FIELD ALLOCATIONS SPORTS UNIT Inside Sunset Park 2601 Sunset Rd., Las Vegas, NV 89120 We allocate over 30 facilities, with over 100 fields and courts for youth and (702) 455-8241 Email: [email protected] adult sports. SUNSET PARK BASKETBALL COURTS SUNSET PARK Courts #1-8 are available for drop-in COURT RENTALS We allocate our facilities for sporting reservations (practice, friends, and events/tournaments on a yearly SUNSET PARK SAND VOLLEYBALL COURTS family use) allocation period: Courts #1-7 are available for drop-in Fees: $10 per hour, per court. January thru December reservations (practice, friends, and A Field Allocations Sporting Event family use) Drop-in basketball court reservations Request Form needs to be submitted Fees: $10 per hour, per court. are limited to two courts per day with no later than April 15th, the year prior. a two-hour time limit per court and a SUNSET PARK TENNIS COURTS DropDropDrop-in -in -in vollevollevolleybybyball all all court recourt recourt reseseservationsrvationsrvations maximum of 6 reservations per Courts #1-8 are available for drop-in We allocate our facilities to leagues in areareareare limite limite limite limitedddd to to to to two two two two courts courts courts courts ppppeeeer dr dr dr day with aay with aay with aay with a account, per month. reservations (practice, friends, and bi-annual allocation periods: two-hour timetwo-hour timetwo-hour timetwo-hour time limit p limit p limit p limit peeeer court r court r court r court andandandand aaaa family use) (1.) January thru July mamamamamamamaximum ofximum ofximum ofximum ofximum ofximum ofximum of 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 rerererererereseseseseseseservations rvations rvations rvations rvations rvations rvations pppppppeeeeeeerrrrrrr Reservations must be made in person. Fees: $6 per hour, per court. A Field Allocations League Request account, account, account, account, account, pppppeeeeer r r r r month.month.month.month.month. Form must be submitted no later than Drop-in tennis court reservations are October 15th, the year prior. RRReeeseseservations arervations arervations are availabavailabavailablelele onlineonlineonline, you, you, you limited to two courts per day with a (2.) August thru December mumumust st st havehavehave an an an account, or in account, or in account, or in pppeeerson. rson. rson. NNNooo two-hour time limit per court and a A Field Allocations League Request cancecancecancellations, changellations, changellations, changes, s, s, crecrecredddits orits orits or maximum of 6 reservations per Form must be submitted no later than rereffundunds s will bwill bee grantegrantedd f for onlineor online account, per month. April 15th, of the same year. reservations. Sunset Park Volleyball Court Reservations must be made in person. Our facilities are available for drop-in Online Reservations reservations (practice, friends, and Field Allocations family use) on a month-to-month basis, based on limited availability. Drop-in reservations are limited to a maximum of 6 reservations per account, per month. Drop-in reservations must be made in person.
Clark County Parks and Recreation Catalog Fall Page 83 Page 85