DANCEDANCE MARTIAL ARTSMARTIAL ARTS EDUCATIONEDUCATIONEDUCATION YOUTH WORKSHOPSYOUTH WORKSHOPSYOUTH WORKSHOPS FRENCH: BEGINNER / INTERMEDIATEFRENCH: BEGINNER / INTERMEDIATEFRENCH: BEGINNER / INTERMEDIATE BEGINNER BALLETBEGINNER BALLET KUNDALINI YOGAKUNDALINI YOGA MIND OF A MAKERMIND OF A MAKERMIND OF A MAKER This class fThis class focuses on ocuses on bbreathwork,reathwork, mind mind,, Learn Learn Learn bbbasic asic asic French wordFrench wordFrench words, vocabs, vocabs, vocabulary,ulary,ulary, These workshops will inspire young makersThese workshops will inspire young makersThese workshops will inspire young makers A pA perferfectect bblendlend of of artistry, techniqartistry, technique,ue, andandandand b b b bodododody. Great y. Great y. Great y. Great for adfor adfor adfor adults ults ults ults andandandand seseseseniors.niors.niors.niors. to develop their own unique creations. to develop their own unique develop their own unique creations. and phrases. Instructor: Ms. Janine andand p phrases. Instructor: hrases. Instructor: Ms. JaMs. Janinenine and grace. This classical French ballet and grace. This classical French ballet Exercises may bExercises may bExercises may bExercises may be de de de doneoneoneone sitting sitting sitting sitting in in in in a chair.a chair.a chair.a chair. Exercises may be done sitting in a chair. Focuses will include fine art, visual art, Focuses will include fine art, visual art,Focuses will include fine art, visual art, Day Day Date Date TimeTime AgeAge CostCost Activity CodeActivity CodeActivity Code Instructor: AdInstructor: Adinaina Instructor: Adina crafting, and culinary art. Each week, our crafting, and culinary art. Each week, ourcrafting, and culinary art. Each week, our class includes basic techniques led by an class includes basic techniques led by an W 1/8-2/12 4pm-5pm 5-8 $30 1 Paradise Education W 1/8-2/12 4pm-5pm 5-8 $30 1 1 PParadaradise ise EducationEducation instructor will provide an example of a instructor will provide an example of ainstructor will provide an example of a Day Day DateDate TimeTime AgeAge W 1/8-2/12 5pm-6pm 8-14 $30 1 Paradise Education W 1/8-2/12 5pm-6pm 8-14 $30 1 1 PParadaradise ise EducationEducation expert instructor. Instructor: Ms. Janine expert instructor. Instructor: Ms. Janine T 1/7-1/28 12pm-1:15pm 16+ T 1/7-1/28 12pm-1:15pm 16+ finished project and then guide participants finished project and then guide participantsfinished project and then guide participants PRIVATE TUTORINGPRIVATE TUTORING Cost Activity Code Cost Activity Code to form their own version of the creation. to form their own version of the form their own version of the creation. Day Day DateDate TimeTime AgeAge Day Day DateDate TimeTime AgeAge $20 1 Paradise Martial Arts $20 1 Paradise Martial Arts 1:1 tutoring with an 1:1 tutoring with an 1:1 tutoring with an expexpexperiencederiencederienced teacher.teacher.teacher. T/ThT/Th 1/7-2/13 1/7-2/13 5p5pm-6pm-6pm m 5-11 5-11 Th ThTh 1/9-2/131/9-2/13 5p 5pm-6pm-6pm m 8-12 8-12 Develop your skills in a variety of subject Develop your skills in a variety of subject Cost Activity Code Cost Activity Code CostCostCost Activity Code Activity Code FAMILY CAPOEIRAFAMILY CAPOEIRA areas. Instructor: Ms. Lillie areas. Instructor: Ms. Lillie $50 1 Paradise Dance $50 1 Paradise Dance $40 1 Paradise Youth Wksp $40 1 1 PParadaradise ise Youth WkspYouth Wksp Day Day DateDate Time Time AgeAge Brazilian