Parents/guardians must remain PPParearearents/guardnts/guardnts/guardians ians ians must must must rereremainmainmain CLASSES CLASSES MELVIN ENNIS RECREATION CENTERMELVIN ENNIS RECREATION CENTERMELVIN ENNIS RECREATION CENTER present in the center during class. ppprereresesesent in nt in nt in thethethe cececentententer dr dr during uring uring class.class.class. CHEERLEADINGCHEERLEADINGCHEERLEADINGCHEERLEADING CHEERLEADING 3720 3720 3720 E. CareE. CareE. Carey y y AveAveAve., Las Ve., Las Ve., Las Vegas, gas, gas, NNNV 89115V 89115V 89115 DayDay DateDateDate Time Time AgeAge CostCost Activity CodeActivity Code PPParticiparticiparticipants will ants will ants will lelelearn barn barn beeeginningginningginning Participants will learn beginning TU /TH 1/7-2/13 9am-10am 4-5 $20 1 Melvin Ennis Kinder TU /TH 11/7/7-2-2/1/133 9am-10am 44-5-5 $20 1 Melvin Ennis Kinder (702) 455-1291 (702) 455-1291(702) 455-1291 chechecheeeerlerlerleadadading. ing. ing. This This This class class class fffocuseocuseocuses s s ononon cheerleading. This class focuses on CenteCenteCenter Hours: Mondr Hours: Mondr Hours: Monday-Friday-Friday-Friday | 7 ay | 7 ay | 7 AM - 6 AM - 6 AM - 6 PPPMMM LITTLE EXPLORERSLITTLE EXPLORERSLITTLE EXPLORERS lelelearning thearning thearning the fffundundundameameamentals fntals fntals for cheor cheor cheeeer.r.r. learning the fundamentals for cheer. This class will This class will This class will havehavehave eeexciting topxciting topxciting topics andics andics and This class will have exciting topics and SomeSomeSome stunting andstunting andstunting and d d danceanceance Some stunting and dance HOLIDAY CLOSURESHOLIDAY CLOSURES AFTER SCHOOLAFTER SCHOOL inteinteinteractiveractiveractive p p play whilelay whilelay while introdintrodintroducingucingucing interactive play while introducing incorpincorpincorporations will orations will orations will bbbeee dddeeemonstratemonstratemonstrateddd incorporations will be demonstrated PROGRAM PROGRAM childchildchildrereren to n to n to bbbasic easic easic elelelememements ofnts ofnts of scie scie sciencencence children to basic elements of science in this this class. in this class. 1212/25/24/25/24 CHRCHRISTMASISTMAS andand eexpxploratory loratory pplay lay to bto builduild socialsocial and exploratory play to build social TheThe af afteter school pr school program is rogram is a a safsafee,, Instructor: AriInstructor: Ari Instructor: Ari 1/1/25 NEW YEARS DAY 1/1/25 NEW YEARS DAY skills. skills. PParearent must nt must reremain main ppreresesent nt inin skills. Parent must remain present in supsupeerviservisedd re recrecreation ation pprogram rogram thatthat 1/20/25 MARTIN LUTHER KING 1/20/25 MARTIN LUTHER KING thethe cecententer dr during uring class.class. the center during class. pprovidrovidees, s, activitieactivities, s, arts & arts & crafcrafts,ts, 2/17/25 PRESIDENT’S DAY 2/17/25 PRESIDENT’S DAY Day Day DateDateDate TimeTime Age Age CostCost Activity CodeActivity Code outdoutdoor poor play, snack,lay, snack, and and worksworkshophopss Day DayDay DateDate TimeTime AgeAge CostCost Activity CodeActivity Code TU/TH 1/7-2/13 5pm-6pm 6+ $18 1 Melvin Ennis Cheer TU/TH 11/7/7-2-2/1/133 5pm-6pm 666+++ $$$111888 1 Melvin Ennis Cheer TU/TH 1/7-2/13 11am-11:45pm 3-5 $20 TU/TH 11/7/7-2-2/1/133 11am-11:45pm 3-5 $20 11MMeelvinlvinEEnnnnisEisExxpplolorr ffor childor childreren n ageages 6 s 6 to 17 to 17 yeyears oldars old.. EARLY ENRICHMENTEARLY ENRICHMENT EARLY ENRICHMENT CLASS INFORMATIONCLASS INFORMATIONCLASS INFORMATIONCLASS INFORMATIONCLASS INFORMATIONCLASS INFORMATION PProgram rogram is is MondMonday - Friday - Friday, 2:00 pay, 2:00 pmm ARTFUL MINDSARTFUL MINDSARTFUL MINDS to 5:30 pto 5:30 pm; FRm; FREEEE Participants will learn step-by-step PParticiparticipants will ants will lelearn stearn stepp-b-by-stey-stepp ClarkClarkClarkClarkClarkClark County of County of County of County of County of County offfffffeeeeeers rs rs rs rs rs onlineonlineonlineonlineonlineonline andandandandandand walk- walk- walk- walk- walk- walk- instruction how to draw, color, paint, instruction instruction how how to to ddraw, color, raw, color, ppaint,aint, in rein rein rein rein rein registration. gistration. gistration. gistration. gistration. gistration. OnlineOnlineOnlineOnlineOnlineOnline