Social ActivitiesSocial ActivitiesSocial Activities Creative Arts ContinuedCreative Arts ContinuedCreative Arts ContinuedCreative Arts Continued Karaoke Madness Karaoke MadnessKaraoke MadnessKaraoke Madness Do you like to Sing and or just come to Do Do Do you you you likelikelike to Sing to Sing to Sing andandand or or or just just just comecomecome to to to BingoBingo Adult Coloring & Diamond ArtAdult Coloring & Diamond ArtAdult Coloring & Diamond Art listen. This is an open group. listelistelisten. This n. This n. This is an is an is an opopopeeen groupn groupn group... ComeComeCome and and and e e enjoy njoy njoy timetimetime with with with otheotheothers whors whors who Come and enjoy a few games of Bingo ComeCome and and e enjoy njoy a fa feew w gamegames s ofof BingoBingo Wednesdays 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm WeWeddnenesdsdaysays 12:00 p12:00 pm - 2:00 pm - 2:00 pmm eeenjoy njoy njoy coloring. coloring. coloring. Bring your Bring your Bring your own own own bbbooks ooks ooks andandand enjoy coloring. Bring your own books and with friends. Keep fit, active, and with friends. Keep fit, active, and 12/4, & 1/8 12/4, & 1/8 supsuppplielies or uses or use what the what the cecententer has tor has to supplies or use what the center has to socializesocialize!! Free Free ofofofofffffeeeer. Diamondr. Diamondr. Diamondr. Diamond art art art art ppppleleleleaseaseasease bbbbring your ring your ring your ring your ownownownown offer. Diamond art please bring your own Thursdays 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm Thursdays 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm kits. The center has some kits available kits. The center has some kits available registration is required. reregistration is registration is reqquireuiredd.. 1/9, & 1/9, & 2/62/6 for small fee. for small fee. 9:00 am - 10:30 pm Tuesdays 9:00 am - 10:30 pm Free Free Let’s Do Lunch Let’s Do LunchLet’s Do LunchLet’s Do Lunch Free registration is required. registration is required. Make new friends, while we travel around MakeMake nenew fw frieriendnds, whiles, while wewe trave travel aroundl around reregistration gistration is is rereqquireuiredd.. town to experience different culinary town town to to eexpxpeerieriencence d dififffeererent nt culinaryculinary delights. This is a social group that tries ddeelights. lights. This This is is a a social groupsocial group that that trietriess BuncoBuncoBunco international cuisines. inteinternational cuisinernational cuisines.s. Crochet & Knit Social TimeCrochet & Knit Social Time FridFridFriday 12/13, ay 12/13, ay 12/13, TbTbTbddd 12:00 p12:00 pm - 2:00 pm - 2:00 pmm ComeComeCome and and and e e enjoy njoy njoy ppplaying laying laying Bunco Bunco Bunco fffor or or ppprizerizerizes.s.s. Come and enjoy time with others who Come and enjoy time with others who MeMeeet t nenew pw peeopoplele and and have have ffun.un. Meet new people and have fun. Free Free eenjoy njoy this this crecreativeative art. art. Bring your Bring your ownown TBD TBD TBD - - - seseseeee ffflyelyelyerrr 12:00 p12:00 pm - 2:00 pm - 2:00 pmm registration is required. minimum enrolled reregistration is registration is reqquireuiredd. minimum . minimum eenrollenrolledd pprojerojects. cts. YaYarn is rn is availabavailablele. . VolunteVolunteeerr needed to not cancel dates. needed to not cancel dates. Free Free instructor is on hand to assist. instructor is on hand to assist. registration is required. reregistration is registration is reqquireuiredd.. Thursdays 11:00 am - 1:00 pm Thursdays 11:00 am - 1:00 pm CC Adventure CrewCC Adventure Crew Free TThihiss g grrooup doup doeses mo morre adve advententururoousus aactivitiectivitiess registration is required. registration is required. Movie Matinees Movie Matinees tthen ohen ourur s sttandarandard td trriipsps and meet and meet me’ me’ss.. Cost of all activities is paid for to the location Cost of all activities is paid for to the location Come enjoy a monthly movie on our large ComeCome e enjoy a monthly njoy a monthly moviemovie on our on our largelarge and at the participants expense. If interested in and at the participants expense. If interested in screen TV. Movie titles listed on flyer screscreeen TV. n TV. MovieMovie title titles listes listedd on on fflyelyerr joining this fun group, please contact the joining this fun group, please contact the pposteostedd e each month.ach month. Community ColoringCommunity Coloring center. Trips are open to members in the crew. center. Trips are open to members in the crew. Fridays 2:30 pm - 4:30 pm Fridays 2:30 pm - 4:30 pm You must attend a meeting to be eligible to You must attend a meeting to be eligible to The center offers community coloring The center offers community coloring 12/20, 12/20, 1/24, 2/281/24, 2/28 register, and trip registration is on a first come register, and trip registration is on a first come ppageages fs for all or all to to pparticiparticipateate in in compcompleleting.ting. pages for all to participate in completing. first serve basis. Choose what fits your ability first serve basis. Choose what fits your ability Free Free TheThey y areare locatelocatedd in the in the north north hallway andhallway and They are located in the north hallway and level. Check board for current flyer. llevevelel.. C Checheck bok boarard fod forr c cururrrentent fl flyyerer.. change by the season. change by the season. registration is required. registration is required. TripTripTrip TBD TBDTBD Next Meeting Date: 1/10 NNNNext Meeting Dateext Meeting Dateext Meeting Dateext Meeting Date: 1/10: 1/10: 1/10: 1/10 Registration is required for all trips/meeting Registration is reqRegistration is requireduired for for all trips/meetingall trips/meeting

Clark County Parks and Recreation Catalog Fall Page 24 Page 26