YOUTH SWIMMINGYOUTH SWIMMINGYOUTH SWIMMINGYOUTH SWIMMING Stroke Introduction - 45 min.Stroke Introduction - 45 min. Stroke Progression - 45 min.Stroke Progression - 45 min.Stroke Progression - 45 min.Stroke Progression - 45 min. LELELESSONS - 3 WEEKSSSONS - 3 WEEKSSSONS - 3 WEEKS LESSONS - 3 WEEKS Recommended Age: 5 YRS - 9 YRSRecommended Age: 5 YRS - 9 YRS Recommended Age: 6 YRS - 12 YRSRecommended Age: 6 YRS - 12 YRSRecommended Age: 6 YRS - 12 YRSRecommended Age: 6 YRS - 12 YRS Recommended Age: 6 YRS - 12 YRS Participant Ratio: 1 instructor to 6 Participant Ratio: Participant Ratio: Participant Ratio: 1 instructor to 8 Participant Ratio: 1 instructor to 6 Participant Ratio: 1 instructor to 8 Water Independence - 30 min.Water Independence - 30 min.Water Independence - 30 min. students studstudentsents students students Recommended Age: 3 YRS - 8 YRSRecommended Age: 3 YRS - 8 YRSRecommended Age: 3 YRS - 8 YRS Pool Location: Family Pool (3.5 to 5 Pool Location: Pool Location: Pool Location: LapLap P Pool ool (7 (7 to to 9 f9 feeteet) Pool Location: Family Pool (3.5 to 5 Pool Location: Lap Pool (7 to 9 feet) Advanced Stroke Advanced StrokeAdvanced StrokeAdvanced Stroke Participant Ratio: 1 1 instructor to 6instructor to 6 Participant Ratio: 1 instructor to 6 feet) & Lap Pool (7 to 9 feet) Skills Required to Enter:Skills Required to Enter:Skills Required to Enter: 1) Jump into feet) & Lap Pool (7 to 9 feet) Skills Required to Enter: 1) Jump into participants participants Development - 45 min.Development - 45 min.Development - 45 min.Development - 45 min.Development - 45 min. Skills Required to Enter: 1) Jump into laplaplap p p pool andool andool and return to return to return to the wall the wall the wall 2) Swim2) Swim2) Swim Skills Required to Enter: 1) Jump into lap pool and return to the wall 2) Swim Pool Location: Family Family PPool (3.5 ool (3.5 to to 5 5 fefeet)et) Pool Location: Family Pool (3.5 to 5 feet) Recommended Age: 7 YRS - 12 YRSRecommended Age: 7 YRS - 12 YRSRecommended Age: 7 YRS - 12 YRSRecommended Age: 7 YRS - 12 YRSRecommended Age: 7 YRS - 12 YRS water, completely submerge head, apapapppprox. rox. rox. 12 yard12 yard12 yards s s ofofof f f freereereestylestylestyle water, completely submerge head, approx. 12 yards of freestyle Skills Required to Enter:1) 1) SeSepparatearate Skills Required to Enter:1) Separate Participant Ratio: Participant Ratio: Participant Ratio: 1 1 1 instructor to 10instructor to 10instructor to 10 resurface, and exit the pool using ladder indindindepepependendendently ently ently 2) 2) 2) Swim Swim Swim apapapppprox. rox. rox. 12 yard12 yard12 yardsss resurface, and exit the pool using ladder independently 2) Swim approx. 12 yards ffrom rom a a pparent/guardarent/guardian while ian while taking ptaking partart from a parent/guardian while taking part studstudentsents students or stairs 2) Start 10 ft. away from wall or of of bbackstrokeackstroke ind indepepeendndentlyently or stairs 2) Start 10 ft. away from wall or of backstroke independently in groupin group activities 2) activities 2) ListeListen & n & taketake ddireirectionction in group activities 2) Listen & take direction Pool Location: Pool Location: LapLap P Pool ool (7 (7 to to 9 f9 feet)eet) Pool Location: Lap Pool (7 to 9 feet) stairs: front float for 5 