Clark County EOP Basic Plan 1. Introduction  Incident Command logs  Cost recovery forms  Incident critiques and After Action Reports (AARs) 1.10 Safety of Employees and Family All department heads (or designees) are responsible for the safety of employees while working. Employees should attempt to contact their supervisors and managers within the first 24 hours following an incident. Emergency 9-1-1 should only be utilized if emergency assistance is needed. Agencies and departments with developed COOP plans will establish alternate facilities and staff locations, as applicable. Department heads should ensure that notification procedures for employee duty assignments will follow the required procedures established by each agency and department. Safety precautions and personal protective equipment decisions will be specific to the type of incident and will require just-in-time training among the first responder community and other support staff to implement appropriate procedures. It is the responsibility of all County employees to prepare themselves for disaster service duties by ensuring that they and their families are ready for an emergency. Employees should familiarize themselves with County and department emergency worker policies. While all County department employees are expected to contribute to the emergency response and recovery efforts of the community, employees’ first responsibility is to their own and their families’ safety. If an employee is at home, they may be called in to work. Each employee is expected to develop family emergency plans to facilitate family safety and self-sufficiency, which in turn will enable employees to assume their responsibilities to the County and its citizens as rapidly as possible. NRS 281.405 requires public employees to report to work if called upon to do so. NRS 414 and Chapter 41 provide civil liability protection for any worker providing services in relation to “necessary emergency procedures or other precautionary measures enacted by any political subdivision of the State” as long as their actions do not constitute gross negligence or willful misconduct. 1-17

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