Whitney Recreation & Senior CenterWhitney Recreation & Senior CenterWhitney Recreation & Senior CenterWhitney Recreation & Senior CenterWhitney Recreation & Senior Center 5712 5712 5712 5712 East Missouri East Missouri East Missouri East Missouri Avenue Avenue Avenue Avenue Las Las Las Las Vegas, NVegas, NVegas, NVegas, NV 89122V 89122V 89122V 89122 FOOD DISTRIBUTIONFOOD DISTRIBUTIONFOOD DISTRIBUTIONFOOD DISTRIBUTION HD DANCE TEAM HD DANCE TEAMHD DANCE TEAM (702) 455-7576 (702) 455-7576 EVENTEVENT EVENT VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIESVOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES OPEN RECREATIONOPEN RECREATION WhitneWhitneWhitneWhitney’s HD Dancey’s HD Dancey’s HD Dancey’s HD Dance TeTeTeTeam ofam ofam ofam offfffeeeersrsrsrs On On On On thethethethe f f f first irst irst irst ThursdThursdThursdThursday ofay ofay ofay of e e e each month,ach month,ach month,ach month, ddddanceanceanceance ffffor or or or inteinteinteintererererestestestestedddd pppparticiparticiparticiparticipantsantsantsants WhitneWhitneWhitneWhitney y y y hosts its’ hosts its’ hosts its’ hosts its’ ffffoodoodoodood d d d distribistribistribistributionutionutionution ageageageages s s s 11-17. 11-17. 11-17. 11-17. DanceDanceDanceDance stylestylestylestyles includs includs includs includeeee Youth Open RecYouth Open Rec HaveHaveHave a a a skill you’dskill you’dskill you’d like like like to to to shareshareshare ororor eeeevevevevent. This ent. This ent. This ent. This evevevevent is nt is nt is nt is ffffirst irst irst irst comecomecomecome, f, f, f, firstirstirstirst MajoreMajoreMajoreMajorettettettette, Ja, Ja, Ja, Jazz, Standzz, Standzz, Standzz, Stands, s, s, s, Lyrical,Lyrical,Lyrical,Lyrical, timetimetimetime you’re you’re you’re you’re willing willing willing willing to to to to ddddonateonateonateonate f f f for oneor oneor oneor one Youth ageYouth ages s 6 6 - - 12 may 12 may pparticiparticipateate inin seseseserverververvedddd b b b beeeeginning ginning ginning ginning at 4pat 4pat 4pat 4pm. Them. Them. Them. Therererere is is is is nononono HipHipHipHipHip-Hop-Hop-Hop-Hop-Hop, , , , , Clowning, Clowning, Clowning, Clowning, Clowning, andandandandand SteSteSteSteSteppppp. . . . . PPPPPleleleleleaseaseaseasease ofofofof our p our p our p our programs? Werograms? Werograms? Werograms? We would would would would lovelovelovelove gamegames, cras, crafft, andt, and gym activitie gym activities afs afteterr ppprerere-re-re-registration, gistration, gistration, incomeincomeincome limits, limits, limits, or or or ageageage kekekekeeeeepppp your e your e your e your eyeyeyeyes ps ps ps posteosteosteostedddd ffffor or or or audaudaudauditionitionitionition you you you you to to to to bbbbeeee p p p part art art art ofofofof thethethethe WhitneWhitneWhitneWhitney Tey Tey Tey Team!am!am!am! school dschool daily at no aily at no chargecharge.. rerestrictions fstrictions for this eor this evevent. Pnt. Pleleasease callcall opopopppportunitieortunitieortunities.s.s. Lunch Lunch Lunch bbby Threy Threy Threeee SqSqSquareuareuare is includ is includ is includeeeddd... thethe cecententer fr for moreor more d deetails.tails. ADULT VOLUNTEERSADULT VOLUNTEERSADULT VOLUNTEERS This fThis fThis fThis frererereeeee p p p program rogram rogram rogram is is is is