Tiny Tots SportsTiny Tots Sports CAMBRIDGE RECREATION CENTERCAMBRIDGE RECREATION CENTER OPEN GYMOPEN GYMOPEN GYM GeGet t your your littlelittle oneones moving s moving with with ourour Looking fLooking fLooking for a por a por a placelacelace to to to shoot hoopshoot hoopshoot hoopsss 3930 3930 CambCambridridgege St, St, Las Las VeVegas, Ngas, NV 89119V 89119 Tiny Tiny Tots Tots SpSports orts class! Declass! Designesignedd f foror or por por play a play a play a pickuickuickuppp gamegamegame? ? ? EnjoyEnjoyEnjoy (702)(702) 455-7169 455-7169 | | Hours: Hours: Mon-Fri Mon-Fri (7:00am-8:00p(7:00am-8:00pm)m) young young childchildreren, this fn, this fun un andand eenenergergetictic acceacceaccess to our ss to our ss to our fffull-sizeull-sizeull-size court andcourt andcourt and class class introdintroduceuces s bbasic spasic sports orts skillsskills ffflelelexibxibxiblelele hours, hours, hours, pppeeerfrfrfeeect fct fct for casualor casualor casual Kickboxing 1-on-1Kickboxing 1-on-1 through through eengaging activitiengaging activities ands and gamegames.s. gamegamegames or ps or ps or practiceracticeractice... Whether you're a complete beginner Whether you're a complete beginner It’s It’s a a gregreat way fat way for or kidkids s to to ddeeveveloplop looking to explore the world of looking to explore the world of SeniorsSeniors AdultsAdults Open-RecOpen-Rec coordcoordination, teination, teamwork,amwork, andand a love a love fforor kickboxing or an experienced kickboxing or an experienced 7:00AM -9:00AM 9:00AM-12:00PM 2:00PM-6:00PM 7:00AM -9:00AM 9:00AM-12:00PM 2:00P2:00PM-6:00PM-6:00PMM pphysical activity. hysical activity. (Age(Ages 3-5)s 3-5) practitioner aiming to refine your practitioner aiming to refine your Free $2 Free Free $2 Free Days: Days: WedWednesdnesdaysays skills, our new 1-on-1 class is designed skills, our new 1-on-1 class is designed Times: Times: (4:00P(4:00PM M - - 4:45P4:45PM)M) Mon - Fri Tues & Thurs Tues - Fri Mon - Fri Tues & Thurs Tues - Fri for you! Receive personalized for you! Receive personalized Session 1:Session 1: instruction tailored to your level, instruction tailored to your level, *Time*Times s may may vary throughout vary throughout the the yearyear January 6th - February 15th January 6th - February 15th improve your technique, and boost improve your technique, and boost Session 2: Session 2: your confidence in a supportive your confidence in a supportive INTRODUCING...INTRODUCING... February 24th - April 12th February 24th - April 12th environment. Don’t miss out on this environment. Don’t miss out on this Session 3: Session 3: exciting opportunity to learn and grow exciting opportunity to learn and grow PICKLEBALLPICKLEBALL — sign up today and kickstart your — sign up today and kickstart your ApApApApril 14th ril 14th ril 14th ril 14th - - - - May May May May 24th24th24th24th April 14th - May 24th Starting Starting NNoveovembmbeer 13th, r 13th, wewe’re’re kickboxing journey! (Ages 6+) kickboxing journey! (Ages 6+) eexcitexcitedd to to introdintroduceuce ppickleicklebball all inin CLASSESCLASSESCLASSESCLASSESCLASSES Days: Days: Mondays & Mondays & WedWednesdaysnesdays the gymnasium at Cambridge! the gymnasium at Cambridge! Times: 2:00PM | 2:45PM | 3:30PM | 4:15PM Times: 2:00PM | 2:45PM | 3:30PM | 4:15PM BasketballBasketballBasketball Whether you’re a seasoned player Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the game, come join us or new to the game, come join us Skills Skills Skills Skills andandandand Drills (5-8) Drills (5-8) Drills (5-8) Drills (5-8) - - - In thisIn In thisthis TaeKwonDoTaeKwonDo FITNESS ROOMFITNESS ROOM for a fun and active way to spend for a fun and active way to spend introdintrodintrodintroductory uctory uctory uctory pppprogram, werogram, werogram, werogram, we ffffocus onocus onocus onocus on