MUSICMUSICMUSIC PIANO - PRIVATEPIANO - PRIVATE 3075 N. Walnut Road, Las Vegas, NV 89115 | (702) 455-84023075 N. Walnut Road, Las Vegas, NV 89115 | (702) 455-8402 PPParticiparticiparticipants ants ants will learn will learn will learn to to to ppplay scales lay scales lay scales andandand b b basicasicasic Monday - Friday: 7 AM - 8 PM | Saturday & Sunday: ClosedMonday - Friday: 7 AM - 8 PM | Saturday & Sunday: Closed chords, sight reading, tempo, rhythm, and the chordchords, sight res, sight readading, temping, tempo, o, rhythm, rhythm, andand thethe CLASS SESSION INFORMATIONCLASS SESSION INFORMATION DANCEDANCE basic five-finger position. Participants should bbasic asic five-finger pfive-finger position. Position. Participarticipants ants shouldshould Session 6Session 6 Session 1Session 1 have a piano/keyboard for lessons and for have a piano/keyboard for lessons and for BALLETBALLET NovemberNovember JanuaryJanuary practice at home. practice at home. NOVEMBER 4TH - NOVEMBER 27THNOVEMBER 4TH - NOVEMBER 27TH JANUARY 6TH - JANUARY 31STJANUARY 6TH - JANUARY 31ST PParticiparticipants will ants will lelearn barn basic asic bballeallet t skills andskills and DecemberDecember FebruaryFebruary terminology through technique and creative terminology through technique and creative GUITAR - PRIVATEGUITAR - PRIVATE DECEMBER 2ND - DECEMBER 27THDECEMBER 2ND - DECEMBER 27TH FEBRUARY 3RD - FEBRUARY 28THFEBRUARY 3RD - FEBRUARY 28TH movements. Tights, leotards, and ballet flats are movements. Tights, leotards, and ballet flats are REREGISTRATIOGISTRATION DATEN DATESS REREGISTRATIOGISTRATION DATEN DATESS PParticiparticipants ants will will learn learn the bthe basics asics ofof songs songs of of manymany NONOVEVEMBER:MBER: OCTO OCTOBEBER 21STR 21ST JANUARY:JANUARY: DE DECECEMBEMBER 16THR 16TH preferred but leggings and other tight-fitted, preferred but leggings and other tight-fitted, DECEMBER: NOVEMBER 18TH FEBRUARY: JANUARY 21ST DECEMBER: NOVEMBER 18TH FEBRUARY: JANUARY 21ST styles, instrument maintenance, beginner techniques, styles, instrument maintenance, beginner techniques, comfortable clothes are okay too. Hair should be comfortable clothes are okay too. Hair should be EARLY REGISTRATION IS ENCOURAGED.EARLY REGISTRATION IS ENCOURAGED. CLASSES MAY FILL QUICKLY OR CAN BE CANCELLED DUE TO LOW ENROLLMENT. CLASSES MAY FILL QUICKLY OR CAN BE CANCELLED DUE TO LOW ENROLLMENT. music theory and history, and sight reading. music theory and history, and sight reading. up, out of the face. No street shoes or jeans. up, out of the face. No street shoes or jeans. Participants should have a guitar for lessons and for Participants should have a guitar for lessons and for TINY TOTTINY TOT practice at home. practice at home. DayDay AgeAge CostCost Activity CodeActivity Code Date Time Date Time HOLIDAY CLOSURESHOLIDAY CLOSURESHOLIDAY CLOSURESHOLIDAY CLOSURES PRIVATE MUSIC LESSONSPRIVATE MUSIC LESSONS M/W 12/02 - 12/23 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM 3-5 $15 6 Walnut Dance 07 M/W 12/02 - 12/23 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM 3-5 $15 6 Walnut Dance 07 Day Age Cost Activity Code Day Age Cost Activity Code Date Time Date Time 11/2811/28 THANTHANTHANKSGIVINKSGIVINKSGIVING DAYG DAYG