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YOUTHSWIMMING StrokeIntroduction-45min. StrokeProgression-45min. LESSONS-3WEEKS RecommendedAge:5YRS-9YRS RecommendedAge:6YRS-12YRS WaterIndependenced d - 3300 min.i ParticipantRatio:1instructorto6 ParticipantRatio:1instructorto8 RecommendedAge:3YRS-8YRS students students ParticipantRatio:1instructorto6 PoolLocation:FamilyPool(3.5to5 PoolLocation:LapPool(7to9feet) AdvancedStroke participants feet) & Lap Pool (7 to 9 feet) Skills RequiredtoEnter:1)Jumpinto Development-45min. PoolLocation: FamilyPool(3.5to5feet) Skills RequiredtoEnter:1)Jumpinto lap pool and return to the wall 2) Swim RecommendedAge:7YRS-12YRS Skills RequiredtoEnter:1)Separate water, completely submergehead, approx.12yardsoffreestyle ParticipantRatio:1instructorto10 fromaparent/guardianwhiletakingpart resurface, and exit the pool using ladder independently2)Swimapprox.12yards students in group activities 2) Listen & take direction or stairs 2) Start 10 ft. away from wall or of backstroke independently PoolLocation:LapPool(7to9feet) in a group setting stairs: front float for 5 seconds, roll over ClassGoals:Torefinebasicswimming RequiredSkillstoEnter:1)Jumpintolap (fr eestyle & ClassGoals:Tobuildbasicwater to a back float for 5 seconds, then swim strokes to achieve proficiency pool, fully submerge, swim 12 yards of backstroke), review treading, and to competencywithminimalsupport. backtostartwithminimalsupport backstroke, turn around and swim freestyle oals: To refine freestyle, sG introduce elementary backstroke and Skills Included: Safe water entry & exit, Clas witheffective side breathing, then exit the introduce backstroke, swim without any breaststroke. blowingbubbles,bobs,relaxed pool2)Swim12yardsofelementary support, andbuildconfidenceentering Skills Included:Sidebreathingfor submersion,rollingfromfronttoback backstroke3)Treadfor15secondswith loats, s treamlines on front & back, flutter thelappool. freestyle to improve proficiency & f headabovethewater kicks on front & back, proper kickboard Skills Included:Independentair endurance,refinedbackstroke, ClassGoals:Torefineallbasicswimming use, basic freestyle, finning on back, recovery, rolling to back as air recovery elementarybackstroke,breaststroke, to proficiency, and to stokes and treading jumpingintowaterwithsubmersion,and for freestyle, longer distances for basic treading, and basic water safety introduce sidestroke, butterfly, sitting and basic water safety skills. freestyle, basic backstroke, changing skills. kneeling dives. Skills RequiredtoPass:1)Jumpinto direction while swimming, feet-first deep Skills RequiredtoPass:1)Jumpintolap Skills Included:Refinedelementary water, completely submergehead, waterentries, introduction to treading, pool, fully submerge, swim 12 yards of backstroke&breaststroke,introduce resurface, and exit the pool using ladder or andbasicwatersafetyskills. backstroke, turn around and swim sidestroke, proficient treading with sculling stairs 2) Start 10 ft. away from wall or Skills RequiredtoPass:1)Jumpinto freestyle with effective side breathing, andeggbeaterkick,butterfly, sitting & im12yardsof stairs: front float for 5 seconds, roll over to lap pool and return to the wall 2) Swim thenexitthepool2)Sw kneeling dives, and basic water safety . 1 2yardsoffreestyle elementarybackstroke3)Treadfor15 abackfloatfor5seconds,thenswimback approx skills. independently2)Swimapprox.12yards secondswithheadabovethewater to start with minimal support Exit Skills Required:1) Tread for 1 *7:00pm class ages 8-12 ONLY Day 7A Dates 7B Dates Time 7A 7B of backstroke independently Day 7A Dates 7B Dates Time 7A 7B minute2)5strokesofbutterfly3)25yards M/W 10/07 - 10/23 10/28 - 11/13 5:00 pm $30 $25 Day 7A Dates 7B Dates Time 7A 7B M/W 10/07 - 10/23 10/28 - 11/13 8:00 am $30 $30 of breaststroke 4) 25 yards of freestyle w/ M/W 10/07 - 10/23 10/28 - 11/13 6:00 pm $30 $25 M/W 10/07 - 10/23 10/28 - 11/13 4:00 pm $30 $25 M/W 10/07 - 10/23 10/28 - 11/13 4:00 pm $30 $25 effective side breathing 5) 25 yards of T/Th 10/08 - 10/24 10/29 - 11/14 4:00 pm $30 $25 M/W 10/07 - 10/23 10/28 - 11/13 5:00 pm $30 $25 M/W 10/07 - 10/23 10/28 - 11/13 5:00 pm $30 $25 ) 2 5yardsofelementary backstroke6 T/Th 10/08 - 10/24 10/29 - 11/14 5:00 pm $30 $25 M/W 10/07 - 10/23 10/28 - 11/13 6:00 pm $30 $25 M/W 10/07 - 10/23 10/28 - 11/13 6:00 pm $30 $25 backstroke T/Th 10/08 - 10/24 10/29 - 11/14 6:00 pm $30 $25 T/Th 10/08 - 10/24 10/29 - 11/14 4:00 pm $30 $25 *M/W 6:00pm class ages 10-17 ONLY *M/W 10/07 - 10/23 10/28 - 11/13 7:00 pm $30 $25 Sat 10/12 - 11/16 - 12:15 pm$30 - T/Th 10/08 - 10/24 10/29 - 11/14 5:00 pm $30 $25 Day 7A Dates 7B Dates Time 7A 7B T/Th 10/08 - 10/24 10/29 - 11/14 9:15 am $30 $30 T/Th 10/08 - 10/24 10/29 - 11/14 6:00 pm $30 $25 M/W 10/07 - 10/23 10/28 - 11/13 5:00 pm $30 $25 T/Th 10/08 - 10/24 10/29 - 11/14 4:00 pm $30 $25 Sat 10/12 - 11/16 - 10:15 am $30 - M/W 10/07 - 10/23 10/28 - 11/13 6:00 pm $30 $25 T/Th 10/08 - 10/24 10/29 - 11/14 5:00 pm $30 $25 Sat 10/12 - 11/16 - 11:15 am $30 - T/Th 10/08 - 10/24 10/29 - 11/14 4:00 pm $30 $25 T/Th 10/08 - 10/24 10/29 - 11/14 6:00 pm $30 $25 T/Th 10/08 - 10/24 10/29 - 11/14 5:00 pm $30 $25 *T/Th 10/08 - 10/24 10/29 - 11/14 7:00 pm $30 $25 T/Th 10/08 - 10/24 10/29 - 11/14 6:00 pm $30 $25 Sat 10/12 - 11/16 - 10:15 am $30 - Sat 10/12 - 11/16 - 12:15 pm $30 - Sat 10/12 - 11/16 - 11:15 am $30 -

Clark County Parks and Recreation Catalog Fall - Page 14 Clark County Parks and Recreation Catalog Fall Page 13 Page 15