rerererereregistrationgistrationgistrationgistrationgistrationgistration in registration. Online registration SPECIALTY WINTER CAMPSPECIALTY WINTER CAMPSPECIALTY WINTER CAMP All school-ageAll school-agedd child childreren must n must havehave a a allows allows allows allows pppparticiparticiparticiparticipants ants ants ants to to to to sesesesecurecurecurecure a a a a spspspspot inot inot inot in allows participants to secure a spot in and sculpting their own masterpieces. andand sculpsculpting ting thetheir own masteir own masterprpieiececes.s. SupSupSupervisedervisedervised p p program frogram frogram for or or childchildchildrereren n n ages ages ages 6-6-6- compcompleletetedd re registration gistration waviewavier on fr on fileile a a a a pppprograrograrograrogram m m m with with with with immeimmeimmeimmeddddiateiateiateiate a program with immediate Each class will have a different theme Each Each class will class will havehave a d a dififffeererent thent thememe 12 12 12 years years years oldoldold ddduring uring uring winter winter winter bbbreakreakreak signesignedd b by py parearent nt or guardor guardian ian to atteto attendnd.. avaavaavaavailabilabilabilability. For onlineility. For onlineility. For onlineility. For online rerereregistration,gistration,gistration,gistration, availability. For online registration, inspired by a famous artist or style. inspinspireiredd b by y a a ffamous amous artist artist or or stylestyle.. consisting of sports, arts n crafts, consisting of consisting of spsports, arts orts, arts n crafn crafts,ts, ppleleasease visit: visit: please visit: All pAll participarticipants ants must must adadheherere to ce to cententerr Day DayDay DateDateDate TimeTime AgeAgeAge CostCost Activity CodeActivity Code workshops, and more. $10 per day/ per worksworkshophops, s, andand more. more. $10 p$10 peer r dday/ pay/ perer Class. Class. Class. Class Class TU/THTU/TH 111/7/7/7-2-2-2/1/1/13 33 1010aa-1-100::4455aamm 44-5-5 $$1155 11 MMeelvinlvin EEnnnnis is AArtrt rulerules s andand guidguideelinelines.s. child. Pre-registration, space is limited. child. Pre-registration, space is limited. sesesessions ssions ssions areareare 6 6 6 weweweeeeks ks ks in lein lein length.ngth.ngth. sessions are 6 weeks in length. TOT TIMETOT TIMETOT TIME RReegistration gistration bbeegins gins JuJuly ly 29th. 29th. PProgramrogram This class will introduce children to This class will This class will introdintroduceuce childchildreren n toto Session 7 Class Dates:Session 7 Class Dates: bbbeeegins August 19,2024 - May gins August 19,2024 - May gins August 19,2024 - May 23, 2025.23, 2025.23, 2025. cognitive development through colors, cognitivecognitive ddeeveveloplopmement nt through through colors,colors, October 21 - December 7 October 21 - December 7 Online Registration: Sept. 26 @ 7am shapes, counting, social interaction, Online Registration: Sept. 26 @ 7am shapshapees, counting, social intes, counting, social interaction,raction, Walk-in Registration: Sept. 30 Walk-in Registration: Sept. 30 and more. Parents/guardians must andand moremore. P. Parearents/guardnts/guardians ians mustmust (Break Week: November 25 - 30 & (Break Week: November 25 - 30 & remain present in the center during reremain main ppreresesent in nt in thethe ce cententer r dduringuring December 9 - 21) December 9 - 21) class. class. DayDay DateDate Time Age Time Age CostCost Activity CodeActivity Code M/W 1/6-2/12 10am-10:45am 3-4 $20 1 Melvin Ennis Tot MMM/W/W/W 11/6/6-2-2/1/122 10am-10:45am 333-4-4-4 $20 1 Melvin Ennis Tot Session 1 Class Dates:Session 1 Class Dates: KINDER PREP KINDER PREP January 6 - February 15, 2025 January 6 - February 15, 2025 Children will learn the basic concepts Children will learn the basic concepts Online Registration: Nov. 14 @ 7am Online Registration: Nov. 14 @ 7am of math and reading by recognizing of math and reading by recognizing Walk-in Registration: Nov. 18 Walk-in Registration: Nov. 18 Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code letters, numbers, shapes, and colors. letters, numbers, shapes, and colors. (Break Week: February 15 - 16) (Break Week: February 15 - 16) M-F 12/23-1/3 8am-1pm 6-12 $10/day Melvin WinterCamp

Clark County Parks and Recreation Catalog Fall Page 41 Page 43