MARTIAL ARTS YOUTH SPORTS MARTIAL ARTS YOUTH SPORTSYOUTH SPORTS DESERT BREEZE COMMUNITY CENTERDESERT BREEZE COMMUNITY CENTERDESERT BREEZE COMMUNITY CENTER YOUTH BASKETBALL LEAGUESYOUTH BASKETBALL LEAGUESYOUTH BASKETBALL LEAGUESYOUTH BASKETBALL LEAGUES TAE KWON DO BEGINNERS TAE KWON DO BEGINNERSTAE KWON DO BEGINNERSTAE KWON DO BEGINNERS 8275 8275 8275 SpSpSpring Mountain ring Mountain ring Mountain RdRdRd, Las Vegas, N, Las Vegas, N, Las Vegas, NV V V 891178911789117 TaeTaeTaeTae Kwon Do, a KoKwon Do, a KoKwon Do, a KoKwon Do, a Korerererean an an an martial martial martial martial art,art,art,art, Youth bYouth bYouth bYouth baskeaskeaskeasketbtbtbtball leall leall leall leagueagueagueagues s s s allowsallowsallowsallows (702(702(702) 455-8334 | Hours: Mon-Fri 7:00am-8:00pm) 455-8334 | Hours: Mon-Fri 7:00am-8:00pm) 455-8334 | Hours: Mon-Fri 7:00am-8:00pm pppprovidrovidrovidrovideeees s s s bbbbeeeeginneginneginneginners rs rs rs with with with with pppphysicalhysicalhysicalhysical pppparticiparticiparticiparticipants ants ants ants to to to to eeeenjoy njoy njoy njoy thethethethe gamegamegamegame of of of of Revised 12/26/2024Revised 12/26/2024Revised 12/26/2024Revised 12/26/2024Revised 12/26/2024 ffffitneitneitneitness, ss, ss, ss, memememental dntal dntal dntal discipiscipiscipisciplinelinelineline, , , , andandandand se se se selflflflf---- bbbbaskeaskeaskeasketbtbtbtball all all all in a fin a fin a fin a fun, un, un, un, non-compnon-compnon-compnon-compeeeetitivetitivetitivetitive CENTER CLOSURESCENTER CLOSURES SESSION 1SESSION 1 ddddeeeeffffeeeensensensense skills through structureskills through structureskills through structureskills through structuredddd eeeenvironmenvironmenvironmenvironment. Thent. Thent. Thent. Thesesesese leleleleagueagueagueagues s s s ffffocus ocus ocus ocus onononon November 28-30 THANKSGIVING November 28-30 THANKSGIVING January January 6 6 - - FeFebbruary ruary 1515 DeceDecembmbeer 25 r 25 CHRISTMASCHRISTMAS training. Ptraining. Ptraining. Ptraining. Progrerogrerogrerogression includssion includssion includssion includeeees s s s lelelelearningarningarningarning dddeeeveveveloploploping fing fing fundundundameameamental skills,ntal skills,ntal skills, January 1 New Years Day January 1 New Years Day stancestancestancestances, s, s, s, kicks, kicks, kicks, kicks, ppppuncheuncheuncheunches, s, s, s, fffforms,orms,orms,orms, teteteteamwork,amwork,amwork,amwork, sp sp sp sportsmanshiportsmanshiportsmanshiportsmanship, , , , andandandand a a a a lovelovelovelove Online RegistrationOnline Registration: : NNoveovembmbeer r 14 14 @@ 7:00a7:00amm January 20 MLK Day January 20 MLK Day spspspsparring, arring, arring, arring, andandandand bbbbrererereaking aking aking aking tetetetechniqchniqchniqchniqueueueuessss fffor theor theor the gamegamegame, rathe, rathe, rather r r than than than eeempmpmphasizinghasizinghasizing for the game, rather than emphasizing In-Person Registration: November 18 @ 7:00am In-Person Registration: November 18 @ 7:00am February 17 President’s Day February 17 President’s Day whilewhilewhile eeempmpmphasizing hasizing hasizing rererespspspeeect,ct,ct, inteinteintensensense compcompcompeeetition tition tition or or or adadadvancevancevanceddd intense competition or advanced DRUMS WITH BRYANDRUMS WITH BRYAN pppeeerserserseveveverancerancerance, , , andandand seseselflflf-control.-control.