INDOOR RENTALSINDOOR RENTALSINDOOR RENTALS PARK RENTALSPARK RENTALSPARK RENTALS FITNESSFITNESS OPEN RECREATIONOPEN RECREATION ADULT PICKLEBALLADULT PICKLEBALL OPEN RECREATIONOPEN RECREATION GAZEBO AGAZEBO AGAZEBO A MULTI-PURPOSE ROOM MULTI-PURPOSE ROOMMULTI-PURPOSE ROOMMULTI-PURPOSE ROOM Pickleball is a paddle sport that Pickleball is a paddle sport that Located by Cora Coleman Senior PPPPeeeerfrfrfrfeeeect ct ct ct ffffor small or small or small or small ppppartieartieartiearties s s s (b(b(b(bababababyyyy LocateLocateLocateddd b b by y y Cora Cora Cora ColeColeColeman man man SeSeSeniorniornior School-ageSchool-agedd childchildreren n can pcan participarticipateate combines elements of badminton, combines elements of badminton, Center and the Playground. showeshoweshoweshowers, rs, rs, rs, anniveanniveanniveanniversariersariersariersaries, s, s, s, memememeeeeetings,tings,tings,tings, CeCeCentententer andr andr and thethethe PPPlaygroundlaygroundlayground... in a variein a variety ty ofof activitieactivities s includincluding:ing: tennis, and table tennis. Participants tennis, and table tennis. Participants eetc.)tc.) Capacity: Capacity: Capacity: 105105 opopeen gym, n gym, groupgroup game games, vids, videeoo are responsible for set up and clean are responsible for set up and clean Features: Features: 9 9 tatabbleles, s, 3 3 grills, grills, aanndd 3 3 pprerepp Features: 9 tables, 3 grills, and 3 prep gamegames, ands, and more more. A . A reregistration fgistration formorm Max Participants: Max Participants: Max Participants: 3030 up of all equipment. Paddle rentals up of all equipment. Paddle rentals ttablableses.. C Coovverered byed by a s a shade shade shelheltterer.. tables. Covered by a shade shelter. Square Footage: Square Footage: 36ft x 25ft Square Footage: 36ft x 25ft is is REQUIRED REQUIRED with with a a pparearent’s signaturent’s signature Cost Cost available upon request. available upon request. Cost Cost in pin peerson.rson. CommunityCommunity Rate: $75 Community Rate: $75 First Two Hours: First Two Hours: $140 First Two Hours: $140 Day Age Time CostDay Age Time Cost Commercial Rate: Commercial Rate: $150 Commercial Rate: $150 Day Time Day Time AAgege Co Costst $50 per additional hour$50 per additional hour $50 per additional hour M-FM-F 18+18+ 7:7:00-11:00-11:00a00amm FreFreee M-FM-F 2:2:45-5:45-5:45p45pmm 6-176-17 FreFreee ADULT BASKETBALLADULT BASKETBALL DAY CAMPDAY CAMP AdAdAdults can ults can ults can eeenjoy njoy njoy opopopeeen n n gym bgym bgym baskeaskeasketbtbtball.all.all. DAY CAMP BaskeBasketbtball reall rentals ntals areare availabavailablele upuponon SPRING BREAK DAY CAMP SPRING BREAK DAY CAMPSPRING BREAK DAY CAMPSPRING BREAK DAY CAMPSPRING BREAK DAY CAMP rereqqueuest with a fst with a form orm ofof idideentifntification.ication. Children can participate in a variety ChildChildChildChildChildrererereren n n n n can pcan pcan pcan pcan participarticiparticiparticiparticipateateateateate in a variein a variein a variein a variein a varietytytytyty Day Age Time CostDay Age Time Cost of activities including: indoor and ofofofofof activitie activitie activitie activitie activities s s s s includincludincludincludincluding: ing: ing: ing: ing: indindindindindoor oor oor oor oor andandandandand M-FM-F 18+18+ 11a11amm-2:-2:30p30pmm $2$2 outdoor games, field trips, themed outdoutdoutdoutdoutdoutdoor oor oor oor oor oor gamegamegamegamegamegames, s, s, s, s, s, ffffffieieieieieieldldldldldld triptriptriptriptriptrips, s, s, s, s, s, thethethethethethememememememedddddd GAZEBO BGAZEBO B FITNESS BOOTCAMPFITNESS BOOTCAMP arts & crafts, special events, and arts arts arts arts & & & & cracracracraffffts, ts, ts, ts, spspspspeeeecial cial cial cial eeeevevevevents, andnts, andnts, andnts, and LocateLocateLocateddd b b by y y BobBobBob PPPricericerice RRReeecrecrecreationationation Adults can learn and practice a variety AdAdults can ults can lelearn andarn and p practiceractice a a varievarietyty movies. Participants will need to moviemoviemoviemovies. s. s. s. PPPParticiparticiparticiparticipants ants ants ants will newill newill newill neeeeedddd to to to to CeCententer.r. of exercise routines. ofof e exexercisercise routine routines.s. CLASSROOM CLASSROOMCLASSROOM bring a daily lunch and snack that bbbbring ring ring ring a a a a ddddaily aily aily aily lunch andlunch andlunch andlunch and snack snack snack snack thatthatthatthat Day Age Time Cost Day Age Time Cost Capacity: Capacity: 7070 PPPeeerfrfrfeeect ct ct fffor smalleor smalleor smaller mer mer meeeetings tings tings andandand DO NOT require refrigeration or to DODODODO N N N NOT reOT reOT reOT reqqqquireuireuireuire rererereffffrigerigerigerigeration or toration or toration or toration or to Features: 6 tables, 2 grills, and 2 prep Features: 6 tables, 2 grills, and 2 prep T-ThT-ThT-Th 18+18+ 8a8amm-9:-9:45a45amm FRFREEEE pppartieartiearties s s (b(b(babababy y y showeshoweshowers, rs, rs, anniveanniveanniversariersariersaries,s,s, be reheated. bbee re reheheateatedd.. tables. Covered by a shade shelter. tables. Covered by a shade shelter. mememeeeetings, tings, tings, eeetc.)tc.)tc.) INDOOR RENTALS INDOOR RENTALS Day Day DatesDates TimeTime AgeAge CostCostCost Cost Cost Max Participants: Max Participants: Max Participants: 3030 M-F 3/17-3/21 7a-6p 6-12 $21 a day M-F 3/17-3/21 7a-6p 6-12 $21 a day$21 a day Community Rate: $50 Community Rate: $50 GYMGYMGYMGYMGYM Square Footage: Square Footage: Square Footage: 36f36ft t x x 25f25ftt Commercial Rate: $100 Commercial Rate: $100 Can be used for larger meetings, Can bCan bCan beee useuseuseddd fffor largeor largeor larger mer mer meeeetings,tings,tings, Cost Cost basketball games, or larger parties. bbbaskeaskeasketbtbtball all all gamegamegames, or larges, or larges, or larger pr pr partieartiearties.s.s. First Two Hours: First Two Hours: $140 First Two Hours: $140 Max Participants: Max Participants: Max Participants: 200200 $50 per additional hour$50 per additional hour $50 per additional hour Square Footage: 105ft x 75ft Square Footage: Square Footage: 105ft x 75ft Cost CostCost First Two Hours: $160 First Two Hours: $160$160 $70 per additional hour $70 per additional hour$70 per additional hour
Clark County Parks and Recreation Catalog Fall Page 18 Page 20