Creative ArtsCreative Arts Fun with Art w/DanFun with Art w/DanFun with Art w/DanFun with Art w/Dan Social Sewing Club Social Sewing Club ComeComeComeCome le le le learn darn darn darn dififififffffeeeererererent fnt fnt fnt fun un un un art art art art tetetetechniqchniqchniqchniqueueueuessss Wood Craft Club Wood Craft Club with with with with our instructor our instructor our instructor our instructor who is who is who is who is a rea rea rea retiretiretiretiredddd CCSD CCSD CCSD CCSD ComeComeCome and and and e e enjoy njoy njoy timetimetime with with with otheotheothers whors whors who Come and enjoy time with others who Come and enjoy time with others who Art Art Art teteteacheacheacher. r. r. Each month is Each month is Each month is a da da difififfffeeerererentntnt Art teacher. Each month is a different enjoy like to sew and quilt. This class enjoy like to sew and quilt. This class like doing wood art. Bring your own like doing wood art. Bring your own theme. theme. works on their own projects. donated works on their own projects. donated supplies or use what the center has to supplies or use what the center has to fabric is available. Please bring your own fabric is available. Please bring your own 2nd2nd We Weddnenesdsdaysays 2:00 p2:00 pm - m - 3:30 p3:30 pmm 2nd Wednesdays 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm offer. offer. machine. During break weeks there will machine. During break weeks there will $6.00 $6.00 ppeer classr class $6.00 per class WeWeddnenesdsday: 1/8ay: 1/8 9:00 am 9:00 am - 9:00 am - - 10:30 p10:30 p10:30 pmmm be NO sewing. Volunteer instructors be NO sewing. Volunteer instructors rerereregistration is registration is registration is registration is reqqqquireuireuireuiredddd.... $1 each date $1 each date available for questions. available for questions. registration is required. registration is required. Painting with Lori Painting with LoriPainting with Lori Tuesdays 10:00 am - 2:00 pm Tuesdays 10:00 am - 2:00 pm Cost: $6.00 Cost: $6.00 Come and enjoy this fun class. Each week ComeCome and and e enjoy njoy this this ffun un class. class. Each weEach weeekk Craft WorkshopsCraft Workshops fffocuseocuseocuses on s on s on a a a dddifififfffeeerererent pnt pnt projerojeroject, andct, andct, and p p paintaintaint registration is required. registration is required. The center has a variety of different craft TheTheThe ce ce centententer r r has a has a has a varievarievariety ty ty ofofof dddifififfffeeerererent nt nt crafcrafcrafttt memeddium. ium. This This class class ddoeoes s watewatercolors too.rcolors too. medium. This class does watercolors too. worksworksworkshophophop instructors instructors instructors that that that teteteach ach ach fffununun TueTuesdsdaysays 11:00 11:00 am - 12:30 p11:00 am - 12:30 pam - 12:30 pmmm ppprojerojerojects cts cts throughout thethroughout thethroughout the ye ye year. Supar. Supar. Supppplielieliesss Paint Workshops with L. Griffin Paint Workshops with L. Griffin areare includ includeedd in the in the f feeee, unle, unless ss notenotedd.. are included in the fee, unless noted. Cost: $22.00 4-week class session Cost: $22.00 4-we4-weeek k class seclass sessionssion SeSeSeeee ffflyelyelyers rs rs ppposteosteosteddd at at at thethethe ce ce centententer r r worksworksworkshophophop See flyers posted at the center workshop Learn to paint with acrylics. Different Learn to paint with acrylics. Different Session 1: 1/8, 1/,15, 1/22, & 2/5 SeSession 1: 1/8, ssion 1: 1/8, 1/,15, 1/22, 1/,15, 1/22, & 2/5& 2/5 ddateates, times, times s andand pprojerojects.cts. dates, times and projects. techniques will be learned each month. techniques will be learned each month. Session 2: 2/26/, 3/5, 3/12, 3/26 SeSession 2: 2/26/, ssion 2: 2/26/, 3/5, 3/12, 3/5, 3/12, 3/263/26 All supplies provided. All supplies provided. registration is required. registration is required. Various dates/Time TBA - SeTBA - Seee FlyeFlyersrs Various dates/Time TBA - See Flyers 1st 1st TueTuesdsdaysays 11:00 am - 12:30 11:00 am - 12:30 ppmm 6.00 per workshop 6.00 per workshop Health & WellnessHealth & Wellness Cost: $6.00 each workshops Cost: $6.00 each workshops registration is required. registration is required. registration is required. registration is required. Grief Group GrieGrieGriefff Group Group Group MondMondMondMondMonday ay ay ay ay ----- 12/16, 12/16, 1/6, 2/31/6, 2/3 12/16, 1/6, 2/3 Sketching with Janet Sketching with Janet Jewelry WorkshopsJewelry Workshops 11:00 am - 12:00 pm 11:00 am - 12:00 pm LeLearn arn skills to impskills to improverove your your ddrawingrawing Free Free All supplies are included in this All supplies are included in this This groupThis groupThis group is is is leleleddd b b by y y a a a ppprofrofrofeeessional griessional griessional griefff This group is led by a professional grief ability. Participants will learn lines, ability. Participants will learn lines, educational class. Instructor is a educational class. Instructor is a counsecounselor lor CompCompassion assion CareCare Hosp Hospiceice.. counselor Compassion Care Hospice. shading and diff. techniques. All supplies shading and diff. techniques. All supplies pprofrofeessional jessional jewewelry lry artist. artist. SeSeee f flyelyer r fforor professional jewelry artist. See flyer for pprovidrovideedd.. provided. dates and registration information. dates and registration information. Guided Meditation Guided Meditation 2nd Mondays, 2nd Mondays, Fridays 11:00 - 2:00 pm Fridays 11:00 - 2:00 pm 3rd3rd3rd3rd3rd Tue Tue Tue Tue Tuesdsdsdsdsdaysaysaysaysays 11:00 am - 11:00 am - 12:30 p11:00 am - 12:30 p12:30 pmmm 12/9, 1/13, 2/10 Cost: $6.00 each workshops CoCost: $6.00 est: $6.00 each workshopach workshopss $6.00 per workshop $6.00 per workshop 11:00 am - 12:00 pm registration is required. reregistration is registration is reqquireuiredd.. registration is required registration is required Free Join us for an hour of relaxation.

Clark County Parks and Recreation Catalog Fall Page 23 Page 25