INDOOR RENTALSINDOOR RENTALSINDOOR RENTALS DAY CAMPDAY CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS SCHOLARSHIPS UPCOMING DATES:UPCOMING DATES:UPCOMING DATES: STANDARD CLASSROOMSTANDARD CLASSROOM MULTI-PURPOSE ROOMMULTI-PURPOSE ROOMMULTI-PURPOSE ROOM ClarkClarkClark County County County is is is committecommittecommitteddd to to to Ample space for meetings, classes, and more.Ample space for meetings, classes, and more. Perfect for small parties (i.e. showers,Perfect for small parties (i.e. showers, DatesDatesDatesDates Registration DatesRegistration DatesRegistration Dates ppprovidrovidroviding ing ing low cost low cost low cost seseservicervicervices s s to to to thththeee Approximate Maximum Occupancy - 26 Approximate Maximum Occupancy - 26 anniversaries, graduation parties, meetings, anniversaries, graduation parties, meetings,anniversaries, graduation parties, meetings, October 17 online @ 7am October 17 online @ 7am DeceDeceDeceDecembmbmbmbeeeer r r r 23 - 23 - 23 - 23 - JanuaryJanuaryJanuaryJanuary 33 pppuububblic. lic. lic. ThThTheee P P Paaarkrkrks s s andandand RRReeecrecrecreaaationtiontion participants. participants. etc.). (Food allowed, but not smoking or etc.). (Food allowed, but not smoking oretc.). (Food allowed, but not smoking or (Winter Camp) (Winter Camp)(Winter Camp) October 21 walk-in @ 7am OctobOctobeer r 2121 walk-in @ 7am ScholaScholaScholarshiprshiprship PPPrororogram gram pprovidrovideess alcoholic beverages). Approximate Maximum alcoholic beverages). Approximate Maximumalcoholic beverages). Approximate Maximum January 27 December 12 at 7:00am January January 2727 DeceDecembmbeer r 12 at 12 at 7:00a7:00amm fffinainainancial ncial ncial assistaassistaassistancencence fffor or or classeclasseclasses s s anananddd Occupancy - 67 participants. Occupancy - 67 participants.Occupancy - 67 participants. GYMNASIUM GYMNASIUM March 17 - March 21 March March 17 - 17 - March 21March 21 FeFeFebbbrururuary ary ary 6 6 6 onlineonlineonline @@@ 7a7a7ammm ppprograms rograms rograms to to to qqqualifualifualifying ying ying Clark Clark Clark CountyCountyCounty Can be used for Can be used for sporting events, teamsporting events, team FeFeFebbbrururuary ary ary 10 10 10 wwwaaalk-in lk-in lk-in @@@ 7a7a7ammm (Spring Break Camp) (Spring Break(Spring Break Camp) Camp) MEETING ROOMMEETING ROOMMEETING ROOM rereresidsidsideeents (ants (ants (as s s fffunununddding ing ing is is is aaavavavailabilabilablelele).).). building activities, large trainings, building activities, large trainings, ApApApril ril ril 282828 March March March 27 a27 a27 at t t 7:00am7:00am7:00am Great for meetings, classes, and more.Great for meetings, classes, and more.Great for meetings, classes, and more. ScholaScholaScholarshiprshiprships s s areareare availabavailabavailablelele throughthroughthrough performances and more. Half of the performances and more. Half of the Approximate Maximum Occupancy - 67 Approximate Maximum Occupancy - 67Approximate Maximum Occupancy - 67 DeDececembmbeer r 31, 31, 2024. 2024. To To aapppply, ply, pleleasease Gym is also available. (Food allowed, Gym is also available. (Food allowed, Time: 7:00AM-6:00PTime: : 7:00AM-6:00P7:00AM-6:00PMMM participants. participants.participants. but not smoking or alcoholic but not smoking or alcoholicbut not smoking or alcoholic rereqqueuest st anan a apppplicalication tion at at thethe ffronrontt Cost: Cost: $21/d$21/d$21/dayayay beverages). Approximate Maximum beverages). Approximate Maximumbeverages). Approximate Maximumbeverages). Approximate Maximumbeverages). Approximate Maximum ddeesksk. . PPleleasease aallow llow 2 2 weweeeks ks ffor or thethe AgeAgeAges:s: s: 6-12 6-12 6-12 6-12 yeyeyeyears ars ars ars oldoldoldold Occupancy - 354-707 participants. Occupancy - 354-707 participants.Occupancy - 354-707 participants.Occupancy - 354-707 participants.Occupancy - 354-707 participants. apappplicalication tion to to Day Day CampCamp is is ddeesignesignedd ffor or childchildreren n aagegess Day Camp is designed for children ages RENTAL NOTESRENTAL NOTESRENTAL NOTES 6-12 6-12 yeyears ars oldold. . ChChildildrerenn cacan n pparticiparticipateate 6-12 years old. Children can participate SECURITY DEPOSITSECURITY DEPOSITSECURITY DEPOSIT in in a a varievariety ty ofof activitieactivities includs including:ing: in a variety of activities including: A security deposit of $100.00 in the form of a check or money order ONLY is required for A security deposit of $100.00 in the form of a check or money oA security deposit of $100.00 in the form of a check or money oA security deposit of $100.00 in the form of a check or money order ONLY is required forrder ONLY is required forrder ONLY is required for bboaoardrd gagamemes, ins, inddoor/outdoor/outdoor oor gagamemes,s, board games, indoor/outdoor games, all indoor rentals. This amount will be refunded