INDOOR RENTAL AREASINDOOR RENTAL AREASINDOOR RENTAL AREASINDOOR RENTAL AREASINDOOR RENTAL AREAS SPECIAL EVENTSSPECIAL EVENTS ACTIVE ADULTSACTIVE ADULTS MULTI-PURPOSE AREAMULTI-PURPOSE AREAMULTI-PURPOSE AREAMULTI-PURPOSE AREAMULTI-PURPOSE AREA CONT’D CONT’D Holiday Sign Workshop Holiday Sign Workshop PPPPeeeerfrfrfrfeeeect ct ct ct ffffor por por por partieartieartiearties ( ( ( (i.e. . . . bbbbababababy y y y showeshoweshoweshowers,rs,rs,rs, Perfect for parties (i.e. baby showers, ADULT PICKLEBALLADULT PICKLEBALL Tuesday, December 10, 2024Tuesday, December 10, 2024 Tuesday, December 10, 2024 anniveanniveanniveanniversariersariersariersaries, s, s, s, bbbbirthdirthdirthdirthdays, ays, ays, ays, gradgradgradgraduation,uation,uation,uation, anniversaries, birthdays, graduation, 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm Pickleball is a paddle sport that Pickleball is a paddle sport that memememeeeeetings, tings, tings, tings, eeeetc.) tc.) tc.) tc.) FoodFoodFoodFood alloweallowealloweallowedddd, , , , bbbbut ut ut ut nononono meetings, etc.) Food allowed, but no $10.00 per person $10.00 per person alcoholic balcoholic balcoholic balcoholic beeeeveveveveragerageragerages or smokings or smokings or smokings or smoking alcoholic beverages or smoking combines elements of badminton, combines elements of badminton, Ages: 11 and up Ages: 11 and up ppeermittermittedd.. permitted. tennis, and table tennis. Two or four tennis, and table tennis. Two or four All supplies provided All supplies provided players use paddles made of wood or players use paddles made of wood or composite materials to hit a composite materials to hit a Gingerbread House WorkshopGingerbread House Workshop perforated polymer ball. Suitable for perforated polymer ball. Suitable for Wednesday, December 19, 2024Wednesday, December 19, 2024 all ages and skills level. Paddle all ages and skills level. Paddle 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm rentals available upon request. rentals available upon request. $5.00 per person $5.00 per person Ages: 4 and up Ages: 4 and up Day Age Time Cost DayDay AgeAge TimeTime Cost All supplies provided All supplies provided MMMM - - - - F F F F 18+18+ 7:7:7:30a30a30ammm-2:-2:-2:00p00p00pmmm FreFreee CLASSROOM(S) A or BCLASSROOM(S) A or B CLASSROOM(S) A or B FACILITY RENTALS FACILITY RENTALS PPeerfrfeect ct ffor small or small memeeetings, tings, HOA’S, eHOA’S, Perfect for small meetings, HOA’S, etc. SPORTSSPORTSSPORTS MeMelvin Ennis Relvin Ennis Recrecreation ation CeCententer r isis FoodFood alloweallowedd, , bbut no ut no alcoholicalcoholic Food allowed, but no alcoholic TINY TOT SPORTSTINY TOT SPORTSTINY TOT SPORTSTINY TOT SPORTSTINY TOT SPORTSTINY TOT SPORTS ppeerfrfeect ct ffor or small small ppartiearties, s, memeeetings,tings, bbeeveveragerages s or or smoking smoking ppeermittermittedd.. beverages or smoking permitted. Tiny Tot Sports is a class that introducesTiny Tot Sports is a class that introducesTiny Tot Sports is a class that introducesTiny Tot Sports is a class that introducesTiny Tot Sports is a class that introducesTiny Tot Sports is a class that introducesTiny Tot Sports is a class that introducesTiny Tot Sports is a class that introduces and outdoor sports fields. We offer and outdoor sports fields. We offer children to sports and group games, and children to sports and group games, andchildren to sports and group games, andchildren to sports and group games, andchildren to sports and group games, and WARMING KITCHENWARMING KITCHEN WARMING KITCHEN rental spaces in our facility and rental spaces in our facility and helps them develop motor skills and social hehehehelps them develop motor skills and sociallps them develop motor skills and sociallps them develop motor skills and sociallps them develop motor skills and social ShouldShould bbee re rententedd in conjunction in conjunction withwith Should be rented in conjunction with outdoor park fields for your special outdoor park fields for your special and emotional skills. The class is designed for anananand emotional skills. The class is designed ford emotional skills. The class is designed ford emotional skills. The class is designed ford emotional skills. The class is designed for a room. No grills or stove top use. a room. No grills or stove top use. occasion or sports events. Contact us occasion or sports events. Contact