RENTALSRENTALS SENIORSSENIORS YOGAYOGA INDOOR RENTAL AREASINDOOR RENTAL AREASINDOOR RENTAL AREAS Cleaning DepositCleaning Deposit - A cleaning deposit Cleaning Deposit - A cleaning deposit CARDS WITH FRIENDSCARDS WITH FRIENDS Join uJoin us as we slowly move ths as we slowly move through moves torough moves to of $100.00 is is rereqquireuiredd ffor or all indall indooroor of $100.00 is required for all indoor Play, socialize, and make new Play, socialize, and make new build strength and flexibility and discover our build strength and flexibility and discover our Gymnasium –– Can bCan bee useusedd fforor Gymnasium – Can be used for rerentals pntals prior rior to to rerental. This amount willntal. This amount will rentals prior to rental. This amount will friends! friends! inner stillness. inner stillness. spsporting orting eevevents, tents, team bam builduildinging sporting events, team building bbee re reffundundeedd ifif thethe ppreremisemises s areare le lefftt be refunded if the premises are left Day Time Day Time DDayay TimTimee AgAgee activitieactivities, s, largelarge trainings, trainings, activities, large trainings, cleclean andan and undundamageamagedd andand the the e evevent isnt is clean and undamaged and the event is M/WM/W /F/F 8:00 AM-3:00 8:00 AM-3:00 PPMM TTuesues 12:12:00 00 PPM-1:M-1:15 15 PPMM 16+16+ ppeerfrformanceormances s andand more more. . HalfHalf ofof thethe performances and more. Half of the concluded on time. concluded on time. Cost:Cost: Fre Freee!! Cost Cost Gym Gym is is also availabalso availablele. (Food. (Food allowe allowedd,, Gym is also available. (Food allowed, $10$10 but not smoking or alcoholic but not smoking or alcoholic Setup and Cleanup - Setup and Setup and Cleanup - Setup and RESTORATIVE CHAIRRESTORATIVE CHAIR SCRABBLE CLUBSCRABBLE CLUB beverages). beverages). cleanup are the responsibility of the cleanup are the responsibility of the YOGA AND MEDITATION YOGA AND MEDITATION Come enjoy casual word play with aCome enjoy casual word play with a renter and should be conducted renter and should be conducted Restorative chair yoga and meditationRestorative chair yoga and meditation welcoming and friendly group of people. welcoming and friendly group of people. Multi-Purpose Room - Perfect for Multi-Purpose Room - Perfect for dduring uring thethe re reseservation rvation timetimes s thethe re rententerr during the reservation times the renter encourages physical, mental, and emotional encourages physical, mental, and emotional small parties (i.e. showers, small parties (i.e. showers, rereqqueuest. All tabst. All tableles s & chairs use& chairs usedd f foror request. All tables & chairs used for DayDay Time Time relaxation. rerelaxation.laxation. anniversaries, graduation parties, anniversaries, graduation parties, saidsaid eevevent nt must must bbee cle cleaneanedd & & stafstafff willwill said event must be cleaned & staff will TueTuess 8:00 AM-3:00 8:00 AM-3:00 PPMM Day DayDayDay TimeTime AgeAge meetings, etc.). (Food allowed, but not meetings, etc.). (Food allowed, but not pput away. ut away. RReententers rs areare re respsponsibonsiblele to to put away. Renters are responsible to Wed Wed 11:30 11:30 AM11:30 AM11:30 AMAM-12:30 P-12:30 -12:30 -12:30 PPPMMMM 50+ 50+ Cost:Cost: Fre Freee!! smoking or alcoholic beverages). smoking or alcoholic beverages). Cost Cost covecover r tabtableles with tabs with tablelecloths.cloths. cover tables with tablecloths. $5 $5 SUNRISE STROLL SUNRISE STROLL Equipment –– TheThe ce cententer r hashas Equipment – The center has Enjoy walking Enjoy walking in in a safa safe e andand climateclimate MUSIC AND MOVEMENTMUSIC AND MOVEMENTMUSIC AND MOVEMENTMUSIC AND MOVEMENTMUSIC AND MOVEMENT Note: We do not allow confetti, Note: We do not allow confetti, controlled environment! You are controlled environment! You are apappproximateroximately 10 