seconds, roll over Class Goals: Class Goals: To To rerefine fine bbasic asic swimmingswimming stairs: front float for 5 seconds, roll over Class Goals: To refine basic swimming in a group setting in a group setting Required Skills to Enter: Required Skills to Enter: Required Skills to Enter: Required Skills to Enter: 1) 1) JuJumpmp into into laplap Required Skills to Enter: 1) Jump into lap to a back float for 5 seconds, then swim strokestrokestrokes to achieve s to achieve s to achieve ppproficiency roficiency roficiency (f(f(freestyle reestyle reestyle &&& to a back float for 5 seconds, then swim strokes to achieve proficiency (freestyle & Class Goals: To build basic water Class Goals: To build basic water ppool, fool, fully subully submerge, swim merge, swim 12 yard12 yards ofs of pool, fully submerge, swim 12 yards of bbback to start ack to start ack to start with minimal with minimal with minimal supsupsupppportortort bbackstrokeackstroke), re), review view treadtreading, anding, and to to back to start with minimal support backstroke), review treading, and to competency with minimal support. competency with minimal support. bbbackstrokeackstrokeackstroke, turn , turn , turn aroundaroundaround andandand swim swim swim freefreefreestylestylestyle backstroke, turn around and swim freestyle Class Goals:Class Goals:Class Goals: To refine freestyle, introdintroduce uce elementary elementary bbackstrokeackstroke and and Class Goals: To refine freestyle, introduce elementary backstroke and SkillsSkills Included: Included: SafeSafe water water entry & entry & exit,exit, Skills Included: Safe water entry & exit, with with with efefeffefefective sidctive sidctive side be be brerereathing, then athing, then athing, then exit theexit theexit the with effective side breathing, then exit the introdintrodintroduce uce uce bbbackstrokeackstrokeackstroke, , , swim without swim without swim without anyanyany bbreaststrokereaststroke.. introduce backstroke, swim without any breaststroke. bbbblowing lowing lowing lowing bbbbububububbbbbles, bles, bles, bles, bobobobobs, relaxeds, relaxeds, relaxeds, relaxed blowing bubbles, bobs, relaxed pppool 2) ool 2) ool 2) Swim 12 Swim 12 Swim 12 yardyardyards s s of of of eleeleelementarymentarymentary pool 2) Swim 12 yards of elementary supsupsupppport, ort, ort, andandand b b builduilduild confconfconfidididence ence ence enteringenteringentering Skills Included: Skills Included: Side breathing for support, and build confidence entering Skills Included: Side breathing for subsubsubsubmemememersion, rolling frsion, rolling frsion, rolling frsion, rolling from rom rom rom ffffront ront ront ront to to to to bbbbackackackack submersion, rolling from front to back bbbackstrokeackstrokeackstroke 3) Tread 3) Tread 3) Tread for 15 secondfor 15 secondfor 15 seconds withs withs with backstroke 3) Tread for 15 seconds with the lap pool. ffreestyle reestyle to impto improve rove pprofroficiency iciency && the lap pool. freestyle to improve proficiency & fffffloats, streamlines on loats, streamlines on loats, streamlines on loats, streamlines on loats, streamlines on front front front front front & b& b& b& b& back,ack,ack,ack,ack, f f f f flutterlutterlutterlutterlutter floats, streamlines on front & back, flutter headheadhead ab ab above theove theove