rereffundund. R. Reeffundunds s areare availab availablele b baseasedd on on with with colorfcolorful ul coloring coloring ppageages, s, or or jumpjump weweeek k ffor or GameGame Day, Day, whewherere seseniorsniors week for Game Day, where seniors OPEN REC / AFTER SCHOOLOPEN REC / AFTER SCHOOL thethe ffollowing criteollowing criteria: ria: IfIf a a class class oror on oneon one of of our our compcomputeuters to prs to play lay youryour comecome togetogethether r to to eenjoy njoy bboardoard game gamess come together to enjoy board games TheThe af afteter school pr school program is rogram is anan pprogram rogram is canceis cancellelledd bby they the ffavoriteavorite game games. s. WheWhethether r you'reyou're a a andand gregreat at compcompany! any! This reThis regulargular and great company! This regular opopeen/supn/supeerviservisedd rerecrecreationation ddeeppartmeartment a fnt a full reull reffundund will bwill bee givegiven.n. mastemaster r artist, artist, a gamea game guru, guru, or or just just wantwant gathegathering is a chancering is a chance to to ffeeeel l youngyoung gathering is a chance to feel young pprograrogram m which pwhich providrovidees s activitieactivities,s, IfIf a class a class reregistration is cancegistration is cancellelledd bbyy to chill with friends, Kidsville is the to chill with friends, Kidsville is the again, conneagain, connect ct with with ffrieriendnds, s, andand havehave again, connect with friends, and have gym usagegym usage, , worksworkshophops, arts s, arts nn indindividividual ual pprior to closerior to close ofof ffirst dirst day ay ofof place to be. So grab your friends and place to be. So grab your friends and ffun un pplaying a laying a varievariety ty ofof gamegames. All ares. All are fun playing a variety of games. All are cracraffts ts ffor or youth ageyouth ages 6-17 yes 6-17 yearsars class class 100% 100% rereffundund will b will bee givegiven; afn; afteterr join the fun—adventures await at join the fun—adventures await at wewelcomelcome to to shareshare in thein the laughte laughter r andand welcome to share in the laughter and oldold. P. Program is rogram is TueTuesdsday - Friday - Fridayay thethe ffirst dirst day ofay of class no class no rereffundund.. Kidsville! Kidsville! camaraderie each week! camaraderie each week! ffrom rom 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM2:00 PM - 6:00 PM. . THISTHIS RReeseservations cancervations cancellelledd bbyy FACILITY RESERVATIONSFACILITY RESERVATIONS PPROGRROGRAM IS FRAM IS FREE!EE! All child All childrerenn indindividividual/groupual/group 30 d30 days ays pprior to userior to use WeWeWedddnenenesdsdsdays| ays| ays| Wii Wii Wii BowlingBowlingBowling - - PPeerfrfeect fct foror atteattendnding must haveing must have a waive a waiver onr on rerececeiveive 100% 100% rereffundund, 21 d, 21 days ays ppriorrior Cambridge offers affordable rooms for Cambridge offers affordable rooms for seseniors, niors, this activity is this activity is a grea great at way way toto ffileile signesignedd bby y a a pparearent/guardnt/guardian.ian. 75% 75% rereffundund, 14 , 14 ddays pays prior rior 50% 50% givegiven,n, your next event. We have several your next event. We have several stay stay activeactive, , eenjoy njoy ffrieriendndly comply compeetition,tition, All pAll participarticipants ants areare re reqquireuiredd to to andand leless than 14 ss than 14 ddays ays pprior to userior to use nornor spaces available for your facility use spaces available for your facility use andand socializesocialize with f with feellow llow pparticiparticipants.ants. wewear ar closeclosedd toe toe shoeshoes s whilewhile rereffundund.. needs. Reservations request forms are needs. Reservations request forms are NNo o eexpxpeerieriencence ne neeeddeedd——just comejust come pppparticiparticiparticiparticipating ating ating ating in afin afin afin afteteteter schoolr schoolr schoolr school available at the front desk. Please give available at the front desk. Please give rereadady fy for a goodor a good time time and and lots of lots of SENIOR PROGRAM 50+SENIOR PROGRAM 50+ rererecrecrecreation activitieation activitieation activities.s.s. 2 WEEK NOTICE2 WEEK NOTICE f for or rerental rental reqqueuests.sts. laughs.laughs. Bingo BreakfastBingo Breakfast Bridge LoungeBridge LoungeBridge LoungeBridge Lounge Bridge Lounge DISCOUNT PROGRAM DISCOUNT PROGRAM Mark your calendars for the last