CENTER AMMENITIESCENTER AMMENITIES FITNESS ROOMFITNESS ROOM SENIOR SPECIAL EVENTS SENIOR SPECIAL EVENTS ADULT GAME ROOMADULT GAME ROOM BLACK HISTORY MONTH LUNCHEON BLACK HISTORY MONTH LUNCHEON PParkdarkdaleale RReecrecreation Ceation Cententer’s r’s FitneFitnessss ADULT DVD & BOOK LIBRARY ADULT DVD & BOOK LIBRARY Come shoot pool, play ping pong Come shoot pool, play ping pong FEBRUARY 12 FEBRUARY 12 RRRoom oom oom ofofoffffeeers rs rs compcompcomprererehehehensivensivensive andandand Room offers comprehensive and Come and check out our book and Come and check out our book and and/or arcade games in our Game and/or arcade games in our Game condcondcondcondcondconditioning itioning itioning itioning itioning itioning eeeeeeqqqqqquipuipuipuipuipuipmememememement nt nt nt nt nt at at at at at at a a a a a a gregregregregregreatatatatatat conditioning equipment at a great 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM DVD library in the senior building! DVD library in the senior building! Room! Times/Dates are subject to Room! Times/Dates are subject to ppppricericericerice!!!! MeMeMeMembmbmbmbeeeershiprshiprshiprships s s s may may may may bbbbeeee price! Memberships may be (See flyer for details) (See flyer for details) You may pick up books and DVD’s for You may pick up books and DVD’s for pppppurchaseurchaseurchaseurchaseurchaseddddd on a don a don a don a don a daily, monthly oraily, monthly oraily, monthly oraily, monthly oraily, monthly or purchased on a daily, monthly or change due to Center events. change due to Center events. loan, keeps or gift to a friend! We are loan, keeps or gift to a friend! We are annual bannual basis asis with with no contracts orno contracts or annual basis with no contracts or Day Day TimeTime Age Age CostCost BIG EASY BASH BIG EASY BASH always accepting donations of gently always accepting donations of gently automatic automatic automatic pppaymeaymeayments.nts.nts. All pAll pAll participarticiparticipantsantsants automatic payments. All participants M-F 8 AM- 12 PM 18+ Free M-F 8 AM- 12 PM 18+ Free FEBRUARY 26 FEBRUARY 26 used books and DVD’s to replenish used books and DVD’s to replenish must must must must must wewewewewear ar ar ar ar fffffitneitneitneitneitness apss apss apss apss appppppropropropropropriateriateriateriateriate attire attire attire attire attire,,,,, must wear fitness appropriate attire, ADULT COMPUTER LAB ADULT COMPUTER LAB 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM our library! our library! a towea towel andl and f a towel and footwear. The Computer Lab is available for job The Computer Lab is available for job (See flyer for details) (See flyer for details) OUTDOOR BASKETBALL COURT OUTDOOR BASKETBALL COURT searching and games. Children are not searching and games. Children are not TeTeTeeeens must bns must bns must beee re re registegistegistererereddd bbby y y a a a ppparearearentntnt Teens must be registered by a parent B.Y.O.B. (Bring your own B.Y.O.B. (Bring your own allowed near the Lab during Adult Lab allowed near the Lab during Adult Lab SHAMROCK SHINDIG SHAMROCK SHINDIG or guardor guardor guardor guardian ian ian ian andandandand thosethosethosethose ageageageages 13-15s 13-15s 13-15s 13-15 or guardian and those ages 13-15 Basketball) and enjoy our brand Basketball) and enjoy our brand hours. There are no printing, faxing or hours. There are no printing, faxing or must must must must bbbbeeee accomp accomp accomp accompanieanieanieaniedddd b b b by y y y a pa pa pa parearearearent nt nt nt orororor must be accompanied by a parent or MARCH 12 MARCH 12 new outdoor Basketball court! LED new outdoor Basketball court! LED copy services available but use of the copy services available but use of the lelelelegal guardgal guardgal guardgal guardian with a curreian with a curreian with a curreian with a currentntntnt legal guardian with a current 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM lighting is available after sunset. memembmbeershiprship in in thethe Fitne Fitness ss Room.Room. membership in the Fitness Room. lighting is available after sunset. lab is free. Each new participant will lab is free. Each new participant will (See flyer for details) (See flyer for details) review and sign a Guidelines Form review and sign a Guidelines Form SENIOR TEAM SPORTSSENIOR TEAM SPORTS before first use. before first use. Adults Teens (13 -1Teens (13 -17yrs)7yrs) Adults Day Time Day Time Drop-in: $4 Drop-in: $3 Drop-in: $3 Drop-in: $4 Wii BOWLINGWii BOWLING Monday- Friday 8-10 AM Monday- Friday 8-10 AM Monthly: $16 Monthly: $15 Monthly: $15 Monthly: $16 Come and enjoy Wii bowling and meet Come and enjoy Wii bowling and meet Yearly: $115 Yearly: $105 Yearly: $105 Yearly: $115 new friends. Keep fit, active, and new friends. Keep fit, active, and (includes Open Gym) (includes Open Gym) FACILITY RESERVATIONSFACILITY RESERVATIONS Seniors (55 & up) Seniors (55 & up) socialize! socialize! Drop-in: $1 Drop-in: $1 Day Time Day Time Fitness Room/ Fitness Room/ Monthly: $5 Monthly: $5 PParkdarkdaleale is pis peerfrfeect fct for por partiearties &s & Gym Pass: Gym Pass: Mondays (Practice) 11 AM - 12 PM Mondays (Practice) 11 AM - 12 PM Yearly: $35 Yearly: $35 memeeetings tings (f(for or eexampxamplele; b; birthdirthdays,ays, Monthly: $22 Monthly: $22 Thursdays (Game Day) 10 - 11:30 AM Thursdays (Game Day) 10 - 11:30 AM showers, anniversaries, graduation showers, anniversaries, graduation Cost: Free Cost: Free parties, holiday parties, etc.). Parkdale parties, holiday parties, etc.). Parkdale offers rental spaces in both the Senior offers rental spaces in both the Senior OPEN GYMOPEN GYM MARKS MADNESS TOURNAMENT MARKS MADNESS TOURNAMENT Center and Recreation Center for your Center and Recreation Center for your ParParkdalkdale Rece Recrreateatiioon Cn Cententerer’’ss g gyymnasmnasiiumum MARCH 13 MARCH 13 next special occasion. Contact us at next special occasion. Contact us at lends to different and fun activities! lends to different and fun activities! 7:30 AM - 3:00 PM 7:30 AM - 3:00 PM (702) 455-7517 for availability, fees, (702) 455-7517 for availability, fees, Open Gym fee is either $2/daily or Open Gym fee is either $2/daily or (See flyer for details) (See flyer for details) $12/month for those $12/month for those rules and request forms. rules and request forms. SENIOR WORKSHOPSSENIOR WORKSHOPS 18 - 54 years of age. 18 - 54 years of age. BEREAVEMENT SUPPORTBEREAVEMENT SUPPORT SENIOR CENTER: SENIOR CENTER: Adult BasketballAdult Basketball Join this group that provides hope, Join this group that provides hope, Multi-Purpose Room (80 max) Multi-Purpose Room (80 max) $80/ First $80/ First 2 Hours 2 Hours | | $20 $20 eeach ach adaddditional itional hourhour $80/ First 2 Hours | $20 each additional hour Monday - Friday Monday - Friday empathy and new understandings to empathy and new understandings to Kitchen Kitchen $20/each hour of rental $20/each hour of rental 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM* 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM* those who’ve experienced loss. those who’ve experienced loss. RECREATION CENTER: RECREATION CENTER: *On occasion, the gymnasium may be *On occasion, the gymnasium may be Day Time Day Time Multi-Purpose Room (60 max) Multi-Purpose Room (60 max) $80/First 2 Hours | $20 each additional hour $80/First 2 Hours | $20 each additional hour closed for special events. Notice will be closed for special events. Notice will be 1st & 3rd Monday 1 - 2:30 PM 1st & 3rd Monday 1 - 2:30 PM Patio (30 max) Patio (30 max) $60/First 2 Hours | $20 each additional hour $60/First 2 Hours | $20 each additional hour posted for these closures. posted for these closures. Cost: Free Cost: Free Staffing Fee Staffing Fee $30/hour after business hours $30/hour after business hours
Clark County Parks and Recreation Catalog Fall Page 54 Page 56