the water water water head above the water Skills Included: Skills Included: IndIndIndepepependendendeeent airnt airnt air endendurance, reurance, refinedfined bbackstrokeackstroke,, Skills Included: Independent air endurance, refined backstroke, kicks kicks kicks kicks kicks on fon fon fon fon front ront ront ront ront & b& b& b& b& back,ack,ack,ack,ack, pppppropropropropropeeeeer r r r r kickbkickbkickbkickbkickboardoardoardoardoard kicks on front & back, proper kickboard Class Goals: To To To rererefine fine fine all ball ball basic swimmingasic swimmingasic swimming Class Goals: To refine all basic swimming recovery, rolling to brecovery, rolling to brecovery, rolling to back ack ack as air as air as air recoveryrecoveryrecovery elemeelementary bntary backstrokeackstroke, b, brereaststrokeaststroke,, recovery, rolling to back as air recovery elementary backstroke, breaststroke, use, use, use, use, use, bbbbbasic fasic fasic fasic fasic freestyle, freestyle, freestyle, freestyle, freestyle, finning inning inning inning inning on bon bon bon bon back,ack,ack,ack,ack, use, basic freestyle, finning on back, stokestokestokestokes ands ands ands and tretretretreadadadading to ping to ping to ping to proficiency, roficiency, roficiency, roficiency, andandandand to to to to stokes and treading to proficiency, and to fffor or or fffrerereestyle, estyle, estyle, longer dlonger dlonger distanceistanceistances s s forforfor bbasic asic treadtreading, anding, and b basic wateasic water safr safetyety for freestyle, longer distances for basic treading, and basic water safety jumpjumpjumpjumpjumpjumping into water with subing into water with subing into water with subing into water with subing into water with subing into water with submersion, mersion, mersion, mersion, mersion, mersion, andandandandandand jumping into water with submersion, and introdintrodintroduce uce uce sidsidsidestrokeestrokeestroke, , , bbbutterfly, utterfly, utterfly, sitting andsitting andsitting and introduce sidestroke, butterfly, sitting and fffreestyle, reestyle, reestyle, bbbasic asic asic bbbackstrokeackstrokeackstroke, changing, changing, changing skills. freestyle, basic backstroke, changing skills. bbbbasic asic asic asic water water water water safesafesafesafety skills.ty skills.ty skills.ty skills. basic water safety skills. kneeling dives. kneeling dives. dddirection while irection while irection while swimming, fswimming, fswimming, feet-first eet-first eet-first dddeepeepeep Skills Required to Pass: Skills Required to Pass: 1) Jump into lap direction while swimming, feet-first deep Skills Required to Pass: 1) Jump into lap SkillsSkillsSkillsSkills Required to Pass: Required to Pass: Required to Pass: Required to Pass: 1) Ju1) Jumpmp into into Skills Required to Pass: 1) Jump into Skills Included: RefRefRefinedinedined elementaryelementaryelementary Skills Included: Refined elementary water water water entries, introdentries, introdentries, introduction uction uction to to to treadtreadtreading,ing,ing, ppool, fool, fully subully submerge, swim merge, swim 12 yard12 yards ofs of water entries, introduction to treading, pool, fully submerge, swim 12 yards of water, water, water, water, compcompcompcompletely subletely subletely subletely submerge headmerge headmerge headmerge