if the premises are left clean and all indoor rentals. This amount will be refunded if the premises are left rentals. This amount will be refunded if the premises are left rentals. This amount will be refunded if the premises are left clean andclean andclean and arts arts n n crafcrafts, ts, spspeecial cial eevevents, nts, andand arts n crafts, special events, and undamaged and the event is concluded on time. Clark County reserves the right to bill undamaged and the event is concluded on time. Clark County reseundamaged and the event is concluded on time. Clark County reseundamaged and the event is concluded on time. Clark County reserves the right to billrves the right to billrves the right to bill moviemovies s (G (G or Por PG).G). movies (G or PG). for any damages or excess cleaning required due to renter use. for any damages or excess cleaning required due to renter use.for any damages or excess cleaning required due to renter use.for any damages or excess cleaning required due to renter use. **Must Must bbring ring two two snacksnacks s andand a a lunchlunch *Must bring two snacks and a lunch SETUP AND CLEANUP SETUP AND CLEANUPSETUP AND CLEANUP L.O.T.F. PROGRAML.O.T.F. PROGRAM thathat t ddoeoesn’t sn’t neneeedd to to bbee heheateatedd oror that doesn’t need to be heated or Setup and cleanup are the responsibility of the renter and should be conducted during Setup and cleanup are the responsibility of the renter and shouSetup and cleanup are the responsibility of the renter and should be conducted duringld be conducted during rereffrigerigeraratetedd andand a a rereffillaillabblele watewaterr refrigerated and a refillable water TheThe mission mission ofof thethe Clark Clark CounCounty ty PParksarks the reservation times the renter request. All tables & chairs used for said event must be the reservation times the renter request. All tables & chairs uthe reservation times the renter request. All tables & chairs used for said event must besed for said event must be bottle. bottle. andand RReecrecreaationtion “Le “Leaadders ofers of thethe cleaned & put on carts. Renters are responsible to cover tables with table cloths. cleaned & put on carts. Renters are responsible to cover tablescleaned & put on carts. Renters are responsible to cover tables with table cloths. with table cloths. *Registration form is a*Registration form is a *Registration form is a FutuFuturere PProgram” rogram” (LOTF) (LOTF) is is to pto providrovidee EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT pre-requisite to enroll in thepre-requisite to enroll in the pre-requisite to enroll in the youth youth with with TThehe opoppportuortunity nity to to gaingain The center has approximately 10 round - 5ft tables, 20 - 6ft rectangular tables, and The center has approximately 10 round - 5ft tables, 20 - 6ft reThe center has approximately 10 round - 5ft tables, 20 - 6ft rectangular tables, andctangular tables, and program. Scan QR code below.program. Scan QR code below. program. Scan QR code below. valuavaluabblele workwork eexpxpeerieriencence, , ddeeveveloplop approximately 130 chairs that can be provided at user’s request. Additional equipment approximately 130 chairs that can be provided at user’s request. Additional equipmentthat can be provided at user’s request. Additional equipment must be supplied by the user. must be supplied by the user. leleadadeershiprship skills skills andand makmakee a a ppositiveositive ddififffeererencence in in thetheir ir communcommunity.ity. NO SMOKING OR ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES NO SMOKING OR ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGESNO SMOKING OR ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES Smoking and consumption of alcoholic beverages are not permitted anywhere within Smoking and consumption of alcoholic beverages are not permitteSmoking and consumption of alcoholic beverages are not permitted anywhere withind anywhere within StudStudeents nts cacan n only only voluntevolunteeer r upup to to 2020 Desert Breeze Community Center. Desert Breeze Community Center. houhouhours rs rs pppeeer r r weweweeeek. k. k. TheTheThe ppprogram rogram rogram runrunrunsss EXCESSIVE NOISE LEVELS EXCESSIVE NOISE LEVELS ddurinuring g SchSchool ool BreBreakak P Peeriodriods.s. The playing of loud music or the creation of any other disturbing noises will not be The playing of loud music or the creation of any other disturbing noises will not be permitted anywhere in Desert Breeze Community Center. permitted anywhere in Desert Breeze Community Center. ApAppplicalications tions can can bbee ppickeickedd upup at at thethe *Note: We do not allow helium balloons or smoke machines in our facility. *Note: We do not allow helium balloons or smoke machines in our facility. ffronront t ddesk.esk.
Clark County Parks and Recreation Catalog Fall Page 33 Page 35