DAY THANKSGIVING DAY BALLET & TAP BALLET & TAP 6&UP 6&UP 6 Walnut Music 05 $40 2 PM - 2:30 PM 12/06 - 12/26 ThursThurs 12/06 - 12/26 2 PM - 2:30 PM $40 6 Walnut Music 05 11/29 FAMILY FAMILY DAYDAY 11/29 FAMILY DAY DayDay AgeAge CostCost Activity CodeActivity Code Date Time Date Time 6&UP 6&UP 6 Walnut Music 06 $40 2:30 PM - 3 PM 12/06 - 12/26 Thurs Thurs 12/06 - 12/26 2:30 PM - 3 PM $40 6 Walnut Music 06 12/2512/25 CHRCHRISTMAS DAYISTMAS DAY 12/25 CHRISTMAS DAY M/W 44::3300 PPMM - - 66 PPMM 6-86-8 $25$25 66 WWaalnlnuutt DaDanncece 0808 M/W 12/02 12/02 -12/23-12/23 6&UP 6&UP 6 Walnut Music 07 $40 3 PM - 3:30 PM 12/06 - 12/26 Thurs Thurs 12/06 - 12/26 3 PM - 3:30 PM $40 6 Walnut Music 07 1/11/1 NNEW EW YEARYEAR’S DAY’S DAY 1/1 NEW YEAR’S DAY 6 PM - 7:30 PM 9-12 $25 6 Walnut Dance 09 M/W 6 PM - 7:30 PM 9-12 $25 6 Walnut Dance 09 M/W 12/02 12/02 - - 1212/23/23 6&UP 6&UP 6 Walnut Music 08 $40 3:30 PM - 4 PM 12/06 - 12/26 Thurs Thurs 12/06 - 12/26 3:30 PM - 4 PM $40 6 Walnut Music 08 1/201/20 MARMARTINTIN LUTHERLUTHER KIN KING JRG JR. . DAYDAY 1/20 MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. DAY 2/17 PRESIDENTS’ DAY 2/17 PRESIDENTS’ DAY JAZZJAZZ MARTIAL ARTSMARTIAL ARTS KARATEKARATE Jazz Jazz is is a a high ehigh enenergy tergy technical stylechnical style of of ddanceance withwith FOLLOW US ON SOCIALS!FOLLOW US ON SOCIALS! differences than ballet. Students should wear differences than ballet. Students should wear PParticiparticipants will ants will lelearn barn beeginning ginning KarateKarate. . This classThis class from fitted clothing, have hair pulled out of face. from fitted clothing, have hair pulled out of face. ffocuseocuses on s on inteintegrating martial arts grating martial arts into into ddailyaily Jazz shoes or ballet shoes are preferred. Jazz shoes or ballet shoes are preferred. ppracticeractice and and b builduilding ping positiveositive ddiscipisciplinelinedd stud studeentsnts andand pprovidroviding ping practical ractical lelearning arning eexpxpeerieriencences.s. DayDayDay AgeAge CostCost Activity CodeActivity Code Date Time Date Time Thurs 12/05 - 12/26 5 PM - 6 PM Thurs 1122/0/055 - - 1122/2/266 5 PM - 6 PM $25$25 66 WWaalnlnuutt DaDanncece 1010 7-137-13 DayDay AgeAge CostCost Activity CodeActivity Code Date Time Date Time 66 WWaalnlnuutt MMaartrtiaial l AArtrts s 0044 ThursThurs 1122/0/055 - - 1122/2/266 44::3300 PPMM - - 66 PPMM 6-86-8 $25$25 LINE DANCINGLINE DANCINGLINE DANCING 66 WWaalnlnuutt MMaartrtiaial l AArtrts s 0055 Thurs 12/05 - 12/26 6 PM - 7:30 PM 9-15 $25 Thurs 12/05 - 12/26 6 PM - 7:30 PM 9-15 $25 SELF-DEFENSESELF-DEFENSE LINE DANCING FOR ADULTS & SENIORSLINE DANCING FOR ADULTS & SENIORSLINE DANCING FOR ADULTS & SENIORS Cost Cost Cost Cost DayDay Age Activity Code DayDay Age Activity Code Age Activity Code Age Activity Code Time Time DateDate Time DateDate Time 66 W Waalnlnuutt MMaartrtiaial l AArtrts s 0066 21 21 && UPUP FRFREEEE 16 16 && UPUP FRFREEEE TueTuess 1122/0/033 - - 1122/2/244 999 AAAMMM - - - 111111:::3330 0 0 AAAMMM 66 WWaalnlnuutt DaDanncece 1111-1-122 ThursThurs 1122/0/055 - - 1122/2/266 99 AAMM - - 1111::330 0 AAMM

Clark County Parks and Recreation Catalog Fall - Page 66 Clark County Parks and Recreation Catalog Fall Page 65 Page 67