head,,,, water, completely submerge head, bbbackstrokeackstrokeackstroke & & & bbbreaststrokereaststrokereaststroke, , , introdintrodintroduceuceuce backstroke & breaststroke, introduce and basic water safety skills. bbackstrokeackstroke, turn , turn aroundaround andand swim swim and basic water safety skills. backstroke, turn around and swim resurfresurfresurfresurface, andace, andace, andace, and exit exit exit exit the the the the ppppool ool ool ool using ladusing ladusing ladusing ladddddeeeer r r r orororor resurface, and exit the pool using ladder or sidsidsideeestrokestrokestroke, p, p, proficieroficieroficient treadnt treadnt treading with scullinging with scullinging with sculling sidestroke, proficient treading with sculling Skills Required to Pass: 1) Jump into ffreestyle reestyle with with efeffefective sidctive side be brereathing,athing, Skills Required to Pass: 1) Jump into freestyle with effective side breathing, stairs stairs stairs stairs 2) 2) 2) 2) Start Start Start Start 10 f10 f10 f10 ft. away ft. away ft. away ft. away from rom rom rom wall orwall orwall orwall or stairs 2) Start 10 ft. away from wall or andand eggb eggbeater eater kick,kick, b butterfutterfly, ly, sitting sitting && and eggbeater kick, butterfly, sitting & lap pool and return to the wall 2) Swim then then then then exit the exit the exit the exit the ppppool 2) ool 2) ool 2) ool 2) Swim 12 Swim 12 Swim 12 Swim 12 yardyardyardyards s s s ofofofof lap pool and return to the wall 2) Swim then exit the pool 2) Swim 12 yards of stairs: fstairs: fstairs: front front front float float float for 5 or 5 or 5 secondsecondseconds, roll s, roll s, roll oveoveover tor tor to stairs: front float for 5 seconds, roll over to knkneeling eeling ddives, andives, and bbasic asic water safetywater safety kneeling dives, and basic water safety approx. 12 yards of freestyle elemeelemeelemeelementary bntary bntary bntary backstrokeackstrokeackstrokeackstroke 3) Tre3) Tre3) Tre3) Treadadadad for for for for 15151515 approx. 12 yards of freestyle elementary backstroke 3) Tread for 15 a ba back ack ffloat loat for for 5 second5 seconds, thes, then swim n swim bbackack a back float for 5 seconds, then swim back skills. skills. independently 2) Swim approx. 12 yards secondsecondsecondsecondseconds with hes with hes with hes with hes with headadadadad abababababove ove ove ove ove the watethe watethe watethe watethe waterrrrr independently 2) Swim approx. 12 yards seconds with head above the water to start with minimal support to start with minimal support Exit Skills Required: Exit Skills Required: 1) Tread for 1 Exit Skills Required: 1) Tread for 1 DayDay 1A Dates1A Dates1A Dates1A Dates1A Dates 1B Dates1B Dates TimeTime 1A1A 1B1B of of bbackstrokeackstroke ind indepepeendndentlyently of backstroke independently minute 2) 5 minute 2) 5 strokestrokes s of of bbutterfly utterfly 3) 25 yard3) 25 yardss minute 2) 5 strokes of butterfly 3) 25 yards *7:00pm class ages 8-12 ONLY*7:00pm class ages 8-12 ONLY M/WM/W 01/06 01/06 01/06 01/06 01/06 - - - - - 01/2201/2201/2201/2201/22 01/27 01/27 - - 02/1202/12 5:00 p5:00 pmm $25$25 $30$30 DayDay 1A Dates1A Dates1A Dates 1B Dates1B Dates TimeTime 1A1A 1B1B of of bbreaststrokereaststroke 4) 25 yard4) 25 yards ofs of f freestylereestyle w/ w/ of breaststroke 4) 25 yards