martial art, dBrazilian martial art, dBrazilian martial art, dBrazilian martial art, disguiseisguiseisguiseisguisedddd as a d as a d as a d as a danceanceanceance PETITE PIROUETTES: PRE-K BALLETPETITE PIROUETTES: PRE-K BALLET Th Th 1/9-2/131/9-2/13 3p3pm-4pm-4pm m 5+5+ andandandand p p p peeeerformedrformedrformedrformed to to to to musical musical musical musical instrumentsinstrumentsinstrumentsinstruments and performed to musical instruments DAY CAMP / PARENT NIGHT OUT DAY CAMP / PARENT NIGHT OUTDAY CAMP / PARENT NIGHT OUT Th 1/9-2/13 4pm-5pm 5+ Th 1/9-2/13 4pm-5pm 5+ andandandand trad trad trad traditional Brazilian itional Brazilian itional Brazilian itional Brazilian songs. songs. songs. songs. AllAllAllAll and traditional Brazilian songs. All Our Our Our Our youngest youngest youngest youngest ddddancers are ancers are ancers are ancers are invitedinvitedinvitedinvited totototo Th 1/9-2/13 5pm-6pm 5+ Th 1/9-2/13 5pm-6pm 5+ childchildchildchildren ren ren ren must bmust bmust bmust be accompe accompe accompe accompaniedaniedaniedanied bbbby y y y anananan children must be accompanied by an DAY CAMP DAY CAMP Th 1/9-2/13 6pm-7pm 5+ Th 1/9-2/13 6pm-7pm 5+ exexexexpppplore lore lore lore the the the the wondwondwondwonderful worlderful worlderful worlderful world ofofofof bbbballet.allet.allet.allet. adadult 18 yrs+. Instructor: Timult 18 yrs+. Instructor: Tim adult 18 yrs+. Instructor: Tim Join us for a wonderful winter of engaging activitiesJoin us for a wonderful winter of engaging activitiesJoin us for a wonderful winter of engaging activities Cost Activity Code Cost Activity Code This class combines introductory This class coThis class coThis class coThis class combmbmbmbines introdines introdines introdines introductoryuctoryuctoryuctory and festive fun. Activities include indoor/outdoor and festive fun. Activities include indoor/outdoorand festive fun. Activities include indoor/outdoor Day Day DateDate TimeTime AgeAge $90 1 Paradise Education $90 1 Paradise Education group games, crafts, STEM activities, sports, guest group games, crafts, STEM activities, sports, guestgroup games, crafts, STEM activities, sports, guest WW 1/8-2/12 1/8-2/12 4:45p 4:45pm-5:15pm-5:15pm m 5+ 5+ techniques with engaging activities and techniqtechniqtechniqtechniques ues ues ues with engaging activities with engaging activities with engaging activities with engaging activities andandandand presenters, and more. presenters, and more. Cost Activity Code Cost Activity Code MUSIC MUSIC story time. Instructor: Ms. Janine story story story story timetimetimetime. Instructor: Ms. Ja. Instructor: Ms. Ja. Instructor: Ms. Ja. Instructor: Ms. Janinenineninenine DayDay Time Age Time AgeAge $30 1 Paradise Marital Arts $30 1 Paradise Marital Arts Monday-Friday 7am-6pm 6-12 Monday-Friday 7am-6pm 6-12 Day Day DateDate TimeTimeTime AgeAge Winter Day Camp 2024: Winter Day Camp 2024: DecembDeceDecembmber er er 23-January 23-January 23-January 3, 20253, 20253, 2025 PRIVATE MUSIC LESSONSPRIVATE MUSIC LESSONS CAPOEIRACAPOEIRA T T 1/7-2/111/7-2/111/7-2/11 4p4p4pm-5pm-5pm-5pm mm 3-4 3-4 Spring Break Day Camp 2025: Spring Break Day Camp 2025: March 17-21, 2025March 17-21, 2025March 17-21, 2025 1:1 le1:1 lessons ssons focus focus on music bon music basics;asics; CostCost Activity CodeActivity CodeActivity Code Summer Day Camp 2025: Summer Day Camp 2025: May 27-August May 27-August 8, 20258, 2025 Brazilian martial