-control. ppeerfrformanceormance.. performance. PERFORMING ARTSPERFORMING ARTS Our Our ddrum rum class class teaches fteaches fundundamentalamental Mandatory Skills Test and Parent MeetingMandatory Skills Test and Parent MeetingMandatory Skills Test and Parent Meeting DayDay DateDateDate TimeTime AgeAge CostCost Activity CodeActivity Code PIANO/VOCAL WITH LADY VPIANO/VOCAL WITH LADY VPIANO/VOCAL WITH LADY VPIANO/VOCAL WITH LADY VPIANO/VOCAL WITH LADY V techniqtechniques ues likelike p posture, osture, holdholdinging 6p6pmm-- Date:DateDate: January 10, 2025January 10, 2025 M/WM/W 1/6-2/121/6-2/121/6-2/12 6-17 $42 1 Desert Breeze Martial Arts 6-17 $42 1 Desert Breeze Martial Arts ddrumsticks, andrumsticks, and bbasic asic rhythms. Studrhythms. Studentsents 7pm 7pm StudStudStudStudStudeeeeents nts nts nts nts will will will will will lelelelelearn arn arn arn arn fffffundundundundundameameameameamental pntal pntal pntal pntal pianoianoianoianoiano TimeTimeTime: 5:00pm-8:00pm: 5:00pm-8:00pm *Mon. c*Mon. c*Mon. classlasslass pric pric priceseses prorated due to hol prorated due to hol prorated due to holiday ciday ciday clllosososuresuresures... practice on practice pads or simplified practice on practice pads or simplified skills, skills, skills, skills, skills, skills, includincludincludincludincludincluding ing ing ing ing ing kekekekekekey y y y y y touch, touch, touch, touch, touch, touch, notenotenotenotenotenote *A*A*Attendancttendancttendance to both ise to both ise to both is required to s required to s required to secececure your cure your cure your chilhilhild’sd’sd’s s s spotpotpot drum kits before advancing. The drum kits before advancing. The TAE KWON DO ADVANCEDTAE KWON DO ADVANCEDTAE KWON DO ADVANCED in the leagues. in the leagues. ididididideeeeentifntifntifntifntification, ication, ication, ication, ication, music music music music music rerererereadadadadading, ing, ing, ing, ing, rhythmrhythmrhythmrhythmrhythm identification, music reading, rhythm atmosphere is relaxed, encouraging atmosphere is relaxed, encouraging For 6-8 year-oldsFor 6-8 year-oldsFor 6-8 year-olds Advanced Tae Kwon Do practitioners AdAdvancevancedd Tae Tae Kwon Do pKwon Do practitioneractitionersrs counting, andcounting, andcounting, andcounting, andcounting, andcounting, and music listemusic listemusic listemusic listemusic listemusic listening. ning. ning. ning. ning. ning. It It It It It It isisisisisis counting, and music listening. It is enjoyment and gradual skill enjoyment and gradual skill DayDay DateDate TimeTime CostCost enhance speed, power, and precision eenhancenhance spspeeeedd, p, poweower, andr, and p prerecisioncision rerererecommecommecommecommendndndndeeeedddd f f f for por por por participarticiparticiparticipants to haveants to haveants to haveants to have recommended for participants to have development. *30 minute sessions* development. *30 minute sessions* PracticesPractices TueTuess 1/14-3/111/14-3/11 5:00pm-6:00p5:00pm-6:00p5:00pm-6:00pmmm $85$85 through complex forms, sparring through through compcomplelex fx forms, orms, spsparringarring a a a a ppppiano or iano or iano or iano or kekekekeybybybyboardoardoardoard at at at at homehomehomehome f f f forororor a piano or keyboard at home for DayDay DateDate TimeTime AgeAge CostCost Activity CodeActivity Code GamesGames FriFri 1/24-3/141/24-3/14 5:00pm-7:00p5:00pm-7:00p5:00pm-7:00pmmm tactics, and specialized techniques. tactics, tactics, andand spspeecializecializedd te techniqchniqueues.s. 3:00pm- 3:00pm- ppracticeractice.. *30 minute*30 minute*30 minute sesesessions*ssions*ssions* practice. *30 minute sessions* M 1/6-2/10 6+ $75 1 Desert Breeze Music M 1/6-2/10 6+ $75 1 Desert Breeze Music 7:00pm 7:00pm They also focus on philosophical TheThey y also falso focus on ocus on pphilosophilosophicalhical For 9-11 year-oldsFor 9-11 year-olds DayDayDay DateDate TimeTimeTime AgeAge CostCost Activity CodeActivity CodeActivity Code 3:30pm- 3:30pm- DayDay DateDate TimeTime CostCost Tu 1/7-2/11 