SENIOR PROGRAMMINGSENIOR PROGRAMMINGSENIOR PROGRAMMING SENIOR SPECIAL EVENTSSENIOR SPECIAL EVENTSSENIOR SPECIAL EVENTSSENIOR SPECIAL EVENTS SENIOR WORKSHOPSSENIOR WORKSHOPSSENIOR WORKSHOPSSENIOR WORKSHOPS CHAIR AEROBICSCHAIR AEROBICS WII BOWLINGWII BOWLING Medicare Annual EnrollmentMedicare Annual EnrollmentMedicare Annual EnrollmentMedicare Annual Enrollment Semi-Annual Mixed DoublesSemi-Annual Mixed DoublesSemi-Annual Mixed DoublesSemi-Annual Mixed DoublesSemi-Annual Mixed Doubles Come and enjoy Wii bowling and meet Come and enjoy Wii bowling and meet Chair Chair aeaerobrobics is a seics is a seateatedd eexexercisercise Period WorkshopPeriod Workshop Period Workshop Pickleball TournamentPickleball TournamentPickleball TournamentPickleball Tournament new friends. Keep fit, active, and new friends. Keep fit, active, and program focusing on low-impact program focusing on low-impact DonDonDonDon’’’’t t t t mmmmiss iss iss iss ththththis is is is opopopoppppportuortuortuortunnnnity ity ity ity to to to to ggggeeeetttt socialize! socialize! Preliminary Round:Preliminary Round:Preliminary Round:Preliminary Round: aerobic movements, flexibility, and aerobic movements, flexibility, and personalized assistance, and ensure perperpersssooonalnalnaliiizzzed ased ased assssiiissstttancancance,e,e, and ens and ens and ensururureee muscle strength. It aims to improve muscle strength. It aims to improve Day Time Day Time Date:Date: WeWeWeWeddddnenenenesdsdsdsday, March ay, March ay, March ay, March 5, 20255, 20255, 20255, 2025 you’re making the best choices for yyyooou’ru’ru’re makie makie making tng tng the beshe beshe besttt c c chohohoiiiccceseses fo fo forrr cardiovascular health and joint cardiovascular health and joint Wednesdays 10:00am-12:00pm Wednesdays 10:00am-12:00pm Time: Time: : 9:00 AM9:00 AM9:00 AM your healthcare needs. Expert yyyoooururur heal heal healttthchchcararare needse needse needs... E E Experxperxperttt mobility while accommodating varying mobility while accommodating varying Cost: Free! Cost: Free! Championship Round:Championship Round:Championship Round: Advantage is not affiliated with the AAAdvdvdvantantantage iage iage isss no no nottt affi affi affillliiiatatated wied wied wittth th th thehehe fitness levels for a safe workout fitness levels for a safe workout Date: ThursdDate: : : ThursdThursdThursday, ay, ay, ay, March 27,2025March 27,2025March 27,2025March 27,2025 U.S. Government or federal Medicare UUU...S.S.S. G G Gooovvvererernmentnmentnment o o orrr feder feder federalalal M M Mediediedicccararareee SENIOR BOOK CLUBSENIOR BOOK CLUB experience. experience. Time: Time: : 9:00 AM9:00 AM9:00 AM program. For ages 64+. F Foorr ages ages 6 644+.+. Dive into the monthly book club pick, Dive into the monthly book club pick, Day Time Day Time chat about all things bookish, mingle, chat about all things bookish, mingle, Date: Date: FeFebbruruaary ry 4, 4, 20252025 Cost: $5 Cost: $5$5 Tues 10:00am-11:00am TueTuess 10:00am-11:00am10:00am-11:00am andand lelet t thethe goodgood time times roll!s roll! Time: Time: Time: 11:11:15a15amm-12:-12:15a15amm Thurs 10:00am-11:00am ThursThursThurs 10:00am-11:00am10:00am-11:00am Day Time Day Time CoCoCost:st:st: F F Frrreeeeee Cost: Free! Cost:Cost:Cost: Free! Second Monday 10:00am-11:30am Second Monday 10:00am-11:30am LINE DANCINGLINE DANCINGLINE DANCINGLINE DANCINGLINE DANCINGLINE DANCING FITNESS ROOMFITNESS ROOM