roundly 10 round - 5f - 5ft t tabtableles, 20s, 20 approximately 10 round - 5ft tables, 20 Music and Movement includeMusic and Movement includeMusic and Movement includeMusic and Movement include a mix of guided a mix of guided a mix of guided a mix of guided glitter, helium balloons, smoke glitter, helium balloons, smoke welcome to wear your headphones or welcome to wear your headphones or -- 6f6ft t rerectangular ctangular tabtableles, s, andand - 6ft rectangular tables, and dance and improvised movement activities. dddance and improvised movemance and improvised movemance and improvised movement activities.ent activities.ent activities. converse with friends, while getting your converse with friends, while getting your machines, or use of alcohol in our machines, or use of alcohol in our apappproximateroximately 130 chairs that can ly 130 chairs that can bbee approximately 130 chairs that can be Day Date Time Age Day DateDate Time AgeAge steps in! Walking may take place from steps in! Walking may take place from facility. facility. pprovidrovideedd at at useuser’s r’s rereqqueuest. st. AdAddditionalitional provided at user’s request. Additional T/TH 6/3-8/19 10:00 AM-11:00 AM 50+ T/TH 6/3-8/196/3-8/19 10:00 AM-11:00 AM 50+50+ 7:00 - 9:00 a.m., but is at Instructor's 7:00 - 9:00 a.m., but is at Instructor's Cost CostCost eeqquipuipmement nt must must bbee sup suppplieliedd b by y thethe equipment must be supplied by the $5 $5$5 discretion while classes are held in discretion while classes are held in PARKPARKPARK RENTAL AREAS PARK RENTAL AREAS user. user. gymnasium. gymnasium.gymnasium.gymnasium.gymnasium.gymnasium. CARDIO AND PUMPCARDIO AND PUMP DayDay TimeTime Day Time Area A– Just North of the Recreation Area A– Just North of the Recreation No Smoking or Alcoholic No Smoking or Alcoholic A low intensity workout comA low intensity workout comA low intensity workout comA low intensity workout combines cardio,bines cardio,bines cardio,bines cardio, T/TH T/THT/TH 7:00 AM-8:00 7:00 AM-8:00 AMAM strenstrenstrength, and flexibility, all mgth, and flexibility, all mgth, and flexibility, all modified to aodified to aodified to a Center and shaded by large trees. It Center and shaded by large trees. It Beverages - Smoking and Beverages - Smoking and seateseated position.d position. has 14 covered tables and one large has 14 covered tables and one large consumption of alcoholic beverages consumption of alcoholic beverages Cost:Cost:Cost: Fre FreFreeee!!! Day Day TimeTime AgeAge grill. grill. are not permitted anywhere within are not permitted anywhere within M/W/F 10:00 AM-11:00 AM 50+ M/W/F 10:00 AM-11:00 AM 50+ Cost Cost Paradise Recreation Center. Paradise Recreation Center. $5 $5 Area B– Is next to the playground and Area B– Is next to the playground and restrooms in the park. It has 14 restrooms in the park. It has 14 Excessive Noise Levels - The playing Excessive Noise Levels - The playing ASK FOR OUR MONTHLY SENIOR NEWSLETTERASK FOR OUR MONTHLY SENIOR NEWSLETTERASK FOR OUR MONTHLY SENIOR NEWSLETTER covered tables and two small grills covered tables and two small grills of loud music or the creation of any of loud music or the creation of any other disturbing noises will not be other disturbing noises will not be TO SEE MORE PROGRAMS THAT INCLUDE TO SEE MORE PROGRAMS THAT INCLUDETO SEE MORE PROGRAMS THAT INCLUDE Areas 7 and 8– Are near Area A. It has Areas 7 and 8– Are near Area A. It has permitted anywhere in Paradise permitted anywhere in Paradise WORKSHOPS, FIELD TRIPS, AND MORE! WORKSHOPS, FIELD TRIPS, AND MORE! 4 uncovered tables and 1 grill. 4 uncovered tables and 1 grill. Recreation Center. Recreation Center. Areas 9, 11, 13 and 14– Features 2 Areas 9, 11, 13 and 14– Features 2 uncovered tables and 1 grill. uncovered tables and 1 grill.

Clark County Parks and Recreation Catalog Fall Page 51 Page 53