SENIOR FIELD TRIPSSENIOR FIELD TRIPS ASK ABOUT OUR OTHER PROGRAMS!ASK ABOUT OUR OTHER PROGRAMS!ASK ABOUT OUR OTHER PROGRAMS!ASK ABOUT OUR OTHER PROGRAMS! Inscriptagraphs TourInscriptagraphs TourInscriptagraphs Tour DB Girls Night at the Rec Spring Festival Activities DB Girls Night at the Rec Spring Festival ActivitiesSpring Festival ActivitiesSpring Festival Activities PParticiparticipants ants will tour will tour InscripInscriptagraptagraphs, hs, aa ppremiere remiere crySpcrySports & Enteorts & Entertainmertainmentnt Facility in Las Vegas. Lunch will be Facility in Las Vegas. Lunch will be followed afterwards. *Cost is $2.00. followed afterwards. *Cost is $2.00. Sign-UpSign-UpSign-Up Date: Date: Date: January January 21, 21, 20252025 ScScaan n for for info!info! DateDateDate ofofof TripTripTrip::: January January 30 30 at at 10:30am10:30am Clark County Wetlands TourClark County Wetlands TourClark County Wetlands Tour PParticiparticipants ants will will tour thetour the Clark Clark County County Wetlands. Lunch will take place Wetlands. Lunch will take place bbbeeeffforeoreorehandhandhand. . . *Cost is*Cost is $2.00. $2.00. beforehand. *Cost is $2.00. Sign-UpSign-UpSign-UpSign-UpSign-Up Date: Date: Date: Date: Fe Date: FeFebbbruaruaruary ry 6, ry 6, 6, 202520252025 DateDateDateDateDateDate of of of of of of Trip Trip Trip Trip Trip Trip:::::: FeFeFebbbruaruaruary 27 ry 27 ry 27 at at at 10:30am10:30am10:30am ******TripTripTripTripTripTrips s s s s s aaaaaarererererere non non non non non non rererererereffffffuuuuuundndndndndndaaaaaabbbbbblelelelelele...... TripTrips s may may bbee cacacacacancencencencencellellellellelleddddd dddddueueueueue to to to to to low low low low low eeeeennnnnrollmerollmerollmerollmerollment, nt, nt, nt, nt, so so so so so pppppleleleleleaseaseaseasease signsignsignsignsign cancelled due to low enrollment, so please sign up early. AdAdAdAdAdAddddddditionaitionaitionaitionaitionaitional l l l l l ffffffeeeeeeeeeeees s s s s s may amay amay amay amay amay Please up early. Additional fees may apply. Please arrivearrivearrivearrive 15 15 15 15 minuteminuteminuteminutes bs bs bs beeeefffforeoreoreore ddddeeeeppppaaaarturerturerturerture time time time time.... arrive 15 minutes before departure time. FIELD TRIP INFORMATIONFIELD TRIP INFORMATIONFIELD TRIP INFORMATION 1. 1.SSSigigignnn-u-u-uppps s s bbbeeegggininin aaat t t 9:9:9:30 30 30 aaammm,,, ononon thththeee specified date mentioned in the spspeecifcifieiedd ddaatete mmeenntiontioneedd inin ththee OPEN GYMOPEN GYM brochure, for every trip. bbrochrochuurere, , ffor or eeveverry y trtripip.. ADULT BASKETBALLADULT BASKETBALL TEEN VOLLEYBALLTEEN VOLLEYBALLTEEN VOLLEYBALL ADULT BADMINTONADULT BADMINTON You may arrive as early as 9:15 am, to 2.You may arrive as early as 9:15 am, to 2. DayDay Age Age TimeTime Day Age Time Day Age Time Day Age Time Day Age Time receive a number and reserve your receive a number and reserve your MonMon 18+ 18+ 12:30p12:30pm-2:00pm-2:00pmm Tu/Th 18+ 10:30am-12:00pm Tu/ThTu/Th 18+ 10:30am-12:00pm Wed 13-17 2:00pm-4:00pm Wed 13-17 2:00pm-4:00pm spot in the Registration Line. spot in the Registration Line. NNuummbbeersrs FriFri 18+ 18+ 10:30am-12:00p10:30am-12:00pmm Sat 25+ 9:00am-12:00 pm SaSatt 25+ 9:00am-12:00 pm Cost: Free! Cost: FreFreee!! &&& rerereseseservrvrvaaationtiontions s s wwwill ill ill nnnot ot ot bbbeee gggiveiveivennn ououout t t ororor Cost:Cost: $2$2 mmaaddee bbeefforeore 9:9:15 15 aamm.. Cost: $2 Cost: $2$2 ADULT PICKLEBALLADULT PICKLEBALLADULT PICKLEBALL 3. 3.Registration will take place at the Registration will take place at the SENIOR BASKETBALLSENIOR BASKETBALLSENIOR BASKETBALL Day Age Day Age TimeTime SENIOR BADMINTONSENIOR BADMINTON Front Desk at 9:30 am. We will call Front Desk at 9:30 am. We will call Day Age Time Day Age Time Mon Mon 18+ 18+ 10:30a10:30am-12:00pm-12:00pmm Day Age Day Age TimeTime ppaarrticipticipaannts ts inin ththee ordordeer r inin wwhhichich youyourr Tu/Th 50+ 9:00am-10:30am Tu/Th 50+ 9:00a9:00am-10:30amm-10:30am WeWedd 18+ 18+ 10:30am-1:15p10:30am-1:15pmm Fri Fri 50+ 50+ 9:00a9:00am-10:30amm-10:30am number was distributed. number was distributed. Cost: Free! Cost: Cost: FreFreee!! Cost:Cost:Cost: $2$2$2$2 Cost:Cost: FreFreee!! 4. At least one member of a specific 4.At least one member of a specific TEEN BASKETBALLTEEN BASKETBALL SENIOR PICKLEBALLSENIOR PICKLEBALL household must be present to sign-up household must be present to sign-up DayDay Age Age TimeTimeTime Day Age Day Time for a field trip. for a field trip. Tu/ThTu/Th 13-17 13-17 2:00p2:00p2:00pm-4:00pm-4:00pm-4:00pmmm M/W M/W 50+ 9:00am-10:30am 5.Please remember, space is limited 5.Please remember, space is limited and varies for every field trip. and varies for every field trip. Cost:Cost: FreFreee!! Cost:Cost: FreFreee!!

Clark County Parks and Recreation Catalog Fall Page 32 Page 34