Clark County EOP Basic Plan 3. Concept of Operations following tasks have been addressed through county-wide cybersecurity incident response planning and the cybersecurity annex to this EOP: Develop a cyber security system: Malware and viruses can allow hackers to access confidential and proprietary information within the MACC network. Technology departments are developing cyber security tools to prevent such attacks. Identify weaknesses throughout the system: IT specialists are identifying areas that are especially prone to attack or have inherent weaknesses. Information stored online can have considerable vulnerability to attacks, and steps are being taken to lessen this vulnerability. Establish web access policies: Personnel are educated on the risks posed by certain types of websites and the risks of opening suspicious emails. In addition, policies are in place to decrease the likelihood of a security breach. In addition, the Nevada Office of Cyber Defense Coordination within the Department of Public Safety serves as the primary State contact for cyber security planning and coordination. Refer to the County’s Cyber Security Annex for additional details. 3.4.5 Emergency Public Information Emergency public information involves developing, coordinating, and disseminating information to the public, coordinating officials, and incident management and responders under all hazard conditions. To ensure that appropriate information is distributed to all populations, the Public Communications Department within the County Manager’s Office has been designated to lead public information efforts and develop public and private partnerships, including: Organize media events and photo opportunities. Develop and approve all news releases. Interact with the media for all interviews. Provide formal and informal media training for all County employees. Manage the County’s social media sites and website. Manage government access cable television news station. These efforts help provide overall guidance of emergency public information message development, standards of practice, and evaluation tools and help refine public information plans and procedures. The Public Communications Department maintains two Public Information Officers (PIOs) on staff, as well as a webmaster, social media lead, and media relations specialists. In addition, several County departments have PIOs. Additional public information staffing and resources may be available from the State and Federal levels, and interpreters are available through agreements through the Las Vegas Urban Area. The PIO is a member of the MACC Command Staff responsible for interfacing with the public, media, and other agencies during all emergency mission phases. During an emergency, the PIO gathers, verifies, coordinates, and disseminates accurate, accessible, and timely information and is an important link between the EMO and the community. The information the PIO provides to 3-8