of freestyle w/ M/WM/W 01/06 01/06 01/06 01/06 01/06 - - - - - 01/2201/2201/2201/2201/22 01/27 01/27 - - 02/1202/12 6:00 p6:00 pmm $25$25 $30$30 DayDay 1A Dates1A Dates 1B Dates1B Dates TimeTime 1A1A 1B1B M/WM/W 01/06 01/06 01/06 - - - 01/2201/2201/22 01/27 01/27 - - 02/1202/12 4:00 p4:00 pmm $25$25 $30$30 efefffective sidective side be brereathing 5) athing 5) 25 25 yardyards s ofof effective side breathing 5) 25 yards of T/ThT/Th 01/07 01/07 01/07 - - - 01/2301/2301/23 01/28 01/28 01/28 01/28 - - - - 02/1302/1302/1302/13 4:00 p4:00 pmm $30$30 $30$30 M/M/WW 01/06 01/06 - - 01/2201/22 01/27 01/27 - - 02/1202/12 4:00 p4:00 pmm $25$25 $30$30 M/WM/W 01/06 01/06 01/06 - - - 01/2201/2201/22 01/27 01/27 - - 02/1202/12 5:00 p5:00 pmm $25$25 $30$30 bbackstrokeackstroke 6) 25 6) 25 yardyards s ofof elementaryelementary backstroke 6) 25 yards of elementary T/ThT/Th 01/07 01/07 01/07 - - - 01/2301/2301/23 01/28 01/28 01/28 01/28 - - - - 02/1302/1302/1302/13 5:00 p5:00 pmm $30$30 $30$30 M/M/WW 01/06 01/06 - - 01/2201/22 01/27 01/27 - - 02/1202/12 5:00 p5:00 pmm $25$25 $30$30 M/WM/W 01/06 01/06 01/06 - - - 01/2201/2201/22 01/27 01/27 - - 02/1202/12 6:00 p6:00 pmm $25$25 $30$30 backstroke backstroke T/ThT/Th 01/07 01/07 01/07 - - - 01/2301/2301/23 01/28 01/28 01/28 01/28 - - - - 02/1302/1302/1302/13 6:00 p6:00 pmm $30$30 $30$30 M/M/WW 01/06 01/06 - - 01/2201/22 01/27 01/27 - - 02/1202/12 6:00 p6:00 pmm $25$25 $30$30 T/ThT/Th 01/07 01/07 - - 01/2301/23 01/28 01/28 01/28 - - - 02/1302/1302/13 4:00 p4:00 pmm $30$30 $30$30 *M/W 6:00pm class ages 10-17 ONLY *M/W 6:00pm class ages 10-17 ONLY*M/W 6:00pm class ages 10-17 ONLY SatSat 01/11 01/11 01/11 - - - 02/1502/1502/15 -- 12:15 p12:15 p12:15 p12:15 pmmmm $30$30 -- *M/W*M/W 01/06 - 001/06 - 01/221/22 01/27 - 02/1201/27 - 02/12 7:00 pm7:00 pm $25$25 $30$30 T/ThT/Th 01/07 01/07 - - 01/2301/23 01/28 01/28 01/28 - - - 02/1302/1302/13 5:00 p5:00 pmm $30$30 $30$30 DayDay 1A Dates1A Dates 1B Dates1B Dates1B Dates TimeTime 1A1A 1B1B T/ThT/Th 01/07 01/07 - - 01/2301/23 01/28 01/28 - - 02/1302/13 4:00 p4:00 pmm $30$30 $30$30 T/ThT/ThT/Th 01/07 01/07 01/07 - - - 01/2301/2301/23 01/28 01/28 01/28 01/28 01/28 - - - - - 02/1302/1302/1302/1302/13 6:00 p6:00 p6:00 pmmm $30$30$30 $30$30$30 M/WM/W 01/06 01/06 - - 01/2201/22 01/27 01/27 - - 02/1202/12 5:00 pm $25 $30 T/ThT/Th 01/07 01/07 - - 01/2301/23 01/28 01/28 - - 02/1302/13 5:00 p5:00 pmm $30$30 $30$30 SatSat 01/11 01/11 - - 02/1502/15 -- 10:15 am10:15 am10:15 am $30$30 -- M/WM/W 01/06 - 01/2201/06 - 01/22 01/27 - 02/1201/27 - 02/12 6:00 pm $25 $30 T/ThT/Th 01/07 01/07 - - 01/2301/23 01/28 01/28 - - 02/1302/13 6:00 p6:00 pmm $30$30 $30$30 SatSat 01/11 01/11 - - 02/1502/15 -- 11:15 am11:15 am11:15 am $30$30 -- T/ThT/Th 01/07 01/07 - - 01/2301/23 01/28 01/28 - - 02/1302/13 4:00 pm $30 $30 *T/Th*T/Th 01/07 - 001/07 - 01/231/23 01/28 - 02/1301/28 - 02/13 7:00 pm7:00 pm $30$30 $30$30 T/ThT/ThT/Th 01/07 01/07 - - 01/2301/23 01/28 01/28 - - 02/1302/13 5:00 pm $30 $30 SaSatt 01/11 01/11 - - 02/1502/15 -- 10:15 am10:15 am $30$30 -- T/ThT/ThT/Th 01/07 01/07 - - 01/2301/23 01/28 01/28 - - 02/1302/13 6:00 pm $30 $30 SaSatt 01/11 01/11 - - 02/1502/15 -- 11:15 am11:15 am $30$30 -- SatSat 01/11 01/11 01/11 - - - 02/1502/1502/15 - 12:15 pm $30 -

Clark County Parks and Recreation Catalog Fall Page 12 Page 14