CLACLACLARK COUNTY WETLANDS PARKRK COUNTY WETLANDS PARKRK COUNTY WETLANDS PARK 7050 7050 7050 WeWeWetlandtlandtlands s s PPPark ark ark Ln, Las VeLn, Las VeLn, Las Vegas, gas, gas, NNNV V V 891228912289122 Watercolor for AdultsWatercolor for AdultsWatercolor for Adults Watercolor for Adults (702) 455-7522(702) 455-7522 (702) 455-7522 A A A A bbbbeeeeginning andginning andginning andginning and inteinteinteintermermermermeddddiateiateiateiate Discovery Walk: In the Wetlands,Discovery Walk: In the Wetlands,Discovery Walk: In the Wetlands, Discovery Walk: In the Wetlands, watewatewatewatercolor rcolor rcolor rcolor trials class that etrials class that etrials class that etrials class that encouragencouragencouragencouragessss Where Nature Becomes PersonalWhere Nature Becomes PersonalWhere Nature Becomes Personal Where Nature Becomes Personal Project FeederWatchProject FeederWatch FAMILY PROGRAMSFAMILY PROGRAMS studstudstudstudeeeents nts nts nts to to to to eeeexpxpxpxplorelorelorelore d d d dififififffffeeeererererentntntnt ExpExpExpeeerierieriencencence the the the PPPark ark ark in a way that isin a way that isin a way that is Experience the Park in a way that is Join Join us in us in thethe Exhib Exhibit Galleit Gallery ry fforor Nature TalesNature Tales tetetetechniqchniqchniqchniqueueueues. s. s. s. Each class will Each class will Each class will Each class will ffffocus ocus ocus ocus on aon aon aon a pppeeersonal rsonal rsonal to to to you you you on on on this this this dddiscoveiscoveiscovery ry ry walk.walk.walk. personal to you on this discovery walk. this bird count program to see this bird count program to see spspspeeecifcifcific natureic natureic nature the the themememe/t/t/topopopic. ic. ic. ThisThisThis NNatureature-the-thememedd story and story and craf craftt Along theAlong theAlong the way, we way, we way, we’ll d’ll d’ll discuss biscuss biscuss beeenenenefffits ofits ofits of Along the way, we’ll discuss benefits of which bird species visit our which bird species visit our month’s month’s month’s month’s thethethethememememe is native is native is native is native mammals. mammals. mammals. mammals. AllAllAllAll pprograrogram. m. FreFreee and and walk-in. walk-in. spspspeeendndnding timeing timeing time in in in naturenaturenature and and and useuseuse ourourour spending time in nature and use our feeders this season. All materials feeders this season. All materials Day Day DateDate TimeTime AgeAge sesesensensenses to fs to fs to form orm orm pppeeersonal connersonal connersonal connectionsctionsctions senses to form personal connections supsupsupppplielielies ares ares are ppprovidrovidrovideeeddd, b, b, but fut fut feeeeeel l l fffrerereeee tototo provided. Free, drop-in. provided. Free, drop-in. W 2/12 11am -12pm All W 2/12 11am -12pm All to theto the landlandscapscapee. . Sign up here.Sign up here.Sign up here. to the landscape. bbbring ring ring your own! your own! your own! Sign up here.Sign up here.Sign up here. Day Day DateDate Time Time AgeAge Day Day Date Time Date Time AgeAge CostCost Sa 2/8 10-11:30am All Sa 2/8 10-11:30am All Day DayDay DateDateDate TimeTime AgeAge CostCost Su 2/23 9-11am 15+ $5 Su 2/23 9-11am 15+ $5 Su 2/9 10-11:30am All Su 2/9 10-11:30am All Su 2/16 11am-12:30pm 18+ $10 Su 2/162/16 11am-12:30pm 18+ $10 Sa 2/22 10-11:30am All Sa 2/22 10-11:30am All Su 2/23 10-11:30am All Su 2/23 10-11:30am All FITNESSFITNESS © Wetlands © Wetlands Wetlands WalkersWetlands WalkersWetlands WalkersWetlands WalkersWetlands Walkers Wetlands ExplorersWetlands ExplorersWetlands ExplorersWetlands ExplorersWetlands ExplorersWetlands Explorers A walk in nature is A walk in nature is © Wetlands © Wetlands OutdOutdOutdOutdOutdOutdOutdoor oor oor oor oor oor oor ppppppprogram rogram rogram rogram rogram rogram rogram fffffffor or or or or or or youngeyoungeyoungeyoungeyoungeyoungeyounger r r r r r r kidkidkidkidkidkidkidsssssss better than a better than a with with with with