CLACLACLARK COUNTY WETLANDS PARKRK COUNTY WETLANDS PARKRK COUNTY WETLANDS PARK Kids Create Kids CreateKids Create 7050 7050 7050 WeWeWetlandtlandtlands s s PPPark ark ark Ln, Las VeLn, Las VeLn, Las Vegas, gas, gas, NNNV V V 891228912289122 KidKidKidKids s s s will gewill gewill gewill get cret cret cret creativeativeativeative with with with with pppplastelastelastelaster andr andr andr and (702)(702) 455-7522455-7522 (702) 455-7522 clay. This month, weclay. This month, weclay. This month, we’ll b’ll b’ll beee making making making aaa clay. This month, we’ll be making a clay neclay neclay nest &st &st & FAMILY PROGRAMSFAMILY PROGRAMS WALKSWALKS ART PROGRAMSART PROGRAMSART PROGRAMS eeggs ggs andand eggs and Nature TalesNature Tales Wetlands Walkers Kick-OffWetlands Walkers Kick-Off Watercolor for KidsWatercolor for KidsWatercolor for Kids ppainting ainting aa painting a Join Join us fus for a 2-3 mileor a 2-3 mile groupgroup guid guideedd ppreremadmadee premade NNatureature-the-thememedd story and story and craf craftt ExpExpExpExpeeeerierierieriencencencence nature nature nature nature through through through through art art art art andandandand walk walk to to geget thet the nenew w yeyear startear startedd ceceramic owl.ramic owl. ceramic owl. pprograrogram. m. FreFreee and and walk-in. walk-in. havehavehavehave f f f fun un un un whilewhilewhilewhile lelelelearning arning arning arning kidkidkidkid-f-f-f-frierierieriendndndndlylylyly while learning about Wetlands Park while learning about Wetlands Park To To join in,join in, To join in, Day Day DateDate TimeTime AgeAge watewatewatercolor rcolor rcolor pppainting ainting ainting andandand d d drawingrawingrawing W 1/8 11am -12pm All W 1/8 11am -12pm All and the Wetlands Walkers fitness and the Wetlands Walkers fitness ssssign up here.ign up here.ign up here.ign up here. © Wetlands © Wetlands skills. skills. TheThe thethememe this this month month isis skills. The theme this month is program. Sign up here.Sign up here.Sign up here. program. Wetlands ExplorersWetlands ExplorersWetlands Explorers Day DayDay DateDate TimeTime AgeAge CostCost landlandscapscapees s andand skieskies. All s. All supsuppplieliess landscapes and skies. All supplies Sa 1/25 10am-12:30pm 4+ $10 Sa 1/251/25 10am-12:30pm 4+ $10 Day Day DateDate TimeTime AgeAge CostCost Outdoor program for younger kids OutdOutdOutdOutdoor oor oor oor pppprogram rogram rogram rogram ffffor or or or youngeyoungeyoungeyounger r r r kidkidkidkidssss areare p providrovideedd. . Sign up here.Sign up here.Sign up here. are provided. Sa 1/4 1-3pm All $5 Sa 1/4 1-3pm All $5 with age-appropriate activities for all with with with with ageageageage-ap-ap-ap-apppppropropropropriateriateriateriate activitieactivitieactivitieactivities s s s ffffor or or or allallallall Day Day DateDate Time Time AgeAge CostCost FITNESSFITNESS Java Jaunt BirdingJava Jaunt Birding pppppparticiparticiparticiparticiparticiparticipants. Pants. Pants. Pants. Pants. Pants. Parearearearearearental pntal pntal pntal pntal pntal participarticiparticiparticiparticiparticipationationationationationation Su 1/5 11am-12pm 4-17 $5 Su 1/5 11am-12pm 4-17 $5 Wetlands WalkersWetlands WalkersWetlands WalkersWetlands WalkersWetlands Walkers Walk with a Red Rock Audubon Society Walk with a Red Rock Audubon Society rerererereqqqqquireuireuireuireuireddddd. . . . . TheTheTheTheThemememememes s s s s vary. vary. vary. vary. vary. Sign up here.Sign up here.Sign up here. required. Themes vary. birding expert and a Wetlands Park birding expert and a Wetlands Park Day Day DateDate TimeTimeTimeTimeTime Age Age CostCost A walk in nature is A walk in nature is Sa 1/11 1-2:30pm 3-8 $5 Sa 1/11 