us children ages 3–5.5 years old and may children ages 3–5.5 years old and maychildren ages 3–5.5 years old and maychildren ages 3–5.5 years old and maychildren ages 3–5.5 years old and may EqEquipuipppeedd with with rereffrigerigerator, rator, oveoven, andn, and Equipped with refrigerator, oven, and at (702) 455-1291 for availability, at (702) 455-1291 for availability, include activities such as: basketball, floor include activities such as: basketball, floorinclude activities such as: basketball, floorinclude activities such as: basketball, floorinclude activities such as: basketball, floor hockey, soccer, kickball, and t-ball. Parents hockey, soccer, kickball, and t-ball. Parentshockey, soccer, kickball, and t-ball. Parentshockey, soccer, kickball, and t-ball. Parentshockey, soccer, kickball, and t-ball. Parents sink. sink. rental fees, rules, and request forms. rental fees, rules, and request forms. must remain present during class. must remain present during class.must remain present during class. Rates vary by room request, date and Rates vary by room request, date and Day Day DateDate TimeTime AgeAge CostCost Activity CodeActivity Code OUTDOOR FIELDS (1-4)OUTDOOR FIELDS (1-4) OUTDOOR FIELDS (1-4) hours of rental. Rentals are first come, hours of rental. Rentals are first come, WED 1/8-2/12 5pm-5:45pm 3-5 $15 1 Melvin Ennis Tsport WED 1/8-2/12 5pm-5:45pm 3-5 $15 1 Melvin Ennis Tsport SOFTBALL FIELD (5)SOFTBALL FIELD (5) SOFTBALL FIELD (5) ffirst irst seserverve b basis.asis. first serve basis. PPeerfrfeect ct ffor teor team am ppracticeractices, s, gamegames, es, Perfect for team practices, games, etc. REFUND POLICYREFUND POLICY CLEANING DEPOSITCLEANING DEPOSIT CLEANING DEPOSIT WeWe havehave 5 5 ffieieldlds with lights s with lights outdoutdoors.oors. We have 5 fields with lights outdoors. IIff aa claclass ss oor r pproroggraram m is is cacanncecellelledd bby y tthhee A A clecleaning daning deepposit ofosit of $100 is $100 is ddueue d dayay A cleaning deposit of $100 is due day RRateates s bbeegin gin at at $12/p$12/peer r hour. hour. $10 light$10 light Rates begin at $12/per hour. $10 light department, a full refund will be given. Class department, a full refund will be given. Class ofof e evevent pnt prior to erior to ententering ring of event prior to entering room. registration may be cancelled by an individual registration may be cancelled by an individual ppeermit, rmit, 2 hour 2 hour minimum.minimum. permit, 2 hour minimum. DeDepposit osit is is only only acceaccepptetedd in in fform oform of Deposit is only accepted in form of and issued a 100% refund if cancellation is and issued a 100% refund if cancellation is checheck ck or or monemoney ordy ordeer. r. TheThe amountamount check or money order. The amount ONLINE REGISTRATIONONLINE REGISTRATION made prior to the first class. No refunds will be made prior to the first class. No refunds will be will bwill bee rereffundundeedd if if the the p preremisemises ares are will be refunded if the premises are issued after the first day of class. Credits issued issued after the first day of class. Credits issued OnlineOnlineOnline RRReeegistration gistration gistration cancancan lelelelefffft t t t cleclecleclean an an an andandandand undundundundamageamageamageamagedddd and and and and the the the the left clean and undamaged and the to household account expire after 90 days. At to household account expire after 90 days. At bbee f foundound at: at: Melvin Ennis Recreation Center staff makes Melvin Ennis Recreation Center staff makes rerententer mer met all t all cecententer guidr guideelinelines.s. renter met all center guidelines. www.ClarkCountyNV.Gov/ www.ClarkCountyNV.Gov/ every effort to make sure programs and every effort to make sure programs and NoNoNote:te:te: We DO We DO We DO NO NO NOT alloT alloT allow cow cow confetti, glitter,nfetti, glitter,nfetti, glitter, information meet deadlines. We apologize in information meet deadlines. We apologize in ParksRegistration ParksRegistration smoke/fog machines, propane, or use of smosmoke/foke/fog machines, prog machines, propane, opane, or use or use off advance should you find an error and will advance should you find an error and will alcohol in our facility. alcohol in our facility. correct it promptly. correct it promptly.

Clark County Parks and Recreation Catalog Fall Page 42 Page 44