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Clark County EOP Basic Plan 4. Roles and Responsibilities faith-based organizations also collaborate with responders, governments at all levels, and other agencies and organizations. The roles of nongovernmental and faith-based organizations in an emergency may include:  Training and managing volunteer resources.  Identifying shelter locations and needed supplies.  Providing critical emergency services to those in need, such as cleaning supplies, clothing, food shelter, and assistance with post-emergency cleanup.  Identifying those whose needs have not been met and helping to coordinate assistance. 4.3.3 Individuals and Households Although not formally a part of the County’s EMO, individuals and households play an important role in the overall emergency management strategy. Community members can contribute by:  Reducing hazards in their homes.  Preparing emergency supply kits and household emergency plans that consider all members of the household, including children and pets.  Monitoring emergency communications carefully.  Volunteering with established organizations.  Enrolling in emergency response training courses.  Encouraging children to participate in preparedness activities. 4.4 State Response Partners Under the direction and control of department heads, agencies of State government represent the State emergency operations organization. Responsibility for conducting ESFs is assigned by the Governor to the department best suited to carry out each function applicable to the emergency situation. Some State agencies may call upon their federal counterparts to provide additional support and resources following established procedures and policies for each agency. See the Nevada State Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan for details on the State’s emergency management organization and detailed roles and responsibilities for State departments. 4.5 Federal Response Partners Federal response partners are typically requested by the Nevada Division of Emergency Management in the event that State resources become limited or specialized services are needed. In most instances, federal resources become available following a formal declaration of emergency by the Governor. Thus, procedures and policies for allocating and coordinating resources at the federal level follow the Nevada SCEMP and, if necessary, the NRF. 4-20

Emergency Operations Plan - Page 79 Emergency Operations Plan Page 78 Page 80