West Flamingo Aquatic CenterWest Flamingo Aquatic Center Swimming LessonsSwimming Lessons Adult only Indoor Pool - 21 & up Adult only Indoor Pool - 21 & up *With *With all wateall water r pprograms, rograms, PPlelease ase notifnotify y your instructor ifyour instructor if you you have any health concerns, previous injuries or medical have any health concerns, previous injuries or medical 6255 West Flamingo R6255 West Flamingo Rd, Ld, Las Vas Vegaegas, Ns, NV, 89103V, 89103 conditions that may be aggravated during workouts conditions that may be aggravated during workouts (702 455-4192) (702 455-4192) [email protected] [email protected] 21 & older21 & older Beginner lessonsBeginner lessons Participant ratio: Participant ratio: 1 1 ininstrustructor ctor to to 10 10 stustuddeenntsts Pool location:Pool location: SShhaallowllow wwaateter r (0 (0 to to 4 4 ffeeeet)t) No Experience RequiredNo Experience Required Class goal:Class goal: InInstrustructors ctors wworkork wwithith eeaachch ppaarticiprticipaannt t to to oveovercomercome apprehension and work on basic skills such as floating, swimming apprehension and work on basic skills such as floating, swimming underwater, and basic stroke development. Lessons are designed to underwater, and basic stroke development. Lessons are designed to meet the participants personal goals. meet the participants personal goals. Skills taught: Freestyle and back stroke, rotary breathing, Skills taught: Freestyle and back stroke, rotary breathing, streamlining, breaststroke, scissor kick, front/back float, survival streamlining, breaststroke, scissor kick, front/back float, survival floating, basic treading, etc. floating, basic treading, etc. December - FebruaryDecember - FebruaryDecember - FebruaryDecember - February BrochureBrochure Brochure DaysDaysDaysDays DatesDatesDates TimesTimesTimes CostCostCost CodeCodeCode 01/07 to01/07 to 02/11 1:30pm-02:15pm 02/11 1:30pm-02:15pm $30$30 159108-00159108-00 TuesTues 01/09 to 02/13 1:30pm-02:15pm $30 159108-01 01/09 to 02/13 1:30pm-02:15pm $30 159108-01 ThursThurs *Effective 12/10/2024*Effective 12/10/2024

Clark County Parks and Recreation Catalog Fall Page 15 Page 17