Clark County EOP Basic Plan 1. Introduction Officer or designee, will also support procurement issues and financial issues related to personnel, both volunteer and paid. In addition, copies of expense records and all supporting documentation should be submitted for filing FEMA Public Assistance reimbursement requests (in the case of a federally declared disaster). During activation of the MACC, financial management will be handled by the Finance Section, which will be staffed by the County Finance Department, County Purchasing and/or Fire Department, OEM staff. 1.9.3 Legal Support and Liability Issues The District Attorney provides legal support for the County’s emergency management organization. District Attorney legal services include:  Advising County officials regarding the emergency powers of local government and necessary procedures for invocation of measures, including but not limited to: o Implement wage, price, and rent controls; o Establish rationing of critical resources; o Establish curfews; o Restrict or deny access; o Specify routes of egress; o Limit or restrict use of water or other utilities; and o Remove debris from publicly or privately owned property. o Developing mutual aid agreements  Reviewing and advising County officials in determining how the County can pursue critical objectives while minimizing potential exposure.  Preparing and recommending local legislation to implement emergency powers when required.  Advising County officials and department heads regarding record keeping requirements and other documentation necessary for exercising emergency powers. Liability issues and potential concerns among government agencies, private entities, and other response partners, and across jurisdictions, are addressed in existing mutual aid agreements and other formal memoranda established for the County and its surrounding areas. 1.9.4 Reporting and Documentation Proper documentation and reporting during an emergency is critical for the County to receive reimbursement for emergency expenditures and to maintain a historical record of the incident. Staff will maintain thorough and accurate documentation throughout the course of an incident or event. Incident documentation should include:  Incident Support Plans (ISPs)  Incident Action Plans (IAPs)  Incident and damage assessment reports 1-16

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