1-2:30p1-2:30p1-2:30p1-2:30pmmmm 3-8 $5 naturalist to spot resident and naturalist to spot resident and better than a better than a migratory birds. For both beginner migratory birds. For both beginner treadmill. Our goal treadmill. Our goal and experienced birders. Binoculars and experienced birders. Binoculars this year is to this year is to available to borrow. Sign up hereSign up hereSign up here.. available to borrow. collectively walk a collectively walk a Day Day DateDate TimeTime AgeAge CostCost Sa 1/18 8-10am 10+ $5 Sa 1/18 8-10am 10+ $5 total total total total ofofofof 5,700 5,700 5,700 5,700 milemilemilemiles,s,s,s, total of 5,700 miles, © Wetlands © Wetlands the same as the Green Darner the same as the Green Darner © Wetlands © Wetlands TabletopsTabletops Dragonfly’s multigenerational migration Dragonfly’s multigenerational migration Watercolor for AdultsWatercolor for AdultsWatercolor for Adults journey. Can you help us reach our goal? journey. Can you help us reach our goal? Join a Park naturalist in the Exhibit Join a Park naturalist in the Exhibit A A A bbbeeeginning andginning andginning and inteinteintermermermedddiateiateiate Gallery for a free, drop-in, educational Gallery for a free, drop-in, educational Log your hours and earn rewards at Log your hours and earn rewards at watewatewatercolor rcolor rcolor trials class that etrials class that etrials class that encouragencouragencouragesss display and activity about taking “A display and activity about taking “A © © PPhilip hilip MartiniMartini walwalwalkkkersersers.c.c.ccccwetlwetlwetlandsandsandsparkparkpark.c.c.comomom.. Peek Into the Park”. Peek Into the Park”. studstudstudeeents nts nts to to to eeexpxpxplorelorelore d d difififfffeeerererentntnt Women’s Walk in the Wetlands Women’s Walk in the WetlandsWomen’s Walk in the Wetlands RReegistegister r ffor or pprograms onlinerograms online atat tetetechniqchniqchniqueueues. s. s. Each class will Each class will Each class will fffocus ocus ocus on aon aon a Day Day DateDate TimeTime AgeAge Enjoy a guided walk in a safe and Enjoy a Enjoy a guidguideedd walk walk in in a a safsafee andand programsprogramsprograms.c.c.ccccwetlandswetlandswetlandsparkparkpark.c.c.comomom.. Su 1/12 10am-12pm All Su 1/12 10am-12pm All spspspeeecifcifcific natureic natureic nature the the themememe/t/t/topopopic. ic. ic. ThisThisThis inclusive environment, focused on inclusiveinclusive eenvironmenvironment, nt, ffocuseocusedd onon month’s month’s month’s thethethemememe is winte is winte is winter skier skier skies. Alls. Alls. All mental and physical health. Come memememental andntal andntal andntal and p p p physical hehysical hehysical hehysical health. Comealth. Comealth. Comealth. Come Accessibility NoticeAccessibility NoticeAccessibility Notice supsuppplielies ares are pprovidrovideedd, b, but fut feeeel l ffrereee toto together with other women and enjoy togetogethether with other with other r womewomen n andand eenjoynjoy WWetetllandsands Par Park welk welccoomesmes peo peoplple oe of alf alll bbring ring your own! your own! Sign up here. thethethe uniquniquniqueueue b b beeeauty auty auty ofofof WeWeWetlandtlandtlands Ps Ps Park.ark.ark. abilities. If you are in need of a program abilities. If you are in need of a program Day Day DateDate Time Age Cost Sign up here.Sign up here.Sign up here. modification, please call (702) 455-7522 modification, please call (702) 455-7522 SuSu 1/191/19 11am-12:30pm 18+ $10 Day Day DateDate Time Time AgeAge CostCost two weeks prior to the program date. two weeks prior to the program date. © Wetlands © Wetlands Su 1/26 9-11am All $5 Su 1/26 9-11am All $5
Clark County Parks and Recreation Catalog Fall Page 85 Page 87