Clark County EOP Basic Plan 3. Concept of Operations Each distribution method has strengths and weaknesses. The PIO must determine the best methods of media distribution to reach all populations within the County and must ensure that the weakness of each system is covered by the strength of another. Additionally, the PIO must ensure that all public communications are accessible to all residents and visitors, regardless of physical or language barriers, including vulnerable populations with access and functional needs. All public communications must be accurate, consistent, and coordinated to avoid public confusion. Pre-planning, message maps, easily adapted messages for recording, and creating partnerships can help the PIO determine what message formats and dissemination methods will be the most accessible to the County population. See ESF 15 – External Affairs for more details. 3.4.6 Resource Management When the MACC is activated, the Logistics and Planning Sections have primary responsibility for coordinating the resource management effort and, under emergency conditions, have authority to establish priorities for the assignment and use of all County resources. The Office of Emergency Management Resource Coordinator shall serve as the Resource Manager within the MACC and tasked with planning, organizing, and carrying out resource management activities throughout the emergency situation. Resources will be allocated according to the following guidelines: When activated, the MACC will track resources through the WebEOC Resource Management tool. Deploy resources according to the following priorities: 1. Protection of life 2. Protection of responding resources 3. Protection of public facilities 4. Protection of private property Distribute resources so that the most benefit is provided for resources expended. The District Attorney’s Office, Purchasing Director, and Chief Financial Officer will support determination of fiscal and administrative guidelines, policies, and statutes surrounding procurement in an emergency setting. Support PIO and/or Public Communications Officer to coordinate citizen appeals for assistance at the MACC or Joint Information Center (JIC). Activate mutual aid agreements as necessary to supplement local resources. Coordinate requests to business and industry partners to lease and/or purchase additional needed equipment. Resource Typing The County will utilize resource typing when appropriate, which is a method for standardizing equipment requests and managing resources during an incident in accordance with NIMS. A 3-10