BeBeBeginneginneginnersrsrs - - - SteSteSteppp into the into the into the world world world ofofof your time. Bring your paddle and your time. Bring your paddle and thethethe bbbasics asics asics ofofof thethethe gamegamegame, he, he, helplplping ing ing youngyoungyoung the basics of the game, helping young GeGet t ffit it andand stay active stay active in in our four fullyully TaeTaekwkwondondo with our o with our bbeeginneginner-fr-frieriendndlyly a ball to challenge friends or meet a ball to challenge friends or meet players develop essential skills. players develop essential skills. eeqquipuipppeedd f fitneitness ss room! room! FeFeaturingaturing classeclasses! Ps! Peerfrfeect fct for neor newcomewcomers, rs, ourour other community members. other community members. Through engaging activities and Through engaging activities and a a rangerange of of we weights ights andand card cardioio sesessions ssions ffocus on focus on fundundameamentalntal Please note that participants are Please note that participants are playful drills, we aim to build playful drills, we aim to build machinemachines, s, our spour spaceace is d is deesignesignedd tetetechniqchniqchniqueueues, s, s, ffforms, andorms, andorms, and b b basic seasic seasic selflflf--- required to complete a waiver and required to complete a waiver and confidence, coordination, and a love confidence, coordination, and a love to supto suppport ort your your workout goals.workout goals. dddeeefffeeensensense. . . (Age(Age(Ages s s 6-12)6-12)6-12) register for an open use pass. Get register for an open use pass. Get for basketball. (Ages 5-8) for basketball. (Ages 5-8) ready to have fun and stay active ready to have fun and stay active MemberMember DayDay MonthMonth YearYear AdAdvancevancedd - - - - EleEleEleElevatevatevatevate your your your your TaeTaeTaeTaekwkwkwkwondondondondoooo —see you on the court! —see you on the court! Skills Skills Skills andandand Drills (6-12) Drills (6-12) Drills (6-12) - - This This class isclass is skills skills skills with with with our our our adadadvancevancevanceddd class d class d class deeesignesignesigneddd Teens $3 $15 $105 Teens $3 $15 $105 ddeesignesignedd f for por playelayers rers readady to y to taketake Senior (50+)Senior (50+) Adult (18+)Adult (18+) fffor eor eor expxpxpeeerierieriencencenceddd pppractitioneractitioneractitioners. rs. rs. DiveDiveDive their game to the next level. Our goal their game to the next level. Our goal Mon. | Wed. | Fri. Mon. & Fri. Mon. | Wed. | Fri. Mon. & Fri. Adults $4 $16 $115 Adults $4 $16 $115 dddeeeeeepppeeer r r into compinto compinto complelelex x x tetetechniqchniqchniqueueues,s,s, is to refine skills, boost confidence, is to refine skills, boost confidence, Mon. 2:00PM-8:00PM Mon. 2:00PM-8:00PM adadadvancevancevanceddd f f forms, orms, orms, andandand high-lehigh-lehigh-levevevel sel sel selflflf--- and foster a deeper understanding of and foster a deeper understanding of 9:00AM-2:00PM 9:00AM-2:00PM Seniors $1 $5 $35 Seniors $1 $5 $35 Fri. 6:00PM-8:00PM Fri. 6:00PM-8:00PM the game. (Ages 6-12) the game. (Ages 6-12) dddeeefffeeensensense stratestratestrategiegiegies. (Ages. (Ages. (Ages s s 6+)6+)6+) Hours:Hours: Daily - Free Daily - $2 Daily - Free Daily - $2 Days: Days: TueTuesdsdaysays Days: Days: TueTuesdsdays & ays & ThursdThursdaysays MondMonday ay - - FridFridayay Times: S&D 5-8 - (6:00PM - 6:45PM) | S&D 9-12 - (7:00PM - Times: Beginners - (4:30PM - 5:30PM) | Advanced - (6:30PM Times: S&D 5-8 - (6:00PM - 6:45PM) | S&D 9-12 - (7:00PM - Times: BeBeginners ginners - - (4:30P(4:30PM - M - 5:30P5:30PM) | AdvancedM) | Advanced - - (6:30P(6:30PMM Monthly - Free Monthly - $12 Monthly - Free Monthly - $12 (7:00 AM - 8:00 PM) (7:00 AM - 8:00 PM) 7:45PM) - 7:30PM) 7:45PM) - 7:30PM)

Clark County Parks and Recreation Catalog Fall Page 19 Page 21