6+ $90 1 Desert Breeze Music Tu 1/7-2/11 6+ $90 1 Desert Breeze Music principles like integrity and pprinciprincipleles s likelike inte integrity andgrity and MM 1/6-2/101/6-2/10 4:00p4:00p4:00pmmm-7:30p-7:30p-7:30pmmm 6+6+ $75$75 1 1 1 DeDeDesert sert sert Breeze Breeze Breeze MusicMusicMusic 7:00pm 7:00pm PracticesPractices TueTuess 1/14-3/111/14-3/11 5:00pm-6:00p5:00pm-6:00pmm indomitable spirit. Dedication and indindomitabomitablele sp spirit. Deirit. Deddication andication and $85$85 3:30pm- 3:30pm- TuTu 1/7-2/111/7-2/11 4:00p4:00pmm-7:30p-7:30pmm 6+6+ $90$90 1 1 1 DeDeDesert sert sert Breeze Breeze Breeze MusicMusicMusic Th 1/9-2/13 6+ $90 1 Desert Breeze Music Th 1/9-2/13 6+ $90 1 Desert Breeze Music GamesGames SatSat 1/24-3/141/24-3/14 12:00p12:00pm-2:00pm-2:00pmm 7:00pm 7:00pm WW 1/8-2/121/8-2/12 4:00p4:00pmm-7:30p-7:30pmm 6+6+ $90$90 1 1 DeDesert sert Breeze Breeze MusicMusic continuous training are key for continuous training arecontinuous training are kekey y fforor *Mon. c*Mon. c*Mon. classlasslass pric pric priceseses prorated due to hol prorated due to hol prorated due to holiday ciday ciday clllosososuresuresures... FF 1/10-2/141/10-2/14 4:00p4:00pmm-7:30p-7:30pmm 6+6+ $90$90 1 1 DeDesert sert Breeze Breeze MusicMusic progressing through belt ranks and pprogrerogressing through bssing through beelt lt ranksranks and and For 12-14 year-oldsFor 12-14 year-olds SatSat 1/11-2/151/11-2/15 8:30a8:30amm-11:30a-11:30amm 6+6+ $75$75 1 1 DeDesert sert Breeze Breeze MusicMusic INTRO TO THEATERINTRO TO THEATERINTRO TO THEATER Day Date Time Cost Day Date Time Cost achieving proficiency. achieachieving ving pprofroficieiciency.ncy. *Mon. and Sat. c*Mon. and Sat. cllasasss pric priceses prorated due to holiday c prorated due to holiday closureslosures.. PracticesPractices ThursThurs 1/16-3/131/16-3/13 5:00pm-6:00p5:00pm-6:00pmm An An An introdintrodintroduction uction uction to to to theatetheatetheater class coversr class coversr class covers $85 $85 DayDay DateDateDate TimeTime AgeAge CostCost Activity CodeActivity Code GamesGames SatSat 1/18-3/151/18-3/15 12:00p12:00pm-2:00pm-2:00pmm fffundundundamental amental amental elemeelemeelements nts nts likelikelike acting acting acting 7:00pm- 7:00pm- M/W 1/6-2/121/6-2/12 6-17 $42 1 Desert Breeze Martial Arts M/W 1/6-2/12 6-17 $42 1 Desert Breeze Martial Arts techniques, stage movement, and techniqtechniques, stage movement, andues, stage movement, and 8:00pm 8:00pm Activity Code: 1 Desert Breeze Leagues Activity Code: 1 Desert Breeze Leagues *Ins*Ins*Instructructructor Approval Requiredtor Approval Requiredtor Approval Required character development. It includes character character ddevelopevelopment. ment. It It includincludeses *Mon. c*Mon. c*Mon. classlasslass pric pric priceseses prorated due to hol prorated due to hol prorated due to holiday ciday ciday clllosososuresuresures... practical exercises such as improvisation ppppractical exerciseractical exerciseractical exerciseractical exercises s s s such such such such as impas impas impas improvisationrovisationrovisationrovisation and discussions on stagecraft, providing a andand d discussions on iscussions on stagestagecrafcraft, t, pprovidroviding ing aa STAY TUNED FOR UPCOMING comprehensive overview of theater compcompreherehensive nsive overview overview ofof the theaterater YOUTH SPORTS CLASSES practices and production. practices and production. DayDay DateDate TimeTime AgeAge CostCost Activity CodeActivity CodeActivity Code 5:30pm- 5:30pm- 8-15 $35 1 Desert Breeze Theater Th 1/9-2/13 Th 1/9-2/13 8-15 $35 1 1 DeDesert sert Breeze Breeze TheTheaterater 6:30pm 6:30pm
Clark County Parks and Recreation Catalog Fall Page 34 Page 36