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Clark County EOP Basic Plan 3. Concept of Operations Persons with Access and Functional Needs within the County have the primary responsibility for minimizing the impact of disasters through personal preparedness activities. The County will make every effort to comply with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and other applicable laws related to emergency and disaster-related programs, services, and activities for individuals with disabilities and with Access and Functional Needs. Emergency Communications Access and Functional Needs Populations may require targeted outreach following an incident. The County’s PIO and JIC will ensure that public messaging and communications are accessible to these populations through targeted tactics, including:  Provide certified sign language interpreters for individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing, as available (use of signage if personnel are unavailable).  Provide alternatives to signage for individuals who are blind or have poor vision (braille, support personnel, recordings).  Provide translation services for persons with limited English proficiency or for non-English- speaking individuals. Evacuation Support Evacuations can be difficult for all members of the community, and especially difficult for those with Access and Functional Needs. The County EMO will support these populations through targeted tactics including:  Ensure that emergency communications procedures identified in Section are integrated into evacuation orders.  Provide accessible transportation services through the Regional Transportation Commission and Clark County School District and other service providers.  Support individuals to contact their families and/or care providers. Sheltering Access and Functional Needs Populations may require support within shelters that cannot be provided at a number of potentially feasible shelter locations. As such, all general population shelters within the County should be outfitted to support these populations, including:  Equipped with accessible resources (i.e., ADA accessible bathrooms, living areas, showers, etc.).  Staffed with support personnel trained to provide care to Access and Functional Needs Populations (i.e., personal care providers, service animals, etc.). See ESF 6 – Care and Shelter for additional details. Children and Disasters Planning and preparing for the unique needs of children is of utmost concern to the County, and, whenever possible, the County will consider preparedness, evacuation, shelter operations, and public outreach and education activities that identify issues particular to children. 3-12

Emergency Operations Plan - Page 55 Emergency Operations Plan Page 54 Page 56