West Flamingo Aquatic CenterWest Flamingo Aquatic Center Water FitnessWater Fitness 6255 6255 W. Flamingo W. Flamingo RRdd, Las Ve, Las Vegas gas NNV, 89103V, 89103 *With *With all wateall water r Exercise Exercise pprograms, Programs, Pleaselease notify your notify your instructor instructor if if you you havehave (702) 455-4192 (702) 455-4192 any health concerns, previous injuries or medical conditions that may be any health concerns, previous injuries or medical conditions that may be aggravated during workouts aggravated during workouts Open Swim Hours Open Swim Hours Daily Admission FeesDaily Admission Fees Mondays Mondays Wednesday Wednesday FridayFriday 21 & older21 & older Aqua MovementsAqua Movements Adults 18-54Adults 18-54 Years Years 9:00 am to 12:00 pm 9:00 am to 12:00 pm $2 $2 & 1:00 pm to 3:00PM & 1:00 pm to 3:00PM AqAquuaa MoveMovememennts ts 21 21 & & oldoldeer r DropDrop-in-ins s AvaAvailailabblele ffor or $6 $6 ppeer r visitvisit Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Thursday Senior 55 Senior 55 and olderand older Slow moving exercises to increase range of motion and arthritic Slow moving exercises to increase range of motion and arthritic joints. This class is not a cardiovascular class, but a focus on joints. This class is not a cardiovascular class, but a focus on 9:00 am to 1:30 pm & 2:30pm to 9:00 am to 1:30 pm & 2:30pm to $1 $1 improving range of motion throughout the body. This class will be improving range of motion throughout the body. This class will be 3:00PM 3:00PM Swim PassesSwim Passes Pass#AQWFPass#AQWF held in deep and shallow water. held in deep and shallow water. Saturday and Sunday Saturday and Sunday PPasseasses can s can bbee P Purchaseurchasedd ffrom rom anyany This is a 45-minute class on M, W, F. Ability to swim not required. This is a 45-minute class on M, W, F. Ability to swim not required. Closed Closed Clark County Community Center or Clark County Community Center or AqAquatics Ceuatics Cententerr Pool Closure Dates Pool Closure Dates 90 Day Pass90 Day Pass AdAdultult SeSeniornior Session 1 | No Class Jan 20thSession 1 | No Class Jan 20th (18-54 Yrs) (55 + yrs) (18-54 Yrs) (55 + yrs) 12/25/2024 12/25/2024 Christmas Christmas ddayay DaysDaysDaysDaysDays DatesDates TimesTimes CostCost CodeCode $30 $20 $30 $20 01/01/2025 01/01/2025 NNeew Yew Years dars dayay $51$51 08:15am-09:00am 08:15am-09:00am 0101/0/06 6 ttoo 0202/1/144 159110-02 159110-02 M/WM/W/F/F 1 Year Pass1 Year Pass 01/20/2025 MLK Day 01/20/2025 MLK Day AdAdultult SeSeniornior 02/17/2025 Presidents day 02/17/2025 Presidents day 12:15p12:15pm-01:00pm-01:00pmm M/W/F M/W/F 01/06 to 02/14 01/06 to 02/14 $51$51 159110-03159110-03 (18-54 Yrs) (55 + yrs) (18-54 Yrs) (55 + yrs) Class RegistrationClass RegistrationClass RegistrationClass Registration $90 $60 $90 $60 InformationInformation Information Rental InformationRental Information In person or Online Begins In person or Online Begins Looking fLooking for or a grea great pat placelace to to cecelelebbraterate your next birthday, family reunion or your next birthday, family reunion or SessioSession 1 Registration 1 Registrationn spspspspeeeecial cial cial cial eeeevevevevent? nt? nt? nt? How abHow abHow abHow about out out out rerererenting nting nting nting thethethethe December 19th 7:00 AMDecember 19th 7:00 AM swimming pswimming pswimming pswimming pool? pool? pool? pool? pleleleleaseaseasease contact contact contact contact thethethethe swimming pool? please contact the aqaqaqaquatics uatics uatics uatics ofofofoffffficeiceiceice at at at at 702-455-7798 f702-455-7798 f702-455-7798 f702-455-7798 forororor aquatics office at 702-455-7798 for SessioSession Dates:n Dates: moremoremoremore inf inf inf information ormation ormation ormation andandandand to to to to bbbbook ook ook ook youryouryouryour more information and to book your 01/6 to 2/14 01/6 to 2/14 rerentalntal rental RReegistegister r OnlineOnline at:at: Children can participate in Children can participate in www.ClarkCountyNwww.ClarkCountyNV.Gov/PV.Gov/ParksRarksReegistationgistation rentals at West Flamingo Poolrentals at West Flamingo Pool Or at Any Or at Any ofof your Nyour Neearearest Clark st Clark CountyCounty RReecrecreation ation FacilitieFacilities.s.

Clark County Parks and Recreation Catalog Fall Page 16 Page 18