coachecoachecoachecoachedddd b b b byyyy AdAdAdults ageults ageults ages s s 18+ 18+ 18+ must must must pppass aass aass a Day: Day: Day: Day: Day: MondMondMonday ay ay - Frid- Frid- Fridayayay Coach Coach Z.Z. bbbackgackgackgroundroundround chechecheck ck ck to volunteto volunteto volunteeeer.r.r. Time: 2:00pm - 6:00pm Time:Time:Time:Time: 2:00p2:00p2:00p2:00p2:00pm - m - m - m - m - 6:00p6:00p6:00p6:00p6:00pmmmmm ROCK CLIMBINGROCK CLIMBING Ask Ask Ask fffor dor dor deeetails at thetails at thetails at the f f front dront dront deeesk.sk.sk. Cost: Free Cost: FreFreFreFreeeee *Waiver Required* *Waive*Waive*Waive*Waive*Waive*Waiver r r r r r ReReReReReReqqqqqquireuireuireuireuireuiredddddd****** WhitneWhitneWhitney’s Ry’s Ry’s Rock ock ock Wall is Wall is Wall is opopopeeen Mondn Mondn Mondaysaysays LEADERS OF THE FUTURELEADERS OF THE FUTURELEADERS OF THE FUTURE fffrom rom rom 3:30 3:30 3:30 pppm m m - - - 5:30 p5:30 p5:30 pm. m. m. PPPatrons mustatrons mustatrons must Youth ages 13-17 may volunteer Youth ageYouth ages s 13-17 may 13-17 may voluntevolunteeerr bbbeee 6 6 6 yeyeyears or ars or ars or oldoldoldeeer, r, r, at at at leleleast ast ast 353535 their time during breaks and after thetheir timeir time d during buring brereaks andaks and af afteterr ppoundounds, ands, and 48" 48" or or talletaller.r. pounds, and 48" or taller. school fschool fschool for school or school or school crecrecredddit. it. it. AnAnAn apapapppplication must blication must blication must beee compcompcompleleleteteteddd tototo Teen Open Rec Cost: $1 Cost: $1 ppeer climbr climb or or $5 all $5 all ddayay Cost: $1 per climb or $5 all day ppparticiparticiparticipateateate... WaiveWaiveWaiver r r RRReeeqqquireuireuireddd to to to ClimbClimbClimb RC FLYERSRC FLYERS Teen Open Rec Teen Open Rec FOLLOW US ONLINEFOLLOW US ONLINEFOLLOW US ONLINE Teens ages 13-17 may participate in Teens ages 13-17 may participate in Bring your own RC plane, or watch Bring your Bring your Bring your own Rown Rown RC C C ppplanelanelane, or watch, or watch, or watch HOURS OF OPERATION:HOURS OF OPERATION: HOURS OF OPERATION: Open Gym and game room activities Open Gym and game room activities OnlineOnline InfInformation Can ormation Can bbee Found Found at:at: the award winning pros fly theirs. thethethe awardawardaward winning pwinning pwinning pros ros ros fffly ly ly thethetheirs.irs.irs. daily at no charge. Lunch by Three daily at no charge. Lunch by Three www.ClarkCountyNV.Gov/ www.ClarkCountyNV.Gov/ No experience necessary. NNNo o o eeexpxpxpeeerierieriencencence ne ne necececessary.ssary.ssary. Square is included. Square is included. Monday - FridayMonday - FridayMonday - Friday WhitneWhitneWhitney y y ReReRecrecrecreation Ceation Ceation Centententerrr Day: Monday - Friday Day: Monday - Friday Day: Mondays Day: : MondMondaysays 8:00am - 6:00pm8:00am - 6:00pm 8:00am - 6:00pm Time: 2:00pm - 6:00pm Time: 2:00pm - 6:00pm @whitneyccpr @whitneyccpr Time: 10:30am-12:00pm Time: 10:30am-12:00p10:30am-12:00pmm Cost:Cost: FreFreee CLOSED CLOSED Cost: Free! Cost: FreFreee!! Whitney Recreation & Senior CenterWhitney Recreation & Senior Center SATURDAY & SUNDAYSATURDAY & SUNDAY SATURDAY & SUNDAY *Waiver Required* *Waiver Required* Age: 21+ Age: 21+21+

Clark County Parks and Recreation Catalog Fall Page 73 Page 75