DAY CAMP / PARE DAY CAMP / PARENT NIGHT ONT NIGHT OUT COUT CONT.NT. OPEN GYMOPEN GYM OPEN GYM YOUTH AND TEENSYOUTH AND TEENS EARLY CHILDHOODEARLY CHILDHOOD PICKLEBALL - ADVANCEDPICKLEBALL - ADVANCEDPICKLEBALL - ADVANCED PARENTS NIGHT OUTPARENTS NIGHT OUT TEEN OPEN GYM TEEN OPEN GYM PRESCHOOL (2 DAY)PRESCHOOL (2 DAY) PParents, treat yourself arents, treat yourself to to a a night night ofofff while while AGES 3-4 YEAR OLDSAGES 3-4 YEAR OLDS Mon/Wed/Fri @ 7:30 am -9:30am Mon/Wed/Fri @ 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm Mon/Wed/Fri @ 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm Mon/Wed/Fri @ 7@ 7:30 am -9:30am:30 am -9:30am we ewe entertain ntertain your kidyour kids ands and p providrovidee a a Cost: FREECost: FREE Ages: 18+ yearsAges: 18+ years Day DateDay Date TimeTime delicious dinner. Activities include gym delicious dinner. Activities include gym AGES: 6TH-12TH GRADE PPickleicklebball is a pall is a padadddlele spsport thatort that AGES: 6TH-12TH GRADE Pickleball is a paddle sport that T/Th 12/09 - 01/31 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM T/Th 12/09 - 01/31 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM games, arts & crafts, dinner, and a movie. games, arts & crafts, dinner, and a movie. PParticiparticipants are ants are rereqquireduired to to compcomplete lete aa combcombineines s eelelemements nts ofof tetennis,nnis, combines elements of tennis, T/Th 12/09 - 01/31 12:30 PM - 3:30 PM T/Th 12/09 - 01/31 12:30 PM - 3:30 PM 24-25 school 24-25 school year waiver year waiver andand p preresesent nt aa 24-25 school year waiver and present a bbadadminton, andminton, and p ping-ping-pong using aong using a badminton, and ping-pong using a Day Day DateDate TimeTime AgeAge CostCost Cost Activity Code Cost Activity Code school ID or proof of school enrollment school ID or proof of school enrollment F 12/20 6pm-10pm 6-12 $25 Winter Wonderland F 12/20 6pm-10pm 6-12 $25 Winter Wonderland ppadadddlele and and whifwhiffflele b balls. alls. It is It is a a gamegame paddle and whiffle balls. It is a game $150 9 Paradise Preschool Program $150 9 Paradise Preschool Program each day at check-in. each day at check-in. that is appropriate for players of all that is appropriate for players of all KINDERPREP (3 DAY)KINDERPREP (3 DAY) ages and skill levels. ages and skill levels. LEADERS OF THE FUTURE (LOTF)LEADERS OF THE FUTURE (LOTF) AGES 4-5 YEAR OLDS AGES 4-5 YEAR OLDS SUMMER 2025 SUMMER 2025 Day Day DateDate TimeTime EARLY CHILDHOODEARLY CHILDHOOD AGES: 13-17 YEARS AGES: 13-17 YEARS PICKLEBALL - NOVICE/BEGINNERPICKLEBALL - NOVICE/BEGINNER M/W/F 12/09 - 01/31 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM M/W/F 12/09 - 01/31 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM Our early childhood classeOur early childhood classes are licenseds are licensed TheThe goal goal ofof the Leadthe Leadeers rs of of the Futurethe Future FRIDAY @ 12:30PM-2:30PM FRIDAY @ 12:30PM-2:30PM M/WM/W/F/F 12/09 12/09 - - 01/31 12:30 01/31 12:30 PPM M - - 3:30 P3:30 PMM through the State of Nevada. Our classes through the State of Nevada. Our classes (LOTF) (LOTF) pprogram rogram is is to to create andcreate and maintainmaintain (LOTF) program is to create and maintain Ages: 18+ years Ages: 18+ years CostCost Activity CodeActivity Code high standards of education, character, high standards of education, character, provide children a creative learning provide children a creative learning Designed for participants beginner Designed for participants beginner $225 9 Paradise Preschool Program $225 9 Paradise Preschool Program citizenship and skill development. Teen citizenship and skill development. Teen experience. Children gain valuable experience. Children gain valuable (novice) skill level players new to (novice) skill level players new to Leaders will focus on service to the Leaders will focus on service to the developmental skills which are fostered developmental skills whicdevelopmental skills which are fosteredh are fostered 5 DAY OPTION5 DAY OPTION Pickleball. Create