art, dBrazilian martial art, disguiseisguisedd as a d as a danceance CostCost Activity CodeActivity Code learning to read notes, read rhythms, learning to read notes, read rhythms, $30 1 Paradise Dance $30 1 Paradise Dance and performed to musical instruments and performed to musical instruments $21/day DayCamp Paradise $21/day DayCamp Paradise play scales, play basic chords and other play scales, play basic chords and other and traditional Brazilian songs. and traditional Brazilian songs. Day Camp Closure Dates: Day Camp Closure Dates: YOUTH COMBO: TAP + BALLETYOUTH COMBO: TAP + BALLETYOUTH COMBO: TAP + BALLETYOUTH COMBO: TAP + BALLET tools essential to play any style of tools essential to play any style of Instructor: Tim Instructor: Tim 12/25/24 (Wed) and 01/01/25 (Wed) 12/25/24 (Wed) and 01/01/25 (Wed) music. Our instructor is trained to music. Our instructor is trained to This class will This class will This class will introdintrodintroduceuceuce stud stud students to bents to bents to basicasicasic Day DayDay DateDate TimeTime Age Age DAY CAMP POLICIESDAY CAMP POLICIES teach piano and any other instrument. teach piano and any other instrument. tap dancing techniques as well as tap dancing techniques as well as W 1/8-2/12 5:15pm-6:45pm 16+ WW 1/8-2/12 5:15pm-6:45pm 16+ PPayment ayment in fin full is ull is reqrequireduired to reserve to reserve youryour Our center has a piano on site, but any Our center has a piano on site, but any Cost Activity Code Cost Activity CodeActivity Code classical ballet. Instructor: Ms. Janine classical ballet. Instructor: Ms. Janine child’s space. child’s space. other instruments must be provided by other instruments must be provided by $45 1 Paradise Marital Arts $45 1 1 PParadaradise ise Marital ArtsMarital Arts AvailabAvailability ility is on is on a a ffirst come, irst come, first first serveserve Day Day DateDate TimeTime AgeAge student. Students must be able to student. Students must be able to bbasis.asis. Th Th 1/9-2/13 1/9-2/13 4p4pm-5pm-5pm m 6-126-12 identify letters A-G when reading sheet identify letters A-G when reading sheet RefRefundunds s will only bwill only be e issuedissued if if notice is givenotice is givenn Cost Activity Code Cost Activity Code music. Instructor: Gerilynn music. Instructor: Gerilynn bby y WedWednenesdsday ay of of the the pprior rior weweek. There ek. There areare $30 1 Paradise Dance $30 1 Paradise Dance no refunds or credits for missed days. no refunds or credits for missed days. Day Day DateDate TimeTime Age Age Th Th 1/9-2/13 1/9-2/13 4:30pm-5:00p 4:30pm-5:00pmm 3+ 3+ PParents/guardarents/guardians ians are are reqrequireduired to comp to compleletete Th -or- F 1/9-2/14 5:00pm-5:30pm 3+ Th -or- F 1/9-2/14 5:00pm-5:30pm 3+ a participant registration/information form a participant registration/information form Th -or- F 1/9-2/14 5:30pm-6:00pm 3+ Th -or- F 1/9-2/14 5:30pm-6:00pm 3+ each new season. each new season. Th -or- F 1/9-2/14 6:00pm-6:30pm 3+ Th -or- F 1/9-2/14 6:00pm-6:30pm 3+ PParticiparticipants can bants can be e 5 5 years years bbut ut must must bbee *Select a day and a 30 min time slot *Select a day and a 30 min time slot currently enrolled in kindergarten during currently enrolled in kindergarten during Cost Activity Code Cost Activity Code the 2024-2025 school year. the 2024-2025 school year. $70 1 Paradise Music $70 1 Paradise Music
Clark County Parks and Recreation Catalog Fall Page 49 Page 51