Clark County EOP Basic Plan 1. Introduction departments (e.g., Public Works Department, Assessor’s Office) with assessment capabilities and responsibilities. Additional activities may include:  Training and providing damage plotting team members to the MACC.  Assisting in reporting and compiling information regarding deaths, injuries, and dollar damage to tax-supported facilities and to private property.  Assisting in determining the geographic extent of the damaged area.  Evaluating the effect of damage on the County’s economic index, tax base, bond ratings, insurance ratings, etc., for use in long-range recovery planning. NDEM is available to provide support and guidance on damage assessment policy and activities. 1.7.7 Disaster Termination A decision and actions to formally terminate the emergency or disaster will be necessary at some time during an emergency event. The criteria and actions associated with the termination process are outlined below. Criteria Procedure When the County determines 1. Analyze/identify/confirm that the emergency/disaster can be that emergency or disaster terminated response activities are no a. Use the above criteria longer necessary to save lives b. Use information as available and protect property. 2. Draft a Termination of Emergency resolution a. Policy Group Where recovery is the b. Assistance from District Attorney primary concern necessary to c. Assistance from the Emergency Management or MACC as reconstruct the infrastructure needed and to bring normalcy back to d. Use County forms available through District Attorney the lives of residents. 3. Convene the Board of Commissioners to adopt the Termination of Emergency 1.8 Continuity of Government A major disaster, emergency, or attack could result in great loss of life and property, including the injury or death of key government officials, the partial or complete destruction of established seats of government, and the destruction of public and private records essential to the continued operation of government and industry. In the aftermath of an emergency, disaster, or attack, law and order must be preserved and government services must be maintained to the extent possible. This is an implicit responsibility of government. Therefore, it is essential that local units of government continue to function. Refer to the County’s Continuity of Operations Plan for additional details. 1-13

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