as a space for new Pickleball. Create as a space for new community, leadership development, job community, leadership development, job through social interaction and independent through social interaction and independentthrough social interaction and independent AGES 3-5 YEAR OLDSAGES 3-5 YEAR OLDS players to play and learn at their own players to play and learn at their own training and social recreation. training and social recreation. play opportunities. play opportunities. pace. Note: There is no instructor pace. Note: There is no instructor Day DateDay Date TimeTime How How How How to to to to apapapappppply:ly:ly:ly: CompCompCompCompCompleleleleletetetetete apapapapapppppplication lication lication lication lication in in in in in SpSpSpSpSpring ring ring ring ring 2025,2025,2025,2025,2025, M-F 12/09 - 01/31 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM M-F 12/09 - 01/31 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM present for this program. present for this program. Required documents due byRequired documents due by which which which is is is availabavailabavailablelele at at at thethethe f f front dront dront deeesk. sk. sk. HaveHaveHave M-F 12/09 - 01/31 12:30 PM - 3:30 PM M-F 12/09 - 01/31 12:30 PM - 3:30 PM student’s first day of class: student’s first day of class: two two two two rerererespspspspeeeectectectectedddd adadadadults ults ults ults who arewho arewho arewho are not renot renot renot relatelatelatelatedddd ADULT OPEN GYM - BASKETBALL ADULT OPEN GYM - BASKETBALL Cost Activity Code Cost Activity Code to you to you to you to you to you (e(e(e(e(e.g., .g., .g., .g., .g., teteteteteacheacheacheacheacher, rer, rer, rer, rer, religious ligious ligious ligious ligious leleleleleadadadadadeeeeer,r,r,r,r, Registration PacketRegistration Packet TUES/THURS @ 8:00AM-11:30AM TUES/THURS @ 8:00AM-11:30AM coach, coach, coach, eeetc) tc) tc) writewritewrite a a a lelelettettetter r r ofofof re re refffeeerererencencence fffororor $330 9 Paradise Preschool Program $330 9 Paradise Preschool Program Copy of Birth CertificateCopy of Birth Certificate you you you you ddddeeeescribscribscribscribing ing ing ing your your your your work work work work habhabhabhabits,its,its,its, Cost: $2 (Day) or $12(Month) Cost: $2 (Day) or $12(Month) Shot RecordsShot Records pppeeersonality rsonality rsonality andandand commitmecommitmecommitment nt nt lelelevevevel.l.l. PRESCHOOL AND PLAYPRESCHOOL AND PLAY Ages: 18+ year Ages: 18+ year HealthHealth E Evaluation valuation (due within 30(due within 30 Day DateDay Date TimeTime Open gym days and hours are Open gym days and hours are days) days) T/Th 12/09 - 01/31 11:30 AM-12:30PM T/Th 12/09 - 01/31 11:30 AM-12:30PM subject to change. A Valid ID is subject to change. A Valid ID is Your child will need to bring Your child will need to bring Cost Activity Code Cost Activity Code required. Children under the age of required. Children under the age of the following items daily: the following items daily: $30 9 Paradise Preschool Program $30 9 Paradise Preschool Program 18 are not allowed in the gym during 18 are not allowed in the gym during BackpBackpackack adult open gym. adult open gym. 1 inch1 inch binder binder KINDER CLUBKINDER CLUB Fall Open Gym Dates will begin on: Fall Open Gym Dates will begin on: RefillaRefillable Water Bottleble Water Bottle Day Day DateDate Time Time Teen Open Gym: August 19, 2024Teen Open Gym: August 19, 2024 LunchLunch (no peanuts or nuts) (no peanuts or nuts) M/W/F 12/09 - 01/31 11:30 AM-12:30PM M/W/F 12/09 - 01/31 11:30 AM-12:30PM Pickleball: September 4, 2024Pickleball: September 4, 2024 Extra Extra change of clotheschange of clothes Cost Activity Code Cost Activity Code Adult Basketball: September 4, 2024Adult Basketball: September 4, 2024 $40 9 Paradise Preschool Program $40 9 Paradise Preschool Program Note: Open gym dates are subject to Note: Open gym dates are subject to cancellation based on center programming. cancellation based on center programming.
Clark County Parks and Recreation Catalog Fall Page 50 Page 52