Mark your calendars for the last ThursdThursdThursdays|Deays|Deays|Deafafaf SeSeSeniorsniorsniors - From - - From From pppokeokeokerrr AreAreAreAreAre you you you you you looking flooking flooking flooking flooking for a por a por a por a por a placelacelacelacelace to to to to to hang hang hang hang hang out,out,out,out,out, Friday of every month and join us for Friday of every month and join us for gamegames on s on a a teteleleppromprompteter r to to ffeestivestive rerererelax, andlax, andlax, andlax, and have have have have ffffun with fun with fun with fun with frierierieriendndndnds? s? s? s? TheTheTheThe TheThe P Parks arks andand Re Recrecreationation a morning of fun and prizes at our a morning of fun and prizes at our holidholiday ay ppotlucks, otlucks, thetherere's always's always BridBridBridBridgegegege LoungeLoungeLoungeLounge is opis opis opis opeeeen n n n just just just just ffffor or or or teteteteeeeens,ns,ns,ns, ScholarshipScholarship p program rogram pprovidrovideess Breakfast Bingo event! We'll be Breakfast Bingo event! We'll be somesomething ething exciting hapxciting happpeening.ning. ofofofofffffeeeering ring ring ring a a a a ppppeeeerfrfrfrfeeeect spct spct spct spot ot ot ot to to to to eeeenjoy somenjoy somenjoy somenjoy some ffinancial inancial assistanceassistance ffor or classeclasses,s, serving up a delicious breakfast from serving up a delicious breakfast from WheWhethether r you’reyou’re looking to relooking to relax,lax, ddddowntimeowntimeowntimeowntime. With f. With f. With f. With foosboosboosboosball, pall, pall, pall, ping ing ing ing ppppong,ong,ong,ong, sports leagues, and fitness room sports leagues, and fitness room 10 AM to 12:30 PM as you play your 10 AM to 12:30 PM as you play your socializesocialize, or e, or enjoy somenjoy some f frieriendndlyly arcadarcadarcadeee gaming, gaming, gaming, andandand a TV f a TV f a TV for or or moviemoviemoviesss memberships to qualifying Clark memberships to qualifying Clark favorite game. favorite game. compcompeetition, wetition, we’d’d lovelove to to seseee you you and shows, there's something for and shows, there's something for County residents. To apply please County residents. To apply please Field Trips / Workshops Field Trips / Workshops thetherere!! everyone. Plus, we have a variety of everyone. Plus, we have a variety of ask ask ffor an or an apappplication at lication at thethe ffrontront ask for an application at the front For the latest information on For the latest information on board games available if you're in the board games available if you're in the ddeesk sk ofof thethe cecententer. Pr. Pleleasease allow allow 22 desk of the center. Please allow 2 upcoming workshops and field trips, upcoming workshops and field trips, mood for some classic fun. Whether mood for some classic fun. Whether weweeeksks f for apor appplication lication pprocerocessingssing weeks for application processing visit the Cambridge Recreation Center visit the Cambridge Recreation Center you're here to challenge your friends you're here to challenge your friends andand apappproval.roval. and approval. front desk or check our website. New front desk or check our website. New to a game or just unwind, the Bridge to a game or just unwind, the Bridge schedules are released bimonthly on schedules are released bimonthly on Lounge is the place to be. Lounge is the place to be. the same day as our Friday Breakfast the same day as our Friday Breakfast REFUNDSREFUNDSREFUNDS Bingo events. Don’t miss out on these Bingo events. Don’t miss out on these Kidsville Kidsville Refunds will be made first to RReeffundunds will s will bbee madmadee ffirst toirst to exciting opportunities! exciting opportunities! ComeCome on on ddown own to to KidKidsvillesville, , whewherere ffunun accommodate each individual or group accommodaccommodateate eeach ach indindividividual or ual or groupgroup Senior Days Senior Days nenevever r eendnds! s! DiveDive into a into a worldworld of of by transferring use to a similar bby y transftransfeerring rring useuse to a similar to a similar TueTueTuesdsdsdays ays ays | | | GameGameGame Day Day Day - Join us - Join us eeveveryry aweawesomesome b boardoard game games, s, geget t crecreativeative program or facility before issuing a pprogram rogram or or ffacility acility bbeefforeore issuing a issuing a

Clark County Parks and Recreation Catalog Fall Page 20 Page 22