MARTIALARTS YOUTHSPORTS DESERTBREEZECOMMUNITYCENTER BASKETBALLSKILLS TAEKWONDOBEGINNERS 8275SpringMountainRd,LasVegas,NV89117 Youthbasketballskills development TaeKwonDo,aKoreanmartialart, (702) 455-8334 | Hours: Mon-Fri 7:00am-8:00pm focuses on fundamentalabilities like providesbeginnerswithphysical Revised 9/19/2024 shootingtechniques,dribblingskills, fitness, mental discipline, and self- SESSION 7 CENTER CLOSURES hroughstructured passingfundamentals,layups, defenseskills t October 25-26 NEVADA DAY (OBSERVED) October 21 - December 7 training. Progression includes learning defensive principles, rebounding, November 11 VETERANS DAY PriorityRegistration:September19@7:00am stances, kicks, punches, forms, teamwork,andsportsmanshipto OnlineRegistration:September26@7:00am November 28-30 THANKSGIVING sparring, and breaking techniques foster a comprehensive understanding In-PersonRegistration:September30@7:00am December 25 CHRISTMAS whileemphasizingrespect, ir play and of the game andpromotefa perseverance,andself-control. respect. PERFORMINGARTS DRUMSWITHBRYAN For 6-8 year-olds Day Date Time Age Cost ActivityCode Ourdrumclassteachesfundamental Age Cost Activity Code Day Date Time PIANO/VOCALWITHLADYV 6pm- techniqueslike posture, holding M/W10/21-12/4 6-17 $42 7DesertBreezeMartialArts 10/22- 7 Desert Breeze Youth Sports 7pm TU/TH 5:00pm-6:00pm 6-8 $46 Students will learn fundamental piano skills, 12/5 drumsticks, and basic rhythms. Students *Mon. class prices prorated due to holiday closures. For 9-11 year-olds including key touch, note identification, practice on practice pads or simplified Age Cost Activity Code Day Date Time TAEKWONDOADVANCED music reading, rhythm counting, and music drumkitsbeforeadvancing.The 10/22- listening. It is recommended for participants 7 Desert Breeze Youth Sports TU/TH 6:00pm-7:00pm 6-8 $46 AdvancedTaeKwonDopractitioners atmosph ereisrelaxed,encouraging 12/5 to have a piano or keyboard at home for For 12-14 year-olds enjoymentandgradualskill enhancespeed,power,andprecision practice. *30 minute sessions* Age Cost Activity Code Day Date Time development.*30minutesessions* throughcomplexforms,sparring Day Date Time AgeCost ActivityCode 10/22- 7 Desert Breeze Youth Sports TU/TH 7:00pm-8:00pm 6-8 $46 Day Date Time AgeCost ActivityCode 12/5 tactics, and specialized techniques. M 10/21-12/2 4:00pm-7:30pm 6+ $75 7 Desert Breeze Music 4:00pm- Tu 10/22-12/3 4:00pm-7:30pm 6+ $90 7 Desert Breeze Music M 10/21-12/2 6+ $75 7DesertBreezeMusic STAYTUNEDFORUPCOMING Theyalsofocusonphilosophical 7:00pm W 10/23-12/4 4:00pm-7:30pm 6+ $90 7 Desert Breeze Music BASKETBALLLEAGUES principles like integrity and 4:00pm- Tu 10/22-12/3 6+ $90 7DesertBreezeMusic F 10/25-12/6 4:00pm-7:30pm 6+ $75 7 Desert Breeze Music 7:00pm indomitablespirit. Dedication and Sat 10/26-12/7 8:30am-11:30am 6+ $75 7 Desert Breeze Music ART *Mon. class prices prorated due to holiday closures. continuo raining are key for ust *Mon., Fri., and Sat. class prices prorated due to holiday closures. INTROTOTHEATER PIANOWITHLIAM progressing through belt ranks and WATERCOLOR Anintroductiontotheaterclasscovers Students will learn fundamental piano skills, achieving proficiency. Awatercolorclassteachesbasic fundamentalelementslikeacting including key touch, note identification, painting techniques like washes, wet- Day Date Time Age Cost ActivityCode techniques, stage movement,and music reading, rhythm counting, and music 10/21- 7:00pm- on-wet,anddrybrush.Studentslearn M/W 6-17 $42 7DesertBreezeMartialArts character development. It includes listening. It is recommended for participants 12/4 8:00pm color mixing, composition, textures, practical exercises such as to have a piano or keyboard at home for *Instructor Approval Required andeffectswithwatercolors, *Mon. class prices prorated due to holiday closures. practice. *30 minute sessions* improvisation and discussions on emphasizingexperimentationand Day Date Time Age Cost ActivityCode stagecraft, providing a comprehensive 2:00pm- creativity. Tu 10/22-12/3 6+ $90 7DesertBreezeMusic overviewoftheaterpracticesand 4:00pm Day Date Time Age Cost Activity Code production. 5:30pm- 4:00pm- Tu 10/22-12/3 6+ $90 7DesertBreezeMusic 4-5 $35 7 Desert Breeze Art W 10/23-12/4 7:30pm Day Date Time Age Cost ActivityCode 5:00pm 10/22- 5:30pm- 3:30pm- 5:00pm- Th 8-15 $35 7DesertBreezeImprov W 10/23-12/4 6+ $90 7DesertBreezeMusic 8-14 $35 7 Desert Breeze Art W 10/23-12/4 12/3 6:30pm 7:30pm 6:00pm
Clark County Parks and Recreation Catalog Fall Page 28 Page 30