holiday ciday cllososuresures..

Clark County Parks and Recreation Catalog Fall - Page 31 Clark County Parks and Recreation Catalog Fall Page 30 Page 32