ageageageage-ap-ap-ap-apppppropropropropriateriateriateriate activitieactivitieactivitieactivities s s s ffffor or or or allallallall with age-appropriate activities for all treadmill. Our goal treadmill. Our goal ART PROGRAMS ART PROGRAMS pppparticiparticiparticiparticipants. Pants. Pants. Pants. Parearearearental pntal pntal pntal participarticiparticiparticipationationationation participants. Parental participation © Wetlands © Wetlands this year is to this year is to rererereqqqquireuireuireuiredddd. . . . TheTheTheThe Saturd Saturd Saturd Saturday theay theay theay thememememe this this this this required. The Saturday theme this Watercolor for KidsWatercolor for Kids Watercolor for Kids collectively walk a collectively walk a month is month is month is Animal Tracks. Animal Tracks. Animal Tracks. Sign up here.Sign up here.Sign up here.Sign up here. month is Animal Tracks. WALKS WALKS total total total total ofofofof 5,700 5,700 5,700 5,700 milemilemilemiles,s,s,s, total of 5,700 miles, ExpExpExpeeerierieriencencence nature nature nature through through through art art art andandand Day DayDay DateDate TimeTime AgeAge CostCost Sa 2/15 1-2:30pm 3-8 $5 SaSa 2/152/15 1-2:30p1-2:30pmm 3-8 $5 Java Jaunt BirdingJava Jaunt BirdingJava Jaunt Birding the same as the Green Darner the same as the Green Darner havehave f fun un whilewhile lelearning arning kidkid-f-frieriendndlyly have fun while learning kid-friendly Dragonfly’s multigenerational migration Dragonfly’s multigenerational migration watewatercolor rcolor ppainting ainting andand d drawingrawing watercolor painting and drawing Walk Walk with with a a ReRedd Rock Rock AudAudububon on SocieSocietyty Walk with a Red Rock Audubon Society bbirdirding ing eexpxpeert andrt and a We a Wetlandtlands s PParkark birding expert and a Wetlands Park journey. Can you help us reach our goal? journey. Can you help us reach our goal? skills. skills. TheThe thethememe this this month month is is nativenative skills. The theme this month is native naturalist to spnaturalist to spot reot residsideent andnt and naturalist to spot resident and Log your hours and earn rewards at Log your hours and earn rewards at mammals. mammals. All All supsuppplielies ares are p providrovideedd.. mammals. All supplies are provided. migratory migratory bbirdirds. s. For For bboth oth bbeeginneginnerr migratory birds. For both beginner walwalwalkkkersersers.c.c.ccccwetlwetlwetlandsandsandsparkparkpark.c.c.comomom.. Sign up here.Sign up here.Sign up here.Sign up here.Sign up here. © Kathryn Jones © Kathryn Jones andand eexpxpeerieriencencedd bbirdirdeers. Binocularsrs. Binoculars and experienced birders. Binoculars Day Day Date Time Age Date Time Age CostCost RReegistegister r ffor or pprograms onlinerograms online atat availabavailablele to b to borrow. orrow. Sign up hereSign up hereSign up here.. available to borrow. Su 2/2 11am-12pm 4-17 $5 Su 2/2 11am-12pm 4-17 $5 TabletopsTabletops Day Day DateDate TimeTime AgeAge CostCost programsprogramsprograms.c.c.ccccwetlandswetlandswetlandsparkparkpark.c.c.comomom.. Join Join a a ppark ark naturalist in naturalist in thethe ExhibExhibitit Sa 2/15 8-10am 10+ $5 Sa 2/15 8-10am 10+ $5 Gallery for a free, drop-in display and Gallery for a free, drop-in display and Accessibility NoticeAccessibility NoticeAccessibility Notice activity about litter and debris, activity about litter and debris, WWetetllandsands Par Park welk welccoomesmes peo peoplple oe of alf alll learning “How long does it last?” learning “How long does it last?” abilities. If you are in need of a program abilities. If you are in need of a program Day Day DateDate TimeTime AgeAge modification, please call (702) 455-7522 modification, please call (702) 455-7522 Su 2/9 10am-12pm All Su 2/9 10am-12pm All two weeks prior to the program date. two weeks prior to the program date. © Wetlands © Wetlands © © PPhilip hilip MartiniMartini
Clark County Parks and Recreation Catalog Fall Page 87 Page 89