of Every Month of Every Month Dance, socialize, be active, and make DanceDanceDanceDanceDance, , , , , socializesocializesocializesocializesocialize, , , , , bbbbbeeeee active active active active active, and, and, and, and, and makemakemakemakemake Must Must havehave curre current validnt valid Cost: Free! Cost: Free! nenew w ffrieriendnds!s! ffitneitness ss memembmbeershiprship.. Nintendo Wii BowlingNintendo Wii BowlingNintendo Wii BowlingNintendo Wii BowlingNintendo Wii Bowling Day Time Day Time CORNHOLECORNHOLE Open Mon-Fri from 7am-8pm. Open Mon-Fri from 7am-8pm. Silver Pins TouSilver Pins TouSilver Pins Tournamentrnamentrnament Mon (lvl 4) 10:00am-11:00am Mon Mon (lvl (lvl 4)4) 10:00am-11:00am10:00am-11:00am10:00am-11:00am Aim for the win as you go head-to- Aim for the win as you go head-to- Wed (lvl 3) 10:00am-11:00am WeWedd (lvl 3) (lvl 3) 10:00am-11:00am10:00am-11:00am10:00am-11:00am head against others in a friendly game head against others in a friendly game Must bring your own towel, water Must bring your own towel, water Date: ThursdDate: : ThursdThursday, March 13, ay, March 13, ay, March 13, 202520252025 Thurs (lvl 2) 11:15am-12:15 pm Thurs Thurs (lvl (lvl 2)2) 11:1511:15am-12:15 pam-12:15 pmm ofof Cornhole Cornhole.. bottle, and wipe down machines bottle, and wipe down machines Time: Time: : 9:00 AM9:00 AM9:00 AM Thurs (lvl 1) 12:30pm-1:30pm ThursThurs (lvl 1) 12:30p12:30p12:30pm-1:30pm-1:30pm-1:30pmmm Day Time Day Time after use. after use. Location: SilveLocationLocation: Silveradrado o RRanch anch CommunityCommunity Cost: Free! Cost:Cost: FreFreee!! Thursdays 11:15am-1:15pm Thursdays 11:15am-1:15pm CeCententerr Cost: Free! Cost: Free! Youth ages 13 -15 must be Youth ages 13 -15 must be SCRABBLESCRABBLE PPricerice:: PlPlPlayersayersayers -$7, -$7, SpecSpectatorstators - - $7$7 accompanied by parent/guardian. accompanied by parent/guardian. Come and enjoy board games and Come and enjoy board games and DeDeDesesesert Brert Brert Breeeezezeze’s ’s ’s vevevery ry ry own Nown Nown Ninteinteintendndndo o o WiiWiiWii meet new friends. Keep your wits meet new friends. Keep your wits Bowling Bowling Bowling teteteam am am will bwill bwill beee striking striking striking upupup thethethe Combo passes for the DB Aquatics Combo passes for the DB Aquatics sharp socialize! sharp socialize! virtual virtual virtual lanelanelanes in this annuals in this annuals in this annual and the DB Fitness Room are also and the DB Fitness Room are also Day Time Day Time tournametournametournament. nt. nt. SupSupSupppport ort ort our teour teour team as am as am as aaa available for purchase! available for purchase! Tuesdays 11:15am-1:15pm Tuesdays 11:15am-1:15pm spspspeeectator, or join our ctator, or join our ctator, or join our leleleagueagueague and and and bbbowlowlowl Adults Teens (13 -17yrs)Teens (13 -17yrs) Adults Cost: Free! Cost: Free! fffor our teor our teor our team!am!am! Drop-in: $4 Drop-in: $3 Drop-in: $3 Drop-in: $4 Monthly: $16 Monthly: $15 Monthly: Monthly: $15$15 Monthly: Monthly: $16$16 Yearly: $115 Yearly: $105 Yearly: $105 Yearly: $115 Fit and Swim Seniors (55+yrs) Seniors (55+yrs) Fit and Swim Pass Drop-in: $1 Drop-in: $1 Pass Monthly: $70 Monthly: $5 Monthly: $5 Monthly: $70 Yearly Pass: $210 Yearly: $35 Yearly: $35 Yearly Pass: $210

Clark County Parks and Recreation Catalog Fall - Page 32 Clark County Parks and Recreation Catalog Fall Page 31 Page 33